- Underlying Loss Before Tax of EUR 22 Million Due Primarily to Lower Equity Markets THE HAGUE, The Netherlands, May 14 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Statement Alex Wynaendts, CEO "Despite the persistent challenges of the financial crisis, AEGON significantly improved earnings compared to the second half of 2008. Although we posted a net loss in the first quarter, we are encouraged by the improvement in earnings and the indications that the fundamentals of our business remain sound. "We continue to focus on freeing up capital from our businesses, reducing costs, and taking measures to counter the effects of the current environment. Consequently, we released an additional EUR 900 million of capital during the first quarter, and made solid progress toward our target of reducing costs by EUR 150 million this year. The sale of our life insurance business in Taiwan and the decision to downsize our institutional markets division in the United States are but two examples of our determination to execute on our strategy. "The relatively stable new life sales and deposits quarter-over-quarter reflect the strength of AEGON's franchise and the continued confidence of our customers." KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS amounts in EUR millions Notes Q1 2009 Q4 2008 Q1 2008 Underlying earnings before tax 1 (22) (181) 658 Net income 2 (173) (1,182) 153 New life sales 3 543 598 686 Total deposits 4 8,241 11,933 8,636 Value of new business (VNB) 201 233 186 Return on equity 5 (3.3%) (8.7%) 13.2% a) The calculation of the IGD (Insurance Group Directive) capital surplus and ratio is based on Solvency I capital requirements on IFRS for entities within the EU (Pillar I for AEGON UK), and local regulatory solvency measurements for non-EU entities. Specifically, required capital for the life insurance companies in the US is calculated as two times the upper end of the Company Action Level range (200%) as applied by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners in the US. b) Core capital is the sum of shareholders' equity and the EUR 3 billion in convertible core capital securities from Vereniging AEGON, funded by the Dutch State Last year, AEGON set out three long-term strategic priorities: 1. To reallocate capital toward businesses with higher growth and return prospects; 2. To improve growth and returns from existing businesses; 3. To manage AEGON as an international company. Subsequently AEGON identified and announced three priorities to counter the challenges of the current global financial crisis and position the company for growth: - Focus on capital preservation and accelerate the capital release program; - EUR 150 million cost savings measures for 2009; - Develop contingency plans for deterioration in financial markets. As announced last June, AEGON is conducting an ongoing review of its portfolio of businesses to ensure that they meet the criteria outlined in the strategy. On February 17, 2009, AEGON announced it will downsize its institutional spread based business in the Americas, which will result in lower credit risk in the long run and a release of capital in the near term. On April 22, 2009, AEGON announced the sale of its life insurance activities in Taiwan. Capital preservation In the current economic environment, acceleration of capital preservation actions has been a priority. The actions taken and plans to be executed are evidence of the financial flexibility within AEGON to manage through these extraordinary times. They include: - Releasing EUR 1.7 billion of capital in the second half of 2008; - Commitment to release an additional EUR 1.5 billion of capital in 2009, including EUR 0.3 billion from AEGON's institutional business. EUR 0.9 billion has been realized in Q1 2009. As a result of actions taken, the capital position of the company remains strong with excess capital of EUR 2.7 billion over AA capital adequacy requirements at March 31, 2009. Cost measures AEGON announced cost savings measures totaling EUR 150 million in 2009. Actions to achieve this include: - Americas: no wage increases in 2009, staff reductions, deferred hiring, reorganization of agency distribution; - The Netherlands: reduction of contract services, process re-engineering, general cost savings; - United Kingdom: restructuring of IT, marketing and customer services, cost containment and savings in distribution. AEGON's cost measures are on track with approximately one third of the total expense savings of 2009 realized across the company in the first quarter of 2009. Capital management Excess capital During Q1 2009 financial markets remained challenging. Equity markets showed a negative return, the S&P 500 lost 12% in the quarter, and real estate prices also continued to decline. Except for some structured asset classes, spreads in many credit market segments, though volatile during the quarter and still at historically high and stressed levels, were tighter or stable when compared to 2008 year-end levels. Volatilities in equity and bond markets were down from the peaks recorded late 2008, while interest rates gradually increased from historic lows. The negative impact from capital markets on AEGON's excess capital in Q1 2009 was estimated at EUR 0.6 billion, primarily from lower equity markets leading to additional minimum guarantee reserve strengthening. The world economic outlook for 2009 remains uncertain and most countries are facing a severe recession. Though policymakers continue to respond aggressively to the economic crisis, specifically in the United States where most of AEGON's credit risk is concentrated, AEGON expects an elevated level of asset impairments in its investment portfolio in 2009. Impairments negatively impacted AEGON's capital position in Q1 2009, reducing excess capital by approximately EUR 0.2 billion. In addition, rating agencies have been responding to the economic environment, revising their credit risk assessments. In Q1 2009, for example, parts of AEGON's mortgage-related asset portfolio, in particular securities backed by near-prime mortgages referred to as Alt-A and negative amortization/Option ARM floaters, were downgraded to below investment grade ratings. The rating migration of AEGON's US portfolio led to higher capital requirements, reducing AEGON's excess capital by an estimated EUR 0.6 billion for Q1 2009. AEGON considers the rating migration experienced in Q1 2009 as extraordinarily high and expects it not to be repeated to the same extent in coming quarters. AEGON has preserved capital over the last few quarters and continues to focus on freeing up capital from its businesses. Part of the EUR 0.9 billion capital preservation in Q1 2009 is related to the decision to reduce investment risk and increase the asset allocation of AEGON's investment portfolio to cash, Treasury, government and agency bonds. At the end of Q1 2009, 25% of AEGON's total general account assets was invested in these asset classes, up from 23% at the end of 2008. The general account of AEGON in the Americas had an asset allocation of 20% to cash, treasuries and agencies (16% at year-end 2008). This investment strategy, executed in the last few quarters, has been successful in a period of widening credit spreads across fixed income markets, and has helped managing the maturity mismatch as a result of institutional spread liabilities getting shorter as puts have been exercised. At the same time, some structured assets classes have experienced extension of duration. As a result of this investment strategy, AEGON has not been a forced seller of assets at depressed prices. This strategy has preserved value, even though currently the return on short-dated and government investments is lower. Going forward, AEGON will continue to manage its credit portfolio actively. However, with current market conditions and the maturity of assets and liabilities of institutional spread business closer aligned now, AEGON will start to put part of the new money inflows into highly rated credit investments. At the end of Q1 2009, AEGON had EUR 2.7 billion excess capital over AA capital adequacy requirements, down from EUR 2.9 billion at the end of 2008. The positive impacts from capital preservation actions and statutory earnings were mitigated by rating migration, impairments and lower equity markets on required and available capital. At the end of Q1 2009, AEGON had an IGD solvency ratio of approximately 170% (Q4 2008: 183%). IFRS core capital At the end of March 2009, core capital excluding the revaluation account was EUR 16.4 billion, 77% of the total capital base, well above the minimum target of 70%. Core capital including revaluation reserve was EUR 7.9 billion, consisting of EUR 4.9 billion of shareholders' equity and EUR 3 billion of convertible core capital securities provided by Vereniging AEGON, funded by the Dutch State. AEGON's revaluation account decreased during Q1 2009 by EUR 1.4 billion to a negative EUR 8.5 billion. The lower revaluation account was the main driver of the decline in shareholders' equity. The revaluation account was down primarily due to the impact of higher risk free long-term interest rates on bond values. FINANCIAL OVERVIEW At constant currency EUR millions Notes Q1 2009 Q1 2008 % % Underlying earnings before tax by line of business Life and protection 239 252 (5) (11) Individual savings and retirement products (313) 116 N.M. N.M. Pensions and asset management 42 121 (65) (64) Institutional products 89 108 (18) (28) Life reinsurance (23) 43 N.M. N.M. Distribution 6 9 (33) (44) General insurance (1) 17 N.M. N.M. Interest charges and other (63) (17) N.M. N.M. Share in net results of associates 2 9 (78) (78) Underlying earnings before tax (22) 658 N.M. N.M. Over/(under) performance of fair value items (197) (441) 55 Operating earnings before tax (219) 217 N.M. N.M. Operating earnings before tax by line of business Life and protection 179 213 (16) (22) Individual savings and retirement products (306) (58) N.M. N.M. Pensions and asset management (135) (19) N.M. N.M. Institutional products 13 (55) N.M. N.M. Life reinsurance 59 31 90 65 Distribution 6 9 (33) (44) General insurance (1) 17 N.M. N.M. Interest charges and other (36) 70 N.M. N.M. Share in net results of associates 2 9 (78) (78) Operating earnings before tax (219) 217 N.M. N.M. Gains/(losses) on investments 173 86 101 100 Impairment charges (386) (32) N.M. N.M. Other income/(charges) (23) (54) 57 46 Income before tax (455) 217 N.M. N.M. Income tax 282 (64) N.M. N.M. Net income (173) 153 N.M. N.M. Net underlying earnings (14) 503 N.M. N.M. Net operating earnings (163) 175 N.M. N.M. Underlying earnings geographically Americas (68) 478 N.M. N.M. The Netherlands 72 113 (36) (36) United Kingdom 7 45 (84) (88) Other countries 30 39 (23) (10) Holding and other (63) (17) N.M. N.M. Underlying earnings before tax (22) 658 N.M. N.M. Operating earnings geographically Americas (100) 104 N.M. N.M. The Netherlands (118) (41) (188) (188) United Kingdom 4 45 (91) (88) Other countries 31 39 (21) (10) Holding and other (36) 70 N.M. N.M. Operating earnings before tax (219) 217 N.M. N.M. Commissions and expenses 1,618 1,416 14 8 of which operating expenses 842 783 8 4 Overview AEGON reported a net loss for Q1 2009 of EUR 173 million, a reversal of the downward trend in net income in the second half of 2008. The loss in Q1 2009 was the result primarily of the impact of lower equity markets, underperformance of fair value items and impairment charges. Underlying earnings before tax of minus EUR 22 million were down mainly due to lower financial markets compared to the same quarter last year, but improved substantially compared to Q4 2008. Fair value items, which primarily include certain investment classes in the Netherlands and the Americas, as well as a number of products containing financial guarantees, contributed a negative EUR 197 million to earnings in Q1 2009, a strong improvement compared to recent quarters. Net income was also negatively impacted by impairment charges (EUR 386 million). Gains on investments totaled EUR 173 million, largely due to gains on shares and bonds in the Netherlands. The underlying loss in Q1 2009, as well as impairments and mark-to-market losses on the fair value items, resulted in a tax benefit of EUR 282 million. Underlying earnings before tax In Q1 2009 the underlying loss for the company amounted to EUR 22 million. Excluding the impact from capital markets the earnings were approximately EUR 450 million. The underlying loss in the Americas was USD 88 million. Lower equity markets led to minimum guarantee reserves strengthening and accelerated amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs (DPAC), primarily affecting earnings in the variable annuity and life reinsurance business. The total impact on earnings from lower equity markets amounted to approximately USD 600 million, which also includes lower fee income due to reduced asset balances. Underlying earnings in the Americas in Q1 2009 were also affected by the decisions to lower the allocation to hedge funds and increase the asset allocation to cash, treasury and agency bonds, in order to preserve capital. In the Netherlands, underlying earnings were down 36% to EUR 72 million, a result of lower technical results in the life and pension business and adverse claims experience in general insurance. Also, investment income declined across most businesses. Underlying earnings in the United Kingdom, meanwhile, totaled GBP 7 million, lower than last year, due primarily to the impact of lower equity and corporate bond markets on fund related charges in the pension business. Underlying earnings from Other countries amounted to EUR 30 million, lower than last year, as a result of higher losses in Taiwan and currency depreciation in Central & Eastern Europe. Net income Net income included a total underperformance result on fair value items of EUR 197 million. Fair value items primarily include certain (alternative) investment classes in the Netherlands and the Americas, as well as a number of products containing financial guarantees. In Q1 2009, underperformance of alternative investment classes in the Americas, in particular real estate as well as private equity and credit derivatives amounted to EUR 163 million. Fair value items also include the under/overperformance on assets held at fair value through profit or loss and backing liabilities of a specific portfolio of group pension contracts in the Netherlands. In Q1 2009 these assets underperformed long-term expected returns by EUR 54 million. The assets backing this portfolio of liabilities were accounted for as fair value through profit or loss and have been replaced with assets accounted for as available for sale as per Q2 2009. As a result this item will not recur as fair value item going forward. In order to maintain consistency in definitions, starting in Q4 2008, the net impact of the fair value movements of guarantees and the related hedges in the Netherlands has been included in fair value items. Previously, differences in fair value between guarantees and related hedges, referred to as hedge ineffectiveness, were reported in gains/losses on investments. Results for prior years have been adjusted (see Financial Supplement). Net fair value gains of EUR 132 million on GMWB guarantees and related hedges in the Americas were offset by the negative impact of EUR 135 million from hedge ineffectiveness in the Netherlands. The fair valuation of certain products with guarantees includes a credit spread in the discount rates, a reflection of dislocated, volatile and illiquid markets. Gains on investments Gains on investments of EUR 173 million include primarily gains on sales of bonds in the Netherlands and in the United Kingdom, the sales of shares in the Netherlands and positive results from economic hedges at holding level. Impairment charges Impairments of EUR 386 million included EUR 133 million on subprime mortgage asset backed securities and EUR 72 million on residential mortgage backed securities, both in the Americas. The remainder of impairments in the Americas was mainly related to corporate bonds. Impairments in the Netherlands were taken on equity and bonds. Tax The underlying loss in Q1 2009, as well as impairments and mark-to-market losses on the fair value items, resulted in a tax benefit of EUR 282 million. The high effective tax rate is mainly a result of tax credits and other permanent differences. Commissions and expenses Compared to Q4 2008 commissions and expenses decreased by 13% to EUR 1.6 billion. Operating expenses were down 9% to EUR 842 million as a result of cost savings, partly offset by restructuring charges and higher employee pension costs. Compared to Q1 2008 commissions and expenses increased by 14% (8% at constant currency), primarily due to acceleration of DPAC amortization. Operating expenses increased by 8% (4% at constant currency) compared to Q1 2008. An increase in employee benefit pension expenses and restructuring expenses in several businesses offset expense savings from cost savings programs. Operating expenses also increased as a result of acquisitions in Central & Eastern Europe in 2008. Sales Total new life sales in Q1 2009 were down 9% compared to Q4 2008, and decreased by 15% (at constant currency) to EUR 543 million compared to Q1 2008. With the exception of Spain, all countries recorded lower sales compared to Q1 2008. New life sales in the Americas were down 11% compared to Q4 2008 and 31% compared to Q1 2008 in local currency, due to lower universal life sales in the high net worth and variable life sales in the middle market as well as lower sales of bank-owned and corporate-owned life insurance (BOLI/COLI) contracts. Life reinsurance sales were down as well compared to last year, but were in line with previous quarters. In the Netherlands new life sales were up 51% compared to Q4 2008, primarily due to a strong increase in group pension sales, which included several large contracts. Sales were down 13% compared to Q1 2008, a result primarily of lower individual life sales. Q1 2009 group pension sales were in line with last year. New life sales in the United Kingdom in the first quarter of the year were down 9% compared to both Q1 2008 and Q4 2008. Sales were down across most lines of business offsetting growth in annuities. In Q1 2008 new life sales in the UK included European variable annuities, which are now reported in Other countries. Including the sales of variable annuities in the UK in Q1 2009, the new life sales declined with 6% compared to Q1 2008. In Other countries new life sales in Q1 2009 were down 14% compared to Q4 2008 and down 11% compared to Q1 2008. New life sales in Spain rose to EUR 22 million, a reflection mainly of the incorporation of two new joint ventures, as well as higher sales at existing joint ventures. SALES At constant currency EUR millions Notes Q1 2009 Q1 2008 % % New life sales Life single premiums 2,025 2,757 (27) (16) Life recurring premiums annualized 341 410 (17) (13) Total recurring plus 1/10 single 543 686 (21) (15) New premium production accident and health insurance 164 166 (1) (13) New premium production general insurance 12 16 (25) (19) Gross deposits (on and off balance) by line of business Fixed annuities 1,628 306 N.M. N.M. Variable annuities 714 685 4 (6) Saving deposits 580 648 (10) (10) Retail mutual funds 642 564 14 (4) Pensions and asset management 2,829 3,183 (11) (19) Institutional guaranteed products 1,848 3,249 (43) (51) Life reinsurance 0 1 N.M. N.M. Total gross deposits 8,241 8,636 (5) (15) Total gross deposits excl. institutional guaranteed products 6,393 5,387 19 7 Net deposits (on and off balance) by line of business Fixed annuities 688 (795) N.M. N.M. Variable annuities 78 (152) N.M. N.M. Saving deposits (67) (72) 7 7 Retail mutual funds (98) 171 N.M. N.M. Pensions and asset management 506 1,170 (57) (70) Institutional guaranteed products (2,354) (1,195) (97) (71) Life reinsurance (16) (15) (7) 7 Total net deposits (1,263) (888) (42) (34) Total net deposits excl. institutional guaranteed products 1,091 307 N.M. 178 REVENUE GENERATING INVESTMENTS At Mar. At Dec. 31 31 2009 2008 % Revenue generating investments (total) 334,280 331,844 1 Investments general account 133,130 130,481 2 Investments for account of policyholders 103,312 105,400 (2) Off balance sheet investments third parties 97,838 95,963 2 Sales through Caja de Ahorros del Mediterraneo (CAM), AEGON's largest bank partner in Spain, which is an associate and therefore not consolidated, more than tripled to EUR 66 million (on a 100% basis) in Q1 2009, mainly due to higher sales of recurring premium risk products and sales of pension products following changes in pension legislation. In Central & Eastern Europe, new life sales totaled EUR 16 million, down 24% (18% at constant currency) compared to Q1 2008. Single premium sales in Poland were lower due to a decline in equity markets. In Asia, new life sales decreased to EUR 12 million as increased sales in China were more than offset by a decline in Taiwan. Deposits Total gross deposits excluding institutional guaranteed products were up 19% to EUR 6.4 billion. Total gross on and off balance deposits for the company decreased by 5% (down 15% in constant currency) to EUR 8.2 billion in Q1 2009. The main driver for the decline was the significantly lower sales of both institutional spread and institutional fee business in the Americas. AEGON recently announced its decision to downsize its institutional spread based business. Fixed annuities sales in the Americas continued to be strong. AEGON continues to expect these sales to decrease during the remainder of the year. Variable annuity sales in the Americas were in line with sales in the last few quarters. Sales of retirement plans in the pension business were strong, particularly when taking into account the impact of lower financial markets on the balances taken over. Managed assets and retail mutual fund sales were down as a result of the turmoil in financial markets. Gross deposits in Other countries tripled to EUR 706 million. Gross deposits in Central & Eastern Europe were up 11% in constant currency. Despite the adverse economic environment, pension deposits continue to be strong, reflecting growth of the business as well as the incorporation of acquisitions. Deposits in Asia totaled EUR 405 million, a result of the inclusion of the asset management joint venture in China. In Q1 2009 deposits in Other countries also included sales of European variable annuities for the first time which amounted to EUR 111 million. A variable annuity product was introduced in France through AEGON's partner La Mondiale. Net deposits amounted to approximately EUR 1.1 billion, excluding institutional guaranteed products. Net deposits for the company amounted to a negative EUR 1.3 billion as a result of outflows in the institutional business in the Americas, following the decision to downsize that business. This effect offset net inflows in fixed annuities and the pension business in the Americas and CEE, as well as net inflows in AEGON's asset management joint venture in China. Value of new business The value of new business (VNB) for the company was up 8% compared to Q1 2008. VNB was up due to increases in Spain and the Netherlands. The internal rate of return is 17.8%, slightly lower than last year. FINANCIAL OVERVIEW, Q1 2009 GEOGRAPHICALLY Amounts in EUR (unless stated otherwise) United Americas Kingdom The USD GBP Americas Netherlands Underlying earnings before tax by line of business 221 7 Life and protection 169 55 Individual savings and retirement (403) 0 products (309) (9) Pensions and asset 10 3 Management 8 26 117 0 Institutional products 89 0 (30) 0 Life reinsurance (23) 0 0 (3) Distribution 0 9 0 0 General insurance 0 (9) Interest charges and other Share in net results of (3) 0 associates (2) 0 Underlying earnings (88) 7 before tax (68) 72 Over/(under) performance (42) (3) of fair value items (32) (190) Operating earnings (130) 4 before tax (100) (118) Operating earnings before tax by line of business 176 7 Life and protection 135 29 Individual savings and retirement (394) 0 products (303) (9) Pensions and asset (3) 0 management (2) (138) 18 0 Institutional products 13 0 76 0 Life reinsurance 59 0 0 (3) Distribution 0 9 0 0 General insurance 0 (9) Interest charges and other Share in net results (3) 0 of associates (2) 0 Operating earnings (130) 4 before tax (100) (118) Gains/(losses) on 36 9 investments 28 110 (370) (13) Impairment charges (284) (78) Other income/ 1 (22) (charges) 1 0 (463) (22) Income before tax (355) (86) 290 27 Income tax 222 45 (173) 5 Net income (133) (41) Net underlying (57) 10 earnings (44) 55 Net operating (90) 8 earnings (69) (87) - Table Continued - Holding, other United Other activities & Total Kingdom countries eliminations EUR Underlying earnings before tax by line of business Life and protection 7 8 0 239 Individual savings and retirement products 0 5 0 (313) Pensions and asset management 3 5 0 42 Institutional products 0 0 0 89 Life reinsurance 0 0 0 (23) Distribution (3) 0 0 6 General insurance 0 8 0 (1) Interest charges and other (63) (63) Share in net results of associates 0 4 0 2 Underlying earnings before tax 7 30 (63) (22) Over/(under) performance of fair value items (3) 1 27 (197) Operating earnings before tax 4 31 (36) (219) Operating earnings before tax by line of business Life and protection 7 8 0 179 Individual savings and retirement products 0 6 0 (306) Pensions and asset management 0 5 0 (135) Institutional products 0 0 0 13 Life reinsurance 0 0 0 59 Distribution (3) 0 0 6 General insurance 0 8 0 (1) Interest charges and other (36) (36) Share in net results of associates 0 4 0 2 Operating earnings before tax 4 31 (36) (219) Gains/(losses) on investments 10 4 21 173 Impairment charges (14) (5) (5) (386) Other income/(charges) (24) 0 0 (23) Income before tax (24) 30 (20) (455) Income tax 30 (21) 6 282 Net income 6 9 (14) (173) Net underlying earnings 11 9 (45) (14) Net operating earnings 9 10 (26) (163) - Underlying loss of USD 88 million; USD 600 million impact from decline in equity markets - Negative contribution of fair value items of USD 42 million on lower real estate values offset by positive impact from fair value GMWB guarantees and related hedges - Impairments of USD 370 million - Strong sales of fixed annuities and retirement plan sales; net deposits USD 1.6 billion (excl. institutional guaranteed products) Overview The decline in equity markets in Q1 2009 had a significant impact (approx. USD 600 million), on underlying earnings in the Americas and led to lower fee income in many of the businesses, and reserve strengthening and accelerated amortization of deferred policy acquisition costs in the variable annuities business. In addition, earnings were affected by the decision to reduce exposure to hedge fund investments while increasing the asset allocation to cash, treasury and agency bonds. Results in the Americas also included USD 370 million of post DPAC impairments. The impairments pre DPAC were USD 427 million, of which the majority (USD 267 million) was related to structured asset impairments. Sales of fixed annuities continued to be strong during the quarter. AEGON continues to expect these sales to decrease during the remainder of the year. Sales of variable annuities were consistent with sales in the last few quarters. New life sales were down in all lines of business. Sales of retirement plans in the pension business were strong, particularly when taking into account the impact of lower financial markets on the balances taken over. Value of new business was down 13%, reflecting reduced institutional sales, and lower VNB of life and protection, but higher VNB from fixed annuities and pensions. Underlying earnings before tax AEGON reported an underlying loss before tax in the Americas for Q1 2009 of USD 88 million: - Earnings from Life & Protection declined 19% compared to Q1 2008 to USD 221 million, and include an USD 25 million persistency related charge following the decline in equity markets this quarter. Earnings also include USD 26 million of increased employee pension expenses. In Q1 2008 underlying earnings included exceptional unfavorable mortality charges of USD 34 million; - Individual Savings & Retirement earnings came in at a loss of USD 403 million, due to the equity market impact on fee income, minimum guarantee reserve strengthening and accelerated DPAC amortization (in total USD 460 million). In addition, changes in lapse assumptions affected earnings by USD 75 million; - Pensions & Asset Management earnings decreased to USD 10 million, a result primarily of lower fees from reduced asset balances; - Earnings from the Institutional business were down 28% to USD 117 million. A decrease in short-term rates continued to produce more positive spreads on institutional guaranteed products, offset, however, by spread compression from the higher asset allocation to cash and restructuring costs following the decision to downsize the institutional business; - In the Life Reinsurance business the underlying loss amounted to USD 30 million, including a USD 40 million impact from lower equity markets and unfavorable mortality (USD 26 million). Net income AEGON reported a net loss for Q1 of USD 173 million in the Americas. Fair value items showed an underperformance of USD 42 million, a result primarily of underperformance of alternative assets like real estate partnerships, as well as private equity, and lower market values of credit derivatives. These were offset by the positive impact of higher interest rates on the fair value of GMWB guarantees and positive result on GMWB related hedges. Results in the Americas also included USD 370 million of post DPAC impairments. The impairments pre DPAC were USD 427 million, of which the majority (USD 267 million) was related to structured asset impairments, including securities backed by subprime mortgages (USD 173 million). The high effective tax rate is mainly a result of the tax benefits for permanent differences and tax credits which increase the effective tax rate in the current overall pre-tax loss situation. In addition, pre-tax earnings from Ireland being taxed at their lower rate also resulted in an increase in the effective tax rate in the current overall pre-tax loss situation. Commissions and expenses Total commissions and expenses increased 12% in Q1, primarily due to acceleration of DPAC amortization. Q1 operating expenses were up 3%. An increase in employee pension plan costs (USD 43 million) as well as restructuring expenses, primarily related to the downsizing of institutional business (USD 22 million), offset the positive contributions of cost initiatives. Sales and deposits Total new life sales in the Americas were down 31% in the quarter, driven primarily by a decline in universal life sales in the high net worth market and variable life sales in the middle market. Retail life sales were in line with Q4 2008. The BOLI/COLI market has declined significantly as a result of the financial crisis and its impact on banks. Life reinsurance sales were down as well compared to last year, but were in line with previous quarters. Total gross deposits, excluding institutional guaranteed products, were in line with Q1 2008 and increased by 2% compared to Q4 2008. Net deposits excluding institutional guaranteed products were up significantly to USD 1.6 billion. Fixed annuities sales came in strong again after several quarters of growth. AEGON continues to expect these sales to decrease during the remainder of the year. Variable annuity sales were in line with sales in the last few quarters, while retail mutual fund sales suffered from lower financial markets as expected. Sales of retirement plans in the pension business were strong, particularly when taking into account the impact of lower financial markets on the balances taken over. Managed assets clearly declined also because of financial market turmoil. Sales of institutional guaranteed products are low, after the decision to downsize the institutional spread based business. Sales of accident and health products were in line with sales over the last few quarters. Value of new business The value of new business (VNB) in the Americas amounted to USD 103 million, and the internal rate of return (IRR) was 10.3%. Declines in VNB and IRR were noticeable in the retail life business due to lower production and lower investment return assumptions. VNB in the institutional business was down due to the discontinuance of new sales. The VNB and IRR in the variable annuity business were negatively affected by hedge costs. VNB was up significantly for fixed annuities on higher production while VNB for the pension and reinsurance businesses were in line with the prior year. Please refer to page 29 for more detailed information on VNB. Revenue generating investments AEGON's total revenue generating investments at the end of March 2009 totaled USD 279 billion, down 2% from three months earlier. AMERICAS - EARNINGS Q1 Q1 USD millions Notes 2009 2008 % Underlying earnings before tax by line of business Life 153 159 (4) Accident and health 68 115 (41) Life and protection 221 274 (19) Fixed annuities 86 95 (9) Variable annuities (480) 70 N.M. Retail mutual funds (9) 4 N.M. Individual savings and retirement products (403) 169 N.M. Pensions and asset management 10 45 (78) Institutional guaranteed products 105 141 (26) BOLI/COLI 12 21 (43) Institutional products 117 162 (28) Life reinsurance (30) 65 N.M. Share in net results of associates (3) 1 N.M. Underlying earnings before tax (88) 716 N.M. Over/(under) performance of fair value items (42) (560) 93 Operating earnings before tax (130) 156 N.M. Operating earnings before tax by line of business Life 120 135 (11) Accident and health 56 109 (49) Life and protection 176 244 (28) Fixed annuities 41 8 N.M. Variable annuities (426) (103) N.M. Retail mutual funds (9) 4 N.M. Individual savings and retirement products (394) (91) N.M. Pensions and asset management (3) 38 N.M. Institutional guaranteed products 8 (99) N.M. BOLI/COLI 10 17 (41) Institutional products 18 (82) N.M. Life reinsurance 76 46 65 Share in net results of associates (3) 1 N.M. Operating earnings before tax (130) 156 N.M. Gains/(losses) on investments 36 (71) N.M. Impairment charges (370) (21) N.M. Other income/(charges) 1 0 N.M. Income before tax (463) 64 N.M. Income tax 290 (103) N.M. Net income (173) (39) N.M. Net underlying earnings (57) 522 N.M. Net operating earnings (90) 111 N.M. Commissions and expenses 1,311 1,169 12 of which operating expenses 562 547 3 For the amounts in euro see the Financial Supplement. AMERICAS - SALES Q1 Q1 USD millions Notes 2009 2008 % New life sales Life single premiums 91 241 (62) Life recurring premiums annualized 173 238 (27) Total recurring plus 1/10 single 182 262 (31) Life 128 187 (32) BOLI/COLI 2 14 (86) Life reinsurance 52 61 (15) Total recurring plus 1/10 single 182 262 (31) New premium production accident and health insurance 203 237 (14) Gross deposits (on and off balance) by line of business Fixed annuities 2,120 459 N.M. Variable annuities 780 974 (20) Retail mutual funds 307 773 (60) Pensions and asset management 3,169 4,252 (25) Institutional guaranteed products 2,407 4,870 (51) Life reinsurance 0 2 N.M. Total gross deposits 8,783 11,330 (22) Total gross deposits excl. institutional guaranteed products 6,376 6,460 (1) Net deposits (on and off balance) by line of business Fixed annuities 896 (1,192) N.M. Variable annuities (40) (279) 86 Retail mutual funds (256) 247 N.M. Pensions and asset management 1,053 1,644 (36) Institutional guaranteed products (3,065) (1,792) (71) Life reinsurance (20) (23) 13 Total net deposits (1,432) (1,395) (3) Total net deposits excl. institutional guaranteed products 1,633 397 N.M. REVENUE GENERATING INVESTMENTS At Mar. At Mar. 31 31 2009 2008 % Revenue generating investments (total) 279,399 286,167 (2) Investments general account 117,934 120,790 (2) Investments for account of policyholders 55,791 58,943 (5) Off balance sheet investments third parties 105,674 106,434 (1) For the amounts in euro see the Financial Supplement. - Underlying earnings declined 36% to EUR 72 million - Life sales down 13%, due to decline in retail market; group pension sales were strong - Value of new business of EUR 31 million; internal rate of return of 14.1% Overview The Netherlands reported a net loss in Q1 2009 of EUR 41 million. Underlying earnings were down 36%, a result of lower technical results in the life and pension business and adverse claims experience in general insurance. Also, investment income declined across most businesses. Fair value items underperformed long-term expectations, a result mainly from differences in fair value between guarantees and related hedges, referenced as hedge ineffectiveness. Impairments, primarily on equity investments, totaled EUR 78 million, while investment gains from the sale of bonds and shares amounted to EUR 110 million. Underlying earnings before tax - The Life business reported earnings of EUR 44 million, up from last year on higher investment income offset by lower technical results. - In Accident and Health underlying earnings were EUR 11 million, an increase of EUR 3 million, mainly a result of a technical provision release. - The Savings business reported a loss of EUR 9 million, due to pressure on margins and volumes from fierce competition in the savings market. - Earnings from Pensions & Asset Management amounted to EUR 26 million down from Q1 2008, primarily the result of lower investment income. - Earnings from Distribution amounted to EUR 9 million, below last year's result due to the slowdown in the real estate market. - General insurance earnings were down significantly to a loss of EUR 9 million, due mainly to higher claims experience. Net income Fair value items include the under/overperformance on assets held at fair value through profit and loss, backing liabilities of a specific portfolio of group pension contracts held in the general account. In Q1 2009 these assets underperformed long-term expected returns by EUR 54 million. The assets backing this portfolio of liabilities were accounted for as fair value through profit or loss and have been replaced with assets accounted for as available for sale as per Q2 2009. As a result this item will not recur as fair value item going forward. Also, in order to maintain consistency in definitions, starting in Q4 2008, the net impact of the fair value movements of guarantees and the related hedges has been included in fair value items. Previously, differences in fair value between guarantees and related hedges, referenced as hedge ineffectiveness, were reported in gains/losses on investments. Earnings in Q1 2009 include a EUR 135 million negative impact from hedge ineffectiveness. Impairments of EUR 78 million were primarily related to equity investments and corporate credit investments. Investment gains amounted to EUR 110 million and include gains on bonds and shares sold during the quarter. The positive contribution from tax is due to tax deductable impairments and losses on fair value items, as well as tax exempt income. The high effective tax rate is mainly a result of the tax exempt items which increase the effective tax rate in the current overall pre-tax loss situation. Commissions and expenses Commissions and expenses were down 1% and operating expenses decreased also by 1%. Higher expenses for employee benefits were offset by lower project related expenses. Sales and deposits Pension sales were in line with last year due to several large contracts sold during the quarter. Renewal rates in the pension business continued to improve. Sales of both single and regular premium individual life products were down compared to last year, following increased pricing competition in the immediate annuity market, as well as lower demand for regular premium products. Sales in accident & health were up as a result of higher sales of alternative disability products to WIA product. Sales of general insurance products were down on last year due to the competitive market. Gross deposits were down by 15% compared with Q1 2008, due to fierce competition. Net deposits in the savings business improved significantly compared to Q4 2008. Value of new business The value of new business (VNB) increased to EUR 31 million and the internal rate of return improved to 14.1%, primarily as a result of a margin improvement in the mortgage business. Please refer to page 29 for more detailed information on VNB. Revenue generating investments At the end of March 2009, revenue generating investments totaled EUR 63.4 billion; in line with December 2008 levels. THE NETHERLANDS - EARNINGS Q1 Q1 EUR millions Notes 2009 2008 % Underlying earnings before tax by line of business Life 44 32 38 Accident and health 11 8 38 Life and protection 55 40 38 Saving products (9) 1 N.M. Individual savings and retirement products (9) 1 N.M. Pensions and asset management 26 51 (49) Distribution 9 11 (18) General insurance (9) 10 N.M. Underlying earnings before tax 72 113 (36) Over/(under) performance of fair value items (190) (154) (23) Operating earnings before tax (118) (41) (188) Operating earnings before tax by line of business Life 18 13 38 Accident and health 11 8 38 Life and protection 29 21 38 Saving products (9) 1 N.M. Individual savings and retirement products (9) 1 N.M. Pensions and asset management (138) (84) (64) Distribution 9 11 (18) General insurance (9) 10 N.M. Operating earnings before tax (118) (41) (188) Gains/(losses) on investments 110 76 45 Impairment charges (78) (17) N.M. Income before tax (86) 18 N.M. Income tax 45 1 N.M. Net income (41) 19 N.M. Net underlying earnings 55 92 (40) Net operating earnings (87) (22) N.M. Commissions and expenses 307 310 (1) of which operating expenses 217 219 (1) THE NETHERLANDS - SALES Q1 Q1 EUR millions Notes 2009 2008 % New life sales Life single premiums 391 445 (12) Life recurring premiums annualized 23 26 (12) Total recurring plus 1/10 single 62 71 (13) Life 23 31 (26) Pensions 39 40 (3) Total recurring plus 1/10 single 62 71 (13) New premium production accident and health insurance 7 6 17 New premium production general insurance 7 8 (13) Gross deposits (on and off balance) by line of business Saving deposits 580 648 (10) Pensions and asset management 11 47 (77) Total gross deposits 591 695 (15) Net deposits (on and off balance) by line of business Saving deposits (67) (72) 7 Pensions and asset management (113) 36 N.M. Total net deposits (180) (36) N.M. REVENUE GENERATING INVESTMENTS At Mar. At Mar. 31 31 2009 2008 % Revenue generating investments (total) 63,427 63,079 1 Investments general account 32,875 32,163 2 Investments for account of policyholders 19,357 19,133 1 Off balance sheet investments third parties 11,195 11,783 (5) - Underlying earnings before tax declined to GBP 7 million on lower fund related charges in the pension business - New life sales down 9% on lower bond and pension sales, offsetting sales increases in annuities - Margins and volume in the annuity business drive value of new business increase Overview Lower bond and equity markets compared to Q1 last year led to a decline in underlying earnings. Increases in sales of annuities and group pensions were more than offset by sales declines in offshore bonds and individual pensions. Value of new business continued its recent strong growth, a result primarily of a shift in business mix to higher margin products. Results from Variable Annuities are included in the Other countries section of the results release from Q1 2009. Underlying earnings before tax Underlying earnings before tax declined to GBP 7 million, due primarily to the impact of lower equity and corporate bond markets on fund related charges in AEGON's unit linked pension business. - Earnings from Life & Protection came in at GBP 7 million, slightly below results in the comparable quarter last year. The continued positive impact on earnings from business growth was more than offset by mortality experience and costs related to the expense management program. - Earnings from Pensions & Asset Management amounted to GBP 3 million, down GBP 25 million, due to impact from lower equity and bond markets on fund related charges; - Distribution activities in the first quarter experienced a loss of GBP 3 million, primarily a result of more difficult market conditions for mortgage and investment products. Net income Net income was GBP 5 million, a decline due to lower underlying earnings, impairments (GBP 13 million) and underperformance of fair value items. Investment gains of GBP 9 million, and a tax credit due to the change in the sources of earnings contributed positively to earnings. Commissions and expenses Total commissions and expenses in the quarter were up 1%, while commissions were down due to a change in business mix. Operating expenses increased by 2% to GBP 100 million, due mainly to a release of employee benefit provisions in Q1 2008 and restructuring costs in Q1 2009. Sales and deposits New life sales were down 9% and came in at GBP 265 million in Q1 2009. New life sales in Q1 2008 included European variable annuities, which are reported as deposits in Other countries from Q1 2009. Excluding sales of variable annuities in Q1 2008, new life sales were down 8%. Including the sales of variable annuities in the UK in Q1 2009, the new life sales declined with 6% compared to Q1 2008. Sales were down across most lines of business offsetting continued strong growth in annuities. - Life annualized premium production increased 29% to GBP 71 million, a result of continued strong sales of annuities; - Sales of pensions declined 18% to GBP 194 million as sales of both group pension and individual pension were down this quarter. In addition, sales of unit-linked bonds declined, primarily driven by lower offshore bond sales (see Financial Supplement for more detail). Total deposits amounted to GBP 181 million, an increase compared to last year, on both higher sales of retail mutual funds and third party managed assets. Value of new business The value of new business (VNB) increased 30% to GBP 52 million (excluding European variable annuities) compared to Q1 2008, driven by the shift in sales to high-margin areas, such as annuities. As a result the internal rate of return on new business in Q1 in the United Kingdom rose to 15.0% (excluding European variable annuities), up from 13.0% in Q1 2008. Please refer to page 29 for more detailed information on VNB. Revenue generating investments At the end of March 2009, revenue generating investments totaled GBP 44.2 billion, a decline of 6% from GBP 47.1 billion at the end of 2009. The decrease reflects primarily lower financial markets. UNITED KINGDOM - EARNINGS Q1 Q1 GBP millions Notes 2009 2008 % Underlying earnings before tax by line of business Life 7 8 (13) Life and protection 7 8 (13) Pensions and asset management 3 28 (89) Distribution (3) (2) (50) Underlying earnings before tax 7 34 (79) Over/(under) performance of fair value items (3) 0 N.M. Operating earnings before tax 4 34 (88) Operating earnings before tax by line of business Life 7 8 (13) Life and protection 7 8 (13) Pensions and asset management 0 28 N.M. Distribution (3) (2) (50) Operating earnings before tax 4 34 (88) Gains/(losses) on investments 9 2 N.M. Impairment charges (13) 0 N.M. Other income/(charges) 9 (22) (41) 46 Income before tax (22) (5) N.M. Income tax attributable to policyholder return 22 41 (46) Income before income tax on shareholders return 0 36 N.M. Income tax on shareholders return 5 (5) N.M. Net income 5 31 (84) Net underlying earnings 10 30 (67) Net operating earnings 8 30 (73) Commissions and expenses 159 157 1 of which operating expenses 100 98 2 For the amounts in euro see the Financial Supplement. UNITED KINGDOM - SALES Q1 Q1 GBP millions Notes 2009 2008 % New life sales 10 Life single premiums 1,317 1,498 (12) Life recurring premiums annualized 133 141 (6) Total recurring plus 1/10 single 265 291 (9) Life 71 55 29 Pensions 194 236 (18) Total recurring plus 1/10 single 265 291 (9) Gross deposits (on and off balance) by line of business Pensions and asset management 181 112 62 Total gross deposits 181 112 62 Net deposits (on and off balance) by line of business Pensions and asset management (257) (41) N.M. Total net deposits (257) (41) N.M. REVENUE GENERATING INVESTMENTS At Mar. At Mar. 31 31 2009 2008 % Revenue generating investments (total) 44,208 47,122 (6) Investments general account 5,157 4,964 4 Investments for account of policyholders 37,188 39,869 (7) Off balance sheet investments third parties 1,863 2,289 (19) For the amounts in euro see the Financial Supplement. - Underlying earnings before tax declined by 10% at constant currency - Life sales of EUR 50 million resilient with 11% decline at constant currency - Continued strong retail mutual fund sales in China lead to record deposits of EUR 706 million - VNB of EUR 33 million, down from last year on lower sales Overview Underlying earnings from Other countries amounted to EUR 30 million, EUR 9 million lower than last year, a result of higher losses in Taiwan, a lower contribution from France and lower earnings in Central & Eastern Europe (CEE) due to significantly depreciated currencies in CEE. In Q1 2008 earnings from CEE included a one-off reserve release in Hungary of EUR 4 million. Life sales were down 11% at constant currency, as declining equity markets impacted single premium unit-linked sales in Poland and in Asia. The strong growth in deposits is a reflection of the inclusion of the Chinese asset management joint venture. The pension business in CEE continues to perform well in terms of sales and net deposits. Results from European Variable Annuities are included in the Other countries section of the results release from Q1 2009. Underlying earnings before tax Underlying earnings before tax from Other countries declined to EUR 30 million in Q1 2009. - Earnings from Life & Protection declined mainly as a result of losses in Asia. In CEE income on unit-linked business was down due to lower asset balances. In Q1 2008 life earnings from CEE included a one-off reserve release in Hungary of EUR 4 million; - The asset management joint venture in China performed well. As a result, earnings from Individual savings and retirement products increased to EUR 5 million; - Pensions & Asset management earnings increased to EUR 5 million as a result of the inclusion of a Polish pension fund and the introduction of DPAC in the pension businesses in Hungary and Poland; - Earnings from General insurance were EUR 8 million, in line with last year; - Earnings from associate companies declined due additional start-up costs at AEGON's joint ventures in India and a lower contribution from La Mondiale, AEGON's French partner. Net income Net income declined by two thirds to EUR 9 million as a result of lower underlying earnings. Gains on investment were offset by impairment charges. An increased impairment of deferred tax assets in Taiwan resulted in a high effective tax rate for Other countries. Commissions and expenses Commissions and expenses rose 8% in Q1 2009 to EUR 98 million, as a result of higher operating expenses. Operating expenses were up due to the inclusion of new operations in Turkey and Asia, the inclusion of acquired pension funds in Hungary and Poland and two new joint ventures in Spain. Sales and deposits New life sales in Q1 2009 declined 11% to EUR 50 million. - In Central & Eastern Europe, sales of recurring premium life insurance declined 5% as strong performances in the Czech Republic and Slovakia were offset by declines in Hungary and Poland. Single premium sales were sharply lower, particularly in Poland, because of continued market turmoil. Total new life sales in CEE amounted to EUR 16 million, down 24% or 18% at constant currency; - In Spain, sales of life insurance rose 22% to EUR 22 million, due primarily to the inclusion of two new joint ventures with regional savings banks and higher sales of existing joint ventures; - AEGON's largest bank partner in Spain, which is an associate and therefore not consolidated, more than tripled sales to EUR 66 million (on a 100% basis), as a result of an increased focus on risk products and higher pension (PPA) sales; - In Asia, new life sales decreased to EUR 12 million as increased sales in China and India were more than offset by a decline in Taiwan. Gross deposits tripled to EUR 706 million. Net deposits more than doubled to EUR 300 million. The strong growth in deposits is a reflection of inclusion of the Chinese asset management joint venture. The pension business in CEE continues to perform well in terms of sales and net deposits. Deposits in Q1 2009 include sales of European variable annuities of EUR 111 million. General insurance Non-life sales in Hungary declined to EUR 5 million as a result of continued focus on writing profitable business in an increasingly competitive environment. Value of new business The value of new business (VNB) from Other countries was EUR 33 million, a decrease of EUR 9 million compared to Q1 2008, primarily as a result of lower sales. In both Asia and CEE, the decrease in VNB was a reflection of lower sales. In Q1 2008 VNB included EUR 7 million related the introduction and launch of a mandatory pension fund in Romania. In Spain, VNB increased mainly as a result of higher sales in CAM. The internal rate of return in Asia was 9.6% as a result of changes in economic assumptions. The reduction of the internal rate of return to 34.4% in CEE is mainly a reflection of lower margins due to higher expense assumptions. In Spain, AEGON's bank distribution partnerships continued to deliver high rates of return. Please refer to page 29 for more detailed VNB information. Revenue generating investments In 1Q 2009, revenue generating investments declined 2% from year-end 2008 levels to EUR 13.4 billion, mainly as a result of lower equity markets. DATASOURCE: AEGON N.V. CONTACT: Media relations: Phone: +31(0)70-344-8956, E-mail: gcc- ; or Investor relations: Phone: +31(0)70-344-8305 or +1-877-548- 9668 - toll free USA only, E-mail:
