BW20030528002023  20030528T112624Z UTC

( BW)(MITSUBISHI-TOKYO-FIN)(MTF) Final Results - Part 2 of 5

    Business Editors

    TOKYO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 28, 2003--

(Japanese GAAP)
Mitsubishi Tokyo Financial Group, Inc.

Non-Consolidated Balance Sheets
                                                                                      As of  March 31,   As of March 31,
(in millions of yen)                                                                       2002              2003
 Current assets:
  Cash and bank deposits with banks                                                      39,212            34,360
  Deferred tax assets                                                                        50               104
  Accounts receivable                                                                         -            15,544
  Other                                                                                  16,037             1,422
        Total current assets                                                             55,300   1.3 %    51,432  1.2 %
 Fixed assets:
  Premises and equipment:
       Leasehold improvements                                                               261               211
       Equipment and furniture                                                              177               156
  Total premises and equipment                                                              439               367
  Intangible assets:
       Trademarks                                                                            56                55
       Computer software                                                                    357               315
       Other                                                                                  2                 1
  Total intangible assets                                                                   415               372
  Investments and other assets:
       Investments in subsidiaries                                                    4,000,070         4,210,347
       Convertible bonds due from subsidiary                                            243,924                 -
       Deferred tax assets                                                                    -                12
       Other                                                                                436               521
  Total investments and other assets                                                  4,244,431         4,210,881
        Total fixed assets                                                            4,245,287  98.7 % 4,211,622 98.8 %
 Deferred charge:
  Organization cost                                                                       1,375             1,031
 Total deferred charge                                                                    1,375   0.0 %     1,031   0.0%
Total assets                                                                          4,301,963 100.0 % 4,264,085 100.0%
 Current liabilities:
  Accounts payable                                                                          250            12,241
  Accrued expenses                                                                        2,772               112
  Accrued income taxes                                                                      109               292
  Other                                                                                      59                54
  Reserve for employees' bonuses                                                             75                78
        Total current liabilities                                                         3,267   0.1 %    12,779   0.3%
 Long-term liabilities:
  Convertible bonds                                                                     243,924                 -
  Deferred tax liabilities                                                                2,038                 -
   Total long-term liabilities                                                          245,962   5.7 %         -    - %
Total liabilities                                                                       249,230   5.8 %    12,779  0.3 %
Shareholders' equity:
 Capital stock                                                                        1,146,500  26.6 % 1,258,052 29.5 %
 Capital surplus:
  Legal capital surplus                                                               2,838,692         2,350,244
  Other capital surplus                                                               -                   600,000
        Total capital surplus                                                         2,838,692  66.0 % 2,950,244 69.2 %
 Retained earnings:
  Unappropriated                                                                         67,871            44,305
 Total retained earnings                                                                 67,871   1.6 %    44,305  1.0 %
 Total                                                                                4,053,064  94.2 % 4,252,602 99.7 %
 Less treasury stock                                                                       (331)  0.0 %    (1,296)(0.0)%
Total shareholders' equity                                                            4,052,733  94.2 % 4,251,306 99.7 %
Total liabilities and shareholders' equity                                            4,301,963 100.0 % 4,264,085 100.0%
See Notes to Non-Consolidated Financial Statements.

(Japanese GAAP)
Mitsubishi Tokyo Financial Group, Inc.
Non-Consolidated Statements of Income
(in millions of yen)                        For the year ended    For the year ended
                                               March 31, 2002      March 31, 2003
Operating income:
  Dividends on investments in subsidiaries     67,577              22,067
  Management fees from subsidiaries             4,967               5,165
   Total operating income                      72,544  100.0    %  27,232    100.0     %
Operating expenses:
  General and administrative expenses           4,166               3,240
   Total operating expenses                     4,166    5.7    %   3,240     11.9     %
Operating profit                               68,378   94.3    %  23,991     88.1     %
Non-operating income:
  Interest on deposits                              7                   6
  Interest on securities                        7,137               4,729
  Other                                           230                 125
   Total non-operating income                   7,374   10.1    %   4,861     17.8     %
Non-operating expenses:
  Interest on borrowed money                       27                   -
  Interest on convertible bonds                 7,137               4,729
  Amortization of organization cost               343                 343
  Amortization of stock issuance costs              -               1,351
  Other                                           129                  13
   Total non-operating expenses                 7,638   10.5    %   6,437     23.6     %
Ordinary profit                                68,114   93.9    %  22,415     82.3     %
Special losses:
  Losses on sales of fixed assets                   -                   2
  Losses on disposition of fixed assets             -                 269
   Total special losses                             -      -    %     272      1.0     %
Income before income taxes                     68,114   93.9    %  22,143     81.3     %
Income taxes-current                              306                 859
Income taxes-deferred                             (63)             (2,105)
  Total income taxes                              242    0.3    %  (1,245)    (4.6)    %
Net income                                     67,871   93.6    %  23,389     85.9     %
Unappropriated retained earnings brought
 forward                                            -              25,083
Interim cash dividends                              -               4,167
Unappropriated retained earnings at fiscal
 year end                                      67,871              44,305
See Notes to Non-Consolidated Financial

(Japanese GAAP)
Mitsubishi Tokyo Financial Group, Inc.
Proposed Appropriations of Retained Earnings and Other Capital Surplus
(in millions of yen)                          For the year ended           For the year ended
                                                March 31, 2002               March 31, 2003

Appropriations of Retained Earnings
Unappropriated retained earnings at
 fiscal year end                                                67,871                       44,305
 Cash dividends on preferred
  stock-class 1                         (82,500 yen per share)   6,715 (41,250 yen per share) 3,357

 Cash dividends on preferred
  stock-class 2                         (16,200 yen per share)   1,620  (8,100 yen per share)   810

 Cash dividends on common stock          (6,000 yen per share)  34,452 (4,000 yen per share) 24,922

Total                                                           42,788                       29,089
Unappropriated retained earnings to be
 carried forward                                                25,083                       15,215

Appropriations of Other Capital Surplus
Other capital surplus at fiscal year end                             -                      600,000
Other capital surplus to be carried forward                          -                      600,000

Information on Notes to Non-Consolidated Financial Statements can be
viewed at:
Information on Changes of Directors and Corporate Auditors can be
viewed at:

  Selected Financial Information
  under Japanese GAAP For the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2003


1  Consolidated Financial Highlights under Japanese GAAP
      for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2003
    1. Financial Results                                                        [Consolidated]                  1

    2. Valuation Differences on Securities                                     [Consolidated] , [Trust]         2

    3. Risk-Adjusted Capital Ratio Based on the Standards of the BIS           [Consolidated]                   3

    4. Return on Equity                                                        [Consolidated]                   3

2. Loan Portfolio and Other

    1. Risk-Monitored Loans                                                    [Consolidated] , [Trust]         4

    2. Allowance for Loan Losses                                               [Consolidated] , [Trust]         6
    3. Coverage Ratio against Risk-Monitored Loans                             [Consolidated]                   6

    4. Disclosed Claims under the Financial Reconstruction Law (the ?FRL?)     [Total of the 2 Banks*]          7

    5. Status of Secured Coverage on Disclosed Claims under the FRL            [Total of the 2 Banks*]          7

    6. Progress in the Disposal of Problem Assets                              [Total of the 2 Banks*]          8

    7. Classification of Loans by Type of Industry                             [Total of the 2 Banks*]         11

    8. Foreign Loans                                                           [Total of the 2 Banks*]         13

    9. Loans and Deposits                                                      [Total of the 2 Banks*]         14

   10. Domestic Deposits                                                      [Total of the 2 Banks*]          14

   11. Number of Employees                                                    [Total of the 2 Banks*]          14

   12. Number of Offices                                                      [Total of the 2 Banks*]          14

   13. Employees' Retirement Benefits                                         [Consolidated]                   15

   14. Earning Projections for the Fiscal Year ending March 31, 2004          [Consolidated]                   16

Note: * "Total of the 2 Banks" stands for the aggregated
non-consolidated figures of The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, Ltd. and The
Mitsubishi Trust and Banking Corporation.

1 Consolidated Financial Highlights under Japanese GAAP
      for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2003

1 Financial Results

                                                      For the year ended         Increase/         For the year ended
                                                       March 31, 2003 (A)        (Decrease)         March 31, 2002 (B)

   Gross profits                                         1,747,325                35,679              1,711,646

     Net interest income                                 1,058,810               (49,224)             1,108,034

     Trust fees                                            101,442               (21,337)               122,779

       Credit costs for trust accounts (1)                 (8,136)               11,183                (19,319)

     Net fees and commissions                              354,717                16,319                338,398

     Net trading profits                                    79,907                25,319                 54,588

     Net other business income                             152,447                64,602                 87,845

       Net gains on debt securities                         68,260                60,374                  7,886

   General and administrative expenses                     991,226                24,374                966,851

   Net business profits before
     credit costs for trust accounts                       764,235                   120                764,114
     and provision for formula allowance for loan losses

   Provision for formula allowance for loan losses(2)       38,260                 4,386                 33,874

   Net business profits*                                   717,838                 6,918                710,920

   Net non-recurring losses                            (1,078,100)              (77,834)            (1,000,266)

     Credit related costs (3)                            (492,380)              242,235               (721,245)

       Losses on loan charge-offs                        (211,059)               72,638               (283,697)

       Provision for specific allowance for loan losses  (117,747)              228,399               (346,146)

       Losses on sales of loans to the
        Resolution and Collection Corporation             (75,263)              (69,100)                (6,162)

       Other credit related costs                         (88,310)               (3,072)               (85,238)

     Net losses on equity securities                     (488,030)             (263,179)              (224,850)

       Gains on sales of equity securities                  80,344               (56,508)               136,852

       Losses on sales of equity securities              (219,654)               (2,619)              (217,034)

       Losses on write down of equity securities         (348,719)             (204,050)              (144,668)

     Equity in loss of affiliates                          (3,532)                7,079                (10,612)

     Other                                                (94,157)              (62,970)               (43,557)

   Ordinary loss                                         (360,262)              (70,916)              (289,345)

   Net special gains (losses)                              19,520                27,258                 (7,738)

   Loss before income taxes and others                   (340,742)              (43,657)              (297,084)

   Income taxes-current                                    55,919                21,101                 34,818
   Income taxes-deferred                                 (237,065)              (38,753)              (198,311)
   Minority interest                                        1,898               (16,826)                18,725

   Net loss                                              (161,495)               (9,179)              (152,316)


* Net business profits = The 2 Banks' non-consolidated net business
profits + Other consolidated entities' gross profits - Other

consolidated entities' general and administrative expenses - Other
consolidated entities' provision for formula allowance for loan

losses - Intercompany transactions


  Total credit costs  (1)+(2)+(3)                         538,777              (235,661)               774,439

  Number of consolidated subsidiaries                         184                    (2)                   186

  Number of affiliated companies
   accounted for by the equity method                          31                    (6)                    37

   2. Valuation Differences on Securities

   (1) Valuation method of securities
Trading securities             Market value (valuation differences are recorded as profits or losses)
Debt securities being
  held to maturity             Amortized cost
Securities available for sale  Market value (valuation differences are included in
                                    shareholders' equity, net of income taxes)

     (Reference) Securities in money held in trust
Trading purposes         Market value (valuation differences are recorded as profits or losses)
Being held to maturity   Amortized cost
Other                    Market value (valuation differences are included in shareholders' equity, net of income taxes)

   (2) Valuation differences

                                  As of March 31, 2003                                  As of March 31, 2002
                                 Valuation differences                                 Valuation differences
                                  (A)        (A) - (B)        Gains        Losses        (B)        Gains        Losses
Debt securities being
  held to maturity               15,960         2,432       15,961             1       13,527        13,799        271
Securities available
 for sale                      (242,635)     (381,477)     506,454       749,089      138,842       743,925      605,083
  Domestic equity securities   (427,244)     (498,699)     191,051       618,296       71,454       551,983      480,528
  Domestic bonds                121,870        42,168      124,182         2,311       79,702        83,691        3,989
  Other                          62,738        75,053      191,220       128,481      (12,314)      108,250      120,565
  Total                       (226,675)     (379,045)     522,415       749,090      152,370       757,725      605,355
 Domestic equity securities   (427,244)     (498,699)     191,051       618,296       71,454       551,983      480,528
    Domestic bonds             133,297        44,723      135,609         2,311       88,574        92,647        4,072
    Other                       67,271        74,931      195,755       128,483       (7,659)      113,093      120,753

(2) Market Value Information for Securities in Trusts with Contracts for Compensating the Principal

     Money Trusts (jointly operated designated money in trust)

       A. Market Value of Securities                                                               (in millions of yen)
                              Trust Assets at period end      Market Value             Valuation Gains
          March 31, 2003              232,328                    238,931                      6,602
         Note : A fair value is given where a fair value can be calculated for a market-value equivalent.

       B. Valuation Gains of Derivative Transaction :      1,637  millions of yen

     Loan Trusts

       A. Market Value of Securities                                                               (in millions of yen)
                                        Trust Assets at period end        Market Value             Valuation Gains
                 March 31, 2003              201,780                    226,131                     24,350

         Note : A fair value is given where a fair value can be calculated for a market-value equivalent.

       B. Valuation Gains of Derivative Transaction :     12,648  millions of yen

   3. Risk-Adjusted Capital Ratio Based on the Standards of the BIS

                                          As of             Increase/         Increase/          As of        As of
                                         March 31,         (Decrease)        (Decrease)        March 31,   September 30,
                                         2003 (A)           (A) - (B)         (A) - (C)         2002 (B)       2002 (C)
                                      (Preliminary basis)
(1)  Risk-adjusted capital ratio          10.84%              0.53%             0.34%           10.30%          10.49%
(2)  Tier I capital                      3,128.6             (52.4)             75.5           3,181.1         3,053.1
(3)  Tier II capital includable
  as qualifying capital                  2,847.6            (297.7)            (95.2)          3,145.3         2,942.8
   i) The amount of unrealized gains
      on investment securities, includable
        as qualifying capital              --                (61.2)               --              61.2           --
  ii) The amount of land revaluation
  excess includable as qualifying capital  147.3               1.0                3.2            146.2           144.0
  iii) Subordinated debt                  2,012.1            (281.8)             (98.0)         2,294.0         2,110.2

 (4)  Tier III capital includable
    as qualifying capital                   30.0              30.0                0.2             --              29.8

 (5)  Deductions from total
    qualifying capital                      37.9             (68.0)              14.1            105.9            23.7

 (6)  Total qualifying
       capital (2)+(3)+(4)-(5)           5,968.4            (252.1)             (33.6)         6,220.5         6,002.0

 (7)  Risk-adjusted assets              55,049.6          (5,286.2)          (2,140.6)        60,335.8        57,190.3

4. Return on Equity                                                         (%)

                                  For the year ended   Increase/     For the year ended
                                   March 31, 2003 (A)  (Decrease)    March 31, 2002 (B)
                                                       (A) - (B)
   ROE   *                              (5.97)           (0.43)             (5.54)

   Note: *   ROE is computed as follows:

                (Net income - Dividends on preferred stocks)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------     � 100
    {(Shareholders' equity at beginning of period - Number of preferred
    stocks at beginning of period � Issue price - Land revaluation excess
    at beginning of period - Unrealized gains on securities available for
    sale at beginning of period) + (Shareholders' equity at end of period
    - Number of preferred stocks at end of period � Issue price - Land
    revaluation excess at end of period - Unrealized gains on securities
      available for sale at end of period)} / 2

2  Loan Portfolio and Other

    1. Risk-Monitored Loans

(Nonaccrual loans, accruing loans contractually past due 3 months or
more and restructured loans)

                                                                                                  (in millions of yen)

                                   As of            Increase/          Increase/           As of             As of
                                  March 31,        (Decrease)         (Decrease)          March 31,       September 30,
                                   2003 (A)         (A) - (B)          (A) - (C)          2002 (B)          2002 (C)

Loans to customers in bankruptcy   96,530            (51,425)          (14,430)           147,955           110,961
Past due loans                  1,208,106           (789,404)         (341,496)         1,997,510         1,549,602
Accruing loans contractually       20,399             (2,640)            6,429             23,039            13,970
past due 3 months or more
Restructured loans              1,244,431           (633,680)         (556,158)         1,878,111         1,800,590
Total                           2,569,468         (1,477,150)         (905,656)         4,046,618         3,475,124
   Loans and bills discounted  46,950,363         (2,112,431)          (11,449)        49,062,795        46,961,813

 Percentage of total loans
 and bills discounted
   Loans to customers
    in bankruptcy                 0.20%            (0.09)%            (0.03)%            0.30%              0.23%
   Past due loans                 2.57%            (1.49)%            (0.72)%            4.07%              3.29%
   Accruing loans contractually   0.04%            (0.00)%              0.01%            0.04%              0.02%
   past due 3 months or more
   Restructured loans             2.65%            (1.17)%            (1.18)%            3.82%              3.83%
   Total                          5.47%            (2.77)%            (1.92)%            8.24%              7.39%

     [Trust accounts]                                                                            (in millions of yen)
                                     As of            Increase/          Increase/            As of           As of
                                   March 31,          (Decrease)         (Decrease)         March 31,      September 30,
                                    2003 (A)          (A) - (B)          (A) - (C)           2002 (B)         2002 (C)
Loans to customers in bankruptcy     4,369             (4,049)            (5,759)             8,419           10,129
Past due loans                       2,220             (9,745)            (4,224)            12,016            6,445
Accruing loans contractually           919               (180)              (122)             1,100            1,041
past due 3 months or more
Restructured loans                  33,655            (10,582)            (7,378)            44,237           41,033
Total                               41,165            (24,607)           (17,485)            65,773           58,650
   Loans and bills discounted      883,501           (240,168)           (85,366)         1,123,669          968,867

  [Consolidated and Trust accounts]                                                                (in millions of yen)
                                      As of            Increase/          Increase/            As of          As of
                                     March 31,        (Decrease)         (Decrease)         March 31,     September 30,
                                     2003 (A)          (A) - (B)          (A) - (C)           2002 (B)       2002 (C)
Loans to customers in bankruptcy     100,899            (55,475)           (20,190)           156,374         121,090
Past due loans                     1,210,327           (799,199)          (345,721)         2,009,526       1,556,048
Accruing loans contractually          21,319             (2,820)             6,306             24,139          15,012
past due 3 months or more
Restructured loans                 1,278,087           (644,262)          (563,536)         1,922,349       1,841,623
Total                              2,610,633         (1,501,758)          (923,141)         4,112,391       3,533,775
   Loans and bills discounted     47,833,865         (2,352,600)           (96,815)        50,186,465      47,930,681

Classification of risk-monitored Loans

Classification by geographic area
[Consolidated]                                                                                    (in millions of yen)

                             As of           Increase/         Increase/            As of              As of
                            March 31,       (Decrease)         (Decrease)         March 31,         September 30,
                            2003 (A)         (A) - (B)         (A) - (C)          2002 (B)            2002 (C)
Domestic*                   2,163,416        (1,540,573)          (950,020)        3,703,990         3,113,436
Overseas*                     406,051            63,423             44,364           342,628           361,687
  Asia                         66,666           (59,886)           (16,894)          126,553            83,561
   Indonesia                   14,348           (27,181)           (17,218)           41,530            31,566
   Thailand                    13,595           (26,869)           (16,021)           40,465            29,616
   Hong Kong                   16,539             5,049             13,957            11,490             2,581
   Other                       22,183           (10,883)             2,387            33,067            19,796
  United States of America    212,778            61,323             60,765           151,454           152,012
  Other                       126,606            61,987                493            64,619           126,113
Total                       2,569,468        (1,477,150)          (905,656)        4,046,618         3,475,124
Note:*   "Domestic" and "Overseas" are classified by domicile of borrowers.

[Trust accounts]                                                                                  (in millions of yen)
                                        As of           Increase/         Increase/            As of           As of
                                      March 31,        (Decrease)         (Decrease)         March 31,     September 30,
                                      2003 (A)          (A) - (B)         (A) - (C)          2002 (B)        2002 (C)
Domestic                               41,165           (24,607)           (17,485)           65,773          58,650

Classification by type
  of industry of borrowers

[Consolidated]                                                                                    (in millions of yen)
                                As of           Increase/         Increase/            As of             As of
                              March 31,        (Decrease)         (Decrease)         March 31,       September 30,
                              2003 (A)          (A) - (B)         (A) - (C)          2002 (B)          2002 (C)
Domestic*                     2,163,416        (1,540,573)          (950,020)        3,703,990         3,113,436
  Manufacturing                 303,932          (142,579)          (111,041)          446,511           414,974
  Construction                  257,374          (136,846)           (88,440)          394,220           345,815
  Wholesale and Retail          475,371          (183,289)          (148,344)          658,660           623,715
  Banks and other
   financial institutions        24,942           (68,850)           (57,869)           93,792            82,811
  Real estate                   515,712          (745,396)          (394,774)        1,261,108           910,487
  Services                      249,824          (196,333)          (122,894)          446,157           372,719
  Other industries              103,079           (24,572)            (6,885)          127,651           109,964
  Consumer                      233,178           (42,706)           (19,770)          275,885           252,949
Overseas*                       406,051            63,423             44,364           342,628           361,687
     Banks and other
      financial institutions      6,122           (19,537)            (2,932)           25,660             9,055
     Commercial and industrial  379,238            72,808             77,853           306,429           301,384
     Other                       20,691            10,152            (30,556)           10,538            51,248
Total                         2,569,468        (1,477,150)          (905,656)        4,046,618         3,475,124
Note:*   "Domestic" and "Overseas" are classified by domicile of borrowers.

[Trust accounts]                                                                                   (in millions of yen)
                                 As of           Increase/         Increase/            As of             As of
                                March 31,        (Decrease)         (Decrease)         March 31,       September 30,
                                2003 (A)          (A) - (B)         (A) - (C)          2002 (B)          2002 (C)
Domestic                         41,165           (24,607)           (17,485)           65,773            58,650
  Manufacturing                   4,005            (2,875)            (5,421)            6,880             9,426
  Construction                    1,717            (1,380)            (1,281)            3,098             2,999
  Wholesale and Retail            2,500            (3,925)            (1,414)            6,425             3,914
  Banks and other
    financial institutions          --                (25)               --                 25                --
  Real estate                     6,619            (7,264)            (4,083)           13,884            10,703
  Services                        1,733            (9,941)            (7,224)           11,675             8,958
  Other industries               18,210             2,586               2,693           15,623            15,516
  Consumer                        6,377            (1,781)              (753)            8,159             7,131
Total                            41,165           (24,607)           (17,485)           65,773            58,650

2. Allowance for Loan Losses

    [Consolidated]                                                                                 (in millions of yen)

                                        As of          Increase/        Increase/         As of             As of
                                      March 31,        (Decrease)      (Decrease)       March 31,        September 30,
                                       2003 (A)        (A) - (B)        (A) - (C)        2002 (B)          2002 (C)
Allowance for loan losses             1,297,292         (362,348)       (200,984)       1,659,640         1,498,277
 Formula allowance for loan losses      806,015           31,464         (36,157)         774,550           842,172
 Specific allowance for loan losses     477,898         (379,588)       (163,356)         857,487           641,255
 Allowance for loans to
   specific foreign borrowers            13,378          (14,224)         (1,471)          27,602            14,849
Reserve for losses on real estate-
  collateralized loans sold                --             (7,575)         (2,039)           7,575             2,039

 [Trust accounts]                                                                                 (in millions of yen)
                                      As of          Increase/        Increase/         As of             As of
                                    March 31,        (Decrease)      (Decrease)       March 31,        September 30,
                                     2003 (A)        (A) - (B)        (A) - (C)        2002 (B)          2002 (C)
 Special internal reserves            8,425           (4,678)         (2,725)          13,104             11,151
    Allowance for bad debts           1,002              109             (86)             893              1,089

3. Coverage Ratio against Risk-Monitored Loans

    [Consolidated]                                                                                (in millions of yen)

                                             As of          Increase/        Increase/         As of          As of
                                           March 31,        (Decrease)      (Decrease)       March 31,     September 30,
                                            2003 (A)        (A) - (B)        (A) - (C)        2002 (B)       2002 (C)

 Allowance for loan losses (I)             1,297,292         (362,348)       (200,984)       1,659,640       1,498,277
 Risk-monitored loans (II)                 2,569,468       (1,477,150)       (905,656)       4,046,618       3,475,124
 Coverage ratio (I)/(II)                      50.48%            9.47%           7.37%           41.01%          43.11%

4. Disclosed Claims under the Financial Reconstruction Law (the "FRL")

 [Banking and Trust accounts:
  Total of the 2 Banks]                                                                           (in millions of yen)
                                        As of          Increase/       Increase/          As of            As of
                                      March 31,       (Decrease)       (Decrease)       March 31,      September 30,
                                       2003 (A)        (A) - (B)       (A) - (C)         2002 (B)         2002 (C)
  Claims to bankrupt and
   substantially bankrupt debtors      226,457        (192,623)        (175,655)         419,080          402,112
  Claims under high risk             1,031,373        (902,187)        (355,283)       1,933,561        1,386,657
  Claims under close observation     1,357,445        (559,393)        (528,841)       1,916,838        1,886,287
  Total (1)                          2,615,276      (1,654,204)      (1,059,780)       4,269,481        3,675,056
  Normal claims                     46,335,943      (1,795,990)         104,030       48,131,933       46,231,912

5.  Status of Secured Coverage on Disclosed Claims under the FRL

     [Banking and Trust accounts: Total of the 2 Banks]                                            (in millions of yen)

                                       As of          Increase/       Increase/          As of            As of
                                      March 31,       (Decrease)      (Decrease)       March 31,      September 30,
                                      2003 (A)        (A) - (B)       (A) - (C)         2002 (B)         2002 (C)
  Secured coverage amount (2)        1,971,278      (1,270,775)        (830,180)       3,242,054        2,801,459
    Allowance for loan losses          671,843        (387,397)        (205,935)       1,059,240          877,778
    Reserve for financial
    support to specific borrowers          531              93              281              437              250
    Collateral, guarantees, etc.     1,298,903        (883,472)        (624,526)       2,182,375        1,923,429
  Secured coverage ratio (2)/(1)       75.37%           (0.56)%          (0.85)%         75.93%           76.22%

    Secured Coverage of Each Category of Disclosed Claims under the FRL

     [Banking and Trust accounts: Total of the 2 Banks]                                            (in millions of yen)
 Category           Disclosed     Allowance for     Reserve for      Collectable      Coverage ratio     Coverage ratio
                    amount (A)    loan losses(B)    financial         amount by         [(B)+(C)]/        [(B)+(C)+(D)]
                                                    support to      collateralized      [(A)-(D)]             / (A)
                                                     specific       and guaranteed
                                                    borrowers (C)     loans(D)
 Claims to bankrupt   226,457        19,961             -              206,495             100.00%          100.00%
 and substantially
  bankrupt debtors   [419,080]      [66,821]            -             [352,254]           [99.99%]         [99.99%]
  Claims under        1,031,373     386,331             -              467,567             68.52%           82.79%
   high risk         [1,933,561]   [723,307]          [437]           [860,703]           [67.45%]         [81.94%]
 Claims under         1,357,445     265,549            531             624,840             36.31%           65.63%
 close observation   [1,916,838]   [269,112]            -             [969,417]           [28.40%]         [64.61%]
 Sub total (1)        2,615,276     671,843            531           1,298,903             51.07%           75.37%
                     [4,269,481] [1,059,240]          [437]         [2,182,375]           [50.77%]         [75.93%]
    Normal claims     46,335,943
    Total (2)         48,951,219
  Sub total (1)        5.34%
    / Total (2)       [8.14%]

Note: The upper figures are as of March 31, 2003. The lower figures
with bracket are as of March 31, 2002.

6.  Progress in the Disposal of Problem Assets [Banking and Trust
    accounts: Total of the 2 Banks] (excluding claims under close

(1) Assets categorized as problem assets
   as of September 30, 2000 based on the FRL                                            (in billions of yen)

                           As of          As of          As of         As of          As of         As of
                       September 30,    March 31,    September 30,   March 31,    September 30,   March 31,     (b)-(a)
                           2000            2001          2001           2002        2002 (a)       2003 (b)
Claims to bankrupt
 and substantially
 bankrupt debtors          513.6          280.6         274.1          213.9         253.7           68.7      (184.9)
Claims under high risk   1,580.2        1,400.4       1,141.3          840.1         378.5           37.4       (341.0)
Total                    2,093.8        1,681.0       1,415.4        1,054.1         632.2          106.2       (526.0)
                                                                                                     (A)          (B)

    Progress in the disposal of problem assets  (in billions of yen)

                                Second half of fiscal 2002

Disposition by borrowers' liquidation      142.7
Re-constructive disposition                 15.7
Improvements in financial status due to
  re-constructive disposition                0.8
Loan sales to secondary market             121.4
Charge-off                                  42.2
Other                                      202.9
    Collection of claims                    51.3
    Improvements in financial status       151.5
    Total                                  526.0 (B)

Above (A) includes the following figures which facilitates the final
disposal of problem loans.

                                     (in billions of yen)

                                    Second half of fiscal 2002
 Legal liquidation                           33.0
 Quasi-legal liquidation                      0.6
 Split-off of problem loans                  11.5
 Partial charge-off of
   smaller balance loans                     10.3
Entrust through the managed trust method to  22.9
 the Resolution and Collection Corporation
 Total                                       78.5

(2) Assets newly categorized as problem assets during second half of
fiscal 2000 based on the FRL                                                                       (in billions of yen)

                                  As of          As of          As of         As of          As of
                                 March 31,    September 30,    March 31,   September 30,    March 31,     (b)-(a)
                                   2001            2001          2002         2002 (a)      2003 (b)
Claims to bankrupt and
substantially  bankrupt debtors   117.9          103.8          99.2           46.9          34.8          (12.1)
Claims under high risk            769.0          693.0         538.9          346.0         134.6         (211.4)
Total                             887.0          796.8         638.1          393.0         169.5         (223.5)
                                                                                             (C)            (D)

Progress in the disposal of problem assets  (in billions of yen)

                                       Second half of fiscal 2002
Disposition by borrowers' liquidation             10.5
Re-constructive disposition                        6.4
Improvements in financial status due to
re-constructive disposition                        9.1
Loan sales to secondary market                    46.1
Charge-off                                        88.1
Other                                             63.0
    Collection of claims                          48.8
    Improvements in financial status              14.1
Total                                            223.5 (D)

Above (C) includes the following figures which facilitates the final
disposal of problem loans.

                                     (in billions of yen)

                                   Second half of fiscal 2002
Legal liquidation                            4.5
Quasi-legal liquidation                      --
Split-off of problem loans                   --
Partial charge-off of smaller balance loans  7.3
Entrust through the managed trust
 method to the Resolution
 and Collection Corporation                  --
Total                                       11.8

(3) Assets newly categorized as problem assets during first half of
fiscal 2001 based on the FRL (in billions of yen)

                                       As of          As of         As of         As of
                                   September 30,    March 31,   September 30,   March 31,      (b)-(a)
                                       2001           2002        2002 (a)      2003 (b)
Claims to bankrupt and substantially
bankrupt debtors                      30.2            42.1          27.9          17.0          (10.9)
Claims under high risk               337.1           170.3         101.6          37.8          (63.8)
Total                                367.3           212.5         129.6          54.8          (74.7)
                                                                                   (E)           (F)

    Progress in the disposal of problem assets  (in billions of yen)

                                 Second half of fiscal 2002
Disposition by borrowers' liquidation     0.7
Re-constructive disposition              11.0
Improvements in financial status due to   4.5
re-constructive disposition
Loan sales to secondary market           21.5
Charge-off                                8.8
Other                                    27.8
    Collection of claims                 24.6
    Improvements in financial status      3.2
Total                                    74.7 (F)

Above (E) includes the following figures which facilitates the final
disposal of problem loans.

                                            (in billions of yen)

                                   Second half of fiscal 2002
 Legal liquidation                         4.4
 Quasi-legal liquidation                   --
 Split-off of problem loans                --
 Partial charge-off of
  smaller balance loans                   11.9
 Entrust through the managed trust
  method to the Resolution
  and Collection Corporation               --
 Total                                    16.4

(4) Assets newly categorized as problem assets during second half of
fiscal 2001 based on the FRL

                                       As of          As of         As of
                                     March 31,    September 30,   March 31,     (b)-(a)
                                       2002         2002 (a)      2003 (b)
  Claims to bankrupt and
  substantially bankrupt debtors        63.6          44.4          20.6         (23.7)
    Claims under high risk             384.0         190.9         103.6         (87.3)
    Total                              447.7         235.3         124.2        (111.0)
                                                                     (G)           (H)

    Progress in the disposal of problem assets  (in billions of yen)

                                   Second half of fiscal 2002
 Disposition by borrowers' liquidation        1.3
 Re-constructive disposition                 13.8
 Improvements in financial status due to
 re-constructive disposition                  --
 Loan sales to secondary market              34.3
 Charge-off                                  21.3
 Other                                       40.1
     Collection of claims                    35.1
     Improvements in financial status         4.9
 Total                                      111.0 (H)

Above (G) includes the following figures which facilitates the final
disposal of problem loans.

                                        (in billions of yen)

                               Second half of fiscal 2002
Legal liquidation                         4.2
Quasi-legal liquidation                   --
Split-off of problem loans                --
Partial charge-off of
 smaller balance loans                   11.0
Entrust through the managed trust
 method to the Resolution
 and Collection Corporation               --
Total                                    15.3

(5) Assets newly categorized as problem assets during first half of
fiscal 2002 based on the FRL

                                                     (in billions of yen)
                                As of       As of
                             September 30, March 31,   (b)-(a)
                              2002 (a)      2003 (b)
 Claims to bankrupt and
  substantially bankrupt
  debtors                        28.9       34.5        5.5
 Claims under high
  risk                          369.4      160.2     (209.2)
 Total                          398.4      194.7     (203.7)
                                            (I)        (J)

 Progress in the disposal of problem assets  (in
  billions of yen)
                          Second half of fiscal
 Disposition by
  borrowers' liquidation          4.4
  disposition                    13.4
 Improvements in
  financial status due
  to re-constructive
  disposition                     9.7
 Loan sales to secondary
  market                         42.4
 Charge-off                      19.2
 Other                          114.4
    Collection of
     claims                     101.3
    Improvements in
     financial status            13.0
 Total                          203.7 (J)

 Above (I) includes the following figures which facilitates the final
  disposal of problem loans.
                             (in billions of yen)
                        Second half of fiscal
 Legal liquidation               24.9
  liquidation                     --
 Split-off of problem
  loans                           --
 Partial charge-off of
  smaller balance loans           7.8
 Entrust through the managed
  trust method to the
  Resolution and
  Collection Corporation          --
 Total                           32.7

(6) Assets newly categorized as problem assets during second half of
 fiscal 2002 based on the FRL

                             (in billions of yen)
                           As of March 31, 2003
 Claims to bankrupt and
  substantially bankrupt
  debtors                        50.5
 Claims under high
  risk                          557.6
 Total                          608.1

 Historical trend of problem assets                                                                  (in billions of
  based on the FRL
                        As of       As of      As of         As of        As of        As of
                    September 30, March 31, September 30,  March 31,  September 30,  March 31,
                        2000        2001        2001         2002         2002 (a)     2003 (b)            (b)-(a)
 Claims to bankrupt
  and substantially
  bankrupt debtors      513.6      398.6      408.1        419.0        402.1        226.4                 (175.6)
 Claims under high
  risk                        1,580.2    2,169.4    2,171.4      1,933.5      1,386.6      1,031.3         (355.2)
 Total                        2,093.8    2,568.0    2,579.6      2,352.6      1,788.7      1,257.8         (530.9)

7. Classification of Loans by Type
 of Industry

(1) Loans by type of industry  (Total of the 2                                                                 (in
 Banks)                                                                                                    millions
                                                                                                            of yen)
                            As of       Increase/     Increase/      As of          As of
                           March 31,   (Decrease)    (Decrease)    March 31,    September 30,
                           2003 (A)    (A) - (B)     (A) - (C)      2002 (B)       2002 (C)
Domestic offices
  (excluding loans
  booked at offshore
   markets)               37,416,133      (665,900)      254,558    38,082,034      37,161,574
Manufacturing              5,472,979      (362,420)     (205,323)    5,835,399       5,678,302
Agriculture                   15,568        (3,022)         (990)       18,590          16,558
Forestry                       5,425          (330)           41         5,755           5,384
Fishery                       25,293         9,869         5,798        15,424          19,495
Mining                        39,493        (8,903)       (1,650)       48,396          41,143
Construction               1,228,250      (242,446)     (115,503)    1,470,696       1,343,753
Utilities                    417,297        29,326        44,336       387,971         372,961
Media and Communication    1,496,867      (340,500)     (481,541)    1,837,367       1,978,408
Wholesale and Retail       5,091,325      (527,536)     (394,076)    5,618,861       5,485,401
Banks and other financial
 institutions              3,851,579      (334,040)     (362,216)    4,185,619       4,213,795
Real estate                4,464,195      (485,262)     (189,092)    4,949,457       4,653,287
Services                   4,781,695       234,944       454,997     4,546,751       4,326,698
Municipal government         376,513       121,155        84,175       255,358         292,338
Other industries          10,149,646     1,243,264     1,415,600     8,906,381       8,734,045
Overseas offices
 and loans booked
 at offshore markets       5,570,426    (1,009,393)     (223,921)    6,579,819       5,794,347
    Total                 42,986,559    (1,675,294)       30,637    44,661,854      42,955,922

(2) Domestic consumer loans   (Total of the 2                                                                  (in
 Banks)                                                                                                    millions
                                                                                                            of yen)
                                       As of      Increase/     Increase/       As of          As of
                                     March 31,    (Decrease)    (Decrease)    March 31,    September 30,
                                     2003 (A)     (A) - (B)     (A) - (C)      2002 (B)       2002 (C)
Total domestic consumer loans         7,464,720       485,123       211,300     6,979,596       7,253,420
Housing loans                         6,941,192       565,187       243,559     6,376,005       6,697,632
Others                                  523,527       (80,063)      (32,259)      603,591         555,787

(3) Domestic loans to small and medium-sized companies                                                         (in
 (Total of the 2 Banks)                                                                                    millions
                                                                                                            of yen)
                                       As of      Increase/     Increase/       As of          As of
                                     March 31,    (Decrease)    (Decrease)    March 31,    September 30,
                                     2003 (A)     (A) - (B)     (A) - (C)      2002 (B)       2002 (C)
Domestic loans to small and medium-
 sized companies                     19,920,352    (1,721,314)     (965,336)   21,641,666      20,885,689
Percentage to total domestic loans        53.24%       (3.58)%       (2.96)%        56.82%          56.20%

(4) Loans by type of industry                                                                                  (in
 (Trust accounts)                                                                                         millions
                                                                                                            of yen)
                                        As of        Increase/      Increase/       As of        As of
                                      March 31,     (Decrease)     (Decrease)     March 31,    September 30,
                                       2003 (A)      (A) - (B)      (A) - (C)      2002 (B)       2002 (C)
Domestic offices (excluding loans
    booked at offshore markets)        1,107,555       (275,882)       (71,418)    1,383,437   1,178,974
Manufacturing                             76,795        (26,700)        (2,681)      103,495      79,476
Agriculture                                    -              -              -             -           -
Forestry                                      30             (7)            (3)           37          33
Fishery                                    1,572            230            615         1,342         957
Mining                                       129           (192)           (94)          321         223
Construction                               7,872        (10,062)        (3,965)       17,934      11,837
Utilities                                135,204        (42,325)       (17,029)      177,529     152,233
Media and Communication                  124,560        (47,833)       (35,524)      172,393     160,084
Wholesale and Retail                      17,190         (7,959)         1,921        25,149      15,269
Banks and other financial
 institutions                            197,722        135,747         48,835        61,975     148,887
Real estate                               77,800        (33,979)       (11,361)      111,779      89,161
Services                                  52,767        (32,308)       (15,228)       85,075      67,995
Municipal government                      37,773         (3,571)        (2,680)       41,344      40,453
Other industries                         378,134       (206,922)       (34,225)      585,056     412,359
Overseas offices and loans booked
        at offshore markets                    -              -              -             -           -
               Total                   1,107,555       (275,882)       (71,418)    1,383,437   1,178,974

(5) Domestic consumer loans                                                                                    (in
 (Trust accounts)                                                                                         millions
                                                                                                            of yen)
                                        As of        Increase/      Increase/       As of        As of
                                       March 31,     (Decrease)    (Decrease)     March 31,    September 30,
                                        2003 (A)      (A) - (B)      (A) - (C)      2002 (B)     2002 (C)
Total domestic consumer loans            268,405        (48,207)       (22,957)      316,612     291,362
Housing loans                            265,050        (47,171)       (22,474)      312,222     287,524
Others                                     3,354         (1,035)          (482)        4,390       3,837

(6) Domestic loans to small and medium-sized companies   (Trust                                                (in
 accounts)                                                                                                millions
                                                                                                            of yen)
                                       As of        Increase/      Increase/       As of        As of
                                     March 31,     (Decrease)     (Decrease)     March 31,    September 30,
                                      2003 (A)      (A) - (B)      (A) - (C)      2002 (B)      2002 (C)
Domestic loans to small and medium-
 sized companies                       666,401       (117,204)        (3,601)      783,605     670,002
Percentage to total domestic loans      60.16%          3.52%          3.33%        56.64%      56.82%

8. Foreign Loans

(1) Loans to specific foreign borrowers  (Total of the 2                                                      (in
 Banks)                                                                                                  millions
                                                                                                           of yen
                                                                                                        number of
                                 As of        Increase/       Increase/        As of         As of
                                March 31,      (Decrease)     (Decrease)      March 31,   September 30,
                                2003 (A)       (A) - (B)       (A) - (C)      2002 (B)      2002 (C)
Loan to specific foreign
 borrowers                       58,241         (73,803)       (17,746)       132,045       75,987
Number of countries                 10              (1)            --              11           10

(2) Loans to Asian countries  (Total of the                                                                   (in
 2 Banks)                                                                                                millions
                                                                                                           of yen)
                                  As of        Increase/       Increase/        As of         As of
                                March 31,      (Decrease)     (Decrease)      March 31,   September 30,
                                2003 (A)       (A) - (B)       (A) - (C)      2002 (B)      2002 (C)
Thailand                         213,245         (65,347)       (33,580)       278,592      246,826
Indonesia                        120,649         (63,181)       (24,892)       183,830      145,541
Malaysia                          99,975         (20,493)       (11,627)       120,469      111,603
Philippines                       62,195         (13,980)        (3,801)        76,176       65,997
South Korea                      158,900          66,375         51,531         92,524      107,368
Singapore                        243,173         (71,817)       (29,840)       314,991      273,014
Hong Kong                        417,910         (49,108)        25,344        467,018      392,566
China                            215,024         (31,304)        (6,715)       246,329      221,739
Taiwan                            39,491           2,945          3,333         36,545       36,157
Others                            44,611         (28,616)       (10,068)        73,227       54,679
Total                          1,615,177        (274,527)       (40,316)     1,889,705    1,655,494

(3) Loans to Latin American countries  (Total of the 2                                                        (in
 Banks)                                                                                                  millions
                                                                                                           of yen)
                                  As of        Increase/       Increase/        As of         As of
                                March 31,      (Decrease)     (Decrease)      March 31,   September 30,
                                2003 (A)       (A) - (B)       (A) - (C)      2002 (B)      2002 (C)
Argentina                        37,271         (47,293)       (28,852)        84,564       66,123
Brazil                           72,557         (12,914)       (12,019)        85,472       84,577
Mexico                          103,249          (5,558)        (5,721)       108,808      108,970
Caribbean countries             381,575         (83,261)       (44,793)       464,836      426,368
Others                          126,246         (25,612)         9,495        151,858      116,750
Total                           720,900        (174,640)       (81,890)       895,540      802,790

9. Loans and Deposits   (Total
 of the 2 Banks)

                                                                                            (in millions of yen)
                                     As of       Increase/       Increase/         As of               As of
                                   March 31,     (Decrease)      (Decrease)      March 31,           September 30,
                                   2003 (A)      (A) - (B)       (A) - (C)       2002 (B)             2002 (C)
 Deposits (ending
  balance)                          58,970,786     2,353,101     2,088,709    56,617,684             56,882,076
 Deposits (average
  balance)                          57,427,383     3,260,502       809,189    54,166,881             56,618,194
 Loans (ending
  balance)                          42,986,559    (1,675,294)       30,637    44,661,854             42,955,922
 Loans (average
  balance)                          43,677,521       245,484       290,905    43,432,037             43,386,616

10. Domestic Deposits   (Total of the 2 Banks)

                                                                                            (in millions of yen)
                                     As of       Increase/     Increase/       As of              As of
                                   March 31,     (Decrease)    (Decrease)    March 31,        September 30,
                                    2003 (A)      (A) - (B)     (A) - (C)      2002 (B)          2002
Individuals                         32,164,441     2,654,552     1,275,997    29,509,889             30,888,443
 Corporations and others            19,903,820       578,541       763,960    19,325,278             19,139,860
 Domestic deposits                  52,068,261     3,233,094     2,039,957    48,835,167             50,028,304
 Note: Amounts do not include negotiable certificates of deposit, deposits of overseas offices and JOM accounts.

11. Number of Employees   (Total of the 2 Banks)

                                     As of       Increase/     Increase/       As of              As of
                                   March 31,     (Decrease)    (Decrease)    March 31,        September 30,
                                    2003 (A)      (A) - (B)     (A) - (C)      2002 (B)          2002 (C)
 Number of employees                 21,367          (894)         (936)       22,261             22,303

12. Number of Offices   (Total
 of the 2 Banks)

                                     As of       Increase/     Increase/       As of              As of
                                   March 31,     (Decrease)    (Decrease)    March 31,        September 30,
                                   2003 (A)      (A) - (B)     (A) - (C)      2002 (B)          2002 (C)
Domestic:                             335           (16)           (7)          351                    342
      Head office and Branches        309           (12)           (5)          321                    314
      Sub-branches & Agencies          26            (4)           (2)           30                     28
 Overseas:                             80            (3)           (3)           83                     83
      Branches                         47            (2)           (2)           49                     49
      Sub-branches                     13            (1)           (1)           14                     14
      Representative offices           20                                        20                     20
 Total                                415           (19)          (10)          434                    425


13. Employees' Retirement Benefits

(1) Benefit obligation
                                                                                                       of yen)
                                                                                            As of
                                                                                        March 31, 2003
Projected benefits obligation                           (A)                               1,206,507
Discount rate:
Domestic subsidiaries 1.1% to 1.9%,
Overseas subsidiaries 5.5% to 7.25%
Fair value of plan assets                               (B)                                 781,429
Prepaid pension cost                                    (C)                                  90,700
Reserve for employees' retirement benefits              (D)                                  36,976
Total amount unrecognized                               (A-B+C-D)                           478,802
Unrecognized net obligation at transition                                                    36,323
Unrecognized prior service cost                                                             (50,179)
Unrecognized net actuarial loss                                                             492,658
Note: Discount rate of The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, Ltd. and The
    Mitsubishi Trust and Banking Corporation is 1.9%.

(2) Net periodic pension cost
                                                                                                       of yen)
                                                                                       For the year ended
                                                                                         March 31, 2003

Net periodic cost of the employees' retirement benefits                                      83,779
Service cost                                                                                 30,433
Interest cost                                                                                30,413
Expected return on plan assets                                                              (33,002)
Amortization of net obligation at transition                                                 18,154
Amortization of prior service cost                                                           (2,808)
Amortization of net actuarial loss                                                           26,544
Other                                                                                        14,046


   Short Name: Mitsubishi Tokyo Fin
   Category Code: FR
   Sequence Number: 00005196
   Time of Receipt (offset from UTC): 20030526T085822+0100


    CONTACT: Mitsubishi Tokyo Financial Group Inc

    SOURCE: Mitsubishi Tokyo Financial Group Inc

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