10 years ago
China Eastern and Delta solidify strategic partnership
Source: PR Newswire (US)
SHANGHAI and ATLANTA, July 27, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- China Eastern Airlines and Delta Air Lines today signed an agreement to expand their partnership and better connect Delta's global network with China Eastern, one of the leading airlines in China. The agreement will include a $450 million investment by Delta to acquire a 3.55 percent stake in China Eastern.
China Eastern and Delta solidify strategic partnership
This move marks a significant step in the airlines' collaboration and partnership that will allow Delta and China Eastern to compete more effectively on routes between the U.S. and China, provide more travel options for customers in both countries and make joint investments in the customer experience.
"The execution of the Subscription Agreement and the launching of commercial cooperation plan by China Eastern and Delta indicate significant strategic moves of China Eastern to comprehensively reform further, actively explore and develop mixed ownership economy, and actively promote globalized development," said Shaoyong Liu, China Eastern CEO. "The cooperation of the parties is based on a global vision and joint strategic blueprint. The parties will take advantage of their respective route networks, flight services, relevant businesses and advantageous resources to fully connect the world's two top economies as well as two top air transportation markets. The parties wish, through excellent operation and international cooperation, to optimize customer experience, enhance the parties' global competitiveness and promotes the development and revenue growth of both parties."
"Delta's relationship with China Eastern is long-standing. We share a vision that will create the most profitable, enduring franchise between the U.S. and China, with world-class customer service," said Richard Anderson, Delta CEO. "For the past three years, Delta has welcomed members of the China Eastern team at our headquarters for sharing best practices and work study opportunities. We have learned much from one another already and look forward to deepening our already effective partnership."
China Eastern, with its wholly owned subsidiary Shanghai Airlines, and Delta currently operate codeshare flights on 30 domestic routes in the U.S., 43 domestic routes in China and seven trans-Pacific routes between China and the U.S. China Eastern serves the three largest U.S. markets, with four nonstop flights from Shanghai and Delta serves the three largest cities in China with six daily non-stop flights from the U.S.
China Eastern and Delta continue to strengthen cooperation and support each other in the China-U.S. market through greater access to each other's networks and an improved customer experience. Among recent improvements:
China Eastern and Delta have expanded their joint China-U.S. offering – further cementing their position in the largest market to/from Shanghai – with Delta's recent addition of new Los Angeles to Shanghai service.
Delta's recent move to Terminal 1 at Shanghai's Pudong Airport to co-locate with China Eastern and Shanghai Airlines has resulted in more convenient connections and a seamless airport and baggage experience for customers.
Newly developed joint corporate sales provide more competitive products to customers in China and the U.S.
Equity investment
As part of the enhanced strategic partnership, China Eastern and Delta entered into a conditional subscription agreement where Delta will invest $450 million in China Eastern's H-shares, which trade on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. The investment equals approximately 10 percent of China Eastern H shares and [3.55] percent of the total shares of China Eastern. Delta also will be entitled to an observer seat on the China Eastern board of directors. The agreement is conditioned upon achievement of a final marketing agreement and approval by each carrier's board of directors.
"The cooperation between China Eastern and Delta is a strategic cooperation between two excellent airlines which connect the world's two top economies as well as two top air transportation markets. We're fully confident in the prospect of the cooperation," said Shaoyong Liu, the Chairman of China Eastern.
"Delta's equity investment in China Eastern is an investment in the future success of the partnership," Anderson said. China is the second largest travel market from the US and is projected to grow more than twice the global average, becoming the largest market from the U.S. in the next few years.
China Eastern in the U.S.
China Eastern will operate 35 weekly departures to 4 destinations in US from Shanghai, 2 flights a day to Los Angeles, daily to New York, San Francisco and Hawaii, also 3 flights a week from NanJing to Los Angeles. China Eastern operates Luxurious new 777-300ERs on routes between China and North America, which will be a major market for China Eastern over the future years. China Eastern plans to open new routes to North America and also boost frequencies on existing routes.
Delta in China
Delta will operate 28 weekly departures to Shanghai this summer. Delta also offers daily service to China's capital, Beijing, from Seattle and Detroit and to Hong Kong from Seattle. Delta has grown its China network by nearly three times in the past five years.
The partnership with China Eastern is part of Delta's broader strategy to collaborate and expand services to China and offer the most robust global airline network to become a more prominent U.S. carrier while continuing to offer the most robust network choices of a U.S. global carrier.
Delta is making significant investments to build the most Chinese-friendly U.S. airline. Chinese travelers are well served with local language options on, at airport self-service kiosks and among in-flight entertainment selections. The airline has Chinese-speaking flight attendants on every flight to and from China and offers Chinese cuisine among its in-flight meal options. Delta launched its official WeChat account to provide Chinese customers with in-language flight information, marketing promotions and tips for popular Delta destinations through China's most popular SNS service.
10 years ago
From press release 5 mins ago:
The Board is pleased to announce that on 27 July 2015, the Company entered into the Subscription Agreement with the Subscriber pursuant to which the Company has agreed to allot and issue to the Subscriber, and the Subscriber has agreed to subscribe for 465,910,000 Subscription Shares, at the Subscription Price of HK$3,488,895,000, upon the terms and subject to the conditions set out in the Subscription Agreement.
The 465,910,000 Subscription Shares represent (i) approximately 11.11% of the existing number of issued H Shares, and approximately 3.68% of the existing number of issued Shares as at the date of this announcement; and (ii) 10% of the then total number of issued H Shares (assuming that there is no change in the total number of issued H Shares other than the Subscription Shares since the date of the Subscription Agreement and up to Completion), and approximately 3.55% of the then total number of issued Shares (assuming that no Placing Shares under the Proposed A Share Placing are issued and there is no change in the total number of issued Shares other than the Subscription Shares since the date of the Subscription Agreement and up to Completion), in each case, as enlarged by the allotment and issue of the Subscription Shares. The aggregate nominal value of the Subscription Shares under the Subscription will be RMB465,910,000.
Assuming 465,910,000 Subscription Shares are subscribed for under the Subscription, the gross proceeds from the Subscription will be approximately HK$3,489 million and the net proceeds from the Subscription will be approximately HK$3,474 million (after deduction of expenses of the Subscription payable by the Company). The Company intends to utilize the net proceeds for working capital and other general corporate purposes.
10 years ago
Spain's Ciudad Real airport sold at auction for €10,000
my comments
2 gateway to EUROPE and AFRICA ?
18 July 2015
Ciudad Real airport
A group of international investors has won a bankruptcy auction for an abandoned airport in central Spain with a €10,000 (£7,000) offer - 100,000 times less than it cost to build.
The investors were the only bidders for Ciudad Real airport, south of Madrid, completed during Spain's boom years.
But it is not clear if the sale will go ahead as another buyer could still step forward outside of the auction process.
The winning bid was made by a Chinese-led consortium of investors.
The group, Tzaneen International, says it wants to make the airport an entry point into Europe for Chinese companies.
The white elephants that dragged Spain into the red
Minimum price
Ciudad Real airport, located 235km (146 miles) south of Madrid, was meant to be an alternative to Madrid's Barajas airport.
It cost more than €1bn to built. It opened in 2008 but went bankrupt and closed in 2012.
There is still a possibility that another buyer could meet the minimum price of €28m set by the receiver for the sale to go through before the end of September.
The central Spanish airport has a capacity for 2.5 million passengers per year.
It is one of a number of "ghost airports" constructed during Spain's building boom that did not attract enough passengers.
A similar fate has befallen Castellon airport in the east. It opened in 2011 but has not received a single flight
10 years ago
$CEA DD Notes ~
long term sideways channel breakout
new uptrend forming
$CEA recent news/filings
## source:
Fri, 28 Nov 2014 02:32:00 GMT ~ OPEC Tells US To Pull Back. Airlines Cheer, Energies Tear
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Fri, 28 Nov 2014 01:59:00 GMT ~ Airlines Jump On OPEC; Don't Buy China Eastern, Taiwan Airlines: Deutsche
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Fri, 28 Nov 2014 01:20:02 GMT ~ 20141128-Notification Letter and Request Form for Registered...
[at noodls] - (???????????????????) (A joint stock limited company incorporated in the People's Republic of China with limited liability) (Stock code ????:00670) N O T I F I C AT I O N L E T T E R ? ? ? ? Dear H shares ...
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Fri, 28 Nov 2014 01:20:02 GMT ~ 20141128-Extraordinary General Meeting Attendance Slip
[at noodls] - (A joint stock limited company incorporated in the People's Republic of China with limited liability) (Stock code: 00670) EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING ATTENDANCE SLIP To: China Eastern Airlines Corporation ...
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Fri, 28 Nov 2014 01:20:02 GMT ~ 20141128-Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting
[at noodls] - Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited and The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness ...
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$CEA company information
## source:
Ticker: $CEA
OTC Market Place: Not Available
CIK code: 0001030475
Company name: China Eastern Airlines Corp. Ltd.
Incorporated In: China
$CEA share structure
## source:
Market Value: Not Available
Shares Outstanding: Not Available
Float: Not Available
Authorized Shares: Not Available
Par Value: No Par Value
$CEA extra dd links
Company name: China Eastern Airlines Corp. Ltd.
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