Ameriprise Moves Financial Advisers To New Brokerage Platform
September 30 2009 - 4:17PM
Dow Jones News
Ameriprise Financial Inc. (AMP) is rolling out a new brokerage
platform for its 12,500 financial advisers, which will put the
legacy Ameriprise brokers on the same system as that of the H&R
Block Inc. (HRB) advisers it acquired last year.
The move will essentially amount to an upgrade for the
Ameriprise staff, said Don Froude, president of Ameriprise's
Personal Advisors.
"There will be somewhat of a learning curve, but they've seen
the new platform, and they are excited about the new features and
capabilities," Froude said.
The brokerage platform is the technology system that brokers use
to complete transactions for clients and provide them with products
and information. Firms will occasionally change platforms to
upgrade to speedier or more complex systems. Ameriprise's adviser
group includes brokers in the employee channel and those in the
independent channel.
In addition to acquiring H&R Block's advisory business,
Ameriprise has also built up its brokerage force this year by
recruiting more than 500 advisers as of the end of August. Many of
brokers joined from larger competitors such as Morgan Stanley Smith
Barney, which are starting to focus more on a higher net worth
-By Annie Gasparro, Dow Jones Newswires; 212-416-2244;