If Americans can hold out for just two more years, the Obama administration will be gone and the U.S. will be much more able to prosper economically once again. The only hope for the U.S. right now is the Republican majority in both houses of Congress.
Obama’s overriding concerns for subjecting the United States to the United Nations’ agenda are being reiterated today as he unveils plans to reduce methane emissions by nearly 50% in the U.S., demonstrating once again that he is an environmental bully and an economic ( not to mention diplomatic and military) buffoon.
From where I sit, it seems like our president continually does everything he can to make it difficult for American citizens and businesses to prosper. His healthcare plan has already squeezed companies’ abilities to offer their employees suitable healthcare plans, while making it more expensive for individuals without employer plans to cover their own families.
Since originally taking office in 2009, he has granted more and more bureaucratic, boot-heel power to the Evil Pernicious Agency (EPA), more commonly known as the Environmental Protection Agency.
With this latest move to reduce methane emissions, he will unleash the EPA on oil production companies by adding a whole new set of regulations and empowered bureaucratic boneheads to impose them and levy fines on “offenders.” What will they be looking for? Leaks in equipment, pipelines and casings in fracked wells.
In one of the first waves of unleashed EPA influence, the agency targeted small municipalities all across the country, searching for leaks in their waste water systems, threatening severe fines and lawsuits unless those communities submitted plans to bring their systems into compliance with regulations, typically within a very short period of time. Those plans had to include funding sources for the repairs. But, apparently, Mr. Obama, was ignorant of the fact that the reason for so many of these systems having ever-so-minor problems was because many of them are well over a century old and most cities did not have the funds available to pay for the very expensive, underground work that the EPA demanded to have done.
With the upcoming shift of focus to the oil industry, the administration will be using every bit of its “authority” to increase the costs of producing oil, taking away any advantages that U.S. oil producers have been trying to gain in exploration, production and delivery. Only an ignorant fool would believe that the EPA will be doing anything to help. Their job is to inspect, find problems, and demand that those problems be fixed posthaste, accompanied, of course, by the usual threats, fines and lawsuits.
Essentially, in my humble opinion, Mr. Obama appears to be intentionally trying to cripple the U.S. economy by imposing new regulations, taxes (Obamacare has been ruled a tax), increased expenses and threats. Unless a Republican Congress can put a stop to this quasi-dictatorship, Americans will wake up some morning soon and never know what hit them.
I realize that I am venting, but someone, somewhere, has got to say something in hopes that people will listen. Ultimately, more than Americans will have to pay for the damages he is inflicting.
I’m not sure who I need to apologize to. I had fully intended to write about AstraZeneca’s latest breakthrough today. Sometimes you have just got to say what you have got to say.