RNS Number:5245T
Bankers Investment Trust PLC
22 December 2003

                        THE BANKERS INVESTMENT TRUST PLC

                         Unaudited Preliminary Results

                       for the Year Ended 31 October 2003

19 December 2003


        *     NAV per share rose 13.6% compared to a rise of 9.6% in the
              benchmark FTSE All- Share Index

        *     35th consecutive year of dividend increases. 4% increase for the
              year, making the total dividend payment 7.05p per share

        *     Forecast dividend for 2004 to rise by 4%

Extracts from the Chairman's Statement

I am very pleased to report that the recovery in stock markets around the world
has resulted in both the net asset value and share price rising over the past
year. The net asset value per share rose 13.6%, which compares very favourably
with a 9.6% rise in the main benchmark, the FTSE All-Share Index. Overseas stock
markets have generally outpaced the UK in terms of performance; this has been
further compounded by the weakness of sterling against most currencies other
than the US dollar. I can also report another increase in dividends, our 35th
consecutive year of delivering a rising distribution to shareholders. This
year's total dividend will rise by 4.0% and we anticipate being able to further
increase the dividend in 2004.


It may be a cliche, but it is true to say that over the past year investing in
equities really has been a game of two halves. At the interim stage we reported
a fall in net assets of 2.1%, whereas the second half of the year saw a dramatic
recovery resulting in a rise in net assets of 16.0%. The war in Iraq proved the
turning point for markets, but it was not just a case of easing investors' worst
fears; a string of positive economic news has been driving equity markets

The US policy makers have been the most active, in providing both fiscal and
monetary stimulus in order to stop their economy slipping into recession.
Negative real interest rates and huge tax rebates have helped to keep consumer
confidence buoyant. The downside has been an unprecedented level of government
borrowing and a ballooning US budget deficit, resulting in a weaker dollar.
Currency moves have been particularly volatile this year: the euro strengthened
by 7.6% relative to sterling, while the South African rand rose by 25.3% and the
Australian dollar by 15.1%.

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                        THE BANKERS INVESTMENT TRUST PLC

                         Unaudited Preliminary Results

                       for the Year Ended 31 October 2003

Extracts from Chairman's Statement cont'd

The Company's gearing peaked at 16.6% in March, partly as a result of lower
share prices but also due to the increased investment in equities. As the market
rose over the summer further investments were made, particularly in the Far
East, resulting in gearing of approximately 12% at the October year-end. Over
the year gearing has had a positive impact on the Company's net asset value. The
European, UK, Far Eastern and Emerging Markets' portfolios all added value and
the overall asset allocation was also a key driver of performance.

We remained wary of the US equity market over the year, based upon the expensive
valuation of shares and a negative stance on the US dollar. We kept faith with
Japan, which was the top perfoming major stock market in 2003 and overseas
investors flocked back looking for bargains, especially amongst the exporters
and the banks. The increased interest in Japan forced an appreciation of the
yen, the Central Bank of Japan proving ineffective at limiting the rise. We
maintained significant exposure to Europe that proved to be a volatile, but
ultimately rewarding, market to be invested in. Europe is rich in cyclical and
recovery stocks that prospered well in the second half of the year. The UK
market was dull by comparison; the economy grew by 2% (below its trend rate) and
shows little sign of accelerating faster. However the UK portfolio contained an
above average mixture of smaller and medium sized companies that outperformed
the general market. Over the year, we have switched money from the mature
western markets, increasing the Far East (ex Japan) element of the portfolio
from 3.4% to 5.4%. Our favoured companies are capitalising on China's growing
emergence in world trade and exploiting increased outsourcing from US companies.

Earnings and Dividends

The earnings per share increased by 1.4% to 7.12p per share. While reduced
expenses and a lower management fee have helped, gross revenue was broadly flat
due to lower interest rates impacting interest received. Dividend growth was
restrained by increased investment in lower yielding parts of the world and the
continued, albeit at a reduced frequency, dividend cuts in the UK. The weakness
of the US dollar has also affected income from the UK portfolio. Companies such
as BP, HSBC and BHP Billiton now declare their dividend in US dollars,
comprising together almost a quarter of the FTSE All-Share Index dividend. The
year ahead should see some improvement, as dividend growth in most markets is
forecast at 5% or better.

We are proposing a final dividend of 1.83p per share, making a total of 7.05p,
an increase of 4.0% for the year and comfortably ahead of the current rate of
inflation. For the current year we are forecasting a minimum rise in the total
dividend per share of 4.0% to 7.33p. A quarterly dividend of 1.83p will be paid
at the end of May, August and November with a minimum final of 1.84p payable in
February 2005.

We recognise the importance of dividends to shareholders, which is shown in the
record of increasing dividends every year since 1967. Despite a difficult period
when many companies reduced or in extreme cases omitted dividends, we have
continued to increase distributions without the need for a transfer from the
revenue reserves. Shareholders should be comforted that the Company has revenue
reserves to help us meet our objective to achieve regular dividend growth.

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                        THE BANKERS INVESTMENT TRUST PLC

                         Unaudited Preliminary Results

                       for the Year Ended 31 October 2003

Extract from Chairman's Statement cont'd

New Zealand

In 1995 Bankers Investment Trust was listed on the New Zealand Stock Exchange
and started to pay dividends to local investors directly in New Zealand dollars.
The New Zealand register has grown rapidly and now accounts for over 4% of our
shares in issue. We are very grateful for this support from New Zealand and hope
that the Company's attractions gather more investors. We are examining ways of
improving the service to New Zealand shareholders: our portfolio manager has
made his first, of what will hopefully be regular, marketing trips to New
Zealand and the appointment of First NZ Securities as our local broker, is an
indication of our commitment to this market.


The good news is that the global economic cycle has clearly turned. The very
strong economic recovery in the USA is perhaps unsurprising given interest rates
as low as 1% and strong government spending. This begs the question of how long
can these levels of stimulus persist before inflationary pressures reappear. We
feel that GDP growth will moderate from the large increase in the third quarter
towards above trend growth through 2004. Inflation should slowly pick up due
partly to the weakness of the US dollar. However, the US Federal Reserve has
clearly indicated that interest rates will be kept low for longer in order to
firmly establish growth and job creation. A supportive US economy should set the
tone for global stock markets given its scale and consumption of the world's
goods and services.

Valuations are undoubtedly less attractive now that stock markets have
recovered. The average US stock is trading on a P/E ratio of 18x, which compares
with 12 to 13x for UK and European stocks. Also stock market indices in the USA
such as Value Line, which weight each company equally, indicate that the US
market is hitting new highs; therefore much of the recovery and maybe more is
already factored into prices. Prospects for mainland Europe could prove to be
the most appealing, especially at such an early stage in its recovery.
Elsewhere, the UK is cheap on a valuation basis and should deliver solid
performance. Japan and the Far East should continue to attract overseas
investors seeking the heady mix of recovery and explosive growth respectively.

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                        THE BANKERS INVESTMENT TRUST PLC

                         Unaudited Preliminary Results

                       for the Year Ended 31 October 2003

Extract from Chairman's Statement cont'd

It would be imprudent of me to say that the stockmarket outlook is without risk.
Geopolitical risk is not so dominant in investors' minds as it was in the
aftermath of 11 September 2001 and the run up to the Iraq war but it still
remains a concern. The weakness of the US dollar particularly against the euro
probably is welcome. The question is whether the trend will be gradual and
manageable, helping to rebalance global demand or rapid and severe, spreading
fear among investors. However, we consider that investors have not yet fully
bought into a sustainable global recovery with improving corporate
profitability. On balance we expect that 2004 should be a favourable year to be
invested in equities.

Andrew Barker


For further information, please contact:

Alex Crooke                                                  Vicki Staveacre

Fund Manager                                                 Press Office

The Bankers Investment Trust PLC                             Henderson Global Investors

Tel: 020 7818 4447                                           Tel: 020 7818 4442

Stephen Westwood                                             Stephen Phillips

Head of Investment Trusts                                    Associate Director

Henderson Global Investors                                   Henderson Global Investors

Tel: 020 7818 5517                                           Tel: 020 7818 6417

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                        THE BANKERS INVESTMENT TRUST PLC

                         Unaudited Preliminary Results

                       for the Year Ended 31 October 2003

Highlights of the Year
                                                               31 October 2003    31 October 2002 Change

Total assets less current liabilities                             #383,449,000       #340,887,000 +12.5
Net asset value per ordinary share                                      283.1p             249.3p +13.6
Ordinary share mid-market price                                         265.5p             233.8p +13.6
Discount (Share Price to Net Asset Value)                                 6.2%               6.2%

Gross revenue                                                      #12,194,000        #12,303,000 -0.9
Earnings per ordinary share                                              7.12p              7.02p +1.4
Dividends per ordinary share                                             7.05p              6.78p +4.0

FTSE All-Share Index                                                  2,125.37           1,938.71 +9.6
Standard & Poor's Composite Index                                     1,050.71             885.76 +9.4*
FTSE World Europe (ex UK) Index (#)                                     233.01             202.24 +15.2
TOPIX (Tokyo First Section Index)                                     1,043.36             862.24 +24.3*
FTSE World (ex UK) Index (#)                                            230.99             203.88 +13.3
50/50 FTSE All-Share/                                                                             +11.5
                                                                        222.90            200.00+
FTSE World (ex UK) Index (#)
Retail Prices Index                                                      182.6              177.9 +2.6

*# adjusted

+ rebased as at 31/10/02

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                        THE BANKERS INVESTMENT TRUST PLC

                         Unaudited Preliminary Results

                       for the Year Ended 31 October 2003

Group Statement of Total Return (incorporating the revenue account)

for the year ended 31 October 2003

                                             Year ended 31 October 2003              Year ended 31 October 2002
                                            Revenue      Capital        Total       Revenue       Capital         Total
                                              #'000        #'000        #'000         #'000         #'000         #'000

Total capital gains/(losses) from                 -       44,605       44,605             -      (61,161)      (61,161)
Income from fixed asset investments          11,719            -       11,719        11,579             -        11,579
Other interest receivable and similar           475            -          475           724             -           724
                                         ----------   ----------   ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------
Gross revenue and capital gains/             12,194       44,605       56,799        12,303      (61,161)      (48,858)
Management fee                              (1,051)        (937)      (1,988)       (1,265)       (1,128)       (2,393)
Other administrative expenses                 (622)            -        (622)         (627)             -         (627)
                                         ----------   ----------   ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------
Net return/(loss) on ordinary
before interest payable and taxation         10,521       43,668       54,189        10,411      (62,289)      (51,878)

Interest payable                              (717)      (1,672)      (2,389)         (722)       (1,685)       (2,407)
                                         ----------   ----------   ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------
Net return/(loss) on ordinary
before taxation                               9,804       41,996       51,800         9,689      (63,974)      (54,285)

Taxation on net return on ordinary            (823)          480        (343)         (831)           494         (337)
                                         ----------   ----------   ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------

Available for ordinary shareholders           8,981       42,476       51,457         8,858      (63,480)      (54,622)
                                         ----------   ----------   ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------
Dividends on Ordinary Shares:
Three interims of 1.74p (2002: 1.68p)       (6,586)            -      (6,586)       (6,359)             -       (6,359)
Proposed final of 1.83p (2002: 1.74p)       (2,309)            -      (2,309)       (2,195)             -       (2,195)
                                         ----------   ----------   ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------
                                            (8,895)            -      (8,895)       (8,554)             -       (8,554)
                                         ----------   ----------   ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------

Transfer to/(from) reserves                      86       42,476       42,562           304      (63,480)      (63,176)
                                             ======       ======       ======        ======        ======        ======

Return/(loss) per ordinary share (note        7.12p       33.66p       40.78p         7.02p      (50.31)p      (43.29)p

The revenue columns of this statement represent the profit and loss accounts of the Group.

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                        THE BANKERS INVESTMENT TRUST PLC

                         Unaudited Preliminary Results

                       for the Year Ended 31 October 2003

Balance Sheets

at 31 October 2003

                                                                         Group         Group       Company       Company
                                                                          2003          2002          2003          2002
                                                                         #'000         #'000         #'000         #'000

Fixed asset investments
Listed at market value
in the UK                                                              224,749       202,917       224,749       202,917
outside the UK                                                         166,332       139,136       166,332       139,136
Other quoted funds                                                       1,337         3,370         1,337         3,370
Unquoted investments                                                       750         1,125           750         1,125
Investment in subsidiary undertaking                                         -             -           709           705
                                                                    ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------
Total fixed asset investments                                          393,168       346,548       393,877       347,253
                                                                    ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------
Current assets
Debtors                                                                  4,550         8,367         4,550         8,350
Bank balances and short term deposits                                   11,480        11,215        11,275        11,027
                                                                    ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------
                                                                        16,030        19,582        15,825        19,377

Creditors: amounts falling due within one year                        (25,749)      (25,243)      (26,253)      (25,743)
                                                                    ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------
Net current liabilities                                                (9,719)       (5,661)      (10,428)       (6,366)
                                                                    ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------

Total assets less current liabilities                                  383,449       340,887       383,449       340,887

Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year               (26,300)      (26,300)      (26,300)      (26,300)
                                                                    ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------
Total net assets                                                       357,149       314,587       357,149       314,587
                                                                        ======        ======        ======        ======

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                                                 31,542        31,542        31,542        31,542
Share premium account                                                      452           452           452           452
Other reserves                                                         307,689       265,213       308,398       265,918
Revenue reserve                                                         17,466        17,380        16,757        16,675
                                                                    ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------
Shareholders' funds (all equity)                                       357,149       314,587       357,149       314,587
                                                                        ======        ======        ======        ======

Net asset value per ordinary share (note 2)                             283.1p        249.3p        283.1p        249.3p
                                                                        ======        ======        ======        ======

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                        THE BANKERS INVESTMENT TRUST PLC

                         Unaudited Preliminary Results

                       for the Year Ended 31 October 2003

Group Cash Flow Statement

For the year ended 31 October 2003
                                                                          2003          2003          2002          2002

                                                                         #'000         #'000         #'000         #'000
Net cash inflow from operating activities                                              9,314                       8,794

Servicing of finance
Debenture interest paid                                                (1,177)                     (2,302)
Bank and loan interest paid                                               (83)                       (122)
                                                                    ----------                  ----------
Net cash outflow from servicing of finance                                           (1,260)                     (2,424)

UK tax paid                                                                  -                        (54)
Withholding tax recovered                                                  162                         208
                                                                    ----------                  ----------
Net tax recovered                                                                        162                         154

Financial investment
Cash received under futures contracts                                       38                         133
Purchases of investments                                              (61,567)                    (86,209)
Sales of investments                                                    61,627                      78,541
                                                                    ----------                  ----------
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from financial investment                                       98                     (7,535)

Equity dividends paid                                                                (8,705)                     (8,403)

Management of liquid resources
Cash (placed on)/withdrawn from deposit                                                (318)                       1,757
                                                                                  ----------                  ----------
Net cash outflow before financing                                                      (709)                     (7,657)

Drawdown of loans                                                        1,099                       3,117
                                                                    ----------                  ----------
Net cash inflow from financing                                                         1,099                       3,117
                                                                                  ----------                  ----------
Increase/(decrease) in cash                                                              390                     (4,540)
                                                                                      ======                      ======
Reconciliation of net cash flow to movements in net debt
Increase/(decrease) in cash as above                                                     390                     (4,540)
Net cash inflow from increase in loans                                               (1,099)                     (3,117)
Cash outflow/(inflow) from movement in liquid resources                                  318                     (1,757)
                                                                                  ----------                  ----------
Change in net debt resulting from cash flows                                           (391)                     (9,414)
Exchange movements                                                                      (81)                       1,306
                                                                                  ----------                  ----------
Movement in net debt in the year                                                       (472)                     (8,108)
Net debt at 1 November                                                              (31,772)                    (23,664)
                                                                                  ----------                  ----------
Net debt at 31 October                                                              (32,244)                    (31,772)
                                                                                      ======                      ======

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                        THE BANKERS INVESTMENT TRUST PLC

                         Unaudited Preliminary Results

                       for the Year Ended 31 October 2003


1.       Return/(loss) per Ordinary Share
         Revenue return per ordinary share is based on earnings attributable to ordinary shares of #8,981,000 (2002:
         #8,858,000), and on the number of ordinary shares in issue during the year of 126,169,781 (2002: 126,169,781).

         Capital gain per ordinary share is based on gains attributable to ordinary shares of #42,476,000 (2002: losses
         of #63,480,000), and on the number of ordinary shares in issue during the year of 126,169,781 (2002:

2.       Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share
         The net asset value per ordinary share is based on net assets attributable to ordinary shares of #357,149,000
         (2002: #314,587,000) and on the 126,169,781 ordinary shares in issue at 31 October 2003 (2002: 126,169,781).

3.       Preliminary Results
         The preliminary figures for the year ended 31 October 2003 have been extracted from the latest Group accounts
         and do not constitute statutory accounts as defined by Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. These accounts
         have not yet been delivered to the Registrar of Companies, nor have the auditors yet reported on them.

4.       2002 Report and Accounts
         The figures and financial information for the year ended 31 October 2002 are extracted from the latest
         published accounts of the Company and do not constitute statutory accounts for that year. Those accounts have
         been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and included the report of the auditors which was unqualified and
         did not contain a statement either under Section 237(2) or 237(3) of the Companies Act 1985.

5.       2003 Report and Accounts
         Copies of the Report and Accounts will be posted to shareholders in January 2004 and will thereafter be
         available from the Secretary at 4 Broadgate, London EC2M 2DA. The Annual General Meeting will be held at the
         Drapers' Hall, Throgmorton Avenue, London EC2 on Friday 20 February 2004 at 12 noon.

6.       Dividend
         A final dividend of 1.83p per ordinary share will, if approved by shareholders, be paid on 27 February 2004 to
         shareholders on the register on 30 January 2004. The Company's shares go ex-dividend on 28 January 2004.

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                        THE BANKERS INVESTMENT TRUST PLC

                         Unaudited Preliminary Results

                       for the Year Ended 31 October 2003

Largest Investments

at 31 October 2003

The 40 largest investments (convertibles and all classes of equity in any one
company being treated as one investment) were as follows:
                                             Market                                                               Market
                                              Value                                                                Value
Rank                                    31 Oct 2003 Rank                                                          31 Oct
(2002)                                        #'000 (2002)                                                         #'000
1 (2)     BP                                 15,174 21 (30)   Tesco                                                2,906
2 (3)     HSBC                               13,452 22 (15)   British American Tobacco                             2,900
3 (1)     GlaxoSmithKline                    12,898 23 (*)    AP Moller-Maersk                                     2,848
4 (5)     Vodafone                            8,353 24 (17)   Novartis                                             2,784
5 (4)     Shell Transport & Trading           7,323 25 (*)    BHP Billiton                                         2,716
6 (7)     Royal Bank of Scotland              5,321 26 (35)   Anglo American                                       2,701
7 (6)     Barclays                            5,144 27 (29)   Prudential                                           2,675
8 (9)     Total Fina Elf                      4,851 28 (32)   ABN-Amro                                             2,473
9 (10)    HBOS                                4,732 29 (*)    Yell                                                 2,437
10 (8)    Lloyds TSB                          4,502 30 (*)    Deutsche Boerse                                      2,379
11 (12)   AstraZeneca                         4,429 31 (*)    Carnival                                             2,331
12 (18)   BT Group                            3,896 32 (*)    Man Group                                            2,318
13 (19)   Philips Electronics                 3,685 33 (37)   ICAP                                                 2,310
14 (13)   Diageo                              3,604 34 (*)    Galen                                                2,262
15 (22)   Irish Life & Permanent              3,410 35 (*)    Dexia                                                2,230
16 (20)   Unibail                             3,255 36 (21)   Aventis                                              2,183
17 (16)   ENI                                 3,183 37 (23)   Allied Irish Banks                                   2,169
18 (11)   Unilever                            3,116 38 (*)    ISS International                                    2,157
19 (14)   Nestle                              3,111 39 (39)   Richemont                                            2,120
20 (28)   Samsung Electronics                 3,000 40 (*)    Greene King & Sons                                   2,032

These investments total #165,370,000 or 42.1% of the portfolio.

(*) Not in the top 40 largest investments last year.

Changes in Investments
                                     Valuation         Purchases            Sales       Appreciation          Valuation
                                          2002                           Proceeds                                  2003
                                                           #'000                               #'000
                                         #'000                              #'000                                 #'000
United Kingdom                         201,366            28,120           28,639             21,655            222,502
Europe                                  60,916             3,538            8,842             11,980             67,592
North America                           42,372            15,482           12,510                592             45,936
Japan                                   24,367             2,614            2,616              4,130             28,495
Pacific (ex Japan)                      11,730            10,270            5,130              4,434             21,304
Emerging Markets                         5,797                 -              340              1,882              7,339
                                    ----------        ----------       ----------         ----------         ----------
                                       346,548            60,024           58,077             44,673            393,168
                                        ======            ======           ======             ======             ======

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                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange