RNS Number:0615T
Applied Optical Technologies PLC
10 December 2003

                                                             10th December 2003

                        Applied optical Technologies plc
                ("Applied Optical Technologies" or "the Group")

          Interim results for the six months ended 30th September 2003

Applied Optical Technologies plc, the supplier of anti-counterfeiting
technologies and services, and premium packaging for brand enhancement and
protection, announces interim results for the six months ended 30th September


                                                        2003              2002
                                                   unaudited         unaudited
Group turnover                                        #12.7m            #14.0m
Adjusted operating profit/(loss)                     #20,000         #(272,000)
Adjusted loss per share                               (1.3)p            (1.2)p

   * Improved operating performance against last year

   * Record results from the American operations and higher contribution from
     3DCD offset the impact of difficult conditions faced by the European

   * Cash inflow from operating activities improved to #730,000 (2002: cash
     outflow of #413,000)

   * Balance sheet remains strong with cash at bank and in hand of #2.5
     million (2002: #2.5 million) and net funds of #2.3 million (2002: 1.9

   * Conditions have improved for all of the Group's operations and this
     should significantly improve profitability in the second half of the year

David Mahony, Chairman, said:

"The improved half year performance and the encouraging order intake give us
confidence that the result for the current year will be in line with
expectations. The measures taken to develop and widen both our own businesses
and that of 3DCD should lead to increased profitability in the longer term, as
will a successful conclusion to the current discussions on the strategic options
open to the Group."

                                    - Ends -

For further information, please contact:

Applied Optical Technologies plc                                  0191 419 3344
Mark Turnage, Chief Executive (mturnage@aotgroup.com)
Mike Angus, Finance Director (mangus@aotgroup.co.uk)

Weber Shandwick Square Mile                                       020 7067 0700
Nick Oborne
Sally Lewis

                                                              10th December 2003

                        Applied Optical Technologies plc
                ("Applied Optical Technologies" or "the Group")

          Interim results for the six months ended 30th September 2003

Chairman's Statement

We are pleased to report that trading in the first half of the year improved
against last year. We were not immune to the difficult conditions faced by our
American ID technologies and European banknote and high security businesses,
which affected the early months of this year, but their impact was offset by
record results from our Maryland operation and a higher contribution from 3DCD.

Market conditions are more encouraging throughout all our operations and this
should significantly improve profitability, particularly in our European
operations, in the second half of the current year.


Group turnover for the six months was #12.7 million (2002: #14.0 million) and
the operating profit, adjusted for the impact of goodwill and exceptional costs,
was #20,000 (2002: loss of #272,000).

Cash inflow from operating activities improved to #730,000 (2002: cash outflow
of #413,000).

The Group's balance sheet remains strong, with cash at bank and in hand of #2.5
million (2002: #2.5 million) and net funds of #2.3 million (2002: #1.9 million).

American Operations

Overall our American operations continued to perform well with operating profit
up by 30% compared to the first half of last year. On a dollar basis, turnover
increased by 4% from the previous year, although movement in the sterling-dollar
exchange rate masked this growth at a consolidated level.

The brand protection business in America increased during the period and the
recently announced extension of the NBA contract reaffirmed our leading position
in protecting licensed merchandise in America. As anticipated, turnover derived
from the temporary license plates with AAMVA returned to normal levels following
customers' difficulties with budgets which led to a downturn in sales in the
prior year.

These increases offset the reduction in Advantage ID Technologies business,
which suffered from slippage due to the delay in the receipt of orders from some
key customers. The second Advantage line is now fully operational and this
enables us actively to seek additional contracts for the Lancaster facility.

European Operations

Turnover for the European operations was down by 19%, largely due to lower
product enhancement sales and the delay in anticipated banknote and high
security documents orders. This reduced volume led to a fall in gross margin
from 27% to 19% but tight control of overheads limited the impact on operating

The benefits arising from the restructured European sales force are beginning to
become apparent. Following the recently announced contract for tax stamps and
orders received for banknote products, we now have an order book substantially
ahead of that previously achieved. This order book will give our European
operations the opportunity to improve performance in the second half of the
current year.

Joint Ventures

During the six months to 30th September 2003 3DCD contributed #518,000 (2002:
#188,000) to Group results. This improved contribution reflects increased
activity at Microsoft but does not reflect any benefit from the new customers
that the joint venture has recently secured; it is expected that this will have
a positive impact on future results.

Balance Sheet Restructuring

The restructuring of the balance sheet approved at the Company's Annual General
Meeting gained High Court approval on 31st October 2003. The deficit on Company
reserves at 31st March 2003 was eliminated by a transfer of #17.2 million from
the share premium account.

Strategic Review

We announced at the time of our Annual Results that we were undertaking a review
of the options open to the Board to ensure a return to profitability and a
recovery in the valuation placed by the market on the Group. Outside consultants
were appointed to help with this evaluation and the Board, having reviewed the
results of their work, has instituted measures to validate a number of options.
We hope to be able to make a further announcement on this early in the new
calendar year.


The improved half year performance and the encouraging order intake give us
confidence that the result for the current year will be in line with
expectations. The measures taken to develop and widen both our own businesses
and that of 3DCD should lead to increased profitability in the longer term, as
will a successful conclusion to the current discussions on the strategic options
open to the Group.

DA Mahony
10th December 2003

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
                                         Unaudited    Unaudited
                                          6 months     6 months         Year
                                             ended        ended        ended
                                         30-Sep-03    30-Sep-02    31-Mar-03
                                             #'000        #'000        #'000

Turnover: Group and share of joint
ventures                                    13,834       14,805       28,594

Less, share of joint ventures' turnover     (1,156)        (756)      (1,434)
                                         -----------    ---------     --------
Group turnover                              12,678       14,049       27,160

Cost of sales                               (8,507)      (9,028)     (17,660)
                                         -----------    ---------     --------
Gross profit                                 4,171        5,021        9,500
Goodwill amortisation                         (629)      (1,057)      (1,675)
Goodwill impairment                              -      (15,991)     (15,991)
Exceptional items                                -         (226)      (1,275)
Other operating expenses                    (4,669)      (5,363)     (10,114)

Net operating expenses                      (5,298)     (22,637)     (29,055)
                                         -----------    ---------     --------
Group operating loss                        (1,127)     (17,616)     (19,555)

Share of operating profit of joint
ventures                                       518           70          207
                                         -----------    ---------     --------
Operating loss                                (609)     (17,546)     (19,348)

Interest receivable and similar income         (22)          43           93
Amounts written off investments                (37)          (5)          (5)
Interest payable and similar charges           (21)         (60)        (114)
                                         -----------    ---------     --------
Loss on ordinary activities before
taxation                                      (689)     (17,568)     (19,374)

Taxation                                      (609)        (332)        (112)
                                         -----------    ---------     --------
Loss for the financial period               (1,298)     (17,900)     (19,486)
                                         ===========    =========     ========

Basic loss per share                         (2.6)p      (35.5)p      (38.7)p

Diluted loss per share                       (2.6)p      (35.5)p      (38.7)p

Adjusted loss per share                      (1.3)p       (1.2)p       (1.1)p

Adjusted diluted loss per share              (1.3)p       (1.2)p       (1.1)p

Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                            Unaudited   Unaudited
                                            30-Sep-03   30-Sep-02   31-Mar-03
                                                #'000       #'000       #'000
Fixed assets

Intangible assets                               7,851       9,035       8,869
Tangible assets                                11,853      12,779      12,413


Investments in joint ventures
Share of gross assets                           1,029         793         692
Share of gross liabilities                       (359)       (335)       (299)
                                            -----------   ---------   ---------
                                                  670         458         393
                                            -----------   ---------   ---------

Investments in own shares                       1,608       1,736       1,674
Other investments                                  28          28          28
                                            -----------   ---------   ---------
                                               22,010      24,036      23,377
                                            -----------   ---------   ---------

Current assets

Stocks                                          2,302       2,793       2,554
- amounts falling due within one year           5,473       5,444       5,964
- amounts falling due after more than one
year                                            1,694       5,295       2,218
                                            -----------   ---------   ---------
                                                7,167      10,739       8,182
                                            -----------   ---------   ---------
Cash                                            2,526       2,527       2,747
                                            -----------   ---------   ---------
                                               11,995      16,059      13,483
                                            -----------   ---------   ---------

Creditors : amounts falling due within one
year                                           (5,447)     (6,148)     (6,002)
                                            -----------   ---------   ---------
Net current assets                              6,548       9,911       7,481
                                            -----------   ---------   ---------

Total assets less current liabilities          28,558      33,947      30,858

Creditors : amounts falling due after more
than one year                                     (93)       (331)       (117)

Provisions for liabilities and charges              -      (1,121)          -
                                            -----------   ---------   ---------
Net assets                                     28,465      32,495      30,741
                                            ===========   =========   =========

Capital and Reserves

Called up equity share capital                  2,669       2,669       2,669
Share premium account                          70,402      70,402      70,402
Profit and loss account                       (44,606)    (40,576)    (42,330)
                                            -----------   ---------   ---------
Equity shareholders' funds                     28,465      32,495      30,741
                                            ===========   =========   =========

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
                                         Unaudited     Unaudited
                                          6 months      6 months          Year                                     
                                             ended         ended         ended
                                         30-Sep-03     30-Sep-02     31-Mar-03
                                             #'000         #'000         #'000

Cash inflow /(outflow) from
operating activities                           730          (413)          670

Dividend received from joint venture           221           656           972

Returns on investments and servicing
of finance                                     (11)           38            73

Taxation                                       (44)          (52)         (114)

Capital expenditure and financial
investment                                    (799)       (1,459)       (2,374)
                                         -----------     ---------      --------
Cash inflow /(outflow) before management
of liquid resources and financing               97        (1,230)         (773)

Management of liquid resources                   -             -             -

Issue of shares                                 29             -             -
Decrease in net debt                          (219)         (256)         (491)
                                         -----------     ---------      --------
Net cash outflow from financing               (190)         (256)         (491)
                                         -----------     ---------      --------
                                         -----------     ---------      --------
Decrease in cash in the period                 (93)       (1,486)       (1,264)
                                         ===========     =========      ========

Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net

Decrease in cash in the period                 (93)       (1,486)       (1,264)

Cash outflow from decrease in debt
and lease financing                            219           256           491
                                         -----------     ---------      --------
Change in net funds resulting from
cash flows                                     126        (1,230)         (773)

Foreign exchange movements                    (134)         (236)         (291)
                                         -----------     ---------      --------
Movement in net funds in period                 (8)       (1,466)       (1,064)

Net funds at 1st April 2003                  2,267         3,331         3,331
                                         -----------     ---------      --------
Net funds at 30th September 2003             2,259         1,865         2,267
                                         ===========     =========      ========

Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses

                                         Unaudited     Unaudited
                                          6 months      6 months          Year
                                             ended         ended         ended
                                         30-Sep-03     30-Sep-02     31-Mar-03
                                             #'000         #'000         #'000

Loss for the financial period
attributable to shareholders                (1,298)      (17,900)      (19,486)

Translation of net foreign currency
investments                                   (978)       (3,804)       (3,910)
                                         -----------     ---------      --------
Total gains and losses relating to
the period                                  (2,276)      (21,704)      (23,396)
                                         ===========     =========      ========

Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds

                                         Unaudited     Unaudited
                                          6 months      6 months          Year
                                             ended         ended         ended
                                         30-Sep-03     30-Sep-02     31-Mar-03
                                             #'000         #'000         #'000

Loss for the financial period
attributable to shareholders                (1,298)      (17,900)      (19,486)

Translation of net foreign currency
investments                                   (978)       (3,804)       (3,910)

Adjustment in respect of savings
related share scheme                             -             -           (62)
                                         -----------     ---------      --------

Movement for the period                     (2,276)      (21,704)      (23,458)

Opening shareholders' funds                 30,741        54,199        54,199
                                         -----------     ---------      --------

Closing shareholders' funds                 28,465        32,495        30,741
                                         ===========     =========      ========

Notes to the Interim Statement

1. Basis of preparation

The financial information set out in this document does not constitute full
financial statements within the meaning of the Companies Act 1985. The financial
information for the six months ended 30th September 2003 has been prepared on
the basis of the current accounting policies of the Group and is unaudited.
These policies have not changed since 31st March 2003.

The comparative figures for the financial year ended 31st March 2003 are not the
Company's statutory accounts for that financial year. Those accounts have been
reported on by the Company's auditors and delivered to the Registrar of
Companies. The report of the auditors was unqualified and did not contain a
statement under Section 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985.

2. Segment Information
                                         Unaudited     Unaudited
                                          6 months      6 months          Year
                                             ended         ended         ended
                                         30-Sep-03     30-Sep-02     31-Mar-03
a) Turnover by market sector                 #'000         #'000         #'000

Banknote and high security                   3,605         2,105         4,377
Brand protection                             4,747         5,518        10,566
Brand protection via Joint Venture           1,156           756         1,434
ID Technologies                              3,045         4,621         8,906
Product Enhancement                            702         1,213         2,063
Metallising                                    262           327           779
Other                                          317           265           469
                                         -----------     ---------      --------
                                            13,834        14,805        28,594
                                         -----------     ---------      --------

b) Turnover by geographical origin

American operations                          7,853         8,071        16,622
American operations via Joint Venture        1,156           756         1,434
European operations                          5,514         6,828        12,109
Intersegment sales                            (689)         (850)       (1,571)
                                         -----------     ---------      --------
                                            13,834        14,805        28,594
                                         ===========     =========      ========

c) Operating profit/(loss) by geographical origin

American operations                            854       (16,202)      (15,448)
European operations                         (1,463)       (1,344)       (3,900)
                                         -----------     ---------      --------
Operating loss                                (609)      (17,546)      (19,348)
Exclude goodwill amortisation                  629         1,057         1,675
Exclude goodwill impairment                      -        15,991        15,991
Exclude exceptional items                        -           226         1,275
                                         -----------     ---------      --------
Adjusted operating profit/(loss)                20          (272)         (407)
                                         ===========     =========      ========

Adjusted operating profit/(loss) arises from :

American operations                            940           724         1,842
European operations                         (1,438)       (1,066)       (2,456)
Joint Ventures                                 518            70           207
                                         -----------     ---------      --------
                                                20          (272)         (407)
                                         ===========     =========      ========

3. Net Operating Expenses
                                         Unaudited     Unaudited
                                          6 months      6 months          Year
                                             ended         ended         ended
                                         30-Sep-03     30-Sep-02     31-Mar-03
                                             #'000         #'000         #'000

Distribution Costs
Selling and marketing costs                  1,710         2,205         3,993
                                          ----------     ---------      --------
Administrative Expenses
Technical support                              304           316           669
Research and development costs                 551           555         1,031
Administrative costs                         2,104         2,287         4,421
Exceptional costs                                -           226         1,275
Goodwill amortisation                          629         1,057         1,675
Goodwill impairment                              -        15,991        15,991
                                          ----------     ---------      --------
                                             3,588        20,432        25,062
                                          ----------     ---------      --------
                                          ----------     ---------      --------
Net Operating Expenses                       5,298        22,637        29,055
                                          ==========     =========      ========

Exceptional items included within net
operating expenses

Reorganisation costs                             -           226           672
Impairment of amount due from joint
venture partner                                  -             -           681
Tangible fixed asset impairment                  -             -            50
Profit on disposal of fixed assets               -             -          (128)
                                          ----------     ---------      --------
                                                 -           226         1,275
                                          ==========     =========      ========

4. Share of Operating Profit of Joint Ventures

The share of operating profit of joint ventures represents the Group's share of
the results of 3DCD for the six months ended 30th September 2003.

5. Interest
                                         Unaudited     Unaudited
                                          6 months      6 months          Year
                                             ended         ended         ended
                                         30-Sep-03     30-Sep-02     31-Mar-03
                                             #'000         #'000         #'000
Interest receivable and similar income

Bank interest receivable                         6            43            36
Other interest receivable                        -            38            82
Foreign exchange losses                        (28)          (38)          (25)
                                          ----------   -----------     ---------
                                               (22)           43            93
                                          ----------   -----------     ---------

Interest payable and similar charges

On finance leases and hire purchase agreements   3             8            31
On short term bank loans and overdrafts         12            35            13
Exchange losses on foreign currency borrowings   6            17            70
                                          ----------   -----------     ---------
                                                21            60           114
                                          ----------   -----------     ---------

6. Taxation

No taxation is payable in the current period by any of the Group's UK based
companies due to losses brought forward from prior years. The tax charge for
the period relates to the utilisation of the Group's deferred tax asset in
respect of profits arising in the American operations.

7. Loss per Share

The calculations of loss per share are based upon the following losses and
numbers of shares.
                                   Unaudited       Unaudited
                                    6 months        6 months            Year
                                       ended           ended           ended
                                   30-Sep-03       30-Sep-02       31-Mar-03
Earnings                               #'000           #'000           #'000

Loss for the financial
period (Basic and Diluted EPS)        (1,298)        (17,900)        (19,486)
                                    ==========     ===========       =========
Adjusted earnings

Loss for the financial period         (1,298)        (17,900)        (19,486)
Add back goodwill amortisation           629           1,057           1,675
Exclude amounts written off investments   37               5               5
Exclude goodwill impairment                -          15,991          15,991
Exclude exceptional items                  -             226           1,275
                                    ----------     -----------       ---------
Adjusted loss                           (632)           (621)           (540)
                                    ==========     ===========       =========

Weighted average number of            No. of          No. of          No. of
shares                                shares          shares          shares

For Basic and Diluted
earnings per share                50,449,014      50,402,334      50,402,334
                                  ==========      ===========      =========

8. Notes to the Cash Flow Statement

Reconciliation of Group Operating Loss to Operating Cash Flows

                                       Unaudited       Unaudited
                                        6 months        6 months          Year
                                           ended           ended         ended
                                       30-Sep-03       30-Sep-02     31-Mar-03
                                           #'000           #'000         #'000

Operating loss                            (1,127)        (17,616)      (19,555)
Depreciation                               1,125           1,108         2,252
Profit on sale of fixed assets                 -               -          (126)
Amortisation                                 629           1,057         1,675
Impairment charges                             -          15,991        16,722
Movement in stocks                           177            (108)          134
Movement in debtors                          (69)            506         1,034
Movement in creditors                         (5)         (1,297)       (1,412)
Movements in provisions for
liabilities and charges                        -             (54)          (54)
                                         ---------        --------     ---------
Net cash inflow/(outflow)
from operating activities                    730            (413)          670
                                         =========        ========     =========

Analysis of Net Funds

                                                                       At 30th                       
                      At 1st April                      Exchange     September
                              2003     Cashflows     adjustments          2003
                             #'000         #'000           #'000         #'000

Cash at bank and in hand     2,747           (93)           (128)        2,526

Finance leases                 (80)           16               -           (64)

Bank loans                    (400)          203              (6)         (203)
                           ---------   -----------        --------     ---------
                             2,267           126            (134)        2,259
                           =========   ===========        ========     =========

Reconciliation of Group Operating Loss to Operating Cash Flows

                                              Unaudited   Unaudited
                                               6 months    6 months        Year
                                                  ended       ended       ended
                                              30-Sep-03   30-Sep-02   31-Mar-03
                                                  #'000       #'000       #'000

Analysis of cash flows for headings 
netted in the cash flow statement

Returns on investments and servicing of finance

Interest received                                     6          82         119
Interest paid                                       (17)        (44)        (46)
                                                ----------  ---------  ---------
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from
returns on investments and servicing of finance     (11)         38          73
                                                ==========  =========  =========

Overseas tax paid                                   (44)        (52)       (114)
                                                ----------  ---------  ---------
Net cash outflow from taxation                      (44)        (52)       (114)
                                                ==========  =========  =========

Capital expenditure and financial investment

Purchase of tangible fixed assets                (1,020)     (1,469)     (2,403)
Sale of tangible fixed assets                       221          10          29

                                                ----------  ---------  ---------
Net cash outflow from capital expenditure and                                                   
financial investment                               (799)     (1,459)     (2,374)
                                                ==========  =========  =========


Issue of ordinary share capital                      29           -           -
                                                ----------  ---------  ---------

Loan repayments                                    (203)       (181)       (381)
Capital element of finance lease rental payments    (16)        (75)       (110)
                                                ----------  ---------  ---------
Decrease in debt                                   (219)       (256)       (491)
                                                ----------  ---------  ---------
                                                ----------  ---------  ---------
Net cash outflow from financing                    (190)       (256)       (491)
                                                ==========  =========  =========

A copy of this announcement has been sent to all shareholders. Further copies are 
available to members of the public from the Company's registered office, 40 Phoenix 
Road, Crowther, District 3, Washington, Tyne & Wear, NE38 0AD.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange