2 years ago
Anyone remember March 2022.
I bought this under $2 and sold for over $10.
Made $224,685 on this play in just several days.
Now that was fun.
Now, Oil going up.
I think we may see another pump in these oil stocks. They are definitely due.
Stocks like INDO, CEI, ENSV, NINE, and of course USEG..
3 years ago
HUSA 06-16 Float 8.83MM / 03-31 Cash $4,766,887. Sources: Marketwatch / SEC 10-Q, respectively.
Drilling operations on Houston American’s first well in the CPO-11 Block Venus Exploration are ongoing since end of May in the Llanos Basin, Colombia. (PR)
"The LLanos Basin is the most prolific hydrocarbon basin of Colombia, hosting well-known petroleum deposits as Caño Limón, Rubiales and other fields. Nine of the twenty most producing oil fields of Colombia are situated in the Llanos Basin." Wiki
3 years ago
Yes. No debt, millions in cash, mini-float, staggering prospects.
E.g., "Drilling operations on Houston American’s first well in the Venus Exploration are ongoing* (at least since May 2022) in the Llanos Basin, "the most prolific hydrocarbon basin of Colombia, hosting well-known petroleum deposits as Caño Limón, Rubiales and other fields. Nine of the twenty most producing oil fields of Colombia are situated in the Llanos Basin." (quoting Wilkipedia)
HUSA is a small cat now, but may roar like a lion before long.
GIANT Oil and Nat Gas fields: 500 million barrels (79,000,000 m3) of recoverable oil or natural gas equivalent
1) Boral-1 Field, Colombia, Discovered 2008, Giant Field
2) Cano Limon Field, Colombia, Discovered 1983, Giant Field
3) Chuchupa Field, Colombia, Discovered 1973, Giant Field
4) Cupiagua Field, Colombia, Discovered 1993, Giant Field
5) Cusiana Field, Colombia, Discovered 1992, Giant Field
6) La Cira-Infantas Field, Colombia, Discovered 1918, Giant Field
7) Opon Field, Colombia, Discovered 1956, Giant Field
8) Volcanera Field, Colombia, Discovered 1993, Giant Field
*Houston, TX, May 27, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --Houston American Energy Corp. (NYSE American: HUSA) today announced the acquisition of an additional interest in Hupecol Meta, LLC. Hupecol Meta owns the 639,405 gross acre CPO-11 block in the Llanos Basin in Colombia, comprised of the 69,128 acre Venus Exploration area, operated by Hupecol, and 570,277 acres which was 50% farmed out to Parex Resources by Hupecol. In total, the CPO-11 block covers almost 1000 square miles with multiple identified leads and prospects expected to support a multi-well drilling program. Through its membership interest in Hupecol Meta, Houston American now holds an approximately 11% interest in the Venus Exploration area and an approximately 5.5% interest in the remainder of the block. Drilling operations on Houston American’s first well in the Venus Exploration area are now ongoing. End quote.
"Based in Houston, Texas, Houston American Energy Corp. is a publicly-traded independent energy company with interests in oil and natural gas wells, minerals and prospects. The Company's business strategy includes a property mix of producing and non-producing assets with a focus on the Delaware Basin in Texas and Colombia."
$HUSA NYSEAmerican Exchange