Washington, DC 20549



Specialized Disclosure Report


Tesla, Inc.

(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)


Delaware   001-34756   91-2197729
(State or other jurisdiction of
  (Commission File Number)   (IRS Employer
Identification No.)


1 Tesla Road

Austin, Texas 78725

(Address of principal executive offices, including zip code)


Brandon Ehrhart

General Counsel and Corporate Secretary

(512) 516-8177

(Name and telephone number, including area code, of the person to contact in connection with this report.)


Check the appropriate box to indicate the rule pursuant to which this form is being filed, and provide the period to which the information in this form applies:


x Rule 13p-1 under the Securities Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.13p-1) for the reporting period from January 1 to December 31, 2023.


¨ Rule 13q-1 under the Securities Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.13q-1) for the fiscal year ended                  .







Section 1 – Conflict Minerals Disclosure


Item 1.01Conflict Minerals Disclosure and Report


A copy of Tesla, Inc.’s Conflict Minerals Report for the year ended December 31, 2023 is provided as Exhibit 1.01 hereto and is publicly available online at https://www.tesla.com/about/legal.


Item 1.02Exhibit


A copy of Tesla, Inc.’s Conflict Minerals Report for the year ended December 31, 2023 is attached hereto as Exhibit 1.01.


Section 2 – Resource Extraction Issuer Disclosure


Item 2.01Resource Extraction Issuer Disclosure and Report


Not applicable.


Section 3 – Exhibits


Item 3.01Exhibits


Exhibit 1.01 – Conflict Minerals Report as required by Items 1.01 and 1.02 of this Form.







Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the duly authorized undersigned.


  By: /s/ Brandon Ehrhart

Brandon Ehrhart

General Counsel and Corporate Secretary


Date: May 31, 2024





Exhibit 1.01




Tesla Conflict Minerals Report


(This report has been filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission to comply with the reporting period for the calendar year ended December 31, 2023.)


Tesla’s Mission


The goal of Tesla is to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy.


Overview of Tesla


We design, develop, manufacture, sell and lease high-performance fully electric vehicles and energy generation and storage systems, and offer services related to our products. We generally sell our products directly to customers, and continue to grow our customer-facing infrastructure through a global network of vehicle service centers, Mobile Service, body shops, Supercharger stations and Destination Chargers to accelerate the widespread adoption of our products. We emphasize performance, attractive styling and the safety of our users and workforce in the design and manufacture of our products and are continuing to develop full self-driving technology for improved safety. We also strive to lower the cost of ownership for our customers through continuous efforts to reduce manufacturing costs and by offering financial and other services tailored to our products. Our mission is to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy. We believe that this mission, along with our engineering expertise, vertically integrated business model and focus on user experience differentiate us from other companies.




Tesla is committed to sourcing only responsibly produced materials. This means having safe and humane working conditions in our supply chain and ensuring that workers are treated with respect and dignity. In addition to the Tesla Supplier Code of Conduct (“Code”), our Global Human Rights and Responsible Sourcing policies (“Policies”) outline our expectations for all suppliers and partners with whom we work, as well as our commitment to respect human rights and responsible sourcing. We follow all applicable U.S. and foreign legal requirements and require our supply base to do the same. Our contractual agreements with suppliers reinforce these requirements and establish expectations of adherence to Tesla’s Code and Policies. We ask our suppliers to provide us with evidence that their operations address these social, environmental and sustainability issues, and that their sourcing is done in a responsible manner.




Tesla’s supply chain has a unique hybrid of traditional automotive and high-tech industry suppliers from around the world. Most of our Tier 1 suppliers (i.e., directly sourced suppliers) do not purchase raw materials directly from mining/refining parties and instead obtain them from their upstream suppliers and sub-suppliers. Therefore, reliably determining the origin of all of our suppliers’ products is a challenging task, but the due diligence practices outlined below provide additional information and transparency that help us and our suppliers adhere to the responsible sourcing principles of our Code and Policies.


Our Tier 1 automobile parts suppliers are required to register and complete the domestic and international material compliance requirements in the automotive industry standard International Material Data System (“IMDS”) to meet European Union and other international materials and environmental related regulations. This requirement is also mandated for all suppliers who supply their products or raw materials to us as part of our production part approval process.


Tesla’s Responsible Supply Chain


All of Tesla’s supply chain partners are subject to our Code. This Code is the foundation for ensuring social and environmental responsibility and ethical conduct throughout our supply chain, no matter the industry, region or materials. Tesla continues to identify and do business with organizations that conduct their business with principles that are consistent with our Code.


Tesla, along with our partners and independent third parties, conducts audits to observe these principles in action. If there is a reasonable basis to believe a supplier is in violation of our Code, Tesla works with the supplier to remediate and will transition away from that relationship unless the violation is remediated in a satisfactory manner.


In addition to our Code, Tesla’s Global Human Rights Policy formalizes our commitment to uphold, respect and embed human rights and the values they represent throughout our business as we accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy. The ethical treatment of all people and regard for human rights is core to our mission of a sustainable future for all. The policy is applicable to both our own operations and our supply chain, and includes the communities impacted by our operations and our supply chain.


Next, our Responsible Sourcing Policy helps to ensure that all companies or individuals involved in a supply chain producing goods and services for Tesla, whether directly and indirectly, conduct their worldwide operations in a responsible manner, consistent with Tesla’s mission. Tesla's suppliers are required to use reasonable efforts to ensure that the products they supply to Tesla do not contribute to armed conflict, human rights abuses or environmental degradation, regardless of sourcing location. For all materials used in Tesla products, Tesla requires its suppliers to establish policies, due diligence frameworks and management systems consistent with the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct, and the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas.




This report details our due diligence efforts to understand the origin of the conflict minerals used in our products and the company’s efforts to eliminate from our value chain any benefits our sourcing of these materials may give to armed groups in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and its adjoining countries (“DRC region”) or other conflict-affected and high-risk areas (“CAHRAs”). The SEC currently defines “conflict minerals,” also known as “3TG,” as:


(i)columbite-tantalite (tantalum);


(ii)cassiterite (tin);




(iv)wolframite (tungsten); and


(v)any derivatives of the above.


When sourcing 3TG materials, Tesla expects suppliers to share our goal and implement steps to create a responsible supply chain. In 2023, we established more rigorous requirements for suppliers using 3TG materials and worked collaboratively with the Tesla teams that own supplier business relationships to address potential compliance concerns. We require sourcing (directly and upstream) from smelters or refiners (“SoRs”) that have been validated as responsible sources by the Responsible Minerals Initiative’s (“RMI”) Responsible Minerals Assurance Process (“RMAP”) or an equivalent program, and therefore represented in the RMAP Conformant List. In addition, regardless of RMAP status, if Tesla concludes that an SoR presents a high risk of non-compliance with Tesla's Code and Policies, Tesla may within Tesla’s sole discretion prohibit it from being used in Tesla's supply chain. We expect suppliers to communicate and extend Tesla’s requirements to their own suppliers. When we discover suppliers with non-conformant or high-risk SoRs, Tesla requires these suppliers to transition to a fully conformant, lower risk supply chain without delay. Suppliers may be requested to provide evidence of changes to their supply chain to prove the removal of non-conformant SoRs.


Tesla recognizes the importance of continuing to source from potentially high-risk contexts, including for example, the DRC region or other CAHRAs; practicing risk mitigation is a preferred path to an embargo or termination of sourcing due to the importance of material production to livelihoods in those areas.


The sharing of sourcing information is critical to our efforts to source responsibly, and all Tesla suppliers are required to provide information upon request on their sourcing, due diligence efforts and findings for all materials. For more information, please see Tesla’s Responsible Sourcing Policy.


In-Scope Products


As a company at the intersection of technology, transportation (electric vehicles) and energy (solar and storage), some products manufactured by Tesla contain some portion of 3TG.


Automotive Suppliers


We use the IMDS to help determine which automotive suppliers to include in our 3TG minerals due diligence inquiries. Utilizing the IMDS database, we review our entire Tier 1 supplier base to determine which suppliers are likely to supply products with 3TG. To best address the use of 3TG within our supply chain, we engage with suppliers who have a likelihood of using the covered materials in the products supplied to us in our Reasonable Country of Origin Inquiry (“RCOI").


Non-Automotive Suppliers


In an effort to include all possible relevant sources of 3TG in our due diligence, Tesla also requests Tier 1 suppliers in our solar and energy supply chains to complete CMRTs and includes them in the RCOI with our automotive suppliers.




Reasonable Country of Origin Inquiry


Due to Tesla’s downstream position in our supply chain, several tiers removed from 3TG SoRs, Tesla’s efforts to understand the origin of raw materials rely on the cooperation of our Tier 1 and other upstream suppliers. In 2023, more than 586 Tier 1 suppliers were selected to take part in our RCOI process, including automotive, solar and energy suppliers. As Tesla’s supply network expands, we will continue to inform suppliers on our responsible sourcing requirements as outlined in our Code and Policies, as well as on the need to conduct due diligence efforts and share information on the sourcing of 3TG.


For the 2023 reporting year, we sent in-scope suppliers a formal communication of our expectations and utilized the RMI CMRT process to gather information from our Tier 1 suppliers. We expect our suppliers to: review and adhere to Tesla’s Code and Policies; complete the Tesla-specific CMRT request; remove high-risk and non-conformant SoRs from the supply chain; establish and document due diligence frameworks consistent with the OECD Due Diligence Guidance; source from SoRs that participate in RMAP or another OECD-aligned independent assessment program; implement due diligence practices (including recommendation to become a member of the RMI, participate in the Minerals Grievance Platform, utilize resources such as the CMRT Completion Guide available in English, Chinese, German and Japanese) and extend and communicate these expectations to upstream suppliers. In addition, Tesla engaged a reputable third-party service provider with experience in responsible sourcing of minerals data collection to assist with the engagement and training of suppliers, collection of CMRTs, validation of responses, SoR identification and risk assessment. Using a combination of outreach via e-mail and phone, our in-scope Tier 1 suppliers were contacted multiple times throughout the year.


We aim to achieve a high response rate (percentage of Tier 1 suppliers that provide a complete CMRT for the current reporting year), as this will give us the best opportunity to identify opportunities for improvement. We also strive to obtain information that is most relevant to the supply chains of the parts and products supplied to Tesla. During the 2023 reporting year, we focused on collecting Tesla product-specific information from our Tier 1 suppliers. The aim of this change in process from prior years is to encourage Tier 1 suppliers to submit information only relevant to the parts supplied to Tesla, rather than information relevant to their company as a whole. We saw more suppliers comply with this expectation, increasing our response rate of acceptable submissions by 6% from the 2022 reporting year. Despite Tesla’s requests for only product- specific CMRT submissions, the information submitted by some Tier 1 suppliers is likely broader than just SoRs relevant to Tesla, due to the high volume of SoRs reported for any given supply chain, and thus, is likely over-reporting for the facilities relevant to Tesla. Given the fungible nature of the materials subject to this disclosure, as well as the complex and long supply chains for products that contain these materials, it is difficult for suppliers to identify the specific raw material suppliers that are ultimately a source of material for Tesla products. We continue to work to educate suppliers on our expectations to provide information relevant to Tesla and seek efforts to improve the transparency and due diligence process.




Industry Collaboration


We recognize the importance of working with industry peers and organizations and believe that a consolidated effort is the most efficient method to determine the reasonable country of origin. The RMI is one of the most utilized and respected resources for companies addressing issues related to the responsible sourcing of minerals in supply chains. Tesla collaborates with the RMI and its member companies to address challenges and emerging issues in the area of responsible minerals sourcing, including through participation in RMI workgroups to listen, learn, partner and co-design shared solutions. In 2023, a member of Tesla’s Responsible Sourcing team served as Co-Chair (with RMI) of the RMI’s Gold Team Working Group, a workgroup aiming to increase the uptake of responsible sourcing practices in the gold supply chain. Tesla also participated in the Smelter Engagement Team and the Due Diligence Practices Team.


In 2023, we met with representatives from the RMI, peer companies in the automotive and technology sectors and civil society stakeholders to discuss opportunities to continually improve the industry’s approach to responsible 3TG sourcing. We provided feedback to the RMI and other OECD-aligned, independent assessment programs (such as London Bullion Market Association’s Responsible Gold Programme) on opportunities to strengthen the industry’s audit protocol, upstream due diligence and collective industry tools. We also attended industry forums including the 2023 RMI conference and the 2023 OECD Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains.


The information in Annex I is based on RMI’s RCOI data as of March 29, 2024 and Tesla’s 2023 supplier CMRT responses received. Based on this information, the countries of origin of the 3TG contained in our products may include the countries listed below in Annex I. This information may be underinclusive to the extent any of our suppliers have not provided complete information regarding the countries of origin in their or their sub-suppliers’ supply chains. At the same time, this list may be overinclusive due to the RMI’s database including countries from the supply chains of all of its participants and not just Tesla. Annex II lists the smelters and refiners that may be in Tesla’s or our suppliers’ supply chains with respect to 3TG contained in our products, and this information is based on the 2023 supplier CMRT responses received. Like the RCOI data, this SoR list may be under or overinclusive due to the nature of how information is collected and distributed. Additional details of how this information is compiled and its connection to Tesla can be found in the sections for each of the Annexes below.


Description of Due Diligence


Our 3TG responsible sourcing of minerals processes and policies are designed to conform in all material respects with the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas (“OECD Guidance”).


Step 1: Establish Strong Company Management Systems


As noted above, Tesla has a Global Human Rights Policy (https://www.tesla.com/legal/additional-resources#global-human-rights-policy) and Responsible Sourcing Policy (https://www.tesla.com/legal/additional-resources#responsible-sourcing-policies), both of which were updated in 2023, as well as the Tesla Supplier Code of Conduct (https://www.tesla.com/legal/additional-resources#supplier-code-of-conduct). These policies are publicly available through our website.




The Responsible Sourcing Policy is applicable for all materials and all sourcing regardless of sourcing location, and therefore constitutes our policy for 3TG. We updated our Responsible Sourcing Policy to clarify that we expect suppliers to source from SoRs that have engaged in the RMAP and set similar expectations with their suppliers. The RMAP standards are developed to meet the requirements of the OECD Guidance, the Regulation (EU) 2017/821 of the European Parliament and the U.S. Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. We also clarify in the Responsible Sourcing Policy that Tesla recognizes the importance of continuing to source from potentially high-risk countries, including for example, the Democratic Republic of the Congo or other Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas; practicing risk mitigation is preferable to an embargo or termination of sourcing due to the importance of material production to livelihoods in those areas.


The Tesla Integrity Line is one of Tesla’s grievance mechanisms that can be used to report concerns, especially those relating to Tesla’s policies against illegal conduct, unethical behavior or human rights violations including those related to the sourcing of minerals. In 2023, we expanded access to this third-party managed helpline to allow external stakeholders, rights holders and rights defenders to raise potential concerns. We also updated The Global Human Rights Policy to refer to our Integrity Line and clarify that we expect our suppliers and their respective suppliers to implement an effective grievance management system for their operations, reaching suppliers’ workers and their legitimate representatives.


In instances where stakeholders prefer mechanisms outside of those operated by Tesla, other external grievance mechanisms are available such as the Responsible Business Alliance’s Grievance Mechanism, the RMI Grievance Mechanism (previously the Responsible Minerals Initiative’s Minerals Grievance Platform), and the non-judicial grievance mechanism operated by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development—the OECD National Contact Points for Responsible Business Conduct. These grievance mechanisms options are linked within our Global Human Rights Policy.


Our supplier manuals also address our policies on responsible sourcing of minerals and state our expectation that all Tesla suppliers are accountable for performing due diligence on their mineral supply chains in accordance with OECD Guidance. Our standard contractual terms with suppliers also include our expectation that all Tesla suppliers are accountable for performing minerals due diligence aligned with OECD Guidance, including to conform to any applicable internationally accepted assurance programs such as RMAP. In 2023, we strengthened our standard language in new supplier contracts related to supply chain traceability and the removal of high-risk entities in the supply chain.


In 2023, we trained employees within Tesla’s Supply Chain Organization on the topic of responsible sourcing of minerals and supplier engagement related to 3TG sourcing. We also trained new hires in our Supply Chain Organization, such as Global Supply Managers and Supplier Industrialization Engineers.


Tesla maintains a specialized Responsible Sourcing team within its Supply Chain Organization to lead human rights and environmental due diligence efforts. In addition, an internal cross-functional Tesla Responsible Sourcing Steering Committee (the “Steering Committee”), composed of Tesla leadership from Supply Chain, Investor Relations, and Legal, oversees these due diligence efforts and potential risks within our supply chain. In addition, our efforts are overseen and approved by the Steering Committee, including our Vice Presidents of Global Supply Management.




Step 2: Identify and Assess Risk in the Supply Chain


Tesla’s risk identification and assessment process begins with the RCOI process detailed above and by leveraging the CMRT. In-scope Tier 1 suppliers are engaged multiple times during this process, and internal stakeholders, such as Global Supply Managers, emphasize the importance of their participation. Supplier data is collected and reviewed over a period of time to allow for follow-up and further validation.


Supplier responses are continually reviewed throughout the process to ensure consistency with expected responses, and suppliers are asked to provide evidence of their own due diligence processes. Utilizing a reputable third-party, we also assess each CMRT received and follow up with suppliers who provided incomplete or invalid responses. When a supplier discloses that it has non-conformant SoRs in its supply chain, Tesla or our third-party service provider informs the supplier of our expectation to source only from suppliers that have successfully completed a responsible sourcing assessment such as the RMAP, per our Responsible Sourcing Policy.


SoR information is assessed against information provided by the RMI for validity as a SoR. Valid SoRs are then reviewed for their status as “conformant to” or “active in” a responsible sourcing audit program. Where we have serious concerns with an SoR’s sourcing practices and timely mitigation is not feasible, we deem that SoR high risk even if it is conformant with a responsible sourcing audit program. We escalate suppliers who report non-conformant or high-risk SoRs to the Tesla contacts that manage the business relationship for appropriate action.


With our service provider, Tesla monitors responses from suppliers on their own internal policies and processes regarding responsible sourcing of minerals. We provide feedback to suppliers when they do not meet our expectations. For the 2023 reporting period, we utilized a dashboard to track CMRT submissions against priority topics and metrics. The dashboard included the number of Tier 1 suppliers that reported high-risk SoRs in their CMRT submission and the number and name of high-risk SoRs reported by each supplier. This dashboard was used to escalate follow-up with suppliers, with the support of Tesla Global Supply Managers. We hosted multiple office hours for Global Supply Managers to further educate them on the need to prioritize these asks with suppliers. We also utilized an enhanced due diligence survey to request corrective action plans, including removal of high-risk SoRs, from suppliers when they submitted CMRTs that included high-risk SoRs.


2023 marked the sixth year of Tesla’s social and environmental compliance audits, which follow the Responsible Business Alliance's audit guidance. Through this program, Tesla assesses certain suppliers on issues including their management systems for responsible sourcing of minerals by commissioning third-party audits to assess conformance with the Code. We continued to expand the scope of our audits in both the number and geographic location of suppliers who underwent these audits. We use audits as a tool for driving continuous improvement with our suppliers by ensuring that corrective actions are implemented for identified issues and requiring closure audits where a priority non- conformance is identified. In 2023, we also surveyed a large portion of our supply chain through a Supplier Self-Assessment Questionnaire, which includes questions related to minerals and materials in the supply chain.




Ultimately, we aim to improve on-the-ground conditions in and around mining communities. In 2023, a representative from Tesla's Responsible Sourcing team traveled to 3TG production regions in Latin America, specifically Peru, to learn more about the supply chain. Mineral sourcing in Peru is higher risk for illegal mining, organized crime and environmental deforestation. Tesla visited two artisanal mines and two processing facilities in a gold production region in Peru to meet with supply chain representatives and local stakeholders, observe on-the-ground conditions and identify opportunities for impact and encourage participation in the RMAP audit program. As a result of our engagement, a gold aggregator underwent an RMAP assessment – becoming the first aggregator to initiate the RMAP assessment in the country. To enable broader learning, Tesla shared lessons learned from this upstream sourcing region delegation with peers through the RMI Smelter Engagement Team workgroup. Tesla also engaged with non-governmental organizations on potential social and environmental risks in Latin America gold supply chains, including representatives from indigenous groups to share its approach and hear feedback on opportunities to improve.


Step 3: Design and Implement a Strategy to Respond to Identified Risks


We monitor SoR validation progress by the RMI or other cross-recognized SoR responsible sourcing audit programs. If suppliers or SoRs fail to meet Tesla’s standards, we communicate the need to improve, in accordance with the framework of progressive improvement under the OECD Guidance. Any concerns with supplier responses throughout the data collection process are escalated for further review and action.


In alignment with OECD Guidance, Tesla shares the names of SoRs provided to us that have not been validated to the RMI for validation and audit. To help determine the reasonable country of origin for the 3TG in our supply chain, we continue to monitor and rely upon the RMI’s progress in identifying and validating SoRs.


With recognition of the importance of cross-industry collaboration and to share best practices, Tesla continues to actively participate in the RMI including relevant working groups, described in additional detail in the “Industry Collaboration” section, above.


As a result of Tesla’s 2022 in-person engagement in the DRC region, in 2023, Tesla supported the expansion of the Better Mining Supply Chain Due Diligence Monitoring, Corrective Action Plans and 3T minerals traceability program in the DRC and Rwanda to two additional 3T mine sites, enabling on one hand a substantial increase in volume of Better Mining-assured 3T minerals, and on the other hand, an increase of the number of impacted workers by 44.5% in these most upstream positions of the global minerals supply chain. In addition, in 2023 Tesla initiated the “Tesla Tech for Good” product donation project aimed at mitigating adverse human rights impacts of mining while simultaneously driving GHG reductions. Read more about these efforts in Tesla’s 2023 Impact Report.


Step 4: Perform Independent Third-Party Audit of Supply Chain Due Diligence


As outlined in the OECD Guidance, we support the RMI, an industry initiative which audits due diligence activities of SoRs. We rely on the RMI program and OECD-aligned independent assessment programs cross-recognized by RMI to determine if 3TG facilities reported by our suppliers are conformant with audit standards. We continue to work with the RMI to aim to strengthen their audit program.


We support the RMI’s SoR outreach efforts and RMAP audits through our membership and participation in working groups. In 2023, we contributed to the RMI’s Audit Fund, a fund designed to encourage SoRs to undergo an independent third-party assessment, increasing our contribution from 2022 to fund more audits. The Audit Fund offers SoRs an incentive for participating in the RMAP by fully paying for the costs of their initial audit and supporting needs-based re-assessments. By voluntarily providing financial support to the Audit Fund, Tesla participates in financial cost-sharing of upstream supply chain due diligence. We reserve the right to ask any Tier 1 supplier to audit their 3TG supply chain due diligence program using a third-party independent auditor.




The data on which we rely for certain statements in this declaration are obtained through our membership in the RMI using the RCOI report for RMI member ID: TSLA.


Step 5: Report on Supply Chain Due Diligence


We report on our due diligence efforts as required by law and to comply with Rule 13p-1 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. This report is also available on Tesla’s publicly available Legal page (www.tesla.com/about/legal). We also report on our efforts within the annual Tesla Impact Report.


Continuous Improvement


Tesla is working to continuously improve our responsible sourcing efforts. Our goal is that wherever Tesla’s supply chain has an impact, local conditions for stakeholders continuously improve as a result of our purchasing decisions and relationships. We strive to source all of our 3TG through conformant SoRs and support upstream positive impact. We work to stay up to date on current and emerging risks and regularly update our policies, standards, and management systems to meet challenges and address existing and emerging issues more effectively. In order to further strengthen our efforts, we:


§Continue to participate in cross-industry groups such as the RMI;


§Continue to work with in-scope suppliers to improve response rates to our requests, improve the quality and accuracy of their responses, and encourage their sourcing from conformant SoRs that meet Tesla expectations;


§Continue to contractually require participation from our suppliers in our due diligence process;


§Encourage suppliers to conduct responsible sourcing from the DRC region by using conformant SoRs, and discourage the creation of a de facto embargo on sourcing from the DRC region;


§Through participation in RMI’s workgroups, encourage SoRs to participate in RMAP protocol and thus enable responsible sourcing from the DRC region or other CAHRAs;


§Enhance efforts to understand on-the-ground opportunities for impact, including through engagements with upstream parties, non-governmental organizations and other stakeholders;


§Enhance efforts to implement on-the-ground opportunities for impact, in consultation with local stakeholders; and


§Explore opportunities to further Tesla’s mission to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy as it relates to the responsible sourcing of minerals.


Forward-Looking Statements


Certain statements in this report are forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties. These forward-looking statements are based on management’s current expectations. Various important factors could cause actual results to differ materially, including the risks identified in our SEC filings. Tesla disclaims any obligation to update any forward- looking statement contained in this report.




Results of Reasonable Country of Origin Inquiry & Due Diligence


Annex I


Due to Tesla’s downstream position in the supply chain, any efforts to understand the origin of raw materials rely heavily on the cooperation of our Tier 1 and upstream suppliers. Even though we request our Tier 1 suppliers provide Tesla-specific information, we are unable to reliably confirm whether any specific 3TG facility is present in our supply chain. Additionally, based on the information that is provided and the nature of the supply chain, the Tier 1 supplier is unable to directly link the specific 3TG facility, or mine of origin, to the product provided to Tesla. As a result, we continue to engage with our suppliers to improve due diligence efforts and transparency to be able to further address any potential risks or non- conformances. Based on our due diligence efforts to date, and despite the limitations described above, we believe that the following list of countries of origin reflects countries from which our suppliers may have sourced from conformant SoRs and refiners. This list may be overinclusive due to the RMI’s database including countries of origin from the supply chains of all of its participants and not just Tesla. Tesla will continue to work with our suppliers to encourage sourcing only from conformant SoRs, including by encouraging suppliers to have their non-participating SoRs successfully participate in an audit program.


Materials sourced through conformant SoRs are considered by the international community as responsible sources of 3TG materials. At the same time, we recognize that audit programs have inherent challenges. In 2023, Tesla continued to work to better understand the potential challenges associated with the audit programs in the 3TG space, both at the SoR level and the further upstream mine-level. Where appropriate, we voiced our concerns and worked with local stakeholders to support improvements. Where we saw programs that offered more opportunity for transparency and positive impact, we increased our involvement. For example, read more about our efforts to help scale Better Mining in the Step 3 section, above.


Tesla continues to work to gain further insight and transparency into our and our suppliers’ supply chains for 3TG, including fully identifying countries of origin of 3TG and the SoRs used to process the necessary 3TG in Tesla’s products.


It is important to note we do not have direct relationships with 3TG sub-suppliers or SoRs in many of these countries and our influence on the supply chain when it is several tiers removed is limited. Therefore, although a country may be listed in the tables below, it may not actually be a source in Tesla’s 3TG supply chain. There is currently no completely accurate methodology to identify only those specific countries that are included in parts supplied to Tesla, therefore the list of countries includes more countries than are in fact in Tesla’s supply chain. As our processes continue to improve and the specificity of the RCOI information increases, this list may fluctuate year over year. Information provided by our suppliers in the list below is inclusive of all of 2023.




Gold Tantalum Tin Tungsten
Algeria, Andorra, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Belgium, Benin, Bolivia (Pluralnational State of), Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cameroon, Canada, Cayman Islands, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cote d'Ivoire, Croatia, Curacao, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Estonia, Fiji, Finland, France, French Guiana, Georgia, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Grenada, Guatemala, Guinea, Guyana, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Latvia, Lebanon, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macao, Malaysia, Mali, Malta, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Monaco, Mongolia, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, South Korea, Romania, Russia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Singapore, Sint Maarten, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, St Vincent and Grenadines, Sudan, Suriname, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Turks and Caicos, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Zambia, Zimbabwe Australia, Belarus, Brazil, Burundi, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, El Salvador, Estonia, Ethiopia, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India,Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Madagascar, Mexico, Mozambique, Nigeria, Russian Federation, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan, Thailand, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Brazil, Bulgaria, Burundi, Canada, Chile, China, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Laos, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Mongolia, Morocco, Myanmar, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Romania, Russian Federation, Rwanda, Saudia Arabia, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tanzania, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Taiwan, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America, Uruguay, Vietnam Australia, Austria, Bolivia, Brazil, Burundi, China, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Germany, India, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Mexico, Mongolia, Myanmar, Netherlands, Nigeria, Portugal, Russian Federation, Rwanda, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, Turkey, Uganda, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America, Vietnam


Countries listed in bold are considered “covered countries” (i.e., the DRC and its adjoining countries) under U.S. conflict minerals disclosure rules.




Annex II


SoRs Identified


Tesla suppliers identified more than 506 unique SoR or other entity names across all CMRT responses received. As part of our due diligence process, we identified 356 or 70%, as eligible and operational SoRs (meaning the RMI has classified these facilities as valid, eligible and operational SoRs based on their industry-setting definition) and 234, or 66%, as engaged with the RMI or conformant. Identification was performed by both Tesla’s engaged third-party service provider as well as an internal review of SoR names as compared to the RMI’s SoR database. As we continue to engage with SoRs directly and through stakeholder initiatives, we hope to see SoR conformance rates increase.


SoR Summary


Tesla does not directly purchase any 3TG material and we do not deal directly with any 3TG SoR. The following list of facilities are SoRs reported by Tesla Tier 1 suppliers that may, or may not, be in Tesla’s supply chain. The facility locations are listed as they appear on the RMI Facility Database as of April 8, 2024. As a result of the industry-wide CMRT data request, collection and submission process, inclusion in this list is not a confirmation that 3TG from any particular facility are incorporated into Tesla products. In many cases, Tesla Tier 1 suppliers do not have the capability to identify raw materials from certain SoRs or mines which are ultimately used in the products produced for Tesla. For this reason, among others, the list is overinclusive, and does not directly link to Tesla suppliers or Tesla. We publish this list to promote supply chain transparency, hold ourselves and our suppliers accountable to progressive, continuous improvement of responsible sourcing practices, encourage continued SoR participation in RMAP and encourage SoRs that are not yet participating in a responsible sourcing program to accelerate their efforts to demonstrate responsible mineral procurement practices.


Metal Smelter Name Country Smelter ID
Gold Advanced Chemical Company United States Of America CID000015
Gold Aida Chemical Industries Co., Ltd. Japan CID000019
Gold Agosi AG Germany CID000035
Gold Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex (AMMC) Uzbekistan CID000041
Gold AngloGold Ashanti Corrego do Sitio Mineracao Brazil CID000058
Gold Argor-Heraeus S.A. Switzerland CID000077
Gold Asahi Pretec Corp. Japan CID000082




Gold Asaka Riken Co., Ltd. Japan CID000090
Gold Atasay Kuyumculuk Sanayi Ve Ticaret A.S. Turkey CID000103
Gold Aurubis AG Germany CID000113
Gold Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (Central Bank of the Philippines) Philippines CID000128
Gold Boliden AB Sweden CID000157
Gold C. Hafner GmbH + Co. KG Germany CID000176
Gold Caridad Mexico CID000180
Gold CCR Refinery - Glencore Canada Corporation Canada CID000185
Gold Cendres + Metaux S.A. Switzerland CID000189
Gold Yunnan Copper Industry Co., Ltd. China CID000197
Gold Chimet S.p.A. Italy CID000233
Gold Chugai Mining Japan CID000264
Gold Daye Non-Ferrous Metals Mining Ltd. China CID000343
Gold DSC (Do Sung Corporation) Korea, Republic Of CID000359
Gold Dowa Japan CID000401
Gold Eco-System Recycling Co., Ltd. East Plant Japan CID000425
Gold JSC Novosibirsk Refinery Russian Federation CID000493
Gold Refinery of Seemine Gold Co., Ltd. China CID000522
Gold Guoda Safina High-Tech Environmental Refinery Co., Ltd. China CID000651
Gold Hangzhou Fuchunjiang Smelting Co., Ltd. China CID000671
Gold LT Metal Ltd. Korea, Republic Of CID000689
Gold Heimerle + Meule GmbH Germany CID000694
Gold Heraeus Metals Hong Kong Ltd. China CID000707
Gold Heraeus Germany GmbH & Co. KG Germany CID000711
Gold Hunan Chenzhou Mining Co., Ltd. China CID000767
Gold Hunan Guiyang yinxing Nonferrous Smelting Co., Ltd. China CID000773
Gold HwaSeong CJ CO., LTD. Korea, Republic Of CID000778
Gold Inner Mongolia Qiankun Gold and Silver Refinery Share Co., Ltd. China CID000801
Gold Ishifuku Metal Industry Co., Ltd. Japan CID000807




Gold Istanbul Gold Refinery Turkey CID000814
Gold Japan Mint Japan CID000823
Gold Jiangxi Copper Co., Ltd. China CID000855
Gold Asahi Refining USA Inc. United States Of America CID000920
Gold Asahi Refining Canada Ltd. Canada CID000924
Gold JSC Ekaterinburg Non-Ferrous Metal Processing Plant Russian Federation CID000927
Gold JSC Uralelectromed Russian Federation CID000929
Gold JX Nippon Mining & Metals Co., Ltd. Japan CID000937
Gold Kazakhmys Smelting LLC Kazakhstan CID000956
Gold Kazzinc Kazakhstan CID000957
Gold Kennecott Utah Copper LLC United States Of America CID000969
Gold Kojima Chemicals Co., Ltd. Japan CID000981
Gold Kyrgyzaltyn JSC Kyrgyzstan CID001029
Gold L’azurde Company For Jewelry Saudi Arabia CID001032
Gold Lingbao Gold Co., Ltd. China CID001056
Gold Lingbao Jinyuan Tonghui Refinery Co., Ltd. China CID001058
Gold LS MnM Inc. Korea, Republic Of CID001078
Gold Luoyang Zijin Yinhui Gold Refinery Co., Ltd. China CID001093
Gold Materion United States Of America CID001113
Gold Matsuda Sangyo Co., Ltd. Japan CID001119
Gold Metalor Technologies (Suzhou) Ltd. China CID001147
Gold Metalor Technologies (Hong Kong) Ltd. China CID001149
Gold Metalor Technologies (Singapore) Pte., Ltd. Singapore CID001152
Gold Metalor Technologies S.A. Switzerland CID001153
Gold Metalor USA Refining Corporation United States Of America CID001157
Gold Metalurgica Met-Mex Penoles S.A. De C.V. Mexico CID001161
Gold Mitsubishi Materials Corporation Japan CID001188
Gold Mitsui Mining and Smelting Co., Ltd. Japan CID001193




Gold Moscow Special Alloys Processing Plant Russian Federation CID001204
Gold Nadir Metal Rafineri San. Ve Tic. A.S. Turkey CID001220
Gold Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combinat Uzbekistan CID001236
Gold Nihon Material Co., Ltd. Japan CID001259
Gold Ohura Precious Metal Industry Co., Ltd. Japan CID001325
Gold OJSC “The Gulidov Krasnoyarsk Non- Ferrous Metals Plant” (OJSC Krastsvetmet) Russian Federation CID001326
Gold MKS PAMP S.A. Switzerland CID001352
Gold Penglai Penggang Gold Industry Co., Ltd. China CID001362
Gold Prioksky Plant of Non-Ferrous Metals Russian Federation CID001386
Gold PT Aneka Tambang (Persero) Tbk Indonesia CID001397
Gold PX Precinox S.A. Switzerland CID001498
Gold Rand Refinery (Pty) Ltd. South Africa CID001512
Gold Royal Canadian Mint Canada CID001534
Gold Sabin Metal Corp. United States Of America CID001546
Gold Samduck Precious Metals Korea, Republic Of CID001555
Gold Samwon Metals Corp. Korea, Republic Of CID001562
Gold SEMPSA Joyeria Plateria S.A. Spain CID001585
Gold Shandong Tiancheng Biological Gold Industrial Co., Ltd. China CID001619
Gold Shandong Zhaojin Gold & Silver Refinery Co., Ltd. China CID001622
Gold Sichuan Tianze Precious Metals Co., Ltd. China CID001736
Gold SOE Shyolkovsky Factory of Secondary Precious Metals Russian Federation CID001756
Gold Solar Applied Materials Technology Corp. Taiwan CID001761
Gold Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd. Japan CID001798
Gold Super Dragon Technology Co., Ltd. China CID001810
Gold Tanaka Kikinzoku Kogyo K.K. Japan CID001875




Gold Great Wall Precious Metals Co., Ltd. of CBPM China CID001909
Gold Shandong Gold Smelting Co., Ltd. China CID001916
Gold Tokuriki Honten Co., Ltd. Japan CID001938
Gold Tongling Nonferrous Metals Group Co., Ltd. China CID001947
Gold Torecom Korea, Republic Of CID001955
Gold Umicore S.A. Business Unit Precious Metals Refining Belgium CID001980
Gold United Precious Metal Refining, Inc. United States Of America CID001993
Gold Valcambi S.A. Switzerland CID002003
Gold Western Australian Mint (T/a The Perth Mint) Australia CID002030
Gold Yamakin Co., Ltd. Japan CID002100
Gold Yokohama Metal Co., Ltd. Japan CID002129
Gold Zhongyuan Gold Smelter of Zhongjin Gold Corporation China CID002224
Gold Gold Refinery of Zijin Mining Group Co., Ltd. China CID002243
Gold Morris and Watson New Zealand CID002282
Gold SAFINA A.S. Czechia CID002290
Gold Guangdong Jinding Gold Limited China CID002312
Gold Umicore Precious Metals Thailand Thailand CID002314
Gold MMTC-PAMP India Pvt., Ltd. India CID002509
Gold KGHM Polska Miedz Spolka Akcyjna Poland CID002511
Gold Fidelity Printers and Refiners Ltd. Zimbabwe CID002515
Gold Singway Technology Co., Ltd. Taiwan CID002516
Gold Shandong Humon Smelting Co., Ltd. China CID002525
Gold Shenzhen Zhonghenglong Real Industry Co., Ltd. China CID002527
Gold Al Etihad Gold Refinery DMCC United Arab Emirates CID002560
Gold Emirates Gold DMCC United Arab Emirates CID002561
Gold International Precious Metal Refiners United Arab Emirates CID002562




Gold Kaloti Precious Metals United Arab Emirates CID002563
Gold Sudan Gold Refinery Sudan CID002567
Gold T.C.A S.p.A Italy CID002580
Gold REMONDIS PMR B.V. Netherlands CID002582
Gold Fujairah Gold FZC United Arab Emirates CID002584
Gold Industrial Refining Company Belgium CID002587
Gold Shirpur Gold Refinery Ltd. India CID002588
Gold Korea Zinc Co., Ltd. Korea, Republic Of CID002605
Gold Marsam Metals Brazil CID002606
Gold TOO Tau-Ken-Altyn Kazakhstan CID002615
Gold Abington Reldan Metals, LLC United States Of America CID002708
Gold Shenzhen CuiLu Gold Co., Ltd. China CID002750
Gold Albino Mountinho Lda. Portugal CID002760
Gold SAAMP France CID002761
Gold L'Orfebre S.A. Andorra CID002762
Gold 8853 S.p.A. Italy CID002763
Gold Italpreziosi Italy CID002765
Gold WIELAND Edelmetalle GmbH Germany CID002778
Gold Ogussa Osterreichische Gold- und Silber- Scheideanstalt GmbH Austria CID002779
Gold AU Traders and Refiners South Africa CID002850
Gold GGC Gujrat Gold Centre Pvt. Ltd. India CID002852
Gold Sai Refinery India CID002853
Gold Modeltech Sdn Bhd Malaysia CID002857
Gold Bangalore Refinery India CID002863
Gold Kyshtym Copper-Electrolytic Plant ZAO Russian Federation CID002865
Gold Degussa Sonne / Mond Goldhandel GmbH Germany CID002867
Gold Pease & Curren United States Of America CID002872
Gold JALAN & Company India CID002893
Gold SungEel HiMetal Co., Ltd. Korea, Republic Of CID002918
Gold Planta Recuperadora de Metales SpA Chile CID002919
Gold ABC Refinery Pty Ltd. Australia CID002920
Gold Safimet S.p.A Italy CID002973




Gold State Research Institute Center for Physical Sciences and Technology Lithuania CID003153
Gold African Gold Refinery** Uganda CID003185
Gold Gold Coast Refinery Ghana CID003186
Gold NH Recytech Company Korea, Republic Of CID003189
Gold QG Refining, LLC United States Of America CID003324
Gold Dijllah Gold Refinery FZC United Arab Emirates CID003348
Gold CGR Metalloys Pvt Ltd. India CID003382
Gold Sovereign Metals India CID003383
Gold Eco-System Recycling Co., Ltd. North Plant Japan CID003424
Gold Eco-System Recycling Co., Ltd. West Plant Japan CID003425
Gold Augmont Enterprises Private Limited India CID003461
Gold Kundan Care Products Ltd. India CID003463
Gold Emerald Jewel Industry India Limited (Unit 1) India CID003487
Gold Emerald Jewel Industry India Limited (Unit 2) India CID003488
Gold Emerald Jewel Industry India Limited (Unit 3) India CID003489
Gold Emerald Jewel Industry India Limited (Unit 4) India CID003490
Gold K.A. Rasmussen Norway CID003497
Gold Alexy Metals United States Of America CID003500
Gold MD Overseas India CID003548
Gold Metallix Refining Inc. United States Of America CID003557
Gold Metal Concentrators SA (Pty) Ltd. South Africa CID003575
Gold WEEEREFINING France CID003615
Gold Gold by Gold Colombia Colombia CID003641
Gold Dongwu Gold Group China CID003663


Gold Sam Precious Metals United Arab Emirates CID003666
Gold Coimpa Industrial LTDA Brazil CID004010




Gold GG Refinery Ltd. Tanzania CID004506
Gold Attero Recycling Pvt Ltd India CID004697
Gold Inca One (Chala One Plant) Peru CID004704
Gold Inca One (Koricancha Plant) Peru CID004705
Gold Impala Refineries – Platinum Metals Refinery (PMR) South Africa CID004714
Tantalum Guangdong Rising Rare Metals-EO Materials Ltd. China CID000291
Tantalum F&X Electro-Materials Ltd. China CID000460
Tantalum JiuJiang JinXin Nonferrous Metals Co., Ltd. China CID000914
Tantalum Jiujiang Tanbre Co., Ltd. China CID000917
Tantalum AMG Brasil Brazil CID001076
Tantalum Metallurgical Products India Pvt., Ltd. India CID001163
Tantalum Mineracao Taboca S.A. Brazil CID001175
Tantalum Mitsui Mining and Smelting Co., Ltd. Japan CID001192
Tantalum NPM Silmet AS Estonia CID001200
Tantalum Ningxia Orient Tantalum Industry Co., Ltd. China CID001277
Tantalum QuantumClean United States Of America CID001508
Tantalum Yanling Jincheng Tantalum & Niobium Co., Ltd. China CID001522
Tantalum Solikamsk Magnesium Works OAO Russian Federation CID001769
Tantalum Taki Chemical Co., Ltd. Japan CID001869
Tantalum Telex Metals United States Of America CID001891
Tantalum Ulba Metallurgical Plant JSC Kazakhstan CID001969
Tantalum Hengyang King Xing Lifeng New Materials Co., Ltd. China CID002492
Tantalum D Block Metals, LLC United States Of America CID002504
Tantalum FIR Metals & Resource Ltd. China CID002505
Tantalum Jiujiang Zhongao Tantalum & Niobium Co., Ltd. China CID002506
Tantalum XinXing HaoRong Electronic Material Co., Ltd. China CID002508




Tantalum Jiangxi Dinghai Tantalum & Niobium Co., Ltd. China CID002512
Tantalum KEMET de Mexico Mexico CID002539
Tantalum TANIOBIS Co., Ltd. Thailand CID002544
Tantalum TANIOBIS GmbH Germany CID002545
Tantalum Materion Newton Inc. United States Of America CID002548


Tantalum TANIOBIS Japan Co., Ltd. Japan CID002549
Tantalum TANIOBIS Smelting GmbH & Co. KG Germany CID002550
Tantalum Global Advanced Metals Boyertown United States Of America CID002557
Tantalum Global Advanced Metals Aizu Japan CID002558
Tantalum Resind Industria e Comercio Ltda. Brazil CID002707
Tantalum Jiangxi Tuohong New Raw Material China CID002842
Tantalum RFH Yancheng Jinye New Material Technology Co., Ltd. China CID003583
Tantalum 5D Production OU Estonia CID003926
Tantalum PowerX Ltd. Rwanda CID004054
Tin Chenzhou Yunxiang Mining and Metallurgy Co., Ltd. China CID000228
Tin Alpha United States Of America CID000292
Tin PT Aries Kencana Sejahtera Indonesia CID000309
Tin PT Premium Tin Indonesia Indonesia CID000313
Tin Dowa Japan CID000402
Tin EM Vinto Bolivia (Plurinational State Of) CID000438
Tin Estanho de Rondonia S.A. Brazil CID000448
Tin Fenix Metals Poland CID000468
Tin Gejiu Non-Ferrous Metal Processing Co., Ltd. China CID000538
Tin Gejiu Zili Mining And Metallurgy Co., Ltd. China CID000555
Tin Gejiu Kai Meng Industry and Trade LLC China CID000942




Tin China Tin Group Co., Ltd. China CID001070
Tin Malaysia Smelting Corporation (MSC) Malaysia CID001105
Tin Metallic Resources, Inc. United States Of America CID001142
Tin Mineracao Taboca S.A. Brazil CID001173
Tin Minsur Peru CID001182
Tin Mitsubishi Materials Corporation Japan CID001191
Tin Jiangxi New Nanshan Technology Ltd. China CID001231
Tin Novosibirsk Tin Combine Russian Federation CID001305
Tin O.M. Manufacturing (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Thailand CID001314


Tin Operaciones Metalurgicas S.A. Bolivia (Plurinational State Of) CID001337
Tin PT Artha Cipta Langgeng Indonesia CID001399
Tin PT Babel Inti Perkasa Indonesia CID001402
Tin PT Babel Surya Alam Lestari Indonesia CID001406
Tin PT Bangka Tin Industry Indonesia CID001419
Tin PT Belitung Industri Sejahtera Indonesia CID001421
Tin PT Bukit Timah Indonesia CID001428
Tin PT Mitra Stania Prima Indonesia CID001453
Tin PT Panca Mega Persada Indonesia CID001457
Tin PT Prima Timah Utama Indonesia CID001458
Tin PT Refined Bangka Tin Indonesia CID001460
Tin PT Sariwiguna Binasentosa Indonesia CID001463
Tin PT Stanindo Inti Perkasa Indonesia CID001468
Tin PT Timah Tbk Kundur Indonesia CID001477
Tin PT Timah Tbk Mentok Indonesia CID001482
Tin PT Tinindo Inter Nusa Indonesia CID001490
Tin PT Tommy Utama Indonesia CID001493
Tin Rui Da Hung Taiwan CID001539
Tin Thaisarco Thailand CID001898
Tin Gejiu Yunxin Nonferrous Electrolysis Co., Ltd. China CID001908
Tin VQB Mineral and Trading Group JSC Vietnam CID002015
Tin White Solder Metalurgia e Mineracao Ltda. Brazil CID002036




Tin Yunnan Chengfeng Non-ferrous Metals Co., Ltd. China CID002158
Tin Tin Smelting Branch of Yunnan Tin Co., Ltd. China CID002180
Tin CV Venus Inti Perkasa Indonesia CID002455
Tin Magnu's Minerais Metais e Ligas Ltda. Brazil CID002468
Tin PT Tirus Putra Mandiri Indonesia CID002478
Tin Melt Metais e Ligas S.A. Brazil CID002500
Tin PT ATD Makmur Mandiri Jaya Indonesia CID002503
Tin O.M. Manufacturing Philippines, Inc. Philippines CID002517
Tin CV Ayi Jaya Indonesia CID002570


Tin Electro-Mechanical Facility of the Cao Bang Minerals & Metallurgy Joint Stock Company Vietnam CID002572
Tin Nghe Tinh Non-Ferrous Metals Joint Stock Company Vietnam CID002573
Tin Tuyen Quang Non-Ferrous Metals Joint Stock Company Vietnam CID002574
Tin PT Rajehan Ariq Indonesia CID002593
Tin PT Cipta Persada Mulia Indonesia CID002696
Tin An Vinh Joint Stock Mineral Processing Company Vietnam CID002703
Tin Resind Industria e Comercio Ltda. Brazil CID002706
Tin Super Ligas Brazil CID002756
Tin Aurubis Beerse Belgium CID002773
Tin Aurubis Berango Spain CID002774
Tin PT Bangka Prima Tin Indonesia CID002776
Tin PT Sukses Inti Makmur (SIM) Indonesia CID002816
Tin PT Menara Cipta Mulia Indonesia CID002835
Tin HuiChang Hill Tin Industry Co., Ltd. China CID002844
Tin Modeltech Sdn Bhd Malaysia CID002858
Tin Guangdong Hanhe Non-Ferrous Metal Co., Ltd. China CID003116
Tin Chifeng Dajingzi Tin Industry Co., Ltd. China CID003190
Tin PT Bangka Serumpun Indonesia CID003205
Tin Pongpipat Company Limited Myanmar CID003208




Tin Tin Technology & Refining United States Of America CID003325
Tin Dongguan CiEXPO Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd. China CID003356
Tin Ma'anshan Weitai Tin Co., Ltd. China CID003379
Tin PT Rajawali Rimba Perkasa Indonesia CID003381
Tin Luna Smelter, Ltd. Rwanda CID003387
Tin Yunnan Yunfan Non-ferrous Metals Co., Ltd. China CID003397
Tin Precious Minerals and Smelting Limited India CID003409
Tin Gejiu City Fuxiang Industry and Trade Co., Ltd. China CID003410
Tin PT Mitra Sukses Globalindo Indonesia CID003449
Tin CRM Fundicao De Metais E Comercio De Equipamentos Eletronicos Do Brasil Ltda Brazil CID003486
Tin CRM Synergies Spain CID003524
Tin Fabrica Auricchio Industria e Comercio Ltda. Brazil CID003582
Tin DS Myanmar Myanmar CID003831
Tin PT Putera Sarana Shakti (PT PSS) Indonesia CID003868
Tin Mining Minerals Resources SARL Congo, Democratic Republic Of The CID004065
Tin Takehara PVD Materials Plant / PVD Materials Division of MITSUI MINING & SMELTING CO., LTD. Japan CID004403
Tin Malaysia Smelting Corporation Berhad (Port Klang) Malaysia CID004434
Tin PT Mitra Graha Raya Indonesia CID004685
Tin Woodcross Smelting Company Limited Uganda CID004724
Tungsten A.L.M.T. Corp. Japan CID000004
Tungsten Kennametal Huntsville United States Of America CID000105
Tungsten Guangdong Xianglu Tungsten Co., Ltd. China CID000218
Tungsten Chongyi Zhangyuan Tungsten Co., Ltd. China CID000258
Tungsten CNMC (Guangxi) PGMA Co., Ltd. China CID000281




Tungsten Global Tungsten & Powders Corp. United States Of America CID000568
Tungsten Hunan Chenzhou Mining Co., Ltd. China CID000766
Tungsten Hunan Jintai New Material Co., Ltd. China CID000769
Tungsten Japan New Metals Co., Ltd. Japan CID000825
Tungsten Kennametal Fallon United States Of America CID000966
Tungsten Wolfram Bergbau und Hutten AG Austria CID002044
Tungsten Xiamen Tungsten Co., Ltd. China CID002082
Tungsten Jiangxi Minmetals Gao'an Non-ferrous Metals Co., Ltd. China CID002313
Tungsten Ganzhou Jiangwu Ferrotungsten Co., Ltd. China CID002315
Tungsten Jiangxi Yaosheng Tungsten Co., Ltd. China CID002316
Tungsten Jiangxi Xinsheng Tungsten Industry Co., Ltd. China CID002317
Tungsten Jiangxi Tonggu Non-ferrous Metallurgical & Chemical Co., Ltd. China CID002318
Tungsten Malipo Haiyu Tungsten Co., Ltd. China CID002319
Tungsten Xiamen Tungsten (H.C.) Co., Ltd. China CID002320




Tungsten Jiangxi Gan Bei Tungsten Co., Ltd. China CID002321
Tungsten Ganzhou Seadragon W & Mo Co., Ltd. China CID002494
Tungsten Asia Tungsten Products Vietnam Ltd. Vietnam CID002502
Tungsten Hunan Shizhuyuan Nonferrous Metals Co., Ltd. Chenzhou Tungsten Products Branch China CID002513
Tungsten H.C. Starck Tungsten GmbH Germany CID002541
Tungsten TANIOBIS Smelting GmbH & Co. KG Germany CID002542
Tungsten Masan Tungsten Chemical LLC (MTC) Vietnam CID002543
Tungsten Jiangwu H.C. Starck Tungsten Products Co., Ltd. China CID002551
Tungsten Niagara Refining LLC United States Of America CID002589
Tungsten China Molybdenum Co., Ltd. China CID002641
Tungsten Hydrometallurg, JSC Russian Federation CID002649
Tungsten Unecha Refractory metals plant Russian Federation CID002724
Tungsten Philippine Chuangxin Industrial Co., Inc. Philippines CID002827
Tungsten ACL Metais Eireli Brazil CID002833
Tungsten Moliren Ltd. Russian Federation CID002845
Tungsten Lianyou Metals Co., Ltd. Taiwan CID003407
Tungsten JSC "Kirovgrad Hard Alloys Plant" Russian Federation CID003408
Tungsten NPP Tyazhmetprom LLC Russian Federation CID003416
Tungsten Hubei Green Tungsten Co., Ltd. China CID003417
Tungsten Albasteel Industria e Comercio de Ligas Para Fundicao Ltd. Brazil CID003427
Tungsten Cronimet Brasil Ltda Brazil CID003468
Tungsten Artek LLC Russian Federation CID003553
Tungsten Fujian Xinlu Tungsten China CID003609
Tungsten OOO “Technolom” 2 Russian Federation CID003612
Tungsten OOO “Technolom” 1 Russian Federation CID003614
Tungsten LLC Vostok Russian Federation CID003643
Tungsten HANNAE FOR T Co., Ltd. Korea, Republic Of CID003978
Tungsten Tungsten Vietnam Joint Stock Company Vietnam CID003993
Tungsten Nam Viet Cromit Joint Stock Company Vietnam CID004034
Tungsten DONGKUK INDUSTRIES CO., LTD. Korea, Republic Of CID004060
Tungsten Shinwon Tungsten (Fujian Shanghang) Co., Ltd. China CID004430


** Certain Tier 1 suppliers reported the presence of this entity that was sanctioned by the United States Department of Treasury, Office of Foreign Assets Control on March 17, 2022, specifically, CID003185 - African Gold Refinery. Because of the over-reporting nature of the industry CMRT information collection process, and the nature of the supply chains and goods, we are unable to confirm this, or any, SoR is or was active in our supply chain. Tesla is in communication with Tier 1 suppliers who listed this SoR, and will continue necessary follow-up to have this SoR removed from their supply chain. Overall, we continue to engage with our Tier 1 suppliers to improve due diligence efforts and transparency.



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