Amaro (Italy), 14 May 2012 - - - - - - - - Consolidated revenues: from EUR 20.72 million to EUR 20.40 million Consolidated gross profit: from EUR 10.69 million to EUR 10.55 million Consolidated EBITDA: from EUR 178 thousand to EUR 199 thousand Consolidated EBIT: from EUR -1.77 million to EUR -1.71 million Consolidated pre-tax profit (loss): from EUR -2.11 million to EUR -1.49 million Group net profit (loss): from EUR -2.29 million to EUR -1.52 million Net financial debt: EUR 18.34 million Group shareholders' equity: EUR 123.41 million

Today, the Board of Directors of Eurotech S.p.A. reviewed and approved the results for the first quarter of 2012. In the first three months of the year, consolidated revenues totalled EUR 20.40 million versus EUR 20.72 million in the first three months of 2011. The result reflects the course of orders intake in the fourth quarter of 2011 and, in view of the low historic rate in the first quarter on annual revenue, it allows management to continue to look positively at the year underway. The company continues to carefully monitor the economic trends of the geographic areas in which it is most present: the first months of 2012 have confirmed the scenario described also in the letter to shareholders, where Japan and the United States are showing some positive signs, while Europe is displaying an uncertain situation with poor visibility on future developments. The company is continuing its efforts to streamline costs: similar to what happened in 2011, all necessary steps are being taken to lower the breakeven point, without sacrificing investments aimed at maintaining and developing the Group's competitive edge. Gross profit came to 51.8%, a value slightly higher than the data in 2011 and the level of 50% set by Management. This confirms the soundness of the business model implemented with target profitability under control. Due to the different exchange rate used to convert the financial statements of the foreign companies, the operating costs gross of adjustments remained constant, coming to EUR 11.0 million in the first quarter versus EUR 11.1 million in the first quarter 2011. Considering the amounts in foreign currency from one period to the next, savings due to the actions undertaken in 2011 and which are providing their benefits in 2012 would be visible.
EUROTECH spa Via F. Solari, 3/A 33020 Amaro (UD) - ITALY Tel. +39 0433 485411 ­ Fax. +39 0433 485499

In the early months of 2012, additional actions were taken to make the structure more streamlined and lower the threshold of activation of the operating leverage: the number of employees of the Group experienced a decrease of 25 members at year-end 2011, shrinking from 463 to 438. The effects of these actions will be visible in the form of lower costs largely from the second half of the year and will continue to yield benefits after the current financial year. Management expects to see a decrease in the operating costs, gross of adjustments, of EUR 2.1 million on an annual basis, compared to the 2011 figures and at equivalent exchange rates. Limiting fixed cost and streamlining the existing resources are a Group priority, which aims to obtain a considerable increase in profitability. Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization amounted to a positive EUR 199 thousand in the first three months of 2011, in line with the EUR 178 thousand in 2011. The proportion of EBITDA on revenue was essentially unchanged, increasing from 0.9% in the three months of 2011 to 1.0% in the same months in 2012. EBIT in the first quarter 2011 came to EUR -1.71 million, substantially unchanged with respect to the first quarter 2011 value, when it was EUR -1.77 million. The proportion of EBIT on revenue was also steady: -8.4% compared to -8.5% in the first quarter 2011. This performance was impacted by the EBITDA result, as well as depreciation and amortisation posted to the income statement in the first quarter of 2012, arising both from operating assets that became subject to amortisation as at 31 March 2012 and from PPA effects relating to the acquisitions of Eurotech Inc. (formerly Applied Data Systems Inc.), Dynatem Inc. and the Advanet Group. The effect on EBIT of the higher values attributed as a result of price allocation was EUR 0.93 million between January and March 2012, compared with EUR 0.86 million in the same period in 2011. The Group posted a pre-tax loss in the first quarter 2012 of EUR 1.49 million (compared to a loss of EUR 2.11 million in the same period 2011) and was affected by the factors illustrated above as well as by positive financial management due to the differentials on exchange rates. The effects of price allocation on the pre-tax result amounted to EUR 0.93 million in the first quarter 2012, compared with EUR 0.86 million in the same period in 2011. In terms of the consolidated result after taxes, the loss decreased from a loss of EUR 2.29 million in the first quarter 2011 to EUR 1.52 million in 2012. The dynamic reflects the result before taxes as described above. As at 31 March 2012, the Group featured net financial debt of EUR 18.34 million vs. EUR 14.33 million at 2011 year-end due largely to two factors: the exchange rate effect during currency conversion of cash and cash equivalents at the American and Japanese companies for EUR 1.79 million and use of cash to support company management for EUR 1.54 million.

We advise the public that, as required by the CONSOB (Italian securities & exchange commission), the Consolidated Interim Management Report at 31 March 2012 is available to anyone who requests it at the Company's registered office as well as the headquarters of Borsa Italiana S.p.A. The Report is also available on Eurotech's website, Pursuant to Article1542-bis, Paragraph 2, of the Italian Consolidated Finance Act, the Financial Reporting Manager of Eurotech SpA, Sandro Barazza, hereby declares that the financial disclosure contained in this press release corresponds to the Company's documentary evidence, corporate books, and accounting records.

THE EUROTECH GROUP Eurotech (ETH.MI) is a global company based in Italy and with offices and subsidiaries in Europe, North America and Asia. The Eurotech group develops and markets miniaturised computers for special use (NanoPCs) and computers featuring elevated computing capacity (HPCs ­ High-Performance Computers). With these two product categories, Eurotech aims to become a leader in the implementation of the pervasive computing scenario, which, leveraging on the Cloud IT infrastructure, is capable of enabling an entire range of businesses and value-added services in the transport, defence, industrial, medical and scientific-research sectors.

Company contacts: Investor relations Andrea Barbaro Tel. +39 0433 485411 e-mail:

Corporate Press Office Cristiana della Zonca Tel. +39 0433 485411 e-mail:

International Press Office Citysavvy Jana Sanchez Tel. +44 207395 1000

CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT ( '000) Sales revenue Cos t of material Gr o s s profit Ser v ic es costs Leas e & hire costs Pay r oll costs Other provisions and costs Other revenues EBITDA Depr ec iation & Amortization A s s et impairment EBIT Shar e of associates' profit at equity Financ e expense Financ e income Pr of it before tax Inc ome tax Ne t profit before m ino r it y interest M in or it y interest Gr o up net profit (loss) Bas e earnings per share Dilu t e d earnings per share 3 months 2012 (b) % 3 months 2011 (a) 20,718 ( 10,026) 10,692 ( 3,903) ( 599) ( 6,270) ( 342) 600 178 ( 1,944) 0 ( 1,766) 0 ( 959) 619 ( 220) ( 2,326) ( 34) ( 2,292) ( 0.065) ( 0.065) ch an g e (b-a) % am o u n t ( 324) ( 186) ( 138) ( 166) ( 31) 230 ( 96) 96 21 ( 39) 0 60 ( 9) 179 728 618 ( 184) 802 34 768 %
-16% .

20,394 100.0% ( 9,840) -48.2% 10,554 5 1. 8 % ( 3,737) ( 568) ( 6,500) ( 246) 696 199 ( 1,905) 0
-1 .3% 8 -2.8% -319% . -12% . 3.4%

1 0.0% 0

-48.4% 5 1. 6 % -1 .8% 8 -2.9% -30.3% -17% . 2.9%

19% . - 1. 3 % -4.3% 5.2% 3.7% 28.1 % 1 .0% 6

1. 0 % -9.3% 0.0%

0 .9 % -9.4% 0.0% - 8 .5 %

11. 8 % -2.0% n/ a 3 .4 %

( 1,706) - 8 . 4 % 9 ( 1,138) 1,347 ( 36) 0
0.0% -5.6% 6.6%

0.0% -4.6% 3.0%

n/ a -1 .7% 8 1 7.6% 1 2 9 .3 % -83.6% 3 4 .5 % 10 0 . 0 % 3 3 .5 %

( 1,488) - 7 . 3 %

( 2,106) - 10 . 2 %
-11 .% - 11. 2 % - 0 .2 % - 11. 1%

( 1,524) - 7 . 5 %
0 .0 %

( 1,524) - 7 . 5 % ( 0.043) ( 0.043)

('000) at March 31, 2012 at December 31, 2011

ASSETS Intangible assets Pr oper ty , Plant and equipment Inv es tments in affiliate companies Inv es tments in other companies Def er r ed tax assets Other non current financial assets Other non-current assets T ot al non-current assets Inv entor ies Contr ac ts in progress Tr ade receivables Inc ome tax receivables Other current assets Rec eiv ables from affiliates companies Short term borrow ing allow ed to affiliates companies and other Group companies Cas h & cash equivalents T ot al current assets T ot al assets 118,165 5,299 269 264 1,574 186 781 126,538 22,249 1,374 23,556 501 2,860 71 81 10,248 60,940 187,478 125,922 5,897 278 270 1,439 226 843 134,875 23,734 2,356 26,724 938 2,569 1,163 178 13,596 71,258 206,133

L IABILIT IES AND EQUITY Share capital Share premium reserve Other reserves Gr o up shareholders' equity Eq u it y attributable to m in o r it y interest T ot al shareholders' equity Medium- /long- ter m borrow ing Employ ee benefit obligations Def er r ed tax liabilities Other non-current liabilities T ot al non-current liabilities Tr ade payables Short- ter m borrow ing Der iv ativ e instruments Inc ome tax liabilities Other current liabilities Bus ines s combination liabilities T ot al current liabilities T ot al liabilities T ot al liabilities and equity 8,879 136,400 ( 21,865) 123,414 0 123,414 10,430 1,624 11,342 1,576 24,972 13,327 17,808 405 959 6,383 210 39,092 64,064 187,478 8,879 136,400 ( 10,236) 135,043 0 135,043 10,482 1,718 12,111 1,586 25,897 18,388 17,253 376 1,731 7,229 216 45,193 71,090 206,133


Sh ar e capital ('000) B al an ce as at December 31, 2011 8,879

L eg al reserve

Sh ar e premium reserve

C o n ver si o n reserve

Oth er reserves

C ash flow hedge reserve

Exch an g e rate differences reserve ( 124) ( 1,340) ( 7,246) Tr easu r y shares Pr o fi t (loss) for period

Gr o u p shareholders' equity

Eq u i ty attributable to Minority interest -

To tal shareholders' equity




( 35,703)

( 376)



2011 Result allocation Profit (loss) as at Marzo 31, 2012 Comprehens i ve other profit (loss) - Hedge transactions - Foreign balance sheets conversion difference - Exchange differences on equity investments in foreign companies Compr ehens iv e result





( 7,246) -




7,246 ( 1,524)

( 1,524)


( 1,524)




( 9,432) ( 9,432)


( 29)



( 1,524)

( 29) ( 9,432) ( 644) ( 11,629)


( 29) ( 9,432) ( 644) ( 11,629)

( 29)

( 644) ( 644)

B al an ce as at March 31, 2012





( 42,949)

( 405)

( 768)

( 1,340)

( 1,524)





at March 31, ('000) 2012

at December 31, 2011 1,063 ( 8,420) ( 4,123) 1,325 ( 10,155) 23,751 13,596

at March 31, 2011

Cas h flow generated (used) in operations Cas h flow generated (used) in investment activities Cas h flow generated (used) in financial activities Change in the conversion difference Inc r eas e (decrease) in cash & cash equivalents Opening amount in cash & cash equivalents End of period in cash & cash equivalents

( 1,544) ( 515) 503 ( 1,792) ( 3,348) 13,596 10,248

( 2,504) ( 2,073) ( 2,221) ( 1,424) ( 8,222) 23,751 15,529


at March 31, ('000) Cas h & cash equivalents Cas h equivalent Other current financial assets Der iv ativ e instruments Shor t- ter m borrow ing Bus ines s aggregation liabilities Sho r t - t e r m financial position Sho r t - t e r m net financial position Medium/long term borrow ing allow ed to affiliates companies Bus ines s aggregation liabilities Other non current financial assets Medium/long term borrow ing M e d iu m - /lo n g - t e r m net financial position A B=A C D E F G=C+D+E+F H=B+G I J K L M =I+J+K+L 2012 ( 10,248) ( 10,248) ( 81) 405 17,808 210 18,342 8,094 0 0 ( 186) 10,430 10,244

at Decem b er 31, 2011 ( 13,596) ( 13,596) ( 178) 376 17,253 216 17,667 4,071 0 0 ( 226) 10,482 10,256

at March 31, 2011 ( 15,529) ( 15,529) 0 253 7,574 0 7,827 ( 7,702) ( 940) 0 ( 236) 22,063 20,887







at March 31, ('000) 2012 (b )

at December 31, 2011 (a)

at March 31, 2011 C h an g es (b -a)

Inventories Contr ac ts in progress Tr ade receivables Rec eiv ables from affiliates companies Inc ome tax receivables Other current assets Cur r ent assets Tr ade payables Inc ome tax liabilities Other current liabilities Cur r ent liabilities Ne t w o r k in g capital

22,249 1,374 23,556 71 501 2,860 50,611 ( 13,327) ( 959) ( 6,383) ( 20,669) 29,942

23,734 2,356 26,724 1,163 938 2,569 57,484 ( 18,388) ( 1,731) ( 7,229) ( 27,348) 30,136

23,714 2,733 22,400 0 2,492 2,759 54,098 ( 16,912) ( 462) ( 5,372) ( 22,746) 31,352

( 1,485) ( 982) ( 3,168) ( 1,092) ( 437) 291 ( 6,873) 5,061 772 846 6,679 ( 194)

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