2 days ago
To fully answer your question:
This is paying for the services incured by receiver Geoff Winkler (AFS) and Greenberg Traurig.
The fees are in a table broken down with the following info:
Applicant | Total Fees | Interim Payment Requested (Fees) | Expenses | Interim Payment Requested (Expenses)
Receiver/AFS | $37,453.50 | $29,962.80 | $1,724.38 | $1,724.38
Greenberg T | $2,683.02 | $2,146.41 | $0 | $0
There are more detailed breakdowns available throughout as well, but that is the totals.The most interesting bit was probably this:
"During the Application Period, and with assistance of counsel, the
Receiver and the AFS team made progress on elements of Estate administration,
including further analysis of assets; continued review of account records and
auditing needs; communication with Mr. Chappell and/or his counsel regarding
estate assets; communication with financial institutions and other holding assets and
evaluation of next steps including working with Goldman Sachs on a plan to
liquidate the remaining positions held in the two accounts; communication with
investors; continue process of winding down the business and liquidation of assets;
handling of tax issues; retention of auditor for Black Horse Capital, LP., Black Horse
Capital Master Fund, Ltd., and Black Horse Capital Offshore and work with same;
processing expenses and approved accounts payable; and preparation of quarterly
report and requisite filings."
Hope this provides the insight you were after 🍻
2 days ago
Friendly reminder to all those visiting: Humanigen no longer exists, has no IP, their shares have been cancelled by FINRA, and thus do not exist. Your previous shares will remain visible in your trading accounts until the bankruptcy has concluded.
Pay no attention to speculation, disinformation around trials, partnerships, and like.
Anyone searching for information can find all relevant material surrounding the bankruptcy and sale of assets here:
Information surrounding the SEC vs. Dale can be found on PACER & Pacer Monitor
I've seen a couple posts asking me about document paywalls and what's behind them. If I have some free time I will check tomorrow.
That is all. Cheers 👋
cowtown jay
1 week ago
The Liquidating Trust has until July 7th to object to claims, unless he asks for an extension. I'm interested in how claims to the IP may have been affected by the amended Asset Purchase Agreement, if at all. Has a reverse merger or consolidation come into play?
Docket List:
I drilled down to the bone in SpongeTech's bankruptcy case, and in regards to who was Naked Shorting the stock. I'm totally shut out of those areas in Humanigen's case.
I'm looking forward to seeing how a BLA may have progressed here, particularly in terms of what may have been learned regarding covid pneumonia reinfection rates in lenz-treated patients, as well as presentations of covid-related indications and mortality rates.
cowtown jay
1 week ago
No, I can't, dlog, and I've looked. I think my belief that lenz is the miracle covid vaccine enhancement actually precedes any patents that supports my belief. I remember saying that I would have taken the Novavax covid vaccine, just to have a reason to take lenz as a follow-up chaser. I just knew, at that point in time, that doing that would have saved countless, millions, losses of life. Those preventable excess deaths continue to this day. And my pro-Novavax bias remains strong today, but with substantiation now for that belief in the form of the NVAX EUA.
But, can you name any licensed covid vaccine in the US that is not an mRNA vaccine? There's only one, the Novavax vaccine. And Sanofi has disclosed that they are using that vaccine in their Covid Influenza Combination (CIC) vaccine. Sanofi conservatively (inaccurately) estimates that this CIC vaccine will result in a 56% increase in demand for their existing flu vaccine. I think that is under-stated, and in terms of the covid component of this CIC vaccine, it will be 100% of the US covid market, as Pfizer and Moderna will lose their EUA authorizations, once the triumvirate of Humanigen/Sanofi/Novavax have attained their full regulatory approvals.
And I think these pending approvals are the reason we see the CDC and the FDA cancel their previously scheduled vaccine advisory committee meetings, since lenz is variant agnostic.
Don't forget just how miraculous lenz has proven to be in CAR-T, which appears to have reduced Gracell's processing time from ~16 days per patient treatment compounding time, to
cowtown jay
3 weeks ago
Hi, eb!
In college, I discovered that my interests were in political science and economics. I wasn't particularly happy to make that discovery, because I couldn't imagine a more frustrating career choice than being a political economist. So I never tried to go to law school. But I could not shake my motivation to fight against the abuse of discretionary authority by unelected government bureaucrats. I was honored to have been asked by SpongeTech's bankruptcy trustee to become the Estate Representative for shareholders in that company. In that capacity, I subpoenaed Electronic Blue Sheet trading records from FINRA which showed the continuous Naked Short selling of tens of millions of shares in that company everyday, despite FTD short sell restrictions, all the while until trading was finally halted. That effort proved for naught, as the bankruptcy judge recognized that shareholders had a case, but he could not see how the naked short selling impacted the company.
In Humanigen's case, the SEC has largely hidden their abuse of discretionary authority, since the case was sealed. But, Humanigen being a biotech, there is a plethora of other government agencies shown abusing their discretionary authority, such as NIAID, the NIH, the FDA, the CDC, the DOJ, and still, the SEC, to an extent that is known. The most promising appointment in this new Administration, for my purposes. is that of RFK, Jr., as the head of the HHS. I hope he will expose the real toll of the harm our present course is extracting by our national covid response, to include the significant number of excess deaths being reported since the pandemic.
Somewhat ironically, a research report titled 'Mortality Trends Among Early Adults in the United States, 1999-2023,' was just published by the JAMA Network. I say it's ironic, because it was funded, in part, by a grant established by Bobby's Aunt Ethel's foundation.
The Report notes, "Early adult excess mortality was 34.6% higher than expected in 2019 and then further accelerated during the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2021, all-cause excess mortality was nearly 3 times what it had been in 2019 (116.2 vs 41.7 deaths per 100?000 population). In 2023, excess mortality decreased, but only to approximately midway between its 2019 and 2021 levels (79.1 deaths per 100?000 population). As a result, early adult mortality was 70.0% higher in 2023 than it would have been had pre-2011 trends continued, reflecting 71?124 excess deaths."
I've previously linked mortality data from other studies that are pretty much in-line, showing excess deaths that are >80% higher than expected, That's why I believe we are seeing tens of millions of preventable deaths. I think Lenzilumab could help restore the immune system in these post pandemic 1, and in pre-pandemic 2 populations.
cowtown jay
3 weeks ago
"No human would still follow a stock 1 year (after) bankruptcy etc."
One year? Try 15 years, and counting. In fact, the SEC recently filed an Admin Proceeding against SpongeTech relating to charges and a bankruptcy that were filed in 2010. I long awaited this latest filing, and was thrilled to see it released at this point in the process of the Humanigen proceedings. Due to the SEC hiding behind a sealed civil case here, I was not able to prove Naked Shorting in this case, as I did with SpongeTech.
Nevertheless, if our float represented 229% of our Outstanding Shares, those loaned shares represent a significant value to the company, should management announce a second recall of their loaned shares, as we saw in our predecessor company, Kalobios.
cowtown jay
3 weeks ago
In the trial investigators' video presentation, Dale mentioned that a certain KOL (Key Opinion Leader), asked them to detail the treatment outcomes for Black and African American patients. I wonder if Alondra Nelson asked the White House's Office of Science and Technology, (which she was subsequently chosen to Direct), or NIH Director Francis Collins, to request that information. I'd also like to know if she knew the NIH trial was designed to fail, or that it appears that half of the Black and African American patients were dropped from the trial reporting.
"AI Overview
Learn more
Dr. Francis Collins served as the 16th director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) from August 17, 2009 until December 19, 2021. His 12-year tenure was the longest of any presidentially appointed NIH director."
And yes, I think Kennedy will be surprised by the government's role in this deadly charade to keep Humanigen's lenzilumab off the covid treatment guidelines.
cowtown jay
4 weeks ago
Hello, Thenatsy
Thank you for your interest in my posts. I'm certainly not able to speak with authority regarding, "... what's happening with the company and our shares..." I can only draw conclusions about what I observe.
For instance, and in regards to your question, Humanigen features the progress they made in treating CMML on their corporate site.
However, Humanigen does not appear to own the Intellectual Property rights to treat that indication. Taran Therapeutics and the University of Adelaide filed the patent application AFTER the bankruptcy case was initiated in January 2024.
I think the bankruptcy court judge likely had to approve the assignment of that patent right as part of the amended Asset Purchase Agreement he approved before the bankruptcy case was resolved. I also believe that Humanigen, Inc's shares were transferred to Humanigen Australia as part of this deal, which will see us merge with Taran, reuniting the share structure with the IP.
That consolidation, in itself, does not produce revenue or meet any financial obligations Humanigen, Inc., may yet be required to meet. This tells me that the bankruptcy court judge was provided assurance that the unsecured debt will be, or has been, met or assumed by Taran, who appears to be anticipating approval to treat CMML from Australia's TGA regulatory agency.
cowtown jay
1 month ago
I think most of the shares Dale transacted were effectively of treasury shares Dale held as a nominee for the company, rather than to retire those shares ahead of their planned merger or consolidation. Too much of the investigative data was sealed and without a copy of the transaction journal from the Transfer Agent, there's no way to even know what really transpired.
To me, it's a moot point, because I reject the very basis for the cases even being brought. The NIH, NIAID, FDA, SEC and DOJ should all be investigated for their role in this case. In a related instance involving the CDC, they were also grossly incompetent by impeding an accurate threat assessment that lenzilumab is still required to meet. More on that later.
cowtown jay
1 month ago
Taran Therapeutics patent for CMML.
I'm accustomed to seeing the CAR-T patents assigned to Taran on the '' site.
Today was the first time I saw a Taran patent on the 'Justia' site.
A hint of how events may be unfolding may have been provided when the company announced the PREACH-M study progress. "Short Hills, New Jersey and Adelaide, South Australia--(Newsfile Corp. - April 14, 2023) - Humanigen, Inc. (Nasdaq: HGEN), Humanigen Australia Pty Ltd, (Humanigen) and the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI) today presented (poster CT085/13); the design and baseline results of the Precision Approach to Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia (PREACH-M) study of lenzilumab in chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CMML), at the 2023 annual meeting of the American Association of Cancer Research being held in Orlando, FL April 14-19."
Of note in the announcement is that Humanigen Australia is parenthetically described as "Humanigen."
Whereas the HGEN ticker is associated with Humanigen, Inc. I've suspected that the amended Asset Purchase Agreement approved by the bankruptcy judge was to allow Humanigen Australia to assume the HGEN ticker and share structure. This may be evidence of that.
It's good to see a patent for the CMML indication. The fact that this is an orphan indication would be appealing to Sanofi, as well.
cowtown jay
1 month ago
I present this evidence to allay concerns raised by the FDA in terms of trial size used by the company, and, as it turns out, also used by NIAID/NIH, in the LIVE-AIR and the ACTIV-5 trials, respectively.
"The data safety monitoring board (DSMB) composed of independent subject matter experts conducted an interim analysis of the unblinded data for trial sizing and powering and recommended increasing the target number of events (recoveries) from 257 to 402 to maintain the power of the study at 90 percent. The adaptive trial design only allows for the addition of patients if interim data are in the βpromising zoneβ (i.e., achieving or surpassing an average improvement in recoveries of 29 percent (hazard ratio (HR) > 1.29) through day 28).
The company remains blinded to the data and based on the recommended number of events, the HR was calculated to be 1.37, an average of 37 percent more recoveries observed in the lenzilumab arm compared to the control arm. Any observed benefit in the lenzilumab arm would be over and above the use of remdesivir and/or steroids which are among the treatments that have been used as SOC in both the lenzilumab treatment arm and the placebo arm of the study.
At the recommendation of the DSMB, the company plans to increase enrollment to achieve 402 events (approximately 515 patients). This increase in enrollment ensures an even higher probability of success in meeting the primary endpoint and maintains the power of the study at 90 percent. The next interim analysis for efficacy is planned when the study reaches 75 percent events (302 events) which will require approximately 390 patients to be enrolled in the trial.
βBased on this feedback from the DSMB, we believe the Phase 3 trial is significantly de-risked. Targeting 402 events improves the probability of success, maintains the power of the study at 90 percent, and further supports our plans for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) and Biologics License Application (BLA) submission,β said Dale Chappell, MD, MBA, chief scientific officer of Humanigen. β
The company-sponsored trial had 520 patients. The government-sponsored trial had 527 patients. Both exceeded the 515 patients recommended by the DSMB. There was no need to force a second trial, which the FDA was coercing management to do, knowing that the company did not have the resources to do it.
I still want to know how the ACTIV-5 trial went from >40% of Black or African-American patients reflected in the interim analysis, to only 19% of the completed trial.
cowtown jay
1 month ago
September 29th. For my granddaughter, that was half of her lifetime ago, because she is now 7 years old, and the Sept 29th I was waiting for was the one in 2021, when the FDA Declined to review our EUA application. The FDA continues to deprive Humanigen shareholders of the quality of life we should be having with our families, at least in my case.
I tell myself that I'm being petty by feeling as I do, because the FDA's negligence is causing so many new families to experience the preventable death of a loved one everyday, that lenzilumab may very well have saved. But missing out on creating memories with our families is especially unfortunate for us older shareholders, who have less time to make those memories.
I think the FDA has until April to make a decision on a BLA application that may include lenz. It remains to be seen if we'll hear from the PREACH-M or RATinG studies before then.