Stezzano, 14 May 2012

Compared to Q1 2011: Revenues grew (+12.1% to 349.9 million), thanks to the positive contribution of the main business lines Go o d margin performance: EBITDA +11.5% to 42.9 million; EBIT +21.3% to 23.9 million Net profit grew by 87.3% to 21.1 million Investments for the quarter amounted to 32.4 million Net financial debt at 349.9 million, up by 34.9 million for the completion of the new industrial plants in China, Poland and Czech Republic. First Quarter 2012 results:
( million) Revenues EBITDA
% on revenues

349.9 42.9

2011 312.2

Change 12.1% 11.5% 21.3% 40.4% 87.3%

% on revenues



Pre-tax profit
% on revenues



Net profit
% on revenues




31.12.11 315.0 34.9

Net financial debt


Alberto Bombassei: "W e are continuing on a path of growth, which we intend to support by investing in innovation, quality, research and development and production capcity, as well as expansion of our presence to new markets. These are the essential ingredients of the strategy adopted by the Brembo Group, which invested over 32 million in the first quarter of 2012, of which about one third in Italy, and is set to invest over 100 million in 2 0 1 2 ."

Results for the First Quarter of 2012 The Board of Directors of Brembo chaired by Alberto Bombassei met today, examined and approved the Brembo Group's quarterly results as of 31 March 2012. Net consolidated revenues amounted to 349.9 million, up by 12.1% compared to the first quarter of the previous year. On a like-for-like consolidation basis (i.e., excluding the effect of Brembo Argentina, formerly Perdriel, acquired effective August 2011), revenues would have increased by 10.8%.


The main sectors where Brembo Group operates gave a positive contribution to the consolidated revenue growth in the reporting quarter. In detail, racing applications grew by 14.1%, car applications by 13.3%, commercial vehicles by 10.5%, and motorbikes by 9.9%. The passive safety segment dropped by 6.0%, however major investments were made for the newly acquired orders, including in the US, which will become effective during 2012. At geographical level, almost all the countries where the Group operates reported growth. In Europe, Germany, the Group's key reference market (accounting for 22.7% of total sales), continued to grow, rising 18.8% compared to the first quarter of 2011. Sales grew sharply also in the UK (+36.1%) and France (+29.4%). Sales in Italy were essentially stable, with a slight increase (+0.6%). North America, the second market of reference for the Group, grew by 23.6% compared to the same quarter of previous year. Brazil, which in the first quarter of 2011 had performed particularly well, declined by 7.7% due to the contraction of domestic demand. A good performance was reported in the Indian market, which grew by 10.7%, and the Japanese market, which rose 7.1%. The sales decrease in China (-20.7%) was mainly due to the sale of inventories of products - which are not included in Brembo's portfolio - extant at the date of acquisition of the foundry. On a like-for-like product portfolio, sales would have increased by 5%. In Q1 2012, the cost of sales and other operating costs amounted to 236.5 million, representing 67.6% of revenues, essentially in line with the figure of 67.8% for the previous year. Personnel costs amounted to 70.5 million or 20.2% of revenues, slightly increasing from the previous year's figure of 19.9%. W orkforce at 31 March 2012 numbered 6,933, increasing by 832 compared to Q1 2011 and by 198 compared to 31 December 2011. EBITDA amounted to 42.9 million (12.3% of revenues), up by 11.5% compared to Q1 2011. EBIT amounted to 23.9 million (6.8% of revenues), up by 21.3% compared to Q1 2011. Net interest income for the quarter amounted to 0.5 million (2.6 million net interest expense in Q1 2011). This item was positive as the 3.3 million (2.6 million in the first quarter of 2011) of interest expense accrued in the quarter was more than offset by exchange gains of 3.8 million (almost no exchange gains were recorded in the first quarter last year). It should be noted that the exchange gains are mere accounting items generated by the translation into Euro of funding denominated in foreign currencies. Pre-tax profit was 23.8 million (6.8% of sales), compared with 16.9 million for Q1 2011. Based on the tax rates applicable under current tax regulations, estimated taxes amounted to 3.0 million (5.5 million in Q1 2011), with a tax rate of 12.5% compared to 32.7% of Q1 2011. The sharp fall in the tax rate can be attributed to the positive effect of deferred tax assets recorded during the year and the tax benefits obtained by the special Polish region where the new brake disc foundry is located.


The reporting quarter ended with a net profit of 21.1 million, up 87.3% compared to 11.2 million for Q1 2011. Net financial debt at 31 March 2012 was 349.9 million, compared to 315.0 million as of 31 December 2011, increasing mainly as a result of investments for the period (32.4 million). Outlook The orders backlog projections confirm a revenue growth trend for the rest of the year in all the segments in which the Group operates, although a certain degree of caution is in order, in light of the uncertain world economic scenario. The completion of the new production facilities will contribute to increasing margins as of the second half of the year. Significant Events After 31 March 2012 On 25 April the new production hub in Nanjing was officially inaugurated, with Chairman Alberto Bombassei and major representatives from Italian and Chinese authorities in attendance. After more than ten years of presence on the Chinese market, Brembo has concentrated all of the Group's production into a single area of 95,000 square metres outside the city of Nanjing. Within the new facility, the Group has integrated all phases of production in the value chain, from the arrival of raw materials to the shipping of finished products, for a planned total investment of 70 million. The facilities will employ a staff of 850 (approxi mately 1,000 when fully operational) and their 41 production lines and foundry will yield an output of approximately six million discs a year.

The manager in charge of the Company's financial reports, Matteo Tiraboschi, declares, pursuant to paragraph 2 of Article 154-bis of Italy's Consolidated Law on Finance, that the accounting information contained in this press release corresponds to the documented results, books and accounting records. Annexed hereto are the unaudited Income Statement and Balance Sheet.

Com pany contacts:
Invest or R elat ions Matteo Tir aboschi Tel. +39 035 605 2899 e-mail: ir@br embo.c om Communications M anager Thanai Ber nar dini Tel. +39 035 605 2277 - Mobile. +39 335 7245418 e-mail: pr ess@br M edia Relation Consult ant : COMMUNIT Y ­ C onsulenza nella c omunic azione Tel. +39 02 89404231 Pasquo C icchini - C ell. 345 1462429


(euro million)
Sa les of goods a nd s er v ice s Ot her rev enues and income C osts f or capitalised internal works Raw mat erials, consumables and goods Ot her operating cost s Personnel ex penses GROSS OPERA TING INCOME 31.03.2012 349.9 2. 2 3. 2 (177. 3) (64. 5) (70. 5) 42.9 31.03.2011 312.2 2. 4 2. 8 (158. 7) (58. 0) (62. 1) 38.5 Cha nge 37.7 (0. 3) 0. 4 (18. 6) (6. 4) (8. 4) 4.4 % 12.1% -10. 5% 14. 4% 11. 7% 11. 1% 13. 5% 11.5%

% of s a le s of goods a nd s e r v ices
Depreciation, amortisation and impairment losses NET OPERA TING INCOME

(19. 0) 23.9

(18. 8) 19.7 (0. 2) 4.2 1. 1% 21.3%

% of s a le s of goods a nd s e r v ices
Net interest income (expense) Interest income (ex pense) f rom investments RESULT BEFORE TA XES

0. 5 (0. 6) 23.8

(2. 6) (0. 2) 16.9 3. 1 (0. 4) 6.8 -118. 9% 205. 5% 40.4%

% of s a le s of goods a nd s e r v ices

(3. 0) 20.8

(5. 5) 11.4 2. 6 9.4 -46. 4% 82.5%

% of s a le s of goods a nd s e r v ices
Minority int erests NET RESULT FOR THE PERIOD

0. 2 21.1

(0. 2) 11.2 0. 4 9.8 -232. 8% 87.3%

% of s a le s of goods a nd s e r v ices




A B C 31.03.2012 31.12.2011 31.03.2011 A -B Cha nge A -C Cha nge

(euro million) A SSETS
NON-CURRENT A SSET S Prope rt y , plant , e quipment a nd ot her equipment Dev e lo pment cost s Goodwill and ot her indef inite useful lif e asset s Ot her inta ngible a sse ts Share holdings v alued using t he e quity met hod Ot her fina ncial assets (including inv estme nt s in other co mpanie s and deriv ativ e s) Receiv able s and other non-current asset s Def erred t ax assets T OTA L NON-CURRENT A SSET S CURRENT A SSET S Inv entories Trade re ce iv ables Ot her re ce iv ables a nd curre nt assets C urrent f inancial asset s and deriv at iv es C ash a nd cash equiv a le nts T OTA L CURRENT A SSETS T OTA L A SSET S EQUIT Y A ND LIA BILIT IES GROUP EQUIT Y Share capit al Ot her re se rv es Ret ained e arnings/(losses) Net result f or t he perio d T OTA L GROUP EQUITY T OTA L MINORIT Y INT ERESTS T OTA L EQUIT Y NON-CURRENT LIA BILIT IES Non-current pa y ables t o banks Ot her non-curre nt f inancial pay able s and deriv ativ e s Ot her non-curre nt liabilities Prov isions Prov isions f or employ ee be nef its Def erred t ax liabilities T OTA L NON -CURRENT LIA BILIT IES CURRENT LIA BILIT IES C urrent pa y able s to banks Ot her current f inancial pay ables a nd de riv a tiv es Trade pay ables Ta x pa y ables Ot her current pa y ables T OTA L CURRENT LIA BILIT IES T OTA L LIA BILITIES T OTA L EQUIT Y A ND LIA BILIT IES

429. 5 42. 4 41. 9 17. 8 20. 2 0. 2 3. 5 26. 9 582.5 238. 7 237. 3 38. 8 9. 7 123. 3 647.7 1,230.2

406. 6 41. 4 42. 3 19. 1 20. 8 0. 2 2. 8 23. 5 556.6 225. 0 208. 3 37. 2 9. 8 95. 7 576.1 1,132.7

330. 1 39. 2 42. 5 18. 5 22. 3 0. 1 0. 5 21. 4 474.7 189. 1 230. 4 31. 8 0. 1 96. 5 547.9 1,022.6

22. 9 1. 0 (0. 3) (1. 3) (0. 6) 0. 0 0. 7 3. 5 25.9 13. 6 29. 0 1. 6 (0. 1) 27. 6 71.7 97.5

99. 3 3. 2 (0. 5) (0. 6) (2. 1) 0. 0 3. 0 5. 5 107.8 49. 6 6. 8 7. 0 9. 6 26. 8 99.8 207.6

34. 7 110. 0 187. 0 21. 1 352.8 10.3 363.1 249. 4 23. 0 7. 4 5. 3 19. 6 7. 5 312.2 201. 4 9. 1 268. 0 8. 5 68. 0 554.9 867.1 1,230.2

34. 7 101. 8 144. 1 42. 9 323.6 10.3 333.9 230. 8 23. 8 6. 6 5. 6 19. 6 8. 6 295.0 158. 8 7. 1 266. 6 5. 7 65. 7 503.8 798.8 1,132.7

34. 7 106. 0 169. 9 11. 2 321.9 7.8 329.7 222. 2 22. 6 3. 0 4. 9 19. 8 11. 2 283.6 109. 0 6. 4 236. 8 5. 8 51. 3 409.3 692.9 1,022.6

0. 0 8. 2 42. 9 (21. 9) 29.2 0.0 29.2 18. 6 (0. 8) 0. 8 (0. 3) 0. 0 (1. 1) 17.2 42. 6 2. 0 1. 4 2. 8 2. 3 51.1 68.3 97.5

0. 0 3. 9 17. 1 9. 8 30.9 2.5 33.4 27. 2 0. 4 4. 4 0. 4 (0. 2) (3. 6) 28.6 92. 4 2. 7 31. 2 2. 6 16. 7 145.6 174.2 207.6



(euro million)
GEOGRA PHICA L A REA Italy Germany F rance Unit ed Kingdom Ot her EU count ries India C hina J apan Ot her A sia C ount ries Brazil North A merica (US, C anada & Mex ico) Ot her C ount ries Tot a l


% 31.03.2011


Cha nge


57. 4 79. 5 20. 1 27. 2 43. 8 9. 7 11. 1 5. 8 2. 8 16. 6 70. 6 5. 3 349.9 31.03.2012

16. 4% 22. 7% 5. 7% 7. 8% 12. 5% 2. 8% 3. 2% 1. 7% 0. 8% 4. 7% 20. 2% 1. 5% 100.0%

57. 1 66. 9 15. 5 20. 0 46. 5 8. 7 14. 0 5. 5 1. 6 17. 9 57. 1 1. 3 312.1

18. 3% 21. 4% 5. 0% 6. 4% 14. 9% 2. 8% 4. 5% 1. 7% 0. 5% 5. 7% 18. 3% 0. 4% 100.0% %

0. 3 12. 6 4. 6 7. 2 (2. 8) 0. 9 (2. 9) 0. 4 1. 1 (1. 4) 13. 5 37.9 Cha nge

0. 6% 18. 8% 29. 4% 36. 1% -6. 0% 10. 7% -20. 7% 7. 1% 68. 4% -7. 7% 23. 6% 12.1% %

4. 1 319. 7%

(euro million)
A PPLICA TION Passenger C ar Mot orbike C ommercial Vehicles Racing Passiv e Saf ety Miscellaneous Tot a l

% 31.03.2011

218. 1 40. 5 51. 4 31. 1 6. 9 1. 9 349.9

62. 3% 11. 6% 14. 7% 8. 9% 2. 0% 0. 5% 100.0%

192. 4 36. 8 46. 6 27. 2 7. 4 1. 7 312.1

61. 6% 11. 8% 14. 9% 8. 7% 2. 4% 0. 5% 100.0%

25. 6 3. 7 4. 9 3. 8 (0. 4) 0. 2 37.7

13. 3% 9. 9% 10. 5% 14. 1% -6. 0% 10. 2% 12.1%


MA IN RA TIOS Net operating income/S ales of goods and services Result befor e taxes/S ales of goods and ser vices Capital Expenditure/S ales of goods and ser vices Net Financial indebtedness/S hareholder s' equity Financial charges/S ales of goods and ser vices Financial charges/Net Oper ating Income ROI ROE

Q1' 11 6.3% 5.4% 9.1% 80.0% 0.8% 13.2% 13.0% 14.0%

Q2' 11 7.2% 6.5% 15.3% 86.9% 0.6% 8.6% 14.9% 17.1%

Q3' 11 4.9% 3.0% 13.7% 102.5% 2.0% 40.5% 9.2% 7.1%

Q4' 11 4.9% 2.4% 14.6% 94.3% 2.1% 42.4% 2.3% 3.7%

Q1' 12 6.8% 6.8% 9.3% 96.4% -0.1% -2.1% 13.2% 23.2%

Not es : ROI: Net operating income/ Net invested capit al mult iply by y ear days/period day s. ROE: Result bef ore minority int erests/ Shareholders equit y multiply by y ear day s/period days.


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