Our Board has used an informal process to identify potential candidates for nomination as
directors. Candidates for nomination have been recommended by an executive officer or director and considered by our Board. Generally, candidates have been known to one or more of our Board members. Our Board has not adopted specific minimum
qualifications that it believes must be met by a person it recommends for nomination as a director. At least a majority of our independent directors participate in the consideration of director nominees. These directors are independent, as
independence for nominating committee members is defined in the NYSE listing rules. However, so long as the Company continues to be a controlled company (within the meaning of NYSE listing rules), the Board may be guided by the recommendations of
the Companys majority stockholder, Mat Ishbia, as President of SFS Corp., in its nominating process. After discussion and evaluation of potential nominees, the full Board selects the director nominees. Although our Corporate Governance
Guidelines provide our Board with the authority to retain a search firm to assist it in identifying director candidates, there has to date been no need to employ a search firm. Our Board does not evaluate potential nominees for director differently
based on whether they are recommended to our Board by a stockholder.
Our Board will consider as potential nominees persons recommended by stockholders.
Recommendations should be submitted to our Board in care of our Secretary, Adam Wolfe, at 585 S. Boulevard E, Pontiac, MI 48341. Each recommendation should include a personal biography of the suggested nominee, a description of the background or
experience that qualifies the person for consideration, and a statement that the person has agreed to serve if nominated and elected.
Criteria and Diversity
Our Board recognizes its
responsibility to ensure that nominees for our Board possess appropriate qualifications and reflect a reasonable diversity of skills, abilities, industry knowledge, personal and professional experience and personal characteristics. We believe that
the backgrounds and qualifications of our directors, considered as a group, should provide a composite mix of experience, knowledge and abilities that will allow our Board to promote our strategic objectives and fulfill its responsibilities to our
In evaluating candidates for nomination, our Board will consider the factors it believes to be appropriate, which would generally include the
candidates independence, personal and professional integrity, business judgment, relevant experience and skills, including those related to the mortgage or financial institution industry, and potential to be an effective director in
conjunction with the rest of our Board in collectively serving the long-term interests of our stockholders.
In considering whether to recommend any particular
candidate for inclusion in the slate of recommended director nominees for our Board, our Board applies certain criteria as set forth in our Corporate Governance Guidelines. These criteria include the candidates independence under the NYSE
listing standards and SEC rules, integrity, diversity with respect to race, ethnicity, gender, geography, financial skills and other expertise, breadth of experience, knowledge about our business and industry, willingness and ability to devote
adequate time and effort to our Board, ability to contribute to our Boards overall effectiveness, and the needs of our Board and its committees. Our Board does not assign specific weights to particular criteria and no particular criterion is a
prerequisite for any prospective nominee. In evaluating any director candidate recommended by stockholders, our Board will apply the same criteria and adhere to the same policies and procedures applicable to the evaluation of candidates proposed by
members of our Board or by a stockholder.
Our Board believes that diversity, including differences in backgrounds, qualifications, and personal characteristics, as
well as gender and racial diversity, is important to the effectiveness of its oversight of the Company and that its membership should reflect a diversity of personal characteristics. Our Board is committed to this policy of inclusiveness and will
therefore continue to take reasonable steps to ensure that our Board continues to consider gender diversity and racial diversity in its consideration of nominees. Currently, three (3) of our nine (9) directors are women.
The director biographies on pages 8 12 indicate each directors experience, qualifications, attributes and skills that led our Board to conclude
that each director should continue to serve as a member of our Board. Our Board believes that each director has had substantial achievement in his or her professional and personal pursuits and possesses the background, talents and experience that
our Board desires and that will contribute to the best interests of our company and to long-term stockholder value.
Our Board is committed to continual corporate governance improvement, and the Board and each committee annually
conduct a self-evaluation to review and assess the overall effectiveness of the Board and each committee, including with respect to strategic oversight, board structure and operation, interactions with and evaluation of management, governance
policies and committee structure and composition. Committee self-assessments of performance are shared with the full Board. The Board also reviews the Corporate Governance Guidelines each year in light of changing conditions and stockholders
interests and recommends appropriate changes for consideration and approval. Matters with respect to board composition, the nomination of directors, board processes and topics
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