RNS Number:0129T
Triad Group PLC
09 December 2003

Triad Group Plc, the information systems and software consultancy, has today
announced its interim results for the six months to 30 September 2003.

Chairman's statement


Turnover is #16.6m for the six months ended 30 September 2003 (2002: #14.1m).
This is 17.6% higher than the same period last year. Pre tax losses are #0.85
million (2002: loss #2.53 million).


No interim dividend has been declared (30 September 2002: interim - nil).

Review of activities

The IT services market remains challenging. In response, the consultancy and
systems business has undertaken a review of its services. This review recognised
changes in market requirements and has repositioned the business higher up the
value chain. The Company is now routinely assisting clients in strategic
initiatives and investment decision making.

The Company remains broadly based across market sectors including the public
sector, telecommunications and outsourcing. The Company is not encumbered by the
impact of global mergers, product or sector dependencies, factors that affect
many of our competitors. Investment in client relationships continues at a high
level to secure long term recurring revenues. The Company is working effectively
in mixed teams with clients experiencing revenue and cost pressures.

Opportunities across the public sector are arising from the Government
modernisation programme. The Company is now highly experienced in developing
business cases jointly with clients. It subsequently follows through with the
implementation of change programmes, providing technical skills leadership.

The resourcing business has seen increases in fee earner numbers each month
since the beginning of the financial year. It faces continued pressure on
margins in respect of mature business.

The reduction in the cost base achieved during the last financial year has
contributed to a reduction in the level of losses.

Cash at the balance sheet date 30th September 2003 was #2.3 million. Cash at the
same time last year was #7.7 million. In October 2002 # 1.9 million was returned
to shareholders. This figure includes fees. The cash balance at 30th September
2003 is ahead of that forecast at the time of the buy-back. The rate of cash use
has substantially reduced. The increase in turnover since last year has created
a corresponding increase in cash required to fund working capital. The Company
continues to have no bad debts and payment terms remain unchanged. I am
comfortable with the cash situation.

I would like to thank our staff for their hard work and commitment to our
clients in the period.

John Rigg
8 December 2003

Profit and loss account
                                          Unaudited      Unaudited       Audited
                                         Six months     Six months          Year
                                              ended          ended         ended
                                       30 September   30 September      31 March
                                               2003           2002          2003
                                              #'000          #'000         #'000

Turnover                                     16,573         14,091        27,756
                                         ----------     ----------    ----------
Operating loss                                 (902)        (2,672)       (5,204)
Net interest                                     53            145           224
                                        -----------    -----------   -----------
Loss on ordinary activities                   ( 849)        (2,527)       (4,980)
 before taxation
Taxation on loss on ordinary
 activities                                       -            783             8
                                        -----------    -----------   -----------

Loss for period                               (849)         (1,744)       (4,972)

Dividends                                        -               -             -
                                        -----------    -----------   -----------
Loss sustained for period                     (849)         (1,744)       (4,972)
                                        ===========    ===========   ===========

Basic and diluted loss per share             (5.60)p         (7.91)p      (27.20)p
                                        ===========    ===========   ===========

Dividend per share                             0.00p          0.00p         0.00p
                                        ===========    ===========   ===========

Balance sheet
                                        Unaudited      Unaudited         Audited
                                     30 September   30 September        31 March
                                             2003           2002            2003
                                            #'000          #'000           #'000

Fixed assets
Tangible assets                               725            913             726
                                      -----------    -----------    ------------

Current assets

Debtors                                     7,448          7,414           5,385
Cash at bank and in hand                    2,334          6,719           4,739
                                      -----------    -----------   -------------
                                            9,782         14,133          10,124
Creditors: amounts falling          
 due within one year                       (3,924)        (3,797)         (3,363)
                                      -----------    -----------    ------------
Net current assets                          5,858         10,336           6,761
                                      -----------    -----------    ------------

Total assets less current
 liabilities                                6,583         11,249           7,487

Provisions for liabilities
 and charges                               (2,395)        (1,050)         (2,450)

                                      -----------    -----------     -----------
Net assets                                  4,188         10,199           5,037
                                      -----------    -----------     -----------

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                       151            218             151
Share premium account                         562            562             562
Capital redemption reserve                    104             37             104
Profit and loss account                     3,371          9,382           4,220
                                      -----------    -----------     -----------
Equity shareholders' funds                  4,188         10,199           5,037
                                      -----------    -----------     -----------

Cash flow statement
                                          Unaudited       Unaudited      Audited
                                         Six months      Six months         Year
                                              ended           ended        ended
                                       30 September    30 September     31 March
                                               2003            2002         2003
                                              #'000           #'000        #'000

Net cash outflows from operating           
 activities                                  (2,254)         (1,620)      (2,071)
                                             ______          ______       ______
Returns on investments and
 servicing of finance
Interest received                                53             145          224
                                             ______          ______       ______

Taxation                                          -              10          410
UK corporation tax received
                                             ______          ______       ______
Capital expenditure and
 financial investment

Purchase of tangible assets                    (264)           (216)        (370)
Sale of tangible fixed assets                    60              84          164

                                             ______          ______       ______
                                               (204)           (132)        (206)
                                             ______          ______       ______

                                             ______          ______       ______
Cash outflow before financing                (2,405)         (1,597)      (1,643)
                                             ______          ______       ______
Cost of purchasing own                            -          (2,984)      (4,918)

                                             ______          ______       ______

Decrease in cash in the period               (2,405)         (4,581)      (6,561)
                                             ======          ======       ======

Reconciliation of operating loss to net cash outflow from operating activities

                                          Unaudited      Unaudited       Audited
                                         Six months     Six months          Year
                                              ended          ended         ended
                                       30 September   30 September      31 March
                                               2003           2002          2003
                                              #'000          #'000         #'000

Operating loss                                 (902)        (2,672)       (5,204)
Depreciation of tangible fixed assets           210            345           617
Profit on sale of fixed assets                   (5)           (11)          (22)
(Increase)/ decrease in debtors              (2,063)           812         1,665
Increase/ (decrease) in creditors               561            (94)         (527)
(Decrease)/increase in provisions               (55)             -         1,400

                                         ----------     ----------   -----------
Net cash outflow from
 operating activities                        (2,254)        (1,620)       (2,071)
                                         -----------   -----------   -----------

Notes to the accounts

 1. The information contained in this interim statement does not constitute
    statutory accounts within the meaning of section 240 (3) of the Companies
    Act 1985. The financial information set out above and overleaf, which has
    been neither audited nor reviewed, has been approved by the Board of
    Directors on 8 December 2003.This financial information has been prepared in
    accordance with the accounting policies set out in the statutory accounts of
    Triad Group Plc for the year ended 31 March 2003.

2.  No interim dividend has been declared (2002/03: nil)

3.  Losses per share have been calculated on the loss on ordinary activities
    after tax divided by the weighted average number of shares in issue during 
    the period based on the following:

                                      Unaudited            Unaudited              Audited
                                   30 September         30 September             31 March
                                           2003                 2002                 2003

Loss on ordinary activities
 after taxation                       #(849,000)         #(1,744,000)         #(4,972,000)
                                  --------------       --------------       --------------

Average number of shares in
 issue                                15,149,579           22,037,921           18,277,572
                                  --------------       --------------       --------------

Basic and diluted loss per
 share                                    (5.60)p              (7.91)p             (27.20)p
                                  --------------       --------------       --------------

The weighted average number of shares for the calculation of the diluted loss
per share in respect of each of the above periods is the same as that for the
basic loss per share as the exercise of share options would have the effect of
reducing the loss per share and is therefore not dilutive.

4.Profit and loss account

                                          Unaudited      Unaudited       Audited
                                         Six months     Six months          Year
                                              ended          ended         ended
                                       30 September   30 September      31 March
                                               2003           2002          2003
                                              #'000          #'000         #'000

Balance at 1 April                            4,220         14,110        14,110
Retained loss for the period                   (849)        (1,744)       (4,972)
Repurchase of shares,including costs              -         (2,984)       (4,918)

                                        -----------     ----------   -----------
                                              3,371          9,382         4,220
                                        -----------    -----------   -----------

5. Copies of the interim results are being sent to shareholders. Further copies
   can be obtained from the company secretary at Weyside Park, Catteshall Lane,
   Godalming, Surrey, GU7 1XE.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange