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Amarin Corp PLC

Amarin Corp PLC (AMRN)

( -0.87% )
Updated: 12:56:05

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DAR53 DAR53 29 minutes ago
RMB, I agree and to me this should be illegal. How do certain people get to have a set of rules that no retail shareholder can take advantage of.
JRoon71 JRoon71 30 minutes ago
The prior board responded to everything publicly that Sarissa put out.

We haven't heard from the current Board in over a year.

Looks like our new board is acting like our old board when it comes to activist investors ! Figures maybe they needed some comic strips presentations like Denner did
DAR53 DAR53 33 minutes ago
He basically moves the stock between some of his companies (funds) and then takes capital losses then moves them back. Last week he was showing a CB of $1.58 so I guess he has moved additional shares.
hayward hayward 41 minutes ago
Looks like our new board is acting like our old board when it comes to activist investors ! Figures maybe they needed some comic strips presentations like Denner did

rosemountbomber rosemountbomber 1 hour ago
Market taking a hit from copper tariff announcement.  Amarin hanging there.  
rosemountbomber rosemountbomber 3 hours ago
Thanks for clearing that up for me Jroon. 
ramfan60 ramfan60 3 hours ago
Hi Lizzy, I think it's a good move..... the headlines will have you believe that TSLA sales are way down all over the world..... what they fail to stress is that the 4 major giga factories had to stop producing the old model Y (#1 selling car in the world and not just EV) for a couple weeks while they retooled for the refreshed Y. It is now back to outselling all the China EV's in China and almost back to even with last year in Europe....I do like these depressed share prices for now but they won't be this low a month from now. I sure hope AMRN gets some positive traction soon, especially after the RS. More positive articles and major BP interest..... what a summer we could enjoy.
👍️ 1
lizzy241 lizzy241 3 hours ago
CBB, IMHO, Dr. Bhatt is coming from a different place regarding the most recent positive benefit of EPA published. His interest is in the scientific results, not monetary. But he may secretly wish BP would take over to explore additional applications of EPA.
JRoon71 JRoon71 3 hours ago
Yes, he controls all of the funds (not "owns"). Each fund is an independent business entity (he obviously owns shares in some or all of the funds, but that is different than "owning" the fund itself). So there is no wash sale issue. But because Denner has effective control over the funds (NOT ownership, but CONTROL), they are all reported aggregately. He's got 6 or 7 different funds that he runs (under the purview of the SEC - no idea what he has outside of the U.S.).

It's also possible that he shifts funds between US-based funds and offshore funds, which would explain why shares mysteriously disappear and re-appear, while supposedly "never selling a single share". This would likely avoid tax harvesting/wash sale rules.

Not sure how all that works with these hedge fund type things. But if I have two accounts, and sell a stock in one creating a loss, but immediately (with 30 days either way) repurchase the stock in another account, the IRS considers that a wash sale and I don't get the benefit of claiming a loss on the sold shares. So not sure how Denner works this. Does he not own the other accounts?
lizzy241 lizzy241 3 hours ago
ramfan, I decided to nimble a little when TSLA shows some signs of life. It should rebound now that the AG considers keying, torching etc of a TSLA a domestic terrorist act.
rosemountbomber rosemountbomber 3 hours ago
Not sure how all that works with these hedge fund type things. But if I have two accounts, and sell a stock in one creating a loss, but immediately (with 30 days either way) repurchase the stock in another account, the IRS considers that a wash sale and I don't get the benefit of claiming a loss on the sold shares. So not sure how Denner works this. Does he not own the other accounts?
JRoon71 JRoon71 3 hours ago
Not sure, but hoping they add someone that is actually going to have something to offer the board. Half the board are just placeholders.
JRoon71 JRoon71 3 hours ago
His shares also "re-appeared" (likely from a fund that was outside the purview of the SEC). This is basically another situation where he has moved shares around among his various funds. When he exits one fund, he effectively "sells" them (recording a tax loss), and then when they are acquired in the new fund, he establishes a new cost basis at the price at the time of the transaction.

But since he neither gave up effective control of the shares, nor added or deleted shares, no filing was required.

How did he get his average down to 1.29? He would have to file any transactions within 3 days. There were no trades.
rosemountbomber rosemountbomber 3 hours ago
I notice that Mark DiPaolo is not running for the board at this coming meeting. Does it mean anything?
Bullrunner2 Bullrunner2 4 hours ago
How did he get his average down to 1.29? He would have to file any transactions within 3 days. There were no trades.
ziploc_1 ziploc_1 4 hours ago
An investor, interested in buying or selling a large number of shares at a reasonable price, would be adversely affected by delisting...For investors who are not presently interested in buying or selling shares, but who are interested in a sale of Amarin to a BP...a continuation of Amarin's Nasdaq listing, along with a price per share of $5 or more would be a plus.
DMC8 DMC8 4 hours ago
33m+ shares at new average cost $1.29.
Are you done already??
DMC8 DMC8 5 hours ago
Number sleven Number sleven 7 hours ago
north40000 north40000 10 hours ago
Interesting purchase agreement involving vendor Aquabounty appeared on the IHub message board of that company. The shares of that company rose above $1.00/share AH yesterday. Lengthy SEC filing. Salmon raising via aquaculture in land-based facilities likely involved if my memory is correct. A Canadian company is purchaser. Patents and trademarks involved. I skimmed the SEC filing...... Didn't see the facts below.
Extensive litigation concerning safety of genetically engineered salmon eggs and resulting salmon vis a vis wild salmon found Aquabounty the loser. FDA approval of the company product in 2015 was challenged in Court, found unlawful  under environmental protection laws, and potential customers like Red Lobster and Legal Seafood expressed no interest in the product. The company shut down its operations last December. 
CaptBeer CaptBeer 10 hours ago
Hello KennyBoy, there are many here, including me who are pondering that question. I'm sorry to say that I don't have any answers for you. There are some people who claim that R/S invites short sellers while others say it invites M&A candidates who don't want to look foolish buying a company whose stock is about to be delisted. Good luck to you and all of us. 
rosemountbomber rosemountbomber 13 hours ago
You are correct North.  It should be NVS.  They actually should have jumped on Amarin when their mixed omega product failed.
north40000 north40000 14 hours ago
NVO? Or NVS like I opined? Actually I have no clue on either, or any potential buyer with worldwide presence. The Bhatt editorial sent our way today should serve to clear up loose ends in some minds that chose to see ambiguities. I'm not at all sure about any AVXL buyout timing either.
JRoon71 JRoon71 14 hours ago
But his shares mysteriously re-appeared
Dancing in the dark Dancing in the dark 16 hours ago
No change
Dancing in the dark Dancing in the dark 16 hours ago
kenyboy kenyboy 17 hours ago
Dear Captain beer:
May ask some advice from you regarding the upcoming reverse spilt on April 12, 2025.
I have bought shareas ranging from $1.50 to $22.0 per share with a total of 200,000 shares. Would you recommend selling all the shares before the split? Would appreciate any other constructive suggestion. Thanks in advance
couldbebetter couldbebetter 17 hours ago
Given the status of Dr. Bhatt (and all of his
corporate connections) I often wonder what
he thinks should happen with AMRN. Bhatt
is on the BOD of BMY and I would think his
interest would be in seeing his baby (Vascepa)
ultimately be used to benefit as many patients
as possible. Given his professional presentations
seem to culminate in the fact that Vascepa is a
truly effective drug with a myriad of uses...I
can't imagine he would go through all of this
for nothing. I also wonder what he makes of
the new formulations of EPA.
👍 3
Number sleven Number sleven 18 hours ago
Is anyone else going to vote against current board members retaining their positions at the annual general shareholder meeting?
rosemountbomber rosemountbomber 19 hours ago
Sounds like a way NVO can get their hands on V, without automatically burdening themselves with all the mess with litigation and Generics.  If that situation ultimately clears itself up they could then come.  Kind of like a CVR in some sense.  The big questions are:  are they interested and will they move on it. 

North, I am also invested in AVXL. Do you think any potential buyout there will wait to see what the EMA does in terms of approval first?
ramfan60 ramfan60 19 hours ago
Hey Lizzy, I've been buying TSLA and I'm dealing with a whole planet full of activists. Bunch of morons!
DAR53 DAR53 20 hours ago
It was Engine Capital.
lizzy241 lizzy241 21 hours ago
North, just heard on CNBC that LYFT will be dealing with an activist didn't catch the name. Good Luck
north40000 north40000 21 hours ago
How does idea of NVS buying AMRN's ex-United States and Canada assets post April 11 2025 with a first, maybe unconditional, option to purchase remaining assets (at a date and price to be determined ) strike you and anybody else? That could provide some time for litigation items to disappear and new Amarin product to be fully developed and NDA filed. 

I can tell I'm getting bored. I bought SHEL shares this morning before I learned of rumor of buyout of BP. I also bought shares of LYFT with thought that AMZN might initiate a buyout. I'm patiently waiting for potential buyout of our BB and AVXL shares; we have less than ten thousand shares of each.
ramfan60 ramfan60 22 hours ago
DMC8, thanks for sharing SanDiegoLivings posts....... I look forward to seeing those and they continue to provide positive messaging to what has been a gloomy investment.
👍️ 4
DMC8 DMC8 23 hours ago
👍️ 4
JRoon71 JRoon71 24 hours ago
Got it. I must have been mistaken on shareholder approval.

I agree on the Board. Other than PWO, I actually really liked the makeup of the prior board. Far more pharma experience than the current board, more M&A experience, and I also felt that that board had more commitment specifically to Amarin. I believe the current board is a bunch of placeholders that are not committing as much time and effort to Amarin. There's a few that have some value, but mostly warm bodies that are Sarissa friends/employees.
Number sleven Number sleven 1 day ago
JRoon, Shareholders don't get a vote on shelf registrations. We do get a vote on board members. I recommend voting against any and all of the current board.
lizzy241 lizzy241 1 day ago
Capt, I thought I'd share this connection with you. The JELIS study dates back many years I happen to be interested in the significance of the timeline e.g., connecting the dots to current studies and who was instrumental in discovering the efficacy of EPA.
Mitsuhiro Yokoyama was instrumental in the JELIS outcome. If you scroll down to the very bottom of the link below *Mochida Pharma supported the JELIS study. That's why our collaboration with Mochida is so significant. I believe eventually some additional patents will show up, which will further assist Amarin with either FDC or LR-EtEPA developments. Both add value to offer BP when the time comes to sell the company.
👍️ 2
CaptBeer CaptBeer 1 day ago
More from the article:

Dr. Deepak Bhatt:

Inflammation contributes centrally to the genesis of plaque rupture and ischemic events. Contemporary data support that the risk associated with arterial inflammation persists independently of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and triglyceride levels.9 The data from Reilly et al6 suggest that EPA could help address this component of residual cardiovascular risk. Analyses from REDUCE-IT show consistent clinical benefits of EPA across baseline levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (and triglycerides, as noted in the previous text). Anti-inflammatory effects mediated by the adaptive immune modulation beyond those assessed by the biomarkers of innate immunity previously reported in REDUCE-IT, such as the effects on T cells reported by Reilly et al,6 could contribute to these benefits.

The valuable data from Reilly et al6 add to other important experimental data that have shown cell membrane stabilizing properties, other anti-inflammatory effects, antioxidant benefits, and antithrombotic properties of EPA, beyond its ability to lower levels of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins.8 These laboratory data complement several randomized imaging trials that also show effects of EPA on slowing or even reversing coronary plaque progression, including the first demonstration of an effect of any drug on improving noninvasively determined fractional flow reserve on CT angiography.10

The present analysis should prompt further research on EPA. This molecule, highly conserved through evolution, appears to play a fundamental role in cardiovascular biology. In REDUCE-IT, no apparent excess in infections emerged; thus, unlike some other targeted anti-inflammatory agents, there does not appear to be an infectious disease risk associated with EPA. This observation opens the door to the study of EPA in other disease states where the effects described by Reilly et al6 on T cells may also provide clinical benefit.
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JRoon71 JRoon71 1 day ago
I think the scientific community has done a poor job of highlighting these OTHER trials (beyond JUST Reduce-It) that showed efficacy with IPE.

Now they just need to figure out how to commercialize it at scale, and convince a BP that it can be done.
rosemountbomber rosemountbomber 1 day ago
Last sentence makes wonder if Nissen is pissed that the Cleveland Clinic has given grants to Dr. Mason. Thanks for posting.  Have a good workweek tomorrow
👍️ 2
CaptBeer CaptBeer 1 day ago
The results from JELIS, REDUCE-IT, RESPECT-EPA, EVAPORATE & CHERRY are now explained! It's the EPA Stupid!
👍️ 3
lizzy241 lizzy241 1 day ago
DMC, Amazing document. We are in good company. As Capt would say "it's the EPA stupid"
The credits list many companies, so surely someone has their eye on Amarin!
lizzy241 lizzy241 1 day ago
The deals are out there, M&A is picking up. Amarin is next!

Merck buys rights to heart disease drug in latest China deal
REUTERS 8:11 AM ET 3/25/2025
Symbol Last Price Change
MRK 91.43down -0.88 (-0.9533%)
LLY 864.38down -0.52 (-0.0601%)
ULIHF 2.1down -0.25 (-10.638298%)
QUOTES AS OF 10:37:00 AM ET 03/25/2025
By Sriparna Roy

March 25 (Reuters) - Merck(MRK) has signed a licensing agreement for a heart disease drug with Jiangsu Hengrui Pharmaceuticals worth up to $2 billion, the latest in a series of deals U.S. drugmakers have recently signed with China-based firms.

Large drugmakers including Merck(MRK) and Eli Lilly(LLY) have turned to Chinese biotechs for deals that give them access to new drugs for a cheaper investment, analysts have said.

Most recently, Danish drugmaker Novo Nordisk bought global rights to China-based United Laboratories International's(ULIHF) weight-loss drug candidate in a deal worth up to $2 billion.

Merck (MRK) last year signed a licensing deal worth up to $2 billion for Chinese biotech Hansoh Pharma's experimental oral drug to treat obesity. It also bought the rights to an early-stage cancer drug from China's LaNova in an up to $3.3 billion deal.

China continues to be an interesting source of recently struck licensing deals, as more innovations at low costs are coming out of the region, said Kevin Gade, chief operating officer at Bahl & Gaynor, which owns Merck(MRK) shares.

Under the latest deal, announced on Tuesday, Merck(MRK) will get exclusive rights to develop, manufacture and sell Jiangsu Hengrui Pharmaceuticals' experimental oral heart disease drug, HRS-5346, worldwide, except in the Greater China region.

The drug, currently being studied in a mid-stage trial in China, belongs to a class of drugs which prevent formation of cholesterol, fats and proteins in the blood, which can limit the blood flow to vital organs resulting in heart attack, stroke and other cardiovascular diseases.

Hengrui Pharma will receive an upfront payment of $200 million and will be eligible for up to $1.77 billion if it meets certain development, regulatory and commercial milestones, as well as royalties on net sales of HRS-5346, if approved.

The deal is expected to close in the second quarter of 2025. (Reporting by Sriparna Roy in Bengaluru; Editing by Shounak Dasgupta and Shinjini Ganguli)

DMC8 DMC8 1 day ago
👍️ 3
Skipperdog11 Skipperdog11 1 day ago
JRoon, the obvious thing to look for in the next ERs and shareholder meeting is mention of the dreaded and feared shelf offering. I'm too lazy and at this point way more interested in following names that don't trade in fractions of cents to look to see how many shares have already been approved and remain open in the current state.
JRoon71 JRoon71 1 day ago
Sleven, I am referring to authorizing new shares, not distributing currently approved, treasury shares (as they do to fund options and stock grants).

I believe authorizing new shares requires shareholder approval.

Either way, I don't see why they would do a new capital raise.
Skipperdog11 Skipperdog11 2 days ago
"And once the RS happens they will be able to sell shares to raise funds. One doesn't have to look too far to find companies which have done the same"

I would argue that one would have to look very far to find a case in which a company has executed a 1 for 20 and did not raise funds within a year of the RS.
🤠 1
Monk4444 Monk4444 2 days ago
A fukn'men!
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