HouseValues, Inc. (NASDAQ: SOLD) today announced results for the quarter ended September 30, 2008.

Comparisons of Quarterly Results

--  Revenue was $9.3 million in the third quarter compared to $10.1
    million in the second quarter of 2008. The decline in sequential quarter
    revenue primarily reflected fewer customers in the company's agent direct

--  Net loss of $1.8 million in the third quarter compared to net loss of
    $1.3 million in the second quarter.

--  The company generated $0.7 million in Adjusted EBITDA in the third
    quarter compared to Adjusted EBITDA of $0.9 million in the second quarter.

--  Cash position remained strong at $62.0 million as the company
    generated $0.7 million in cash flow from operations for the quarter.

--  Customer retention was the best in seven quarters and consistent with
    the second quarter level. Two-year tenured customers now comprise more than
    a third of all customers.

HouseValues believes that truly great companies are built in down cycles. Throughout 2008 the company has continued to invest in its customers and its products, while demonstrating disciplined expense management. HouseValues generated $1.4 million in cash from operations and $1.5 million in Adjusted EBITDA during the first nine months of the year.

"We are confident that HouseValues' adjusted EBITDA and cash flow from operations will both be positive for the full year of 2008, despite market conditions that continue to be worse than most anticipated," said CEO Ian Morris. The company expects recent revenue trends to continue in the fourth quarter.

Conference Call

To facilitate communication with investors regarding an upcoming re-branding initiative as well as third quarter results, the company has scheduled its regular quarterly conference call at 1:30 p.m. Eastern time, on Monday, November 17, 2008. To listen to the live conference call, please dial 719-325-4832. A live webcast of the call will be available from An audio replay of the call will also be available to investors beginning at 7:30 p.m. Eastern time through midnight Tuesday, November 18 by dialing 719-457-0820 and entering the passcode 6472905# (note updated passcode).

Cash Position and Share Repurchase Update

The company believes that its strong cash position is a strategic asset. Liquidity and safety of principal continue to be core to the company's investment policy. Since the first quarter of 2008, the company has been invested in cash equivalents consisting of money market funds that invest in high quality, short-term U.S. Government obligations and repurchase agreements collateralized by U.S. Government Obligations. Cash and cash equivalents were $62.0 million on September 30, 2008.

Year-to-date as of October 24, 2008 HouseValues has re-purchased and retired 671,522 shares at an average cost of $2.44 per share, and may purchase up to approximately 1.1 million additional shares under the current share repurchase authorization.

Forward-Looking Statements

This release contains forward-looking statements relating to the company's anticipated plans, products, services, and financial performance. The words "believe," "expect," "anticipate," "intend" and similar expressions identify forward-looking statements, but their absence does not mean the statement is not forward-looking. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to certain risks, uncertainties and assumptions that could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated in the forward-looking statements. Factors that could affect the company's actual results include its ability to retain and increase its customer base, to respond to competitive threats and real estate market conditions, to manage lead generation and other costs, to develop new products, to expand into new lines of business, and to effectively re-brand and re-launch the company. Please refer to the company's 2007 Form 10-K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission for a more detailed description of these and other risks that could materially affect actual results. Given these risks and uncertainties, you should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements are made as of today's date and the company assumes no obligation to update any such statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof.

Non-GAAP Measures

Adjusted EBITDA from continuing operations is a non-GAAP financial measure provided as a complement to results in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America ("GAAP"). The term "Adjusted EBITDA from continuing operations" refers to a financial measure that we define as earnings or loss before results of discontinued operations, net interest, income taxes, depreciation, amortization, impairment of long-lived assets, equity in loss of investee, stock-based compensation and gain on sale of fixed assets. Adjusted EBITDA is not a substitute for measures determined in accordance with GAAP, and may not be comparable to Adjusted EBITDA from continuing operations as reported by other companies. We believe Adjusted EBITDA from continuing operations to be relevant and useful information to our investors as this measure is an integral part of our internal management reporting and planning process and is the primary measure used by our management to evaluate operating performance. The components of Adjusted EBITDA from continuing operations include the key revenue and expense items for which our operating managers are responsible and upon which we evaluate their performance, and we also use Adjusted EBITDA from continuing operations for planning purposes and in presentations to our board of directors. See below for a reconciliation of net loss, the most comparable GAAP measure, to Adjusted EBITDA from continuing operations.

                            HouseValues, Inc.
                              (In thousands)

                                                              Nine months
                            Three months ended                   ended
                -------------------------------------------  -------------
                September 30,    June 30,     September 30,  September 30,
                    2008           2008           2007           2008
                -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------

Net loss        $      (1,808) $      (1,271) $        (804) $      (4,271)
   income, net           (289)          (289)          (883)        (1,097)
  Gain on
   sale of
   fixed assets             -              -              -           (791)
  Impairment of
   assets                   -              -          1,200              -
  Equity in loss of
   subsidiary             207            185              -            543
  Income from
   operations of
   segment                  -              -            (74)             -
  Depreciation and
   amortization of
   property and
   equipment from
   operations           1,040          1,015          1,170          3,014
  Amortization of
   assets for
   operations             491            492             16          1,475
   operations           1,014            745            646          2,582
  Income tax
   (benefit)               31             34           (761)            67
                -------------  -------------  -------------  -------------
Adjusted EBITDA
 operations     $         686  $         911  $         510  $       1,522
                =============  =============  =============  =============

About HouseValues, Inc.

Founded in 1999, HouseValues, Inc. (NASDAQ: SOLD) provides real estate professionals with the tools and services they need to manage and grow their real estate businesses. The company's subscription software products include Realty Generator, a turnkey advertising and lead management system for real estate brokerage companies; and MarketLeader CRM, a customer relationship management and lead management solution for real estate agents. The company also provides real estate professionals with access to industry-leading advertising and lead-generation services to help them attract new clients and promote themselves throughout their community.

Additionally, HouseValues provides consumers with free access to the information and tools they need throughout the home buying and selling process. The company's consumer websites include:, a service that notifies home buyers as soon as new homes hit the market;, a service that provides home sellers with market valuations of their current home; and, a real estate portal that enables consumers to see all the home listings in their area, view detailed neighborhood and school data, compare recent home sales, find local real estate agents, and find the value of their own home.

Real estate professionals can learn more about the company's services at and For more information please visit



                            HouseValues, Inc.
                  (In thousands, except per share data)

                                    Three months ended  Nine months ended
                                       September 30,       September 30,
                                    ------------------  ------------------
                                      2008      2007      2008      2007
                                    --------  --------  --------  --------

Revenues                            $  9,258  $ 13,797  $ 30,585  $ 47,619
    Sales and marketing (1)            5,842     8,946    19,514    31,574
    Technology and product
     development (1)                   1,424     2,123     4,873     7,420
    General and administrative (1)     2,320     2,864     7,258     9,431
    Gain on sale of fixed assets           -         -      (791)        -
    Impairment of long-lived assets        -     1,200         -     1,200
    Depreciation and amortization
     of property and equipment         1,040     1,170     3,014     4,570
    Amortization of intangible
     assets                              491        16     1,475       427
                                    --------  --------  --------  --------
      Total expenses                  11,117    16,319    35,343    54,622
                                    --------  --------  --------  --------
    Loss from operations              (1,859)   (2,522)   (4,758)   (7,003)
Equity in loss of unconsolidated
 subsidiary                             (207)        -      (543)        -
Interest income, net                     289       883     1,097     2,220
                                    --------  --------  --------  --------
Loss before income tax expense        (1,777)   (1,639)   (4,204)   (4,783)
Income tax expense (benefit)              31      (761)       67    (2,087)
                                    --------  --------  --------  --------
    Net loss from continuing
     operations                       (1,808)     (878)   (4,271)   (2,696)
Discontinued operations
    Income from operations of
     discontinued mortgage segment         -       113         -       240
    Income tax expense                     -        39         -        83
                                    --------  --------  --------  --------
      Income from discontinued
       operations                          -        74         -       157
                                    --------  --------  --------  --------
        Net loss                    $ (1,808) $   (804) $ (4,271) $ (2,539)
                                    ========  ========  ========  ========

Net loss per share:
Basic and diluted:
    Continuing operations           $  (0.07) $  (0.04) $  (0.18) $  (0.11)
    Discontinued operations         $      -  $      -  $      -  $   0.01
                                    --------  --------  --------  --------
    Total                           $  (0.07) $  (0.03) $  (0.18) $  (0.10)
                                    ========  ========  ========  ========

Number of shares used in per share
 calculations                         24,311    24,542    24,357    24,528
                                    ========  ========  ========  ========

(1) Stock-based compensation is
 included in the expense line items
 above in the following amounts:

                                    --------  --------  --------  --------
                                      2008      2007      2008      2007
                                    --------  --------  --------  --------

    Sales and marketing             $    302  $    150  $    680  $    502
    Technology and product
     development                          37        49       115       311
    General and administrative           675       447     1,787     1,791
    Discontinued operations                -         -         -        19
                                    --------  --------  --------  --------
                                    $  1,014  $    646  $  2,582  $  2,623
                                    ========  ========  ========  ========

                            HouseValues, Inc.
                    (In thousands, except share data)

                                               September 30,  December 31,
                                                   2008           2007
                                               -------------  -------------
Current assets:
   Cash and cash equivalents                   $      62,020  $      35,450
   Short-term investments                                  -         27,400
   Accounts receivable, net of allowance of
    $41 and $50                                           72            128
   Prepaid expenses and other assets                   1,587          1,764
   Prepaid income taxes                                  878            905
                                               -------------  -------------
   Total current assets                               64,557         65,647
Property and equipment, net of accumulated
 depreciation of $12,915 and $11,518                   4,766          6,187
Goodwill                                               4,506          3,833
Intangible assets, net of accumulated
 amortization of $4,052 and $2,576                     4,855          6,330
Minority investment in unconsolidated
 subsidiary                                            2,045          2,588
Other noncurrent assets                                    -            398
                                               -------------  -------------
     Total assets                              $      80,729  $      84,983
                                               =============  =============

Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity
Current liabilities:
   Accounts payable                            $         970  $       1,395
   Accrued compensation and benefits                   1,600          2,084
   Accrued expenses and other current
    liabilities                                        1,135          1,809
   Deferred rent, current portion                        289            289
   Deferred revenue                                      374            373
   Note payable                                        1,970          1,873
                                               -------------  -------------
     Total current liabilities                         6,338          7,823
Deferred rent, less current portion                      402            722
Noncurrent deferred tax liabilities                       92              -
                                               -------------  -------------
     Total liabilities                                 6,832          8,545
Shareholders' equity:
   Preferred stock, par value $0.001 per
    share, stated at amounts paid in;
    authorized 30,000,000 shares; none
    issued and outstanding                                 -              -
   Common stock, par value $0.001 per share,
    stated at amounts paid in; authorized
    120,000,000 shares; issued and outstanding
    24,449,201 and 24,521,139 shares at
    September 30, 2008 and December 31, 2007,
    respectively                                      68,105         66,375
   Retained earnings                                   5,792         10,063
                                               -------------  -------------
     Total shareholders' equity                       73,897         76,438
                                               -------------  -------------
     Total liabilities and shareholders'
      equity                                   $      80,729  $      84,983
                                               =============  =============

                            HouseValues, Inc.
                              (In thousands)

                                                    Nine months ended
                                                       September 30,
                                                   2008           2007
                                               ------------   ------------
Cash flows from operating activities:
   Net Loss                                    $     (4,271)  $     (2,539)
   Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net
    cash provided by (used in) operating
       Depreciation and amortization of
        property and equipment                        3,014          4,570
       Amortization of intangible assets              1,475            427
       Stock-based compensation                       2,582          2,623
       Excess tax benefit from exercises of
        stock options                                     -            (65)
       Deferred income tax expense (benefit)             92         (1,282)
       Gain on sale of fixed assets                    (791)             -
       Impairment to long-lived assets                    -          1,200
       Equity in loss of unconsolidated
         subsidiary                                     543              -
       Changes in certain assets and
           Accounts receivable                           56            375
           Prepaid expenses and other current
            assets                                      226           (755)
           Prepaid income taxes                          27            903
           Other noncurrent assets                      398            (38)
           Accounts payable                            (502)        (1,395)
           Accrued compensation and benefits           (484)        (1,307)
           Accrued expenses and other current
            liabilities                                (655)        (2,449)
           Deferred rent                               (320)          (279)
           Deferred revenue                               1           (707)
                                               ------------   ------------
             Net cash provided by (used in)
              operating activities                    1,391           (718)
                                               ------------   ------------
Cash flows from investing activities:
   Purchases of short-term investments                    -        (22,645)
   Sales of short-term investments                   27,400         10,785
   Purchases of property and equipment               (1,816)        (2,330)
   Proceeds from sale of fixed assets                 1,209            (14)
   Acquisition of Realty Generator                     (639)             -
                                               ------------   ------------
             Net cash provided by (used in)
              investing activities                   26,154        (14,204)
                                               ------------   ------------
Cash flows from financing activities:
   Purchase and retirement of common stock           (1,006)          (968)
   Proceeds from exercises of stock options
    and warrants                                        259            633
   Payment of taxes due upon vesting of
    restricted stock                                   (228)             -
   Excess tax benefit from exercises of stock
    options                                               -             65
                                               ------------   ------------
             Net cash used in financing
              activities                               (975)          (270)
                                               ------------   ------------
             Net increase (decrease) in cash
              and cash equivalents                   26,570        (15,192)

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of
 period                                              35,450         49,376
                                               ------------   ------------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period     $     62,020   $     34,184
                                               ============   ============

Investor Contact: Mark Lamb Director of Investor Relations HouseValues, Inc. 425.952.5801 Press Contact: Hugh Siler Siler & Company for HouseValues, Inc. 949.646.6966

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