RNS Number : 3497U
  Global Brands S.A.
  13 May 2008

                                     14 May 2008

    Global Brands S. A. (the"Company")

    Audited Results for the year ended 31 December 2007


    Global Brands S.A. ("Global Brands" or the "Company") is the exclusive master franchisee of Domino's Pizza in Switzerland, Luxembourg
and Liechtenstein. 

    Domino's Pizza Inc. ("Domino's") was founded in the United States of America in 1960 and is the world's leading pizza delivery brand
with over 8,500 stores in more than 50 countries.

    Our Company is traded on the AIM, a market operated by the London Stock Exchange under the company code "GBR". The share price and
regulatory information are available on the Company's website www.globalbrands.ch. 

    On 12 February 2008, the Company announced the completion of the sale of 2,505,860 ordinary shares of CHF 2.10 to the Luxembourg
registered Belvia s.r.l. ("Belvia"), representing 51.96 per cent of the issued share capital of the Company. Following a meeting of the
Board of Directors, both Mr. Yossi Moldawsky, Executive Chairman, and Mr. Dov Lachovitz, Chief Executive Officer, resigned from the Board
with immediate effect. Simultaneously, the Directors announced the immediate appointment of Mr. Yair Hasson and Mr. Roberto Avondo to the
Board as Executive Chairman and Executive Vice Chairman, respectively. In addition, Mr. Amir Hasson was appointed as the Company's CEO. On 6
March 2008, Mr. Christopher Bodker resigned as non executive director.

    On 31 January 2008, Zimmerman Adams International Ltd replaced Ruegg & Co Ltd as our Nominated Adviser on the AIM. 

    Operating and financial highlights.

    The Company announces its annual results for the year ending 31 December 2007.

    2007 marked the beginning of a turnaround for the Company. The sustained growth in revenues during the year, a decrease in expenses as
well as the benefits of management's decisions to discontinue two unprofitable stores, resulted in a significant improvement in the
Company's EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation). 

    Revenue growth was driven by the launch of the new "Dominator" pizza (a large extra thin crust base) which attracted strong demand from
customers, the continued investment in marketing and brand awareness both offline and on-line, and a focus on offering quality products and
services to customers.

    By the end of 2007, the Company with its ten stores, was the only pizza delivery chain with a national presence in Switzerland and the
only international pizza delivery brand in Switzerland. By the end of the period, these ten stores all had positive EBITDA.

      Key trading figures

    The annual turnover of the Company rose by 4.1% to CHF 10.9 million from CHF 10.5 million in 2006. Excluding the effect of the two
discontinued stores, the closing of which were largely responsible for the accelerated depreciation charge in the accounts, same stores
sales (being sales from stores that have been operational for more than a year) continued to grow with sales increasing by 7.1% over the
same period last year. 

    The Company increased its gross profit by 3.9% to CHF 8.5 million. Reductions in staff costs and administrative expenses led to a
significant improvement in operational costs resulting in an EBITDA loss of CHF 476,796, a 55.9 % improvement on 2006.

    In addition, and as a matter of prudence, the new management has decided to make a provision of CHF 804,732 in respect of potential
liabilities relating to prior events. The actual liabilities are still under negotiation but the provision reflects the maximum potential
liabilities. (Please see the Directors' Report for further details).

    After taking into account financial income, deferred tax credit, depreciation and the provisions, the final result for the year is a
loss of CHF 2,003,557 (2006: loss of CHF 1,313,820) with the loss per share ('EPS') increasing from CHF 0.27 to CHF 0.42. Without the above
provisions of CHF 804,732, the loss per share would have amounted to CHF 0.25.

    The Company's cash position remains strong with net cash of CHF 2.8 million as at end of the period with no loan debt. 

    Current trading and outlook

    The new management team is committed to achieving further improvement in turnover and cost reductions in 2008 and early trading
indications are promising.

    Revenues are marginally up in the first two months of the financial year compared to the same period in 2007. Excluding the effect of
the two discontinued stores, revenues from same stores are up more than 6.6% and online orders continue to grow, compared with the same
period last year.

    The Company is currently negotiating an additional 4-5 potential locations for further openings in 2008 which are expected to contribute
to revenue growth. Over the longer term, the Company intends to accelerate its pace of development and is targetting 30 branches in
operation by 2010, including new branches in Luxembourg and Liechtenstein.

    The new development plan is based on modifying the current business model from running exclusively Company-owned branches to
sub-franchisees operated branches. It also seeks to develop and capitalise on a closer working relationship with Domino's International. The
implementation of sub-franchises has been successfully introduced in other parts of the world and this is especially true of the United
Kingdom where almost all branches are run by sub-franchisees.

    Your Directors intend to identify potential sub-franchisees able to own and manage Domino's branches. It is vital that the Company has a
system capable of providing potential sub-franchisees with good operational, marketing and logistical support over and above the
infastructure required to control and supervise the activities of these sub-franchisees. At the same time, the new management team will give
greater emphasis to recruitment and training whilst investing in marketing to raise brand awareness.

    In addition, opportunities for expansion outside the current franchise areas will be investigated with the view of expanding, within the
fast food sector, in other European countries.

    Finally, I would like to thank the management team and staff for their contribution and dedication and look forward to the development
of our Company together. 

    13 May April 2008

    Yair Hasson    



    (Expressed in Swiss francs)                                 2007               2006
                                        Notes                   CHF                CHF 
             Revenue from sales                     6     10,932,589         10,499,573
                  Cost of sales                          (2,414,487)        (2,300,387)
                   Gross profit                            8,518,102          8,199,186
                    Staff costs                     8    (5,271,767)        (5,545,081)
        Administrative expenses                     9    (3,723,131)        (3,735,887)
           Loss from operations before depreciation &      (476,796)        (1,081,782)
  Depreciation and amortisation               13 & 14    (1,045,502)          (557,373)
        Loss  from operations before financial result    (1,522,298)        (1,639,155)
 Interest and financial income                     10        106,939            157,317
 Interest and financial charges                    11       (67,457)           (35,350)
    Loss on ordinary activities                     6    (1,482,816)        (1,517,188)
       Charges in relation with                             (99,627)          (291,330)
      extension of the business
         Provisions for charges                    22     ( 824,732)           (90,000)
            Deferred tax credit                    16        403,618            584,698
              Loss for the year                          (2,003,557)        (1,313,820)

    Basic earnings / (loss) per                     7         (0.42)             (0.27)

            The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


    (Expressed in Swiss francs)                             2007                    2006
                                       Notes                 CHF                     CHF
             Non-current assets
              Intangible assets           13             174,327                 210,685
  Property, plant and equipment           14           2,394,670               2,903,158
               Financial assets           15             145,171                  94,315
             Deferred tax asset           16           1,136,618                 733,000
       Total non-current assets                        3,850,786               3,941,158

                 Current assets
 Stocks                                   17             227,748                 214,974
    Trade and other receivables           18             150,760                 124,855
      Cash at banks and in hand                        2,775,455               4,358,814
           Total current assets                        3,153,963               4,698,643
                   Total assets                        7,004,749               8,639,801

           Capital and reserves
        Called up share capital           19          10,128,006              10,128,006
                  Share premium           19           1,959,535               1,959,535
             Accumulated losses                      (7,928,735)             (5,925,178)
          Shareholders' equity                         4,158,806               6,162,363
        Non-current liabilities
      Obligations under finance           20              15,257                  61,037
  Total non-current liabilities                           15,257                  61,037

            Current liabilities
       Trade and other payables           21           1,870,174               2,273,630
           Provisions for other           22             914,732                  90,000
        liabilities and charges
      Obligations under finance           20              45,780                  52,771
      Total current liabilities                        2,830,686               2,416,401

   Total equity and liabilities                        7,004,749               8,639,801

            The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial

                (Expressed in Swiss francs)                 2007            2006
                                             Notes          CHF             CHF 
                      OPERATING ACTIVITIES                      
       Net cash flows applied to operations     27   (1,083,600)       (622,335)
                      INVESTING ACTIVITIES 
    Payments to acquire fixtures, equipment            (500,656)     (1,269,941)
                motor vehicles and software
                          Interest received              106 939         112,006
                     Deposits (made) repaid             (50,856)         (3,513)
   Net cash flows (outflows) from investing            (444,573)     (1,161,448)

                      FINANCING ACTIVITIES 
   Payments under finance lease obligations             (52,771)        (78,484)
                             Interest paid               (2,415)         (7,782)
  Net cash flows ( outflows) from financing             (55,186)        (86,266)

        Increase ( decrease) in cash & cash          (1,583,359)     (1,870,049)
                equivalents during the year
                 Cash and cash equivalents:
         - balance at beginning of the year            4,358,814       6,228,863
               - balance at end of the year            2,775,455       4,358,814
        Increase ( decrease) in cash & cash          (1,583,359)     (1,870,049)
                equivalents during the year

  Cash and cash equivalents are represented
                                       by :
                  Cash at banks and in hand            2,775,455       4,358,814
                              Due to banks                   -                 -
    Net cash and cash equivalents at end of            2,775,455       4,358,814
                                   the year

                                 Called up share capital  Share premium  Accumulated losses        Total
    (Expressed in Swiss francs)                     CHF            CHF                 CHF          CHF 
    Balance at 31 December 2005               10,128,006      1,959,535         (4,611,358)    7,476,183
  Loss for the year 31 December                                       -         (1,313,820)  (1,313,820)
    Balance at 31 December 2006               10,128,006      1,959,535         (5,925,178)    6,162,363
  Loss for the year 31 December                        -              -         (2,003,557)  (2,003,557)
    Balance at 31 December 2007               10,128,006      1,959,535         (7,928,735)    4,158,806

 1             Statutory

    Global Brands S.A. (the " Company") was incorporated under the laws of Luxembourg on
    July 6, 1999 by notary act prepared by Maitre Alex Weber, notary residing in
    Luxembourg. The act was published in the legal gazette, the Morial C N° 723 of 29
    September 1999. The Company is registered under number B 70673 at the Register of
    Commerce and Societies in Luxembourg (Registre de Commerce et des Sociés (R.C.S.)) 
    The registered office is in Luxembourg. A branch has been opened in Switzerland where
    it carries on its principal trading activity. 
 2  Activities

      The Company has acquired the Domino's franchise licences, concessions and rights for
           Switzerland, Lichtenstein and Luxembourg. Its current activities consist of the
                                        promotion, manufacture and sale of Domino's Pizza.

 3  Directors'

    The annual report and financial statements drawn up under IFRS were approved by the
    Board of Directors on 13 May 2008. They may be changed only by the Board of Directors
    and are not subject to approval by shareholders. 
         The statutory annual accounts for the year ended 31 December 2007 are drawn up in
    accordance with Luxembourg law and they will be submitted to shareholders for approval
        at the annual meeting to be held on 2 June 2008. Statutory annual accounts for the
     year ended 31 December 2006 have been approved by shareholders and have been filed at
                                                                 the R.C.S. in Luxembourg.

 4  Basis of preparation

    These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International
    Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") under the historical cost convention using
    accounting policies on a basis consistent with those adopted for the prior year, and
    on a going concern basis.
    The Company prepared its first set of IFRS compliance financial statements for the
    year ended 31 December 2004. Adjustments have been made to the numbers presented in
    the local statutory annual to comply with IFRS. The adjustments relate to accounting
    for :
    ·  deferred tax asset which was created to recognise the future benefits of tax
    losses, but is not allowed under Luxembourg law;
    · capital issue costs are charged against the share premium account, whereas
    Luxembourg local accounting policy is to capitalize and amortise these costs over 5

    The financial statements are stated in Swiss Francs ('CHF') which is the currency of
    the issued share capital of the Company and the Company's functional currency.

    Comparative figures 
    In instances where reclassification of amounts has been made, comparative figures for
    the previous year have been modified to provide a comparable basis. These
    reclassifications have no effect on the results and net equity.
    Use of estimates 
    Accounting estimates and assumptions are used in the preparation of these financial
    statements, notably in respect of depreciation and amortisation of fixed assets,
    provisions for uncollectible amounts, valuation of stocks and provisions for charges.
    These estimates are based on the directors' best knowledge of current events and
    actions, although actual results may ultimately differ from those estimates. 
    Going concern
    The financial information has been prepared on the basis that the Company will
    continue as a going concern for the foreseeable future. In forming this opinion, the
    directors have prepared the Company's budgets for 2008 to 2010 and formulated its
    medium term plans. 
 5                                             Summary of significant accounting policies 
                                                                       Revenue recognition

    Sales revenue is the amount receivable by the Company for goods supplied and services
    provided, excluding VAT and trade discounts. Revenue is recognised when goods are
    delivered and title has passed.
    Interest income is accrued on a time basis by reference to the principal outstanding
    and the interest rate applied.

    Property, plant and equipment

    Items of property, plant and equipment are stated at cost less accumulated
    depreciation and impairment losses. Depreciation is calculated to write down the cost
    less estimated residual value of all property, plant and equipment by equal annual
    instalments over their expected useful lives. Land is not depreciated.  
    The expected useful lives generally applicable are:
      Fixtures, fittings and stores equipment: 6 to 10 years, or over the life of the
    store lease. 
      Furniture and office equipment: 3 to 4 years.
      Motor vehicles: 3 to 7 years.

    Fixtures, fittings and stores equipment are depreciated initially over the primary
    life of the lease , normally 5 to 6 years. In the event that leases are renewed and
    extended, depreciation is re-calculated over the extended period of the lease.
    Leased assets

    Leases are classified as finance leases when the terms of the lease transfer
    substantially the economic ownership of the asset to the lessee. Assets held under
    finance leases and hire purchase contracts are capitalised in the balance sheet and
    depreciated over their expected useful lives. They are capitalised at their fair value
    at the date of acquisition, or if lower, at the present value of the minimum lease
    payments. The interest element of leasing payments representing a constant proportion
    of the capital balance outstanding is charged to the profit and loss account over the
    period of the lease.
    All other leases are regarded as operating leases and the payments made under them are
    charged to the profit and loss account on a straight line basis over the term of the

    Intangible assets

    Intangible assets acquired are stated at cost less accumulated amortisation and
    impairment losses. Subsequent expenditure on capitalised intangible assets is
    capitalised only when it increases the future economic benefits embodied in the
    specific asset to which it relates. All other expenditure is expensed as incurred.
    Amortisation is charged on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful economic
    life and charged from the date the asset is available for use. The useful lives are
    estimated as follows:
      Licences: 15 years, being the period of the operating franchise licence
      Software: 2 to 3 years

    The carrying values are reviewed at each balance sheet date to determine whether there
    is any indication of impairment. If any such indication exists, the recoverable amount
         is estimated. An impairment loss is recognised whenever the carrying value of the
       asset or its cash-generating unit exceeds its recoverable amount. Impairment losses
                                                     are charged to the income statement. 

                                                                         Financial assets 

          Financial assets representing guarantee bank deposits are stated at fair values.

                             Deferred taxation

    Deferred tax payable is provided using the liability method on temporary differences arising between the tax bases of assets and
liabilities and their carrying amounts in the financial information
        tables. The principal temporary differences arise from depreciation of property, plant and equipment, tax losses carried forward and
on the difference between the fair values of the net assets
                              acquired and their tax base. 
           Deferred tax is provided for using the tax rates estimated to arise when the timing differences reverse and is accounted for to
the extent that it is probable that a liability or asset will
Non-provided deferred tax is disclosed as a contingent liability. 
       A deferred tax asset is recognised to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profits will be sufficient and available
against which the existing tax losses can be utilised. Deferred
                                                                                               tax assets are reviewed at each balance sheet
date to determine the expected timing of their realisation.


         Stocks are stated at the lower of cost and net realisable value, after making allowance for obsolete and slow moving items. Cost of
raw materials, finished goods and consumables comprises the
                               invoiced value of the goods.

    Debtors and receivables

                                                                                          Debtors and receivables are stated at their
nominal value, less provision for estimated irrecoverable amounts.

    Financial instruments

    The Company's financial instruments consist of long term bank deposits, cash, bank current accounts, short term bank deposits, trade
receivables, other receivables, accrued income, trade payables,
                       obligations under finance lease contracts, loans, other accounts payable and accrued liabilities. The fair value of
the financial instruments approximates their carrying values.

    Foreign currency
    Transactions in foreign currencies are translated at the exchange rate ruling at the date of the transaction. Monetary assets and
liabilities in foreign currencies are translated at the rates of
    exchange ruling at the balance sheet date. Any gain or loss arising from a change in exchange rates subsequent to the date of the
transaction is included as an exchange gain or loss in the profit
    and loss account.

    Cash and cash equivalents
    Cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand, balances with banks and short term deposits with original maturities of three months or
less. Bank guarantee deposits are considered to be investing
    activities; bank borrowings are considered to be financing activities.
         Liquid funds assets are placed with recognised banks in Switzerland and Luxembourg and the balances represent their fair value.
Short term bank overdrafts are obtained to meet working capital

    Trade payables

        Trade payables are stated at their nominal amounts.


    Loans and bank overdrafts are recorded at the proceeds amount. Interest and financial charges, including premiums payable on repayment,
are accounted for on an accrual basis and are added to the
    amount of the debt.
    Interest expense is accrued on a time basis by reference to the principal outstanding and the interest rate applied.

    Pension schemes

    The Company makes contributions to the personal pension plans of certain employees. Contributions are charged to the profit and loss
account. The
    Company does not operate a defined pension contribution scheme or defined pension benefit scheme for its employees and directors
    Revenues and results 
    Business segment
    Turnover, operations, profits and net assets are attributable entirely to continuing activities from its single business segment of
selling pizzas. The Company's turnover and
    trading results arise entirely in Switzerland. 
    Geographical segment:
    Turnover and results are attributable primarily to Switzerland. There are no trading revenues in Luxembourg.
                                                                                            The loss on ordinary activities before taxation
is stated after charging or crediting:
        Depreciation of:
        -property, plant                                     921,384                                                                        
     and equipment owned
        -property, plant                                      79,531                                                                        
     and equipment under
          finance leases
         Amortisation of                                      44,588                                                                        
        intangible fixed
             Included in
           expenses are:
        -operating lease                                     396,968                                                                        
              -auditors'                                      42,900                                                                        
    remuneration - audit
      Foreign currency (                                    (42,848)                                                                        
             loss ) gain

 7             Earnings (loss) per share (EPS)
          The calculation of the basic earnings per share is determined on the loss attributable to ordinary shareholders divided by the
weighted average number of shares in issue during the year. The
                      elements used in the calculation are:

                                                  Number of issued shares of CHF 2.10 each                                   4,822,860      
                The weighted average number of shares in circulation during the year was :                                   4,822,860      
                                                                         Loss for the year                                 (2,003,557)      
                                                           Basic earnings (loss) per share                                      (0.42)      
    The directors consider that there is no dilutive effect of share options issued because the market price of the shares is substantially
lower than the exercise price so that it is most improbable
    that the options would be exercised in the foreseeable future at their exercise price of £ 1.85, £1.15 and £0.90.

                       8                                 Staff costs                                        2007                            
                                                  Wages and salaries                                   4,735,545                            
                             Social security and state pension costs                                     475,142                            
                                                   Other staff costs                                      61,080                            

                          Social security costs comprise the Company's legal obligations to contribute to the Swiss State national health
and pension funds and private pension plans of certain
                                Remuneration in respect of directors                                         CHF                            
                                       included therein amounted to:
                                                         Emoluments                                      625,692                            
                           Social security and pension contributions                                           -                            
                               There is no Company pension scheme in
                                            force for the directors.
                           Remuneration to key members of management                                     320,829                            
                                                        amounted to:

                                  The average number of employees by                                          N°                           
                                                       category was:
                                   Production and sales distribution                                         248                            
                                                      Administration                                           5                            

  9              Administrative expenses       2007         2006
                                                CHF          CHF
           Marketing costs and royalties  1,051,558    1,188,151
     Administration and general expenses  2,671,573    2,547,736
                                          3,723,131    3,735,887
 10        Interest and financial income       2007         2006
                                                CHF          CHF
                    Bank interest income    106,939      112,006
                  Foreign currency gains          -       45,311
                                            106,939      157,317
 11       Interest and financial charges       2007         2006
                                                CHF          CHF
                  Finance lease interest      2,415        7,782
                Foreign currency losses      42,848            -
                 Other financial charges     22,194       27,568
                                             67,457       35,350

 12                          Income tax expense

     The Company is fully taxable in Luxembourg and Switzerland on profits realised from its operations. There
     were no taxable profits attributable to Luxembourg during the above years.  There is no taxation charge
     because the Company has incurred tax losses. 
                                 There were no taxable profits attributable to Luxembourg during the above years.
                                                                 2007                                        2006
         Swiss tax losses                                         CHF                                         CHF
         available are as
        Loss for the year                                 (2,003,557)                                 (1,313,820)
               before tax
           Swiss tax rate                                         25%                                         25%
     Expected tax expense                                           -                                           -
        The effective tax                                        2007                                        2006
         rates on profits
               Luxembourg                                      29.63%                                      29.63%
              Switzerland                                      25.00%                                      25.00%

                    13  Intangible fixed assets
                                                Software   Licences      Total
                                   Year 2007         CHF        CHF        CHF
 Gross carrying amount at cost at 01/01/2007      91,265    353,901    445,166
                                  Additions        8,230          -      8,230
         Gross carrying amount at 31/12/2007      99,495    353,901    453,396
    Accumulated amortisation brought forward    (67,867)  (166,614)  (234,481)
           Amortisation charge for the year     (20,161)   (24,427)   (44,588)
     Accumulated amortisation at end of year    (88,028)  (191,041)  (279,069)
                                                  11,467    162,860    174,327
                Net book value at 31/12/2007  
                                Year 2006 :   
 Gross carrying amount at cost at 01/01/2006      58,487    353,901    412,388
                                  Additions       32,778          -     32,778
         Gross carrying amount at 31/12/2006      91,265    353,901    445,166
    Accumulated amortisation brought forward    (58,486)  (141,461)  (199,947)
           Amortisation charge for the year      (9,381)   (25,153)   (34,534)
     Accumulated amortisation at end of year    (67,867)  (166,614)  (234,481)
                                                  23,398    187,287    210,685
                Net book value at 31/12/2006  
    Licences include an initial payment of CHF 328,901 to acquire the operating franchise licence ''Dominos Pizza'' for a period of 15 years
in Luxembourg, Liechtenstein and Switzerland. At 31 December 2007, the licence has a remaining life of 7 years.

                    14  Property, plant and equipment
                                              Fixtures, fittings &    Office furniture &  Motor vehicles        Total
                                                   store equipment             equipment

                                   Year 2007                   CHF                   CHF             CHF          CHF
 Gross carrying amount at cost at 01/01/2007             3,707,131               337,477         739,193    4,783,801
                                  Additions                368,477                39,130          84,820      492,427
         Gross carrying amount at 31/12/2007             4,075,608               376,607         824,013    5,276,228
               Less accumulated depreciation           (1,204,770)             (229,679)       (446,194)  (1,880,643)
                          -  brought forward
         - depreciation charge for the year              (791,372)              (60,748)       (148,795)  (1,000,915)
     -accumulated depreciation at 31/12/2007           (1,996,142)             (290,427)       (594,989)  (2,881,558)
                                                         2,079,466                86,180         229,024    2,394,670
                Net book value at 31/12/2007

                      Year 2006
  Gross carrying amount at cost    2,612,229    288,777    645,632    3,546,638
                  at 01/01/2006
                     Additions     1,094,902     48,700     93,561    1,237,163
       Gross carrying amount at    3,707,131    337,477    739,193    4,783,801
  Less accumulated depreciation    (868,685)  (166,387)  (322,732)  (1,357,804)
             -  brought forward
   -depreciation charge for the    (336,085)   (63,292)  (123,462)    (522,839)
  - accumulated depreciation at  (1,204,770)  (229,679)  (446,194)  (1,880,643)
                                   2,502,361    107,798    292,999    2,903,158
   Net book value at 31/12/2006

    The depreciation charge figure for fixtures, fittings & store equipment includes an exceptional impairment charge of CHF 367,137 in 2007
in respect of write-off of installations relating to the closing of the stores in Luzern and Biel.
 The net carrying amount of assets held under finance leases amounted to:          2007       2006
                                                                                    CHF        CHF
                                                                     Equipment   73,359    100,174
                                                                Motor vehicles   92,588    145,304
                                                                         Total  165,947    245,478

 15  Financial assets                      2007                                                            2006
                                            CHF                                                             CHF
           Bank guarantee               145,171                                                          94,315
     Deposits are made with the Company's bankers as guarantees for lease of premises, stores and vehicles.
     They are stated at fair values.

 16  Deferred tax asset                    2007                                        2006
                                            CHF                                         CHF
     Balance at beginning               733,000                                     148,302
     of year
     Deferred tax credit                403,618                                     584,698
     (charge) for the
     Balance at end of                1,136,618                                     733,000

     The Directors have resolved to continue to recognise the deferred tax asset created in
     prior years since they are confident that, based on budgets and forecasts over the
     years 2008-2010, sufficient profits will be generated during those years to allow
     Swiss tax losses to be offset against them. 
     Luxembourg tax losses incurred in respect of Luxembourg operations have not been used
     to constitute a deferred tax asset since it is uncertain when those losses may be

                                           2007                                        2006
                                            CHF                                         CHF
     Swiss tax losses                 4,546,472                                   2,932,000
     available to set off
     against future
     profits amount to:
     Deferred tax asset               1,136,618                                     733,000
     on Swiss tax losses
     at a tax rate of 25%

     Luxembourg tax losses accumulated to the year ended 31 December 2006 and confirmed by
     the Luxembourg tax office amount to EUR 199,759.

 17  Stocks                                2007                                        2006
                                            CHF                                         CHF
          Raw materials -               146,302                                     144,374
      foods and beverages
        Other consumables                81,446                                      70,600
                                        227,748                                     214,974

           All stocks are stated at cost which approximates their fair values. There are no
                                                                      write-downs in value.

 18       Trade and other                  2007                                        2006
      Amounts falling due                   CHF                                         CHF
         within one year:
            Trade debtors                50,144                                      59,892
           Other debtors,               100,616                                      64,963
          prepayments and
           accrued income
                                        150,760                                     124,855

 19  Capital and reserves                  2007                                        2006
            Share capital                   CHF                                         CHF
     Allotted, issued and            10,128,006                                  10,128,006
            fully paid up

      Number of shares of             4,822,860                                   4,822,860
           CHF 2.10 each 
     The Company has one class of share which carries equal voting rights and rights to
     distributions of dividends from available retained earnings.
     Stock option plan
     On 1st August 2005, the general meeting of shareholders of the Company approved a
     stock option plan for the benefit of the directors and key employees. At 31 December
     2007 there were in circulation 388,812 options at £1.85, 48,299 options at £1.15 and
     21,411 options at £0.90.  
                                           2007                                        2006
           Share premium                    CHF                                         CHF
      Premium on issue of             4,348,500                                   4,348,500
               new shares
          Less charges of           (2,388,965)                                 (2,388,965)
          raising finance
            Share premium             1,959,535                                   1,959,535
        balance at end of

     Legal reserve
     The Company is obliged to make a transfer of at least 5% of its annual net profits to
     a legal reserve. Retained losses are deducted in determining the amount of the annual
     transfer. This transfer ceases when the legal reserve is equal to 10% of the
     subscribed share capital, but recommences if it falls below this level. The legal
     reserve is not available for distribution, except on dissolution.
     A legal reserve is not required since the Company has accumulated losses.

 20                            Non-current liabilities       2007         2006
                                                              CHF          CHF
             Obligations under finance leases and hire     15,257       61,037
                                    purchase contracts             
     Obligations under finance leases in respect of equipment and vehicles are
     for periods of two to five years and are recorded as liabilities in the
     balance sheet. The lease contracts bear interest at rates of between 5%
     and 5.7% and are repayable in fixed monthly instalments of principle and
     interest over the period of the lease. In the event that lease
     obligations are not fulfilled, the lessor has a right to recover the

       The leases to which these amounts relate expire       2007         2006
                                           as follows:             
                                                              CHF          CHF
         In one year or less ( classified as a current     45,780       52,771
          Between one and five years ( classified as a     15,257       61,037
                                non-current liability)             
                In five years or more (classified as a                       -
                                non-current liability)             
                                                           61,037      113,808
        Aggregate minimum lease payments due under the     61,037      113,808
     contracts inclusive of finance charges amount to:             
                The finance charges therein amount to       2,415        6,566
 21                          Trade and other payables        2007         2006
                   Amounts falling due within one year        CHF          CHF
                                       Trade creditors  1,135,534    1,386,198
                       Other taxes and social security    135,533      326,864
         Other creditors, accruals and deferred income    599,107      560,568
                                                        1,870,174    2,273,630

 22  Provisions for other liabilities and charges      2007      2006
                       Charged in the current year      CHF       CHF
              Claims for compensation and benefits  804,732         -
                     Provisions for legal charges   110,000    90,000
                                                    914,732    90,000

    During the months of March and April 2008 new Management has discussed labour relations in the Company's sector of activity with Swiss
union representatives. The discussions included topics surrounding compliance with regulatory requirements relating to minimal compensation
and benefits due to employees. One of the purposes was to clarify the amounts that may have to be paid to employees in order to comply with
regulatory requirements relating to minimal compensation and benefits that came into effect during the course of 2005. The outcome of these
discussions is uncertain and the related retroactive financial effect, if any, cannot be determined yet with sufficient accuracy. However
the Directors consider it prudent to make a provision of CHF 726,863 in these accounts. 

    In March 2008 a claim corresponding to CHF 77,869 has been made by a former director for services rendered during the period of sale of
our Company's shares to the new Investor, Belvia s.r.l. The Directors challenge the validity of this claim, but as a matter of prudence, a
provision has been made in these accounts.

 23  Capital and
     Under a franchise agreement with Domino's Pizza International Inc. USA, the Company
     has a commitment to pay US$10,000 on the opening of every new store from the ninth
     store onwards. In addition the Company has to pay a royalty fee to Domino's Pizza
     International Inc.based on its sales and is required to set aside a percentage of its
     sales revenue for advertising and marketing.
     Under contractual commitments, the Company is obligated to pay performance
     remuneration to directors which are conditional on the Company achieving performance

 24  Leasing commitments 
        Operating leases 
     The Company has commitments under several short-term and long-term operating leases in
     respect of its offices, stores and related parking. The offices and stores leases are
     for periods of 5 years, renewable, and with cancellation notice periods of six months
     before the expiry of the contract. In the event of cancellation before the expiry of
     the term of the lease, penalty cancellation charges are payable.
                                           2007                                        2006
                                            CHF                                         CHF
               Charge for               396,968                                     379,244
     operating leases for
                 the year

       The future minimum
     payments under these
         leases expire as
      In one year or less               396,191                                     363,526
     Between one and five               931,052                                     913,348
         In five years or               334,850                                           -
                                      1,662,093                                   1,276,874

 25  Financial risk
     The Company's turnover is dependent on a single product, being the production and sale
     of pizzas. Company's licence for Domino's pizza is limited to Switzerland,
     Liechtenstein and Luxembourg.

     Sales are mainly carried out in cash or by credit card payments. Management has
     implemented controls to monitor the cash collections; exposure to credit risk is
     limited to the amount of trade receivables and receivables from card processing
     companies. The receivables are stated net of provisions for doubtful debts estimated
     by management based on collections and economic conditions. The Company is not
     dependent on key customers and has no significant risk associated to any one customer.
     The directors consider that the carrying values of trade and other receivables
     approximate their fair value.

     Liquid funds assets are placed with regulated banks in Switzerland and Luxembourg and
     the balances represent their fair value. Short term bank overdrafts are obtained to
     meet working capital needs.

 26      Related parties 
     During the year ended 31 December 2007 the Company was controlled by members and
     companies of the Moldawsky family and the Moldawsky group which has its registered
     office in Israel. Other than remuneration paid to directors for their daily management
     of the Company's affairs, there was no other transactions with related parties. 

 27                 Reconciliation of net cash flows from operating activities
                                                                          2007            2006
                                                                           CHF             CHF
          Loss on ordinary activities before                       (2,003,557)     (1,313,820)
                           Adjustments for :
              Depreciation and amortisation                          1,045,502         557,373
                         Deferred tax credit                         (403,618)       (584,698)
                      Provisions for charges                           824,732          90,000
                  Financial interest result                          (104,524)       (104,224)
       Operating cash flows before movements                         (641,465)     (1,355,369)
                         in working capital 
              Decrease/(increase) in stocks                           (12,774)        (58,987)
            Decrease/(increase) in debtors                            (25,905)         132,421
        Increase/(decrease) in creditors and                         (403,456)         659,600
              Net cash inflow (outflow) from                       (1,083,600)       (622,335)
                        operating activities

For further information:
Global Brands S.A.
Yair Hasson, Executive Chairman                                              Tel:        +41 43 255 2141
                                                                                                   Cell:       +41 79 686 9531
Zimmerman Adams International Ltd
Graeme Thom                                                                            Tel:        020 7060 1760
Fiona Kinghorn                                                                                         020 7060 1760

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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