Washington, D.C. 20549

Report of Foreign Private Issuer

Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16
of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

May 12, 2015

Commission File Number
AU Optronics Corp.
(Translation of registrant’s name into English)
No. 1 Li-Hsin Road 2
Hsinchu Science Park
Hsinchu, Taiwan
(Address of principal executive offices)

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Note: Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(1) only permits the submission in paper of a Form 6-K if submitted solely to provide an attached annual report to security holders.

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To announce the disposal of the lands located at Changhua Coastal Industrial Park on behalf of AUO Crystal Corp., a subsidiary of AUO



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

AU Optronics Corp.
Date: May 12, 2015
/s/   Andy Yang
Andy Yang
Chief Financial Officer


AU Optronics Corp.
May 12, 2015
English Language Summary

Subject: To announce the disposal of the lands located at Changhua Coastal Industrial Park on behalf of AUO Crystal Corp., a subsidiary of AUO
To which item it meets--article 4 paragraph xx:20
Date of events:2015/05/12
Name and nature of the subject matter ( located at
Sublot XX, Lot XX, North District, Taichung City):
Land located at Lot 531 to Lot 532, Section Shang Lin, District Lugang, Changhua Coastal Industrial Park.
Date of the occurrence of the event:2015/05/12
Transaction volume (e.g.XX square meters, equivalent to XX p'ing), unit price, total transaction price:
Transaction volume:77,991.11 square meters (equivalent to 23,592.31 p'ing);
Unit price and Total monetary amount:To be negotiated with the counterparty
Counterparty to the trade and its relationship with the company (if the trading counterpart is a natural person and is not an actual related party of the Company, the name of the trading counterpart is not required to be disclosed):To be decided
Where the counterpart to the trade is an actual related party, a public announcement shall also include the reason for choosing the related party as trading counterpart and the identity of the previous owner (including its relationship with the company and the trading counterpart), price of transfer and the date of acquisition:N/A
Where a person who owned the property within the past five years has been an actual related person of the company, a public announcement shall also include the dates and prices of acquisition and disposal by the related person and the person’s relationship to the company at those times:N/A
Anticipated loss or profit from the disposal (not applicable in cases of acquisition of assets) (where originally deferred, the status or

recognition shall be stated and explained):To be decided
Terms of delivery or payment (including payment period and monetary amount):To be negotiated with the counterparty
The manner of deciding on this transaction (such as tender invitation, price comparison, or price negotiation), the reference basis for the decision on price and the decision-making department:
Price negotiation; the market and professional appraisal reports; the Board of AUO Crystal Corp. authorized its chairman to deal with the transaction within the authorization.
Name of the professional appraisal institution and its appraisal amount:
UniVenture Management Consulting Co., Ltd. ;
the appraisal amount was NT$738 million
Reason for any significant discrepancy with the transaction amount, and opinion of the certifying CPA:N/A
Is the appraisal report price a limited price or specific price?:No
Has an appraisal report not yet been obtained?:No
Reason an appraisal report has not yet been obtained:N/A
Broker and broker's fee:No
Concrete purpose or use of the acquisition or disposition:
To liquidate the assets and enhance working capital
Do the directors have any objection to the present transaction?:No
Any other matters that need to be specified:No

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