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CSE Market Movers - Top Gainers ($) - 1 Month

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Top Gainers ($)
Symbol Name Price Change Change % Avg. Volume Chart
Quantum BioPharma LtdQNTM Quantum BioPharma Ltd11.403.0536.53%9,308
Snowline Gold CorpSGD Snowline Gold Corp8.572.0230.84%1,882
Beyond Oil LtdBOIL Beyond Oil Ltd3.871.4761.25%336,097
Miata Metals CorpMMET Miata Metals Corp1.400.3735.92%247,993
Draganfly IncDPRO Draganfly Inc4.020.308.06%3,390
Tocvan Ventures CorporationTOC Tocvan Ventures Corporation0.820.2851.85%43,816
Barranco Gold Mining CorpBAR Barranco Gold Mining Corp1.250.2727.55%5,523
Gemina Laboratories LtdGLAB Gemina Laboratories Ltd1.200.2425.00%21,197
Western Uranium and Vanadium CorpWUC Western Uranium and Vanadium Corp1.230.1817.14%60,421
Star Copper CorpSTCU Star Copper Corp0.470.16554.10%14,902
Sweet Poison Spirits IncSPS Sweet Poison Spirits Inc0.250.155163.16%52,296
Asante Gold CorporationASE Asante Gold Corporation1.180.1514.56%55,125
Inflection Resources LtdAUCU Inflection Resources Ltd0.350.13562.79%114,280
NameSilo Technologies CorporationURL NameSilo Technologies Corporation0.830.1318.57%74,069
Sol Strategies IncHODL Sol Strategies Inc2.510.135.46%1,003,434
Happy Belly Food Group IncHBFG Happy Belly Food Group Inc1.220.1210.91%135,697
Apex Critical Metals CorporationAPXC Apex Critical Metals Corporation0.910.1215.19%37,237
Integrated Cyber Solutions IncICS Integrated Cyber Solutions Inc0.200.11122.22%1,805
Talisker Resources LtdTSK Talisker Resources Ltd0.560.1124.44%150
Quimbaya Gold IncQIM Quimbaya Gold Inc0.450.10530.43%78,994
Scope Technologies CorpSCPE Scope Technologies Corp0.480.1026.32%454,364
Relevant Gold CorpRGC Relevant Gold Corp0.400.1033.33%6,479
Critical One Energy IncCRTL Critical One Energy Inc0.2850.09550.00%40,373
ESGold CorpESAU ESGold Corp0.3350.0936.73%193,969
Sanu Gold CorpSANU Sanu Gold Corp0.3550.08531.48%356,886
Vireo Growth IncVREO Vireo Growth Inc0.690.0813.11%41,087
Sixty North Gold Mining IncSXTY Sixty North Gold Mining Inc0.1650.07583.33%16,064
NU E Power CorpNUE NU E Power Corp0.390.0721.87%250,599
Giant Mining CorpBFG Giant Mining Corp0.410.06518.84%212,608
BioNxt Solutions IncBNXT BioNxt Solutions Inc0.560.0612.00%96,533
Sitka Gold CorpSIG Sitka Gold Corp0.500.057512.99%1,834
Questcorp Mining IncQQQ Questcorp Mining Inc0.1650.05550.00%221,291
First Tellurium CorpFTEL First Tellurium Corp0.170.05547.83%141,935
Generation Mining LimitedGENM Generation Mining Limited0.190.05540.74%775
EGF Theramed Health CorpTMED EGF Theramed Health Corp0.130.05573.33%495
Integral Metals CorpINTG Integral Metals Corp0.980.055.38%96,307
Luxxfolio Holdings IncLUXX Luxxfolio Holdings Inc0.250.0525.00%319,446
Argyle Resources CorpARGL Argyle Resources Corp0.530.0510.42%173,479
GOAT Industries LtdGOAT GOAT Industries Ltd0.3550.04514.52%65,886
CleanGo Innovations IncCGII CleanGo Innovations Inc0.2950.04518.00%18,362
US Critical Metals CorpUSCM US Critical Metals Corp0.220.04525.71%93,791
Auric Minerals CorpAUMC Auric Minerals Corp0.550.047.84%128,595
King Global Ventures IncKING King Global Ventures Inc0.490.048.89%32,535
Muzhu Mining LtdMUZU Muzhu Mining Ltd0.100.0466.67%29,445
Aether Catalyst Solutions IncATHR Aether Catalyst Solutions Inc0.0850.03570.00%30,900
Irving Resources IncIRV Irving Resources Inc0.270.03514.89%28,247
Vext Science IncVEXT Vext Science Inc0.180.03524.14%28,806
Green Bridge Metals CorporationGRBM Green Bridge Metals Corporation0.180.0320.00%239,432
BGX Black Gold Exploration CorpBGX BGX Black Gold Exploration Corp0.220.0251912.94%28,672
Spacefy IncSPFY Spacefy Inc0.040.025166.67%56,100
Cartier Silver CorporationCFE Cartier Silver Corporation0.1350.02522.73%29,586
Abitibi Metals CorpAMQ Abitibi Metals Corp0.2750.02510.00%441,840
Hybrid Power Solutions IncHPSS Hybrid Power Solutions Inc0.060.02571.43%837,145
Atha Energy CorpSASK Atha Energy Corp0.470.02255.03%3,356
Sparc AI IncSPAI Sparc AI Inc0.310.026.90%20,184
Ashley Gold CorpASHL Ashley Gold Corp0.060.0250.00%554,149
PharmaTher Holdings LtdPHRM PharmaTher Holdings Ltd0.220.0210.00%41,511
Canadian Metals IncCME Canadian Metals Inc0.0750.0236.36%8,726
Terra Balcanica Resources CorpTERA Terra Balcanica Resources Corp0.1050.0223.53%212,171
KWG Resources IncCACR KWG Resources Inc0.0350.02133.33%1,204,148
Steadright Critical Minerals IncSCM Steadright Critical Minerals Inc0.050.0266.67%39,188
Xebra Brands LtdXBRA Xebra Brands Ltd0.0650.0244.44%60,804
New Break Resources LtdNBRK New Break Resources Ltd0.0850.01521.43%27,900
McLaren Resources IncMCL McLaren Resources Inc0.0650.01530.00%12,400
First American Uranium IncURM First American Uranium Inc0.0350.01575.00%42,996
High Tide Resources CorpHTRC High Tide Resources Corp0.0450.01550.00%19,785
Affinor Growers IncAFI Affinor Growers Inc0.0750.01525.00%25,568
Izotropic CorporationIZO Izotropic Corporation0.340.0154.62%73,613
Galloper Gold CorpBOOM Galloper Gold Corp0.0550.01537.50%276,506
Golden Rapture Mining CorporationGLDR Golden Rapture Mining Corporation0.070.01527.27%151,249
St Georges Eco Mining CorpSX St Georges Eco Mining Corp0.080.01523.08%245,554
C21 Investments IncCXXI C21 Investments Inc0.2550.0156.25%27,610
CordovaCann CorpCDVA CordovaCann Corp0.0950.0111.76%1,964
Dark Star Minerals IncBATT Dark Star Minerals Inc0.070.0116.67%16,557
Glenstar Ventures IncGSTR Glenstar Ventures Inc0.370.012.78%3,338
Beyond Lithium IncBY Beyond Lithium Inc0.0450.0128.57%77,462
Safe Supply Streaming Co LtdSPLY Safe Supply Streaming Co Ltd0.070.0116.67%45,312
Mosaic Minerals CorpMOC Mosaic Minerals Corp0.0350.0140.00%70,229
Glow LifeTech CorpGLOW Glow LifeTech Corp0.090.0112.50%285,875
Avanti Gold CorpAGC Avanti Gold Corp0.030.0150.00%162,999
Hillcrest Energy Technologies LtdHEAT Hillcrest Energy Technologies Ltd0.120.019.09%214,989
Edgemont Gold CorpEDGM Edgemont Gold Corp0.220.014.76%195,898
Peloton Minerals CorporationPMC Peloton Minerals Corporation0.090.0112.50%6,110
Ovation Science IncOVAT Ovation Science Inc0.0350.0140.00%52,092
Highlander Silver CorpHSLV Highlander Silver Corp1.900.010.53%62,411
Replenish Nutrients Holding CorpERTH Replenish Nutrients Holding Corp0.090.0112.50%335,956
Rapid Dose Therapeutics CorporationDOSE Rapid Dose Therapeutics Corporation0.1950.015.41%24,353
Formation Metals IncFOMO Formation Metals Inc0.370.012.78%168,823
Getchell Gold CorpGTCH Getchell Gold Corp0.2350.014.44%170,330
Kuya Silver CorporationKUYA Kuya Silver Corporation0.3050.013.39%135,486
EnviroGold Global LimitedNVRO EnviroGold Global Limited0.120.019.09%69,740
Class 1 Nickel & Technologies LimitedNICO Class 1 Nickel & Technologies Limited0.200.0052.56%1,783
QNB Metals IncTIM.X QNB Metals Inc0.060.0059.09%89,566
Eagle Royalties LtdER Eagle Royalties Ltd0.150.0053.45%25,814
Emperor Metals IncAUOZ Emperor Metals Inc0.1450.0053.57%305,402
Rio Grande Resources LtdRGR Rio Grande Resources Ltd0.070.0057.69%100,009
Algernon Pharmaceuticals IncAGN Algernon Pharmaceuticals Inc0.090.0055.88%21,611
Mercado Minerals LtdMERC Mercado Minerals Ltd0.110.0054.76%11,431
Diagnamed Holdings CorpDMED Diagnamed Holdings Corp0.0350.00516.67%221,641
BioVaxys Technology CorpBIOV BioVaxys Technology Corp0.0550.00510.00%98,257