Press Release
15 March 2012

Landi Renzo: The Board of Directors approves the results at 31 December 2011
During a challenging situation and the difficult economic conditions, the Group increased its internationalisation (over 82% of revenues come from abroad) and consolidated its relations with the main car manufacturers with the launch of new Euro 5 engines o Consolidated revenues of 253.53 million Euro (compared to 302.38 million Euro at 31 December 2010) o EBITDA of 19.48 million Euro (compared to 45.95 million Euro at 31 December 2010) o EBIT loss of 3.26 million Euro (compared to profit of 31.98 million Euro at 31 December 2010) o Consolidated net loss of 9.14 million Euro (compared to net profit of 18.63 million Euro at 31 December 2010) o Net debt of 90.11 million Euro (compared to 69.48 million Euro at 31 December 2010)
Cavriago (Reggio Emilia), 15 March 2012

The Board of Directors of Landi Renzo SpA met today under the chairmanship of Stefano Landi to approve the Company's annual draft financial statements for the year ending 31 December 2011. The Group saw an increase in the CNG product range of 14.3% and increased its foreign presence, with 82.3% (compared to 70.4% in 2010) of its consolidated revenues abroad (26.1% in Europe and 56.2% outside of Europe), thus confirming the strongly international approach which has been a hallmark of the company. This was despite a fall in revenues largely caused by the ending of Government incentives for the purchase of LPG and CNG powered cars in important European markets. During 2011 new initiatives started to reduce overheads and simplify managing processes. This occurred without cutting back on investments in technology, indeed the company further enhanced its research and development activities which are traditionally the company's standout feature. By the end of 2012 an important new R&D centre will be opened, which is proof of the increasing commitment on the part of the company to supporting this competitive factor. Claudio Carnevale, the Chief Executive Officer of Landi Renzo, said: "The year just ended was certainly difficult for the Group, in a macroeconomic context characterised by volatility, in particular in Europe. During the year, besides seeking to take advantage of all the opportunities which the sector could offer, the foundations were laid for the development of new markets in Asia and on the American continent, with results which will become clearer during 2012. In addition, we put in place new programmes to provide our structure with the flexibility which the competitive environment in which we operate currently requires. These actions already began to show first results during the second part of 2011".


Press Release
15 March 2012

Consolidated results at 31 December 2011 Revenues from sales and services stood at 253.53 million Euro, down by 48.85 million Euro (a fall of 16.2% compared to 2010): the fall in sales in Italy and Europe was only partly offset by the growth in South West Asia, which saw a 6.7% rise in sales compared to 2010, and by the 37.3% rise recorded on the American market. Markets in the Rest of the World, which recorded an overall increase in sales of 13.8%, were positively influenced by the performance achieved in the rest of Asia. EBITDA was 19.48 million Euro, compared to 45.95 million Euro in 2010, down by 57.6%. This fall was mainly due to the fall in volumes and turnover, the more aggressive price policy in some areas, as well as the rise in overheads following the expansion of the scope of consolidation. EBIT was negative at 3.26 million Euro, compared to a positive figure of 31.98 million Euro in 2010: the negative result for 2011 was caused not only by the amortisation and depreciation of intangible and tangible assets for a total of 18.42 million Euro(13.97 million Euro in 2010), but also by the decrease in the value of fixed assets in the year totalling 4.32 million Euro. This item, however, is non-recurring and with no impact on cash flow. The consolidated pre-tax loss for 2011 was 8.21 million Euro, compared to pre-tax profit of 29.83 million Euro in 2010. The consolidated financial statements of the Landi Renzo Group for the year ending 31 December 2011 therefore recorded a loss of 9.14 million Euro, compared to a net profit of 18.63 million Euro in 2010. The Board of Directors proposes to the Shareholders' meeting to approve the coverage of the loss for the year recorded by Landi Renzo S.p.A. of 8,529,753.47 Euro through the use of existing reserves. Net debt at 31 December 2011 stood at 90.11 million Euro compared to 69.48 million Euro at 31 December 2010. Nonetheless this item remains quite similar to the level of net debt on September 31st 2011. All comparisons were made vs 2010 restated financial results Outlook 2012 As for the outlook, despite the continuation of the difficulties linked to the macroeconomic situation and the key market, the Group expects that turnover in 2012 will grow by more than 5% compared to 2011. It also expects that the EBITDA will be over 10% of revenues due to the consolidation of all the initiatives to optimise overheads and production costs put in place as from 2011, also taking account of a highly competitive market, in particular in low-cost geographic areas. Results of the parent company In 2011 Landi Renzo S.p.A. recorded revenues of 112.59 million Euro compared to 197.50 million Euro in 2010, down by 43.0%. As a consequence of the aforementioned reduction in turnover, EBITDA, despite the actions aimed at containing costs, was negative for 3.35 million Euro, compared to a profit of 22.26 million Euro at 31 December 2010. EBIT was negative for 12.43 million Euro at 31 December 2011 and was influenced by the amortisation and depreciation recorded in the year for a total of 9.09 million Euro, of which 2.81 million Euro was for intangible assets. The net loss stood at 8.53 million Euro compared to net profit of 9.69 million Euro in the prior year.


Press Release
15 March 2012

REPORT ON CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND OWNERSHIP STRUCTURE AND REMUNERATION POLICY The Board of Directors examined and approved the Report on corporate governance and ownership structure as well as the Report on remuneration for 2011.

SHAREHOLDERS' MEETING The Board of Directors convened the Shareholders' Meeting for 24 and 26 April 2012 (1st and 2nd call respectively) at 9:00 a.m., at the company's registered office in Cavriago (Reggio Emilia), Località Corte Tegge, Via Nobel 2/4. The Shareholders' Meeting will also be convened to approve the renewal of authorisation to buy and sell treasury shares for a period of 18 months as from the date of the resolution. In compliance with the provisions of art. 2428 of the Italian Civil Code, it should be noted that during 2011 the Parent Company did not trade any treasury shares or shares of parent companies and currently does not hold any treasury shares or shares of parent companies. The subsidiaries do not hold any shares of the Parent Company.

The Manager in charge of preparing the financial reports, Paolo Cilloni, declares ­ pursuant to article 154 ­ bis, par. 2 of Legislative Decree no. 58 of 24 February 1998 ­ that the accounting information provided herein corresponds to the documented results and to the accounting books and entries. This press release is also available on the company's website This press release is a translation. The Italian version will prevail
Landi Renzo is a world leader in the sector of components and LPG and CNG fuel systems for motor vehicles. Based in Cavriago (Reggio Emilia) and with more than 50 years' experience in the sector, Landi Renzo is distinguished by the sustained growth of its revenues and the extent of its international operations, with a presence in over 50 countries and exports accounting for more than 80% of the Company's sales. Landi Renzo S.p.A. has been listed in the STAR segment of Borsa Italiana MTA market since June 2007.

For further information: Landi Renzo Pierpaolo Marziali M&A and Investor Relations Officer Corrado Storchi External Relations Manager Tel. +39 0522.94.33 SEC Relazioni Pubbliche e Istituzionali Marco Fraquelli Daniele Pinosa Tel. +39 02.624999.1

IR Top Consulting Maria Antonietta Pireddu Tel. +39 02


Press Release
15 March 2012

Landi Renzo S.p.A. ­ Consolidated Financial statements
CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION 31-Dec-10 ASSETS (thousands of Euros) Non - cu r r e n t assets Pr oper ty , plant and equipment Development expenses Goodw ill Other intangible assets w ith finite useful lives Other non-current financial assets Deferred tax assets Total non-current assets Current assets Tr ade receivables Trade receivables - related parties Inventories Other receivables and current assets Current financial assets Cash and cash equivalents Total current assets TOTAL ASSETS 77,429 361 67,408 27,452 176 20,059 192,885 336,859 80,185 712 66,980 21,348 131 26,297 195,653 347,456 80,185 712 66,980 21,348 131 26,297 195,653 345,023 35,096 10,346 55,582 29,506 170 13,274 143,974 38,551 12,340 59,818 31,333 288 9,473 151,803 38,551 5,563 66,225 29,270 288 9,473 149,370 31- De c- 11 restated 31- De c- 10


Press Release
15 March 2012

31- De c- 10 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES (thousands of Euros) Gr o up shareholders' equity Shar e capital Other reserves Profit (loss) for the period Total equity attributable to the shareholders of the parent com p any Minority interests TOTAL EQUITY Non-current liabilities Non- c ur r ent bank loans Other non-current financial liabilities Provisions for risks and charges Defined benefit plans Deferred tax liabilities Total non-current liabilities Current liabilities Bank overdrafts and short-term loans Other current financial liabilities Trade payables Trade payables - related parties Tax liabilities Other current liabilities 69,878 125 55,903 61 6,458 7,216 28,407 560 64,474 354 4,345 7,582 28,407 560 64,474 354 4,345 7,582 40,119 49 4,860 2,835 12,351 60,214 66,637 173 4,753 3,153 14,316 89,032 66,637 173 4,753 3,153 11,310 86,026 11,250 134,154 9,138 136,266 738 137,004 11,250 122,058 18,635 151,943 759 152,702 11,250 121,807 19,459 152,516 759 153,275 31- De c- 11 restated 31- De c- 10

Total current liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY

139,641 336,859

105,722 347,456

105,722 345,023


Press Release
15 March 2012

INCOM E STATEMENT (thousands of Euros) Re ve n u e s (goods and services) of w itc h: related parties Other revenue and income Cost of raw materials, consumables and goods and change in inventories Cost of raw materials - related parties Costs for services and use of third party assets Cost for services and use of third party assets - related parties Personnel expenses Accruals, impairment losses and other operating expenses Gross Operating Profit Amortization, depreciation and impairment losses of w hic h: non recurring losses Net Operating Profit Financial income Financial expenses Exchange rate gains and losses Profit (Loss) before tax Taxes Net profit (loss) for the Group and m in o r it y interests, including: Minority interests Net Profit (Loss) of the Group

31-Dec-11 253,529 1,217 1,646 -

31/12/2010 restated 302,376 1,273 1,341

31- De c- 10 302,376 1,273 1,341 130,337 4,112 80,409 1,511 36,879 4,521 45,948 12,721

124,018 --

130,337 4,112 80,409 1,511 36,879 4,521 45,948 13,968 -


66,693 1,528 39,896 3,563 19,477


22,737 4,316 3,260 482

31,980 229 2,378 429,827 10,477 19,350 715 18,635

33,227 229 2,378 4 31,074 10,900 20,174 715 19,459


3,610 1,825 8,213 926 9,139 1 9,138

Basic earnings (loss) per share (calculated on 112,500,000 shares) Diluted earnings (loss) per share


0.0812 0.0812

0.1656 0.1656

0.1730 0.1730


Press Release
15 March 2012

CONSOL IDAT ED CASH FLOW STATEMENT (thousands of Euros) Ope n ing cash and cash equivalents Profit (Loss) before tax (less m in o r it y interests) net of interest paym e n t s Adjustments: A mor tiz ation, depreciation Impairment of intangible and tangible assets Changes in provisions and employee benefits Changes in other provisions Net change in deferred taxes (Increase) decrease in current assets: Inv entor ies trade receivables trade receivables - related parties receivables from others and other assets (Increase) decrease in current liabilities: tr ade payables trade payables - related parties payables to others and other liabilities Cash flow from (for) operating activities Net interest paid (including exchange rate differences) Income taxes paid Free Cash flow from (for) operating activities Investments in intangible assets Development costs Investments in property, plant and equipment Disposals of property, plant and equipment Investments in financial assets - subsidiaries Investments in other non-current financial assets Cash flow from (for) investing activities Outlay for acquisition of AEB S.p.A. net of liquidity Outlay for acquisition of Baytech Corporation net of liquidity Cash flow for acquisition of equity investm e n t s Dividends paid in the period Change in equity attributable to the shareholders of the parent and minority interests Loans obtained/repaid to/from banks and other financial backers during the period Payments for reduction of payables for financial leasing Cash flow from (used in) financing activities Total cash flow Closing cash and cash equivalents

31- De c- 11 2,110 3,475

31- De c- 10 restated 23,207 31,259

31- De c- 10 23,207 32,507

18,421 4,316 343 107 2,567

13,705 263 439 2,575 4,005

12,458 263 439 2,575 4,005


428 2,757 351 -

4,496 29,228 520 11,555 -

4,496 29,228 520 11,555


6,149 -


4,285 293 1,747 10,845

27,361 3,597 4,012 37,957

27,361 3,597 4,012 37,957 2,147 10,453 25,357 1,289 3,090 10,047 852 37 13,611 34,500 10,742 45,242 6,975 153 15,303 302 8,179 25,317 2,110


4,737 5,833 275


2,147 10,453 25,357 1,289 3,090 10,047 852 37 13,611 34,500 10,742 45,242 6,975 153 15,303 302 8,179 25,317 2,110 -


1,307 3,089 10,495 569 -52


14,270 --


6,188 -


27,079 447 33,714 47,709 49,819 -


Press Release
15 March 2012

Landi Renzo S.p.A. ­ Parent Company Financial statements

ASSETS (thousands of Euros) Non-current assets Pr oper ty , plant and equipment Development expenses Goodw ill and other intangible assets w ith finite useful lives Investments in subsidiaries Other non-current financial assets Other non-current assets Deferred tax assets Total non-current assets Current assets Tr ade receivables Trade receivables to subsidiaries Inventories Other receivables and current assets Current financial assets Cash and cash equivalents Total current assets TOTAL ASSETS

31- De c- 11

31- De c- 10

19,773 4,991 4,079 118,264 722 70 6,872 154,771

22,742 4,714 3,938 121,945 655 71 3,076 157,141

32,305 24,243 28,566 12,799 3,997 2,123 104,033 258,803

36,754 26,006 32,177 13,225 5,131 3,230 116,522 273,663


Press Release
15 March 2012

EQUITY AND LIABILITIES (thousands of Euros) Eq u it y Shar e capital Other reserves Profit (loss) for the period TOTAL EQUITY Non-current liabilities Non- c ur r ent bank loans Other non-current financial liabilities Provisions for risks and charges Defined benefit plans Deferred tax liabilities Total non-current liabilities Current liabilities Bank overdrafts and short-term loans Other current financial liabilities Trade payables Trade payables - related parties Liabilities to subsidiaries Tax liabilities Other current liabilities Total current liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY

31- De c- 11

31- De c- 10

11,250 118,025 8,530 120,745

11,250 114,521 9,692 135,463

38,087 49 3,038 1,680 1,201 44,055

60,371 173 2,925 1,866 1,289 66,624

55,789 125 27,280 5 5,979 812 4,015 94,003 258,803

24,001 5,122 35,720 269 1,559 758 4,147 71,576 273,663


Press Release
15 March 2012

INCOM E STATEMENT (thousands of Euros) Re ve n u e s (goods and services) Other revenue and income Cost of raw materials, consumables and goods and change in inventories Costs for services and use of third party assets Personnel expenses Accruals, impairment losses and other operating expenses Gross Operating Profit Amortization, depreciation and impairment losses Operating Profit Financial income Income from investments Financial expenses Expenses from investments Exchange rate gains and losses Profit (Loss) before tax Taxes Profit (loss) for the period

31-Dec-11 112,592 799 -

31- De c- 10 197,498 546 88,765 64,470 19,541 3,008 22,258 7,865 14,393 140 2,137 1,781 510 130 14,509 4,818 9,692

58,872 37,573 19,082 1,210 3,346 9,086 12,432 218 7,600


2,830 4,551 233 12,227 3,697 -



Basic earnings (loss) per share (in Euro) Diluted earnings (loss) per share (in Euro)


0.076 0.076

0.086 0.086


Press Release
15 March 2012

CASH FLOW STATEMENT (thousands of Euros) Op e n ing cash and cash equivalents Profit (Loss) before tax (less m ino r it y interests) net of interest paym e n t s and dividends received Adjustments: A mor tiz ation, depreciation Impairment of financial assets Changes in provisions and employee benefits Changes in other provisions (Increase) decrease in current assets: Inv entor ies trade receivables trade receivables - related parties receivables from subsidiaries receivables from others and other assets (Increase) decrease in current liabilities: tr ade payables trade payables - related parties paybles to subsidiaries payables to others and other liabilities Cash flow from (for) operating activities Net interest paid (including exchange rate differences) Income taxes paid Free Cash flow from (for) operating activities Investments in intangible assets Development costs Investments in property, plant and equipment Disposals of property, plant and equipment Investments in financial assets - subsidiaries Dividends received Cash flow from (for) investing activities Dividends paid in the period Loans obtained/repaid to/from subsidiaries Loans obtained/repaid to/from banks and other financial backers during the period Cash flow from (used in) financing activities Total cash flow Closing cash and cash equivalents

31- De c- 11 20,771 17,328

31- De c- 10 11,637 14,373

9,087 4,551 186 1,307 -

7,865 127 94 72

3,611 4,449 1,763 364 -

9,342 51,873 192 209 5,277


8,440 264 4,419 -

42,471 471 883 247 34,706 1,364 7,967 25,375 745 2,706 7,285 1,620 59,352 1,500 66,968 6,975 596 15,564 9,185 32,408 20,771


116 603


2,499 -


1,896 719 2,513 3,342 514 -7,600 1,540 -


6,188 3,943 22,408 32,539 32,895 53,666 -


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