Notice of
Extraordinary General Meeting of Skandia

Shareholders of SKANDIA INSURANCE COMPANY LTD (publ) ("the Company") are
hereby summoned to an Extraordinary General Meeting on Wednesday, 28
January 2004, at 4.30 p.m. (Swedish time). Location: Globe Arena, Annex,
Arenatorget, Entrance 2, Stockholm, Sweden.

Shareholders intending to attend the Extraordinary General Meeting must
*                            be recorded as shareholders in the
Shareholder Register maintained by the Swedish Securities Register
Centre (VPC AB) as per Friday, 16 January 2004,
and must
*                            notify the Company of their intention to
attend the Meeting not later than 4.30 p.m. (Swedish time) on Friday, 23
January 2004. Notification of intent to attend the Meeting can be made
in writing to Skandia, Corporate Law, "EGM," SE-103 50 Stockholm,
Sweden, by telephone Int. +46-8-788 30 68 or +46-8-788 25 99, by fax
Int. +46-8-788 15 50, or via the Internet at
Please note that if voting by proxy, power of attorney must be submitted
to the Company in original and may not be sent by fax or via the
Internet. Data provided to the Company will be used only for the
Extraordinary General Meeting.
Shareholders whose shares are held in trust by a bank or private broker
must temporarily register their shares in their own names in the
Shareholder Register to be able to attend the Extraordinary General
Meeting. Such registration must be completed not later than Friday, 16
January 2004. Shareholders are advised to notify the trustee well in
advance of 16 January of their request to have their shares re-
For the convenience of non-Swedish speaking shareholders, the
proceedings of the Extraordinary General Meeting will be simultaneously
interpreted into English, if so requested in connection with
notification of attendance to the Extraordinary General Meeting.

1.                           Opening of the Meeting
2.                           Election of a chairman to preside over the
 Nominating Committee Recommendation: Mr. Claes Beyer, Attorney at Law.
3.                           Setting of the agenda
4.                           Election of a person to check and sign the
minutes together with the chairman
5.                           Verification of the voting list
6.                           Decision as to whether the Meeting has been
properly called
7.                           Decision on the number of Directors to be
elected by the Meeting
 Nominating Committee Recommendation: Six Directors.
8.                           Election of Directors
 The Directors elected by the General Meeting are Mr. Bjorn Bjornsson
(Chairman), Mr. Leif Victorin and Mr. Eero Heliovaara, all elected for
the period through the 2004 Annual General Meeting, and Dr. Oonagh
McDonald and Mr. Clas Reuterskiold, both elected for the period through
the 2005 Annual General Meeting. Since the 2003 Annual General Meeting,
Mr. Lars-Eric Petersson and Mr. Bengt Braun have resigned from the
Board. The remaining Directors elected by the General Meeting have
declared their seats available. The Nominating Committee's
recommendation for Directors will be made public through the issuance of
a press release about a week prior to the Extraordinary General Meeting.
9.                           Election of Auditor

 One of the Auditors elected by the General Meeting, Mr. Jan Birgerson,
Authorized Public Accountant, Ernst & Young, has announced that he
wishes to resign from his assignment as Auditor in connection with the
Extraordinary General Meeting.
 Nominating Committee Recommendation: New-election of Mr. Bertel Enlund,
Authorized Public Accountant, Ernst & Young, for the period through the
2004 Annual General Meeting.
10.                          Adjournment of the Extraordinary General

This summons to attend the Extraordinary General Meeting of Skandia
Insurance Company Ltd (publ) can also be obtained in Swedish from
Skandia, Corporate Law, SE-103 50 Stockholm, Sweden, by telephone Int.
+46-8-788 30 68 or +46-8-788 25 99, by fax Int. +46-8-788 15 50, or it
can be downloaded from Skandia's website

A welcome is extended to the shareholders to attend the Extraordinary
General Meeting.

Stockholm, December 2003

The Board of Directors