PARIS (AFP)--Genetically engineered crops and conventional crops
would have to be grown in segregated areas to meet environmental
concerns about transgenic farming in Europe, agricultural
scientists said on Tuesday.
The so-called Co-Extra report, a four-year research project
funded by the European Commission, aims at giving expert guidance
into the controversy over engineered crops in the European
Given that fields in Europe are relatively small, and winds can
spread pollen from transgenic crops over large distances,
co-existence of novel and traditional crops will only be possible
if they are grown in "dedicated zones," it said.
"The distance (between the zones) will depend on biology," said
Yves Bertheau of the French agronomic research institute, INRA, in
a presentation of the report to the press.
"Some plants can be disseminated 30 kilometers away."
He admitted, though, that the idea faced an array of
There would have to be a consensus on it, and ways would have to
be found to make the scheme practical and legally definable, he
Genetically modified crops have a gene, or genes, inserted into
them in the lab so that they acquire traits that are useful to
They are widely grown in North America, South America and
But in Europe they have run into fierce resistance, led by green
groups who say the crops carry risk through cross-pollination,
potentially creating "super-weeds" that are impervious to
Only one genetically-modified crop has been authorized by the EU
- MON810 maize, invented by the U.S. biotech giant Monsanto (MON).
It carries genes that cause it to exude a toxin that is poisonous
to corn pests.
It was approved by the EU in 1998 but is banned in six countries
(Austria, Germany, Greece, Hungary, France and Luxembourg).
An attempt by the European Commission, the EU executive, to
overturn the ban failed in a vote by the Council of Ministers, the
paramount decision-making institution, on March 2.
The United States is fiercely opposed to the ban, seeing in it a
form of trade protectionism under the guise of environmental