Interim Consolidated Statement of Financial Position As of December 31, 2023 June 30, 2024 Note RMB000 RMB000
ASSETS Cash at bank 12 39,598,785 37,113,898 Restricted cash 12 11,145,838 10,683,924 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 13 28,892,604 29,249,592 Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income 14
1,739,416 Financial assets at amortized cost 15 3,011,570 2,918,120 Accounts and other receivables and contract assets 16 7,293,671 5,410,456 Loans to customers 17 129,693,954 112,708,888 Deferred tax assets 5,572,042 5,476,280 Property and
equipment 180,310 162,426 Investments accounted for using the equity method 2,609 Intangible assets 874,919 1,016,210 Right-of-use assets 400,900 349,884 Goodwill
8,911,445 9,171,729 Other assets 1,444,362 929,279 Total assets 237,023,009 216,930,102 LIABILITIES Payable to platform investors 985,761 781,083 Borrowings 18 38,823,284 41,002,213 Customer deposits 19 3,126,937 Current income tax
liabilities 782,096 447,523 Accounts and other payables and contract liabilities 20 6,977,118 15,188,201 Payable to investors of consolidated structured entities 83,264,738 61,693,369 Financing guarantee liabilities 21 4,185,532 3,507,405 Deferred
tax liabilities 524,064 427,332 Lease liabilities 386,694 342,671 Convertible promissory notes payable 5,650,268 5,898,783 Other liabilities 1,759,672 1,838,182 Total liabilities 143,339,227 134,253,699 EQUITY Share capital 75 75 Share premium
32,142,233 22,306,417 Treasury shares (5,642,768) (5,642,768) Other reserves 155,849 544,621 Retained earnings 65,487,099 63,824,564 Total equity attributable to owners of the Company 92,142,488 81,032,909
Non-controlling interests 1,541,294 1,643,494 Total equity 93,683,782 82,676,403 Total liabilities and equity 237,023,009 216,930,102 The accompanying notes are an integral part of the condensed consolidated
interim financial information. 22 LUFAX HOLDING LTD INTERIM REPORT 2024