Company: Popular Inc. (BPOP) 
   Participation: Popular received preliminary approval and said it expects 
   the U.S. Treasury will buy $950 million in newly issued preferred shares 
   and receive warrants to buy up to $142.5 million in common shares. 
   Date of disclosure: Nov. 18 
   Notes: n/a 
   Company: Principal Financial Group Inc. (PFG) 
   Participation: Principal applied to partcipate as a savings and loan 
   holding company and could be eligible to receive up to $2 billion. 
   Date of disclosure: Nov. 18 
   Notes: n/a 
   Company: Severn Bancorp Inc. (SVBI) 
   Participation: Severn received approval for $23.5 million. 
   Date of disclosure: Nov. 18 
   Notes: n/a 
   Company: Southern Community Financial Corp. (SCMF) 
   Participation: Southern Community received preliminary approval for the 
   sale of $42.75 million in preferred stock and related warrants. 
   Date of disclosure: Nov. 18 
   Notes: The new capital will, on a pro forma basis, raise Southern 
   Community's leverage ratio to 10.29% from 7.83%, its Tier 1 risk-based 
   capital ratio to 12.28% from 9.34% and its total risk-based capital ratio 
   to 13.61% from 10.67% as of Sept. 30. 
   Company: Superior Bancorp (SUPR) 
   Participation: Superior received preliminary approval to sell $69 million 
   in preferred stock and issue warrants to buy about $10.5 million in common 
   Date of disclosure: Nov. 18 
   Notes: The transaction is expected to close by the end of 2008. 
   Company: Teche Holding Co. (TSH) 
   Participation: Teche applied and would be eligible to receive up to $15 
   Date of disclosure: Nov. 18 
   Notes: n/a 
   Company: Texas Capital Bancshares Inc. (TCBI) 
   Participation: Texas Capital applied for up to $130 million. 
   Date of disclosure: Nov. 18 
   Notes: At the end of the third quarter, Texas Capital reported Tier 1 and 
   total capital ratios of 10.5% and 11.4%, respectively. 
   Company: United Community Banks Inc. (UCBI) 
   Participation: United Community received preliminary approval for the U.S. 
   Treasury to buy $180 million preferred shares and receive warrants to buy 
   $27 million in common stock. 
   Date of disclosure: Nov. 18 
   Notes: With the new capital, United Community's total risk-based capital 
   ratio would increase to 14.3% from 11.4%. 
   Company: Astoria Financial Corp. (AF) 
   Participation: Astoria applied to sell $375 million in preferred stock and 
   related warrants. 
   Date of disclosure: Nov. 17 
   Notes: Astoria said there is no assurance it will participate if approved. 
   Company: Bancorp Rhode Island Inc. (BARI) 
   Participation: Bancorp Rhode Island said it will participate and is 
   qualified to receive up to $30 million. 
   Date of disclosure: Nov. 17 
   Notes: n/a 
   Company: Capital Bank Corp. (CBKN) 
   Participation: Capital Bank received preliminary approval of its $42.9 
   million application. 
   Date of disclosure: Nov. 17 
   Notes: n/a 
   Company: CIT Group Inc. (CIT) 
   Participation: CIT Group applied for as much as $2.5 billion Tier 1 capital 
   through the TARP program. The company applied to become a bank holding 
   company on Nov. 13. 
   Date of disclosure: Nov. 17 
   Notes: n/a 
   Company: First Chester County Corp. (FCEC) 
   Participation: First Chester applied for $25 million in capital. 
   Date of disclosure: Nov. 17 
   Notes: n/a 
   Company: Great Southern Bancorp (GSBC) 
   Participation: Great Southern received preliminary approval for up to $60 
   Date of disclosure: Nov. 17 
   Notes: n/a 
   Company: Lincoln National Corp. (LNC) 
   Participation: Lincoln National filed an application for savings and loan    
   holding company status and an application for the TARP program. 
   Date of disclosure: Nov. 17 
   Notes: n/a 
   Company: Northern Trust Corp. (NTRS) 
   Participation: Northern Trust issued preferred shares and warrants to the    
   Treasury Department for a purchase price of $1.576 billion. The company    
   said Oct. 27 that Treasury would buy $1.5 billion in senior preferred 
   and related warrants. 
   Date of disclosure: Nov. 17 
   Notes: n/a 
   Company: OceanFirst Financial Corp. (OCFC) 
   Participation: OceanFirst filed a non-binding application and could receive 
   up to $38.3 million. 
   Date of disclosure: Nov. 17 
   Notes: n/a 

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