Regulatory News:

On Thursday 12th January, Ethias carried out the acquisition of three nursing homes belonging to the ORPEA group (Paris:ORP), which will rent and manage the facilities.

This real-estate investment project concerns the three following nursing homes:

1. The “Rustoord Zennehart” home on Pastoor Bolsstraat, Alsemberg: 95 beds2. The “Les jardins d’Ariane” home at ave. Ariane 1, Woluwé St Lambert: 159 beds3. The “Panhuys Park” home on Panhuisstraat, Destelbergen: 108 beds

The total investment represents a sum of EUR 55 million.

Ethias having confirmed its intention of increasing its investment in real-estate assets, this investment is wholly in line with Ethias’ real-estate investment policy that focuses on nursing and care homes and office buildings.

ORPEA is a leading European player in the Long-Term Care, Post-Acute and Rehabilitation Care and Psychiatric Care sectors, and has over 20 years of experience and expertise in the sector.

It has a European network of 36,714 beds spread across 394 sites:

-- France   322 facilities   28,590 beds -- Spain 22 facilities 2,938 beds -- Belgium 36 facilities 3,799 beds -- Italy 12 facilities 1,222 beds -- Switzerland 2 facilities 165 beds

Ethias’ commitment

Ethias is a Life and Non-life insurer committed to engage in a mutually profitable relationship with public institutions, civil servants, corporate and related retail client segments by providing premium value-for-money products and services generating sustainable profits while leveraging its core values of humanism, ethics, commitment and proximity.