RNS Number:7763H
Avocet Mining PLC
21 February 2003

Avocet Mining PLC (the "Company")

Purchase of shares by directors

Avocet Mining PLC announces that on 20 February 2003 three directors of the
Company, named below, purchased ordinary shares at a price of 25.08p as follows:

Director              Number of shares       Resultant total         Percentage 
                             purchased          shareholding       shareholding

Nigel McNair Scott             350,000             5,475,000              6.87%
Robert Pilkington               50,000               198,500              0.25%
Jonathan Henry                  50,000               140,000              0.18%

For further information:

Alan Brooks, Company Secretary, Avocet Mining PLC, tel: 020 7907 9011

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange