I wrote a no holds barred piece on Centamin (LSE:CEY) yesterday which seems to have attracted a furious response from a range of Bulletin Board morons, cowards and professional Tom Winnifrith haters. Well folks you were wrong and I was right. Tough. All website traffic is much appreciated and so here goes again.

Just for the record I did tip this stock at 8p and said sell at 139p so it was a good share tip for me. And I warned folks to sell repeatedly in the summer at 66p-77p as it became clear that the new Islamofascist regime in Egypt was not good news. My comments were directed solely at those who abused me and derided me in the summer for that call. They did so anonymously on Bulletin Board. They are cowards. I put my name to my articles. They just snipe and bitch anonymously. Cowards. The lot of you.
The piece from yesterday is HERE
My critics of the summer and yesterday say “why crow when you are right, you are wrong a lot and do not mention that.” Well as it happens the facts are clear. I am right more often than I am wrong. My average gain per tip over 12 years is 42.7%. But I do make professional mistakes and I do write some bad share tips. I accept that. I apologise publically when that happens. I accept that I will have cost folks money and feel bad about it. If you are in that camp I can only apologise again. How often do the BB morons say sorry when they get it wrong? Double standards? Er… yes.
And so since I do apologise when I get it wrong am I not allowed to crow when I get it right? Yes, fair’s fair. And over 12 years I have been right far more than I have been wrong.
Some suggest that me saying to those who ( anonymously) said “Tom says sell at 77p I must buy more “ that I hope they filled their boots and now have to explain to the kids why Santa is not coming this year is a bit nasty. Yes sure it is. But given how they (anonymously) laughed and ridiculed me when I made the right call in the summer, do I not have a right of comeback? Do you not like being reminded in a pointed way of the bad calls YOU made? And the bad things YOU wrote?
It is suggested by one moron that it is unprofessional to write in such a way. Well tough. Presumably this moron reckons that a professional should just write, take a whole load of borderline defamatory abuse and just soak it up. Well maybe that is what some folks do. But it is not my style. If you wish to lash out anonymously go ahead. But please do not expect this writer to not have a go back. If you want to avoid me having a go at you, reminding you of your failings well that is easy. This article was directed solely at those who by their own postings asked for it.
Another moron says he has “lost all respect for me”. Invariably that phrase is used by blokes who never respected me and who will always think that I am a prize knob even if everything I tip going forward delivers a return of 100%. Which if course it won’t. If you are a professional TW hater nothing I write will please you and as such I might as well write what pleases me which is what I plan to do. You do not have to read it.
Incidentally when a bloke comments about how much he hates me work I always suggest that he is not forced to read it. Invariably a few weeks later the same bloke chirps up with another comment showing he is still reading my stuff. There is no pleasing some folks.
I tried to count up the number of times where I have used the words “I apologise” in articles over the past few months. It is quite a lot. And I put my name to those mea culpas. Before the various morons and cowards have another go, how many times have you all posted those words when you have made a bad call? Humility has its place. Equally when I have been proved right I shall say so. And I always reserve the right to remind those who (anonymously) deride a call where I was right of what complete pricks they have been. I could just apologise on their behalf. But that is not my style.
And to the poster who asked if I am paid to write this. The answer is yes.
For more forthright no holds views from Tom Winnifrith check out his website TomWinnifrith.com
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Follow him on twitter @tomwinnifrith
You got my respect and you are entitled to your opinion, you never killed anyone either.
How much are you paid my advfn BTW?
Part 2 seems very similar to Part 1
RE: Trevor. Tom has a point and is correct on CEY, I just cannot understand why people are angry at Tom when he has predicted things correctly.
I think this guy has self-esteem issues
Tom, it sounds like a bunch of sour grapes to me. You got it right. They didn’t. There pride is hurt, not because you were right, but because they were wrong. You should get battle pay for suffering the slings and arrows of a bunch of people who have already proven themselves to be wrong.
What moron this bloke is……….
Don’t know how much he gets paid but tuppence would be tuppence too much in my view.
Typically in the same way a broken watch is right twice a day he comes back on here to let people know when he thinks he’s right.
Must be an ed balls supporter, another one whose always right with hindsight.
Indeed. I think Tom W has lost the plot. Either that, or I have completely misunderstood the purpose of tipsters/writers. Abusing his readers is certainly an interesting concept and I suspect knowing ADVFN as I do, they think having free for all will boost views and revenue.
TW reminds me of the author of a book promoting religion who abused his readers and then proceeded to sue them for defamation!
Tom Winnifrith caught out and forced to remove false claim for Nifty Fifty.
“Winners outnumbered losers by more than 2.5 to one.”
Well, NO, they did not!! It was around 1.3 to one and now this claim has been dropped from all Nifty Fifty adverts as it was untrue.
Anyone who subscribed based on this misrepresentation will soon be able to seek redress in a clear case of mis-selling. Nice one Tom!!
The reality was after dealing costs Tom’s performance was around 1:1 – find alternative employment is the kindest of t1ps. LMAO
Tom goes around deleting my posts wherever he can, as the truth is not a factor he cares much about – I note he will never address his false claim which I relay. He’d rather be insulting whilst manipulating his performance record, which apparently comes naturally to him, until a light is shone and retraction forced and he struggles to keep his wrong-doing under the radar. The FSA will also be putting him right soon.
Does anyone else find Tom’s M.O. rather unprofessional and often needlessly antagonistic, insulting and inflammatory?
It’s a bit like a football yob yelling out financial advice from the terraces. Come to think of it that’s exactly what it is!
Hammer out another gem or false performance statistic Tom, to turn your mediocre 1.3 to one record into a stella performance! You almost couldn’t make it up, but Tom can!! LMAO
CEY are still in business and will most likely recover. Some people don’t understand that. I’m not so sure about Winnifrith’s other tips. Is it time to sell AAU yet, Winnifrith?
“Islamofascist regime in Egypt”
Enough said – Winnifroth doesn’t know what he’s talking about and just bandies puerile insults around.
Just been reading some of the tips and also the companies he has described as ‘pump and dumps’ and criticised the balance sheets of others. He may well be right but I think TW needs to be very wary in particular about what he says about the companies which he is shorting. If he is giving people advice to sell when he has taken a short position, this could be investigated.
The days when tipsters used to just recommend shares to buy are long gone. Now they buy, short, write defamatory articles and even contribute one liners to bulletin boards scaring people into selling their shares. I have contacted the FSA as tipsters and writers have a greater degree of responsibility. I hope from now on they take these more seriously.
Harry, do you have any evidence whatsoever that Tom is shorting this company?
Or are you just a blathering blowhard?
C H,
I don’t know if Tom shorts etc, but I do know he manipulates his performance figures and by rather a wide margin in public adverts to drum up business. That should give enough pause for concern!
I seem to remember Tom that Nexus on which I lost a lot of money was one of your tips
I’m a Bulletin Board Moron
I look forward to an Ascot update.
Er, let´s continue to back a company that cannot even assemble machinery correctly