KME Group S.p.A.
PRESS RELEASE Project of the Merger of Intek S.p.A. in KME Group S.p.A. deposited today

Firenze, January 31st, 2012 - The shareholders' are adviced that the project of the merger of Intek S.p.A. in KME Group S.p.A. has been today legally deposited at the Registered Office in Florence and Turin. The project of the merger has been deposited on January 27, 2012 at Company's headquarters in Florence, Via dei Barucci, 2 and in Ivrea, Via Camillo Olivetti, n. 8 (also at Intek headquarters in Milan, Foro Bonaparte, n. 44). It is also available at Borsa Italiana S.p.A. and at Company website, "Investor relations, Public Exchange Offer" area and at

*** This press release is available at the Companies' websites, and


Annexes: 1. Reclassifications Made and Reconciliations. Alternative Performance Indicators 2. Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 3. Consolidated Income Statement 4. Income statement of KME Group S.p.A. 5. Statement of Financial Position of KME Group S.p.A.

Annex 1


Reclassifications Made and Reconciliations to the IFRS Accounting Principles
In the comments of operating results provided below, some of the operating and financial data provided in this press release are based on accounting principles that differ in some respects from the IFRS principles, mainly in terms of measurement and presentation. More specifically: 1 Revenues are shown net of the value of raw materials to eliminate the impact of fluctuations in raw material prices. 2 When valuing the ending inventory of the Copper and Copper-Alloy Semifinished Product Sector, the portion representing the structural inventory (i.e., the portion of the inventory that was not set aside to fill customer orders) was valued by the LIFO method. The portion of inventory set aside for customer orders was valued based on the value of the corresponding orders, which is deemed to be the realizable value. Under the IFRS method, the inventory is valued at the lower of the cost computed by the FIFO method or net realizable value. The IFRS principles also require that inventory buy and sell commitments and the corresponding hedges executed on the LME be disclosed separately and shown in the financial statements as financial instruments measured at fair value. The IFRS, by not allowing the measurement of the Sector's ending inventory by the LIFO method, which is the method used for internal management controlling activities, introduced an exogenous economic component the variability of which makes it impossible to compare homogeneous data for different periods and does not allow an accurate presentation of the actual results from operations. 3 Extraordinary items are shown below the EBITDA line. The table that follows shows the impact on the 2010 data of the different measurement and presentation criteria used.
Reclassified Income Statement 2010 IFRS (in millions of euros) Reclassifications Restatements 2010 RECLASS.

Gross revenues Raw material costs Revenues net of raw material costs Labor costs Other materials and costs EBITDA (*) Depreciation and amortization EBIT Net financial expense Result before extraordinary items Extraordinary income (expense) Impact of IFRS valuation of inventory and financial instruments Income taxes on IFRS valuation of inventory and financial instruments Current taxes Deferred taxes Net result (IFRS inventory) Interest in the result of companies valued by the equity method Net result of discontinued operations Consolidated net result Minority interest in net result Group interest in net result

2,718.7 (332.9) (2,300.2) 85.5 (50.6) 34.9 (21.3) 13.6 (4.2) (15.0) (5.6) (10.7) (1.4) (17.7) 0.5 (18.3)

100.0% (1,960.3) 1.2 1,973.2 3.1% 6.0 1.3% 5.9 0.5% (26.0) 20.6 (2.6) -0.2% 2.6 (20.6)

2,718.7 (1,960.3) 758.4 (331.7) (347.7) 79.0 (44.6) 34.4 (15.4) 19.0 (26.0) 20.6 (2.6) (4.2) (12.4) (5.6) (10.7) (1.4)


(17.7 0.5



The reclassified indicators described above are used in the review of the Group's operating results provided below, because they are deemed to be more representative of the Group's actual operating and financial performance.

Alternative Performance Indicators


EBITDA This indicator provides a useful yardstick to assess the Group's operating performance. It is an intermediate income statement item equal to EBIT before deducting depreciation and amortization and extraordinary items. Net Financial Debt This indicator is used to evaluate the financial structure. It is equal to gross borrowings less cash and cash equivalents and other financial receivables. Net Invested Capital Net invested capital is defined as the sum of Non-current assets and Current assets, net of Current liabilities, except for the items used to compute Net debt, as described above.


Annex 1

KME Group ­ Consolidated Income Statement
Reclassified Income Statement 2010 RECLASS. 2009 RECLASS. % change

(in millions of euros)

Gross revenues Raw material costs Revenues net of raw material costs Labor costs Other materials and costs EBITDA (*) Depreciation and amortization EBIT Net financial expense Result before extraordinary items Extraordinary income (expense) Impact of IFRS valuation of inventory and financial instruments Income taxes on IFRS valuation of inventory and financial instruments Current taxes Deferred taxes Net result (IFRS inventory) Interest in the result of companies valued by the equity method Net result of discontinued operations Consolidated net result Minority interest in net result Group interest in net result

2,718.7 (1,960.3) 758.4 (331.7) (347.7) 79.0 (44.6) 34.4 (15.4) 19.0 (26.0) 20.6 (2.6) (4.2) (12.4) (5.6) (10.7) (1.4) (17.7) 0.5 (18.3) -2.41% -2.3% -0.7% 2.5% 4.5% 10.4% 100%

1,949.4 (1,285.9) 663.5 (300.8) (317.4) 45.3 (53.6) (8.3) (14.6) (22.9) 2.9 4.5 1.6 (10.2) 0.7 (23.4) (23.4) 0.5 (23.9) -3.60% -3.5% -3.5% -3.5% -1.3% 6.8% 100%

52.4% 14.3% 10.3% 9.5% n.m. -16.9% n.m. 5.5% n.m. n.m. n.m. n.m. -58.8% n.m. n.m. n.m. n.m. -24.2%


Earnings per share (in euros): basic profit (loss) per share diluted profit (loss) per share

12/31/10 (0.0526) (0.0526)

12/31/09 (0.0663) (0.0663)

The Independent Auditors have not completed their review of the data provided above.

(*) EBITDA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization) is an indicator that is not mentioned in the IFRS accounting principles. However, it provides a useful yardstick to assess the Group's operating performance. It is an intermediate income statement item equal to EBIT before deducting depreciation and amortization and extraordinary items.


Annex 2 Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
(in thousands of euros) Property, plant and equipment Investment property Goodwill and consolidation difference Other intangible assets Investments in associates Investments in other companies Investments valued by the equity method Other non-current assets Non-current financial assets Deferred-tax assets NON-CURRENT ASSETS Inventories Trade receivables Other receivables and current assets Current financial assets Cash and cash equivalents Current assets held for sale CURRENT ASSETS TOTAL ASSETS Share capital Other reserves Treasury stock Retained earnings (loss carryforward) Technical consolidation reserve Reserve for other components of the Comprehensive Income Statement Net profit (loss) for the year Group interest in shareholders' equity Minority interest in shareholders' equity TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY Provisions for employee benefits Deferred-tax liabilities Borrowings and other financial liabilities Other non-current liabilities Provisions for risks and charges NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES Borrowings and other financial liabilities Trade payables Other current liabilities Provisions for risks and charges Current liabilities held for sale CURRENT LIABILITIES TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 12/31/10 583,873 28,603 114,582 3,490 17,301 1,908 21,951 25,501 115,686 47,033 959,928 622,054 146,505 26,180 140,242 39,751 86,393 1,061,125 2,021,053 297,014 189,572 (2,888) 15,191 (29,267) 794 (18,351) 452,065 4,952 457,017 152,757 138,135 316,875 13,740 137,240 758,747 197,841 410,772 103,501 24,910 68,265 805,289 2,021,053 12/31/09 594,217 23,728 114,897 3,528 6,526 258 3,958 28,878 111,923 34,867 922,780 469,512 140,129 27,186 100,912 108,964 846,703 1,769,483 250,015 174,082 (2,888) 14,395 8,135 65 (23,929) 419,875 2,928 422,803 152,382 111,550 363,075 14,266 136,113 777,386 237,980 209,657 94,714 26,943 569,294 1,769,483


Annex 3

Consolidated Comprehensive Income Statement
(in thousands of euros) 12/31/10 12/31/09

Sales and service revenues Change in inventories of finished goods and semifinished products Capitalization of internally produced assets Other operating income Purchases and change in inventory of raw materials Labor costs Depreciation, amortization, impairment losses and writedowns Other operating expenses EBIT Financial income Financial expense Result of companies valued by the equity method Result before taxes Current taxes Deferred taxes Total income taxes Net result of continuing operations Net result of discontinued operations Result for the period Other components of the comprehensive income statement: Gains/(Losses) on the conversion of foreign financial statements Net change in cash flow hedge reserve Revaluation of property (IAS 40 P.61) Taxes on other components of the comprehensive income statement Other components of the comprehensive income statement net of tax effect Total comprehensive income for the period Result attributable to: minority interest shareholders of the Parent Company Result for the period Total comprehensive income for the period attributable to: minority interest shareholders of the Parent Company Total comprehensive income for the period

2,718,666 13,485 2,712 20,734 (2,015,961) (332,921) (50,562) (321,218) 34,935 10,730 (32,063) (10,735) 2,867 (4,185) (15,047) (19,232) (16,365) (1,442) (17,807)

1,949,367 (23,085) 1,823 21,482 (1,320,573) (301,914) (56,743) (270,969) (612) 14,211 (29,136) (15,537) (10,179) 2,288 (7,891) (23,428) (23,428)

1,086 (448) 1,501 (347) 1,792 (16,015)

(625) (625) (24,053)

544 (18,351) (17,807)

501 (23,929) (23,428)

216 (16,230) (16,015)

(102) (23,951) (24,053)

The Independent Auditors have not completed their review of the data provided above.


Annex 4

Comprehensive Income Statement (amounts in euros)



Sales and service revenues Other revenues Labor costs Depreciation, amortization and writedowns Other operating expenses EBIT Financial income Financial expense Result before taxes Current taxes Deferred taxes Total income taxes Net result of continuing operations Net result of discontinued operations Result for the period Components of the comprehensive income statement: Taxes on other components of the comprehensive income statement Total other components of the comprehensive income statement net of tax effect Total comprehensive income for the period

2,839,000 1,002,721 (680,045) (12,040) (5,536,423) 86,350,690 (21,704,242) 62,259,662 (404,884) (754,101) 61,100,677 61,100,677 -

2,839,000 16,506 (726,399) (8,032) (5,395,192) 13,122,909 (4,508,662) 5,340,130 (3,049,862) 1,339,107 3,629,375 3,629,375

(2,386,787) (3,274,117)

(1,158,985) (1,710,755)




The Independent Auditors have not completed their review of the data provided above.


Annex 5

Consolidated Statement of Financial Position (amounts in euros)

At 12/31/10

At 12/31/09

Property, plant and equipment Investments in associates Other financial assets Deferred-tax assets NON-CURRENT ASSETS Trade receivables Other receivables and current assets Current financial assets Cash and cash equivalents Current assets held for sale CURRENT ASSETS TOTAL ASSETS Share capital Other reserves Treasury stock Retained earnings (loss carryforward) Reserve for stock options Net profit (loss) for the year TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY Provisions for employee benefits Deferred-tax liabilities Borrowings and other financial liabilities Other non-current liabilities Provisions for risks and charges NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES Borrowings and other financial liabilities Trade payables Other current liabilities Current liabilities held for sale CURRENT LIABILITIES TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY

216,933 423,021,585 65,995,295 2,468,816 491,702,629 5,776 469,903 139,120,125 250,511 30,000,000 169,846,316 661,548,945 297,013,585 91,601,028 (2,887,602) 15,191,120 7,184,835 61,100,677 469,203,642 161,586 89,534 82,604,252 1,797,455 2,440,368 87,093,195 103,433,087 329,505 1,489,515 0 105,252,108 661,548,945

162,727 312,566,288 58,880,541 2,197,484 373,807,040 89,064 1,192,590 101,957,331 402,887 103,641,872 477,448,912 250,014,923 76,331,753 (2,887,603) 14,394,985 6,941,919 3,629,375 348,425,352 156,230 63,287,197 1,446,454 2,789,368 67,679,249 57,303,062 701,807 3,339,442 61,344,311 477,448,912

The Independent Auditors have not completed their review of the data provided above.


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