Corporate Governance
property, tax, etc.), and consideration of extraordinary transactions. As part of these discussions, our directors ask questions, offer insights, and challenge management to continually improve the Company’s risk assessment and management. The Board has full access to management, as well as the ability to engage advisors, in order to assist in its risk oversight role.
We have conducted an in-depth review of the risks associated with our incentive-based agreements and practices and determined that the risks were appropriate.
See “Executive Compensation—Risk Analysis” for further discussion.
Interested parties may communicate with any of our non-employee directors by writing to the director, in care of our Corporate Secretary, at the address shown on the cover of this Proxy Statement. In accordance with the policy adopted by our non-employee directors, our Corporate Secretary will promptly relay to the addressee all communications that he determines require prompt attention by a non-employee director and will regularly provide the non-employee directors with a summary of all substantive communications.
The Nominating and Governance Committee selects individuals as director nominees based on their business and professional accomplishments, integrity, demonstrated ability to make independent analytical inquiries, ability to understand our business, absence of conflicts of interest, and willingness to devote the necessary time to Board duties. Neither the Board nor the Nominating and Governance Committee has set minimum requirements with respect to age, education or years of business experience or set specific required skill sets for directors, but each does require that each director has a proven record of success and leadership. The Nominating and Governance Committee seeks to structure the Board of Directors such that it consists of a diverse group of individuals, each with a unique combination of skills, experience, and background. The Nominating and Governance Committee has no set diversity policy or targets, but places what it believes to be appropriate emphasis on certain skills, experience, or background that it determines add or would add value to our Board. Knowledge of our industry and strategic perspective, as well as accounting expertise, experience on other Boards and executive leadership, are examples of attributes that our Board and the Nominating and Governance Committee consider to be key. The Nominating and Governance Committee also considers effective interaction among Board members and between the Board of Directors and management to be crucial factors in considering individuals for nomination. Both Mr. Pratt and Ms. Roberts were first identified to the Nominating and Governance Committee by a third-party director search firm engaged by the Nominating and Governance Committee.
The Nominating and Governance Committee is responsible for proposing director nominees and will consider director nominee recommendations offered by stockholders in accordance with our By-Laws. At such times as the Board of Directors and the Nominating and Governance Committee determine there is a need to add or replace a director, the Nominating and Governance Committee identifies director candidates through references by its members, other directors, management, or outside search firms.
In considering individuals for nomination, the Nominating and Governance Committee consults with our Chairman and our President and CEO. A director’s qualifications in meeting the criteria discussed above under “Board Qualifications and Diversity” are considered at least each time the director is re-nominated for Board membership. The Committee applies the same process and standards to the evaluation of each potential director nominee, regardless of whether he or she is recommended by one or more stockholders or is identified by some other method.
Once the Nominating and Governance Committee identifies a director candidate, directors and members of management interview the candidate. Following that process, the Committee and the Board of Directors determine whether to nominate the candidate for election at an annual meeting of stockholders or, if applicable, to appoint the candidate as a director to fill a vacancy on the Board of Directors. Any such nomination or appointment is subject to acceptance by the candidate.
In uncontested elections, we elect directors by majority vote. Under this majority vote standard, each director must be elected by a majority of the votes cast with respect to that director, meaning that the number of shares voted “for” a director exceeds the number of shares voted “against” that director. In a contested election, directors are elected by a plurality of the votes represented in person or by proxy at the meeting. An election is contested if the number of nominees exceeds the number of directors to be elected. Whether or not an election is contested is determined ten days in advance of the date we file our definitive Proxy Statement with the SEC. This year’s election is uncontested. Accordingly, the majority vote standard will apply.