RNS Number : 3936H

Enteq Upstream PLC

15 November 2018

Enteq Upstream plc

Interim results for the six months ended 30 September 2018

AIM traded Enteq Upstream plc ("Enteq", the "Company" or the "Group"), the Oil & Gas drilling technology company, today announces its interim results for the six months ended 30 September 2018.

Key Features

-- Stable commodity prices and activity in USA with international opportunities beginning to materialise.

   --          Revenue showing steady improvement. 
   --          Progressive growth in adjusted EBITDA. 

-- Investment in technology and the rental fleet of MWD systems; cash balance US$ 11.8m (US$ 15.3m in September 2017).

Financial Metrics

   Six months to: 
   30 Sept 2018                                             30 Sept 2017 
    US$m                                                     US$m 
        *    Revenue                                 4.2    2.5 
                                                     0.6    - 
        *    Consolidated adjusted EBITDA(1) 
        *    Loss before tax                         0.4    0.3 
       *    Adjusted loss per share (cents)(2)       0.4    0.6 
        *    Cash                                    11.8   15.3 


   --          Core market of North American land drilling expected to remain near current levels. 
   --          Further international growth prospects. 
   --          Technology partnerships will increase available market. 
   --          Current engineering projects will broaden product offering. 
   --          Current market conditions give stable platform for growth. 

Martin Perry, CEO of Enteq Upstream plc, commented:

"Enteq has returned to progressive growth in adjusted EBITDA and investments are being made from existing cash reserves into both new technology and strategic opportunities. Management believe that the returns from these investments will both broaden the market that can be addressed by Enteq and increase market share. Outside North America management continue to pursue opportunities which could be significant in scale. Providing the oil price remains at a level to sustain investment in the drilling sector, Enteq is confident of continuing growth."

For further information, please contact:

   Enteq Upstream plc                                                   +44 (0) 1494 618739 

Martin Perry, Chief Executive Officer

David Steel, Finance Director

   Investec Bank plc (Nomad and Broker)                   +44 (0) 20 7597 5970 

Chris Treneman, Patrick Robb, David Anderson

(1) Adjusted EBITDA is reported profit before tax adjusted for interest, depreciation, amortisation, foreign exchange movements, performance share plan charges and exceptional items.

(2) Adjusted earnings per share is reported profit per share adjusted for foreign exchange movements, amortisation, performance share plan charges and exceptional items.

Interim Report


Market Update

Enteq Upstream supplies Measurement While Drilling (MWD) equipment to drilling companies in the oil, gas and geothermal industries. The equipment enables the well-bore to be accurately positioned and assists in optimising the efficiency of drilling and production operations.

During the six-month reporting period ending 30 September 2018, the price of West Texas Intermediate Crude oil ("WTI") averaged around US$70 per barrel (closing the period at US$73). The North American rig count remained

broadly constant at around 1,050 rigs.   This led to a more stable market for Enteq products. 

Enteq gained a number of new customers in North America primarily through the growth in the number of rental Measurement While Drilling systems deployed, rising from 14 rental kits at the end of March 2018 to 24 kits at 30 September 2018. This business model both secures long term market share and also ensures that Enteq becomes the standard supplier for all the components required within the total MWD system.

First shipments have been made to customers in both the Far East and Europe for geothermal drilling, opening up potential new markets where the reliability of the Enteq equipment is being recognised. Operations continue in Saudi Arabia, where the initial technical qualification with Aramco has been completed with continuing sales to China, Russia and into the Middle East region.

Key Features

-- Stable commodity prices and activity in USA with international opportunities beginning to materialise.

   --          Revenue showing steady improvement. 
   --          Progressive growth in adjusted EBITDA. 

-- Investment in technology and the rental fleet of MWD systems; cash balance US$ 11.8m (US$ 15.3m in September 2017).


All the core engineering, manufacturing and distribution functions are now operated from the Enteq owned facility in South Houston.

At the end of September 2018, Enteq employed a total of 35 staff, compared with 33 at end of March 2018, but still significantly below the approximately 120 staff in 2014. The reduction since 2014 has been achieved, and maintained, through out-sourcing of the lower margin manufacturing as well as efficiency gains through re-organisation suitable to a business in the current market conditions.

Customer demonstrations have been held and initial trials are under way for the new 'At-Bit' technology which is now commercially released; a result of a collaboration with Houston based firm Well Resolutions Technology.

The 'Geowells' project, with sponsorship from the UK government in collaboration with Chinese research organisations and Imperial College in London, continues to progress according to plan. Engineering resources based in the UK have been added to the team to assist with this and other Enteq engineering.

Patent applications have now been published for a differentiated method of connection and communication in the down-hole environment.


   --          Core market of North American land drilling expected to remain near current levels. 
   --          Further international growth prospects. 
   --          Technology partnerships will increase available market. 
   --          Current engineering projects will broaden product offering. 
   --          Current market conditions give stable platform for growth. 

Overview of results

The first half revenue of US$4.2m represented a rise of 66% over the US$2.5m for the first half of last year and 5% over the second half of last year. This reflects the stability seen in both the price of WTI oil (rising from US$52 per barrel in September 2017 to US$73 at the end of September 2018) and the number of drilling rigs active in North America (a gentler rise from around 950 in September 2017 to around 1,050 in September 2018). This stability has enabled our customers (the drilling services companies) to be more confident for the demand in their services and, hence, order more of our equipment.

The North American market continues to be Enteq's most important geographical market, representing 90% of the first half revenue (September 2017: 97%).

The equipment rental market revenue continues to show good growth, up from US$0.7m in the second half of last year to US$1.6m in this reporting period (US$0.3m in the second half of last year). This reflects the increased investment in the rental fleet, up from a net book value of US$ 2.2m at the end of last year, to US$3.0m as at 30 September 2018 (US$0.8m as at 30 September 2017).

The gross margin of 62% earned in the first half of this year was marginally down on the 65% achieved in the second half of last year and down on the 70% for the six months to 30 September 2017. Both reductions were due to a lower proportion of sales coming from the higher margin electronic component business, countered, to some extent, by a higher proportion of rental income.

In the six months to 30 September 2018 the reported administrative expenses before amortisation, less depreciation and long-term incentive scheme charges were US$ 2.0m. This is a US$ 0.4m decrease over the second half of last year. This decrease is primarily due to bringing the electronic component manufacturing to the Enteq owned Houston site and closing the leased facility in California from mid-March 2018. In addition, there was the timing impact of receiving the UK government grant relating to the geothermal drilling equipment project. The overhead increase compared to the first half of the year ended 31 March 2018 (US$ 1.7m) is primarily due to the additional headcount (plus associated costs) required to service the increasing revenue during the year to 30 September 2018.

The adjusted EBITDA profit in the period of US$0.6m shows a progression from the September 2017 breakeven and the US$0.2m profit in the second half of the year ended 31 March 2018. A reconciliation between the reported loss and the adjusted EBITDA is shown in note 5 to the Financial Statements.

Cash balance and cashflow

As at 30 September 2018 the Group had a cash balance of US$11.8m, down US$3.7m over the figure as at 31 March 2018. The half year cash movement can be analysed as follows:

 Adjusted EBITDA                                0.6 
 Increase in trade & other receivables        (0.9) 
 Increase in inventory*                       (0.7) 
 Other changes in operational working 
  capital                                     (0.2) 
 Operational cashflow                         (1.2) 
 Increase in the rental fleet                 (1.9) 
 R&D expenditure                              (0.5) 
 Capex                                        (0.2) 
 Interest received                              0.1 
---------------------------------------  ---------- 
 Net cash movement                            (3.7) 
 Cash balances as at 1 April 2018              15.5 
---------------------------------------  ---------- 
 Cash balances as at 30 September 2018         11.8 
=======================================  ========== 

* The increase in inventory includes US$0.4m of equipment relating to a collaborative development of a seamless "At-Bit" solution which is now commercially available.


Enteq has returned to progressive growth in adjusted EBITDA and investments are being made from existing cash reserves into both new technology and strategic opportunities. Management believe that the returns from these investments will both broaden the market that can be addressed by Enteq and increase market share. Outside North America management continue to pursue opportunities which could be significant in scale. Providing the oil price remains at a level to sustain investment in the drilling sector, Enteq is confident of continuing growth.

   Martin Perry                                                   Iain Paterson 
   Chief Executive                                              Chairman 

Enteq Upstream plc

15 November 2018

   Enteq Upstream plc 
 Condensed Consolidated Income Statement 
                                                    Six months   Six months     Year to 
                                                         to 30        to 30    31 March 
                                                     September    September        2018 
                                                          2018         2017 
                                                     Unaudited    Unaudited     Audited 
                                            Notes    US$ 000's    US$ 000's   US$ 000's 
 Revenue                                                 4,152        2,506       6,460 
 Cost of Sales                                         (1,581)        (754)     (2,141) 
 Gross Profit                                            2,571        1,752       4,319 
  Administrative expenses before 
   amortisation                                        (2,943)      (2,161)     (4,994) 
  Amortisation of acquired intangibles       9b           (60)         (46)        (92) 
  Other exceptional items                                  (2)           23        (57) 
  Foreign exchange (loss)/gain 
   on operating activities                                (28)           40          48 
                                                   -----------  -----------  ---------- 
 Total Administrative expenses                         (3,033)      (2,144)     (5,095) 
 Operating loss                                          (462)        (392)       (776) 
 Finance income                                            111           77         175 
 Loss before tax                                         (315)        (315)       (601) 
 Tax expense                                  8              -          (3)         (3) 
 Loss for the period                          5          (351)        (318)       (604) 
=========================================  ======  ===========  ===========  ========== 
 Loss attributable to: 
 Owners of the parent                                    (351)        (318)       (604) 
=========================================  ======  ===========  ===========  ========== 
 Earnings/loss per share (in 
  US cents):                                  7 
 Basic                                                   (0.6)        (0.5)       (1.0) 
 Diluted                                                 (0.6)        (0.5)       (1.0) 
 Adjusted earnings per share 
  (in US cents):                              7 
 Basic                                                   (0.4)        (0.6)       (0.8) 
 Diluted                                                 (0.4)        (0.6)       (0.8) 
 Condensed Consolidated Statement 
  of Comprehensive Income 
                                                Six months         Six months           to 31 
                                           to 30 September    to 30 September           March 
                                                      2018               2017            2018 
                                                 Unaudited          Unaudited         Audited 
                                                 US$ 000's          US$ 000's       US$ 000's 
 Loss for the period                                 (351)              (318)           (604) 
 Other comprehensive income 
  for the period: 
 Items that will not be reclassified 
  subsequently to profit or loss                         -                  -               - 
 Items that will be reclassified 
  subsequently to profit or loss                         -                  -               - 
 Total comprehensive income 
  for the period                                     (351)              (318)           (604) 
---------------------------------------  -----------------  -----------------  -------------- 
 Total comprehensive income 
  attributable to: 
---------------------------------------  -----------------  -----------------  -------------- 
 Owners of the parent                                (351)              (318)           (604) 
---------------------------------------  -----------------  -----------------  -------------- 
   Enteq Upstream plc 
 Condensed Statement of Financial 
                                              30 September       30 September 
                                                      2018               2017   31 March 2018 
                                                 Unaudited          Unaudited         Audited 
                                  Notes          US$ 000's          US$ 000's       US$ 000's 
 Goodwill                          9a                    -                  -               - 
 Intangible assets                 9b                1,657                890           1,222 
 Property, plant and 
  equipment                                          2,506              2,275           2,384 
 Rental fleet                                        2,963                777           2,119 
 Trade and other receivables                           168                  -             238 
-------------------------------  ------  -----------------  -----------------  -------------- 
 Non-current assets                                  7,294              3,942           5,963 
-------------------------------  ------  -----------------  -----------------  -------------- 
 Trade and other receivables                         3,043              2,714           2,104 
 Inventories                                         3,989              3,358           3,302 
 Cash and cash equivalents                          11,848             15,330          15,501 
-------------------------------  ------  -----------------  -----------------  -------------- 
 Current assets                                     18,880             21,402          20,907 
-------------------------------  ------  -----------------  -----------------  -------------- 
 Total assets                                       26,174             25,344          26,870 
-------------------------------  ------  -----------------  -----------------  -------------- 
 Equity and liabilities 
 Share capital                     10                1,003                978             982 
 Share premium                                      99,334             90,953          91,031 
 Share based payment 
  reserve                                              700                943             910 
 Retained earnings                                (69,702)           (69,065)        (69,351) 
-------------------------------  ------                                        -------------- 
 Total equity                                       23,335             23,809          23,572 
-------------------------------  ------  -----------------  -----------------  -------------- 
 Trade and other payables                            2,839              1,535           3,298 
-------------------------------  ------  -----------------  -----------------  -------------- 
 Total equity and 
  liabilities                                       26,174             25,344          26,870 
-------------------------------  ------  -----------------  -----------------  -------------- 
   Enteq Upstream plc 
 Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes 
  in Equity 
  Six months to 30 September 2018 
                                        up      Profit                   based 
                                     share    and loss       Share     payment       Total 
                                   capital     account     premium     reserve      equity 
                                 US$ 000's   US$ 000's   US$ 000's   US$ 000's   US$ 000's 
 Issue of share capital                 21           -         303           -         323 
 Share based payment 
  charge                                 -           -           -       (206)       (206) 
                                                                    ----------  ---------- 
 Transactions with owners               21           -         303       (206)         117 
------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Loss for the period                     -       (351)           -           -       (351) 
 Total comprehensive 
  income                                 -       (351)           -           -       (351) 
------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Movement in period:                    21       (351)         303       (206)       (234) 
 As at 1 April 2018 (audited)          983    (69,352)      91,031         910      23,571 
 As at 30 September 2018 
  (unaudited)                        1,003    (69,703)      91,334         703      23,338 
------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
   Six months to 30 September 2017 
                                        up      Profit                   based 
                                     share    and loss       Share     payment       Total 
                                   capital     account     premium     reserve      equity 
                                 US$ 000's   US$ 000's   US$ 000's   US$ 000's   US$ 000's 
 Issue of share capital                 15           -         235           -         250 
 Share based payment 
  charge                                 -           -           -         137         137 
                                                                    ----------  ---------- 
 Transactions with owners               15           -         235         137         387 
------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Loss for the period                     -       (318)           -           -       (318) 
 Total comprehensive 
  income                                 -       (318)           -           -       (318) 
------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Movement in period:                    15       (318)         235         137          69 
 As at 1 April 2018 (audited)          963    (68,747)      90,718         806      23,740 
 As at 30 September 2018 
  (unaudited)                          978    (69,065)      90,953         943      23,809 
------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
   Enteq Upstream plc 
 Condensed Consolidated Statement 
  of Cash flows 
                                                Six months      Six months        Year 
                                                        to              to          to 
                                              30 September    30 September    31 March 
                                                      2018            2017        2018 
                                                 Unaudited       Unaudited     Audited 
                                                 US$ 000's       US$ 000's   US$ 000's 
 Cash flows from operating activities 
 Loss for the period                                 (351)           (318)       (604) 
 Tax charge                                              -               3           3 
 Net finance income                                  (111)            (77)       (175) 
 (Gain)/loss on disposal of fixed 
  assets                                               (9)            (22)        (82) 
 Share-based payment non-cash charges                (206)             137         104 
 Impact of foreign exchange movement                    28            (40)        (48) 
 Depreciation and Amortisation charges               1,200             324         853 
                                                       551               7          51 
 Interest received                                     111              81         175 
 Tax paid                                                -               -         (1) 
 (Increase)/decrease in inventory                    (687)           (470)          64 
 Decrease/(increase) in trade and 
  other receivables                                  (872)           1,211       1,582 
 (Decrease)/increase in trade and 
  other payables                                     (459)           (852)         910 
 Net cash from operating activities                (1,356)            (23)       2,781 
------------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ---------- 
 Investing activities 
 Purchase of tangible fixed assets                   (192)             (2)       (236) 
 Increase in rental fleet assets                   (1,903)                     (2,222) 
 Disposal proceeds of tangible fixed 
  assets                                                 9              22         133 
 Purchase of intangible fixed assets                 (495)           (291)       (670) 
------------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ---------- 
 Net cash from investing activities                (2,591)           (271)     (2,995) 
------------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ---------- 
 Financing activities 
 Share issue                                           323             249         332 
------------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ---------- 
 Net cash from financing activities                    323             249         332 
------------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ---------- 
 Increase/(decrease) in cash and cash 
  equivalents                                      (3,624)            (45)         118 
 Non-cash movements - foreign exchange                (28)              40          48 
 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning 
  of period                                         15,501          15,335      15,335 
 Cash and cash equivalents at end 
  of period                                         11,848          15,330      15,501 
------------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ---------- 



For the six months to 30 September 2018

   1.    Reporting entity 

Enteq Upstream plc ("the Company") is a public limited company incorporated and domiciled in England and Wales (registration number 07590845). The Company's registered address is The Courtyard, High Street, Ascot, Berkshire, SL5 7HP.

The Company's ordinary shares are traded on the AIM market of The London Stock Exchange.

Both the Company and its subsidiaries (together referred to as the "Group") are focused on the provision of specialist products and technologies to the upstream oil and gas services market.

   2.    General information and basis of preparation 

The information for the period ended 30 September 2018 does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. A copy of the statutory accounts for the period ended 31 March 2018 has been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The auditors reported on those accounts: their report was unqualified, did not draw attention to any matters by way of emphasis and did not contain a statement under section 498(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006.

The annual financial statements of the Group are prepared in accordance with IFRS as adopted by the European Union. The condensed set of financial statements included in this half-yearly financial report has been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34 'Interim Financial Reporting', as adopted by the European Union.

The Group's consolidated interim financial statements are presented in US Dollars (US$), which is also the functional currency of the parent company. These condensed consolidated interim financial statements (the interim financial statements) have been approved for issue by the Board of directors on 14 November 2018.

This half-yearly financial report has not been audited, and has not been formally reviewed by auditors under the Auditing Practices Board guidance in ISRE 2410.

   3.    Accounting policies 

The interim financial statements have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies and methods of computation applicable for the period ended 31 March 2018. These accounting policies are consistent with those applied in the preparation of the accounts for the period ended 31 March 2018.

   4.      Estimates 

When preparing the interim financial statements, management undertakes a number of judgements, estimates and assumptions about recognition and measurement of assets, liabilities, income and expenses. The actual results may differ from the judgements, estimates and assumptions made by management, and will seldom equal the estimated results. The judgements, estimates and assumptions applied in the interim financial statements, including the key sources of estimation uncertainty were the same as those applied in the Group's last annual financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2018.

   5.    Adjusted earnings and adjusted EBITDA 

The following analysis illustrates the performance of the Group's activities, and reconciles the Group's loss, as shown in the condensed consolidated interim income statement, to adjusted earnings. Adjusted earnings is presented to provide a better indication of overall financial performance and to reflect how the business is managed and measured on a day-today basis. Adjusted earnings before interest, taxation, depreciation and amortisation ("adjusted EBITDA") is also presented as it is a key performance indicator used by management.

                                              Six months         Six months 
                                         to 30 September    to 30 September      Year to 
                                                    2018               2017     31 March 
                                               US$ 000's          US$ 000's    US$ 000's 
                                               Unaudited          Unaudited      Audited 
 Loss for the period                               (351)              (318)        (604) 
 Other exceptional items                               2               (22)           57 
 Amortisation of acquired intangible 
  assets                                              60                 46           92 
 Foreign exchange movements                           28               (40)         (48) 
                                       -----------------  -----------------  ----------- 
 Adjusted earnings                                  (61)              (334)        (503) 
 Depreciation charge                               1,141                277          760 
 Finance income                                    (111)               (77)        (175) 
 PSP charge                                        (162)                146          138 
 Tax charge                                            -                  3            3 
 Adjusted EBITDA                                     606                 15          223 
                                       =================  =================  =========== 
   6.    Segmental Reporting 

For management purposes, the Group is currently organised into a single business unit, the Drilling Division, which is based, operationally, solely in the USA.

The principal activities of the Drilling Division are the design, manufacture and selling of specialised products and technologies for Directional Drilling and Measurement While Drilling operations used in the energy exploration and services sector of the oil and gas industry.

At present, there is only one operating segment and the information presented to the Board is consistent with the consolidated income statement and the consolidated statement of financial position.

The net assets of the Group by geographic location (post-consolidation adjustments) are as follows:

 Net Assets          30 September   30 September 
                             2018           2017     31 March 
                        US$ 000's      US$ 000's    US$ 000's 
                        Unaudited      Unaudited      Audited 
 Europe (UK)               11,330         14,560       13,673 
 United States             12,205          9,249        9,899 
                    -------------  -------------  ----------- 
 Total Net Assets          23,535         23,809       23,572 
                    =============  =============  =========== 

The net assets in Europe (UK) are represented, primarily, by cash balances denominated in US$.

   7.    Earnings Per Share 

Basic earnings per share

Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the loss attributable to ordinary shareholders for the six months of US$350,900 (September 2017: loss of US$317,600) by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period of 63,705,000 (September 2017: 61,307,000).

Adjusted earnings per share

Adjusted earnings per share is calculated by dividing the adjusted earnings loss for the six months of US$261,200 (September 2017: loss of US$334,200), by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period of 63,705,000 (September 2017: 61,307,000).

The adjusted diluted earnings per share information are considered to provide a fairer representation of the Group's trading performance.

A reconciliation between basic earnings and adjusted earnings is shown in Note 5.

As the Group is loss making, any potential ordinary shares have the effect of being anti-dilutive. Therefore, the diluted EPS is the same as the basic EPS. As the share price, as at 30 September 2018, was below the weighted average option price of all the options issued, the adjusted diluted EPS the same as adjusted EPS.

   8.    Income Tax 

No tax liability arose on ordinary activities for the six months under review.

   9.    Intangible Fixed Assets 
   a)     Goodwill 
                                US$ 000's 
 As at 30 September 2018 and 
  1 April 2018                     19,619 
 As at 30 September 2018 and 
  1 April 2018                   (19,619) 
 Net Book Value: 
 As at 30 September 2018 and            - 
  1 April 2018 
   9.            Intangible Fixed Assets (cont.) 
   b)    Other Intangible Fixed Assets 
                         Developed   IPR&D technology    Brand         Customer   Non- compete 
                        technology                       names    relationships     agreements       Total 
                         US$ 000's          US$ 000's      US$        US$ 000's      US$ 000's   US$ 000's 
 As at 1 April 
  2018                      12,676              8,164    1,240           20,586          5,931      48,597 
 Capitalised in 
  period                         -                495        -                -              -         495 
 As at 30 September 
  2018                      12,676              8,659    1,240           20,586          5,931      49,092 
                      ------------  -----------------  -------  ---------------  -------------  ---------- 
 As at 1 April 
  2018                      12,510              7,108    1,240           20,586          5,931      47,375 
 Charge for the 
  period                        60                  -        -                -              -          60 
 As at 30 September 
  2018                      12,570              7,108    1,240           20,586          5,931      47,435 
                      ------------  -----------------  -------  ---------------  -------------  ---------- 
 Net Book Value: 
                      ------------  -----------------  -------  ---------------  -------------  ---------- 
 As at 1 April 
  2018                         166              1,056        -                -              -       1,222 
                      ============  =================  =======  ===============  =============  ========== 
 As at 30 September 
  2018                         106              1,551        -                -              -       1,657 
                      ============  =================  =======  ===============  =============  ========== 

The main categories of Intangible Fixed Assets are as follows:

Developed technology:

This is technology which is currently commercialised and embedded within the current product offering.

IPR&D technology:

This is technology which is in the final stages of field testing, has demonstrable commercial value and is expected to be launched within the next 12 months.

Brand names:

The value associated with the XXT trading name used within the Group.

Customer relationships:

The value associated with the on-going trading relationships with the key customers acquired.

Non-compete agreements:

The value associated with the agreements signed by the Vendors of the acquired businesses not to compete in the markets of the businesses acquired.

10. Share capital

Share capital as at 30 September 2018 amounted to US$1,003,000 (31 March 2018: US$982,000 and 30 September 2017: US$978,000).

11. Going concern

The Directors have carried out a review of the Group's financial position and cash flow forecasts for the next 12 months by way of a review of whether the Group satisfies the going concern tests. These have been based on a comprehensive review of revenue, expenditure and cash flows, taking into account specific business risks and the current economic environment. With regards to the Group's financial position, it had cash and cash equivalents at 30 September 2018 of US$11.8 million.

Having taken the above into consideration the Directors have reached a conclusion that the Group is well placed to manage its business risks in the current economic environment. Accordingly, they continue to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the Interim Condensed Financial Statements.

12. Principal risks and uncertainties

Further detail concerning the principal risks affecting the business activities of the Group is detailed on pages 11 and 12 of the Annual Report and Accounts for the period ended 31 March 2018. Consideration has been given to whether there have been any changes to the risks and uncertainties previously reported. None have been identified.

13. Events after the balance sheet date

There have been no material events subsequent to the end of the interim reporting period ended 30 September 2018.

14. Copies of the interim results

Copies of the interim results can be obtained from the Group's registered office at The Courtyard, High Street, Ascot, Berkshire, SL5 7HP and are available from the Group's website at www.enteq.com.

This information is provided by RNS, the news service of the London Stock Exchange. RNS is approved by the Financial Conduct Authority to act as a Primary Information Provider in the United Kingdom. Terms and conditions relating to the use and distribution of this information may apply. For further information, please contact rns@lseg.com or visit www.rns.com.



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

November 15, 2018 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

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