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Dear ADVFN user,
E*TRADE Spread Betting offers some of the tightest spreads in the market and you can get started from as little as £30. You can make profits and of courses losses in both a rising and falling market. If you're looking for a fast and reliable spread betting platform, why not try E*TRADE Spread Betting today.
For a limited time only, you can receive £100 credit when you open an E*TRADE Spread Betting account, deposit a minimum of £250 by 31 March 2009 and make two non-equity spread bets of £1 or more. No matter how you choose to spread bet, you now have a little bit extra.
Spread bets carry a high level of risk so you should only speculate with money you can afford to lose. Stop-losses are automatically allocated with each bet you make. All stops are not guaranteed. You can lose more than your initial deposit and stake. Before you open an account, please ensure that spread betting matches your investment objectives, you familiarise yourself with the risks involved and if necessary seek independent advice. You can view the full risk warning here.
Kind regards
E*TRADE Securities Limited
Why choose E*TRADE Spread Betting?
- You pay no commissions
- Some of the tightest spreads in the market, from 1 point for FTSE 100
- Simple, fast and reliable spread betting platform
- Any profits you make are tax free** if you are a UK resident
- Minimise your risk using our stop-loss functionality (stop losses are automatically allocated and not guaranteed).
Important Information
*Conditions apply, visit http://www.etradespreadbetting.com/Q109/ADVFN-email
**Investors should seek independent expert advice in regard to the tax position of their investments. Tax treatment depends on the individual circumstances of each client and may change in the future.
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E*TRADE Securities Limited is authorised and regulated in the United Kingdom by the Financial Services Authority and is a member of the London Stock Exchange. E*TRADE Securities Limited is a company registered in Scotland no. SC103238 with its principal place of business at, Vintners' Place, 68 Upper Thames Street, London EC4V 3BJ, United Kingdom. Registered office at 24 Great King Street, Edinburgh EH3 6QN, United Kingdom.
For the purposes of Spread Betting, E*TRADE Securities Limited introduces you to E*TRADE Spread Betting which is a trading name of London Capital Group Ltd registered in England and Wales no. 3218125. Registered office: 4th Floor, 12 Appold Street, London EC2A 2AW. London Capital Group Ltd. is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority.
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