RNS Number:8908P
Northamber PLC
18 September 2003

                                 Northamber plc

               Audited Results for the year ended 30th June 2003



The Board is pleased to report a very strong second half performance by the
Group which has resulted in a creditable full year outcome of pre-tax profits of
#422,000 (#456,000, including an exceptional profit of #321,000: 30 June 2002).
Shareholders will recall that at the interim stage the Group reported a
disappointing pre-tax loss of #260,000.

Ongoing price erosion reduced sales revenues to #240 million (#250 million: 30
June 2002) negating the growth in our own average unit sales and we believe that
we have again increased market share.  Overly competitive price and resultant
margin pressures continue to prevail and reflect the basic problems within the
I.T. hardware sector.

Obscured within the result is our continued avoidance of loss making sales of
mere revenue products.  This contributed to a modest 0.16% point increase in
gross margin and whilst sales fell by some 4%, the Board's close attention to
costs has reduced total overheads by 5.2%.

On a positive note, earnings per share increased to 0.94p from the 0.91p of a
year ago.  At the year end we had a significant #7.165 million cash balance and
remain debt free.  Subject to confirmation by shareholders at the AGM, this will
enable the Board to recommend a final cash dividend of 2.0p (net), making a
total of 3.0p for the full year, (compared with 4.2p last year).

After dividend payments and #174,000 spent on the re-purchase of the Company's
ordinary shares for cancellation, net assets per share were 98.3p against the
100.7p reported a year ago.


Sales of distributed PC's were reported as having fallen over the first half of
2003.  Also, the volume market place and inherent lack of commercial
profitability over the past year required a review of the Group's operations at
the end of 2002 and with it, a strategic change in general direction.

With sales of volume PC's and most accessories continuing to lack adequate
commercial returns, it is essential that we evolve our business model to become
more commercially viable.  That entails re-enforcing our focus on key
relationships, whilst shifting emphasis and investment further up both the
technology and value chains.  This change was commenced late last year and,
albeit slowly, is progressing to plan.

Our existing higher value activities have continued to perform in-line with
market conditions. Disappointingly, the malaise of the volume markets has also
been somewhat reflected in this area.

The Balance Sheet

Continued strong cash management during the period enabled the Group to end the
year with a very strong #7.17 million (#8.59 million: 30 June 2002) net cash
position at year end, which was again coupled with zero debt.

Net assets of #31.86 million are after the annual depreciation charge of #1.05
million, dividend payments of #977,000 and #174,000 spent on the re-purchase of
326,400 ordinary shares for cancellation.

Stock levels reduced to #13.21 million from #14.59 million and stock turns also
benefited with an increase from 16 to 17 times.

The Board

After very many years association with the Group, Graham Cole advised that his
other commitments strained his ability to properly carry out his role as a
non-executive director.  We shall miss his input and wish his new venture every


Reviewing dividend policy against the current background is difficult.  With our
strong cash generation and net cash position, pending a return to realistic
levels of trading, it is proposed that the final dividend be maintained at 2.0p
(net).  This would be at a cost to our reserves of #648,000.  If approved, the
proposed dividend will be payable on 9th January 2004 to members on the Register
as at 19th December 2003.


Within any new constraints that might arise within the sector or economy, we
have reasonable expectations and your Board is confident of the outcome for the

D.M. Phillips


18th September 2003

                                                                           Notes              2003              2002 
                                                                                             #'000             #'000 
    Turnover                                                                               240,481           250,410 
    Cost of sales                                                                        (221,563)         (231,093) 
                                                                                    --------------    -------------- 
    Gross profit                                                                            18,918            19,317 
    Distribution costs                                                                    (11,073)          (11,150) 
    Administrative expenses                                                                (7,660)           (8,610) 
    Other operating income                                                                     220               472 
                                                                                    --------------    -------------- 
    Operating profit                                                                           405                29 
    Exceptional profit on sale of fixed assets in continuing operations                          -               321 
                                                                                    --------------    -------------- 
    Profit on ordinary activities before interest                                              405               350 
    Interest receivable                                                                        103               142 
    Interest payable                                                                          (86)              (36) 
                                                                                    --------------    -------------- 
    Profit on ordinary activities before taxation                                              422               456 
    Tax on profit on ordinary activities                                                     (116)             (160) 
                                                                                    --------------    -------------- 
    Profit on ordinary activities after taxation                                               306               296 
    Equity dividends                                                         3               (977)           (1,353) 
                                                                                    --------------    -------------- 
    Retained loss for year                                                                   (671)           (1,057) 
                                                                                    --------------    -------------- 
    Earnings per ordinary share                                              2               0.94p             0.91p 
    Diluted earnings per share                                               2               0.94p             0.90p 

                                                                                2003              2002 
                                                                               #'000             #'000 
                  Fixed assets                                                                         
                  Tangible assets                                              5,575             6,289 
                  Investments                                                  2,837             2,837 
                                                                      --------------    -------------- 
                                                                               8,412             9,126 
                                                                      --------------    -------------- 
                  Current assets                                                                       
                  Stocks                                                      13,214            14,590 
                  Debtors - amounts falling due within one year               27,249            27,023 
                  Cash at bank and in hand                                     7,165             8,587 
                                                                      --------------    -------------- 
                                                                              47,628            50,200 
                  Current liabilities                                                                  
                  Creditors - amounts falling due within one year           (23,324)          (25,743) 
                                                                      --------------    -------------- 
                  Net current assets                                          24,304            24,457 
                                                                      --------------    -------------- 
                  Total assets less current liabilities                       32,716            33,583 
                  Provisions for liabilities and charges                       (859)             (882) 
                                                                      --------------    -------------- 
                  Net assets                                                  31,857            32,701 
                                                                             =======           ======= 
                  Capital and reserves                                                                 
                  Called up share capital                                      1,620             1,623 
                  Share premium account                                        5,724             5,711 
                  Capital redemption reserve                                     165               148 
                  Profit and loss account                                     24,348            25,219 
                                                                      --------------    -------------- 
                  Equity shareholders' funds                                  31,857            32,701 
                                                                             =======           ======= 


                                                                              Notes             2003             2002 
                                                                                               #'000            #'000 
  Cash (outflow)/inflow from continuing operating activities                    4              (365)           10,525 
                                                                                       -------------    ------------- 
  Returns on investments and servicing of finance                                                                     
  Interest received                                                                              103              142 
  Interest paid                                                                                 (86)             (36) 
  Income from fixed asset investments                                                            219              255 
                                                                                       -------------    ------------- 
  Net cash inflow from returns on investments and servicing of finance                           236              361 
                                                                                       -------------    ------------- 
  UK corporation tax received/(paid)                                                             179            (913) 
                                                                                       -------------    ------------- 
  Capital expenditure and financial investment                                                                        
  Purchase of tangible fixed assets                                                            (408)          (1,090) 
  Sale of tangible fixed assets                                                                   62            1,361 
                                                                                       -------------    ------------- 
  Net cash (outflow)/inflow from capital expenditure and financial                             (346)              271 
                                                                                       -------------    ------------- 
  Equity dividends paid                                                                        (978)          (2,015) 
                                                                                       -------------    ------------- 
  Cash (outflow)/inflow before financing                                                     (1,274)            8,229 
                                                                                       -------------    ------------- 
  Purchase of shares                                                                           (174)            (214) 
  Issue of ordinary share capital                                                                 26                - 
  Debt due beyond a year: Repayment of secured loan                                                -            (831) 
                                                                                       -------------    ------------- 
  Net cash outflow from financing                                                              (148)          (1,045) 
                                                                                       -------------    ------------- 
  (Decrease)/increase in cash in period                                         4            (1,422)            7,184 
                                                                                             =======          ======= 

1. Accounting policies 

The Financial information set out above does not constitute the Group's
statutory accounts for the years ended 30th June 2002 or 30th June 2003, but it
is derived from those accounts. The Statutory Accounts for 30th June 2002 have
been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and those for 2003 will be
delivered following the Group's Annual General Meeting. The Auditors have
reported on these accounts, their reports were unqualified and did not contain
statements under S237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. The information
contained in this statement does not constitute statutory accounts within the
meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. 

2. Earnings per ordinary share 

The calculation of earnings per ordinary share is based on the profit after
taxation of #306,000 (2002: #296,000) and on 32,511,604 ordinary shares (2002:
32,524,260). The number of ordinary shares in issue during the years ended 30th
June 2003 and 30th June 2002 were the weighted average in issue during each

Computation of Earnings per share for 2003 

                                                                    Per share    Earnings        Shares 
                Net profit for year                                              #306,000               
                Weighted average shares outstanding during year                              32,511,604 
                Basic earnings per share                                0.94p                           
                Diluted effect of options                                                        14,282 
                Diluted earnings per share                              0.94p    #306,000    32,525,886 
3. Dividend 
An interim dividend has been paid during the year of 1.0p per share. A final
dividend of 2.0p will be paid on 9th January 2004 to those members on the
register at close of business on 19th December 2003. The ex-dividend date for
the shares will be 17th December 2003. 

4. Cash flow 
a) Reconciliation of operating profit to operating cash flows 

                                                                            2003                                 2002 
                                                                           #'000                                #'000 
  Continuing operations                                                                                               
  Operating profit                                                           405                                   29 
  Income from fixed assets investments                                     (219)                                (255) 
  Depreciation of tangible fixed assets                                    1,054                                1,054 
  Loss on sale of tangible fixed assets                                        7                                   27 
  Decrease in stocks                                                       1,376                                  354 
  (Increase)/decrease in trade debtors                                     (338)                                6,119 
  Decrease/(increase) in other debtors                                         8                                  (1) 
  Decrease/(increase) in prepayments and accrued income                       78                                (116) 
  (Decrease)/increase in trade creditors                                 (2,467)                                3,467 
  Decrease in other taxation and social security                             (7)                                (205) 
  (Decrease)/increase in accruals and deferred income                      (403)                                   54 
  Increase/(decrease) in other creditors                                     141                                  (2) 
                                                                    ------------                         ------------ 
  Net cash (outflow)/inflow from continuing operating activities           (365)                               10,525 
                                                                    ------------                         ------------ 
  b) Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net funds                                                         
  (Decrease)/increase in cash in the period                              (1,422)                                7,184 
  Cash outflow from changes in debt                                            -                                  831 
                                                                    ------------                         ------------ 
  Change in net funds resulting from cash flows and the movement         (1,422)                                8,015 
  in net debt in the period                                                                                           
  Net funds brought forward                                                8,587                                  572 
                                                                    ------------                         ------------ 
  Net funds carried forward                                                7,165                                8,587 
                                                                          ======                               ====== 
  c) Analysis of net debt                                                                                             
                                 At 1st July 2002                Cash Flow                At 30th June 2003  
                                       #'000                       #'000                         #'000        
  Cash at bank and in hand             8,587                      (1,422)                        7,165
                                    -----------                 -----------                   -----------        
  Total number of shares in issue      32,399,000        
  Weighted average number of shares    32,511,604        
  Date of AGM                          14 November 2003  
  Ex Dividend Date                     17 December 2003  
  Dividend Date                        9 January 2004    

The Company's registered office 1-3 Union Street, Kingston-upon-Thames, 
Surrey KT1 1RP. 

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange