RNS Number : 8283N

Anglo Asian Mining PLC

14 August 2017

Anglo Asian Mining plc / Ticker: AAZ / Index: AIM / Sector: Mining

14 August 2017

Anglo Asian Mining plc

Ugur Gold Deposit - JORC Mineral Resource and Reserves

Anglo Asian Mining plc ("Anglo Asian" or "the Company"), the AIM listed gold, copper and silver producer, is pleased to announce the Mineral Resource and Mineral Reserves estimated in accordance with the JORC (2012) code for the Ugur gold deposit ("Ugur") located at the Company's Gedabek licence area ("Gedabek") in Western Azerbaijan. The resource estimate, which has exceeded the Company's initial expectations, will provide significant upside to the current production from Gedabek. Ugur is on track to commence production in September 2017.

Ugur JORC (2012) Mineral Resource and Reserves

   --    Total Mineral Resource of 199,000 ounces of gold and 1,049,000 ounces of silver 

-- Measured plus Indicated Mineral Resource of 172,000 ounces of gold and 884,000 ounces of silver

   --    Proven plus Probable Reserves of 147,000 ounces of gold and 808,000 ounces of silver 

Development Update

   --    Road between the Ugur deposit and the Company's processing facilities is complete 
   --    Top soil pre-strip and storage commenced late July 2017 
   --    Condemnation drilling completed for final siting of surface infrastructure 

-- Mining and haulage of ore to the processing facility stockpile planned to commence before end August 2017

   --    Commencement of processing ahead of schedule with first production planned in September 2017 

Anglo Asian CEO, Reza Vaziri, said "I am very pleased that the JORC total mineral resource estimate for Ugur of 199,000 ounces of gold is in excess of our initial estimates of 195,000. This mineral resource is a valuable addition to our mineral resources at Gedabek. The mineral reserves of 147,000 ounces of gold, or over 70 per cent. of the total mineral resource, is also highly encouraging. Development work is continuing well and I look forward to reporting the first production of gold from the Ugur deposit which is targeted for next month."

Anglo Asian Group Director of Geology & Mining, Stephen Westhead, said "The anticipated commencement of mining and processing of Ugur ores in September 2017 represents a significant step in the development programme of Gedabek. This is an excellent achievement given that the first exploration drill hole at Ugur was only completed in September 2016. It demonstrates the ability of Anglo Asian to leverage its adaptable on-site processing facilities with Gedabek's significant exploration potential. The completion of the Ugur JORC resource and reserves estimates forms part of the development strategy of the resource base for the deposits and exploration assets of Gedabek."

Background to the Ugur deposit

Anglo Asian's in-house exploration team defined a new mineral occurrence in 2016 named "Ugur" (meaning "good luck" or "success" in the Azeri language) from geological mapping and surface sampling methods. Ugur is located three kilometres north-west from the Company's processing facilities at Gedabek. Since the discovery of Ugur, the Company has extensively explored the deposit to define its resource and reserves.

The deposit comprises an oxide gold-rich zone to a depth varying between 50 to 60 metres. The area covered by this drilling and proposed open pit outline is 350 metres (east-north-east) by 250 metres (north-north-west).

JORC (2012) Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves Statements

The mineral resource and reserves are prepared in accordance with JORC (2012), which is the current edition of the JORC Code. After a transition period, the 2012 edition came into mandatory operation from 1 December 2013.

Mineral Resource

 Mineral Resource 
                          Tonnage      Gold     Silver 
                       (millions)     Grade      Grade        Gold       Silver 
                                      (g/t)      (g/t)    (ounces)    (ounces)* 
 Measured                    4.12       1.2        6.3     164,000      841,000 
 Indicated                   0.34       0.8        3.9       8,000       44,000 
 Measure and 
  Indicated                  4.46       1.2        6.2     172,000      884,000 
 Inferred                    2.50       0.3        2.1      27,000      165,000 
 Total                       6.96       0.9        4.7     199,000    1,049,000 

* does not add due to rounding.

Mineral Reserves

                            Tonnage      Gold     Silver         Gold       Silver 
                         (millions)     Grade      Grade     (ounces)     (ounces) 
   Mineral Reserves                     (g/t)      (g/t) 
 Proved                        3.37       1.3        7.2      142,000      779,000 
 Probable                      0.22       0.8        4.1        5,000       29,000 
 Proved and 
  probable                     3.59       1.3        7.0      147,000      808,000 

The Proved and Probable Ore Reserves estimate is based on that portion of the Measured and Indicated Mineral Resource of the deposit within the scheduled mine designs that may be economically extracted, considering all "Modifying Factors" in accordance with the JORC (2012) Code.

Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve Estimation

Anglo Asian, together with the mining and geological consulting group Datamine International ("Datamine"), prepared the JORC (2012) resource and reserves estimation of the Ugur deposit. This was following the completion of 55 "phase one" reverse circulation ("RC") drill holes totalling 1,842 metres, 50 core drill holes totalling 6,355 metres, and 33 infill RC drill holes totalling 2,766 metres that supplemented initial surface outcrop and channel sampling. The detailed mineral resource and reserves estimates are set out in Appendix 1. A glossary of terminology related to the mineral resource and reserves estimate and other information is set out in Appendix 2. A full JORC report will be available on the Company website by end September 2017.

Note that the diagrams presented as part of Appendix 1 (JORC 2012, Table 1 - Ugur deposit) can be accessed via the following link: http://www.rns-pdf.londonstockexchange.com/rns/8283N_-2017-8-11.pdf

Ugur Mine Development

Condemnation drilling to prove the absence of mineralisation below proposed areas of infrastructure, including the waste dump areas, soil storage areas and lay down area for office facilities and mechanical workshops is now complete. Work is progressing as planned on constructing all necessary infrastructure. This includes mine/geology/medical and HSEC offices, hygiene facilities, mechanical workshop, lubricants and spares stores, a weighbridge and diesel store. The weighbridge will be located at the intersection of the mine access road and the haul road to the plant, while other building infrastructure will be located about 500 metres from the open pit boundary designated in accordance with blasting regulations.

The construction of a 4.6 kilometre road between the Ugur deposit and the Company's processing facilities that commenced in May 2017 is complete.

Pre-stripping of the top soil has commenced. Mining by conventional shovel and truck haulage to an Ugur stockpile near the processing facilities is planned to start mid-August 2017, with processing commencing in September 2017.

Competent Person Statement

The information in the announcement that relates to exploration results, minerals resources and ore reserves is based on information compiled by Dr Stephen Westhead, who is a full-time employee of Anglo Asian Mining with the position of Director of Geology & Mining, who is a Fellow of The Geological Society of London, a Chartered Geologist, Fellow of the Society of Economic Geologists, Member of The Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining and a Member of the Institute of Directors.

Stephen Westhead has sufficient experience that is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity being undertaken to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012 Edition of the 'Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves'. Stephen Westhead consents to the inclusion in the announcement of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.

Stephen Westhead has sufficient experience, relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity that he is undertaking, to qualify as a "competent person" as defined by the AIM rules. Stephen Westhead has reviewed the resources and reserves included in this announcement.

The information in this announcement that relates to Exploration Targets, Exploration Results, Mineral Resources or Ore Reserves is based on information compiled by Dr Stephen Westhead, a Competent Person who is a Member or Fellow of a 'Recognised Professional Organisation' (RPO) included in a list that is posted on the ASX website from time to time (Chartered Geologist and Fellow of the Geological Society and Member of the Institute of Material, Minerals and Mining). Dr Stephen Westhead is a full-time employee of the company.

Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) Disclosure

Certain information contained in this announcement would have been deemed inside information for the purposes of Article 7 of Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 until the release of this announcement.


For further information please visit or contact:

                       Anglo Asian Mining   Tel: +994 12 596 
 Reza Vaziri            plc                  3350 
--------------------  -------------------  ------------------ 
                       Anglo Asian Mining   Tel: +994 502 910 
 Bill Morgan            plc                  400 
--------------------  -------------------  ------------------ 
                       Anglo Asian Mining   Tel: +994 502 916 
 Stephen Westhead       plc                  894 
--------------------  -------------------  ------------------ 
 Ewan Leggat           SP Angel Corporate   Tel: +44 (0) 20 
                        Finance LLP          3470 0470 
                        Nominated Adviser 
                        and Broker 
--------------------  -------------------  ------------------ 
 Soltan Tagiev         SP Angel Corporate   Tel + 44 (0) 20 
                        Finance LLP          3470 0470 
--------------------  -------------------  ------------------ 
 Lottie Brocklehurst   St Brides Partners   Tel: +44 (0) 20 
                        Ltd                  7236 1177 
--------------------  -------------------  ------------------ 
 Susie Geliher         St Brides Partners   Tel: +44 (0) 20 
                        Ltd                  7236 1177 
--------------------  -------------------  ------------------ 

Notes: About Anglo Asian Mining plc

Anglo Asian Mining plc (AIM:AAZ) is a gold, copper and silver producer in Central Asia with a broad portfolio of production and exploration assets in Azerbaijan. The Company has a 1,962 square kilometre portfolio, assembled from analysis of historic Soviet geological data and held under a Production Sharing Agreement modelled on the Azeri oil industry.

The Company developed Azerbaijan's first operating gold/copper/silver mine, Gedabek, which commenced gold production in May 2009. Gedabek is an open cast mine with a series of interconnected pits. The Company also operates the high grade

Gadir underground mine which is co-located at the Gedabek site. The Company has a second underground mine, Gosha, which is 50 kilometres from Gedabek. Ore mined at Gosha is processed at Anglo Asian's Gedabek plant.

Gold production for the year ended 31 December 2016 from Gedabek totaled 65,394 ounces with 1,941 tonnes of copper also produced. Gedabek is a polymetallic deposit and its ore has a high copper content, and as a result the Company produces copper concentrate from its Sulphidisation, Acidification, Recycling, and Thickening (SART) plant. Anglo Asian also produces a copper and precious metal concentrate from its flotation plant, which is processing tailings from the agitation leach plant.

Anglo Asian is also actively seeking to exploit its first mover advantage in Azerbaijan to identify additional projects, as well as looking for other properties in order to fulfil its expansion ambitions and become a mid-tier gold and copper metal production company.


The following table provides a summary of assessment and reporting criteria used at the Ugur deposit for the reporting of exploration results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves in accordance with the JORC Table 1 checklist in The Australasian Code for the Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves (The JORC Code, 2012 Edition).

JORC Code, 2012 Edition - Table 1 report: Ugur Deposit (Anglo Asian Mining plc)

Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve statement date: 14 August 2017

Section 1 Sampling Techniques and Data

(Criteria in this section apply to all succeeding sections.)

 Criteria       JORC Code explanation                                            Commentary 
-------------  ---------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------- 
  techniques      *    Nature and quality of sampling (eg cut channels,            *    Full core was split longitudinally 50% using a rock 
                       random chips, or specific specialised industry                   diamond saw and half-core samples were taken at 
                       standard measurement tools appropriate to the                    typically 100centimetre intervals or to rock contacts 
                       minerals under investigation, such as down hole gamma            if present in the core run for both mineralisation 
                       sondes, or handheld XRF instruments, etc). These                 and wall rock. The drill core was rotated prior to 
                       examples should not be taken as limiting the broad               cutting to maximise structure to core axis of the cut 
                       meaning of sampling.                                             core. 
                  *    Include reference to measures taken to ensure sample        *    Reverse Circulation (RC) drill samples were collected 
                       representivity and the appropriate calibration of any            via a cyclone system in calico sample bags following 
                       measurement tools or systems used.                               on site splitting using a standard riffle "Jones" 
                                                                                        splitter attached to the RC drill rig cyclone, and 
                                                                                        into plastic chip trays for every one metre interval. 
                  *    Aspects of the determination of mineralisation that 
                       are Material to the Public Report. 
                                                                                   *    To ensure representative sampling, diamond drill core 
                                                                                        was marked considering mineralisation and alteration 
                  *    In cases where 'industry standard' work has been done            intensity, after ensuring correct core run marking 
                       this would be relatively simple (eg 'reverse                     with regards recovery. 
                       circulation drilling was used to obtain 1 m samples 
                       from which 3 kg was pulverised to produce a 30 g 
                       charge for fire assay'). In other cases more                *    RC samples were routinely weighed to ensure sample is 
                       explanation may be required, such as where there is              representative of the metre run. 
                       coarse gold that has inherent sampling problems. 
                       Unusual commodities or mineralisation types (eg 
                       submarine nodules) may warrant disclosure of detailed       *    Sampling of drill core and RC cutting were systematic 
                       information.                                                     and unbiased. 
                                                                                   *    RC samples varies from 3kg to 6kg, the smaller weight 
                                                                                        sample related to losses where water was present. The 
                                                                                        average sample size was 4.7kg, and pulverized to 
                                                                                        produce a 50g sample for routine Atomic Absorption 
                                                                                        analysis and check fire assaying. 
                                                                                   *    Handheld XRF (model THERMO Niton XL3t) was used to 
                                                                                        assist with mineral identification during field 
                                                                                        mapping and core logging procedures. 
-------------  ---------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------- 
  techniques      *    Drill type (eg core, reverse circulation, open-hole         *    Both diamond core drilling and reverse circulation 
                       hammer, rotary air blast, auger, Bangka, sonic, etc)             (RC) drilling were completed. 
                       and details (eg core diameter, triple or standard 
                       tube, depth of diamond tails, face-sampling bit or 
                       other type, whether core is oriented and if so, by          *    Upper levels ofcore drilling from collar to an 
                       what method, etc).                                               average depth of 35metres at PQ (85.0 mm) core single 
                                                                                        barrel wireline, stepping down to HQ (63.5mm) when 
                                                                                   *    Diamond Core Drilling with HQ (63.5mm) core single 
                                                                                        tube barrel, steeping down to NQ (47.6mm) core barrel 
                                                                                        when necessary 
                                                                                   *    Diamond Core drilling with NQ (47.6mm) core single 
                                                                                        tube barrel 
                                                                                   *    The proportions of PQ:HQ:NQ drilling were 17:60:23 
                                                                                   *    Oriented drill coring was not used. 
                                                                                   *    Reverse Circulation drilling using 133 millimetre 
                                                                                        diameter face sampling drill bit. 
                                                                                   *    Downhole surveying was carried out on 92% of core 
                                                                                        drillholes utilizing Reflex EZ-TRAC equipment at a 
                                                                                        downhole interval of every 9 metres. 
                                                                                   *    Drilling penetration speeds were also noted to assist 
                                                                                        with rock hardness indications. 
-------------  ---------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------- 
  sample          *    Method of recording and assessing core and chip             *    Core recovery (TCR - total core recovery) was 
  recovery             sample recoveries and results assessed.                          recorded at site, verified at the core logging 
                                                                                        facility and subsequently entered into the database. 
                                                                                        The average core recovery was 93%. Recovery 
                  *    Measures taken to maximise sample recovery and ensure            measurements were poor in fractured and faulted rocks, 
                       representative nature of the samples.                            however the contract drill crew maximized capability 
                                                                                        with use of drill muds and reduced core runs to enure 
                                                                                        best recovery. In these zones where oxidised friable 
                  *    Whether a relationship exists between sample recovery            mineralisation was present, average recovery was 86%. 
                       and grade and whether sample bias may have occurred 
                       due to preferential loss/gain of fine/coarse 
                       material.                                                   *    RC recovery was periodically checked by weighing the 
                                                                                        sample per metre for RC drill cuttings and compared 
                                                                                        to theoretical weight. 
                                                                                   *    Geological information was passed to the drilling 
                                                                                        crews to make the drillers aware of areas of 
                                                                                        geological complexity, to maximise recovery of sample 
                                                                                        through the technical management of drilling 
                                                                                        (downward pressures, rotation speeds, water flushing, 
                                                                                        use of clays). 
                                                                                   *    Zones of faulting and presence of water resulted in 
                                                                                        variable weights of RC sample, suggesting losses of 
                                                                                        fines. Historical drilling at adjacent deposits with 
                                                                                        similar situations tended to underestimate the 
                                                                                        in-situ gold grades. 
                                                                                   *    There is no direct relationship between recovery and 
                                                                                        grade variation, however in core drilling, losses of 
                                                                                        fines is believed to result in lower gold grades due 
                                                                                        to washout of fines in fracture zones. This is likely 
                                                                                        to result in an underestimation of grade, which will 
                                                                                        be checked during production. 
-------------  ---------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------- 
                  *    Whether core and chip samples have been geologically        *    Drill core was logged in detail for lithology, 
                       and geotechnically logged to a level of detail to                alteration, mineralisation, geological structure, and 
                       support appropriate Mineral Resource estimation,                 oxidation state by Anglo Asian Mining geologists, 
                       mining studies and metallurgical studies.                        utilising logging codes and data sheets as supervised 
                                                                                        by the competent person. 
                  *    Whether logging is qualitative or quantitative in 
                       nature. Core (or costean, channel, etc) photography.        *    RC cuttings were logged for lithology, alteration, 
                                                                                        mineralisation, and oxidation state. 
                  *    The total length and percentage of the relevant 
                       intersections logged.                                       *    Logging was considered sufficient to support Mineral 
                                                                                        Resource estimation, mining studies and metallurgical 
                                                                                   *    Rock Quality Designation (RQD) logs were produced for 
                                                                                        all core drilling for geotechnical purposes. Fracture 
                                                                                        intensity and fragmentation proportion analysis was 
                                                                                        also used for geotechnical information. 
                                                                                   *    Additionally, two "geotechnical" core drillholes were 
                                                                                        targeted and drilled to pass through mineralisation 
                                                                                        into wall rocks of the "planned" backwall to the open 
                                                                                        pit. This ensured geotechnical data collected related 
                                                                                        to open pit design work. 
                                                                                   *    Point load testing and unconfined compressive 
                                                                                        strength (UCS) tests were conducted on all major rock 
                                                                                        (mineralised and wall rock) types. This data was 
                                                                                        utilised in establishing the open pit deign 
                                                                                   *    Independent geotechnical studies have been completed 
                                                                                        by the environmental engineering company, CQA 
                                                                                        International Limited (CQA), to assess rock mass 
                                                                                        strength and structural geological relationships for 
                                                                                        mine design parameters. 
                                                                                   *    Logging was both quantitative and qualitative in 
                                                                                        nature. All core wasphotographed in the core boxes to 
                                                                                        show the core box number, core run markers and a 
                                                                                        scale, and all RC chip trays were photographed. 
                                                                                   *    100% of the core drilling was logged with a total 
                                                                                        of6,354.75 metres of core and 100% of RC drilling 
                                                                                        with a total of 4,608.00 metres, that is included in 
                                                                                        the resource model. 
-------------  ---------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------- 
  techniques      *    If core, whether cut or sawn and whether quarter,               *    Full core was split longitudinally 50% using a rock 
  and sample           half or all core taken.                                              diamond saw and half-core samples were taken at 
  preparation                                                                               typically 100centimentre intervals or to rock 
                                                                                            contacts if present in the core run for both 
                  *    If non-core, whether riffled, tube sampled, rotary                   mineralisation and wall rock. The drill core was 
                       split, etc and whether sampled wet or dry.                           rotated prior to cutting to maximise structure to 
                                                                                            core axis of the cut core. 
                  *    For all sample types, the nature, quality and 
                       appropriateness of the sample preparation technique.            *    Half core was taken for sampling for assaying, and 
                                                                                            one half remains in the core box as reference 
                  *    Quality control procedures adopted for all 
                       sub-sampling stages to maximise representivity of 
                       samples.                                                        *    Reverse Circulation (RC) drill samples were collected 
                                                                                            in calico sample bags following on site splitting 
                                                                                            using a standard riffle "Jones" splitter, and into 
                  *    Measures taken to ensure that the sampling is                        plastic chip trays for every one metre interval. 
                       representative of the in situ material collected, 
                       including for instance results for field 
                       duplicate/second-half sampling.                                 *    Where RC samples were wet, the total sample was 
                                                                                            collected for drying at the laboratory, following 
                                                                                            which, sample splitting took place. Primary 
                  *    Whether sample sizes are appropriate to the grain                    duplicates have also been retained as reference 
                       size of the material being sampled.                                  material. 
                                                                                       *    RC field sampling equipment was regularly cleaned to 
                                                                                            reduce the chance of sample contamination by previous 
                                                                                            samples, on a metre basis by compressed air. 
                                                                                       *    Both core and RC samples were prepared according best 
                                                                                            practice, with initial geological control of the half 
                                                                                            core or RC samples, followed by crushing and grinding 
                                                                                            at the laboratory sample preparation facility that is 
                                                                                            routinely managed for contamination and cleanliness 
                                                                                            control. Sampling practice is considered as 
                                                                                            appropriate for Mineral Resource Estimation. 
                                                                                       *    Sample preparation at the laboratory is subject to 
                                                                                            the following procedure. 
                                                                                      Ø After receiving samples at 
                                                                                      the laboratory from the geology 
                                                                                      department, all samples are cross 
                                                                                      referenced with the sample order 
                                                                                      Ø All samples are dried in 
                                                                                      the oven at 105-110 degree centigrade 
                                                                                      Ø First stage sample crushing 
                                                                                      to -25mm size 
                                                                                      Ø Second stage sample crushing 
                                                                                      to -10mm size. 
                                                                                      Ø Third stage sample crushing 
                                                                                      to -2mm size. 
                                                                                      Ø After crushing the samples 
                                                                                      are split and 200-250 gramme sample 
                                                                                      Ø A 75 micron sized prepared 
                                                                                      pulp is produced that is subsequently 
                                                                                      sent for assay preparation. 
                                                                                       *    Quality control procedures were used for all 
                                                                                            sub-sampling preparation. This included geological 
                                                                                            control over the core cutting, and sampling to ensure 
                                                                                            representativeness of the geological interval. 
                                                                                       *    127 Field duplicates of the reverse circulation (RC) 
                                                                                            samples were collected, representing 2.6% of the 
                                                                                            total RC metres drilled. 
                                                                                       *    Sample sizes are considered appropriate to the grain 
                                                                                            size of the material and style of mineralisation 
                                                                                            being sampled, by maximizing the sample size, hence 
                                                                                            the total absence of any BQ drill core. 
-------------  ---------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------- 
  of assay        *    The nature, quality and appropriateness of the                 *    Laboratory procedures and assaying and analysis 
  data and             assaying and laboratory procedures used and whether                 methods are industry standard. They are well 
  laboratory           the technique is considered partial or total.                       documented and supervised by a dedicated laboratory 
  tests                                                                                    team. The techniques of Atomic Absorptionand Fire 
                                                                                           Assay were utilised, and as such both partial and 
                  *    For geophysical tools, spectrometers, handheld XRF                  total techniques were employed. 
                       instruments, etc, the parameters used in determining 
                       the analysis including instrument make and model, 
                       reading times, calibrations factors applied and their          *    Handheld XRF (model THERMO Niton XL3t) was used to 
                       derivation, etc.                                                    assist with mineral identification during field 
                                                                                           mapping and core logging procedures. 
                  *    Nature of quality control procedures adopted (eg 
                       standards, blanks, duplicates, external laboratory             *    Commencement of drilling was 23/09/2016 and 
                       checks) and whether acceptable levels of accuracy (ie               completion was 15/07/2017 being 295 days, during 
                       lack of bias) and precision have been established.                  which period 4,928 RC samples and 6,447 core drill 
                                                                                           samples (a total of 11,375 samples) were taken. A 
                                                                                           total of 1,740 QA/QC samples were measured, 
                                                                                           equivalent to 15.3%. 
                                                                                      *    QA/QC procedures included the use of field duplicates 
                                                                                           of RC samples, blanks, certified standards or 
                                                                                           certified reference material (CRMs) from OREAS (Ore 
                                                                                           Research & Exploration Pty Ltd Assay Standards, 
                                                                                           Australia), in addition to the laboratory control 
                                                                                           that comprised pulp duplicates, check samples, and 
                                                                                           replicate samples. This QA/QC system allowed for the 
                                                                                           monitoring of precision and accuracy of assaying for 
                                                                                           the Ugur deposit. 
                                                                                      *    The quality of the QA/QC is consideredadequate for 
                                                                                           resource and reserve estimation purposes. 
                                                                                      *    Pulp duplicates analysis showed the largest error in 
                                                                                           waste or very higher grade samples (see below), Note: 
                                                                                           with silver classified by gold grade: 
                                                                                      Pulp Duplicates 
                                                                                       for gold and silver 
                                                                                                                  Au         Ag         Ag 
                                                                                          Gold     Au (1)        (2)        (1)        (2) 
                                                                                         Grade    Average    Average    Average    Average 
                                                                                         Range        g/t        g/t        g/t        g/t 
                                                                                           g/t         Au         Au         Ag         Ag 
                                                                                       Average       1.46       1.48       1.86       1.77 
                                                                                        0.0 to 
                                                                                         <=0.3       0.10       0.21       1.86       1.77 
                                                                                        0.3 to 
                                                                                         <=1.0       0.64       0.69       4.51       4.33 
                                                                                        1.0 to 
                                                                                         <=2.0       1.44       1.44       8.10       7.93 
                                                                                        2.0 to 
                                                                                         <=5.0       2.82       2.74      13.62      13.52 
                                                                                        5.0 to 
                                                                                        <=20.0       7.27       7.23      32.09      29.91 
                                                                                      *    External check assay was carried out by ALS Minerals 
                                                                                           (OMAC) based in Ireland. The following analytical 
                                                                                           work was conducted for each sample: 
                                                                                     Ø Sample login / pulverize 
                                                                                     split to 85% < 75 micron / pulverizing 
                                                                                     QC test / Received sample weight 
                                                                                     Ø Ore grade for Gold 30g AA 
                                                                                     Ø 35 Element Aqua Regia ICP-AES 
                                                                                     analysis (to include the following 
                                                                                     elements: Ag, Al, As, B, Ba, Be, 
                                                                                     Bi, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Fe, Ga, Hg, 
                                                                                     K, La, Mg, Mn, Mo, Ni, P, Pb, S, 
                                                                                     Sb, Sc, Sr, Th, Ti, TI, U, V, W, 
                                                                                      *    Comparison of average gold grades between the on-site 
                                                                                           laboratory and ALS shows a general bias towards the 
                                                                                           on-site laboratory under-estimating grade with the 
                                                                                           exception of high grade (as presented below): 
                                                                                                          AAZ        ALS 
                                                                                                      Average    Average 
                                                                                       Gold Grade         g/t        g/t 
                                                                                          Range            Au         Au 
                                                                                      Average            0.83       0.90 
                                                                                      0.0 to<=0.3        0.08       0.08 
                                                                                      0.3 to 
                                                                                       <=1.0             0.60       0.70 
                                                                                      1.0 to 
                                                                                       <=2.0             1.31       1.36 
                                                                                      2.0 to 
                                                                                       <=5.0             2.97       3.76 
                                                                                      5.0 to 
                                                                                       <=20.0           12.21      11.16 
                                                                                      *    Based on QA/QC work, and instances of poor 
                                                                                           repeatability, it is recommended to carry out 
                                                                                           thorough QA/QC of all samples during the extraction 
                                                                                           process and assess laboratory capacities. 
-------------  ---------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------- 
 of sampling      *    The verification of significant intersections by            *    Significant intersections were verified by a number 
 and assaying          either independent or alternative company personnel.             of company personnel within the management structure 
                                                                                        of the Exploration Department. Intersections were 
                                                                                        defined by the exploration geologists, and 
                  *    The use of twinned holes.                                        subsequently verified by the Exploration Manager. 
                                                                                        Further, independent verification was carried out as 
                                                                                        part of the due diligence for resource estimation. 
                  *    Documentation of primary data, data entry procedures,            Assay intersection were cross validated with drill 
                       data verification, data storage (physical and                    core visual intersections. 
                       electronic) protocols. 
                                                                                   *    An initial programme of RC drilling was followed up 
                  *    Discuss any adjustment to assay data.                            by a core drilling programme where two drillholes 
                                                                                        were twinned and validated the presence of 
                                                                                        mineralisation.Reverse circulation drilling as 
                                                                                        compared with the core showed a positive grade bias 
                                                                                        of up to 10%. It is suspected that losses may have 
                                                                                        occurred during the core drilling process especially 
                                                                                        in very strongly oxidised mineralised zones due to 
                                                                                        drilling fluid interaction. 
                                                                                   *    Data entry is supervised by a data manager, and 
                                                                                        verification and checking procedures are in place. 
                                                                                        The format of the data is appropriate for direct 
                                                                                        import into "Datamine"(R) software. All data is 
                                                                                        stored in electronic databases within the geology 
                                                                                        department and backed up to the secure company 
                                                                                        electronic server that has limited and restricted 
                                                                                        access. Four main files are created relating to 
                                                                                        "collar", "survey", "assay" and "geology". Laboratory 
                                                                                        data is loaded electronically by the laboratory 
                                                                                        department and validated by the geology department. 
                                                                                        Any outlier assays are re-assayed. 
                                                                                   *    Independent validation of the database was made as 
                                                                                        part of the resource model generation process, where 
                                                                                        all data was checked for errors, missing data, 
                                                                                        misspelling, interval validation, and management of 
                                                                                        zero versus no data entries. 
                                                                                   *    All databases were considered accurate for the 
                                                                                        Mineral Resource Estimate. 
                                                                                   *    No adjustments were made to the assay data. 
-------------  ---------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------- 
  of data         *    Accuracy and quality of surveys used to locate drill        *    The exploration area was initially surveyed by high 
  points               holes (collar and down-hole surveys), trenches, mine             resolution drone survey. Five topographic base 
                       workings and other locations used in Mineral Resource            stations were installed and accurately surveyed using 
                       estimation.                                                      high precision GPS, that was subsequently tied into 
                                                                                        the local mine grid using ground based total station 
                                                                                        surveying (LEICA TS02) equipment. All trench, drill 
                  *    Specification of the grid system used.                           holes collars were then surveyed using total station 
                                                                                        survey equipment. 
                  *    Quality and adequacy of topographic control. 
                                                                                   *    Downhole surveying was carried out on 92% of core 
                                                                                        drillholes utilizing Reflex EZ-TRAC equipment at a 
                                                                                        downhole interval of every 9 metres. 
                                                                                   *    The grid system used is Universal Transverse Mercator 
                                                                                        (UTM)84WGS zone 38T (Azerbaijan) 
                                                                                   *    The adequacy of topographic control is adequate for 
                                                                                        the purposes of resource and reserve modeling (having 
                                                                                        been validated by both aerial and ground based survey 
                                                                                        techniques), with a contour interval of 2m metres. 
-------------  ---------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Data spacing 
 and                *    Data spacing for reporting of Exploration Results.        *    Drill hole spacing carried out was from 20 metres 
 distribution                                                                           over the main mineralised zone to 45 metres on the 
                                                                                        periphery of the resource. 
                    *    Whether the data spacing and distribution is 
                         sufficient to establish the degree of geological and      *    The data spacing and distribution (20 x 20 metre 
                         grade continuity appropriate for the Mineral Resource          grid) over the mineralised zones is sufficient to 
                         and Ore Reserve estimation procedure(s) and                    establish the degree of geological and grade 
                         classifications applied.                                       continuity appropriate for the Mineral Resource and 
                                                                                        Ore Reserve estimation procedure(s) and 
                                                                                        classifications applied. The depth and spacing is 
                    *    Whether sample compositing has been applied.                   considered appropriate for defining geological and 
                                                                                        grade continuity as required for a JORC Mineral 
                                                                                        Resource estimate. 
                                                                                   *    No physical sample compositing has been applied for 
                                                                                        assay purposes, however for some metallurgical tests, 
                                                                                        4 to 5 metre composites were applied. 
-------------  ---------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------- 
 of data          *    Whether the orientation of sampling achieves unbiased       *    Detailed surface mapping and subsequent drilling has 
 in relation           sampling of possible structures and the extent to                provided the characteristics of the deposit. The 
 to                    which this is known, considering the deposit type.               orientation of the drill grid to NNE was designed to 
 geological                                                                             maximise the geological interpretation in terms of 
 structure                                                                              true contact orientations. 
                  *    If the relationship between the drilling orientation 
                       and the orientation of key mineralised structures is 
                       considered to have introduced a sampling bias, this         *    The Ugur gold deposit is considered as a high 
                       should be assessed and reported if material.                     sulfidation gold deposit located in rocks ranging 
                                                                                        from Bajocian (Mid-Jurassic) to Tithonian 
                                                                                        (Upper-Jurassic) in age. The gold mineralisation is 
                                                                                        hosted by Upper Bajocian age sub-volcanic rocks, that 
                                                                                        comprise rhyo-dacitic breccias. These rocks have been 
                                                                                        intruded into a sub-volcanic sequence that was 
                                                                                        subsequently subjected to strong hydrothermal 
                                                                                   *    The Ugur primary mineralisation is hosted in acidic 
                                                                                        volcanic rocks, that consists of 
                                                                                        haematite-barite-quartz-kaolin veins-veinlets and 
                                                                                        breccia, pyritic stock-stockwork and quartz-sulphide 
                                                                                        veins. The central surface expression of the 
                                                                                        mineralisation exhibit accumulations of hydrous 
                                                                                        ferric oxides cementing breccias of silica with 
                                                                                        vein-veinlets barite-haematite mineralisation. 
                                                                                   *    The deposit was emplaced at the intersection of NW, 
                                                                                        NE, N and E trending structural systems regionally 
                                                                                        controlled by a first order NW transcurrent fault 
                                                                                        structure. The fault dips between 70 to 80deg to the 
                                                                                        north-west. The faults of the central zone control 
                                                                                        the hydrothermal metasomatic alteration and gold 
                                                                                   *    Given the geological understanding and the 
                                                                                        application of the drilling grid orientation, grid 
                                                                                        spacing and vertical drilling, no orientation based 
                                                                                        sample bias has been identified in the data which 
                                                                                        resulted in unbiased sampling of structures 
                                                                                        considering the deposit type. 
-------------  ---------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------- 
  security        *    The measures taken to ensure sample security.               *    Regarding drill core: at the drilling site which was 
                                                                                        supervised by a geologist, the drill core is placed 
                                                                                        into wooden core boxes that are sized specifically 
                                                                                        for the drill core diameter. Once the box is full, a 
                                                                                        wooden lid is fixed to the box to ensure not 
                                                                                        spillage. Core box number, drill hole number and 
                                                                                        from/to metres are written on both the box and the 
                                                                                        lid. The core is then transported to the core storage 
                                                                                        area and logging facility, where it is received and 
                                                                                        logged into a data sheet. Core logging, cutting, and 
                                                                                        sampling takes place at the secure core management 
                                                                                        area. The core samples are bagged with labels both in 
                                                                                        the bag and on the bag, and data recorded on a sample 
                                                                                        sheet. The samples are transferred to the laboratory 
                                                                                        where they are registered as received, for laboratory 
                                                                                        sample preparation works and assaying. Hence, a chain 
                                                                                        of custody procedure has been followed from core 
                                                                                        collection to assaying and storage of reference 
                                                                                   *    Reverse Circulation samples are bagged at the drill 
                                                                                        site and sample numbers recorded on the bags. Batches 
                                                                                        of 10 metre samples are boxed for transport to the 
                                                                                        logging facility where the geological study and 
                                                                                        sample preparation for transfer to the laboratory 
                                                                                        take place. 
                                                                                   *    All samples received at the core facility are logged 
                                                                                        in and registered with the completion of an "act". 
                                                                                        The act is signed by the drilling team supervisor and 
                                                                                        core facility supervisor (responsible person). All 
                                                                                        core is photographed, subjected to geotechnical 
                                                                                        logging, geological logging, samples interval 
                                                                                        determinations, bulk density, core cutting, and 
                                                                                        sample preparation (size 3-5 centimetre). 
                                                                                   *    Daily, all samples are weighed and Laboratory order 
                                                                                        prepared which is signed by the core facility 
                                                                                        supervisor prior to release to the laboratory. On 
                                                                                        receipt at the laboratory, the responsible person 
                                                                                        countersigns the order. 
                                                                                   *    After assaying all reject duplicate samples are 
                                                                                        received from laboratory to core facility (recorded 
                                                                                        on a signed act). All reject samples are placed into 
                                                                                        boxes referencing the sample identities and stored in 
                                                                                        the core facility. 
                                                                                   *    In the event of external assaying, Anglo Asian Mining 
                                                                                        utilsed ALS-OMAC in Ireland. Samples selected for 
                                                                                        external assay are recorded on a data sheet, and 
                                                                                        sealed in appropriate boxes for shipping by air 
                                                                                        freight. Communication between the geological 
                                                                                        department of the Company and ALS monitor the 
                                                                                        shipment, customs clearance, and receipt of samples. 
                                                                                        Results are sent electronically by ALS and loaded to 
                                                                                        the Company database for study. 
-------------  ---------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------- 
  or reviews      *    The results of any audits or reviews of sampling            *    Reviews on sampling and assaying techniques were 
                       techniques and data.                                             conducted for all data internally and externally as 
                                                                                        part of the resource and reserve estimation 
                                                                                        validation procedure. No concerns were raised as to 
                                                                                        the procedures or the data results. All procedures 
                                                                                        were considered industry standard and well conducted. 
                                                                                        QA/QC tolerance concerns of some of batches of 
                                                                                        assaying has been raised. 
-------------  ---------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------- 

Section 2 Reporting of Exploration Results

(Criteria listed in the preceding section also apply to this section.)

 Criteria         JORC Code explanation                                            Commentary 
  tenement          *    Type, reference name/number, location and ownership              *    The project is located within a current contract area 
  and land               including agreements or material issues with third                    that is managed under a "PSA" production sharing 
  tenure                 parties such as joint ventures, partnerships,                         agreement. 
  status                 overriding royalties, native title interests, 
                         historical sites, wilderness or national park and 
                         environmental settings.                                          *    The PSA grants the Company a number of periods to 
                                                                                               exploit defined licence areas, known as Contract 
                                                                                               Areas, agreed on the initial signing with the 
                    *    The security of the tenure held at the time of                        Azerbaijan Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources 
                         reporting along with any known impediments to                         ('MENR'). The exploration period allowed for the 
                         obtaining a licence to operate in the area.                           early exploration of the Contract Areas to assess 
                                                                                               prospectivity can be extended. 
                                                                                          *    A 'development and production period' commences on 
                                                                                               the date that the Company issues a notice of 
                                                                                               discovery, which runs for 15 years with two 
                                                                                               extensions of five years each at the option of the 
                                                                                               Company. Full management control of mining in the 
                                                                                               Contract Areas rests with Anglo Asian Mining. 
                                                                                          *    Under the PSA, Anglo Asian is not subject to currency 
                                                                                               exchange restrictions and all imports and exports are 
                                                                                               free of tax or other restriction. In addition, MENR 
                                                                                               is to use its best endeavours to make available all 
                                                                                               necessary land, its own facilities and equipment and 
                                                                                               to assist with infrastructure. 
                                                                                          *    An extract of the contract area boundary is shown via 
                                                                                               the pdf link at the end of the Press Release. 
                                                                                          *    The deposit is not located in any national park. 
                                                                                          *    At the time of reporting no known impediments to 
                                                                                               obtaining a licence to operate in the area exist and 
                                                                                               the contract (licence) area agreement is in good 
---------------  ---------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  done by           *    Acknowledgment and appraisal of exploration by other             *    The "Ugur" deposit, renamed the "Reza" deposit is 
  other                  parties.                                                              located within the locally defined Ugur area. The 
  parties                                                                                      Reza gold deposit was discovered in 2016 by the 
                                                                                               Gedabek Exploration Group of Anglo Asian Mining who 
                                                                                               worked on the regional area of Ugur from 2014 year. 
                                                                                          *    Historical work on the area included regional mapping 
                                                                                               and large scale regional geophysical programmes 
                                                                                               (magnetic and gravity) by Soviet geologists. 
                                                                                          *    Prior to the drill programme for resource estimate, 
                                                                                               Anglo Asian Mining carried out the following work: 
                                                                                         Ø Stream sediment sampling 
                                                                                         7 samples (2014), 16 samples (2016), 
                                                                                         Ø Stream Grab sampling 37 samples 
                                                                                         Ø Geological mapping, 90 000m2 
                                                                                         1:10 000 (2014-2015), 35 000m2 1:1 
                                                                                         000 (2016) 
                                                                                         Ø Outcrop sampling 1,460 samples 
                                                                                         Ø Trenching & shallow pits 
                                                                                         610 samples (2016) 
                    *    Deposit type, geological setting and style of                          *    The Reza gold deposit is located in Gedabek Ore 
                         mineralisation.                                                             District of the Lesser Caucasus in NW of Azerbaijan, 
                                                                                                     48 kilometres East of the city of Ganja, and 4.7 
                                                                                                     kilometres north west of Gedabek open-pit gold copper 
                                                                                                *    The exploration "centre" of the project is the 
                                                                                                     outcrop, independently located on Google Earth at 
                                                                                                     Latitude 40deg37'13.10"N and Longitude 
                                                                                                     45deg46'15.34"E. The known gold mineralisation has an 
                                                                                                     estimated north-south strike length of 400 m and a 
                                                                                                     total area of approximately 20 hectares or 0.2 km(2). 
                                                                                                     The deposit was found based on gold-silver assays of 
                                                                                                     surface outcrop rock chip samples over an area of 2.5 
                                                                                                     kilometres North-South by 2 kilometres East-West, 
                                                                                                     with the Reza gold deposit located on the central 
                                                                                                *    Secondary quartzites were formed under the influence 
                                                                                                     of Atabek-Slavyanka plagiogranite intrusion with 
                                                                                                     exposures observed to the north from the gold 
                                                                                                     mineralisation area. The area in tectonic attitude is 
                                                                                                     confined to Gyzyldjadag fault of Northeastern 
                                                                                                     sub-latitudinal strike 080deg with a vertical dip. 
                                                                                                *    Rocks in the alteration zone area crumpled, argillic 
                                                                                                     altered, brecciated, with strongly limonite and 
                                                                                                     haematite alteration, where crystalline haematite is 
                                                                                                     observed. Intensive barite and barite-hematite vein 
                                                                                                     and veinlets, also gossan zones are present in 
                                                                                                     outcrop. The main mineralisation zones have been 
                                                                                                     sampled in three trenches with a total length of 
                                                                                                     270metres(trenches #1, #2 and #3) and received 
                                                                                                     positive results for gold and silver. About 550 
                                                                                                     samples from main outcrops #1 and #2 were taken. 
                                                                                                *    The main mineralised zone comprises secondary 
                                                                                                     quartzites with vein-veinlets barite-haematite 
                                                                                                     mineralisation over which remain accumulations of 
                                                                                                     hydrous ferric oxides cementing breccias of quartz 
                                                                                                     and quartzites. Erosion surfaces exhibit "reddish 
                                                                                                     mass" being anoxidation product of stock and 
                                                                                                     stockwork haematite ores. 
                                                                                                *    A Lithological-structural map of the Gedabek Ore 
                                                                                                     District is presented via the pdf link at the end of 
                                                                                                     the Press Release. 
                                                                                                *    The Ugur gold deposit is considered as a high 
                                                                                                     sulfidation gold deposit located in rocks ranging 
                                                                                                     from Bajocian (Mid-Jurassic) to Tithonian 
                                                                                                     (Up-Jurassic) in age. The gold mineralisation is 
                                                                                                     hosted by an Upper Bajocian age sub-volcanic rocks, 
                                                                                                     that comprise rhyo-dacitic breccias. These rocks have 
                                                                                                     been intruded into a sub-volcanic sequence that was 
                                                                                                     subsequently subjected to strong hydrothermal 
                                                                                                *    The Ugur primary mineralisation is hosted in acidic 
                                                                                                     volcanic rocks, that consists of 
                                                                                                     haematite-barite-quartz-kaolin veins-veinlets and 
                                                                                                     breccia, pyritic stock-stockwork and quartz-sulphide 
                                                                                                     veins. The central surface expression of the 
                                                                                                     mineralisation exhibit accumulations of hydrous 
                                                                                                     ferric oxides cementing breccias of silica with 
                                                                                                     vein-veinlets barite-haematite mineralisation. 
                                                                                                *    The deposit was emplaced at the intersection of NW, 
                                                                                                     NE, N and E trending structural systems regionally 
                                                                                                     controlled by a first order NW transcurrent fault 
                                                                                                     structure. The fault dips between 70 to 80deg to the 
                                                                                                     north-west. The faults of the central zone control 
                                                                                                     the hydrothermal metasomatic alteration and gold 
---------------  ---------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 hole                  *    A summary of all information material to the                *    A summary of the type and metres of drilling 
 Information                understanding of the exploration results including a             completed is shown below: 
                            tabulation of the following information for all 
                            Material drill holes:                                       Type              Type            Start        Finish       Number     Length 
                                                                                         of drill-hole                     date         date            of 
                      o easting and northing of the drill                                                                                            holes 
                      hole collar                                                      ----------------  --------------  -----------  -----------  ------- 
                      o elevation or RL (Reduced Level                                                                                                       (metres) 
                      - elevation above sea level in metres)                           ----------------  --------------  -----------  -----------  -------  --------- 
                      of the drill hole collar                                          Reverse           Reverse 
                      o dip and azimuth of the hole                                      circulation       circulation     23-Sep-16    14-Nov-16       56      1,842 
                      o down hole length and interception                              ----------------  --------------  -----------  -----------  -------  --------- 
                      depth                                                             Core              Diamond          04-Oct-16    25-Jun-17       50      6,355 
                      o hole length.                                                   ----------------  --------------  -----------  -----------  -------  --------- 
                       *    If the exclusion of this information is justified on        Geotechnical      Diamond          16-Apr-17    27-Apr-17        2        164 
                            the basis that the information is not Material and         ----------------  --------------  -----------  -----------  -------  --------- 
                            this exclusion does not detract from the                    Reverse           Reverse 
                            understanding of the report, the Competent Person            circulation       circulation     19-Mar-17    09-Jul-17       33      2,766 
                            should clearly explain why this is the case.               ----------------  --------------  -----------  -----------  -------  --------- 
                                                                                         DRILLING                                                      141     11,127 
                                                                                       ----------------------------------------------------------  -------  --------- 
                                                                                        *    Coordinates and RL of the drill collars and depth to 
                                                                                             end of drill hole are presented below: 
                                                                                       Ø DD drillholes are diamond 
                                                                                       core drillholes 
                                                                                       Ø RC drillhole are reverse 
                                                                                       circulation drillholes 
                                                                                        hole_id        x             y           z       max_depth   hole_type 
                                                                                        GTDD01     565173.423   4496827.437   1,907.03        76.5      DD 
                                                                                        GTDD02     565238.685   4496871.059   1,886.89       87.25      DD 
                                                                                        RGRC01     565226.845   4496897.396   1,885.51          84      RC 
                                                                                        RGRC02     565188.902   4496909.231   1,896.80          82      RC 
                                                                                        RGRC03     565199.867   4496885.521   1,895.03         120      RC 
                                                                                        RGRC04      565175.67   4496873.255   1,902.65         102      RC 
                                                                                        RGRC05     565212.099   4496857.204   1,895.82         111      RC 
                                                                                        RGRC06     565187.095   4496847.644   1,902.83          90      RC 
                                                                                        RGRC07     565201.521   4496946.672   1,888.80         113      RC 
                                                                                        RGRC08     565227.273   4496960.209   1,879.43          80      RC 
                                                                                        RGRC09     565240.567   4496934.862   1,874.38          81      RC 
                                                                                        RGRC10     565264.685   4496947.009   1,867.17          54      RC 
                                                                                        RGRC11     565278.053   4496920.284   1,866.33          68      RC 
                                                                                        RGRC12     565254.444   4496916.843   1,872.04          69      RC 
                                                                                        RGRC13     565264.942   4496883.101   1,878.37          85      RC 
                                                                                        RGRC14     565233.946   4496857.616   1,890.95          90      RC 
                                                                                        RGRC15     565250.738   4496845.542   1,890.14          90      RC 
                                                                                        RGRC16     565176.519   4496936.975   1,899.80          96      RC 
                                                                                        RGRC17     565218.676   4496980.836   1,883.64          75      RC 
                                                                                        RGRC18     565151.143   4496921.426   1,910.78         104      RC 
                                                                                        RGRC19     565161.878   4496899.425   1,907.12          87      RC 
                                                                                        RGRC20      565254.44   4496973.287   1,870.34          75      RC 
                                                                                        RGRC21     565208.569    4496903.57   1,890.33          91      RC 
                                                                                        RGRC22     565218.709   4496942.994   1,884.00          76      RC 
                                                                                        RGRC23     565195.134   4496866.565   1,898.72          79      RC 
                                                                                        RGRC24     565182.973   4496953.864   1,896.01         120      RC 
                                                                                        RGRC25     565196.049   4496992.538   1,887.24          78      RC 
                                                                                        RGRC26     565278.344   4496984.036   1,862.07          61      RC 
                                                                                        RGRC27     565239.013    4496998.68   1,878.43          80      RC 
                                                                                        RGRC28     565310.589   4496952.217   1,854.41         103      RC 
                                                                                        RGRC29     565302.606   4496935.639   1,859.11          90      RC 
                                                                                        RGRC30     565297.765   4496915.477   1,863.32          48      RC 
                                                                                        RGRC31     565284.229   4496897.028   1,869.72          75      RC 
                                                                                        RGRC32      565282.66       4496876   1,875.81          80      RC 
                                                                                        RGRC33       565313.5     4497022.3   1,849.60         103      RC 
                                                                                        RGRC34         565165     4496956.9   1,900.40         120      RC 
                                                                                        RGRC35       565179.9     4497001.7   1,884.40         100      RC 
                                                                                        RGRC36       565140.1     4496950.3   1,899.00         100      RC 
                                                                                        RGRC37       565157.4     4496879.7   1,908.00         106      RC 
                                                                                        UGDD01       565277.6     4496960.5   1,863.00       285.5      DD 
                                                                                        UGDD02       565214.3     4496923.1   1,887.90       401.3      DD 
                                                                                        UGDD03       565293.8     4496996.2   1,857.20       138.5      DD 
                                                                                        UGDD04       565260.1     4496900.9   1,875.10       123.5      DD 
                                                                                        UGDD05       565241.1     4496828.3   1,895.20         139      DD 
                                                                                        UGDD06       565220.8     4496877.3   1,890.40      133.35      DD 
                                                                                        UGDD07       565228.2     4496919.9   1,883.00         130      DD 
                                                                                        UGDD08       565242.7     4496955.5   1,874.00         124      DD 
                                                                                        UGDD09       565196.9     4496931.4   1,891.90       126.2      DD 
                                                                                        UGDD10       565179.6     4496888.9   1,901.70      122.15      DD 
                                                                                        UGDD11         565729     4496925.5   1,820.70       151.5      DD 
                                                                                        UGDD12       565166.9     4496852.5   1,908.00         125      DD 
                                                                                        UGDD13         565611     4496922.5   1,827.40         151      DD 
                                                                                        UGDD14       565163.6       4496937   1,905.20         132      DD 
                                                                                        UGDD15       565771.7       4497040   1,803.80         250      DD 
                                                                                        UGDD16       565147.4     4496903.4   1,912.40         134      DD 
                                                                                        UGDD17       565130.3     4496869.2   1,919.70         110      DD 
                                                                                        UGDD18       565220.2     4497005.4   1,883.00       125.4      DD 
                                                                                        UGDD19       565253.1     4496998.2   1,873.30         117      DD 
                                                                                        UGDD20       565249.9     4496873.2   1,884.10         125      DD 
                                                                                        UGDD21       565207.6     4496970.2   1,885.90       104.5      DD 
                                                                                        UGDD22       565269.9       4497031   1,867.20         136      DD 
                                                                                        UGDD23       565299.8     4496844.4   1,880.50         117      DD 
                                                                                        UGDD24       565236.6     4497043.7   1,869.20         134      DD 
                                                                                        UGDD25       565305.5     4496888.3   1,870.80         120      DD 
                                                                                        UGDD26       565324.4     4496926.9   1,854.10         135      DD 
                                                                                        UGDD27       565284.6       4496933   1,863.70         124      DD 
                                                                                        UGDD28         565311     4496997.8   1,849.70       119.3      DD 
                                                                                        UGDD29       565313.6       4497059   1,846.70         130      DD 
                                                                                        UGDD30       565297.8     4496975.7   1,854.60         126      DD 
                                                                                        UGDD31         565210     4496841.9   1,898.40         109      DD 
                                                                                        UGDD32       565171.9     4496986.5   1,890.20         113      DD 
                                                                                        UGDD33       565335.4       4496965   1,842.90         122      DD 
                                                                                        UGDD34       565119.6     4496957.4   1,898.90         133      DD 
                                                                                        UGDD35       565109.4     4496919.1   1,916.20       130.5      DD 
                                                                                        UGDD36       565351.1     4497001.9   1,833.40       122.5      DD 
                                                                                        UGDD37       565115.5     4496831.8   1,930.20       103.5      DD 
                                                                                        UGDD38       565197.6     4497052.6   1,866.50         122      DD 
                                                                                        UGDD39       565094.7     4496884.3   1,925.80       126.5      DD 
                                                                                        UGDD40       565075.5     4496842.1   1,932.60         150      DD 
                                                                                        UGDD41         565087     4496754.7   1,913.90       121.5      DD 
                                                                                        UGDD42       565115.4     4496878.5   1,924.90          80      DD 
                                                                                        UGDD43       565130.9     4496909.9   1,916.40       61.75      DD 
                                                                                        UGDD44       565188.4     4496977.7   1,890.00        61.8      DD 
                                                                                        UGDD45       565194.1     4497020.6   1,878.80          71      DD 
                                                                                        UGDD46       565228.9     4497023.8   1,878.00          70      DD 
                                                                                        UGDD47       565262.6     4497016.5   1,870.40        71.5      DD 
                                                                                        UGDD48       565298.4     4497007.9   1,856.90          67      DD 
                                                                                        UGDD49       565167.4     4496915.1   1,905.60          61      DD 
                                                                                        UGDD50       565140.6     4496999.8   1,882.60          67      DD 
                                                                                        UGRC01       565169.7     4496819.6   1,908.80          33      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC02       565146.5     4496867.7   1,913.20          34      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC03       565305.8     4496888.9   1,871.10          34      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC04       565275.6     4496958.6   1,863.30          27      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC05       565309.2     4496928.2   1,858.00          13      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC06         565343     4496922.9   1,850.30          32      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC07       565320.4     4496969.7   1,847.30          34      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC08       565347.6     4497022.1   1,833.50          31      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC09       565336.7     4497000.4   1,837.60          22      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC10       565266.6       4496930   1,867.20          34      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC11       565290.5     4496997.6   1,857.70          34      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC12       565267.4     4497018.4   1,869.10          34      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC13       565234.9     4496976.4   1,877.70          34      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC14       565212.8     4496921.8   1,888.00          34      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC15       565222.6     4497010.3   1,882.50          34      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC16       565184.4     4496970.7   1,892.90          34      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC17       565204.8     4496869.1   1,896.00          34      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC18       565244.7     4496887.2   1,882.10          34      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC19       565090.1     4496843.9   1,931.90          34      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC20       565163.8     4496916.4   1,905.70          30      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC21       565240.9       4497048   1,867.10          34      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC22       565284.2     4497058.9   1,854.60          34      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC23       565295.5       4496849   1,880.00          34      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC24       565106.9     4496906.4   1,921.20          34      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC25       565140.8     4496976.5   1,891.60          25      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC25A      565144.7     4496977.5   1,891.60          34      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC26       565173.9     4497025.1   1,875.20          31      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC27       565229.9     4496839.6   1,895.30          34      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC28         565355     4496609.9   1,921.10          34      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC29       565303.1     4496611.9   1,915.40          34      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC30       565318.5     4496657.4   1,915.50          34      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC31       565190.3     4496748.9   1,906.10          34      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC32       565209.5     4496795.3   1,904.00          34      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC33       565147.3     4496776.7   1,914.30          34      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC34       565126.2       4496745   1,909.80          34      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC35         565057       4496754   1,915.30          34      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC36       565104.5     4496793.5   1,923.80          34      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC37       565058.9     4496793.8   1,923.90          34      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC38       565027.4     4496748.3   1,918.40          34      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC39       564988.8     4496778.9   1,921.70          34      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC40       565022.2     4496827.5   1,922.50          34      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC41       565045.5     4496870.5   1,922.00          34      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC42       565057.2     4496912.7   1,913.60          34      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC43         564979     4496851.6   1,912.40          34      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC44       564948.3     4496808.5   1,919.60          34      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC45       564909.6     4496841.8   1,912.60          34      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC46       564883.7     4496797.6   1,925.90          34      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC47       564921.3     4496775.2   1,926.50          34      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC48       564852.4     4496758.8   1,929.80          34      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC49       564810.6     4496782.7   1,932.90          34      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC50       564840.8     4496824.2   1,921.10          34      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC51       564765.9     4496810.9   1,933.80          34      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC52       564743.3     4496771.6   1,942.90          34      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC53       565702.2     4497046.2   1,785.40          34      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC54       565794.7       4497051   1,803.50          34      RC 
                                                                                        UGRC55       565770.8     4497019.6   1,807.90          34      RC 
                                                                                        *    Regarding dip and azimuth data of the core drill 
                                                                                             holes, all drill holes were vertical. The largest 
                                                                                             variation of all drill holes was 3.2 degrees off the 
                                                                                             vertical confirmed by downhole surveying. The full 
                                                                                             data set will be presented in the final JORC Mineral 
                                                                                             Resources and Ore Reserves report. 
                                                                                        *    Intercept information has been previously provided in 
                                                                                             regulatory announcements (see section "substantive 
                                                                                             exploration data" below). 
                                                                                        *    The diameter of the drill core for each drill hole is 
                                                                                             presented below: 
                                                                                        hole_id     from      to     length   diameter 
                                                                                         UGDD01     0.00    127.00   127.00      HQ 
                                                                                         UGDD01    127.00   285.50   158.50      NQ 
                                                                                       ---------  -------  -------  -------  --------- 
                                                                                         UGDD02     0.00    72.50    72.50       PQ 
                                                                                         UGDD02    72.50    184.00   111.50      HQ 
                                                                                         UGDD02    184.00   401.30   217.30      NQ 
                                                                                       ---------  -------  -------  -------  --------- 
                                                                                         UGDD03     0.00    42.00    42.00       PQ 
                                                                                         UGDD03    42.00    138.50   96.50       HQ 
                                                                                       ---------  -------  -------  -------  --------- 
                                                                                         UGDD04     0.00    40.00    40.00       PQ 
                                                                                         UGDD04    40.00    123.50   83.50       HQ 
                                                                                       ---------  -------  -------  -------  --------- 
                                                                                         UGDD05     0.00    42.00    42.00       PQ 
                                                                                         UGDD05    42.00    139.00   97.00       HQ 
                                                                                       ---------  -------  -------  -------  --------- 
                                                                                         UGDD06     0.00    43.00    43.00       PQ 
                                                                                         UGDD06    43.00    133.35   90.35       HQ 
                                                                                       ---------  -------  -------  -------  --------- 
                                                                                         UGDD07     0.00    60.15    60.15       PQ 
                                                                                         UGDD07    60.15    130.00   69.85       HQ 
                                                                                       ---------  -------  -------  -------  --------- 
                                                                                         UGDD08     0.00    70.00    70.00       PQ 
                                                                                         UGDD08    70.00    124.00   54.00       HQ 
                                                                                       ---------  -------  -------  -------  --------- 
                                                                                         UGDD09     0.00    49.00    49.00       PQ 
                                                                                         UGDD09    49.00    126.20   77.20       HQ 
                                                                                       ---------  -------  -------  -------  --------- 
                                                                                         UGDD10     0.00    63.00    63.00       PQ 
                                                                                         UGDD10    63.00    122.15   59.15       HQ 
                                                                                       ---------  -------  -------  -------  --------- 
                                                                                         UGDD11     0.00    65.00    65.00       PQ 
                                                                                         UGDD11    65.00    151.50   86.50       HQ 
                                                                                       ---------  -------  -------  -------  --------- 
                                                                                         UGDD12     0.00    57.70    57.70       PQ 
                                                                                         UGDD12     0.00    125.00   125.00      HQ 
                                                                                       ---------  -------  -------  -------  --------- 
                                                                                         UGDD13     0.00    58.00    58.00       PQ 
                                                                                         UGDD13    58.00    151.00   93.00       HQ 
                                                                                       ---------  -------  -------  -------  --------- 
                                                                                         UGDD14     0.00    40.00    40.00       PQ 
                                                                                         UGDD14    40.00    132.00   92.00       HQ 
                                                                                       ---------  -------  -------  -------  --------- 
                                                                                         UGDD15     0.00    60.00    60.00       PQ 
                                                                                         UGDD15    60.00    250.00   190.00      HQ 
                                                                                       ---------  -------  -------  -------  --------- 
                                                                                         UGDD16     0.00    48.00    48.00       PQ 
                                                                                         UGDD16    48.00    134.00   86.00       HQ 
                                                                                       ---------  -------  -------  -------  --------- 
                                                                                         UGDD17     0.00    59.50    59.50       PQ 
                                                                                         UGDD17    59.50    110.00   50.50       HQ 
                                                                                       ---------  -------  -------  -------  --------- 
                                                                                         UGDD18     0.00    35.50    35.50       PQ 
                                                                                         UGDD18    35.50    125.40   89.90       HQ 
                                                                                       ---------  -------  -------  -------  --------- 
                                                                                         UGDD19     0.00    33.00    33.00       PQ 
                                                                                         UGDD19    33.00    117.00   84.00       HQ 
                                                                                       ---------  -------  -------  -------  --------- 
                                                                                         UGDD20     0.00    41.50    41.50       PQ 
                                                                                         UGDD20    41.50    125.00   83.50       HQ 
                                                                                       ---------  -------  -------  -------  --------- 
                                                                                         UGDD21     0.00    30.00    30.00       PQ 
                                                                                         UGDD21    30.00    104.50   74.50       HQ 
                                                                                       ---------  -------  -------  -------  --------- 
                                                                                         UGDD22     0.00    37.00    37.00       PQ 
                                                                                         UGDD22    37.00    136.00   99.00       HQ 
                                                                                       ---------  -------  -------  -------  --------- 
                                                                                         UGDD23     0.00    34.00    34.00       PQ 
                                                                                         UGDD23    34.00    117.00   83.00       HQ 
                                                                                       ---------  -------  -------  -------  --------- 
                                                                                         UGDD24     0.00    37.00    37.00       PQ 
                                                                                         UGDD24    37.00    134.00   97.00       HQ 
                                                                                       ---------  -------  -------  -------  --------- 
                                                                                         UGDD25     0.00    16.00    16.00       PQ 
                                                                                         UGDD25    16.00    120.00   104.00      HQ 
                                                                                       ---------  -------  -------  -------  --------- 
                                                                                         UGDD26     0.00    22.00    22.00       PQ 
                                                                                         UGDD26    22.00    135.00   113.00      HQ 
                                                                                       ---------  -------  -------  -------  --------- 
                                                                                         UGDD27     0.00    37.00    37.00       PQ 
                                                                                         UGDD27    37.00    124.00   87.00       HQ 
                                                                                       ---------  -------  -------  -------  --------- 
                                                                                         UGDD28     0.00    24.00    24.00       PQ 
                                                                                         UGDD28    24.00    119.30   95.30       HQ 
                                                                                       ---------  -------  -------  -------  --------- 
                                                                                         UGDD29     0.00    11.00    11.00       PQ 
                                                                                         UGDD29    11.00    130.00   119.00      HQ 
                                                                                       ---------  -------  -------  -------  --------- 
                                                                                         UGDD30     0.00    34.00    34.00       PQ 
                                                                                         UGDD30    34.00    126.00   92.00       HQ 
                                                                                       ---------  -------  -------  -------  --------- 
                                                                                         UGDD31     0.00    14.00    14.00       PQ 
                                                                                         UGDD31    14.00    109.00   95.00       HQ 
                                                                                       ---------  -------  -------  -------  --------- 
                                                                                         UGDD32     0.00     7.00     7.00       PQ 
                                                                                         UGDD32     7.00    113.00   106.00      HQ 
                                                                                       ---------  -------  -------  -------  --------- 
                                                                                         UGDD33     0.00    20.50    20.50       PQ 
                                                                                         UGDD33    20.50    122.00   101.50      HQ 
                                                                                       ---------  -------  -------  -------  --------- 
                                                                                         UGDD34     0.00    20.60    20.60       PQ 
                                                                                         UGDD34    20.60    122.00   101.40      HQ 
                                                                                       ---------  -------  -------  -------  --------- 
                                                                                         UGDD35     0.00    26.50    26.50       PQ 
                                                                                         UGDD35    26.50    130.50   104.00      HQ 
                                                                                       ---------  -------  -------  -------  --------- 
                                                                                         UGDD36     0.00    31.00    31.00       PQ 
                                                                                         UGDD36    31.00    122.50   91.50       HQ 
                                                                                       ---------  -------  -------  -------  --------- 
                                                                                         UGDD37     0.00    27.00    27.00       PQ 
                                                                                         UGDD37    27.00    79.00    52.00       HQ 
                                                                                         UGDD37    79.00    103.50   24.50       NQ 
                                                                                       ---------  -------  -------  -------  --------- 
                                                                                         UGDD38     0.00     9.00     9.00       PQ 
                                                                                         UGDD38     9.00    122.00   113.00      HQ 
                                                                                       ---------  -------  -------  -------  --------- 
                                                                                         UGDD39     0.00    45.00    45.00       PQ 
                                                                                         UGDD39    45.00    126.50   81.50       HQ 
                                                                                       ---------  -------  -------  -------  --------- 
                                                                                         UGDD40     0.00    22.00    22.00       PQ 
                                                                                         UGDD40    22.00    150.00   128.00      HQ 
                                                                                       ---------  -------  -------  -------  --------- 
                                                                                         UGDD41     0.00    21.00    21.00       PQ 
                                                                                         UGDD41    21.00    121.50   100.50      HQ 
                                                                                       ---------  -------  -------  -------  --------- 
                                                                                         UGDD42     0.00    21.00    21.00       PQ 
                                                                                         UGDD42    21.00    80.00    59.00       HQ 
                                                                                       ---------  -------  -------  -------  --------- 
                                                                                         UGDD43     0.00    21.00    21.00       PQ 
                                                                                         UGDD43    21.00    61.75    40.75       HQ 
                                                                                       ---------  -------  -------  -------  --------- 
                                                                                         UGDD44     0.00    21.00    21.00       PQ 
                                                                                         UGDD44    21.00    61.80    40.80       HQ 
                                                                                       ---------  -------  -------  -------  --------- 
                                                                                         UGDD45     0.00    29.00    29.00       PQ 
                                                                                         UGDD45    29.00    71.00    42.00       HQ 
                                                                                       ---------  -------  -------  -------  --------- 
                                                                                         UGDD46     0.00    22.00    22.00       PQ 
                                                                                         UGDD46    22.00    70.00    48.00       HQ 
                                                                                       ---------  -------  -------  -------  --------- 
                                                                                         UGDD47     0.00    24.00    24.00       PQ 
                                                                                         UGDD47    24.00    71.50    47.50       HQ 
                                                                                       ---------  -------  -------  -------  --------- 
                                                                                         UGDD48     0.00    18.00    18.00       PQ 
                                                                                         UGDD48    18.00    67.00    49.00       HQ 
                                                                                       ---------  -------  -------  -------  --------- 
                                                                                         UGDD49     0.00    20.00    20.00       PQ 
                                                                                         UGDD49    20.00    61.00    41.00       HQ 
                                                                                       ---------  -------  -------  -------  --------- 
                                                                                         UGDD50     0.00     7.00     7.00       PQ 
                                                                                         UGDD50     7.00    67.00    60.00       HQ 
                                                                                       ---------  -------  -------  -------  --------- 
 aggregation        *    In reporting Exploration Results, weighting averaging       *    Drilling results have been reported using 
 methods                 techniques, maximum and/or minimum grade truncations             intersection intervals based on a gold grade above 
                         (eg cutting of high grades) and cut-off grades are               0.3 gramme per tonne, and internal waste greater or 
                         usually Material and should be stated.                           equal to 1 metre thickness. Grade of both gold and 
                                                                                          silver within the intersections have been state. The 
                                                                                          results are presented to 2 decimal places. 
                    *    Where aggregate intercepts incorporate short lengths 
                         of high grade results and longer lengths of low grade 
                         results, the procedure used for such aggregation            *    No data aggregation and no sample compositing was 
                         should be stated and some typical examples of such               performed. 
                         aggregations should be shown in detail. 
                                                                                     *    Drill sample intervals are based on a 1 metre sample 
                    *    The assumptions used for any reporting of metal                  interval, unless stated in the table of drill 
                         equivalent values should be clearly stated.                      intersections as previously reported (see the section 
                                                                                          "other substantive exploration data" below). 
                                                                                     *    No metal equivalent values have been reported. 
---------------  ---------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 between            *    These relationships are particularly important in the       *    The relationship between mineralisation widths and 
 mineralisation          reporting of Exploration Results.                                intercept lengths in the case of the Reza deposit is 
 widths                                                                                   less critical as the mineralisation dominantly forms 
 and intercept                                                                            a broad scale oxide zone. The mineralisation does 
 lengths            *    If the geometry of the mineralisation with respect to            show trends of grade distribution as determined in 
                         the drill hole angle is known, its nature should be              the block modelling process. 
                                                                                     *    All intercepts are reported as down-hole lengths. All 
                    *    If it is not known and only the down hole lengths are            drilling for the resource and reserve estimate were 
                         reported, there should be a clear statement to this              vertical (see section "Diagrams"). 
                         effect (eg 'down hole length, true width not known'). 
 Diagrams                                                                             Schematic plan of trench, core and 
                    *    Appropriate maps and sections (with scales) and               RC drill holes 
                         tabulations of intercepts should be included for any          showing section lines for interpretationare 
                         significant discovery being reported. These should            shown via the pdf link at the end 
                         include, but not be limited to a plan view of drill           of the Press Release. 
                         hole collar locations and appropriate sectional 
---------------  ---------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  reporting         *    Where comprehensive reporting of all Exploration            *    All sampled intervals have been previously reported 
                         Results is not practicable, representative reporting             by Anglo Asian Mining via regulated news service 
                         of both low and high grades and/or widths should be              (RNS) announcements of the London Stock Exchange 
                         practiced to avoid misleading reporting of                       (AIM). These data are available on the Anglo Asian 
                         Exploration Results.                                             Mining website. 
---------------  --------------------------------------------------------------- 
  substantive       *    Other exploration data, if meaningful and material,              *    Previous Anglo Asian Mining announcements on the AIM 
  exploration            should be reported including (but not limited to):                    that report on exploration data of the Ugur deposit 
  data                   geological observations; geophysical survey results;                  include: 
                         geochemical survey results; bulk samples - size and 
                         method of treatment; metallurgical test results; bulk 
                         density, groundwater, geotechnical and rock                     Ø 17 October 2016; New Gold 
                         characteristics; potential deleterious or                       Discovery at its Gedabek Licence 
                         contaminating substances.                                       Area 
                                                                                         Ø 16 December 2016; Significant 
                                                                                         oxide zone drilled at newly discovered 
                                                                                         Ugur deposit 
                                                                                         Ø 18 April 2017; Strategy update 
                                                                                         and Q1 2017 review - Gedabek gold, 
                                                                                         copper and silver mine, Azerbaijan 
                                                                                         Ø 8 May 2017; Ugur Gold Deposit 
                                                                                         Development & 2017 Strategy Update 
                                                                                         Ø 24 July 2017; Ugur Gold Deposit 
                                                                                         Development and Gedabek Exploration 
                                                                                          *    Additional information including photographs of the 
                                                                                               Ugur area can be viewed on the Anglo Asian Mining 
                                                                                               website, http://www.angloasianmining.com 
---------------  ---------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  work              *    The nature and scale of planned further work (eg            *    No further exploration drilling is planned at the 
                         tests for lateral extensions or depth extensions or              Reza deposit of Ugur. Exploration will continue in 
                         large-scale step-out drilling).                                  the Ugur area to test for extensions of the 
                                                                                          mineralised zones and for other "centres" of 
                                                                                          mineralisation. Details of this work has not been 
                    *    Diagrams clearly highlighting the areas of possible              planned yet. The intent is to initially produce JORC 
                         extensions, including the main geological                        Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves (see Section 3 and 
                         interpretations and future drilling areas, provided              Section 4 of this document) and to bring the deposit 
                         this information is not commercially sensitive.                  into production. 
                                                                                     *    No diagrams to show possible extensions are presented 
                                                                                          in this document as the work is yet to commence. 
===============  ===============================================================  =================================================================================== 

Section 3 Estimation and Reporting of Mineral Resources

(Criteria listed in section 1, and where relevant in section 2, also apply to this section.)

 Criteria         JORC Code explanation                                         Commentary 
---------------  ------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------- 
  integrity         *    Measures taken to ensure that data has not been          *    The Ugur database is stored in Excel (R) software. A 
                         corrupted by, for example, transcription or keying            dedicated database manager has been assigned and 
                         errors, between its initial collection and its use            checks the data entry against the laboratory report 
                         for Mineral Resource estimation purposes.                     and survey data. 
                    *    Data validation procedures used.                         *    Geological data is entered by a geologist to ensure 
                                                                                       no confusion over terminology, while laboratory assay 
                                                                                       data is entered by the data entry staff. 
                                                                                  *    A variety of checks are in place to check against 
                                                                                       human error of data entry. 
                                                                                  *    All original geological logs, survey data and 
                                                                                       laboratory results sheets are retained in a secure 
                                                                                  *    Independent consultants "Datamine" who carried out 
                                                                                       the resource estimation also carried out periodic 
                                                                                       database validation during the period of geological 
                                                                                       data collection, as well as on completion of the 
                                                                                  *    The validation procedures used include random 
                                                                                       checking of data as compared the original data sheet, 
                                                                                       validation of position of drillholes in 3D models, 
                                                                                       and targeting figures deemed "anomalous" following 
                                                                                       statistical analysis. Hence there are several level 
                                                                                       of control. 
---------------  ------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Site visits 
                    *    Comment on any site visits undertaken by the             *    The CP is an employee of the company and as such has 
                         Competent Person and the outcome of those visits.             been actively in a position to be fully aware of all 
                                                                                       stages of the exploration and project development. 
                                                                                       The CP has worked very closely with the independent 
                    *    If no site visits have been undertaken indicate why           resource and reserve estimation staff of Datamine, 
                         this is the case.                                             both on site and remotely, to ensure knowledge 
                                                                                       transfer of the geological situation, to allow 
                                                                                       geological "credibility" to the modelling process. 
                                                                                       Extensive visits have been carried out by two staff 
                                                                                       of Datamine over the last year and have been fully 
                                                                                       aware of the Ugur project development. All aspects of 
                                                                                       the data collection and data management has been 
---------------  ------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------- 
 interpretation    *    Confidence in (or conversely, the uncertainty of )        *    The geological interpretation is considered robust. 
                        the geological interpretation of the mineral deposit.          Geological data collection includes surface mapping, 
                                                                                       stream sediment and outcrop sampling, RC and core 
                                                                                       drilling. This has amassed a significant amount of 
                   *    Nature of the data used and of any assumptions made.           information for the deposit. Various software have 
                                                                                       been used to model the deposit, including Leapfrog 
                                                                                       (R), Surpac(R) and Datamine (R), using dynamic 
                   *    The effect, if any, of alternative interpretations on          anisotropy to develop the mineralised shells which 
                        Mineral Resource estimation.                                   were subsequently verified. 
                   *    The use of geology in guiding and controlling Mineral     *    The geological team have worked in the licence area 
                        Resource estimation.                                           for many years and the understanding and confidence 
                                                                                       of the geological interpretation is considered high. 
                   *    The factors affecting continuity both of grade and 
                        geology.                                                  *    No alternative interpretations of the geology have 
                                                                                       had any effect on the resource model. 
                                                                                  *    The geology has guided the resource estimation, 
                                                                                       especially the structural control, where for example 
                                                                                       faulting has defined "hard" boundaries to 
                                                                                       mineralisation. The deposit structural orientation 
                                                                                       was used to control the orientation of the drilling 
                                                                                       grid and the resource estimation search ellipse 
                                                                                  *    Grade and geological continuity has been established 
                                                                                       by the extensive 3D data collection. The deposit is 
                                                                                       relatively small (300 metres by 200 metres), and the 
                                                                                       continuity is well understood, especially in relation 
                                                                                       to structural effects. 
                                                                                  *    A geological interpretation of main mineralised 
                                                                                       bodywas completed utilising geological sections 
                                                                                       typically at spacings of about 20m. These 
                                                                                       interpretations were used to form a wireframe (solid) 
                                                                                       in Datamine, that was subsequently used as the main 
                                                                                       domain/mineralised zones for resource estimation. 
---------------  ------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------- 
                   *    The extent and variability of the Mineral Resource        *    The footprint of the whole mineralisation is about 
                        expressed as length (along strike or otherwise), plan          300metres by 200 metres, with about 110 metres 
                        width, and depth below surface to the upper and lower          overall thickness. The main mineralised domain is 230 
                        limits of the Mineral Resource.                                metres by 170 metres in plan and about 100metres 
---------------  ------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------- 
  and modelling    *    The nature and appropriateness of the estimation              *    A geological interpretation of main mineralised body 
  techniques            technique(s) applied and key assumptions, including                was completed utilising geological sections typically 
                        treatment of extreme grade values, domaining,                      at spacings of about 20m. These interpretations were 
                        interpolation parameters and maximum distance of                   used to form a wireframe (solid) in Datamine, that 
                        extrapolation from data points. If a computer                      was subsequently used as the main domain/mineralised 
                        assisted estimation method was chosen include a                    zone for resource estimation. Estimation process 
                        description of computer software and parameters used.              includes: 
                   *    The availability of check estimates, previous                 *    Drill holes data were flagged as inside and outside 
                        estimates and/or mine production records and whether               of main zones of mineralisation. Outlier study of 
                        the Mineral Resource estimate takes appropriate                    gold and silver showed a few samples out of range. A 
                        account of such data.                                              top-cut grade of 16 g/t for gold and 108 g/t for 
                                                                                           silver was applied for data inside the main 
                                                                                           mineralised zone. 
                   *    The assumptions made regarding recovery of 
                                                                                      *    Drill holes data composited by 2m along the holes. 
                   *    Estimation of deleterious elements or other non-grade 
                        variables of economic significance (eg sulphur for            *    Variogram analyses of gold data has been carried out 
                        acid mine drainage characterisation).                              using Datamine software. The ranges of variograms at 
                                                                                           major and semi-major direction are 30 metres and 23 
                                                                                           metres. Minor directions show poor continuity and it 
                   *    In the case of block model interpolation, the block                considered as 10m. The major Azimuth is 040 degrees 
                        size in relation to the average sample spacing and                 with 20 degree dip. 
                        the search employed. 
                                                                                      *    Three estimation passes were used; the first search 
                   *    Any assumptions behind modelling of selective mining               was based upon the variogram ranges in the three 
                        units.                                                             principal directions(30x25x10). The second search was 
                                                                                           1.5 times and third search was 2 times of first 
                                                                                           search. Min and Max of samples were 4 and 14 for 
                   *    Any assumptions about correlation between variables.               first and second search and 1 and 14 for third 
                   *    Description of how the geological interpretation was 
                        used to control the resource estimates.                       *    Estimation was carried out using ordinary kriging at 
                                                                                           the parent block. 
                   *    Discussion of basis for using or not using grade 
                        cutting or capping.                                           *    More than 90% of blocks inside the main 
                                                                                           domain/mineral zoneare estimated in first search as 
                                                                                           they fall in the dense drilling area, being the main 
                   *    The process of validation, the checking process used,              zone of mineralisation. 
                        the comparison of model data to drill hole data, and 
                        use of reconciliation data if available. 
                                                                                      *    The estimated gold block model grades were visually 
                                                                                           validated against the input drillhole data. 
                                                                                           Comparisons were carried out against the drillhole 
                                                                                           data by bench. 
                                                                                      *    The resource estimation was carried out using 
                                                                                           Datamine Studio RM software. 
                                                                                      *    No previous mining has occurred to allow for check 
                                                                                           estimates. This will be a requirement on production 
                                                                                      *    The deposit contains gold and silver mineralisation, 
                                                                                           with minor copper, and other base metal were tested, 
                                                                                           and full multi-element analysis was carried out at 
                                                                                           external laboratories. Results showed no other 
                                                                                      *    Deleterious non-grade elements were checked and the 
                                                                                           situation of ARD studies. However, given the 
                                                                                           extraction dominantly of oxide ores (87% oxide, 3% 
                                                                                           sulphide, 0.1% transition, 9.9% unclassified within 
                                                                                           the samples zone) and the processing at a current 
                                                                                           facility, there are no immediate concerns. Should 
                                                                                           future mining of the sulphide zone occur or sulphide 
                                                                                           be released, independent on-site environmental 
                                                                                           engineers will monitor and recommend mitigation of 
                                                                                           ARD situations. 
                                                                                      *    A block model was created with parent size of 5x5x5 
                                                                                           metres. Sub-blocking is not allowed in X and Y but in 
                                                                                           Z direction minimum to 1/2 of block height. This is 
                                                                                           considered optimum with regards the data spacing and 
                                                                                           for the planned extraction design, with 5 metre open 
                                                                                           pit benches in "ore". 
---------------  ------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------- 
                    *    Whether the tonnages are estimated on a dry basis or     *    Tonnage has been estimated on a dry basis 
                         with natural moisture, and the method of 
                         determination of the moisture content. 
---------------  ------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------- 
  parameters        *    The basis of the adopted cut-off grade(s) or quality     *    Continuity of grade was assessed at a range of 
                         parameters applied.                                           cut-offs between 0.1 g/t gold and 1.0 g/t gold in 0.1 
                                                                                       g/t increments. A tonnage-Grade table and graph was 
                                                                                       prepared based on different cut-off. Following 
                                                                                       interrogation of data and continuity, the resources 
                                                                                       area reported above 0.2 g/t gold grade cut-off. 
---------------  ------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------- 
 factors           *    Assumptions made regarding possible mining methods,       *    Given the geometry of the mineralised zone, the fact 
 or assumptions         minimum mining dimensions and internal (or, if                 the central part is exposed at surface, and a very 
                        applicable, external) mining dilution. It is always            low forecast waste ratio, an open pit mining method 
                        necessary as part of the process of determining                is selected. Mining dilution and mining dimensions 
                        reasonable prospects for eventual economic extraction          are referenced in Section 4 (Estimation and Reporting 
                        to consider potential mining methods, but the                  of Ore reserves). 
                        assumptions made regarding mining methods and 
                        parameters when estimating Mineral Resources may not 
                        always be rigorous. Where this is the case, this          *    Other mining factor are not applied at this stage. 
                        should be reported with an explanation of the basis 
                        of the mining assumptions made. 
---------------  ------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------- 
 factors           *    The basis for assumptions or predictions regarding           *    The Company currently operates an agitated leach 
 or assumptions         metallurgical amenability. It is always necessary as              plant, a flotation plant, a crushed heap leach 
                        part of the process of determining reasonable                     facility, and a run-of-mine dump leach facility. As 
                        prospects for eventual economic extraction to                     such, the basis for assumptions and predictions of 
                        consider potential metallurgical methods, but the                 processing routes and type of "ores" suitable for 
                        assumptions regarding metallurgical treatment                     each process available are well understood. 
                        processes and parameters made when reporting Mineral 
                        Resources may not always be rigorous. Where this is 
                        the case, this should be reported with an explanation        *    Metallurgical testwork has been carried out to assess 
                        of the basis of the metallurgical assumptions made.               the amenability of the Ugur mineralisation to 
                                                                                          cyanidation and leaching processes. The results 
                                                                                          showed a high level of amenability. The 
                                                                                          mineralisation is an "oxide" type, that is relatively 
                                                                                          soft, and requires comparatively low levels of 
                                                                                          processing reagents for recovery. 
                                                                                     *    Metallurgical testwork was carried out on samples 
                                                                                          with a mean of a range of gold grades; 3.6g/t, 2.5g/t, 
                                                                                          1.5g/t and 1.0g/t. The results for a 48 hour bottle 
                                                                                          roll test showed high gold recovery and low cyanide 
                                                                                          usage (see below). 
                                                                                      Leaching, % 
                                                                                      Au      Ag 
                                                                                    ------  ------ 
                                                                                     88.5    82.8 
                                                                                    ------  ------ 
                                                                                     85.7    62.0 
                                                                                    ------  ------ 
                                                                                     95.0    60.5 
                                                                                    ------  ------ 
                                                                                     83.8    73.2 
                                                                                    ------  ------ 
                                                                                     *    No metallurgical factors assumptions have been used 
                                                                                          in mineral resource estimate. 
---------------  ------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------- 
 factors           *    Assumptions made regarding possible waste and process     *    The Ugur deposit is located within a mining contract 
 or assumptions         residue disposal options. It is always necessary as            area in which the company operates two other mines. 
                        part of the process of determining reasonable                  As part of the initial start-up, environmental 
                        prospects for eventual economic extraction to                  studies and impacts were assessed and reported. This 
                        consider the potential environmental impacts of the            includes the nature of process waste as managed in 
                        mining and processing operation. While at this stage           the tailings management facility (TMF). Other waste 
                        the determination of potential environmental impacts,          products are fully managed under the HSEC team of the 
                        particularly for a greenfields project, may not                company (including disposal of mine equipment waste 
                        always be well advanced, the status of early                   such as lubricants and oils). 
                        consideration of these potential environmental 
                        impacts should be reported. Where these aspects have 
                        not been considered this should be reported with an       *    An independent environmental engineering company CQA 
                        explanation of the environmental assumptions made.             International Ltd (CQA) has carried out a study of 
                                                                                       Ugur including installing baseline monitoring systems, 
                                                                                       and will be integral to the extraction and processing 
                                                                                       of the ores. 
                                                                                  *    No environmental assumptions have been used in 
                                                                                       mineral resource estimation. 
---------------  ------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Bulk density 
                   *    Whether assumed or determined. If assumed, the basis      *    Bulk density measurements have been determined. A 
                        for the assumptions. If determined, the method used,           total of 538 samples were tested from selected core 
                        whether wet or dry, the frequency of the measurements          samples, that comprised both mineralisation and wall 
                  ,                                                                    rocks. The density was tested by rock type, extent of 
                        the nature, size and representativeness of the                 alteration and depth.The method used was hydrostatic 
                        samples.                                                       weighing. 
                   *    The bulk density for bulk material must have been         *    Of the 538 samples, 426 density measurement samples 
                        measured by methods that adequately account for void           are insidemineralisation wireframes. The average 
                        spaces (vugs, porosity, etc), moisture and                     density of these samples is 2.62 t/m(3) and has been 
                        differences between rock and alteration zones within           used for resource calculation. 
                        the deposit. 
                                                                                  *    Density data are considered appropriate for Mineral 
                   *    Discuss assumptions for bulk density estimates used            Resource and Mineral Reserve estimation. 
                        in the evaluation process of the different materials. 
---------------  ------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------- 
                   *    The basis for the classification of the Mineral               *    The Mineral Resource has been classified on the basis 
                        Resources into varying confidence categories.                      of confidence in the continuity of mineralised zones, 
                                                                                           as assessed by the geological block model based on 
                                                                                           sample density, drilling density, and confidence in 
                   *    Whether appropriate account has been taken of all                  the geological database. Depending on the estimation 
                        relevant factors (ie relative confidence in                        parameters (number of samples per search volume), the 
                        tonnage/grade estimations, reliability of input data,              resources were classified as Measured, Indicated or 
                        confidence in continuity of geology and metal values,              Inferred Mineral resources, as defined by the 
                        quality, quantity and distribution of the data).                   parameters below:. 
                   *    Whether the result appropriately reflects the                Ø Blocks inside the mineralised 
                        Competent Person's view of the deposit.                      zonethat capture samples with at 
                                                                                     least 2 drill holesin first search 
                                                                                     volume were considered as Measured 
                                                                                     Ø Blocks inside the mineralised 
                                                                                     zonethat capture samples from at 
                                                                                     least 2 holes data in second search 
                                                                                     volume are considered as Indicated 
                                                                                     Ø Blocks inside the mineralised 
                                                                                     zone which fall within with in third 
                                                                                     search volume are considered as 
                                                                                     Inferred Resources. 
                                                                                     Ø All blocks outside of main 
                                                                                     central mineralised zone are considered 
                                                                                     as Inferred. 
                                                                                      *    The results reflect the Competent Person's view of 
                                                                                           the deposit. 
---------------  ------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------- 
  or reviews        *    The results of any audits or reviews of Mineral          *    Datamine company developed and audited the Mineral 
                         Resource estimates.                                           Resource block model. Two Datamine engineers worked 
                                                                                       on the resources and reserves and were able to verify 
                                                                                       work and procedure. 
                                                                                  *    Datamine have been involved with other mining 
                                                                                       projects of the company within the same licence area 
                                                                                       as Ugur and as such are familiar with the processing 
                                                                                       methods available, value chain of the mining and cost 
                                                                                       structure. The data has been audited and considered 
                                                                                       robust for Mineral Resource estimates. 
                                                                                  *    Internal company and external reviews of the Mineral 
                                                                                       Resources yield estimates that are consistent with 
                                                                                       the Mineral Resource results. The methods used 
                                                                                       include sectional estimation, and three-dimensional 
                                                                                       modelling utilising both geostatistical and inverse 
                                                                                       distance methodologies. All results showed good 
                                                                                  *    A final report is expected to suggest recommendations 
                                                                                       includingupgrading laboratory and management systems, 
                                                                                       and the future implementation of a laboratory 
                                                                                       information management system. The grade control data 
                                                                                       produced during mining should be correlated back into 
                                                                                       the resource model to check for consistency or 
---------------  ------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------- 
  of relative      *    Where appropriate a statement of the relative             *    Statistical and visual checking of the block model is 
  accuracy/             accuracy and confidence level in the Mineral Resource          as expected given the geological data. The 
  confidence            estimate using an approach or procedure deemed                 mineralisation is tightly constrained geologically, 
                        appropriate by the Competent Person. For example, the          and the level of data acquired and the resource 
                        application of statistical or geostatistical                   estimation approach is to international best 
                        procedures to quantify the relative accuracy of the            practice. The application of both statistical and 
                        resource within stated confidence limits, or, if such          geostatistical approaches results in high confidence 
                        an approach is not deemed appropriate, a qualitative           of the resource resulting in the appropriate relative 
                        discussion of the factors that could affect the                amounts of Measured, Indicated and Inferred Mineral 
                        relative accuracy and confidence of the estimate.              resources. The periphery of the deposit where sample 
                                                                                       density was not as high as over main mineralised zone, 
                                                                                       yielded much of the Inferred category resource. 
                   *    The statement should specify whether it relates to 
                        global or local estimates, and, if local, state the 
                        relevant tonnages, which should be relevant to            *    The drilling grid and sample interval is sufficient 
                        technical and economic evaluation. Documentation               to assign Measured and Indicated Mineral Resources. 
                        should include assumptions made and the procedures 
                                                                                  *    The Mineral Resource statement relates to a global 
                                                                                       estimate for the Ugur deposit. 
                   *    These statements of relative accuracy and confidence 
                        of the estimate should be compared with production 
                        data, where available.                                    *    The Ugur deposit has not been previously mined, so no 
                                                                                       production data is available for comparison. It is 
                                                                                       recommended that on commencement of extraction of 
                                                                                       mineralisation, grade control and mining data are 
                                                                                       used to compare with the Resource model. 
---------------  ------------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------------------- 

Section 4 Estimation and Reporting of Ore Reserves

(Criteria listed in section 1, and where relevant in sections 2 and 3, also apply to this section.)

 Criteria         JORC Code explanation                                         Commentary 
---------------  ------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Resource           *    Description of the Mineral Resource estimate used as     *    Refer to Section 3 (Estimation and Reporting of 
 estimate                a basis for the conversion to an Ore Reserve.                 Mineral Resources) 
 for conversion 
 to Ore 
 Reserves           *    Clear statement as to whether the Mineral Resources      *    A JORC resource estimate comprising Measured, 
                         are reported additional to, or inclusive of, the Ore          Indicated and Inferred Resources has been made for 
                         Reserves.                                                     the Ugur Deposit (as tabulated below): 
                                                                                   Mineral Resources    Tonnage     Gold   Silver 
                                                                                                           (Mt)    Grade    Grade 
                                                                                                                   (g/t)    (g/t) 
                                                                                  Measured                 4.12      1.2      6.3 
                                                                                  Indicated                0.34      0.8      3.9 
                                                                                  Measured+Indicated       4.46      1.2      6.2 
                                                                                  Inferred                 2.50      0.3      2.1 
                                                                                  Total                    6.96      0.9      4.7 
                                                                                  *    The contained metal in ounces of gold and silver is 
                                                                                       presented below: 
                                                                                   Mineral Resources                   Silver 
                                                                                                        Gold ('000      ('000 
                                                                                                           ounces)    ounces) 
                                                                                  Measured              164          841 
                                                                                  Indicated             8            44 
                                                                                  Measured+Indicated    172          884 
                                                                                  Inferred              27           165 
                                                                                  Total                 199          1,049 
                                                                                  *    The relative % of contained metal shows a very high % 
                                                                                       of Measured Resource and Indicated Resource that can 
                                                                                       be tested for Reserve estimation. 
                                                                                   Mineral Resources     % gold   % silver 
                                                                                                         ounces     ounces 
                                                                                  Measured                  82%        80% 
                                                                                  Indicated                  4%         4% 
                                                                                  Measured+Indicated        87%        84% 
                                                                                  Inferred                  13%        16% 
                                                                                  Total                    100%       100% 
                                                                                  *    The Ore Reserve statement is inclusive (not 
                                                                                       additional to) of the Resource statement. 
---------------  ------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 Site visits 
                    *    Comment on any site visits undertaken by the             *    The Competent Person is an employee of the company 
                         Competent Person and the outcome of those visits.             and as such has been actively in a position to be 
                                                                                       fully aware of all stages of the exploration and 
                                                                                       project development including the estimation of 
                    *    If no site visits have been undertaken indicate why           Mineral resources and Ore Reserves. The Competent 
                         this is the case.                                             Person has worked very closely with the independent 
                                                                                       resource and reserve estimation staff of Datamine 
                                                                                       company, both on site and remotely, to ensure 
                                                                                       knowledge transfer of the geological situation, to 
                                                                                       allow geological "credibility" to the modelling 
                                                                                       process. Extensive visits have been carried out by 
                                                                                       two staff of Datamine (one of whom estimated the 
                                                                                       resources and one estimate the reserves) over the 
                                                                                       last year and have been fully aware of the Ugur 
                                                                                       project development. All aspects of the data 
                                                                                       collection and data management has been observed. 
---------------  ------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  status           *    The type and level of study undertaken to enable          *    Study undertaken to enable Mineral Resources to be 
                        Mineral Resources to be converted to OreReserves.              converted to Ore Reserves are considered as being 
                                                                                       Feasibility level. The ore will be mined utlising the 
                                                                                       current mining fleet and will be processed in the 
                   *    The Code requires that a study to at least                     current processing facilities of the Company which 
                        Pre-Feasibility Study level has been undertaken to             operates two other mines in the same licence/contract 
                        convert Mineral Resources to Ore Reserves. Such                area. The Ugur deposit is considered to part of the 
                        studies will have been carried out and will have               same geological terrain. 
                        determined a mine plan that is technically achievable 
                        and economically viable, and that material Modifying 
                        Factors have been considered.                             *    A technically achievable mine plan that is 
                                                                                       economically viable has been designed taking into 
                                                                                       consideration the JORC resources and modifying 
---------------  ------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  parameters        *    The basis of the cut-off grade(s) or quality             *    Financial factors included in the cut-off grade 
                         parameters applied.                                           estimates are process and overhead costs, mining 
                                                                                       dilution, payable gold and silver price, and 
                                                                                       processing recovery and used in the basis for cut-off 
                                                                                       grade calculation. 
                                                                                  *    The ore from Ugur can be processed by three different 
                                                                                       available processing methods within the Gedabek 
                                                                                       contract area, namely agitation leach (AGL), heap 
                                                                                       leach of crushed material (HLC) and heap leach of 
                                                                                       blasted material or run-of-mine (ROM). 
                                                                                  *    The acceptable gold headgrade in grammes per tonne 
                                                                                       gold for AGL, HLC and ROM is 1.8g/t ,0.8g/t and 
                                                                                       0.47g/t respectively. 
                                                                                  *    Further to the gold cut-off grade calculations, after 
                                                                                       long term scheduling the mill cut-off grade resulted 
                                                                                       in 0.3g/t gold. 
---------------  ------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 factors           *    The method and assumptions used as reported in the        *    On establishing the modifying factors, the Mineral 
 or assumptions         Pre-Feasibility or Feasibility Study to convert the            Reserve has been optimized using the Datamine NPV (R) 
                        Mineral Resource to an Ore Reserve (i.e. either by             software. This resulted in the economic open pit 
                        application of appropriate factors by optimisation or          shell and contained mineable material in that pit 
                        by preliminary or detailed design).                            shell. Subsequently, this was further optimized in 
                                                                                       the mine design process, where bench toe and crest, 
                                                                                       catch benches and haul road layout was designed. The 
                   *    The choice, nature and appropriateness of the                  final mineable material comprised the Ore Reserves. 
                        selected mining method(s) and other mining parameters 
                        including associated design issues such as pre-strip, 
                        access, etc.                                              *    The mining method selected is by open pit method 
                                                                                       given the orebody geometry and the position relative 
                                                                                       to topographic surface. The central part of the 
                   *    The assumptions made regarding geotechnical                    orebody is exposed at surface, and over the remaining 
                        parameters (eg pit slopes, stope sizes, etc), grade            70% surface area of the orebody there is a top soil 
                        control and pre-production drilling.                           cover varying in thickness between zero and 50 
                                                                                       centimetres. Access to the orebody is from 
                                                                                       surface.The open pit mining method is considered 
                   *    The major assumptions made and Mineral Resource model          appropriate, and will comprise conventional truck and 
                        used for pit and stope optimisation (if appropriate).          shovel. 
                   *    The mining dilution factors used.                         *    Pit slope angles have been determined based on 
                                                                                       independent geotechnical investigation taking into 
                                                                                       account geological structure, rock type and design 
                   *    The mining recovery factors used.                              orientation parameters. The overall pit slope angle 
                                                                                       is 38 degrees containing an average bench angle of 58 
                   *    Any minimum mining widths used. 
                                                                                  *    Based on the geotechnical findings further to the 
                   *    The manner in which Inferred Mineral Resources are             independent report by CQA, the overall pit slope 
                        utilised in mining studies and the sensitivity of the          angle is maximum 38degrees, berm width 6 metres and 
                        outcome to their inclusion.                                    after each 5 benches (50 metre height), a catch bench 
                                                                                       of 10 metre width should be considered for the open 
                                                                                       pit design. 
                   *    The infrastructure requirements of the selected 
                        mining methods. 
                                                                                  *    Mining dilution used in the Datamine NPV Scheduler 
                                                                                       software for reserve estimation is 5%. 
                                                                                  *    Ore mining recovery factor used in the Datamine NPV 
                                                                                       Scheduler software for reserve estimation is 95%. 
                                                                                  *    A minimum mining width of 20m has been used. 
                                                                                  *    The total tonnage of inferred material in the final 
                                                                                       pit design was 87,100 tonnes which represents about 
                                                                                       2.37% of total ore tonnage in the pit and contains 
                                                                                       0.76% (1,134 ounces) of contained gold in the pit. 
                                                                                  *    The inferred material was excluded from economic 
                                                                                       model in NPV Scheduler so it had no impact on the 
                                                                                       total reserve. 
                                                                                  *    Infrastructure required for the open pit mining 
                                                                                       method include haul road access (completed to the 
                                                                                       mine area), offices for geology/mining department, 
                                                                                       mining workshop, fuel storage, weighbridge and 
                                                                                       medical/HSEC facilities. Explosives will be 
                                                                                       transported from another mine operating within the 
                                                                                       contract area. 
---------------  ------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
 factors           *    The metallurgical process proposed and the                *    The proposed metallurgical processes are well tested 
 or assumptions         appropriateness of that process to the style of                being processing facilities of current mining 
                        mineralisation.                                                operations in the contract area. The processing 
                                                                                       facilities include agitation leach by conventional 
                                                                                       methods, crushed heap leach, and run-of-mine dump 
                   *    Whether the metallurgical process is well-tested               leach. AGL process comprises comminution (crushing 
                        technology or novel in nature.                                 and grinding), Knelsen concentration, thickening, 
                                                                                       agitation leaching, resin-in-pulp extraction, and 
                                                                                       elution and electrowinning to produce gold dore. The 
                   *    The nature, amount and representativeness of                   final product will be shipped off site for refining. 
                        metallurgical test work undertaken, the nature of the          Tails from the process will be transferred via 
                        metallurgical domaining applied and the corresponding          gravity pipeline to the existing tailings management 
                        metallurgical recovery factors applied.                        facility (TMF) that has enough capacity to manage the 
                                                                                       ore from the Ugur deposit. 
                   *    Any assumptions or allowances made for deleterious 
                        elements.                                                 *    The processing algorithm is shown via the pdf link at 
                                                                                       the end of the Press Release. 
                   *    The existence of any bulk sample or pilot scale test 
                        work and the degree to which such samples are             *    Metallurgical testwork has been conducted in the form 
                        considered representative of the orebody as a whole.           of bottle roll testing and column leach tests. The 
                                                                                       amount of testwork is considered representative of 
                                                                                       the processing technology to be employed. 
                   *    For minerals that are defined by a specification, has 
                        the ore reserve estimation been based on the 
                        appropriate mineralogy to meet the specifications?        *    Deleterious elements were not detected in analytical 
                                                                                       tests and assaying utilised for the resource 
                                                                                  *    No pilot scale testwork has been conducted. However, 
                                                                                       given the nature of the ore type and its close 
                                                                                       relationship with existing ore bodies being processed, 
                                                                                       the metallurgical testwork carried out is considered 
                                                                                       representative of the orebody as a whole. 
                                                                                  *    The ore reserve estimation has been based on the 
                                                                                       appropriate mineralogy to meet the specification. 
---------------  ------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                    *    The status of studies of potential environmental         *    Previous ESIA (Environmental Social Impact 
                         impacts of the mining and processing operation.               Assessment) has been carried out by Amec Foster 
                         Details of waste rock characterisation and the                Wheeler(2012) and TexEkoMarkazMMC (2012) (submitted 
                         consideration of potential sites, status of design            to Government authorities). The Ugur deposit is 
                         options considered and, where applicable, the status          located within the Gedabek Contract Area for which 
                         of approvals for process residue storage and waste            the ESIA is valid, hence the most recent ESIA is 
                         dumps should be reported.                                     applicable to Ugur. Processing and tailings storage 
                                                                                       reported in the ESIA is the same as will be utilised 
                                                                                       for Ugur ores. 
                                                                                  *    Environmental and geotechnical consultants, CQA 
                                                                                       International Ltd of the UK (CQA), have on-site 
                                                                                       representation, and carried out both geotechnical and 
                                                                                       environmental assessments of the Ugur mine area. 
                                                                                       Baseline environmental monitoring has been carried 
                                                                                       out on receptors downstream of the mine site, due to 
                                                                                       an additional catchment being located in the vicinity 
                                                                                       of the Ugur mine. 
                                                                                  *    The waste rock has a low potential for acid rock 
                                                                                       drainage due to the absence of sulphide bearing 
                                                                                       mineralisation. Watercourses downstream of stockpiles 
                                                                                       will be monitored on a routine basis for pH and heavy 
                                                                                  *    A topsoil management plan is in place, that has been 
                                                                                       reviewed by a CQA consultant deemed in accordance 
                                                                                       with the storage principles of the Ministry of 
                                                                                       Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of 
                                                                                       Azerbaijan and European Union (EU) guidelines. 
                                                                                       Topsoil removal will take place in August 2017, and 
                                                                                       be stockpiled in a dedicated locationwith specific 
                                                                                       design parameters. Stockpiling of materials will be 
                                                                                       carried out following the soil management plan. 
                                                                                  *    A stockpile area for waste rock has been identified 
                                                                                       following condemnation drilling verifying the absence 
                                                                                       of mineralisation beneath the proposed stockpile. The 
                                                                                       top soil at the planned site will be removed, and the 
                                                                                       hill terraced to "key" in the waste dump for maximum 
                                                                                  *    The tailings management facility (TMF) has the 
                                                                                       capability for the additional storage requirements 
                                                                                       for Ugur process waste. The design and operations of 
                                                                                       the TMF have been reviewed by CQA along with a visit 
                                                                                       by the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of 
                                                                                       the Republic of Azerbaijan. Regular environmental 
                                                                                       monitoring is carried out at the TMF, along with 
                                                                                       monitoring all receptors associated with the TMF. 
                                                                                  *    All approvals for conducting the mining fall under 
                                                                                       the management "PSA" agreement. 
---------------  ------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                   *    The existence of appropriate infrastructure:              *    Infrastructure is considered excellent to the 
                        availability of land for plant development, power,             deposit. The deposit is located within the Company's 
                        water, transportation (particularly for bulk                   contract/licence area with extraction rights 
                        commodities), labour, accommodation; or the ease with          according to the Government contract. Ore can be 
                        which the infrastructure can be provided, or                   processed at the Company's current facilities, with 
                        accessed.                                                      ore being delivered by truck from the mine to 
                                                                                       processing via the newly constructed haul road over a 
                                                                                       distance of about 6 kilometres. Land availability for 
                                                                                       the mine and associated infrastructure is approved. 
                                                                                       Offices and mechanical workshop buildings are 
                                                                                       available within the company and will be relocated to 
                                                                                       Ugur. Power for the offices and weighbridge will be 
                                                                                       initially via diesel generators, although solar power 
                                                                                       is also under consideration. Labour is readily 
                                                                                       available as the operation is relatively small and 
                                                                                       only additional mine site labour will be required. 
                                                                                       G&A and process labour are part of the existing 
                                                                                       company compliment of staff. Regarding accommodation, 
                                                                                       canteen facilities and associated services, the Ugur 
                                                                                       deposit can be considered a "satellite" deposit to 
                                                                                       the current mining operations and will be serviced by 
                                                                                       the current infrastructure. 
---------------  ------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                    *    The derivation of, or assumptions made, regarding        *    Project capital costs are "minimal" given that no 
                         projected capital costs in the study.                         processing facilities or manpower camps are required. 
                                                                                       The costs in relations to the facilities already 
                                                                                       referenced above are based on actual quotations and 
                    *    The methodology used to estimate operating costs.             capital construction experience at the licence area 
                                                                                       and sustaining capital projects are based on 
                                                                                       operational experience locally. 
                    *    Allowances made for the content of deleterious 
                                                                                  *    Operating costs are estimated based on current mining 
                                                                                       and processing operations within the licence area, as 
                    *    The derivation of assumptions made of metal or                the processing will be carried out at the same plants, 
                         commodity price(s), for the principal minerals and            and the mining contract and haulage costs are the 
                         co- products.                                                 same as current contracts. 
                    *    The source of exchange rates used in the study.          *    No allowances have been made for deleterious 
                    *    Derivation of transportation charges. 
                                                                                  *    Commodity pricing is based on forecasts by reputable 
                                                                                       market analysts. 
                    *    The basis for forecasting or source of treatment and 
                         refining charges, penalties for failure to meet 
                         specification, etc.                                      *    Local Azeri exchange rates are pegged to the United 
                                                                                       States $. The source of exchange rates used in the 
                                                                                       study is the Central Bank of the Republic of 
                    *    The allowances made for royalties payable, both               Azerbaijan. 
                         Government and private. 
                                                                                  *    Transportation charges are based on current contracts 
                                                                                       that will be extended to include haulage of ore from 
                                                                                       Ugur deposit to the processing facilities. All other 
                                                                                       transport costs will be per the current contracts for 
                                                                                       the operating mines. 
                                                                                  *    Treatment and refining costs are based on current 
                                                                                       contracts, as the ore will be treated in the 
                                                                                       operating processing plants and refined under the 
                                                                                       current agreement. 
                                                                                  *    Royalties have been considered as part of the cost 
                                                                                       structure for the company to operate under the 
                                                                                       Government Contract. 
                                                                                  *    The estimated operating costs per tonne used in NPV 
                                                                                       Scheduler are: 
                                                                                  Parameters used 
                                                                                   in NPV Scheduler 
                                                                                  Processing cost 
                                                                                   (includes G&A) 
                                                                                  per tonne of ore 
                                                                                  AGL                  $ 29.22 
                                                                                  HL Crushed           $ 6.37 
                                                                                  HL_ROM               $ 5.22 
                                                                                  Other costs 
                                                                                  Total G&A            $ 3.22 
                                                                                  Mining cost          $ 1.75 
                                                                                  Haulage cost (per    Manat 
                                                                                   tonne km)            0.1 
---------------  ------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  factors          *    The derivation of, or assumptions made regarding          *    Revenue is based on the US$ gold price and US$ silver 
                        revenue factors including head grade, metal or                 price. 
                        commodity price(s) exchange rates, transportation and 
                        treatment charges, penalties, net smelter returns, 
                        etc.                                                      *    The price of gold in the reserve model is $1250 per 
                                                                                       troy ounce and the price of silver in the reserve 
                                                                                       model is $18.66 per troy ounce. 
                   *    The derivation of assumptions made of metal or 
                        commodity price(s), for the principal metals, 
                        minerals and co-products. 
---------------  ------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  assessment       *    The demand, supply and stock situation for the            *    The market for gold and silver is well established. 
                        particular commodity, consumption trends and factors           The metal price is fixed externally to the Company, 
                        likely to affect supply and demand into the future.            however, the Company has reviewed a number of metal 
                                                                                       forecast documents from reputable analysts and is 
                                                                                       comfortable with the market supply and demand 
                   *    A customer and competitor analysis along with the              situation. 
                        identification of likely market windows for the 
                                                                                  *    A specific study of customer and competitor analysis 
                                                                                       has not been completed as part of this project. 
                   *    Price and volume forecasts and the basis for these 
                                                                                  *    Price and volume forecasts have been studied in 
                                                                                       reports from reputable analysts, based on metal 
                   *    For industrial minerals the customer specification,            supply and demand, US$ forecasts and global 
                        testing and acceptance requirements prior to a supply          economics. 
                                                                                  *    Industrial minerals do not form part of this study. 
---------------  ------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                    *    The inputs to the economic analysis to produce the          *    Prices for gold and silver used in NPV Scheduler are: 
                         net present value (NPV) in the study, the source and 
                         confidence of these economic inputs including 
                         estimated inflation, discount rate, etc.                   Gold: $41.19 per gramme 
                                                                                    Silver: $6.00 per gramme 
                                                                                     *    Processing Recovery (for gold / silver) % 
                    *    NPV ranges and sensitivity to variations in the 
                         significant assumptions and inputs. 
                                                                                    Agitation Leach 90% / 66% 
                                                                                    Crushed Heap Leach 70% / 7% 
                                                                                    Run-of-mine (ROM) 40% / 7% 
                                                                                     *    Costs used in NPV are show below: 
                                                                                     Parameters used 
                                                                                      in NPV Scheduler 
                                                                                     Processing cost 
                                                                                      (includes G&A) 
                                                                                     per tonne of ore 
                                                                                     AGL                  $ 29.22 
                                                                                     HL Crushed           $ 6.37 
                                                                                     HL_ROM               $ 5.22 
                                                                                     Other costs 
                                                                                     Total G&A            $ 3.22 
                                                                                     Mining cost          $ 1.75 
                                                                                     Haulage cost (per    Manat 
                                                                                      tonne km)            0.1 
                                                                                    Selling Cost %0.05 of revenue of 
                                                                                    Selling Cost %0 of revenue of Silver 
                                                                                     *    Sensitivity analysis has been used at a range of gold 
---------------  ------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                    *    The status of agreements with key stakeholders and       *    To the best of the Competent Person's knowledge, 
                         matters leading to social licence to operate.                 agreements with key stakeholders and matters leading 
                                                                                       to social licence to operate are valid and in place. 
---------------  ------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                   *    To the extent relevant, the impact of the following       *    There are no material naturally occurring risk 
                        on the project and/or on the estimation and                    associated with theOre Reserves. 
                        classification of the Ore Reserves: 
                                                                                  *    Anglo Asian Mining plc is currently compliant with 
                   *    Any identified material naturally occurring risks.             all legal and regulatory agreements, and marketing 
                   *    The status of material legal agreements and marketing 
                        arrangements.                                             *    The project is located within a current contract area 
                                                                                       that is managed under a "PSA" production sharing 
                   *    The status of governmental agreements and approvals 
                        critical to the viability of the project, such as 
                        mineral tenement status, and government and statutory     *    The PSA grants the Company a number of periods to 
                        approvals. There must be reasonable grounds to expect          exploit defined licence areas, known as Contract 
                        that all necessary Government approvals will be                Areas, agreed on the initial signing with the 
                        received within the timeframes anticipated in the              Azerbaijan Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources 
                        Pre-Feasibility or Feasibility study. Highlight and            ('MENR'). The exploration period allowed for the 
                        discuss the materiality of any unresolved matter that          early exploration of the Contract Areas to assess 
                        is dependent on a third party on which extraction of           prospectivity can be extended. 
                        the reserve is contingent. 
                                                                                  *    A 'development and production period' commences on 
                                                                                       the date that the Company issues a notice of 
                                                                                       discovery, which runs for 15 years with two 
                                                                                       extensions of five years each at the option of the 
                                                                                       Company. Full management control of mining in the 
                                                                                       Contract Areas rests with Anglo Asian. 
                                                                                  *    Under the PSA, Anglo Asian is not subject to currency 
                                                                                       exchange restrictions and all imports and exports are 
                                                                                       free of tax or other restriction. In addition, MENR 
                                                                                       is to use its best endeavours to make available all 
                                                                                       necessary land, its own facilities and equipment and 
                                                                                       to assist with infrastructure. 
                                                                                  *    The PSA is valid for the forecast life of mine. 
---------------  ------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                    *    The basis for the classification of the Ore Reserves     *    Measured Mineral Resources have been converted to 
                         into varying confidence categories.                           Proved Reserves after applying the modifying factors. 
                    *    Whether the result appropriately reflects the            *    Indicated Mineral Resources have been converted to 
                         Competent Person's view of the deposit.                       Probable Ore Reserves after applying modifying 
                    *    The proportion of Probable Ore Reserves that have 
                         been derived from Measured Mineral Resources (if         *    The resultant Ore Reserves are appropriate given the 
                         any).                                                         level of understanding of the deposit geology and 
                                                                                       reflects the Competent Person's view of the deposit. 
                                                                                  *    The inferred material was excluded from economic 
                                                                                       model in NPV Scheduler so it had no impact on the 
                                                                                       total reserve, and no Probable Ore Reserves have been 
                                                                                       derived from Measured Mineral Resources. 
---------------  ------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  or reviews        *    The results of any audits or reviews of Ore Reserve         *    Datamine company developed and audited the Mineral 
                         estimates.                                                       Resource and Mineral Reserve block models. Two 
                                                                                          Datamine engineers worked on the resources and 
                                                                                          reserves and were able to verify work and procedure. 
                                                                                     *    Datamine have been involved with other mining 
                                                                                          projects of the company within the same licence area 
                                                                                          as Ugur and as such are familiar with the processing 
                                                                                          methods available, value chain of the mining and cost 
                                                                                          structure. The data has been audited and considered 
                                                                                          robust for Ore Reserve estimates. 
                                                                                     *    Internal company and external reviews of the Ore 
                                                                                          Reserves yield estimates that are consistent with the 
                                                                                          Ore Reserve results. The in-situ Ore Reserves 
                                                                                          classified by process type is presented below: 
                                                                                         Ore Reserves     Tonnage     Gold   Silver       Gold     Silver 
                                                                                             (Process        (Mt)    Grade    Grade      ('000      ('000 
                                                                                             & Class)                (g/t)    (g/t)    ounces)    ounces) 
                                                                                           Proved-AGL   1,604,200     1.94    10.26      99.99     529.06 
                                                                                           Proved-HLC   1,261,813     0.84     4.95      34.22     200.74 
                                                                                           Proved-ROM     504,400     0.48     3.05       7.85      49.45 
                                                                                         Total Proven   3,370,413     1.31     7.19     142.06     779.25 
                                                                                         Probable-AGL      23,238     1.42     5.12       1.06       3.83 
                                                                                         Probable-HLC     120,413     0.80     4.56       3.12      17.65 
                                                                                         Probable-ROM      71,988     0.47     3.10       1.09       7.16 
                                                                                       Total Probable     215,639     0.76     4.13       5.27      28.64 
                                                                                      Proved+Probable   3,586,052     1.28     7.01     147.33      87.89 
                                                                                     *    The reference point for the Ore Reserve is where the 
                                                                                          ore is delivered to the processing plant. 
                                                                                     *    The amount of waste material calculated inside the 
                                                                                          pit shell is about 3.05 million tonnes, resulting in 
                                                                                          a strip ratio (ore:waste) of 1:0.83. 
---------------  ------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  of relative      *    Where appropriate a statement of the relative             *    The Ore Reserve has been completed feasibility 
  accuracy/             accuracy and confidence level in the Ore Reserve               standard with the data being generated from a tightly 
  confidence            estimate using an approach or procedure deemed                 spaced drilling grid, thus confidence in the 
                        appropriate by the Competent Person. For example, the          resultant figures is considered high. 
                        application of statistical or geostatistical 
                        procedures to quantify the relative accuracy of the 
                        reserve within stated confidence limits, or, if such      *    Extraction of ore from the Ugur deposit will commence 
                        an approach is not deemed appropriate, a qualitative           in August 2017, and processing of the ores will 
                        discussion of the factors which could affect the               commence in September 2017. As on date of this 
                        relative accuracy and confidence of the estimate.              release, top soil pre-strip has commenced. 
                   *    The statement should specify whether it relates to        *    Mining costs and haulage costs will be as per the 
                        global or local estimates, and, if local, state the            current contracts in place being utilised at other 
                        relevant tonnages, which should be relevant to                 mines in the contract area. 
                        technical and economic evaluation. Documentation 
                        should include assumptions made and the procedures 
                        used.                                                     *    Project capital is well managed, and certain 
                                                                                       infrastructure facilities are available from with the 
                                                                                       Anglo Asian Mining group, thus minimizing capital 
                   *    Accuracy and confidence discussions should extend to           requirements. 
                        specific discussions of any applied Modifying Factors 
                        that may have a material impact on Ore Reserve 
                        viability, or for which there are remaining areas of      *    The global Mineral Resource estimates have been 
                        uncertainty at the current study stage.                        estimated by using a sectional (polygonal) method, 
                                                                                       and by 3D modelling using both inverse distance and 
                                                                                       kriging methods. All results are within 5% of each 
                   *    It is recognised that this may not be possible or              other. 
                        appropriate in all circumstances. These statements of 
                        relative accuracy and confidence of the estimate 
                        should be compared with production data, where            *    The Modifying Factors for mining, processing, 
                        available.                                                     metallurgical, infrastructure, economic, gold price, 
                                                                                       legal, environmental, social and governmental factors 
                                                                                       as referenced above have been applied to the pit 
                                                                                       design and Ore Reserves calculation on a global scale 
                                                                                       and data reflects the global assumptions. 
                                                                                  *    No mine production data is available at this stage 
                                                                                       for reconciliation and/or comparative purposes. 
---------------  ------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

Section 5 Estimation and Reporting of Diamonds and Other Gemstones

(Criteria listed in other relevant sections also apply to this section. Additional guidelines are available in the 'Guidelines for the Reporting of Diamond Exploration Results' issued by the Diamond Exploration Best Practices Committee established by the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum.)

Estimation and Reporting of Diamonds and Other Gemstones in not applicable to this Statement of Resources and Reserves




The following definitions are extracted from the JORC Code, 2012 Edition

 Cut-off grade        The lowest grade, or quality, 
                       of mineralised material that 
                       qualifies as economically 
                       mineable and available in 
                       a given deposit. May be defined 
                       on the basis of economic evaluation, 
                       or on physical or chemical 
                       attributes that define an 
                       acceptable product specification. 
-------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
 Indicated Mineral    An 'Indicated Mineral Resource' 
  Resource             is that part of a Mineral 
                       Resource for which quantity, 
                       grade (or quality), densities, 
                       shape and physical characteristics 
                       are estimated with sufficient 
                       confidence to allow the application 
                       of Modifying Factors in sufficient 
                       detail to support mine planning 
                       and evaluation of the economic 
                       viability of the deposit. 
                       Geological evidence is derived 
                       from adequately detailed and 
                       reliable exploration, sampling 
                       and testing gathered through 
                       appropriate techniques from 
                       locations such as outcrops, 
                       trenches, pits, workings and 
                       drill holes, and is sufficient 
                       to assume geological and grade 
                       (or quality) continuity between 
                       points of observation where 
                       data and samples are gathered. 
                       An Indicated Mineral Resource 
                       has a lower level of confidence 
                       than that applying to a Measured 
                       Mineral Resource and may only 
                       be converted to a Probable 
                       Ore Reserve. 
-------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
 Inferred Mineral     An 'Inferred Mineral Resource' 
  Resource             is that part of a Mineral 
                       Resource for which quantity 
                       and grade (or quality) are 
                       estimated on the basis of 
                       limited geological evidence 
                       and sampling. Geological evidence 
                       is sufficient to imply but 
                       not verify geological and 
                       grade (or quality) continuity. 
                       It is based on exploration, 
                       sampling and testing information 
                       gathered through appropriate 
                       techniques from locations 
                       such as outcrops, trenches, 
                       pits, workings and drill holes. 
                       An Inferred Mineral Resource 
                       has a lower level of confidence 
                       than that applying to an Indicated 
                       Mineral Resource and must 
                       not be converted to an Ore 
                       Reserve. It is reasonably 
                       expected that the majority 
                       of Inferred Mineral Resources 
                       could be upgraded to Indicated 
                       Mineral Resources with continued 
-------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
 JORC                 JORC stands for Australasian 
                       Joint Ore Reserves Committee 
                       (JORC). The Code for Reporting 
                       of Exploration Results, Mineral 
                       Resources and Ore Reserves 
                       (the JORC Code) is widely 
                       accepted as the definitive 
                       standard for the reporting 
                       of a company's resources and 
                       reserves. The latest JORC 
                       Code is the 2012 Edition. 
-------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
 Measured Mineral     A 'Measured Mineral Resource' 
  Resource             is that part of a Mineral 
                       Resource for which quantity, 
                       grade (or quality), densities, 
                       shape, and physical characteristics 
                       are estimated with confidence 
                       sufficient to allow the application 
                       of Modifying Factors to support 
                       detailed mine planning and 
                       final evaluation of the economic 
                       viability of the deposit. 
                       Geological evidence is derived 
                       from detailed and reliable 
                       exploration, sampling and 
                       testing gathered through appropriate 
                       techniques from locations 
                       such as outcrops, trenches, 
                       pits, workings and drill holes, 
                       and is sufficient to confirm 
                       geological and grade (or quality) 
                       continuity between points 
                       of observation where data 
                       and samples are gathered. 
                       A Measured Mineral Resource 
                       has a higher level of confidence 
                       than that applying to either 
                       an Indicated Mineral Resource 
                       or an Inferred Mineral Resource. 
                       It may be converted to a Proved 
                       Ore Reserve or under certain 
                       circumstances to a Probable 
                       Ore Reserve 
-------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
 Mineral Reserves     An 'Ore Reserve' is the economically 
  or Ore Reserves      mineable part of a Measured 
                       and/or Indicated Mineral Resource. 
                       It includes diluting materials 
                       and allowances for losses, 
                       which may occur when the material 
                       is mined or extracted and 
                       is defined by studies at Pre-Feasibility 
                       or Feasibility level as appropriate 
                       that include application of 
                       Modifying Factors. Such studies 
                       demonstrate that, at the time 
                       of reporting, extraction could 
                       reasonably be justified. 
-------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
 Mineral Resource     A 'Mineral Resource' is a 
                       concentration or occurrence 
                       of solid material of economic 
                       interest in or on the Earth's 
                       crust in such form, grade 
                       (or quality), and quantity 
                       that there are reasonable 
                       prospects for eventual economic 
                       extraction. The location, 
                       quantity, grade (or quality), 
                       continuity and other geological 
                       characteristics of a Mineral 
                       Resource are known, estimated 
                       or interpreted from specific 
                       geological evidence and knowledge, 
                       including sampling. Mineral 
                       Resources are sub-divided, 
                       in order of increasing geological 
                       confidence, into Inferred, 
                       Indicated and Measured categories. 
-------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
 Modifying Factors    'Modifying Factors' are considerations 
                       used to convert Mineral Resources 
                       to Ore Reserves. These include, 
                       but are not restricted to, 
                       mining, processing, metallurgical, 
                       infrastructure, economic, 
                       marketing, legal, environmental, 
                       social and governmental factors. 
-------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
 Probable Ore         A 'Probable Ore Reserve' is 
  Reserve              the economically mineable 
                       part of an Indicated, and 
                       in some circumstances, a Measured 
                       Mineral Resource. The confidence 
                       in the Modifying Factors applying 
                       to a Probable Ore Reserve 
                       is lower than that applying 
                       to a Proved Ore Reserve. 
-------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
 Proved Ore Reserve   A 'Proved Ore Reserve' is 
                       the economically mineable 
                       part of a Measured Mineral 
                       Resource. A Proved Ore Reserve 
                       implies a high degree of confidence 
                       in the Modifying Factors. 
-------------------  ------------------------------------------ 
 Abbreviation   Definition of 
-------------  ----------------- 
 Ag             Chemical symbol 
                 for silver 
-------------  ----------------- 
 Au             Chemical symbol 
                 for gold 
-------------  ----------------- 
 g/t            Gramme per tonne 
-------------  ----------------- 
 M              Meters 
-------------  ----------------- 
 Oz             Ounces 
-------------  ----------------- 
 t              Tonnes 
-------------  ----------------- 

"Datamine Studio RM" and "NPV Scheduler"software was used in the estimate of Mineral Resources and the calculation of Ore Reserves.

"NPV Scheduler" is computer software that uses the Lerch-Grossman algorithm, which is a 3-D algorithm that can be applied to the optimisation of open-pit mine designs. The purpose of optimisation is to produce the most cost effective and most profitable open-pit design from a resource block model to define the reserve.

This information is provided by RNS

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

August 14, 2017 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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