RNS Number:4985E
Ambrian Capital PLC
26 September 2007

26th September 2007

                              AMBRIAN CAPITAL PLC

             Interim Results for the Six Months Ended 30 June 2007

Ambrian Capital plc, the independent investment bank, today announces its
interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2007:

                                                Six months         Six months                        Six months
                                                     ended              ended        Year ended       2006-2007
                                              30 June 2007    30 June 2006(1)    31 Dec 2006(1)          Change    
                                                        #m                 #m                #m               %

Investment Banking Revenue                            5.35               4.23              8.43           +26.5
Investment Portfolio Revenue                          9.52               7.93              9.41           +20.0
Total Revenue                                        14.87              12.16             17.84           +22.3
Profit Before Tax                                    10.02               8.40              9.80           +19.3
Earnings per Share from Continuing
Operations (pence)                                    6.60               5.50              6.44           +20.0
Interim Dividend per Share (pence)                    0.75               0.75              1.75               -
Shareholders' Equity                                 51.91              47.31             45.75        +13.5(2)
Shareholders' Equity per Share (pence)               47.81              43.78             42.33        +12.9(2)

(1) 2006 figures re-stated to IFRS
(2) Comparison with 31 December 2006

*  Investment Banking performed well with revenues up 26.5% during the first 
   half of 2007
   -    completed nine capital raisings with a total value of #68 million
   -    commenced Market Making July 2007
   -    expansion of LME metals sales team
   -    commenced trading carbon credits and soft commodities

*  The Investment Portfolio showed gains of #9.52 million during the first half 
   of 2007 compared with #7.93 million for the first half of 2006 and
   #9.41 million for the year ended 31 December 2006

*  Shareholders' equity increased by 13.5% to  #51.91 million since 
   31 December 2006.

*  Cash resources, net of client deposits, totalled #19.91 million compared with 
   #17.04 million at 31 December 2006, an increase of 16.8%

*  Sun Hung Kai Financial, Hong Kong's largest non-bank financial institution, 
   acquired a 9.10% stake in Ambrian Capital in March 2007

Commenting on the results, Tom Gaffney, Chief Executive of Ambrian Capital plc,
said: "During the first half of 2007 Ambrian Capital has made excellent progress
in its Investment Banking business, growing revenue and building the platform
for the future growth of the Group.  Our Investment Portfolio also experienced
significant gains over the period.

We have built a strong position as a specialist Investment Bank focused on the
wider resources and new technologies sectors.  Our activities in these sectors
are diversified and include stockbroking, commodity dealing, asset management
and principal investment.

Our sector specialisation and range of activities provide us with a competitive
advantage and position us well to benefit from the continuing resource-intensive
growth of China and India.

Although the equity markets have been adversely affected in recent weeks by the
credit markets turmoil, we have seen the gold price surge to a 28 year high and
the oil price has recently hit an all time high.  Whilst the Investment
Portfolio has not been immune to the weakness in the equity markets,
approximately 56% of the Investment Portfolio is exposed to precious metals
prices and approximately 28% to energy prices.

As a result of the adoption of IFRS, we are required to mark-to-market the value
of our investments.  Changes in the value of the Investment Portfolio are now
reported as revenues - this will result in short-term fluctuations in our
reported profits.

Over the coming months the outlook for our business will depend on the impact
that the instability in the credit markets has on the global economy, and in
particular, emerging countries which have driven raw material demand.
Nevertheless, we remain confident that the fundamental factors remain in place
for China and India to sustain their strong growth over the medium and long
term, from which we are well positioned to benefit".


Tom Gaffney                      Chris Howard                     Justine Howarth / Louise Goodeve
Chief Executive Officer          Collins Stewart                  Parkgreen Communications
Ambrian Capital plc
Tel:  +44 (0)20 7776 6400        Tel:  +44 (0)20 7523 8314        Tel:  +44 (0)20 7851 7480

Notes to Editors:

1.       Ambrian Capital is an AIM listed independent investment banking group.
Ambrian Capital provides corporate finance, stockbroking, commodity broking and
investment management services to institutional and corporate clients active in
the natural resources, alternative energy and new technology sectors.  Ambrian
Capital is also an active principal investor in the natural resources sector.

2.       Ambrian Partners Limited, Ambrian Commodities Limited and Ambrian Asset
Management are all authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority.
Ambrian Partners Limited is a member of the London Stock Exchange and Ambrian
Commodities Limited is an Associate Broker member of the London Metal Exchange.

3.       Further information on Ambrian Capital is available on the Company's
website: www.ambrian.com

Chief Executive's Statement

During the first half of 2007 Ambrian Capital has made excellent progress in its
Investment Banking business, growing revenue and building the platform for the
future growth of the Group.  Our Investment Portfolio also experienced
significant gains over the period.

We have further advanced our vision of creating an investment bank focused on
the wider resources sector to include mining, oil & gas, agricultural products,
alternative energy and new technologies.

During the first half of the year there were a number of changes to the board of
Ambrian Capital.  Lawrence Banks was appointed Chairman of Ambrian Capital in
succession to Malcolm Burne who stood down at the Annual General Meeting on 22
May 2007. Malcolm will remain an adviser to Ambrian Capital and to Golden
Prospect Precious Metals Limited.  We would also like to extend our thanks to
Richard Lockwood, who stood down from the Board on 22 May, for his guidance and

We are pleased to welcome Lee Seng Huang as a non-executive director of Ambrian
Capital.  Lee Seng Huang is Chairman of Sun Hung Kai Financial which purchased a
9.10% interest in Ambrian Capital on 21 March 2007.

We are also pleased to welcome Charles Crick as a Non-Executive Director.
Charles trained as a Solicitor with Allen & Overy and from 1996 to 2004 was head
of corporate finance and a main board director of Numis Corporation PLC.

Financial Review

From 2007 Ambrian Capital is required to report its full year consolidated
financial statements under International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS")
as adopted by the European Union rather than under UK Generally Accepted
Accounting Principles ("UK GAAP") as we have done in the past.  The consolidated
financial information reported for the six months to 30 June 2007 has  been
prepared in accordance with accounting policies which will be adopted in
presenting the full year annual report and accounts.  Accordingly (i) our
Investment Portfolio at 30 June 2007 was valued on the Group's balance sheet at
then market prices rather than at the lower of cost or net realisable value and
(ii) changes in the value of the Investment Portfolio are reported as revenue.

Revenue for the first half of 2007 was #14.87 million (2006: #12.16 million),
representing an increase of 22.3%.

Investment Banking revenue for the first half of 2007 was #5.35 million (2006:
#4.23 million).  This represented a 26.5% increase over the first half of 2006
and accounted for 36% of Group revenue (2006: 35%).

Revenue from the Investment Portfolio was #9.52 million compared with #7.93
million for the first half of 2006 and #9.41 million for the full year of 2006.

Administrative expenses (including accrued incentive payments) were #4.82
million (2006: #3.72 million), an increase of 29% primarily attributable to
investment in additional staff and start-up costs associated with the
commencement of Market Making. Administrative expenses attributable to
Investment Banking (including accrued incentive payments) represented
approximately 67% of Investment Banking revenue.

Profit before tax was #10.02 million (2006: #8.40 million), generating basic
earnings per share from continuing operations of 6.60p, an increase of 20%.

Balance Sheet

The balance sheet remains strong with a substantial cash balance.
Shareholders' equity was #51.91 million at 30 June 2007 compared with #45.75
million at 31 December 2006, an increase of 13.5%.  Our Investment Portfolio was
valued at #34.37 million at 30 June 2007 of which 94% is in quoted investments.
The Group's cash resources, net of client deposits, totalled #19.91 million at
30 June 2007 compared with #17.04 million at 31 December 2006 and #6.71 million
at 30 June 2006.

Our strong balance sheet ensures the resilience of our business and provides us
with the ability to take advantage of opportunities that may arise.  We are
committed to making efficient use of our capital.


The Board declares payment of an interim dividend of 0.75p per share (2006:
0.75p). The dividend will be payable on 2 November 2007 to all shareholders on
the register as at 12 October 2007.

Investment Banking

During the first half of 2007, each of our corporate finance and stockbroking,
commodity dealing and asset management subsidiaries made further progress in
strengthening their market positions.  Our strategy of involvement in a range of
different business activities in the natural resources sector has proved to be
successful.  During the first half of 2007, revenue from equity new issues
represented less than 25% of Investment Banking revenue.  We have been
particularly successful in developing our M&A advisory activities.  Mining
clients remain key to our business but these accounted for approximately 44% of
Investment Banking revenue in the first half of 2007, demonstrating our success
in building a client base that includes oil & gas, alternative energy and
technology clients.

Ambrian Partners Limited

During the period, Ambrian Partners Limited, our corporate finance and
stockbroking subsidiary, was involved in nine capital raisings with a total
value of approximately #68 million. At 31 August 2007, Ambrian Partners had 34
retained corporate clients.

During the first half of 2007 Ambrian Partners was involved in the following
equity placements:

-        #18 million for Sylvania Resources Limited
-        A$35 million (#15 million) for Monto Minerals Limited
-        #15 million  for TMO Renewables Limited
-        #6 million for Zenergy Power plc
-        #4.5 million for IPSO Ventures plc

Ambrian Partners was also active in providing M&A advisory services during the
first half of 2007; notable transactions included:

-        Co-adviser to the Zijin Consortium on its recommended #95 million cash
         offer for Monterrico Metals plc

-        Adviser to Kalahari Minerals plc in connection with the #26.4 million
         merger of its uranium assets with Extract Resources Ltd.

During the first half of 2007, Ambrian Partners appointed two experienced equity
traders and put in place the systems to become a registered Market Maker in the
shares of selected companies on AIM.  Market Making operations commenced at the
beginning of July 2007.  Market Making enables Ambrian Partners to provide a
superior level of service to its institutional clients and further strengthens
revenue from secondary market activities.

Ambrian Commodities Limited

Ambrian Commodities' LME metals business continues to make good progress and has
benefited from volatility in metals prices and high customer activity levels.
Ambrian Commodities added to its sales team with the appointment of three highly
experienced individuals who each brought with them his own client base to
complement the existing one. These appointments have further strengthened
Ambrian Commodities' presence in the global metals market and at the same time
have broadened the geographical client base.

Ambrian Commodities also recruited senior traders and salesmen to commence
trading in both the carbon credits and soft commodities markets.  In January
2007, Ambrian Commodities began trading carbon products quoted on the European
Climate Exchange ("ECX") of which Ambrian Commodities is now a member.  The move
into carbon credits and soft commodity trading is a natural progression for
Ambrian Commodities and is demonstrative of the Group's commitment to the wider
resources sector.

Ambrian Asset Management Limited

Ambrian Asset Management is the manager of Golden Prospect Precious Metals
Limited ("GPPM"), a Guernsey registered, closed-ended investment fund listed on
AIM dedicated to equity investments in the precious metals sector.

GPPM was launched in November 2006 with an opening Net Asset Value ("NAV") per
share of 96.20p.  GPPM had an NAV per share at 30 June 2007 of 114.84p, an
increase of 19.4% since launch.  This compares with a 1.2% increase in the gold
price over the same period.  GPPM's share price at 30 June 2007 was 113.5p and
its market capitalisation was #14.7 million.

In May 2007, Ambrian Capital placed 2.85 million shares of GPPM with
institutional investors and reduced its interest in GPPM to 49.96%.  As a result
GPPM has ceased to be a consolidated subsidiary of Ambrian Capital and is now
held, instead, as an equity investment.

Ambrian Asset Management receives a monthly management fee for managing GPPM and
is eligible to receive a performance related fee at the end of the current year
equal to 20% of the increase in the NAV of GPPM after a hurdle of 8% has been

Ambrian Asset Management continues to explore the possibility of launching new
funds in sectors in which the Group has expertise.

Investment Portfolio

The total value of Ambrian Capital's Investment Portfolio at 30 June 2007 was
#34.37 million.  Approximately 94% of the Investment Portfolio is in the shares
of quoted companies.

Precious metals investments represented approximately 56% of the Investment
Portfolio and energy investments represented a further 28% of the Investment
Portfolio.  The balance comprised a range of other resources and technology
orientated investments.

Revenue from the Investment Portfolio for the six months ended 30 June 2007 was
#9.52 million.  Approximately #4.0 million of revenue from the Investment
Portfolio was attributable to the 77.5% rise in the Jubilee Platinum share price
from 68.75p to 122p between 1 January 2007 and 30 June 2007.  Ambrian Capital
holds 7.64 million Jubilee Platinum shares.

The Investment Portfolio was valued at #32.11 million at 24 September 2007 of
which Jubilee Platinum represented #7.02 million.

Listed Investments

At 30 June 2007 the market value of our portfolio of listed investments was
#32.41 million.  Our top ten holdings had a total market value of #29.1 million
and were as follows:

1.      Jubilee Platinum                                 #9.3 million
2.      Golden Prospect Precious Metals                  #7.4 million
3.      Nido Petroleum                                   #2.8 million
4.      Kairiki Energy                                   #1.9 million
5.      Minerva Resources *                              #1.6 million
6.      Anglesey Mining                                  #1.5 million
7.      Horizon Oil                                      #1.4 million
8.      Samson Oil & Gas                                 #1.3 million
9.      Nautical Petroleum                               #1.0 million
10.     Commodity Watch                                  #0.9 million

        Total                                            #29.1 million

*  Listed 10 July 2007

Ambrian Capital's 8.8% holding in Jubilee Platinum (AIM: JLP) remains a core
investment as the company has valuable resource positions in South Africa and

Our 49.96% interest in Golden Prospect Precious Metals (AIM: GPM) provides
leveraged exposure to the precious metals sector.

In July 2007, we concluded the successful capitalisation of our exploration
assets by the sale of our exploration subsidiary, Golden Prospect Mining Company
Limited, in exchange for 39.82% interest in the share capital of Minerva
Resources plc, an AIM listed exploration company.

Minerva has an exciting management team and it is anticipated that with
Ambrian's continued support they will unlock value from our former exploration

Also of note, during the first half of 2007, Commodity Watch plc (previously
called Minesite) was listed on Plus Markets.  Ambrian Capital has a 25% holding
in the company.

Unlisted Investments

At 30 June 2007 the book value of Ambrian Capital's unlisted investments was
#1.92 million.  The reduction from #4.83 million at 31 December 2006 primarily
was attributable to the sale of the exploration assets in return for listed
shares of Minerva and the listing of Commodity Watch. The unlisted investment
portfolio includes five stocks and a holding of 'A' and 'B' shares in the London
Metal Exchange.


Despite the fact that the majority of our Investment Portfolio is invested in
the shares of companies exposed to commodity prices, such as gold and oil, it
has not been immune to the downturn in the equity markets due to the instability
in the credit markets to which we have no direct exposure.  We remain confident
that our Investment Portfolio comprises quality assets with good business models
and growth potential. Moreover, our cash balances underpin a solid balance

The focus of the Investment Banking businesses on the resources sector positions
us well to benefit from strength in the commodities markets and the growth in
the alternative energy sectors.  The strengthening of our secondary market
equity trading operation, the expansion of our commodities trading business and
the initial contribution from our asset management business, all provide avenues
for growth in a more volatile market environment.

Tom Gaffney
Chief Executive
26 September 2007

Unaudited condensed consolidated interim income statement

                                                           6 months to 30  6 months to 30      Year to 31
                                                                June 2007       June 2006   December 2006
                                                                        #               #               #
Continuing operations
Revenue                                                        14,867,585      12,158,144      17,841,224

Administrative expenditure                                     (4,819,484)     (3,723,984)     (8,003,165)
Finance costs                                                     (28,652)        (36,373)        (36,615)
Profit before tax                                              10,019,449       8,397,787       9,801,444

Taxation                                                       (3,011,130)     (2,574,900)     (2,995,305)
Profit for the period from continuing                           7,008,319       5,822,887       6,806,139

Discontinued operations
Loss for the period from discontinued operations                        -               -      (1,732,261)
Profit for the period                                           7,008,319       5,822,887       5,073,878
Attributable to:
Equity holders of the parent                                    7,008,319       5,822,887       5,073,878
                                                                7,008,319       5,822,887       5,073,878

Earnings per share:                                                 Pence           Pence           Pence

Basic earnings per share from continuing operations                  6.60            5.50            6.44
                                                               ==========      ==========      ==========
Diluted earnings per share from continuing operations                6.25            5.22            6.12
                                                               ==========      ==========      ==========
Basic earnings per share from discontinued operations                   -               -          (1.63)
                                                               ==========      ==========      ==========
Diluted earnings per share from discontinued operations                 -               -          (1.55)
                                                               ==========      ==========      ==========
Basic earnings per share                                             6.60            5.50            4.81
                                                               ==========      ==========      ==========
Diluted earnings per share                                           6.25            5.22            4.57
                                                               ==========      ==========      ==========

Unaudited condensed consolidated interim balance sheet

                                                          30 June 2007    30 June 2006    31 December 2006
                                                                     #               #                   #


Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment                                  173,054         203,728             199,766
Goodwill                                                     1,836,828       1,836,828           1,836,828
Other intangible assets                                              -       2,626,765                   -

                                                             2,009,882       4,667,321           2,036,594

Current assets
Financial assets                                            32,810,513      40,357,085          34,739,291
Trade and other receivables                                  3,976,535       6,986,820           3,856,631
Cash and cash equivalents                                   26,796,044      14,166,055          30,408,289
                                                            63,583,092      61,509,960          69,004,211

Non-current assets classified as held for sale               1,557,500               -           1,557,500
                                                            65,140,592      61,509,960          70,561,711
Total assets                                                67,150,474      66,177,281          72,598,305

Current liabilities
Trade and other payables                                    (2,034,403)     (2,253,643)         (4,198,794)
Amounts due to clients                                      (6,883,254)     (7,457,050)        (13,371,613)
Current tax payable                                         (1,573,639)     (3,762,538)         (3,091,685)
                                                           (10,491,296)    (13,473,231)        (20,662,092)

Non-current liabilities
Deferred tax liabilities                                    (4,752,717)     (5,393,901)         (2,706,549)

Total non-current liabilities                               (4,752,717)     (5,393,901)         (2,706,549)

Total liabilities                                          (15,244,013)    (18,867,132)        (23,368,641)
Net assets / liabilities                                    51,906,461      47,310,149          49,229,664

Unaudited Condensed consolidated interim balance sheet (continued)

                                                             30 June 2007    30 June 2006 31 December 2006
                                                                        #               #                #

Share capital                                                  10,856,121      10,806,121      10,806,121
Share premium                                                  12,194,639      12,094,639      12,094,639
Treasury shares                                                 (163,217)               -       (163,217)
Related earnings                                               30,242,673      25,811,019      24,278,739
Employee benefit trust                                        (1,813,557)     (1,813,557)     (1,813,557)
Reserve for share based payments                                  589,802         411,927         543,262
Total equity attributable to equity                            51,906,461      47,310,149      45,745,987
holders of the parent
Minority interest                                                       -               -       3,483,677
Total equity                                                   51,906,461      47,310,149      49,229,664

Unaudited condensed consolidated interim statement of changes in equity

                         Share          Share          Other     Profit and         Total      Minority         Total   
                       capital        premium         equity           loss                    interest        equity
                                      account       reserves        account 
                             #              #              #              #             #             #             #

Balance at          
31 December 2005    10,726,121     12,048,639        168,957     20,791,092    43,734,809             -    43,734,809
Changes in equity 
for first half
of 2006
Purchase of shares           -              -     (1,701,921)             -    (1,701,921)            -    (1,701,921)
Share option charge          -              -        131,334              -       131,334             -       131,334
Profit for the                                                                          
the period                   -              -              -      5,822,887     5,822,887             -     5,822,887 

Total recognised             
income and
expense for the
period                       -              -     (1,570,587)     5,822,887     4,252,300             -     4,252,300
Dividends                    -              -              -       (802,960)     (802,960)            -      (802,960)
Issue of share          
share capital           80,000         46,000              -              -       126,000             -       126,000
Balance at          
30 June 2006        10,806,121     12,094,639     (1,401,630)    25,811,019    47,310,149             -    47,310,149

Unaudited condensed consolidated interim statement of changes in equity

                         Share          Share          Other     Profit and         Total      Minority         Total   
                       capital        premium         equity           loss                    interest        equity
                                      account       reserves        account 
                             #              #              #              #             #             #             #

Balance at          
31 December 2005    10,726,121     12,048,639        168,957      8,529,698    31,473,415             -    31,473,415
Changes in                   
accounting policy            -              -              -     12,261,394    12,261,394             -    12,261,394
balance at
31 December 2005    10,726,121     12,048,639        168,957     20,791,092    43,734,809             -    43,734,809
Changes in equity 
for 2006
Minority interest            
arising on
acquisition                  -              -              -              -             -     3,483,677     3,483,677
Purchase of shares           -              -     (1,865,138)             -    (1,865,138)            -    (1,865,138)
Share option charge          -              -        262,669              -       262,669             -       262,669
Profit for the               
period                       -              -              -      5,073,878     5,073,878             -     5,073,878
Total recognised             
income and expense 
for the period               -              -     (1,602,469)     5,073,878     3,471,409     3,483,677     6,955,086
Dividends                    -              -              -     (1,586,231)   (1,586,231)            -    (1,586,231)
Issue of share          
capital                 80,000         46,000              -              -       126,000             -       126,000
Balance at          
31 December 2006    10,806,121     12,094,639     (1,433,512)    24,278,739    45,745,987     3,483,677    49,229,664

Unaudited condensed consolidated interim statement of changes in equity

                         Share          Share          Other     Profit and         Total      Minority         Total   
                       capital        premium         equity           loss                    interest        equity
                                      account       reserves        account 
                             #              #              #              #             #             #             #

Balance at          
31 December 2006    10,806,121     12,094,639     (1,433,512)    22,228,739    45,745,987     3,483,677    49,229,664

Changes in equity 
for 2007
Elimination of               
minority interest            -              -              -              -             -    (3,483,677)   (3,483,677)
Share option charge          -              -         46,540              -        46,540             -        46,540
Profit for the               
period                       -              -              -      7,008,319     7,008,319             -     7,008,319
Total recognised             
income and expense 
for the period               -              -         46,540      7,008,319     7,054,859    (3,483,677)    3,571,182
Dividends                    -              -              -     (1,044,385)   (1,044,385)            -    (1,044,385)
Issue of share          
capital                 50,000        100,000              -              -       150,000             -       150,000
Balance at          
30 June 2007        10,856,121     12,194,639     (1,386,972)    30,242,673    51,906,461             -    51,906,461

Unaudited condensed consolidated interim cash flow statement

                                                           6 months to 30  6 months to 30      Year to 31
                                                                June 2007       June 2006   December 2006
                                                                                 Restated        Restated
                                                                        #               #               #
Cash flows from operating activities
Profit after taxation                                           7,008,319       5,822,887       5,073,878
Adjustments for:                                                        -               -               -
Depreciation                                                       43,132          23,014          79,118
Foreign exchange (gain)/loss                                     (331,825)        409,220         548,737
Investment income                                                (270,077)       (148,532)       (593,096)
Taxation expense recognised in profit and loss                  3,011,130       2,574,900       2,995,305
(Increase) in trade and other receivables                        (119,904)     (5,356,984)     (2,226,795)
Decrease/(increase) in financial assets                         1,928,778       1,291,009       6,908,803
(Decrease)/Increase in trade payables                          (2,164,391)        968,190       2,797,618
(Decrease)/Increase in amounts owed to clients                 (6,488,357)      7,457,050      13,371,613
Employee benefit trust                                                  -      (1,701,921)     (1,701,921)
Share base payment reserve                                         46,540         131,334         262,669
Loss on discontinued operations                                         -               -       1,732,261
Cash generated from operations                                  2,663,345      11,470,167      29,248,190

Income taxes paid                                              (2,483,010)       (505,794)     (4,302,766)
Net cash from operating activities                                180,335      10,964,373      24,945,424

Cash flows from investing activities

Purchase of property, plant and equipment                         (16,420)        (87,943)       (140,085)
Purchase of intangible fixed assets                                     -         (29,895)       (558,805)
Investment income                                                 270,077         148,532         593,096
Net cash used in investing activities                             253,657          30,694        (105,794)

Cash flows from financing activities
Proceeds from issue of share capital                              150,000         126,000         126,000
Treasury shares acquired                                                -               -        (163,217)
Bank loan repayment                                                     -      (1,500,000)     (1,500,000)
Minority interests                                             (3,483,677)              -       3,483,677
Dividends paid                                                 (1,044,385)       (802,959)     (1,586,231)
Net cash used in financing activities                          (4,378,062)     (2,176,959)        360,229

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                      (3,944,070)      8,818,108      25,199,859
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period               30,408,289       5,757,167       5,757,167
Foreign exchange gains/(losses)                                   331,825        (409,220)       (548,737)
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                     26,796,044      14,166,055      30,408,289

Notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements

1        Basis of preparation

These interim condensed consolidated financial statements are for the six months
ended 30 June 2007.  They have been prepared in accordance with the requirements
of IFRS 1 "First-time Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards"
relevant to interim reports, because they are part of the period covered by the
Group's first IFRS financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2007.
They do not include all of the information required for full annual financial
statements, and should be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial
statements of the Group for the year ended 31 December 2006.

These condensed consolidated interim financial statements have been prepared
under the historical cost convention, except for revaluation of certain
properties and financial instruments.

These condensed consolidated interim financial statements (the interim financial
statements) have been prepared in accordance with the accounting policies set
out below which are based on the recognition and measurement principles of IFRS
in issue as adopted by the European Union (EU) and are effective at 31 December
2007 or are expected to be adopted and effective at 31 December 2007, our first
annual reporting date at which we are required to use IFRS accounting standards
adopted by the EU.

Ambrian Capital plc's consolidated financial statements were prepared in
accordance with United Kingdom Accounting Standards (United Kingdom Generally
Accepted Accounting Practice) until 31 December 2006.  The date of transition to
IFRS was 1 January 2006.  The comparative figures in respect of 2006 have been
restated to reflect changes in accounting policies as a result of adoption of
IFRS.  The disclosures required by IFRS 1 concerning the transition from UK GAAP
to IFRS are given in the reconciliation schedules, presented and explained in
note 5.

The accounting policies have been applied consistently throughout the Group for
the purposes of preparation of these condensed consolidated interim financial

The financial information set out in this interim report does not constitute
statutory accounts as defined in Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.  The
Group's statutory financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2006,
prepared under UK GAAP, have been filed with the Registrar of Companies.  The
auditor's report on those financial statements was unqualified/qualified and did
not/did contain a statements under Section 237(2) of the Companies Act 1985.

The Interim Statement was approved by the Directors on 25 September 2007 and
copies are available to the public free of charge from the company at 8 Angel
Court, London EC2R 7HP during normal office hours, Saturdays, Sundays and Bank
Holidays exempted, for 14 days from today.

2        Revenue

The group's revenue is derived from investment banking and management.

6 months to 30 June 2007 - unaudited
                                              Investment banking          Investment               Total

Operating revenue                                      5,352,784           9,514,801          14,867,585

6 months to 30 June 2006 - unaudited
                                              Investment banking          Investment               Total

Operating revenue                                      4,229,172           7,928,972          12,158,144

Year to 31 December 2006 - unaudited
                                              Investment banking          Investment               Total

Operating revenue                                      8,429,339           9,411,885          17,841,224

Operating revenue includes investment and other income.  The investment
portfolio includes realised and unrealised gains on financial assets.

3        Share issue

During the period to 30 June 2007 500,000 shares were issued as a result of the
exercise of  share options.  Shares issued and authorised for the period to 30
June 2007 may be summarised as follows:

6 months to 30 June 2007 - unaudited
                                                                                   Number                #

At 1 January 2007                                                             108,061,208       10,806,121
Issue of shares                                                                   500,000           50,000
At 30 June 2007                                                               108,561,208       10,856,121

6 months to 30 June 2006 - unaudited
                                                                                   Number                #

At 1 January 2006                                                             107,261,208       10,726,121
Issue of shares                                                                   800,000           80,000
At 30 June 2006                                                               108,061,208       10,806,121

Year to 31 December 2006 - unaudited
                                                                                   Number                #

At 1 January 2006                                                             107,261,208       10,726,121
Issue of shares                                                                   800,000           80,000
At 31 December 2006                                                           108,061,208       10,806,121

4        Earnings per share

The calculation of the basic earnings per share is based on the earnings
attributable to ordinary shareholders divided by the weighted average number of
shares in issue during the year.  Shares held in employee share trusts are
treated as cancelled for the purposes of this calculation.

The calculation of diluted earnings per share is based on the basic earnings per
share, adjusted to allow for the issue of shares and the post tax effect of
dividends and/or interest, on the assumed conversion of all dilutive options and
other dilutive potential ordinary shares.

Reconciliations of the earnings and weighted average number of shares used in
the calculations are set out below.

6 months to 30 June 2007 - unaudited
                                                                 Earnings Weighted average       Per share
                                                                          number of shares          amount
                                                                        #                            Pence

Total operations - all continuing operations
Earnings attributable to ordinary shareholders                  7,008,319
Weighted average number of shares (used for basic                              
earnings per share)                                                            108,207,617
Shares held in Treasury and Employee Benefit Trust                               2,056,712
Dilutive effect of options                                                       6,024,242
Diluted weighted average number of shares (used for                            
diluted earnings per share)                                                    112,175,147

Basic earnings per share                                                                              6.60
Diluted earnings per share                                                                            6.25

6 months to 30 June 2006 - unaudited
                                                                 Earnings Weighted average       Per share
                                                                          number of shares          amount
                                                                        #                            Pence

Total operations - all continuing operations
Earnings attributable to ordinary shareholders                  5,822,887
Weighted average number of shares (used for basic                              107,544,081
earnings per share)
Shares held in Employee Benefit Trust                                            1,731,712
Dilutive effect of options                                                       5,638,796
Diluted weighted average number of shares (used for                            
diluted earnings per share)                                                    111,451,165

Basic earnings per share                                                                              5.50
Diluted earnings per share                                                                            5.22

Year to 31 December 2006 - unaudited
                                                                 Earnings Weighted average       Per share
                                                                          number of shares          amount
                                                                        #                            Pence

Continuing operations

Earnings attributable to ordinary shareholders                  6,806,139
Weighted average number of shares (used for basic                              
earnings per share)                                                            107,804,770
Shares held in Treasury and Employee Benefit Trust                               2,056,712
Dilutive effect of options                                                       5,390,248
Diluted weighted average number of shares (used for                            
diluted earnings per share)                                                    111,138,306

Basic earnings per share                                                                              6.44
Diluted earnings per share                                                                            6.12

Discontinued operations
Earnings attributable to ordinary shareholders                 (1,732,261)
Weighted average number of shares (used for basic                              
earnings per share)                                                            107,804,770
Shares held in Treasury and Employee Benefit Trust                               2,056,712
Dilutive effect of options                                                       5,390,248
Diluted weighted average number of shares (used for                            
diluted earnings per share)                                                    111,138,306

Basic earnings per share                                                                             (1.63)
Diluted earnings per share                                                                           (1.55)

Total operations
Earnings attributable to ordinary shareholders                  5,073,878
Weighted average number of shares (used for basic                              
earnings per share)                                                            107,804,770
Shares held in Treasury and Employee Benefit Trust                               2,056,712
Dilutive effect of options                                                       5,390,248
Diluted weighted average number of shares (used for                            
diluted earnings per share)                                                    111,138,306

Basic earnings per share                                                                              4.81
Diluted earnings per share                                                                            4.57

5.         Explanation of transition to IFRS

As stated in the Basis of Preparation, these are the Group's first condensed
consolidated interim financial statements for part of the period covered by the
first IFRS annual consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with

An explanation of how the transition from UK GAAP to IFRS has affected the
Group's financial position, financial performance and cash flows is set out

IFRS 1  permits companies adopting IFRS for the first time to take certain
exemptions from the full requirements of IFRS in the transition period.  These
interim financial statements have been prepared on the basis of taking the
following exemptions:

*          business combinations prior to 1 January 2006, the Group's date of
transition to IFRS, have not been restated to comply with IFRS 3 "Business
Combinations".  Goodwill arising from these business combinations of #1,836,828
has not been restated other than as set out in note a below.

*          cumulative translation differences on foreign operations are deemed
to be nil at 1 January 2006.  Any gains and losses recognised in the
consolidated income statement on subsequent disposal of foreign operations will
exclude translation differences arising prior to the transition date

*          the entity has elected not to apply IAS 21 "The Effects of Changes
in Foreign Exchange Rates" retrospectively to goodwill and fair value
adjustments arising on business combinations before the Group's date of
transition to IFRS.  Such goodwill and fair value adjustments are not treated as
foreign currency assets and so are not retranslated at each reporting date.

Reconciliation of equity at 1 January 2006 - unaudited

Note                         UK GAAP       a           b         c             d            e           f         IFRS
                                   #       #           #         #             #            #           #            #

Non-current assets                                                
Property, plant and 
equipment                    138,799       -           -         -             -            -           -      138,799
Goodwill                   1,836,828       -           -         -             -            -           -    1,836,828
Other intangible assets    2,596,870       -           -         -             -            -           -    2,596,870
Deferred tax assets           84,178       -           -         -             -      (84,178)          -            -

Current assets                                                
Financial assets          24,131,817       -  17,516,277         -             -            -           -   41,648,094
Trade and other 
receivables                1,629,836       -           -         -             -            -           -    1,629,836
Cash and cash 
equivalents                5,757,167       -           -         -             -            -           -    5,757,167

Current liabilities                                                
Trade and other payables  (1,149,443)      -           -         -             -            -           -   (1,149,443)
Short-term borrowings     (1,500,000)      -           -         -             -            -           -   (1,500,000)
Current tax payable       (1,916,627)      -           -         -             -            -           -   (1,916,627)
Other taxes and social 
security                    (136,010)      -           -         -             -            -           -     (136,010)

Non-current liabilities                                                
Deferred tax                       -       -           -         -    (5,254,883)      84,178           -   (5,170,705)
Net assets                31,473,415       -  17,516,277         -    (5,254,883)           -           -   43,734,809
Share capital             10,726,121       -           -         -             -            -           -   10,726,121
Share premium account     12,048,639       -           -         -             -            -           -   12,048,639
Profit and loss account    8,529,698       -  17,516,277         -    (5,254,883)           -           -   20,791,092
Reserve for share based 
payments                     280,593       -           -         -             -            -           -      280,593
Employee benefit trust      (111,636)      -           -         -             -            -           -     (111,636)
Total equity              31,473,415       -  17,516,277         -    (5,254,883)           -           -    43,734,809

Reconciliation of equity at 30 June 2006 - unaudited

Note                         UK GAAP       a           b         c             d            e           f         IFRS
                                   #       #           #         #             #            #           #            #

Non-current assets                                                
Property, plant and 
equipment                    203,728       -           -         -             -            -           -      203,728
Goodwill                   1,787,846  48,982           -         -             -            -           -    1,836,828
Other intangible assets    2,626,765       -           -         -             -            -           -    2,626,765
Deferred tax assets           84,178       -           -         -             -      (84,178)          -            -

Current assets                                                
Financial assets          22,096,820       -  18,260,265         -             -            -           -   40,357,085
Trade and other                                  
receivables                6,986,820       -           -         -             -            -           -    6,986,820
Cash and cash 
equivalents               14,166,055       -           -         -             -            -           -   14,166,055
Current liabilities                                                
Trade and other payables  (9,710,693)      -           -         -             -            -           -   (9,710,693)
Current tax payable       (3,762,538)      -           -         -             -            -           -   (3,762,538)

Non-current liabilities                                                
Deferred tax                       -       -           -         -    (5,478,079)      84,178           -   (5,393,901)
Net assets                34,478,981  48,982  18,260,265         -    (5,478,079)           -           -   47,310,149

Share capital             10,806,121      -            -         -             -            -           -   10,806,121
Share premium account     12,094,639      -            -         -             -            -           -   12,094,639
Profit and loss account   13,111,185 48,982   18,260,265  (131,334)   (5,478,079)           -           -   25,811,019
Reserve for share based 
payments                     280,593      -            -   131,334             -            -           -      411,927
Employee benefit trust    (1,813,557)     -            -         -             -            -           -   (1,813,557)
Total equity              34,478,981 48,982   18,260,265         -    (5,478,079)           -           -   47,310,149

Reconciliation of equity at 1 January 2007 - unaudited

Note                         UK GAAP       a           b         c             d            e           f         IFRS
                                   #       #           #         #             #            #           #            #

Non-current assets                                                
Property, plant and 
equipment                    199,766       -           -         -             -            -           -      199,766
Goodwill                   1,738,864  97,964           -         -             -            -           -    1,836,828
Other intangible 
assets                     3,155,675       -           -         -             -            -  (3,155,675)           -
Deferred tax assets        1,727,034       -           -         -             -   (1,727,034)          -            -

Current assets                                                
Financial assets          19,960,680       -  14,778,611         -             -            -           -   34,739,291
Trade and other 
receivables                3,856,631       -           -         -             -            -           -    3,856,631
Cash and cash 
equivalents               30,408,289       -           -         -             -            -           -   30,408,289
Non-current assets 
classified as held for 
sale                               -       -           -         -             -            -   1,557,500    1,557,500

Current liabilities                                                
Trade and other payables (17,436,322)      -           -         -             -            -    (134,085) (17,570,407)
Current portion of 
long-term borrowings               -       -           -         -             -            -           -            -
Current tax payable       (3,091,685)      -           -         -             -            -           -   (3,091,685)
Non-current liabilities                                                
Deferred tax                       -       -           -         -    (4,433,583)   1,727,034           -   (2,706,549)
Net assets                40,518,932  97,964  14,778,611         -    (4,433,583)           -  (1,732,260)  49,229,664
Share capital             10,806,121       -           -         -             -            -           -   10,806,121
Share premium account     12,094,639       -           -         -             -            -           -   12,094,639
Treasury shares             (163,217)      -           -         -             -            -           -     (163,217)
Profit and loss account   15,568,007  97,964  14,778,611         -    (4,433,583)           -  (1,732,260)  24,278,739
Reserve for share based                        
payments                     543,262       -           -         -             -            -           -      543,262
Employee benefit trust    (1,813,557)      -           -         -             -            -           -   (1,813,557)
Total equity              40,518,932  97,964  14,778,611         -    (4,433,583)           -  (1,732,260)  49,229,664

Reconciliation of profit for the 6 months ended 30 June 2006 - unaudited

                             UK GAAP       a           b         c             d            e           f         IFRS
                                   #       #           #         #             #            #           #            #

Continuing operations
Revenue                   11,414,156       -     743,988         -             -            -           -   12,158,144
Administrative costs      (3,641,632) 48,982           -  (131,334)            -            -           -   (3,723,984)
Finance costs                (36,373)      -           -         -             -            -           -      (36,373)
Profit before tax          7,736,151  48,982     743,988  (131,334)            -            -           -    8,397,787
Taxation                  (2,351,704)      -           -         -      (223,196)           -           -   (2,574,900)
Profit for the period 
from continuing 
operations                 5,384,447  48,982     743,988  (131,334)     (223,196)           -           -    5,822,887
Loss for the period 
from discontinued 
operations                         -       -           -         -             -            -           -            -
Profit before tax          5,384,447  48,982     743,988  (131,334)     (223,196)           -           -    5,822,887

Reconciliation of profit for the year to 31 December 2006 - unaudited

                             UK GAAP       a           b         c             d            e           f         IFRS
                                   #       #           #         #             #            #           #            #

Continuing operations
Revenue                   20,578,890       -  (2,737,666)        -             -            -           -   17,841,224
Administrative costs      (8,101,128) 97,964           -         -             -            -           -   (8,003,164)
Finance costs                (36,616)      -           -         -             -            -           -      (36,616)
Profit before tax         12,441,146  97,964  (2,737,666)        -             -            -           -    9,801,444
Taxation                  (3,816,605)      -           -         -       821,300            -               (2,995,305)
Profit for the period 
from continuing 
operations                 8,624,541  97,964  (2,737,666)        -       821,300            -           -    6,806,139
Profit for the period 
from discontinued 
operations                         -       -           -         -             -            -  (1,732,261)  (1,732,261)
Profit before tax          8,621,541  97,964  (2,737,666)        -       821,300            -  (1,732,261)   5,073,878

Notes on reconciliations of equity

a) Goodwill recognised by the Group on acquisition of its subsidiaries under UK
GAAP was amortised over a period of 20 years.  Under IFRS goodwill is not
amortised, but tested annually for impairment.  The goodwill amortisation charge
recognised in accordance with UK GAAP in 2006 was written back.  However,
intangible assets identified on this business combination in accordance with
IFRS as described above are included at their net book value as at 31 December

b) Under UK GAAP the group included listed and unlisted investments at cost.
However, under IFRS these are included at market value.   Accordingly, an
unrealised gain of #17,516,277 at 1 January 2006 has been credited to the income
statement.  Operating income has been increased by #743,988 for the 6 months
ended 30 June 2006 and decreased by #2,737,666 for the year ended 31 December

c) Under FRS 20 liabilities in respect of share based payments have only been
recognised in the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2006, with
the balance sheet as at 31 December 2005 duly restated.  Under IFRS these
liabilities are recognised in all accounting periods under review.
Accordingly, a charge of #131,334 is made to the income statement for the 6
months ended 30 June 2006.

d) Under FRS 19 deferred tax was only recognised on timing differences; in
contrast, IAS 12 "Income Taxes" requires the recognition of all temporary
differences.  Under UK GAAP, investments are carried on the balance sheet at
cost, and no deferred tax arises whereas under IRFS investments are carried on
the balance sheet at market value and deferred tax liabilities are recognised.
The effect of this adjustment is to create deferred tax liabilities of
#5,254,883 at 1 January 2006, #5,470,080 at 30 June 2006, and #4,433,583 at 31
December 2006 and to increase the tax charge for the period ended 30 June 2006
by #506,810 and decrease the tax charge for the year ended 31 December 2006 by

e) The UK GAAP financial statements include a deferred tax asset of #84,178 at 1
January 2006 and 30 June 2006 and #162,979 at 31 December 2006 in respect of the
taxation relief on the charge to profits for share based payment.  This deferred
tax asset has been offset against the deferred tax liabilities set out at (d)

The UK GAAP accounts at 31 December 2006 include a further deferred tax asset of
#1,564,055 in respect of taxation charged on the profits on the sale of
investments between group companies.  As the profit has been recognised under
IFRS with the appropriate taxation charge, the deferred asset has been debited
to deferred tax for the year ended 31 December 2006.

f) In November 2006, the group commenced negotiations for the sale of its
exploration assets to Palladex plc in exchange for Palladex shares.  In the UK
GAAP accounts these explorations assets were included in intangible fixed assets
at cost of #3,155,675.  Under IFRS, these assets should be disclosed as
non-current assets classified as held for sale at their fair value of
#1,557,500.  Accordingly, the IFRS accounts for the year ended 31 December 2006
include a loss on discontinued activities of #1,732,261.

Explanation of material adjustments to the cash flow statement

Application of IFRS has resulted in reclassification of certain items in the
cash flow statement as follows:

(i) under UK GAAP, payments to acquire property, plant and equipment were
classified as part of 'Capital expenditure and financial investment'.  Under
IFRS, payments to acquire property, plant and equipment have been classified as
part of 'Investing activities'.

(ii) income taxes of #4,302,766 paid during 2006 are classified as operating
cash flows under IFRS, but were included in a separate category of tax cash
flows under previous GAAP.

There are no other material differences between the cash flow statement
presented under IFRS and the cash flow statement presented under UK GAAP.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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