RNS Number:1435U
Heiton Group PLC
13 January 2004

                                HEITON GROUP PLC
                     FOR HALF YEAR ENDED 31st OCTOBER 2003

  * Turnover Euro255.5m, up 4%
  * Pre tax profit (pre exceptional items) of Euro15.0m, up 29%
  * Adjusted EPS of 27.3c per share, an increase of 23%
  * Net cash inflow from operating activities increased to Euro19.6m
  * Interim dividend of 7.0 cent per share, an increase of 13%
  * Net debt reduced to Euro53.5m, a gearing level of 36%

Commenting on the results, Leo Martin, Chief Executive of Heiton Group said, "
This is a strong set of results for the Group, with EPS growth of 23% and
continued strong cash generation.  We are encouraged by the robust performance
achieved across all of our divisions and are pleased to report that the new
organisation structure, announced last July, is performing effectively.

Market conditions in Ireland have been positive with housing and RMI (Repairs,
Maintenance and Improvement) performing particularly well during the period.
Our Heiton Trade and Heiton Retail divisions, which are positioned to tap into
this expanding segment of the construction market, have experienced a period of
strong organic growth.  The economic outlook for Ireland for 2004 remains
optimistic fuelling RMI activity although lower growth levels are expected in
the new housing market in 2004.

We have experienced stronger trading and profitability in the UK.  Considerable
progress has been made with our restructuring programme and we remain confident
that the work carried out this year will provide a platform for an improved
performance going forward.

Following the achievements of all the divisions in the first half, your Board
remains confident of a satisfactory outturn for the full financial year."


13th January 2004

For reference:

Leo Martin                                             Peter Byers
Group Chief Executive                                  Group Finance Director
Heiton Group plc                                       Heiton Group plc
Tel : 01 403 4000                                      Tel : 01 403 4000
Mobile : 087 2563296                                   Mobile : 086 2466755

Issued on behalf of Heiton Group by Drury Communications

  Orla Benson/Billy Murphy
  Drury Communications
  Tel: 01 260 5000  
  Mobile : 087 803 3262/087 231 3085

                           Interim Results Statement

                          Half year to 31 October 2003

Results and Dividends

I am very pleased to report that the first half of the financial year 2003/2004
has been a successful one for your Group.  Against a back-drop of sales growth
of 4.1% over last year, profit before tax and exceptionals has risen by 29.2%
while earnings per share before goodwill and exceptional items has grown by 23%
to 27.3c.  This result has been enhanced by a profit on property transactions
amounting to Euro1.7m during the period.

It has also been a good period for cash generation with net debt reducing to
Euro53.5m from Euro79.5m in October 2002 and Euro63.2m at April 2003.  This strong
performance further enhances the Group's balance sheet and positions us well to
be able to capitalise on future development opportunities.

The Board is proposing an interim dividend of 7.0c, an increase of 12.9% above
the 6.2c paid last year.  This continues your Board's progressive dividend

Operating Review

Trading has been very satisfactory in the six months to 31 October 2003 and the
programmes announced in July and at the AGM in September have proceeded as
planned.  Market growth in Ireland has been quite strong with housing and RMI
(repairs, maintenance and improvements) performing particularly well during that

I am happy to report that the new organisation structure whereby the Group
operates through three divisions - Heiton Trade, Heiton Retail and Heiton UK -
is working well.  The greater cohesion and synergy arising from the new
structures, together with the strength of the management teams and their
programmes, has resulted in an improved performance from each of these

In the UK, the new strategy and restructuring of UK operations were announced in
July and are already producing positive results.  The UK management team is
progressing well towards implementation of the various elements of this
restructuring and we remain optimistic that the work will be completed during
this financial year giving the UK business a strong platform for development and
expansion in the future.  Profitability has been significantly enhanced.

Heiton Trade

Heiton Trade comprises Heiton Buckley, Cork Builders Providers, Heiton Steel,
Sam Hire, Wright Window Systems and Morgans Timber.  This division has had a
successful six months.  Turnover growth of 8.3% was achieved, with positive
contributions being made by all businesses.  Those businesses with a higher
exposure to the housing and RMI segments of the construction market have
performed especially well and, across the division as a whole, operating profit
margins have improved.

During the period, management has focused on extracting greater benefits from
the integration of these businesses.  There will be a greater concentration on
the RMI segment of the market with the product range, merchandising, marketing
and support systems all geared towards increasing our share of this growing
sector of the construction market.  Development of the existing infrastructure
continues with the completion of the new facility in Ballyshannon, Co Donegal
which is due to be opened early in 2004.  Further, plans to consolidate two or
more businesses on a single site (eg Sam Hire with Heiton Buckley) are well
advanced in two locations around the country.  Wright Windows has had a very
successful period of trading and it has a full forward order book.

In summary, this has been a good period of trading for Heiton Trade while the
foundations are being laid for further growth in the future including the
examination of suitable acquisition opportunities.

Heiton Retail

Heiton Retail brings together Atlantic Homecare and the Panelling Centre.  These
businesses have met the strong growth targets which were set for them with
turnover rising by 10.3% and a significant improvement in operating margins.

During the period, the official opening of "In-House at the Panelling Centre"
took place in Santry, Dublin.  This new showroom is one of the largest of its
kind in Ireland and represents an excellent offer to the kitchen trade and
consumer alike.  It offers a doubling of showroom and warehouse space, enhances
considerably the display of kitchen units in the new showrooms and is already
attracting a noticeable increase in activity.

In November, the Atlantic store in Galway relocated to a new 50,000sq ft unit
and this has performed extremely well in its early weeks.  Also in November,
Atlantic announced the planned opening of three new stores which are to be
located in Tullamore, Wexford and Limerick.

These developments, together with the improved organic performance, offer the
Retail division good prospects for the future.

Heiton UK

Trading during the first half has been successful and a significant improvement
on last year.  Profitability has risen significantly over last year's levels
notwithstanding the negative currency translation effect.

The Heiton UK management team is well advanced in tackling their restructuring
programme.  The dry lining business has now been closed resulting in increased
profitability for the business and lower investment levels.  The level of stocks
in the garage doors division has been steadily reduced during the period with a
view to disposal in the second half of the year.  The plan for the Southern
division, based in Surrey, will be to transfer into a new location during the
second half of the year.  Given the improved location, this should help to
improve trading from a significantly reduced asset base.  The site will then be
put on the market for disposal at an optimum time.  In addition, one of the two
sites in the North (Farnworth) is actively being marketed.

UK management remains positive regarding the outlook for their business with an
expectation that the restructuring work being carried out this year will provide
a good platform for a continued improved performance in the future.

Board and Management

As announced at the annual general meeting in September, we are delighted to
have secured the services of Mr. Willie Cotter as a new non-executive director.
Mr Cotter was officially appointed on 18 September 2003.  Until recently, Mr
Cotter was Chief Executive of Bank of Ireland Asset Management, the largest fund
management company in Ireland.


As mentioned earlier, the generation of positive cashflow has been a feature of
the Groups' performance in recent years.  Cashflow from operating activities of
Euro19.6m is above the historically record level achieved last year while net cash
flow before financing of Euro9.6m is Euro7.5m above last years levels.  These have
been delivered following the successful trading results for the period, a
continuation of the higher levels of working capital turnover, the disposal of
certain under-utilised fixed assets including a site in Santry, Dublin, which
yielded a net surplus amounting to Euro1.7m and the concentration of capital
expenditure into revenue enhancing projects.

The result of this work has been a reduction in net debt from Euro63.2m at 30 April
2003 to Euro53.5m at 31 October 2003.


The economic outlook for the second half of the year looks positive in both
Ireland and the UK, although the growth level in the Irish housing market is
unlikely to remain as strong as it has been throughout 2003.  Nevertheless,
following the achievements of all divisions in the first half, your Board
remains confident of a satisfactory outturn for the full financial year.

Richard Keatinge
13 January 2004

                                HEITON GROUP PLC
                         GROUP PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT
                     for the HALF YEAR TO 31 OCTOBER 2003

           Twelve                                                                     Six                    Six
        Months to                                                               Months to              Months to
    30 April 2003                                                         31 October 2003        31 October 2002
          Audited                                                               Unaudited              Unaudited
            Euro'000                                                                   Euro'000                  Euro'000

          479,077     Turnover                                                    255,521                245,450

           27,304     Operating profit before operating exceptional item           17,075                 14,319

         (13,098)     Exceptional goodwill write-off and restructuring                  0                      0

           14,206     Operating profit                                             17,075                 14,319

                -     Exceptional items - property gains                            1,694                      -

           14,206     Profit before interest and taxation                          18,769                 14,319

          (5,083)     Interest payable                                            (2,085)                (2,713)

            9,123     Profit before taxation                                       16,684                 11,606

          (3,214)     Taxation                                                    (2,398)                (1,859)

            5,909     Profit for financial period                                  14,286                  9,747


              (9)     Preference                                                      (4)                    (4)
          (7,076)     Ordinary                                                    (3,472)                (3,045)

          (1,176)     Profit/(loss) retained for the period                        10,810                  6,698

                      Earnings per ordinary share
           43.08c     - Pre-goodwill and pre-exceptional items                     27.30c                 22.19c
           38.33c     - Basic earnings per share pre-exceptional                   25.52c                 19.80c
           11.99c     - Basic earnings per share                                   28.96c                 19.80c
           11.97c     - Diluted earnings per share                                 28.77c                 19.77c

           14.40c     Dividend per ordinary share                                   7.00c                  6.20c

                              GROUP BALANCE SHEET
                             As at 31 OCTOBER 2003

   30 April 2003                                                         31 October 2003        31 October 2002
         Audited                                                               Unaudited              Unaudited
           Euro'000                                                                   Euro'000                  Euro'000
                     Fixed Assets

         128,987     Tangible assets                                             128,224                132,610

          30,641     Intangible assets                                            29,895                 42,095
           2,831     Financial assets                                              2,831                  2,831
         162,459                                                                 160,950                177,536
                     Current assets

          62,650     Stocks                                                       61,382                 64,662
          99,796     Debtors                                                     107,616                105,647
          17,965     Cash at bank and in hand                                     13,347                 15,361

         180,411                                                                 182,345                185,670
                     Creditors - Amounts falling due within one year

        (15,680)     Bank overdraft and other debt                              (25,801)               (13,730)
         (1,213)     Deferred acquisition consideration                          (6,293)                (4,131)
       (116,284)     Other liabilities                                         (120,597)              (114,641)
       (133,177)                                                               (152,691)            (132,502)

          47,234     Net current assets                                           29,654                 53,168

         209,693     Total assets less current liabilities                       190,604                230,704

                     Creditors - Amounts falling due after more than
                     one year

        (65,500)     Bank loans and other debt                                  (41,062)               (81,160)

         (5,757)     Deferred acquisition consideration                                0                (2,929)

        (71,257)                                                                (41,062)               (84,089)

                     Provisions for liabilities and charges

           (868)     Deferred taxation                                             (868)                  (865)

         137,568                                                                 148,674                145,750

         137,568     Shareholders' funds                                         148,674                145,750

                           GROUP CASH FLOW STATEMENT
                    For the HALF YEAR ENDED 31 OCTOBER 2003

          Twelve                                                                      Six                   Six
       Months to                                                                Months to             Months to
   30 April 2003                                                          31 October 2003       31 October 2002
         Audited                                                                Unaudited             Unaudited
           Euro'000                                                                    Euro'000                 Euro'000

          46,088     Net cash inflow from operating activities                     19,624                19,223

                     Returns on investments and servicing of finance
         (4,904)     Interest and preference dividends paid                       (2,027)               (2,632)

         (5,422)     Taxation paid                                                (2,477)               (3,628)

         (5,375)     Capital expenditure less disposal proceeds                     (713)               (2,200)

         (5,082)     Acquisition: Purchase of new undertakings                      (806)               (4,992)

         (6,752)     Equity dividends paid                                        (4,047)               (3,705)

          18,553     Net cash inflow before financing                               9,554                 2,066

                     Issue of new share capital/(Purchase of own
                     shares )
           (685)                                                                      568                 (747)
        (14,268)     (Decrease) in debt                                          (14,725)                 (502)

        (14,953)                                                                 (14,157)               (1,249)

           3,600     (Decrease)/Increase in cash                                  (4,603)                   817

                     Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in
                     net debt

           3,600     (Decrease)/Increase in cash above                            (4,603)                   817
          14,268     Decrease in debt above                                        14,725                   502
            (22)     Finance leases acquired with new undertakings                      0                  (22)
           (207)     Debt acquired with new undertakings                                0                 (207)
           (849)     New finance leases                                             (423)                 (614)

          16,790     Change in net debt                                             9,699                   476

        (80,005)     Net debt at beginning of period                             (63,215)              (80,005)

        (63,215)     Net debt at end of period                                   (53,516)              (79,529)

                          Notes to the Interim Report

                    For the HALF YEAR ENDED 31 OCTOBER 2003

          Twelve                                                                        Six                  Six
       Months to                                                                  Months to            Months to
   30 April 2003                                                            31 October 2003      31 October 2002
         Audited                                                                  Unaudited            Unaudited
           Euro'000                                                                      Euro'000                Euro'000

         314,522      Heiton Trade                                                  173,115              159,779
          85,317      Heiton Retail                                                  46,711               42,347
         399,839      Total Ireland                                                 219,826              202,126
          79,238      Heiton UK                                                      35,695               43,324
         479,077      Total                                                         255,521              245,450

                      Reconciliation of movements in Shareholders' Funds
           5,909      Profit for the financial period after taxation                 14,286                9,747
         (7,085)      Dividends                                                     (3,476)              (3,049)
         (1,176)                                                                     10,810                6,698

           (685)      Issue of new share capital/(purchase of own shares)               568                (747)

                      Currency translation adjustment on foreign currency
           (390)      net investment                                                  (272)                 (20)        
         (2,251)      Net addition to/(reduction in) shareholders' funds             11,106                5,931

         139,819      Shareholders' funds at beginning of period                    137,568              139,819

         137,568      Shareholders' funds at end of period                          148,674              145,750

                      Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash
                      inflow from operating activities

          14,206      Operating profit                                               17,075               14,319
               0      Exceptional property gain                                       1,694                    0
           8,611      Exceptional goodwill write-off                                      0                    0
           1,218      Exceptional write-down of tangible fixed assets                     0                    0
          11,330      Depreciation & amortisation                                     5,215                5,558
           (304)      Profit on disposal of tangible fixed assets                   (2,437)                (527)

          35,061      Cash inflow from trading                                       21,547               19,350

           1,535      Stocks                                                          1,268                (477)
         (1,609)      Debtors                                                       (7,820)              (7,357)
          11,101      Creditors                                                       4,629                7,707

          11,027      Cash (outflow)/inflow from working capital                    (1,923)                (127)

          46,088      Net cash inflow from operating activities                      19,624               19,223

Ordinary Shares
Interim Dividend:             7.0c gross per share, subject to dividend
                              withholding tax, if appropriate
Dividend payment date:        11 March 2004
Ex Dividend date:             21 January 2004
Record date:                  23 January 2004

6% Cumulative Preference Shares
Interim Dividend:             3.81c gross per share, subject to dividend 
                              withholding tax, if appropriate
Dividend payment date:        1 April 2004
Ex Dividend date:             21 January 2004
Record date:                  23 January 2004

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange