RNS Number:0903K
Wireless Group PLC
16 April 2003

                         THE WIRELESS GROUP PLC ("TWG")


                                31 DECEMBER 2002

Financial results

      + *Operating losses before goodwill amortisation, digital development
        and one-off costs reduced by 74.8% to #2.3 million (2001: #9.1 million)

      + *Continuing Group turnover increased by 1.7% to #28.5 million (2001:
        #28.0 million) despite difficult trading conditions in national market

      + *talkSPORT revenue (excluding contra revenue) up 3.4%

      + *talkSPORT operating loss, before digital development, central,
        selling and one-off costs, reduced 61.0% from #3.6 million to #1.4

      + *Strong performance by ILRs - operating profit, before digital
        development, central, selling and one-off costs, up 83.6% from #2.0
        million to #3.7 million

      + *#2.2 million of costs taken out of central and sales costs

Operating achievements

      + *Highest ever ratings achieved for talkSPORT with audience topping 2.4
        million per week. Total hours per week, average hours per week and
        market share all at record levels (RAJAR Q4 2002)


      + *The group has operated profitably in the first quarter of 2003
        (before amortisation and interest)
      + *Indications are that April will also be profitable
      + *Advertising revenue for the first four months flat year on year
      + *Cost base has been reduced and the Group is set to exploit any
        increases in revenue
      + *With the uncertainty associated with the liberation of Iraq the
        visibility of revenue has become even shorter

Kelvin MacKenzie, Chairman and Chief Executive of TWG, said:

"We have delivered yet another set of positive results. I am pleased that we are
on track to deliver the breakeven of the Group on schedule despite some of the
worst markets the industry has ever seen. The Wireless Group has been innovative
and not afraid to embrace new ways of looking at the industry. For example, the
results of the electronic audience measurement research we have commissioned
will start to be published from May. We hope this accurate method of measuring
audience will be adopted by the rest of the industry.

"Even without this development I am still confident about the Group's future."

                                    - ends -

For further information, please contact

Kelvin MacKenzie,

The Wireless Group plc        0207 959 7900

David Rydell/Luke Morton/Robin Tozer

Bell Pottinger Financial      0207 861 3232

Chairman's Statement

Despite the gloom within the media sector, that I reported at the half year,
continuing to the year-end, I am pleased to report we have continued to improve
the Group's performance. Operating losses before exceptionals, and amortisation
of goodwill fell from #10.5 million to #3.8 million, an improvement of 63.8 per
cent. We have stuck to our business plan and have produced results in line with
that plan.

Turnover from continuing activities increased from #28.0 million to #28.5
million an increase of 1.7 per cent. Although this is a positive growth rate, it
does indicate the difficult trading conditions under which the industry has been
operating. The driver for the Group has been cost reduction and this has
benefited the bottom line.

We saw improvement in our operating activities both within talkSPORT and our
ILRs. talkSPORT improved its performance by 61.0 per cent reducing its losses
(including the cost of digital transmission) from #3.6 million to #1.4 million.
We have made a one-off provision against the cost of our football rights of #1.5
million, which has been included in administrative expenses. Therefore without
this provision the Group's results would have shown operating losses, excluding
goodwill amortisation, falling from #10.5 million to #2.3 million, a 78.0 per
cent improvement.

Our local stations have turned in operating profits up from #2.0 million to #3.7
million. With increased revenues and a reduced cost base our local stations
continue to improve.

During the year we increased our holding in two digital multiplexes. Switch
Digital London is now a subsidiary, our holding increasing from 42.5 per cent to
80.5 per cent. Our holding in Switchdigital Scotland was increased from 69 per
cent to 92 per cent. The total cost of both investments was #0.9 million.

As I stated last year we embarked upon a cost reduction programme and we have
seen the full year benefits of that programme during 2002 as predicted. Through
headcount reduction in our sales force we saved #0.9 million, we cut back by
#0.8 million our digital investment by not broadcasting stand alone digital
stations and, further, reduced central costs by #1.3 million. This total saving
of #3.0 million was a significant factor in the Group's improvement.

We announced in February that the first electronic measurement of radio
broadcasting in the UK has been started. The research is carried out by the
international independent research organisation GfK International GmbH who will
publish their results on a monthly basis. This is a tremendous move forward for
the radio industry in measuring its audience accurately. It will give the
advertisers vital information about how their marketing budget is targeted and
spent. It will also allow radio broadcasters to improve their output based on up
to date, relevant information, which can only be good news for listeners and
broadcasters alike. As in other areas it is the Wireless Group that has been
innovative and forward looking in the radio industry.

A resolution is being put to shareholders at the annual general meeting to
increase the limit for the share option scheme from its current 5 per cent to 10
per cent of the issued share capital. Due to the small share capital base the
current scheme has reached its limit and therefore the management are unable to
make awards of share options. The management feel it is important to align
shareholders and staff interests which can, in part, be achieved by an effective
share option scheme.


The first four months of 2003 are expected to produce flat advertising revenues
against the first four months of 2002. Excluding contra revenue, advertising
revenues are up 3.6 per cent. Based on our unaudited management accounts, before
interest and amortisation of goodwill, the Group has produced an operating
profit for the quarter ended 31 March 2003. This is an encouraging start for the
Group but as we have seen in previous years the second six months seem to be
tougher than the first. We continue to manage the business within strict cost
controls and look forward to improved markets in the future.

I look forward with confidence to the future performance of The Wireless Group.

Kelvin MacKenzie

Chairman and Chief Executive

16 April 2003

Operational Review


        Group turnover for the year ended 31 December 2002, from continuing
        activities, increased 1.7 per cent to #28.5 million from #28.0 million.
        Including the stations sold in the year ended 31 December 2001 Group
        turnover fell 8.3 per cent to #28.5 million from #31.1 million.

        The operating loss before goodwill amortisation fell from #10.5 million
        for 2001 to #3.8 million for 2002, an improvement of 63.8 per cent. This
        includes a one-off provision for football rights of #1.5 million and
        therefore excluding this one-off charge the operating loss before
        goodwill amortisation for the year ended 31 December 2002 is #2.3

        The table below sets out the operating performance for the Group
        entities. Before digital development, one-off costs and goodwill
        amortisation, operating losses fell from #9.1 million to #2.3 million.

        Year ended                                      31 December  31 December
                                                             2002         2001

                                                               #m           #m


            talkSPORT                                        11.2         11.2

            ILR - continuing                                 17.1         16.8

            ILR - discontinued                                  -          3.1

            Other                                             0.2            -
                                                           --------     --------

        Total turnover                                       28.5         31.1
                                                            ------       ------

        Operating (loss)/profit before goodwill amortisation,
        digital development and

        one-off costs

            talkSPORT                                        (1.4)        (3.6)

            ILR - continuing                                  3.7          2.0

            ILR - discontinued                                  -         (0.7)

            Impact - national sales house                    (1.7)        (2.6)

            Central costs                                    (2.9)        (4.2)
                                                            -------     --------

        Operating loss before goodwill amortisation,         (2.3)        (9.1)
        digital development and one-off costs

            Digital development                                 -         (0.8)

            One-off costs                                    (1.5)        (0.6)
                                                          ---------    ---------

        Operating loss before goodwill amortisation          (3.8)       (10.5)

            Goodwill amortisation                           (15.2)       (17.9)
                                                           --------     --------

        Reported operating loss                             (19.0)       (28.4)
                                                           --------     --------


        talkSPORT continues to improve its performance with the losses before
        allocation of central and sales costs down from #3.6 million to #1.4
        million for the year ended 31 December 2002, a 61.0 per cent reduction
        in losses. Achievement of this ongoing improvement has come from the
        cost reduction programme we introduced during 2001 and have continued
        through 2002.

        As in previous years the performance of talkSPORT was in two halves. At
        the half-year we reported talkSPORT revenue was up 6.7 per cent, the
        second quarter of which had benefited from the football World Cup.
        Revenues in this second quarter were up 28.8 per cent. As the world
        markets continued to suffer into the second six months revenues became
        harder to generate as advertisers reduced their marketing budgets.
        However, talkSPORT still managed to produce revenues of #5.2 million
        against #5.6 million in the comparable period of 2001.

        Airtime revenue increased for the year ended 31 December 2002 by 2.6 per
        cent and sponsorship and promotion revenue increased by 5.2 per cent
        indicating our ability to generate positive revenue growth.

        If contra revenue is excluded, the revenue generated for talkSPORT for
        the year ended 31 December 2002 increased by 3.4 per cent against the
        industry reporting an increase of 1.0 per cent. In these difficult times
        this is an excellent result.

        Audience figures produced by RAJAR, the diary based research system, for
        talkSPORT continue to show improvement. Quarter four of 2002 showed
        total hours increased by 4.9 per cent to 18.4 million hours and market
        share growing to 1.7 percent. Our reach remained static at 5 per cent.

        The cost reduction initiative has reduced the cost base of talkSPORT so
        that before the allocation of central and selling costs the operating
        losses have fallen to #1.4 million. A one-off charge has been made for
        the provision for football rights, which run into the 2003/2004 season.
        This provision has been made to reflect the reduced value in the
        football rights market. We estimate our cost reduction programme has
        reduced the cost base of talkSPORT by #2.0 million.

        GfK have launched their electronic research methodology to measure
        accurately radio audiences and will publish their results on a monthly
        basis from May 2003. We feel that once this method is adopted by the
        industry audience figures streams will be generated and should increase
        the overall spend into the radio market.

        Regional and local radio (ILRs)

        The ILRs have produced an excellent result with operating profits before
        the allocation of central and sales costs from continuing operations, up
        83.6 per cent at #3.7 million from #2.0 million last year. For all
        continuing activities revenue has increased by 1.3 per cent over the
        previous year. Costs have been well controlled within the local stations
        and we seek to improve the operating margins in the future. Before
        allocation of central and selling costs some of the stations have mid 40
        per cent operating profit margins and we bench mark our other stations
        against this performance to make improvements throughout the Group.

        Revenue generation benefited from a push in sponsorship and promotions
        for the local stations, which was up 6.2 per cent for the year. The ILRs
        suffered along with other radio groups from a fall in national revenue
        which was down 15.6 per cent.

        The latest RAJAR results were mixed for our local stations. The stations
        we operate in the north west all improved their market share, but our
        heritage stations elsewhere faced competition from new regional
        stations. We have implemented programming training to ensure our
        stations offer exactly what their local market place seeks together with
        improved training of production and presenters alike.

        We acquired a 15 per cent holding in Dee 106.3 Radio Limited based in
        Chester. This licence was awarded in April 2002. Part of this investment
        was to be held through Town & Country Broadcasting Limited, a company in
        which we had a 20 per cent shareholding. It was decided to make a direct
        investment in Chester and dispose of our holding in Town & Country
        Broadcasting Limited.

        We continue to support local radio in the UK through licence
        applications and we have announced that we have applied for the West
        Midlands regional licence. To increase choice to the residents of the
        area we believe that a speech based format is appropriate rather than
        another music station.

        Digital radio

        Our ongoing support of digital radio in the UK has been evidenced
        through our purchase of Clear Channel's share holdings in the London II
        and Central Scotland digital multiplexes for #0.9 million. We have also
        applied for and been successful in winning the multiplex licences for
        Bradford and Huddersfield and Stoke on Trent. We operate the Pulse
        analogue station in Bradford and Signal analogue station in Stoke and by
        putting the services on the multiplexes we obtain an automatic rollover
        of the analogue licence.

        We shall be making further applications for digital multiplex licences
        through a subsidiary in which EMAP has a minority interest.

Unaudited Consolidated Profit and Loss Account

For the year ended 31 December       Notes          2002          2001

                                                   #'000         #'000


Continuing operations                             28,470        27,982

Discontinued operations                                -         3,083
                                              __________    __________

                                                  28,470        31,065
                                              __________    __________

Administration expenses

- goodwill amortisation                          (15,204)      (17,887)

- other administration expenses                  (32,271)      (41,569)
                                              __________    __________

                                                 (47,475)      (59,456)
                                              __________    __________

Operating loss

Continuing operations                            (19,005)      (22,935)

Discontinued operations (including                     -        (5,456)
amortisation of goodwill)
                                              __________    __________

                                                 (19,005)      (28,391)

Income from interests in associated                   87           110

Profit on sale of discontinued           1         1,141        22,240

Interest receivable and similar                      880         1,029

Amounts written of fixed asset           2        (1,760)         (849)

Interest payable and similar                      (1,603)       (4,258)
                                              __________    __________

Loss on ordinary activities before               (20,260)      (10,119)

Tax on loss on ordinary                                -             -
                                              __________    __________

Loss on ordinary activities after                (20,260)      (10,119)

Minority interests - equity                         (113)          (21)
                                              __________    __________

Retained loss for the year                       (20,373)      (10,140)
                                              __________    __________
                                             ===========  ============

Basic loss per share:

Loss attributable to each ordinary                 (0.21)        (0.11)
share (#)
                                              __________    __________
                                             ============  ============

Loss attributable to each "B"                    (210.45)      (104.75)
ordinary share (#)
                                              __________    __________
                                             ===========  ============

Basic loss per share before profit
on sale of discontinued operations:

Loss attributable to each ordinary                 (0.22)        (0.33)
share (#)
                                              __________    __________
                                             ===========  ============

Loss attributable to each "B"                    (222.24)      (334.48)
ordinary share (#)
                                              __________    __________
                                             ===========  ============


There were no gains or losses during the year or the prior year other than the
losses reported above, accordingly no separate Statement of Total Recognised
Gains and Losses has been prepared.

The diluted loss per share is the same as the basic loss per share because the
share options are not dilutive as they would have the effect of reducing the
loss per share if exercised.

Unaudited Balance Sheet
                                   Group                           Company
                               -------------                    -------------
At 31          Notes          2002          2001               2002          2001

                             #'000         #'000              #'000         #'000


Intangible         3        47,368        63,712                  -             -

Tangible           4         2,584         3,080                 61            48

Investments        5         1,726         3,635              7,826         7,757
                        __________    __________         __________    __________

                            51,678        70,427              7,887         7,805
                        __________    __________         __________    __________


Debtors            6         8,241         9,038             33,674        35,179

Loan notes         7         6,000         6,000                  -             -

Short term         8        15,449        15,552                  -             -

Cash at bank                   418           121                 12             -
and in hand
                        __________    __________         __________    __________

                            30,108        30,711             33,686        35,179
                        __________    __________         __________    __________

falling due
within one

Bank and           8       (11,287)       (7,239)                 -           (68)

Loan notes         8       (15,449)      (15,552)                 -             -

Other              8       (13,082)      (13,591)              (620)         (624)
                        __________    __________         __________    __________

                           (39,818)      (36,382)              (620)         (692)
                        __________    __________         __________    __________

Net current                 (9,710)       (5,671)            33,066        34,487
                        __________    __________         __________    __________

Total assets                41,968        64,756             40,953        42,292
less current

falling due
after more
than one

Bank and           9          (219)         (463)                 -           (39)

Other              9       (10,419)      (12,523)                 -             -
                        __________    __________         __________    __________

                           (10,638)      (12,986)                 -           (39)

Provisions        10          (158)         (213)                 -             -
and charges
                        __________    __________         __________    __________

Net assets                  31,172        51,557             40,953        42,253
                        __________    __________         __________    __________
                       ============  ============       ============  ============

Capital and

Called-up                    9,682         9,681              9,682         9,681

Share premium     11        35,064        35,064             35,064        35,064

Merger            11        81,820        81,820                  -             -

Profit and        11       (95,570)      (75,003)            (3,793)       (2,492)
                        __________    __________         __________    __________

Shareholders'               30,996        51,562             40,953        42,253

Equity            12           176            (5)                 -             -
                        __________    __________         __________    __________

Total capital               31,172        51,557             40,953        42,253
                        __________    __________         __________    __________
                       ============  ===========       ============  ============

Unaudited Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

For the year ended 31 December       Notes          2002          2001

                                                   #'000         #'000

Net cash outflow from operating         14        (3,656)       (7,464)

Dividends from associates                              7             -

Return on investments and servicing     15          (716)       (3,217)
of finance

Taxation                                15             -             -

Capital expenditure and financial       15          (382)         (930)

Acquisitions                            15           271             -

Disposals                               15           999        37,055
                                              __________    __________

Cash (outflow)/inflow before management of        (3,477)       25,444
liquid resources and financing

Financing                               15         3,702       (23,271)
                                              __________    __________

Increase in cash in the year                         225         2,173
                                              __________    __________
                                             ============  ============

Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds


For the year ended 31 December                      2002          2001

                                                   #'000         #'000

Loss for the financial year                      (20,373)      (10,140)

Elimination of reserves attributable to             (194)            -
associate on it becoming a subsidiary

Proceeds from issue of new shares                      1             -
                                              __________    __________

Net reduction to shareholders' funds             (20,566)      (10,140)

Opening shareholders' funds                       51,562        61,702
                                              __________    __________

Closing shareholders' funds                       30,996        51,562
                                              __________    __________
                                             ===========   ============


 1. Profit on disposal of discontinued operations

                                                  2002            2001

                                                 #'000           #'000

        Profit on disposal of Big                  235               -

        Profit on disposal of associate            906               -
        - Kingdom FM Limited

        Profit on sale of SCOT FM                    -          22,472

        Loss on disposal of Wave 105 FM              -            (232)

                                              ________        ________

                                                 1,141          22,240

                                              ________        ________
                                             ==========      ==========

    On 31 January 2002 the Group disposed of its 24.5% associate undertaking
    Kingdom FM limited. The proceeds, after costs, on the disposal were
    #999,000, which realised a profit on disposal of #906,000.

    On 19 February 2002, 1458 Big AM Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary,
    disposed of its Big AM radio licence for #235,000 after costs.

 2. Amounts written off fixed assets investments

                                                          2002            2001

                                                         #'000           #'000

        Provision to write down fixed
        asset investments to lower of
        cost and net realisable value

        Investment in own shares (note 5)                   24             458

        Other investments (note 5)                       1,736             391

                                                      ________        ________

                                                         1,760             849

                                                      ________        ________
                                                     ==========      ==========

 3. Intangible fixed assets

        Group                           Goodwill         Licence         Total
                                          #'000          #'000           #'000


        At 1 January 2002               91,035          15,500         106,535

        Additions                          514               -             514

        Disposals                         (340)              -            (340)

                                      ________        ________        ________

        At 31 December 2002             91,209          15,500         106,709

                                      ________        ________        ________


        At 1 January 2002               41,500           1,323          42,823

        Charge for the year             13,076           1,654          14,730

        Charge for impairment            2,128               -           2,128

        Disposals                         (340)              -            (340)

                                      ________        ________        ________

        At 31 December 2002             56,364           2,977          59,341

                                      ________        ________        ________

        Net book value

        At 31 December 2001             49,535          14,177          63,712

                                      ________        ________        ________
                                     ==========      ==========      ==========

        At 31 December 2002             34,845          12,523          47,368

                                      ________        ________        ________
                                    ==========      ==========      ==========

        The charge for impairment relates to the partial write down of the
        carrying value of goodwill relating to QFM Limited.


    The Company does not have any intangible fixed assets.

 4. Tangible fixed assets

                                                          fittings and

                    Land and                     Studio                Motor vehicles
                   buildings                  equipment

                               Transmitters                                                Total

    Group              #'000          #'000       #'000        #'000           #'000      #'000


    At 1 January       1,857            122       3,245        2,618             177      8,019

    Additions            201              1         132          193             100        627

    Disposals            (82)             -        (120)        (103)            (98)      (403)
                   _________     __________   _________    _________       _________   ________

    At 31 December     1,976            123       3,257        2,708             179      8,243
                   _________     __________   _________    _________       _________   ________


    At 1 January         757             85       2,401        1,594             102      4,939

    Charge for the       150             24         320          419              29        942

    Disposals            (32)             -        (108)         (59)            (23)      (222)
                   _________     __________   _________    _________        ________   ________

    At 31 December       875            109       2,613        1,954             108      5,659
                   _________     __________   _________    _________        ________   ________

    Net book

    At 31 December     1,100             37         844        1,024              75      3,080
                   _________     __________   _________    _________       _________   ________
                  ===========   ============ ===========  ===========     =========== ==========

    At 31 December     1,101             14         644          754              71      2,584
                   _________     __________   _________    _________       _________   ________
                  ===========   ============ ===========  ===========     =========== ==========

    The net book value of fixed assets includes assets held under finance leases
    of #513,700 (2001: #743,900) and the depreciation charge on those assets
    during the year was #182,400 (2001: #156,600).

    Included in land and buildings are freehold land and buildings with a net
    book value of #Nil at 31 December 2002 (2001: #50,000); long leasehold land
    and buildings with a net book value of #144,000 at 31 December 2002 (2001:
    #151,000); and short leasehold improvements with a net book value of
    #957,000 at 31 December 2002 (2001: #899,000).

                                        Motor vehicles           Total

    Company                                     #'000            #'000


    At 1 January 2002                              66               66

    Additions                                     100              100

    Disposals                                     (98)             (98)
                                            _________        _________

    At 31 December 2002                            68               68
                                            _________        _________


    At 1 January 2002                              18               18

    Charge for the year                            12               12

    Disposals                                     (23)             (23)
                                             ________         ________

    At 31 December 2002                             7                7
                                             ________         ________

    Net book value

    At 31 December 2001                            48               48
                                             ________         ________
                                             =========       =========

    At 31 December 2002                            61               61
                                             ________         ________
                                           ==========       ==========

 5. Fixed asset investments

                                       Group                     Company

                                  2002         2001          2002         2001

                                 #'000        #'000         #'000        #'000

            Subsidiary               -            -         7,449        7,449

            Associated              47          226             -            -

            Investment in          284          308           284          308
            own shares

            Other                1,395        3,101            93            -
                            __________    _________    __________    _________

                                 1,726        3,635         7,826        7,757
                             _________     ________     _________     ________
                           ===========   ==========   ===========   ==========

    Associated undertakings

                                                   Group       Company

                                                   #'000         #'000

    Cost and net book value

    At 1 January 2002                                226             -

    Disposal                                         (93)            -

    Acquisition of additional stake in              (194)            -
    associate to become a subsidiary

    Acquired in the year                              21             -

    Share of retained profit for the year             87             -
                                              __________    __________

    At 31 December 2002                               47             -
                                              __________    __________
                                             ============  ============

    Investment in own shares

                                                 Group         Company

                                                 #'000           #'000

    Carrying amount

    At 1 January 2002                              308             308

    Provision against carrying value               (24)            (24)
                                            __________      __________

    At 31 December 2002                            284             284
                                            __________      __________
                                          ============    ============

    The investment in own shares is held through an employee share option trust.
    On 15 May 2000, the Company established the Wireless Group Employee Benefits
    Trust (the "Trust"). The trustee of the Trust is an independent trustee
    company resident in the Channel Islands. The Trust is used to manage the
    funding and delivery of Ordinary Shares under the Share Option Plans. At 31
    December 2002 the cost of investment in own shares is represented by 436,289
    ordinary shares acquired at an average cost of #1.75 per ordinary share. The
    nominal value of the shares at 31 December 2002 was #43,629 (2001: #43,629).
    The market value of the shares at 31 December 2002 based on the prevailing
    market price of 65.0 pence per share was #283,588 (2001: #307,583).

    In accordance with the Group's accounting policy the investment in own
    shares has been written down by #24,000 in the year ended 31 December 2002
    (2001: #458,000).

    Other investments

                                                 Group         Company

                                                 #'000           #'000

    Carrying amount

    At 1 January 2002                            3,101               -

    Additions                                       60              60

    Disposal                                       (30)              -

    Group transfer                                   -              33

    Provision against carrying value            (1,736)              -
                                            __________      __________

    At 31 December 2002                          1,395              93
                                            __________      __________
                                          ============    ============

    Other investments include a 16.1% holding in Forever Broadcasting plc. The
    market value of the Group interest in Forever Broadcasting plc as at 31
    December 2002 was #1,301,960 (2001: #3,037,905). In accordance with the
    Group's accounting policy, the investment is carried at the lower of cost
    and net realisable value. This has resulted in a write down of #1,736,000 in
    the year ended 31 December 2002 (2001: #391,000).

    During the year the Group acquired a 15% direct holding in Dee 106.3 Radio
    Limited based in Chester at a cost of #61,000. The Group sold its holding in
    Town & Country Broadcasting Limited.

 6. Debtors

                                           Group                  Company

                                      2002        2001        2002        2001

                                     #'000       #'000       #'000       #'000

            Amounts falling due
            within one year:

            Amounts due from             -           -      33,674      34,908
            Group undertakings

            Trade debtors            5,827       6,791           -           -

            Other debtors              457         541           -         140

            Prepayments and          1,957       1,706           -         131
            accrued income
                                  ________    ________    ________    ________

            Total debtors            8,241       9,038      33,674      35,179
                                  ________    ________    ________    ________
                                 ==========  ==========  ==========  ==========

 7. Loan notes receivable

    The #6,000,000 loan notes were issued by Guardian Media Group plc,
    guaranteed by the National Westminster Bank plc, as part of the purchase
    consideration on the sale of SCOT FM Limited. The loan notes carry an
    interest rate of LIBOR less 0.75%. They were redeemed on 6 January 2003.

 8. Creditors: amounts falling due within one year

                                      Group                      Company

                                2002          2001          2002          2001

                               #'000         #'000         #'000         #'000

        Bank and other

        Bank loans            10,000         6,000             -             -

        Finance leases           206           230             -            13

        Bank overdraft         1,081         1,009             -            55
                          __________    __________    __________    __________

                              11,287         7,239             -            68
                          __________    __________    __________    __________
                         ============  ============  ============  ============

        Loan notes            15,449        15,552             -             -
                          __________    __________    __________    __________
                         ============  ============  ============  ============


        Trade                  2,354         2,974             -             -

        Amounts owed to            -           233             -             -

        Corporation tax          267           109             -             -

        Other taxation         1,138           538             -            59
        and social

        Accruals and           7,048         7,450           526           476

        Licence fees           2,104         1,654             -             -

        Other                    171           633            94            89
                          __________    __________    __________    __________

                              13,082        13,591           620           624
                          __________    __________    __________    __________
                         ============  ============  ============  ============

    The loan notes were issued as part consideration for the acquisition of The
    Radio Partnership Limited in 1999 and are guaranteed by Barclays Bank PLC in
    accordance with an agreement dated 23 July 1999, pursuant to which the
    Company has agreed to maintain sufficient funds to cover the outstanding
    liability from time to time, and has therefore deposited #15,449,000 (2001:
    #15,552,000) as guarantee collateral with Barclays Bank PLC to cover the
    liability. Repayment of the loan notes is at the option of the holder with a
    final maturity date of 2004. Interest is paid at 0.425% above LIBOR with an
    annual guarantee fee of 0.575%.

    The bank loans and overdrafts comprise:

      + *An overdraft of #1,081,000 drawn against an overdraft and revolving
        credit facility totalling #12.5 million. This borrowing is secured by
        the assets of the Group and bears interest at 1.75% above LIBOR.

      + *A loan of #4,000,000 drawn against the revolving credit facility
        totalling #12.5 million. This borrowing is secured by the assets of the
        Group and bears interest at 1.75% above LIBOR.

      + *A loan of #6,000,000 drawn down against a facility of #6,000,000
        secured against the loan notes issued by Guardian Media Group plc for
        the acquisition of SCOT FM Limited. The loan bears interest at 0.5%
        above LIBOR. This loan was cleared on 6 January 2003 when the loan notes
        were redeemed.

 9. Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year

                                      Group                      Company

                                2002          2001          2002          2001

                               #'000         #'000         #'000         #'000

            Bank and

            Finance              219           463             -            39
                          __________    __________    __________    __________
                        ============  ============  ============  ============


            Licence           10,419        12,523             -             -
                          __________    __________    __________    __________
                        ============  ============  ============  ============

10. Provisions for liabilities and charges

                                  Deferred       Property        Total
                                  taxation     provisions

                                    #'000          #'000         #'000


    At 1 January 2002                  9            204            213

    Utilised in the year               -            (55)           (55)
                              __________     __________     __________

    At 31 December 2002                9            149            158
                              __________     __________     __________
                            ============   ============   ============

    The property provisions relate to estimated dilapidation costs and committed
    rental costs on currently unoccupied properties. The timing of these
    liabilities depends on each individual lease and the possibility of leasing
    the relevant properties.

    No amounts have been discounted.

 11. Reserves

                                                           Share        Profit

                                     Merger Reserve        premium     account

                                              #000         #'000         #'000


            At 1 January 2002               81,820        35,064       (75,003)

            Elimination of reserves              -             -          (194)
            on acquisition of
            subsidiary (previously

            Retained loss for the                -             -       (20,373)
                                        __________    __________    __________

            At 31 December 2002             81,820        35,064        95,570
                                        __________    __________    __________
                                       ============  ============  ============

                                           Share           Profit
                                                         and loss

                                         premium          account

                                          #'000             #'000


    At 1 January 2002                    35,064            (2,492)

    Retained loss for the year                -            (1,301)
                                      __________        __________

    At 31 December 2002                  35,064            (3,793)
                                      __________        __________
                                     ============      ============

12. Minority interests - equity interests


    At 1 January 2002                                               (5)

    Acquisition of subsidiary (note 13)                             89

    Acquisition of minority interest (note 13)                     (21)

    Share of profits on ordinary activities after                  113

    At 31 December 2002                                            176

13. Acquisition

    Switch Digital (London) Limited

    On 17 November 2002 the Group increased it's holding in Switch Digital
    (London) Limited. The Group's original share holding was 42.5 per cent which
    has now been increased to 80.5 percent. This has changed the way the Group
    accounts for Switch Digital London Limited from that of an associate to a


    Book and fair value of net assets acquired (including          368
    #1.0 million of cash)

    Goodwill                                                       398

    Consideration satisfied by cash                                766

    Switchdigital (Scotland) Limited

    On 17 November 2002 the Group increased it's holding in Switchdigital
    (Scotland) Limited from 69% to 92% at a cost of #137,000.

    The share of net assets acquired (book and fair value) was #91,000 giving
    rise to goodwill of #116,000.

 14. Reconciliation of operating loss to net cash outflow from operating

                                                    2002          2001

                                                   #'000         #'000

    Operating loss                               (19,005)      (28,391)

    Depreciation charges                             942         1,260

    (Profit)/loss on disposal of fixed               (17)          212

    Goodwill amortisation                         13,076        17,887

    Goodwill impairment                            2,128             -

    Licence amortisation                           1,654         1,323

    Disposal of trade investments                     30             -

    Write down of trade investments                    -             6

    Decrease in debtors                            1,052         1,549

    Decrease in creditors                         (3,516)       (1,310)
                                              __________    __________

    Net cash outflow from operating               (3,656)       (7,464)
                                              __________    __________
                                            ============  ============

15. Analysis of cash flows for headings netted in the cash flow statement

                                                    2002          2001

                                                   #'000         #'000

    Returns on investments and servicing of

    Interest received                                598           816

    Dividends received                                78            98

    Interest paid                                 (1,392)       (4,131)
                                              __________    __________

    Net cash outflow                                (716)       (3,217)
                                              __________    __________
                                             ============  ============

    Capital expenditure and financial

    Purchase of tangible fixed assets               (596)         (893)

    Disposal of tangible fixed assets                197            15

    Disposal of licence (note 1)                     235             -

    Purchase of fixed asset investments              (81)          (30)
    (note 5)

    Purchase of minority interest (note 13)         (137)          (22)

                                              __________    __________

    Net cash outflow                                (382)         (930)
                                              __________    __________
                                             ============  ============

                                                    2002          2001

                                                   #'000         #'000

    Acquisitions and disposals


    Purchase of subsidiary undertakings             (766)            -
    (note 13)

    Cash at bank and in hand acquired              1,037             -
                                              __________    __________

    Net cash inflow                                  271             -
                                              __________    __________
                                             ============  ============


    Sale of subsidiary undertakings                    -        37,000

    Sale of associate                                999             -

    Settlement of subsidiary overdraft                 -           480

    Cash transferred on sale of subsidiary             -            (2)

    Costs of disposal on sale of                       -          (423)
                                              __________    __________

    Net cash inflow                                  999        37,055
                                              __________    __________
                                            ============  ============

                                                    2002          2001

                                                   #'000         #'000

    Financing and management of liquid


    Net increase/(reduction) in borrowings         4,000       (23,000)

    Proceeds on exercise of options                    1             -

    Redemption of loan notes                        (103)            -

    Capital element of finance lease rental         (299)         (271)
                                              __________    __________

                                                   3,599       (23,271)

    Management of liquid resources

    Decrease in short term deposits                  103             -
                                              __________    __________

    Net cash inflow /(outflow)                     3,702       (23,271)
                                              __________    __________
                                            ============  ============

16. Reconciliation of movement in net debt

                                                            2002          2001

                                                           #'000         #'000

            Increase in cash in the year                     225         2,173

            Cash (inflow)/outflow from (increase)/        (3,701)       23,271
            decrease in debt and lease financing
                                                      __________    __________

            Change in net debt resulting from cash        (3,476)       25,444

            Finance leases                                   (31)         (296)

            Loans and finance leases disposed of               -           102
            with subsidiaries

            Loan notes received on disposal of                 -         6,000
                                                      __________    __________

            (Increase)/Decrease in net debt in            (3,507)       31,250

            Net debt at 1 January                         (1,581)      (32,831)
                                                      __________    __________

            Net debt at 31 December                       (5,088)       (1,581)
                                                      __________    __________
                                                      ===========  ===========

17. Analysis of net debt

                     1 January                  Non-cash     31 December

                       #'000          Cash       #'000             2002


    Bank              (1,009)          (72)            -         (1,081)

    Cash at bank         121           297             -            418
    and in
                  __________    __________    __________     __________

                        (888)          225             -           (663)

    Debt due          (6,000)       (4,000)            -        (10,000)
    within 1

    Loan notes         6,000             -             -          6,000

    Loan notes       (15,552)          103             -        (15,449)

    Short term        15,552          (103)            -         15,449

    Finance             (693)          299           (31)          (425)
                  __________    __________    __________     __________

    Net debt          (1,581)       (3,476)          (31)        (5,088)
                  __________    __________    __________     __________
                 ============  ============  ============   ============

18. Post balance sheet events

    On 6 January 2003 the Group redeemed the #6,000,000 loan notes from Guardian
    Media Group issued on the Sale of Scot FM Limited. The proceeds were used to
    reduce the Group's debt.

Preliminary results

These unaudited preliminary results do not constitute statutory accounts. The
preliminary results for the year ended 31 December 2002 are extracted from the
unaudited Group's accounts for the year, which will be delivered to the
Registrar of Companies in due course. The results for the year ended 31 December
2001 have been extracted from the accounts for The Wireless Group PLC, which
have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and on which the auditors gave
an unqualified report that did not contain a statement under Section 237 (2) or
(3) of the Companies Act 1985.

These preliminary results have been prepared on the basis of the accounting
policies set out in the Company's 2001 statutory accounts, which have been
updated for changes in Financial Reporting Standards and UITF Abstracts coming
into force during the year, the impact of which on the financial information has
not been material.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange