Platinum Studios Partners With Europe's Largest Creator-Owned Comic Book Syndicate, Hexagon Comics, for Worldwide Film and Telev
April 21 2005 - 9:00AM
PR Newswire (US)
Platinum Studios Partners With Europe's Largest Creator-Owned Comic
Book Syndicate, Hexagon Comics, for Worldwide Film and Television
Properties The Hexagon Universe Adds 500 Adventure, Horror, Science
Fiction, and Superhero Characters to Platinum's World-Renowned
Library of 2,000 Properties BEVERLY HILLS, Calif., April 21
/PRNewswire/ -- Platinum Studios, an entertainment company that
controls the world's largest independent library of comic book
characters, announced today the acquisition of exclusive rights to
develop worldwide film and television properties based on Hexagon
Comics' famous universe of comic book characters. Platinum is also
acquiring a percentage of the company. Hexagon Comics is France's
largest independent library of creator-owned properties. The 50
year history of this comic universe adds additional depth to the
already extensive library of Platinum comics. The acquisition will
add thousands of stories and an additional 500 characters, such as
the "Strangers", a superhero comic that has recently been
reproduced in the United States by Image Comics; "Wampus", a
shape-shifting alien (banned in the 60's by the French government
for being too scary); and "Kabur", a sword-wielding barbarian in a
land of magic. "This is the first time, literally, that the rights
have become available, and I've been following this library of
characters for years because of its incredibly rich content," said
Scott Mitchell Rosenberg, chairman of Platinum Studios. "We are
very excited about the potential of these characters, and are
pleased to provide the original creators with their first
opportunity to receive both credits and royalties for their
creations." Platinum Studios has a successful record of acquiring
valuable comic properties and developing them for television and
film. The company brought Belgium graphic novel series "Jeremiah"
to TV screens with a 35-hour maxi-series starring Luke Perry and
Sean Astin and is currently working on a feature film prequel.
Other properties in development include: * "Cowboys & Aliens"
-- Sony * "Unique" -- Disney * "Mal Chance" -- Miramax * "Dylan
Dog" & "Storm" -- The Shop * 10 Picture $200 Million slate with
Gold Circle As creator and head of Malibu Comics Entertainment,
which Rosenberg sold to Marvel Comics in 1994, he developed the
"Men In Black" comic which he brought to Sony Pictures to become a
billion-dollar entertainment franchise. "Our partnership with
Platinum Studios provides a tremendous opportunity for us and our
creators," said Jean-Marc Lofficier, Hexagon Comics' managing
editor. "This is our second rebirth. Platinum's rich and successful
history of turning international properties into popular film and
television programs will help brand our characters all over the
world." The Hexagon Universe was born in 1950 when two formers
heroes of the French Resistance teamed up to create Editions Lug,
and then further teamed up with creators from around the world. In
the 1970s, Lug later acquired the rights to publish Marvel Comics
in France. The monthly comic books displayed in France for 53 years
sold more than 400 million units in France, Spain and Italy.
Jean-Marc Lofficier, who was then the line's main writer-editor,
managed to enlist the support of his fellow creators to organize
the "Hexagon Universe" syndicate. About Platinum Studios Platinum Studios is an
entertainment company that controls the world's largest independent
library of comic book characters, which it adapts and produces for
film, television and all other media. Platinum Studios' library
contains more than 2,000 characters and a full range of genres and
styles that have appeared in hundreds of millions of comics
worldwide. About Hexagon Comics
Hexagon Comics is a syndicate of comic book creators that controls
a rich library of comic book properties created over the past 50
years for seminal comics publisher Editions Lug, previously
France's largest comic book house. Hexagon's 5000 comic book
library consists of over 500 characters that have sold over 400
million units, mostly in France, Italy and Spain. Hexagon was
formed in 2004, when these creators regained the rights to their
own creations. DATASOURCE: Platinum Studios CONTACT: Linda Burns of
Allison & Partners, +1-212-302-5460, for Platinum Studios Web