RNS Number:7086S
Discovery Trust PLC
02 December 2003

To:   RNS

Date: 2 December 2003

From: Discovery Trust plc

The Chairman, Sir James McKinnon, said:

I am pleased to report that the Company's net asset value per share rose by 37.8
per cent over the six months to 31 October 2003. The FTSE Fledgling (ex
Investment Companies) Index rose by 53.1 per cent, and the broader FTSE Small
Cap (ex Investment Companies) Index by 35.9 per cent.

Investment Management

The Board thoroughly reviewed the Company's investment management arrangements
in the first part of the year. That review gave rise to a number of positive
changes, in particular the Board approved the appointment of Robert Mitchell as
its Manager on 11 September 2003. The early indications on the effect of the
changes are encouraging.

The composition of the portfolio holdings has been changed and the number of
holdings has been increased to 65. These changes reflect both a heightened
awareness of risk and a more pragmatic approach to stock selection. The Manager
has also increased the Company's effective gearing, deploying the liquidity
maintained over recent years. This process continues and gearing stands at 7.5
per cent at 27 November 2003.

Earnings and Dividend

Earnings per share for the six months were 1.64 pence, compared with 1.28 pence
last year. As is customary, no interim dividend will be paid.

Shareholder value

The Company's share price rose by 43.8 per cent during the period, as the
discount to net asset value at which its ordinary shares trade narrowed from
27.4 to 24.3 per cent. The Board looks for this process to continue.


For the first time in three years I am able to say that market conditions are
promising. It must be said that the smaller companies' market is reflecting some
reaction as investors take profits accrued during the strong run since Spring of
this year. However, corporate activity remains strong and there are interesting
investment opportunities available at this time.

I am cautiously optimistic as to the prospects for smaller companies in 2004,
and would look to see the Company make further progress on the back of a wider
recovery in equity markets.

For further information, please contact:

Robert Mitchell
ISIS Asset Management plc Tel: 0207 506 1100

Martin Cassels
ISIS Asset Management plc Tel: 0131 465 1000

Statement of Total Return (Unaudited)
                                                                                Six months to 31 October 2003
                                                                           Revenue           Capital          Total
                                                                            # '000             #'000          #'000

Gains on investments                                                             -             9,894          9,894
Income                                                                         605                 -            605
Investment management fee                                                     (71)             (132)          (203)
Other expenses                                                                (83)                 -           (83)
                                                                             _____             _____          _____
Net return before finance costs and tax                                        451             9,762         10,213

Interest payable                                                              (69)             (129)          (198)
                                                                             _____             _____          _____
Return on ordinary activities before tax                                       382             9,633         10,015

Tax on ordinary activities                                                       -                 -              -
                                                                             _____             _____          _____

Return attributable to equity shareholders                                     382             9,633         10,015

Dividends in respect of equity shares                                            -                 -              -
                                                                             _____             _____          _____

Transfer to/(from) reserves                                                    382             9,633         10,015
                                                                             _____             _____          _____

Return per ordinary share:
Basic                                                                        1.64p            41.29p         42.93p

Statement of Total Return (Unaudited)
                                                                                 Six months to 31 October 2002
                                                                           Revenue           Capital          Total
                                                                            # '000             #'000          #'000

Losses on investments                                                            -          (11,821)       (11,821)
Income                                                                         575                 -            575
Investment management fee                                                     (80)             (149)          (229)
Other expenses                                                               (102)                 -          (102)
                                                                             _____             _____          _____
Net return before finance costs and tax                                        393          (11,970)       (11,577)

Interest payable                                                              (68)             (127)          (195)
                                                                             _____             _____          _____
Return on ordinary activities before tax                                       325          (12,097)       (11,772)

Tax on ordinary activities                                                    (25)                25              -
                                                                             _____             _____          _____

Return attributable to equity shareholders                                     300          (12,072)       (11,772)

Dividends in respect of equity shares                                            -                 -              -
                                                                             _____             _____          _____

Transfer to/(from) reserves                                                    300          (12,072)       (11,772)
                                                                             _____             _____          _____

Return per ordinary share:
Basic                                                                        1.28p          (51.47p)       (50.19p)

Statement of Total Return (Unaudited)
                                                                                      Year to 30 April 2003
                                                                           Revenue           Capital          Total
                                                                            # '000             #'000          #'000

Losses on investments                                                            -          (10,789)       (10,789)
Income                                                                       1,104                 -          1,104
Investment management fee                                                    (144)             (267)          (411)
Other expenses                                                               (220)                 -          (220)
                                                                             _____             _____          _____
Net return before finance costs and tax                                        740          (11,056)       (10,316)

Interest payable                                                             (136)             (253)          (389)
                                                                             _____             _____          _____
Return on ordinary activities before tax                                       604          (11,309)       (10,705)

Tax on ordinary activities                                                    (50)                50              -
                                                                             _____             _____          _____

Return attributable to equity shareholders                                     554          (11,259)       (10,705)

Dividends in respect of equity shares                                        (537)                 -          (537)
                                                                             _____             _____          _____

Transfer to/(from) reserves                                                     17          (11,259)       (11,242)
                                                                             _____             _____          _____

Return per ordinary share:
Basic                                                                        2.37p          (48.13p)       (45.76p)

Group Balance Sheet (Unaudited)
                                                                            As at             As at            As at
                                                                         31/10/03          31/10/02          30/4/03
                                                                            #'000             #'000            #'000

Fixed Assets
Investments                                                                42,076            23,795           30,226

Current assets
Debtors                                                                       239               148              330
Cash at bank and on deposit                                                   991             7,464            1,653
                                                                            _____             _____            _____
                                                                            1,230             7,612            1,983

Creditors: amounts falling due within one year                            (1,785)             (431)            (703)
                                                                            _____             _____            _____

Net current (liabilities)/assets                                            (555)             7,181            1,280
                                                                            _____             _____            _____
Total assets less current liabilities                                      41,521            30,976           31,506
                                                                            _____             _____            _____
Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year                   (5,000)           (5,000)          (5,000)
                                                                            _____             _____            _____
Net assets                                                                 36,521            25,976           26,506
                                                                            _____             _____            _____

Capital and reserves
Called-up share capital                                                     5,832             5,832            5,832
Share premium account                                                       4,568            19,568            4,568
Other reserves  -
Capital reserve - realised                                                  8,155            18,025           12,396
                - unrealised                                                1,416          (18,900)         (12,458)
Capital redemption reserve                                                    891               891              891
Special distributable reserve                                              15,000                 -           15,000
Revenue reserve                                                               659               560              277
                                                                            _____             _____            _____
Equity Shareholders' funds                                                 36,521            25,976           26,506
                                                                            _____             _____            _____

Net asset value per share
Ordinary                                                                  156.56p           111.35p          113.63p

Group Consolidated Cash Flow Statement (Unaudited)
                                                                   Six months to        Six months to        Year to
                                                                      31 October           31 October       30 April
                                                                            2003                 2002           2003
                                                                           #'000                #'000          #'000

Net cash inflow from operating activities                                    393                  314            354
Servicing of finance                                                       (195)                (193)          (392)
Taxation                                                                       -                    -              -
Capital expenditure and financial investment                               (323)                4,737          (915)
Equity dividends paid                                                      (537)                (402)          (402)
                                                                       ---------            ---------      ---------
Net cash (outflow)/inflow before financing                                 (662)                4,456        (1,355)
Financing                                                                      -                  791            791
                                                                       ---------            ---------      ---------

(Decrease)/increase in cash                                                (662)                5,247          (564)
                                                                           =====                =====          =====

Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net (debt)/funds
Movement in net (debt)/funds                                               (662)                5,247          (564)
Net debt at 1 May                                                        (3,347)              (2,783)        (2,783)
                                                                       ---------            ---------      ---------
Net (debt)/funds at 31 October/30 April                                  (4,009)                2,464        (3,347)
                                                                           =====                =====          =====

Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash flow from
operating activities
Net return before finance costs and taxation                                 451                  393            740
Management fee charged to capital                                          (132)                (149)          (267)
Changes in working capital and other non-cash items                           74                   70          (119)
                                                                       ---------            ---------      ---------
Net cash inflow from operating activities                                    393                  314            354
                                                                       ---------            ---------      ---------


 1. The revenue column of the statement of total return is the revenue account of
    the Group. The unaudited interim results have been prepared on the basis of
    the accounting policies set out in the statutory accounts of the Group for
    the year ended 30 April 2003.

 2. Earnings for the first six months should not be taken as a guide to the
    results for the full year.

 3. The basic return per ordinary share is based on a weighted average of
    23,327,372 ordinary shares in issue during the period (2002 - 23,454,546).

 4. There were 23,327,372 ordinary shares in issue at 31 October 2003 (2002 -

 5. In accordance with the Statement of Recommended Practice 'Financial
    Statements of Investment Trust Companies' published by the Association of
    Investment Trust Companies in January 2003, the corporation tax charge has
    been calculated on the marginal basis. This is a change from the previous
    basis and has had the effect of increasing the net revenue return for the
    six months ended 31 October 2003 by #36,000 and decreasing the capital
    return by the same amount.

 6. The Group results consolidate those of Columbus Dealing Company, a
    wholly-owned subsidiary which deals in securities.

 7. These are not statutory accounts in terms of Section 240 of the Companies Act
    1985 and are unaudited. Statutory accounts for the year to 30 April 2003,
    which were unqualified, have been lodged with the Registrar of Companies. No
    statutory accounts in respect of any period after 30 April 2003 have been
    reported on by the Company's auditors or delivered to the Registrar of

 8. Copies of the Interim Report, which has been reviewed by the Company's
    auditors, will shortly be mailed to shareholders and will be available for
    inspection at the Registered Office of the Company at 80 George Street,
    Edinburgh EH2 3BU.

Managed by ISIS Asset Management plc

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange