Final Results GROUP 4 SECURICOR plc Preliminary Results
Announcement 1 January 2004 - 31 December 2004 Group 4 Securicor,
the international security solutions group, today announces its
preliminary results for the twelve months to 31 December 2004.
RESULTS HIGHLIGHTS Organic turnover growth of 6.2% Group Turnover
of continuing businesses up 2% to �3.80 billion (7% at constant
exchange rates) EBITA of continuing businesses up from �196.3 to
�216.5m, an increase of 10% (16% at constant exchange rates) Margin
up from 5.3% to 5.7% Operating cash flow 102% of operating profit
Recommended final dividend of 1.85p (DKK 0.1981) Merger integration
proceeding ahead of plan Overall strong performance in 2004 and
good base for 2005 Lars Norby Johansen, Group Chief Executive,
commented: "Following the merger last July, the new group has
delivered a good trading performance. Organic turnover growth has
been strong and there have been good margin improvements.
Integration of the two businesses, with the consequent synergy
benefits, is running ahead of plan. Our cashflow is particularly
pleasing. We have established a solid base for future development
and we expect continued good progress in 2005." The statutory
figures for 2004 shown on pages 3 to 12 represent a combination of
a full year's trading for the ex-Group 4 Falck businesses and
trading from 20 July to 31 December 2004 for the ex-Securicor
businesses. Because of this unusual position, we have also shown
pro forma figures on pages 1 and 2 to represent trading for all
businesses for the full year and to provide guidance for investors
and analysts of the financial performance for the enlarged group.
Reconciliation of pro forma to statutory figures Pro forma EBITA on
continuing business 216.5 Less pre merger Securicor EBITA and
discontinued activities (47.8) Statutory EBITA 168.7 Goodwill
amortisation (49.8) Interest/tax and minority interests (73.6)
Exceptional items (net of tax) (147.1) Loss for the year (101.8)
For further enquiries, please contact: Lars Norby Johansen +44 (0)
1293 554400 Nick Buckles Trevor Dighton Debbie McGrath Media
Enquiries: Patrick Toyne-Sewell +44 (0) 7973 672649 Sarah Gestetner
Notes to Editors: Group 4 Securicor is an international security
solutions group, formed by the merger of Securicor plc and the
security businesses of Group 4 Falck which was completed in July
2004. The group operates in over 100 countries throughout the world
and employs over 340,000 people. Group 4 Securicor is a market
leader in the provision of manned security, security systems and
cash services in many of the countries in which it operates. For
more information on Group 4 Securicor, visit Presentation of Results: A
presentation to investors and analysts is taking place today at
0900 at the London Stock Exchange, 10 Paternoster Square, London,
EC4M 7LS. A telephone dial-in facility is also available on 020
7162 0181 if dialling from within the UK and +44 20 7162 0181 if
dialling from outside the UK. Annual General Meeting The company's
annual general meeting will be held in London on 30 June 2005.
FINANCIAL SUMMARY Results Group 4 Securicor is the result of the
merger of the security businesses of Group 4 Falck and Securicor on
19 July 2004. The statutory figures for 2004 shown on pages 3 to 12
represent a combination of a full year's trading for the ex Group 4
Falck businesses and trading from 20 July to 31 December 2004 for
the ex-Securicor businesses. Because of this unusual position, we
have also shown pro-forma figures on pages 1 and 2 to represent
trading for all businesses for the full year and to provide
guidance for investors and analysts. Group 4 Securicor shares were
listed on the London and Copenhagen Stock Exchanges on 20 July
2004. Group Turnover 2004 2003 Turnover of Continuing Businesses �m
�m Turnover at constant exchange rates* 3,807.5 3,547.2 Exchange
difference 179.6 Total continuing business turnover 3,807.5 3,726.8
* converted at the average exchange rate for 2004. Organic turnover
growth at constant exchange rates was 6.2% on continuing
businesses. The impact of changes in exchange rates, in particular
the US$ / � rate, produces a 2% increase in continuing business
turnover. When adjusted for the inclusion of discontinued
businesses, there was a slight reduction in group turnover. Group
Profit 2004 2003 EBITA of Continuing Businesses** �m �m EBITA at
constant exchange rates* 216.5 186.1 Exchange difference 10.2 Total
continuing business EBITA 216.5 196.3 * converted at the average
exchange rate for 2004 ** including share of associates EBITA at
constant exchange rates increased by 16% and, after adjusting for
exchange differences, the increase was 10%. The EBITA margin
increased from 5.3% to 5.7%. Cashflow and financing 2004 2003
Cashflow �m �m Operating Cash Flow 213.1 151.2 Operating Cash Flow
/ EBITA 102% 79% Operating cash flow was very strong in the year,
representing 102% of operating profit. This was achieved through
low levels of capital expenditure and strong controls on working
capital. Net borrowings at the end of the year were �595.8m.
DIVISIONAL ANALYSIS Manned Security Turnover*** EBITA** Margins �m
�m 2004 2003 2004 2003 2004 2003 At constant exchange rates* 2690.4
2512.6 154.5 143.4 Exchange differences 154.7 8.9 At actual
exchange rates 2690.4 2667.3 154.5 152.3 5.7% 5.7% * converted at
the average exchange rate for the year to 31 December 2004 **
includes share of joint ventures and associates *** excludes share
of joint ventures Organic turnover growth was 5.8%. Margins were
constant at 5.7%. EUROPE Turnover*** EBITA** Margins �m �m 2004
2003 2004 2003 2004 2003 At constant exchange rates* 1307.7 1261.0
75.4 70.6 Exchange differences 22.2 1.0 At actual exchange rates
1307.7 1283.2 75.4 71.6 5.8% 5.6% * converted at the average
exchange rate for the year to 31 December 2004 ** includes share of
associates *** excluding share of joint ventures Organic growth was
3.7% and margins increased from 5.6% to 5.8%. Performance in UK
manned guarding, the business most affected by the integration, was
good with organic growth of 3.7% and 0.4% margin improvement from
the combined businesses. Customer retention was good and the
business is well prepared for the implementation of the new UK
security industry regulations. Justice Services in the UK had an
excellent year, especially with the tagging contract which had very
high volume increases. We were pleased to win three of the five new
regions for the new UK tagging contract although the margin on this
contract will be lower than the margin we have previously achieved.
Even though the margins will be lower, the extended regional
coverage puts us in a very strong position. In Netherlands manned
guarding there is still a tight market and our inability to merge
the two businesses (European Commission ruling) disrupted activity.
We experienced a slight reduction in turnover although margins were
maintained. We also successfully retained the Justice Services
contract under re-bid. Elsewhere in Europe, Germany stabilised and
improved performance, France achieved good growth and an increased
margin and Belgium had a very good year. There was also good growth
in Ireland, Luxembourg, Greece and the Baltic States. Sweden was a
disappointment, as we had negative growth and margin deterioration,
mainly due to the loss of a large contract and other operational
issues. We now have a new local management team in place and we
expect a stronger performance in 2005. NORTH AMERICA Turnover
EBITA** Margins �m �m 2004 2003 2004 2003 2004 2003 At constant
exchange rates* 1002.6 920.7 53.1 48.8 Exchange differences 107.1
5.6 At actual exchange rates 1002.6 1027.8 53.1 54.4 5.3% 5.3% *
converted at the average exchange rate for the year to 31 December
2004 ** includes share of associates Organic growth was 7.2% and
margins were maintained at 5.3%. In the US Wackenhut continued to
grow strongly with 11% organic growth across all business lines. A
number of new national accounts were won and services with existing
customers were expanded. Even though the market is competitive,
margins were maintained. Healthcare and State and Federal
employment taxes were higher than previous years but we continue to
manage this cost increase to protect margins. Cognisa continues to
operate at a slight loss but did win some transportation contracts
during the year. In Canada the loss of aviation security work
affected the 2004 performance but there was good growth and margin
performance outside the aviation area. NEW MARKETS Turnover EBITA**
Margins �m �m 2004 2003 2004 2003 2004 2003 At constant exchange
rates* 380.1 330.9 26.0 24.0 Exchange differences 25.4 2.3 At
actual exchange rates 380.1 356.3 26.0 26.3 6.8% 7.4% * converted
at the average exchange rate for the year to 31 December 2004 **
includes share of associates There was good progress in New Markets
with 10% organic growth. The EBITA margin declined a little to
6.8%, due mainly to South Africa, where the loss of some higher
margin contracts and an unforeseen statutory wage award in July had
a significant impact. Turnover was also flat in South Africa as it
was in Hong Kong, although the rest of Africa and Asia showed good
growth. India continues to grow very strongly, as do most of the
smaller countries, in particular Kuwait, UAE and Kazakhstan. Apart
from South Africa, margins have held up well in most countries and
continue to be high in these markets. Security Systems Turnover
EBITA** Margins �m �m At constant exchange rates* 2004 2003 2004
2003 2004 2003 Europe 317.9 306.5 25.5 18.3 8.0% 6.0% North America
1.8 1.2 0.2 0.1 9.3% 11.7% New Markets 29.5 14.4 2.9 1.0 9.7% 7.2%
Exchange differences 10.0 0.4 At actual exchange rates 349.2 332.1
28.6 19.8 8.2% 6.0% * converted at the average exchange rate for
the year to 31 December 2004 ** includes share of associates The
division performed well, with organic growth of 7.8% and margins
increasing to 8.2% from 6.0% in the previous year. There was strong
growth in the UK, Norway, Germany and the Netherlands with UK
Technology returning very good results. Both the Swedish and Danish
markets are currently flat, although we have seen some recent
improvement in the top line. There was strong margin improvement
across most businesses with some good productivity measures and
focus on contract profitability. Cash Services Turnover EBITA**
Margins �m �m At constant exchange rates* 2004 2003 2004 2003 2004
2003 Europe 635.1 604.3 44.7 46.4 7.0% 7.7% North America 64.3 63.3
3.9 2.1 6.1% 3.4% New Markets 68.5 44.8 11.0 6.2 16.0% 13.9%
Exchange differences 15.0 0.9 At actual exchange rates 767.9 727.4
59.6 55.6 7.8% 7.6% * converted at the average exchange rate for
the year to 31 December 2004 ** includes share of associates There
was good progress overall, with organic growth of 6.5% and margins
increasing slightly, to 7.8%. In the UK there was an overall strong
performance with excellent customer service levels and good
productivity improvements. We completed the integration of Cash
Centres and Cash Services successfully and started the Abbey cash
centre contract in October. In Germany growth remains flat and the
business was loss-making in the year. Major turnaround initiatives
are well underway in combination with the merging of the two
businesses. In France and Sweden we achieved strong growth and
Belgium had good margin improvement although turnover was flat. The
Netherlands had a modest growth year, but returned good levels of
profit and won a major contract to start early this year. OTHER
FINANCIAL ISSUES Exceptional Items There were a number of
exceptional items in the statutory accounts. These arose for
several reasons: As part of the assessment of goodwill in the new
group, certain of the � individual company goodwill balances
relating to the ex Group 4 Falck 51.2m businesses have been
impaired and the impairment is treated as an exceptional item.
Harmonisation of accounting estimates across the group and a
complete � review of all balance sheets have given rise to
adjustment to the 57.9m carrying value of certain assets and
liabilities. Examples include revisions of depreciation rates, bad
debt policy alignment and stock provisions. The eventual cost of
achieving the �30m of targeted annual synergies � has been
estimated at �45m. By the end of 2004 a total amount of � 37.2m
37.2m had either been spent or was sufficiently identifiable to be
provided against. The enforced disposal of Falck Netherlands is
expected to generate a � loss of �34.5m, and this is treated as an
exceptional item. The 34.5m disposal of Securicor Luxembourg and
the Cash Services business in Scotland which was completed in early
March, generated a profit of � 12.0m. This is accounted for as a
fair value adjustment to the Securicor acquired assets and is part
of the calculation of acquired goodwill. Pensions The calculation
of the funding level of our UK final salary pension schemes
produced the following: SSAP 24* FRS 17* 2004 2003 2004 2003
Surplus / (deficit) of assets over liabilities - �m �m �m �m Before
tax Securicor scheme 4 (21) (154) (135) Group 4 scheme (2) (4) (39)
(47) 2 (25) (193) (182) After tax Securicor scheme 4 (15) (108)
(94) Group 4 scheme (1) (3) (27) (33) 3 (18) (135) (127) * 2003
comparatives are 30 September for Securicor and 31 December for
Group 4. Although the value of the assets in the funds increased by
�64 million since 2003 numbers, this was counteracted by a
reduction in bond rates, which are used to discount liabilities for
FRS17 purposes. The 2003 rates used were 6.2% on the Securicor fund
and 5.6% for the Group 4 fund. A rate of 5.9% was used for both
funds for the 2004 calculations. In view of the continuing level of
deficit, the board has approved an additional payment to the scheme
of �15m (�10.5m after tax) in 2005. The level of subsequent
payments will be reviewed on an annual basis. These payments will
not impact the profit and loss. The accounting treatment is that
they accumulate on the balance sheet as a deferred debtor.
Financing To finance the merged group a �1 billion multicurrency
revolving credit facility was entered into on 1 June 2004. �800
million of this facility is a five-year committed revolving
facility and �200 million is a 364-day committed revolving facility
with the ability to convert (at the company's option) into a term
loan for a further 12 months. The group has other facilities
available of �265 million which results in total borrowing
facilities of �1.26 billion. Dividend The Directors recommend a
final dividend of 1.85 pence per share (DKK 0.1981) payable on 12
July 2005. Integration update The integration of the two groups is
now well on the way, with no major issues. The key integrating
businesses are: UK Security Germany - Security and Cash Services
During the integration process, we have been particularly focused
on business retention and this has been very successful in all
businesses. The Group 4 Falck head office in Copenhagen was closed
on 28 February 2005. Disposal of two of the three businesses, as
required by the European Commission for competition reasons, was
completed on 4 March. The third disposal, Falck Netherlands, is at
final offer stage and should be completed shortly. We are on track
for the annual synergy benefit target of �30m and we expect to have
all the savings in place by the end of 2005, with a benefit of
approximately �18m anticipated for 2005. Board changes At the time
of the merger between Securicor and the security businesses of
Group4 Falck, it was announced that the chairman, Jorgen
Philip-Sorensen, would retire in September 2005 and that his
successor would be appointed on the recommendation of the company's
Nomination Committee. It was further announced that Nick Buckles,
deputy chief executive and chief operating officer, would succeed
Lars Norby Johansen as chief executive at the appropriate time. The
board now believes that, with the businesses performing well,
integration on track, and the new management team working together
successfully, Mr Buckles (44) should assume the chief executive
role this summer. The board has therefore agreed with Mr Norby
Johansen that he will step down as chief executive and leave the
board after the annual general meeting on 30 June. It has also
already been announced that Lord Sharman, joint deputy chairman and
senior independent director, will retire from the board later this
year. An announcement as to his successor as senior independent
director will be made in due course. The board believes that, given
the changes noted above, it would be beneficial for the chairman to
remain on the board for longer than was originally envisaged.
Accordingly, it is pleased to announce that Mr Philip-Sorensen has
agreed to remain as chairman for a further nine months, until the
annual general meeting in June 2006. The board has agreed,
following a recommendation from the Nomination Committee, that Alf
Duch-Pedersen (59), currently joint deputy chairman, should succeed
Mr Philip-Sorensen as chairman at the annual general meeting in
June 2006. Mr Duch-Pedersen, who was a non-executive director of
Group 4 Falck from 2000 until the merger, is currently chief
executive of the Danish company, Danisco A /S, a position from
which he will be retiring in August 2006. The board is pleased to
announce that Grahame Gibson (52), divisional president for
Americas & New Markets, will join the board as an executive
director on 1 April 2005. Mr Gibson joined Group 4 in 1983. He was
finance director (UK) from 1983 to 1987, deputy managing director
(UK) from 1987 to 1989, vice president (corporate strategy) from
1989 to 1992, vice president (finance and administration) from 1992
to 1996, vice president (operations Central & South Eastern
Europe and UK) from 1996 to 2000 and chief operating officer of
Group 4 Falck from 2000 until the merger. In relation to his
appointment, no information is required to be disclosed under
paragraph 6.F.2(b) to (g) of the Listing Rules. REVIEW and OUTLOOK
The new group has delivered a good trading performance. Organic
turnover growth has been strong and there have been good margin
improvements. Integration of the two businesses, with the
consequent synergy benefits, is running ahead of plan. Our cashflow
is particularly pleasing. We have established a solid base for
future development and we expect continued good progress in 2005.
14 March 2005 Group 4 Securicor plc Combined unaudited pro forma
financial information For the year ended 31 December 2004 Basis of
preparation As explained in note 1 on page 7, the statutory results
for Group 4 Securicor for the year to 31 December 2004 include the
full year of trading of the security businesses of the former Group
4 Falck A/S and the trading of the businesses of Securicor plc for
the period from 20 July 2004 to 31 December 2004. However, the
directors consider that it is of assistance to shareholders to show
pro forma financial information of the combined entities for the
full year. The exchange rates used to translate the pro forma
financial information are as stated on page 13. Combined pro forma
EBITA 2004 2003 2004 2003 �m �m DKKm DKKm Turnover Total turnover
3,897.6 4,136.9 42,745.5 44,455.2 Less share of Manned Security
joint venture (Europe) (8.2) (7.2) (89.9) (77.4) Less share of
Distribution joint venture (discontinued) - (216.7) - (2,328.7)
Group turnover 3,889.4 3,913.0 42,655.6 42,049.1 Continuing
operations 3,807.5 3,726.8 41,757.4 40,048.2 Discontinued
operations 81.9 186.2 898.2 2,000.9 Group turnover 3,889.4 3,913.0
42,655.6 42,049.1 Earnings before interest, taxation, goodwill
amortisation and exceptional items (EBITA) Continuing operations
207.3 188.0 2,273.5 2,020.3 Discontinued operations 2.4 2.3 26.3
24.7 Group EBITA 209.7 190.3 2,299.8 2,045.0 Share of joint
ventures and associates Continuing operations 9.2 8.3 100.9 89.2
Discontinued operations - 4.2 - 45.1 Total EBITA 218.9 202.8
2,400.7 2,179.3 Combined pro forma operating cash flow 2004 2003
2004 2003 �m �m DKKm DKKm Cash flow from operating activities Group
EBITA 209.7 190.3 2,299.8 2,045.0 Depreciation 79.7 75.8 874.1
814.5 Profit on sale of fixed assets (1.1) (1.5) (12.1) (16.1)
Decrease/(increase) in working capital and provisions 12.7 (12.2)
139.3 (131.1) Net cash flow from operating activities 301.0 252.4
3,301.1 2,712.3 Net cash flow from capital expenditure (87.9)
(101.2) (1,060.5) (1,087.5) Operating cash flow 213.1 151.2 2,240.6
1,624.8 Combined pro forma net debt 2004 2003 2004 2003 �m �m DKKm
DKKm Net debt 595.8 623.1 6,534.2 6,695.8 Combined unaudited pro
forma financial information For the year ended 31 December 2004
Combined pro forma business sector and geographical analysis 2004
2003 2004 2003 �m �m DKKm DKKm Turnover Manned Security Europe
1,315.9 1,290.4 14,431.6 13,866.7 North America 1,002.6 1,027.8
10,995.7 11,044.7 New Markets 380.1 356.3 4,168.6 3,828.8 Total
Manned Security 2,698.6 2,674.5 29,595.9 28,740.2 Security Systems
Europe 317.9 315.2 3,486.5 3,387.1 North America 1.8 1.3 19.7 14.0
New Markets 29.5 15.6 323.5 167.7 Total Security Systems 349.2
332.1 3,829.7 3,568.8 Cash Services Europe 635.1 611.0 6,965.2
6,565.8 North America 64.3 66.1 705.2 710.3 New Markets 68.5 50.3
751.3 540.5 Total Cash Services 767.9 727.4 8,421.7 7,816.6 Total
turnover Europe 2,268.9 2,216.6 24,883.3 23,819.6 North America
1,068.7 1,095.2 11,720.6 11,769.0 New Markets 478.1 422.2 5,243.4
4,537.0 3,815.7 3,734.0 41,847.3 40,125.6 Less Manned Security
joint venture (Europe) (8.2) (7.2) (89.9) (77.4) Continuing
operations 3,807.5 3,726.8 41,757.4 40,048.2 Discontinued
operations 81.9 186.2 898.2 2,000.9 Group turnover 3,889.4 3,913.0
42,655.6 42,049.1 EBITA Manned Security Europe 75.4 71.6 826.9
769.4 North America 53.1 54.4 582.3 584.6 New Markets 26.0 26.3
285.2 282.6 Total Manned Security 154.5 152.3 1,694.4 1,636.6
Security Systems Europe 25.5 18.6 279.7 199.9 North America 0.2 0.1
2.2 1.1 New Markets 2.9 1.1 31.8 11.8 Total Security Systems 28.6
19.8 313.7 212.8 Cash Services Europe 44.7 46.5 490.2 499.7 North
America 3.9 2.2 42.8 23.6 New Markets 11.0 6.9 120.6 74.2 Total
Cash Services 59.6 55.6 653.6 597.5 Total EBITA Europe 145.6 136.7
1,596.8 1,469.0 North America 57.2 56.7 627.3 609.3 New Markets
39.9 34.3 437.6 368.6 242.7 227.7 2,661.7 2,446.9 Head office costs
(26.2) (31.4) (287.3) (337.4) Continuing operations 216.5 196.3
2,374.4 2,109.5 Discontinued operations 2.4 2.3 26.3 24.7
Discontinued joint venture operations - 4.2 - 45.1 Total EBITA
218.9 202.8 2,400.7 2,179.3 Group 4 Securicor plc Preliminary
results announcement for the year ended 31 December 2004
Consolidated profit and loss account For the year ended 31 December
2004 Exceptional Before Exceptional items exceptional items Before
items exceptional (Note 4) Total items (Note 4) Total 2004 2004
2004 2003 2003 2003 Notes �m �m �m �m �m �m Turnover Total turnover
3,178.4 - 3,178.4 2,569.5 - 2,569.5 Less share of joint (4.5) -
(4.5) - - - ventures Group turnover 2 3,173.9 - 3,173.9 2,569.5 -
2,569.5 Continuing operations 2,507.8 - 2,507.8 2,455.1 - 2,455.1
Acquisitions 602.5 - 602.5 - - - Discontinued 3 63.6 - 63.6 114.4 -
114.4 operations Group turnover 2 3,173.9 - 3,173.9 2,569.5 -
2,569.5 Operating profit/ (loss) Continuing operations 84.4 (109.1)
(24.7) 77.6 (15.3) 62.3 Acquisitions 27.5 - 27.5 - - - Discontinued
3 1.3 - 1.3 4.5 - 4.5 operations Group operating 2 113.2 (109.1)
4.1 82.1 (15.3) 66.8 profit/(loss) Share of operating profit in
joint ventures and associates Continuing operations 2.4 - 2.4 1.7 -
1.7 Acquisitions 3.3 - 3.3 - - - Total operating profit before
goodwill amortisation and operating exceptional items 168.7 - 168.7
118.4 - 118.4 Goodwill amortisation (49.8) - (49.8) (34.6) - (34.6)
Operating exceptional - (109.1) (109.1) - (15.3) (15.3) items 4
Total operating 118.9 (109.1) 83.8 (15.3) 68.5 profit/(loss) 9.8
Costs of a 4 - - - - fundamental restructuring (37.2) (37.2)
(Loss)/profit on sale or closure of discontinued operations 4 -
(37.3) (37.3) - 2.2 2.2 Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities before
interest and 2 taxation 118.9 (183.6) (64.7) 83.8 (13.1) 70.7 Net
interest: Group 5 (15.8) - (15.8) (20.4) (7.3) (27.7) Joint
ventures and 5 (1.6) - (1.6) 0.2 - 0.2 associates (17.4) - (17.4)
(20.2) (7.3) (27.5) Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities before
taxation 101.5 (183.6) (82.1) 63.6 (20.4) 43.2 Taxation 6 (49.3)
36.5 (12.8) (30.6) (15.8) (46.4) Profit/(loss) on ordinary
activities after taxation 52.2 (147.1) (94.9) 33.0 (36.2) (3.2)
Minority interests (6.9) - (6.9) (6.5) - (6.5) Profit/(loss) for
the 45.3 (147.1) (101.8) 26.5 (36.2) (9.7) year Dividends 7 (23.5)
(3.3) Retained deficit (125.3) (13.0) (Loss)/earnings per 8 share
Basic loss per share (10.5)p (1.3)p Diluted loss per (10.5)p (1.3)p
share Normalised earnings per share 9.7p 8.0p Consolidated balance
sheet At 31 December 2004 2004 2003 Notes �m �m Fixed assets
Goodwill 1,117.9 531.2 Tangible assets 341.7 159.8 Net investment
in joint ventures: - Share of gross assets 76.6 - - Share of gross
liabilities (67.4) - 9.2 - Investment in associated undertakings
18.2 2.6 1,487.0 693.6 Current assets Stocks 34.1 29.6 Debtors
755.0 523.6 Investments - liquid resources 7.1 6.5 Investments -
other 89.9 46.6 Cash at bank and in hand 184.1 62.7 1,070.2 669.0
Creditors - amounts falling due within one year Borrowings (121.6)
(72.2) Corporation tax (21.6) (12.0) Proposed dividends (23.5)
(3.6) Other (687.6) (427.5) (854.3) (515.3) Net current assets
215.9 153.7 Total assets less current liabilities 1,702.9 847.3
Creditors - amounts falling due after more than one year Borrowings
(665.4) (379.4) Other (16.0) (17.4) (681.4) (396.8) Provisions for
liabilities and charges (103.5) (126.9) Net assets 918.0 323.6
Capital and Reserves Called up share capital 11 316.1 180.4
Reserves 571.4 118.4 Equity shareholders' funds 887.5 298.8 Equity
minority interests 30.5 24.8 Capital employed 918.0 323.6 Statement
of total recognised gains and losses For the year ended 31 December
2004 2004 2003 �m �m Loss for the year (101.8) (9.7) Translation
adjustments taken to reserves net of tax 7.4 15.7 Total
(losses)/gains recognised for the year (94.4) 6.0 Note of
historical cost profits and losses For the year ended 31 December
2004 There is no material difference between the reported profit
shown on page 3 and the profit for the year restated on an
historical cost basis. Reconciliation of movement in equity
shareholders' funds For the year ended 31 December 2004 2004 2003
�m �m Loss for the year (101.8) (9.7) Dividends (23.5) (3.3)
Retained deficit (125.3) (13.0) Other gains and losses recognised
in the year 7.4 15.7 Fair value of shares issued on acquisition of
Securicor plc 710.4 - Consideration paid for purchase of own shares
- (0.4) Consideration received on sale of own shares 5.4 0.6
Dividends received from demerged businesses of the former Group 4
Falck A/S - 11.5 Movement in other demerger related balances with
demerged businesses of the former Group 4 Falck A/S - 12.7 Movement
arising from acquisition of minority shareholders of the former -
Group 4 Falck A/S (10.0) Movement arising on Employee Benefit Trust
reserve 0.8 - Net increase in shareholders' funds 588.7 27.1 Equity
shareholders' funds at 1 January 2004 298.8 271.7 Equity
shareholders' funds at 31 December 2004 887.5 298.8 Consolidated
cash flow For the year ended 31 December 2004 2004 2003 �m �m Net
cash flow from operating activities (note 10a) 157.5 140.5 Net cash
flow from returns on investments and servicing of finance (note
10b) (21.2) (19.3) Taxation (30.3) (44.7) Net cash flow from
capital expenditure (note 10b) (92.7) (71.0) Net cash flow from
acquisitions and disposals (note 10b) (39.9) 43.7 Net movement in
funding balances with demerged businesses of the former Group 4
Falck A/S (48.9) 22.4 Dividends paid (3.3) (3.3) Cash flow before
use of liquid resources and financing (78.8) 68.3 Net cash flow
from use of liquid resources (0.6) (2.2) Financing: Share issue 0.2
- Net sale of own shares 5.4 0.2 Proceeds on closure of foreign
exchange contract - 22.4 Capital element of finance lease rental
payments (4.5) (4.1) Increase/(decrease) in borrowings 210.8 (60.0)
Net cash flow from financing 211.9 (41.5) Increase in cash in the
year 132.5 24.6 Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net
debt (note 10d) Increase in cash 132.5 24.6 Increase in liquid
resources 0.6 2.2 (Increase)/decrease in debt and lease financing
(206.3) 64.1 Change in net debt resulting from cash flows (73.2)
90.9 Borrowings acquired with subsidiaries (163.2) (0.3) New
finance leases (4.9) (1.2) Movement in net debt in the year (241.3)
89.4 Translation adjustments 27.9 15.2 Net debt at 1 January 2004
(382.4) (487.0) Net debt at 31 December 2004 (595.8) (382.4) Notes
to the preliminary announcement 1. Basis of preparation and
accounting policies The financial information set out in this
announcement does not constitute the company's statutory accounts
and the audit opinion on the accounts for the year ended 31
December 2004 has not yet been signed. As a result of a Scheme of
Arrangement of Securicor plc, which became effective on 19 July
2004, Group 4 Securicor plc became the ultimate holding company of
the Securicor plc group of companies and, on the same date, and as
the result of a recommended offer for its shares, acquired Group 4
A/S, the holding company of the former security businesses of Group
4 Falck A/S. In accordance with the provisions of Financial
Reporting Standard 6: Acquisitions and mergers (FRS6) and, on the
basis that the transaction has been effected by using a new parent,
Group 4 A/S was identified as the acquirer, and the combination
with Group 4 Securicor plc has therefore been accounted for under
merger accounting principles. The acquisition of Securicor plc by
Group 4 A/S has been accounted for under the acquisition method of
accounting. The results of Group 4 Securicor plc for the year to 31
December 2004 therefore include the full year of trading of the
security businesses of the former Group 4 Falck A/S and the trading
of the businesses of Securicor plc for the period from 20 July 2004
to 31 December 2004. The comparative results for the year to 31
December 2003 are those of the security businesses of the former
Group 4 Falck A/S. These were reported in the Listing Particulars
for Group 4 Securicor plc of 4 June 2004 in accordance with the
Companies Act 1985 and UK accounting standards applicable as at
that date. The comparative results were stated in the Listing
Particulars in Danish Krone and have been translated in this
announcement into � sterling using the rates as reported in the
Listing Particulars. The report on the Listing Particulars made by
the reporting accountants of the security businesses of the former
Group 4 Falck A/S businesses was unqualified. The financial
information set out in this announcement has been prepared in
accordance with the accounting policies adopted by the enlarged
group. The directors have reviewed the impact of these accounting
policies on the financial statements of the group, as previously
reported, and are of the opinion that none of the adjustments
arising are of such significance as to give rise to the need for a
prior year adjustment. The directors have also reviewed the
accounting estimates of the previous years and have harmonised
these in the preparation of the financial statements. Due to its
size, the financial effect of these revisions is disclosed as an
exceptional item, within operating profit. 2. Segment analysis
Continuing Acquisitions Discontinued Total Total Turnover
operations operations 2004 2004 2004 2004 2003 �m �m �m �m �m By
class of business Manned Security Europe 840.4 214.7 60.9 1,116.0
864.0 North America 899.0 47.1 - 946.1 911.6 New Markets 207.2 84.9
- 292.1 252.7 Total Manned Security 1,946.6 346.7 60.9 2,354.2
2,028.3 Security Systems Europe 313.6 2.3 - 315.9 314.5 North
America 1.5 0.3 - 1.8 1.3 New Markets 19.8 6.8 - 26.6 15.6 Total
Security Systems 334.9 9.4 - 344.3 331.4 Cash Services Europe 203.5
199.4 2.7 405.6 200.9 North America - 29.8 - 29.8 - New Markets
22.8 21.7 - 44.5 8.9 Total Cash Services 226.3 250.9 2.7 479.9
209.8 Total turnover 2,507.8 607.0 63.6 3,178.4 2,569.5 Less Manned
Security joint venture (Europe) - (4.5) - (4.5) - Total group
turnover 2,507.8 602.5 63.6 3,173.9 2,569.5 By geographical segment
Europe 1,357.5 416.4 63.6 1,837.5 1,379.4 North America 900.5 77.2
- 977.7 912.9 New Markets Latin America and 52.1 Caribbean 68.1
22.0 - 90.1 Africa 47.3 47.2 - 94.5 48.1 Middle East & Gulf
States 35.7 4.2 - 39.9 101.8 Asia and Pacific 98.7 40.0 - 138.7
75.2 Total turnover 2,507.8 607.0 63.6 3,178.4 2,569.5 Less Manned
Security joint venture (Europe) - (4.5) - (4.5) - Total group
turnover 2,507.8 602.5 63.6 3,173.9 2,569.5 Group turnover 2,507.8
602.5 63.6 3,173.9 2,569.5 Cost of sales (2,015.2) (446.1) (52.6)
(2,513.9) (2,058.3) Gross profit 492.6 156.4 11.0 660.0 511.2
Administration expenses (375.0) (113.3) (8.7) (497.0) (394.5)
Goodwill amortisation (33.2) (15.6) (1.0) (49.8) (34.6) Operating
exceptional items (109.1) - - (109.1) (15.3) Group operating
(loss)/ 66.8 profit (24.7) 27.5 1.3 4.1 Notes to the preliminary
announcement (continued) 2. Segment analysis (continued) Earnings
before interest, taxation, Continuing Acquisitions Discontinued
Total Total goodwill amortisation and exceptional operations
operations items (EBITA) 2004 2004 2004 2004 2003 �m �m �m �m �m By
class of business Manned Security Europe 36.5 16.4 2.6 55.5 37.1
North America 51.3 0.9 - 52.2 52.7 New Markets 12.6 6.5 - 19.1 22.3
Total Manned Security 100.4 23.8 2.6 126.8 112.1 Security Systems
Europe 25.9 (0.9) - 25.0 18.6 North America 0.2 - - 0.2 0.1 New
Markets 2.9 0.1 - 3.0 1.1 Total Security Systems 29.0 (0.8) - 28.2
19.8 Cash Services Europe 5.6 17.3 (0.3) 22.6 4.4 North America -
2.1 - 2.1 - New Markets 4.8 4.0 - 8.8 1.3 Total Cash Services 10.4
23.4 (0.3) 33.5 5.7 EBITA before head office costs 139.8 46.4 2.3
188.5 137.6 Head office costs (19.8) - - (19.8) (19.2) Total EBITA
120.0 46.4 2.3 168.7 118.4 By geographical segment Europe 68.0 32.8
2.3 103.1 60.1 North America 51.5 3.0 - 54.5 52.8 New Markets Latin
America and Caribbean 3.1 3.0 - 6.1 3.7 Africa 6.0 3.5 - 9.5 8.0
Middle East & Gulf States 2.6 0.5 - 3.1 4.7 Asia and Pacific
8.6 3.6 - 12.2 8.3 EBITA before head office costs 139.8 46.4 2.3
188.5 137.6 Head office costs (19.8) - - (19.8) (19.2) Total EBITA
120.0 46.4 2.3 168.7 118.4 Total EBITA 120.0 46.4 2.3 168.7 118.4
Goodwill amortisation (33.2) (15.6) (1.0) (49.8) (34.6) Operating
exceptional items (note 4) (109.1) - - (109.1) (15.3) Operating
(loss)/profit including share of profit in joint ventures and
associates (22.3) 30.8 1.3 9.8 68.5 Costs of a fundamental
restructuring (note 4) - (37.2) - (37.2) - (Loss)/profit on sale or
closure of discontinued operations (note 4) - - (37.3) (37.3) 2.2
Total (loss/profit on ordinary activities before interest and
taxation (22.3) (6.4) (36.0) (64.7) 70.7 By class of business
Manned Security 31.5 (0.1) (35.7) (4.3) 79.4 Security Systems
(15.5) (2.1) - (17.6) 11.8 Cash Services (14.6) 6.5 (0.3) (8.4)
(0.2) Head office costs (23.7) (10.7) - (34.4) (20.3) (22.3) (6.4)
(36.0) (64.7) 70.7 By geographical segment Europe (21.5) (5.6)
(36.0) (63.1) 33.8 North America 30.9 2.0 - 32.9 34.2 New Markets
Latin America and Caribbean 1.6 2.9 - 4.5 3.7 Africa (19.4) 1.7 -
(17.7) 6.5 Middle East & Gulf States 2.4 0.4 - 2.8 4.7 Asia and
Pacific 7.4 2.9 - 10.3 8.1 Head office costs (23.7) (10.7) - (34.4)
(20.3) (22.3) (6.4) (36.0) (64.7) 70.7 Notes to the preliminary
announcement (continued) 3. Discontinued operations Discontinued
group operations for 2004 represent operations of Falck Nederland
and its subsidiaries, and of Group 4 Cash Services UK. The disposal
of operations in The Netherlands and the UK are required by the
European Commission, and they have therefore been managed
separately from the rest of the group and deconsolidated, from 20
July 2004. The operations of Falck Nederland are in the process of
being disposed of, whereas the operations of Group 4 Cash Services
UK were sold on 4 March 2005. In the year to 31 December 2003,
turnover from discontinued operations amounted to �109.3m in Manned
Security and �5.1m in Cash Services. Operating profits/(losses)
from discontinued operations before exceptional items and goodwill
amortisation in 2003 amounted to �5.2m in Manned Security and
�(0.7m) in Cash Services. All discontinued operations arise in
Europe. 4. Exceptional items 2004 2003 �m �m Charged to group
operating profit/(loss) Impairment of goodwill in respect of
businesses in Finland, Germany, Poland, South Africa, and Austria
(51.2) - Adjustment to carrying value of assets and liabilities
arising from harmonisation of accounting estimates (note 1) (57.9)
- Restructuring costs incurred upon acquisitions - (0.7)
Restructuring costs incurred in the establishment of a
product-based (11.5) management structure - Loss in connection with
the Euro conversion - (3.1) (109.1) (15.3) Costs of a fundamental
restructuring Restructuring costs incurred in connection with the
integration of Securicor plc into the combined group (37.2) -
(Loss)/profit on sale or closure of operations Provision for loss
on disposal of Falck Nederland (34.5) - Other (2.8) 2.2 (37.3) 2.2
Total exceptional items (183.6) (13.1) 5. Net interest 2004 2003 �m
�m Interest receivable : group 4.6 5.6 Interest receivable : joint
ventures and associates - 0.2 4.6 5.8 Interest payable : group Bank
loans and overdrafts (18.6) (22.6) Other loans (0.3) (1.7) Interest
on finance leases (1.5) (1.7) (20.4) (26.0) Interest payable :
joint ventures (1.6) - Net interest payable and similar items
(17.4) (20.2) Exceptional loss on interest rate swap - (7.3) (17.4)
(27.5) 6. Taxation 2004 2003 �m �m UK taxation (11.1) (3.5)
Overseas taxation (37.7) (27.1) Group's share of associated
undertakings and joint venture taxation (0.5) - Total taxation
charge before exceptional items (49.3) (30.6) Taxation
credit/(charge) on exceptional items 36.5 (15.8) Total taxation
charge (12.8) (46.4) Notes to the preliminary announcement
(continued) 7. Dividends 2004 2003 �m �m Ordinary dividend Final
(proposed) 1.85p, DKK0.1981 23.5 3.3 The final dividend will be
paid on 12 July 2005 to shareholders on the register on 10 June
2005. The exchange rate used to translate the dividend into Danish
Krone is that at 10 March 2005. The 2003 comparative is the final
dividend declared by the former Group 4 Falck A/S for 2003 at the
rate of DKK 0.40 per former Group 4 Falck A/S share equivalent to
DKK 0.049 per Group 4 Securicor plc share. 8. (Loss)/earnings per
share 2004 2003 �m �m Basic Loss after taxation (94.9) (3.2)
Minority interests (6.9) (6.5) Loss attributable to shareholders
(101.8) (9.7) Weighted average number of shares outstanding (m)
966.9 721.8 Basic loss per share (pence) (10.5) (1.3) Diluted
Weighted average number of shares outstanding (m) 966.9 721.8
Diluted loss per share (pence) (10.5) (1.3) Normalised earnings
before goodwill amortisation, discontinued operations and
exceptional items Loss attributable to shareholders (101.8) (9.7)
Exceptional items, goodwill amortisation and discontinued
operations (all net of tax) 196.0 67.7 Adjusted attributable profit
94.2 58.0 Weighted average number of shares outstanding (m) 966.9
721.8 Normalised earnings per share (pence) 9.7 8.0 9. Acquisitions
The principal acquisition during the year was the acquisition on 19
July 2004 of Securicor plc, a company listed in the UK. A summary
of the net assets/ (liabilities) acquired and goodwill arising is
given below. Provisional fair value Provisional Net assets fair
value of assets acquired adjustments acquired �m �m �m Tangible
fixed assets 159.7 (2.7) 157.0 Investments in joint ventures and
associates 15.9 - 15.9 Current assets (excluding cash) 249.3 (6.6)
242.7 Net debt (102.6) - (102.6) Total creditors (232.7) (7.0)
(239.7) Minority interests (7.3) 2.4 (4.9) Net assets 82.3 (13.9)
68.4 Goodwill 703.1 771.5 Satisfied by: Purchase consideration from
issue of shares 710.4 Transaction costs 61.1 771.5 Notes to the
preliminary announcement (continued) 10. Notes to the cash flow
statement (a) Reconciliation of operating profit to operating cash
flows 2004 2003 �m �m Group operating profit 4.1 66.8 Depreciation
61.2 39.5 Restructuring costs incurred upon the integration of
Securicor plc (19.9) - Amortisation of intangible assets - 0.7
Amortisation of goodwill 49.8 34.6 Exceptional impairment of
goodwill 51.2 - Loss/(profit) on sale of fixed assets 1.1 (1.5)
Exceptional impairment of fixed assets 8.2 - Decrease in stocks 1.6
0.4 Decrease in debtors 2.3 0.1 Increase/(decrease) in creditors
14.8 (0.1) Decrease in provisions (16.9) - Net cash flow from
operating activities 157.5 140.5 (b) Analysis of cash flow headings
netted in the cash flow statement 2004 2003 Return on investments
and servicing of finance �m �m Interest received 4.5 5.3 Interest
paid (20.4) (26.1) Proceeds on closure of interest rate swap - 3.9
Interest element of finance lease payments (3.0) (1.6) Dividends
paid to minority interest (2.3) (0.8) Net cash outflow from returns
on investments and servicing of finance (21.2) (19.3) 2004 2003
Capital expenditure �m �m Purchase of tangible fixed assets (97.9)
(76.6) Purchase of intangible fixed assets - (1.6) Sale of tangible
fixed assets 16.2 20.7 Purchase of investments (11.0) (13.5) Net
cash outflow from capital expenditure (92.7) (71.0) 2004 2003
Acquisitions and disposals �m �m Purchase of subsidiary
undertakings (93.3) (4.7) Purchase of interest in associated
undertakings (5.9) - Net cash balances acquired 60.1 0.3 Sale of
subsidiary undertakings (0.8) - Sale of operations and assets held
for resale - 68.0 Settlement of deferred acquisition payments -
(19.9) Net cash outflow from acquisitions and disposals (39.9) 43.7
(c) Cash flow relating to exceptional items 2004 2003 Within net
cash flow from operating activities �m �m Restructuring costs
incurred upon acquisitions - (3.8) Restructuring costs incurred in
the establishment of a product-based (2.9) (8.3) management
structure Loss in connection with the Euro conversion - (4.7) After
net cash flow from operating activities Restructuring costs
incurred upon the integration of Securicor plc (19.9) - Loss on
interest rate swap closed - (1.5) (22.8) (18.3) Notes to the
preliminary announcement (continued) 10 Notes to the cash flow
statement (continued) (d) Analysis of net debt Cash Acquisitions
(excluding cash Other non 2003 flow and overdrafts) Exchange cash
2004 �m �m �m �m �m �m Cash in hand and at 62.7 121.1 - 0.3 - 184.1
bank Overdrafts (25.3) 11.4 - - - (13.9) Increase in cash in 132.5
the year Debt due after more (374.9) (179.0) (126.7) 24.7 - (655.9)
than one year Debt due within one (38.5) (31.8) (24.6) 2.6 - (92.3)
year Liquid investments 6.5 0.6 - - - 7.1 Finance leases (12.9) 4.5
(11.9) 0.3 (4.9) (24.9) Total (382.4) (73.2) (163.2) 27.9 (4.9)
(595.8) 11 Share capital On 19 July 2004, pursuant to the
combination of the security businesses of the former Group 4 Falck
A/S with Securicor plc, 655,834,513 ordinary shares of 25 pence
each were issued to the 90.0% of the shareholders of the former
Group 4 Falck A/S who accepted the initial offer and 542,222,079
ordinary shares of 25 pence each were issued to the shareholders of
Securicor plc. On 4 October 2004, 65,970,476 ordinary shares of 25
pence each were issued to a further 9.1% of the shareholders of the
former Group 4 Falck A/S who accepted the mandatory offer. The
consolidated balance sheet shows the shares issued to the
shareholders of the former Group 4 Falck A/S within the opening
balance at 1 January 2004, in accordance with the treatment of this
transaction as a merger as explained in note 1. Summary financial
information in Danish Krone Basis of preparation The summary
financial information is a simple translation of Group 4
Securicor's consolidated financial statements into Danish Krone at
the stated rates of exchange. The financial information provided
below is prepared under UK GAAP as used in the preparation of the
Group 4 Securicor plc consolidated financial statements. It does
not represent a restatement under Danish GAAP which would be
different in significant respects. Exchange rates for translation
Profit and Loss Balance sheet 2004 2003 2004 2003 Sterling to
Danish Krone 10.967 10.746 10.507 10.580 Consolidated profit and
loss account presented in Krone for illustrative purposes only For
the year ended 31 December 2004 Before Before Exceptional
exceptional Exceptional exceptional items items items items Total
Total 2004 2004 2004 2003 2003 2003 DKKm DKKm DKKm DKKm DKKm DKKm
Group turnover 34,808.6 - 34,808.6 27,611.8 - 27,611.8 Group
operating profit/(loss) 1,241.5 (1,196.5) 45.0 882.2 (164.4) 717.8
Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities before taxation 1,113.2
(2,013.6) (900.4) 683.4 (219.2) 464.2 Taxation (540.7) 400.3
(140.4) (328.8) (169.8) (498.6) Profit/(loss) on ordinary
activities after taxation 572.5 (1,613.3) (1,040.8) 354.6 (389.0)
(34.4) Minority interests (77.9) 2.2 (75.7) (69.8) - (69.8)
Profit/(loss) for the year 494.6 (1,611.1) (1,116.5) 284.8 (389.0)
(104.2) Dividends (257.7) (35.5) Retained deficit (1,374.2) (139.7)
(Loss)/earnings per share Basic loss per share DKK (1.15) (0.14)
Diluted loss per share DKK (1.15) (0.14) Normalised earnings per
share DKK 1.06 0.86 Consolidated balance sheet presented in Krone
for illustrative purposes only As at 31 December 2004 2004 2003
DKKm DKKm Goodwill and Intangible assets 11,745.8 5,620.1 Tangible
assets 3,590.2 1,690.7 Investment in joint ventures and associated
undertakings 287.9 27.5 Fixed assets 15,623.9 7,338.3 Stocks 358.3
313.1 Debtors 7,932.8 5,539.7 Investments 1,019.2 561.8 Cash at
bank and in hand 1,934.3 663.4 Current assets 11,244.6 7,078.0
Creditors - amounts falling due within one year (8,976.1) (5,451.9)
Net current assets 2,268.5 1,626.1 Total assets less current
liabilities 17,892.4 8,964.4 Creditors - amounts falling due after
more than one year (7,159.5) (4,198.1) Provision for liabilities
and charges (1,087.5) (1,342.6) Net assets 9,645.4 3,423.7 END
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