29 September 2022 
                                 BWA Group PLC 
                         ("BWA" or the "Company") 
            Half-Yearly Results for the Six Months to 30 June 2022 
BWA Group plc [AQSE: BWAP], which has mineral exploration licences in both 
Cameroon and Canada at various stages of development and is quoted on London's 
AQSE Growth Market, announces its unaudited financial results for the six-month 
period to 30 June 2022. 
Chairman's Statement 
Dear Shareholder 
The Board presents the results for the six months ended 30 June 2022.  The 
Company has continued to invest in the rutile sands project in Cameroon through 
our 90 per cent owned subsidiary BWA Resources Cameroon Limited ("BWARC"). 
Activity in the other 100 per cent subsidiary company in Canada, Kings of the 
North Corporation Inc. ("KOTN"), has been limited to maintaining the licences 
in the two remaining claim areas, Winterhouse and Isoukustouc, in the 
registered ownership of KOTN, with the Canadian government mining registry and 
ensuring that all licence fees are paid and the claims in good order. 
BWARC has carried out further exploration work on the two claims at Nkoteng and 
Dehane to which it has been granted exploration rights.  The initial results 
from the first surveys have been announced to the market and are published on 
the Company website, www.bwagroupplc.com/announcements. 
Due to the encouraging results from the original wide spaced reconnaissance 
pitting work, follow up closer-spaced mechanised auger drilling was carried out 
in Cameroon in the spring, primarily on Nkoteng 1 licence, testing an 
approximate 5km long target area for the potential development of initial heavy 
mineral resource estimates. The results of granulometric and size fractioning 
studies completed by BWA on 20 selected samples from this exploration work were 
published in late June 2022, the highlights of which are: 
  * Rutile is most abundant mineral, especially concentrated within the sand 
    size fraction -600 to +180 µm. 
  * Major ilmenite was also observed. 
  * Minor HMS also observed in -150 µm size fraction. 
  * Minor kyanite observed in weathered clays. 
  * Plastic clays contain elevated ilmenite in select areas. 
  * Implications of the granulometric studies are not yet fully recognised, 
    although suggest distinctive mineralised size fractions and preferred host 
These are duplicate portions of samples, which have been selected and shipped 
for submission to a specialist laboratory in Germany for heavy mineral 
separation and mineral composition test work, with results expected Q4 2022. 
During the period covered by these Interim results, BWA has raised an 
additional £200,000 in the form of Convertible Loan Notes, to continue its 
Cameroon exploration program. These Convertible Loan Notes will convert into 
ordinary shares on the same terms as, and on completion of, BWA's next fund 
BWA has continued also to realise its shareholding in St-Georges Eco-Mining 
Corp ("St Georges") from KOTN and the proceeds from realising part of its 
portfolio of investments has provided funds for the development of activities 
in Canada, Cameroon and the UK. 
In Canada we continue to consult with our legal advisers regarding potential 
claims against St Georges, its directors, staff, and others. 
After the period under review, BWA has been granted 2 additional HMS licences 
in Cameroon, designated as Nkoteng 2 and Dehane 2, virtually doubling its total 
exploration area from 629 Sq. Km to 1,177 Sq. Km.  It is the Board's intention 
to seek the necessary funding to obtain an initial JORC Mineral resource 
Estimate and Preliminary Economic Assessment on the 2 initial Cameroon licence 
areas of Nkoteng 1 and Dehane 1, by Q1 2023, and commence reconnaissance 
exploration work on the newly granted licences. 
In view of the granting of the two additional licence areas the board has 
released provisions totalling £270,000 made against the investment in Cameroon 
at the last year end. 
BWARC expects the Dehane 3 permit (an additional 54 Sq. Km) to be finalised 
shortly to bring the total licences to five.  In addition, BWA has also applied 
for 2 new licences (Songloulou 1 and 2) directly adjacent to the Nkoteng 
licences, which if issued would bring to 2423 Sq. Km the total area for 
exploration in Cameroon. 
The Board continues to show their confidence in the future direction of the 
Company by capitalising one-half of their fees into new Ordinary Shares, 
resulting in 6,050,000 Ordinary Shares being issued during the period at 
between 0.5p and 0.6p per share. 
Richard Battersby, who has been Chairman of BWA for many years, indicated to 
the Board that he wished to retire and as a result, stood down as Chairman on 
29 July 2022 and will retire from the Board within the next couple of months. 
The Board takes this opportunity to thank him for all his efforts on the 
Group's behalf and wishes him well in his retirement. I have been appointed 
Interim Chairman, pending further changes to the Board in due course. 
James Butterfield, Interim Chairman 
The Directors of BWA are responsible for the contents of this announcement. 
The Company's condensed set of financial statements for the six months to 30 
June 2022 are set out below. 
For further information: 
BWA Group PLC                         +44 7770 225253 
James Butterfield                     enquiries@bwagroupplc.com 
Interim Chairman 
Allenby Capital Limited               +44 20 3328 5656 
Corporate Adviser 
Nick Harriss/Freddie Wooding 
                               INCOME STATEMENT 
                             Notes       6 months        6 months      Year ended 
                                            ended           ended     31 December 
                                     30 June 2022    30 June 2021            2021 
                                        Unaudited       Unaudited         Audited 
                                                £               £               £ 
Administrative expenses                 (268,370)       (159,764)       (747,430) 
Administrative expenses - 
release of provision                      270,000               -               - 
                                            1,630       (159,764)       (747,430) 
Other operating income                    200,880         120,000         240,000 
Gain/(loss) on disposal of               (22,069)         243,574          56,760 
Gain/(loss) on revaluation 
of investments                            (2,090)       (144,061)         567,529 
Operating profit/(loss)                   178,351          59,749         116,859 
Interest receivable and                         2               2           5,707 
similar income 
                                          178,353          59,751         122,566 
Interest payable and similar              (3,791)        (21,061)        (42,876) 
Profit/(loss) on ordinary 
before and after taxation 
and retained 
for the period                            174,562          38,690          79,690 
Earnings/(loss) per ordinary 
Basic (pence)                  2             0.04            0.01            0.03 
Diluted (pence)                2             0.02            0.00            0.01 
All amounts relate to continuing activities. 
                           Notes         6 months        6 months      Year ended 
                                            ended           ended     31 December 
                                     30 June 2022    30 June 2021            2021 
                                        Unaudited       Unaudited         Audited 
                                                £               £               £ 
Profit/(loss) for the                     174,562          38,690          79,690 
Other comprehensive income                      -               -               - 
Total comprehensive profit 
for the period                            174,562          38,690          79,690 
                                 BALANCE SHEET 
                            Notes              At              At              At 
                                     30 June 2022    30 June 2021     31 December 
                                        Unaudited       Unaudited         Audited 
                                                £               £               £ 
Fixed Assets 
Investments                             2,381,769       2,147,617       1,980,034 
Current Assets 
Debtors and prepayments                    57,347         269,936          48,402 
Cash at bank and in hand                   61,470         102,017          49,952 
                                          118,817         371,953          98,354 
Creditors: amounts falling 
within one year                         (140,521)       (649,545)       (120,809) 
Net current assets/                      (21,704)       (277,592)        (22,455) 
Total assets less current               2,360,065       1,870,025       1,957,579 
Creditors: amounts falling 
after one year                           (39,485)        (40,599)        (45,021) 
Net assets                              2,320,580       1,829,426       1,912,558 
Capital and reserves 
Called up share capital       3         2,002,489       1,545,564       1,972,239 
Share premium                 4            23,858          19,358          23,858 
Capital redemption reserve    4           288,625         288,625         288,625 
Other reserve                 4       (3,305,823)     (3,444,785)     (3,243,709) 
Equity reserve                4         4,571,193       4,757,026       4,367,983 
Retained earnings             4       (1,259,762)     (1,336,362)     (1,496,438) 
Shareholders' funds                     2,320,580       1,829,426       1,912,558 
                              CASH FLOW STATEMENT 
                            Notes        6 months        6 months       Year ended 
                                            ended           ended 
                                     30 June 2022    30 June 2021      31 December 
                                        Unaudited       Unaudited          Audited 
                                                £               £                £ 
Cash flows from operating               (163,506)       (198,631)        (384,931) 
Cash flows from investing 
Purchase of fixed asset                         -       (321,785)        (321,785) 
Sale of fixed asset                        79,253         761,497        1,018,595 
Loans to subsidiary                      (98,669)       (140,449)        (273,017) 
Interest received                               2               2            5,707 
Net cash from investing                  (19,414)         299,265          429,500 
Cash flows from financing 
Loans repaid                              (5,562)               -         (41,000) 
Loan note proceeds received               200,000               -           45,000 
Net cash from financing                   194,438               -            4,000 
Increase in cash and 
cash equivalents                           11,518         100,634           48,569 
Cash and cash equivalents 
beginning of period                        49,952           1,383            1,383 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of        61,470         102,017           49,952 
                      Notes to the Financial Information 
 1. Status of these accounts 
The interim accounts for the period from 1 January 2022 to 30 June 2022 are 
unaudited. The financial information set out in this statement does not 
constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of the Companies Act 2006. 
 1. Earnings per ordinary share 
Basic and diluted earnings per share figures are based on the following profits 
/ (losses) and numbers of shares: 
                         6 months ended  6 months ended    Year ended 31 
                           30 June 2022    30 June 2021    December 2021 
                              Unaudited       Unaudited          Audited 
Profit/(loss) before           £174,562         £38,690          £79,690 
Weighted average number     398,032,145     307,803,499      310,318,603 
of shares for the 
purpose of basic 
earnings per share 
Effect of dilutive          635,611,330     981,391,600      602,277,997 
Weighted average number   1,033,643,475   1,289,195,099      912,596,600 
of shares for the 
purpose of diluted 
earnings per share 
 1. Share capital 
                           At 30 June 2022 At 30 June 2021  At 31 December 2021 
                                 Unaudited       Unaudited              Audited 
Allotted, called up and 
fully paid ordinary shares 
of 0.5p 
Number of shares               400,497,891     309,112,891          394,447,891 
Nominal value of shares         £2,002,489      £1,545,564           £1,972,239 
4. Reserves 
                           Share redemption       Other Equity    Retained 
                         premium    reserve     reserve reserve   Earnings    Total 
                               £          £           £         £           £         £ 
   At 1 January 2021      15,608    288,625 (3,300,724) 4,742,058 (1,519,113)   226,454 
   Profit for the              -          -           -         -                38,690 
   period                                                              38,690 
   Issue of share          3,750          -           -         -           -     3,750 
   capital                     -          -           -    14,968           -    14,968 
   Loan note interest 
   Reserves transfer           -          -   (144,061)         -     144,061         - 
   At 30 June 2021        19,358    288,625 (3,444,785) 4,757,026 (1,336,362)   283,862 
   Profit for the              -          -           -         -      41,000    41,000 
   Issue of share          4,500          -           -         -           -     4,500 
   Loan note interest          -          -           -    15,132           -    15,132 
   Conversion of loan          -          -           - (404,175)           - (404,175) 
   Reserves transfer           -          -     201,076         -   (201,076)         - 
   At 31 December         23,858    288,625 (3,243,709) 4,367,983 (1,496,438)  (59,681) 
   Profit for the              -          -           -         -     174,562   174,562 
   Issue of share              -          -           -         -           -         - 
   Loan notes issued           -          -           -   200,000           -   200,000 
   Loan note interest          -          -           -     3,210           -     3,210 
   Reserves transfer           -          -    (62,114)         -      62,114         - 
   At 30 June 2022        23,858    288,625 (3,305,823) 4,571,193 (1,259,762)   318,091 
5.     Valuation of Investments 
The whole of the Company's investment in Cameroon, including loans made to BWA 
Resources (UK) Limited and BWA Resources (Cameroon) Limited, is carried in the 
balance sheet at £961,020. The Company's investment in Kings of the North Corp 
('KOTN') is valued at £1,418,000. The valuation of unlisted investments 
requires the Directors to make judgements, estimates and assumptions that are 
believed to be reasonable under the circumstances, but which affect the 
reported fair value of those investments. The recoverability of the investments 
in Cameroon and KOTN is dependent on the future performance of the underlying 
businesses. The Directors have reviewed the current position and, after taking 
into account a number of factors, believe that the valuations at 30 June 2022 
remain appropriate. 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

September 29, 2022 07:32 ET (11:32 GMT)

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