Unaudited Interim Results 
01-Aug-2023 / 07:00 GMT/BST 
1 August 2023 
OTAQ plc 
("OTAQ", the "Company" or the "Group") 
Unaudited Interim Results 
OTAQ, the innovative technology company targeting the aquaculture, geotracking and offshore markets, is pleased to 
announce unaudited interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2023. 
Financial Highlights: 
                   H1 2023 H2 2022     H1 2022 
Group                      (restated)* (restated)* 
                   GBP'000   GBP'000       GBP'000 
Revenue            1,801   1,345       2,708 
Gross profit       883     611         1,191 
Adjusted EBITDA**  (347)   (473)       454 

*Figures restated to reflect the change of year end from 31 March to 31 December

**Adjusted EBITDA means earnings before income, tax, depreciation, exceptional costs, impairment, share option charges and amortisation


-- Record rental income achieved by Offshore division's core OceanSense product

-- Two new six figure orders received for shrimp sonar devices from Minnowtech LLC for delivery in H2 FY23

-- Live Plankton Analysis beta live systems now deployed at customer sites in Scotland and Ireland

-- Initial customer contracts signed for Water Quality Monitoring product in Chile following contractssigned in Scotland in 2022

-- Sealfence sales made to Scandinavian countries; regulatory trials ongoing in other territories

Post-Period Highlights:

-- Current order profile to support in excess of GBP4m of Revenue for FY23

-- Significant further orders for shrimp sonar devices which, if achieved in this financial year, willsubstantially enhance revenue expectations

-- Further Sealfence sales expected in H2

-- Offshore division continuing to benefit from further strengthening market demand

Commenting on the results and prospects, Phil Newby, Chief Executive at OTAQ, said:

"The Board is satisfied with these results which are in line with our budget for the year. The Group is now delivering on the strategic goals set for OTAQ to realise its full potential, significantly increase shareholder value and return the Group to profitability.

"I am confident of achieving at least GBP4m Revenue in the current year and we have the potential to substantially exceed this based around the order enquiries we are currently receiving. Shareholders will be updated accordingly with developments."


OTAQ plc                                                +44 (0)1524 748028 
Adam Reynolds, Chairman 
Phil Newby, Chief Executive Officer 
Justine Dowds, Interim Chief Financial Officer 
Dowgate Capital Limited - AQSE Corporate Advisor & Broker +44 (0)20 3903 7715 
David Poutney / James Serjeant 
Russell Cook / Nicholas Chambers 
Walbrook PR                                               +44 (0) 20 7933 8780 
Tom Cooper / Nick Rome / Joe Walker                       OTAQ@walbrookpr.com 
                                                          +44 (0) 797 122 1972 

About OTAQ

OTAQ is a highly innovative technology company targeting the aquaculture, geotracking and offshore markets. It already has a number of established products in its portfolio and is focused on further developing its presence, customer base and cross selling opportunities within core markets both organically and via acquisition.

OTAQ's aquaculture products, which include a sonar device (developed for Minnowtech LLC) to scan shrimp in ponds and water quality monitoring, are focused on maximising welfare and production yields. Additionally, the Company is at the advanced development stage of a potentially game changing live plankton analysis system (LPAS). It also continues to target opportunities in the acoustic deterrent devices market via its Sealfence product, which is used by salmon farmers in multiple large global territories.

The Company is also developing high accuracy location trackers for specialist applications. Having already added clients within safety and multiple participant sport/racing applications, the Company is investigating wider market potential - including opportunities in the seafood industry.

OTAQ's offshore product range includes OceanSense subsea leak detection, Eagle IP camera systems, Lander seabed survey devices and subsea electrical connectors and penetrators. It is targeting a number of growth opportunities in new territories and has a strong client base including Expro, Amphenol and National Oilwell Varco. The Company is also focused on the development of new products through this division, with the aim of increased cross-deployment of skills and technologies into the aquaculture arena.


The Group presents its unaudited interim results for the six-month period ended 30 June 2023.


As anticipated, revenue has improved from H2 2022 of GBP1.3m to GBP1.8m (H1 2022: GBP2.7m) with the Offshore division achieving GBP1.4m (H2 2022: GBP0.9m, H1 2022: GBP1.4m) and the Aquaculture division achieving GBP0.3m (H2 2022: GBP0.4m, H1 2022: GBP1.0m). The Company has reported an Adjusted EBITDA* loss of GBP347k (2022: profit GBP454k)


The Offshore division, as expected, has continued to build on the strong performance reported in 2022. The opportunities identified in new international markets through investment in sales resource are now coming to fruition with the OceanSense subsea leak detection system achieving record rental levels in H1 2023. The launch of a deep water OceanSense 4 model has been particularly well received as well as further sales of the Group's advanced IP subsea camera systems. We are confident that the strong performance of the Offshore division will continue into H2 2023.


Having launched a number of exciting new products for the aquaculture sector in the last 12 months, the challenge is to now build on the early interest shown at launch across the industry. From Minnowtech LLC, a company we continue to hold a 15% investment in, we have received significant orders for the shrimp sonar devices. Two six-figure orders are scheduled for delivery in H2 2023 with the prospect of further orders from Minnowtech in the remainder of 2023.

As announced in April, the Group has secured its first trial partners for the Live Plankton Analysis System (LPAS). The LPAS product automatically identifies phytoplankton around marine aquaculture sites that could potentially result in harmful algae blooms adversely impacting on fish health and reducing yields. Through the system's AI technology, the local analysis software program generates on-site alerts for staff, alerting the presence of specific algae species that are of concern in a particular area, enabling farmers to respond to any threat far quicker than the current manual process. The first beta systems have been deployed in Ireland and in Scotland.

The Group's Water Quality Monitoring System, currently for salmon farmers, provides continuous monitoring and recording of crucial environmental parameters across the entire growing cycle, supplying invaluable visibility and insight to support the maintenance and safeguarding of fish welfare. Contracts or orders have been fulfilled to supply the systems to salmon farms in Chile and in Scotland.

As reported previously, revenue from the Group's historically core product, Sealfence, has reduced significantly since 2022. However, we are pleased to report that a modest level of Sealfence sales to customers in Scandinavia was achieved in H1 2023, with regulatory trials ongoing in other territories.


Trials with OTAQ's partners serving the rail sector, which commenced in 2022, are continuing as planned with a number of successful field trials now completed. This is a highly regulated sector and, accordingly, progress can be slow. However, the Group is hopeful that the first significant orders will be received in H2 2023.

Financial Highlights for the six months ended 30 June 2023

The results for H1 2022 and H2 2022, being the six months to June 2022 and six months to December 2022 respectively, are restated for comparative purposes following the Company's change of accounting reference date from 31 March to 31 December.

                   H1 2023 H2 2022     H1 2022 
Group                      (restated)* (restated)* 
                   GBP'000   GBP'000       GBP'000 
Revenue            1,801   1,345       2,708 
Gross profit       883     611         1,191 
Adjusted EBITDA**  (347)   (473)       454 

*Figures restated to reflect the change of year end from 31 March to 31 December

**Adjusted EBITDA means earnings before income, tax, depreciation, exceptional costs, impairment, share option charges and amortisation

                                               H1 2023 H1 2022 
                                               GBP'000   GBP'000 
Operating loss                                 (709)   (638) 
Amortisation of intangible assets              134     424 
Impairment of assets                           -       311 
Depreciation of right-of-use assets            84      88 
Depreciation on property, plant and equipment  144     269 
Adjusted EBITDA                                (347)   454 

Adjusted EBITDA was a loss of GBP0.35m from a profit of GBP0.45m in 2022. This reduction followed the exit of the Sealfence industry in Scotland and the investment in growing new product lines made in 2023.

Net debt as at 30 June was GBP0.51m (2022: GBP1.23m) with cash balances of GBP0.91m.


I am pleased that the Group is on track to achieve the Board's growth target for 2023 with revenue of at least GBP4.0 million in the current year and a return to EBITDA profitability in the current year within reach if this revenue figure can be improved upon, as anticipated.

The Offshore Division continues to benefit from strengthening market demand and, whilst the timing of new client orders can be difficult to predict, we anticipate significant further orders for shrimp sonar devices, together with further sales of the Sealfence, in the current financial year. We also expect to see further progress and initial sales from railway customers in the Geotracking Division.

Phil Newby

Chief Executive Officer

The Board confirms that to the best of its knowledge the consolidated half year financial statements for the six months to 30 June 2023 have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting amended in accordance with changes in IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements, as adopted by the UK

Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

                                                  Half-year ended 
                                            Notes 30 June 2023 30 June 2022 
                                                  GBP000         GBP000 
Revenue                                     1     1,801        2,708 
Cost of sales                                     (918)                    (1,517) 
Gross profit                                1     883          1,191 
Administrative expenses                           (1,592)      (1,829) 
Operating loss                                    (709)        (638) 
Finance expense                                   (64)         (79) 
Exceptional items                           2     -            (127) 
Loss on ordinary activities before taxation       (773)        (844) 
Taxation                                          14           250 
Loss for the period                               (759)        (594) 
Other comprehensive loss                          -            - 
Total Comprehensive Loss                          (759)        (594) 
Attributable to: 
The Group           (759)) (594) 

As per note 3, Losses Per Share were 0.6p (2022: 1.6p) and Diluted Losses Per Share were 0.6p (2022: 1.6p).

The loss for the period arises from the Group's continuing operations and is attributable to the equity holders of the parent.

There were no other items of comprehensive income for the period (2022: GBPnil) and therefore the loss for the period is also the total comprehensive loss for the period.

The notes form an integral part of these condensed financial statements. Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet

                                 Notes 30 June 2023 30 June 2022 31 December 2022 
                                       GBP000         GBP000         GBP000 
Non-current assets 
Plant and equipment                    710          829          582 
Right-of-use assets                    277          393          364 
Unlisted investments                   511          511          511 
Intangible assets                      3,118        3,153        3,008 
                                       4,616        4,886        4,465 
Current assets 
Inventories                            1,023        1,126        937 
Trade and other receivables            1,081        1,212        689 
Income tax asset                       111          166          275 
Cash and cash equivalents              913          930          2,337 
                                       3,128        3,434        4,238 
Total assets                           7,744        8,320        8,703 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables               614          684          503 
Deferred payment for acquisition       -            236          - 
Leases                                 169          173          172 
Financial liabilities            5     465          441          447 
                                       1,248        1,534        1,122 
Non-current liabilities 
Deferred tax                           -            176          - 
Leases                                 82           201          181 
Financial liabilities            5     817          1,270        1,054 
                                       899          1,647        1,235 
Total liabilities                      2,147        3,181        2,357 
Net assets                             5,597        5,139        6,346 
Capital and reserves 
Share capital                    6     1,280        5,662           1,278 
Share premium                    6     5,842        3,281           5,834 
Deferred shares                  6     5,286        -               5,286 
Share option reserve                   134          150             134 
Merger relief reserve                  9,154        9,154           9,154 
Reverse acquisition reserve            (6,777)      (6,777)         (6,777) 
Other reserve                          400          384             400 
Revenue reserve                        (9,722)      (6,715)         (8,963) 
Total equity                           5,597        5,139           6,346 
 Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity 
                      Issued       Share   Deferred  Share       Merger       Reverse         Other   Revenue   Total 
                      Equity       Premium shares    option      relief       acquisition     Reserve Reserve   Equity 
                      capital                        reserve     reserve      reserve 
                      GBP000         GBP000    GBP000      GBP000        GBP000         GBP000            GBP000    GBP000      GBP000 
At 30 June 2022       5,662        3,281   -         150         9,154        (6,777)         384     (6,715)   5,139 
Loss for the period   -            -       -         -           -            -               -       (2,248)   (2,248) 
Sub-division and      (5,286)      -       5,286     -           -            -               -       -         - 
conversion of shares 
Issues of shares      902          2,553   -         -           -            -               -       -         3,455 
Transfer on expired                                  (16)                                     16      -         - 
At 31 December 2022   1,278        5,834   5,286     134         9,154        (6,777)         400     (8,963)   6,346 
At 1 January 2023     1,278        5,834   5,286     134         9,154        (6,777)         400     (8,963)   6,346 
Loss for the period   -            -       -         -           -            -               -       (759)     (759) 
Issues of shares      2            8       -         -           -            -               -       -         10 
At 30 June 2023       1,280        5,842   5,286     134         9,154        (6,777)         400     (9,722)   5,597 Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows 
                                                        30 June 2023 30 June 2022 
                                                        GBP'000        GBP'000 
Cash flows from operating activities 
Operating loss                                          (709)        (638) 
Adjustments for non-cash/non-operating items: 
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment           143          269 
Impairment of property, plant and equipment             -            311 
Depreciation of right-of-use assets                     84           88 
Amortisation of intangible assets                       134          119 
Impairment of intangible assets                         -            295 
Gain on remeasurement of deferred consideration payable -            40 
Exceptional charges                                     -            (127) 
Share option charge                                     10           30 
                                                        (338)        387 
Changes in working capital: 
Increase / (decrease) in inventories                    (87)         168 
Increase in trade and other receivables                 (391)        (190) 
Increase / (decrease) in trade and other payables       110          (894) 
Cash from operations                                    (706)        (529) 
Taxation                                                177          84 
Net cash from operating activities                      (529)        (445) 
Cash flows from investing activities 
Purchases of tangible fixed assets                      (267)        (10) 
Purchases of intangible assets                          (243)        (285) 
Interest received                                       10           - 
Deferred payment of acquisition                         -            (15) 
Net cash used in investing activities                   (500)        (310) 
Cash flows from financing activities 
Proceeds on issue of shares                             -            1408 
Expenses of share issues                                -            (70) 
Repayment of loans                                      (219)        (189) 
Principal element of lease payments                     (102)        (60) 
Interest paid                                           (74)         (79) 
Net cash from financing activities                      (395)        1,010 
Net (decrease) / increase in cash and cash equivalents  (1,424)      255 
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period        2,337        675 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period              913          930 
                                                        ?????        ????? Notes to the condensed financial statements 1. Segmental information 

The Group operated as three primary segments, being the rental and sales of aquaculture products (Aquaculture), rentals of underwater measurement and leak detection devices in the Offshore market and the development and manufacture of products for geo-tracking industries (Geotrackers). This is the level at which operating results are reviewed by the chief operating decision maker to make decisions about resources, and for which financial information is available. All revenues have been generated from continuing operations and are from external customers.

                                                            Half-year ended 
                                                            30 June 2023 30 June 2022 
                                                            GBP000         GBP000 
Analysis of revenue 
Aquaculture equipment rentals, sales and associated charges 319          993 
Offshore equipment rentals, sales and associated charges    1,444        1,362 
Geotracking                                                 38           353 
                                                            1,801        2,708 
                                                            Half-year ended 
                                                            30 June 2023 30 June 2022 
                                                            GBP000         GBP000 
Analysis of gross profit 
Aquaculture equipment rentals, sales and associated charges 80           386 
Offshore equipment rentals, sales and associated charges    818          681 
Geotracking                                                 (15)         124 
                                                            883          1,191 2. Exceptional items 

Exceptional items in the prior period of GBP0.13m include legal and professional costs associated with the January 2022 issue of new shares and restructuring costs. 3. Losses per share

Basic earnings or losses per share are calculated by dividing the loss or profit after tax attributable to the equity holders of the Group by the weighted average number of shares in issue during the year. Diluted earnings or losses per share are calculated by adjusting the weighted average number of shares outstanding to assume conversion of all potential dilutive shares, namely share options.

The calculation of earnings or losses per share is based on the following losses and number of shares:

                                                            Half-year ended 
                                                            30 June 2023 30 June 2022 
                                                            GBP000         GBP000 
Loss for the period attributable to the owners of the Group (759)        (557) 
Weighted average number of shares: 
     -- Basic                                 127,900,627  37,129,411 
     -- Diluted                               172,278,124  43,012,568 
Basic earnings per share (pence)                            (0.6)        (1.5) 
Diluted earnings per share (pence)                          (0.6)        (1.5) 4. Loan repayment 

During the period, the Group repaid GBP0.22m of loans provided under the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme. 5. Share capital and share premium

The called-up and fully paid share capital of the Company is as follows:

                                                                              30 June 2023 
                                                                                           30 June 2022 
                                                                              GBP000         GBP000 
Allotted, called-up and fully paid: 127,976,373 Ordinary shares of GBP0.01 each 
                                                                              1,280        5,662 
(2022: 37,746,852 of GBP0.15 each) 6. Financial instruments - classification and measurement 

Financial assets

Financial assets measured at fair value include the following:

                                               Half year ended 
                                               30 June 2023 30 June 2022 
                                               GBP'000        GBP'000 
Unlisted equity securities                     297          297 
Investments made in unlisted equity securities 214          214 
                                               511          511 
                                                  ?????      ????? 
 7. Basis of preparation of half-year report 

This condensed consolidated interim financial report for the half-year reporting period ended 30 June 2023 has been prepared in accordance with Accounting Standard IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting. The interim report does not include all the notes of the type normally included in an annual financial report. Accordingly, this report is to be read in conjunction with the annual report for the year ended 31 December 2022 and any public announcements made by OTAQ PLC during the interim reporting period. This interim financial information has not been reviewed nor audited by the auditors. The accounting policies adopted are consistent with those of the previous financial year and corresponding interim reporting period, except for the adoption of new amended standards as set out below.

New and amended standards adopted by the Group

A number of new or amended standards became applicable for the current reporting period. The Group did not have to change its accounting policies or make retrospective adjustments as a result of adopting these standards.

Going concern

The Directors have considered going concern and whilst the Company needs to continue to monitor cash flow carefully, the Directors believe that the group has sufficient cash to meet its obligations.

Significant estimates and judgements

The Group shall assess at each reporting date whether there is any indication that non-current assets may be impaired. The Directors believe that at the half-year reporting period ended 30 June 2023 no indicators of impairment existed. The Directors continue to monitor regulatory and market developments and their impact on the carrying value of the assets.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dissemination of a Regulatory Announcement that contains inside information in accordance with the Market Abuse Regulation (MAR), transmitted by EQS Group. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.


ISIN:          GB00BK6JQ137 
Category Code: IR 
TIDM:          OTAQ 
LEI Code:      213800CZGMYB5XTUXJ52 
Sequence No.:  261350 
EQS News ID:   1692389 
End of Announcement  EQS News Service 

Image link: https://eqs-cockpit.com/cgi-bin/fncls.ssp?fn=show_t_gif&application_id=1692389&application_name=news


(END) Dow Jones Newswires

August 01, 2023 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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