Wilmington Trust Corporation (NYSE:WL) reported today that net income for the 2006 fourth quarter was $47.5 million and earnings per share (on a diluted basis) were $0.68 per share. "Loan balances, Wealth Advisory Services revenue, and Corporate Client Services revenue reached record-high levels for the fourth quarter and full year, and credit quality remained stable. Business growth in the fourth quarter was masked by a decline in the net interest margin, which decreased as deposit rates rose and spreads narrowed on investments that collateralize short-term borrowings," said Ted T. Cecala, Wilmington Trust's chairman and chief executive officer. "The results from each of our businesses reflect how our expansion investments are generating positive returns and creating additional momentum." For the 2006 full year, net income totaled $143.8 million and earnings per share (diluted) were $2.06. Results for 2006 were dampened by the non-cash goodwill impairment write-down the company recorded during the third quarter against its investment in affiliate money manager Roxbury Capital Management (RCM). This charge reduced net income by $41.7 million and earnings per share (diluted) by $0.60 per share. Absent this charge, operating net income for 2006 would have been $185.5 million, 11% higher than for 2005. Earnings per share (diluted) would have been $2.66 per share, a 9% increase. This release contains amounts that exclude the non-cash impairment write-down in cases where management believes doing so offers investors more relevant information about business trends and the company's continuing operations. PERFORMANCE HIGHLIGHTS Two balance sheet benchmarks were surpassed: At year-end 2006, total assets exceeded $11 billion for the first time and loan balances topped $8 billion for the first time. At $7.91 billion for the 2006 fourth quarter and $7.70 billion for the full year, on average, loan balances were 8% and 9% higher, respectively. Credit quality remained stable and the percentage of loans with pass ratings continued to exceed 97%. The Wealth Advisory and Corporate Client Services businesses recorded double-digit increases in revenue for the 2006 fourth quarter and full year. Value-style affiliate manager Cramer Rosenthal McGlynn had assets under management of $10.6 billion at year-end 2006, a record high. Investments in new offices, products, services, and people throughout the year caused expenses for the 2006 fourth quarter to be 11% higher than for the year-ago fourth quarter, and 8% higher for the full year (excluding the impairment write-down). Including the impairment write-down, expenses for the 2006 full year were 27% higher than for 2005. The 2006 full-year efficiency ratios for Regional Banking, Wealth Advisory Services, and Corporate Client Services improved from their 2005 levels. The net interest margin for the 2006 fourth quarter was 3.65%. This was 9 basis points lower than for the year-ago fourth quarter and 18 basis points lower than for the 2006 third quarter. During the 2006 fourth quarter, the company added approximately $277 million of investments to provide collateral for short-term borrowings. The narrow spreads on these transactions contributed approximately 10 basis points of the margin decline. For the 2006 full year, the net interest margin was 3.79%, which was 8 basis points higher than for 2005. This happened mainly because loan repricing outpaced deposit repricing during the first three quarters of 2006. On an annualized basis, fourth quarter 2006 results produced a return on average assets of 1.73% and a return on average equity of 17.66%. The corresponding returns for the fourth quarter of 2005 were 1.82% and 18.77%, respectively. For the 2006 full year, the return on average assets was 1.37% and the return on average equity was 13.58%. Excluding the non-cash charge for RCM, the full-year return on average assets would have been 1.76% and the return on average equity would have been 17.34%. The corresponding returns for 2005 were 1.70% and 17.59%, respectively. CASH DIVIDEND DECLARED On January 18, 2007, the Board of Directors declared a regular quarterly cash dividend of $0.315 per share. The quarterly dividend will be paid on February 15, 2007, to shareholders of record on February 1, 2007. EFFICIENCY RATIO The efficiency ratio, which measures how much a company spends to generate revenue, showed that, for the 2006 fourth quarter, the company spent slightly more than 56 cents for each dollar of revenue. This was fractionally higher than for the year-ago fourth quarter because of expansion investments the Corporate Client Services business made during the 2006 fourth quarter. For the 2006 full year, efficiency was reduced by the impairment write-down on RCM. Excluding this charge, efficiency improved, with the company spending slightly less than 56 cents for each dollar of revenue recorded for the 2006 full year, down from more than 57 cents for each dollar of revenue recorded for 2005. � Efficiency ratios � 2006 Q4 � 2005 Q4 � 2006 full year � 2005 full year Regional Banking � 41.56% � 42.38% � 40.57% � 42.56% Wealth Advisory Services � 76.47% � 78.76% � 77.63% � 77.97% Corporate Client Services � 72.79% � 68.80% � 73.67% � 76.48% Wilmington Trust consolidated � 56.40% � 56.15% � 66.10% � 57.28% Wilmington Trust consolidated absent non-cash charge � --� � --� � 55.96% � --� � All of the impairment write-down on RCM was attributed to the Affiliate Managers business segment. The discussions on each business and the financial statements in this release contain more information about business line profitability. INVESTMENT SECURITIES PORTFOLIO During the 2006 fourth quarter, the company added investments to collateralize short-term cash sweeps, which increased due to higher client demand. This caused the size of the investment securities portfolio to increase, and the composition of the portfolio to shift on a percentage basis. For the 2006 fourth quarter, investment securities balances were $2.02 billion, on average. This was 6% higher than for the year-ago fourth quarter and 9% higher than for the 2006 third quarter. For the 2006 full year, investment securities balances were $1.89 billion, on average, which was slightly higher than for 2005. At year-end 2006, the largest concentration of investments in the portfolio was in government agencies, which comprised 38% of the portfolio, up from 21% at year-end 2005. The percentage of the portfolio invested in mortgage-backed instruments fell to 33% at year-end 2006 from 44% at year-end 2005. Other categories of securities in the portfolio were relatively unchanged on a percentage basis. Although investment securities balances were higher than for prior periods, they were relatively unchanged as a percentage of total earning assets. � Investment securities portfolio � At 12/31/06 � At 9/30/06 � At 12/31/05 Balances (in millions) � $2,114.6� � $1,982.3� � $1,928.8� As a percentage of total earning assets � 21% � 20% � 21% Average life (in years) � 4.93� � 5.39� � 6.14� Duration � 2.24� � 2.39� � 2.63� Percentage invested in fixed income instruments � 82% � 80% � 79% Percentage of total assets � 19% � 19% � 19% � The average life and duration declined because the balances of short-term investments increased and the negative yield curve caused paydowns of mortgage-backed instruments to accelerate. THE REGIONAL BANKING BUSINESS The Delaware Valley region's economy remained well diversified and economic indicators remained positive. According to the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, economic activity improved in Delaware, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey for the 12 months ended November 2006 (the most recent data available), and modest economic growth is expected in 2007. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, Delaware's unemployment rate for November 2006 (the most recent data available) was 3.6%. In comparison, the U.S. rate was 4.5%. Amid these favorable economic conditions, the Regional Banking business generated its 23rd consecutive quarter of loan growth. Loan balances for the 2006 fourth quarter were $7.91 billion, on average. This was 8% higher than for the year-ago fourth quarter, and 2% more than for the 2006 third quarter. For the 2006 full year, loan balances were $7.70 billion, on average, an increase of 9% from 2005. Commercial real estate/construction loans and consumer loans accounted for most of the growth, and more of the growth came from outside the Delaware market than in 2005. � Loans � 2006 Q4 � 2005 Q4 � 2006 full year � 2005 full year Total loans outstanding (in billions, on average) � $7.91� � $7.34� � $7.70� � $7.05� � � � � � � � � � Delaware market loans (in billions, on average) � $5.73� � $5.42� � $5.63� � $5.24� Delaware market loans as a % of total loans � 72% � 74% � 73% � 74% � � � � � � � � � Pennsylvania market loans (in billions, on average) � $1.78� � $1.61� � $1.72� � $1.53� Pennsylvania market loans as a % of total loans � 23% � 22% � 22% � 22% � � � � � � � � � Other market loans as a % of total loans � 5% � 4% � 5% � 4% � Commercial loans Commercial loan balances were $5.35 billion, on average, for the 2006 fourth quarter. This was 10% higher than for the year-ago fourth quarter, and 2% higher than for the 2006 third quarter. For the 2006 full year, commercial loan balances were $5.20 billion, on average, which was 11% higher than for 2005. Almost all of this growth was in commercial real estate/construction (CRE) loans. � Commercial loans (in millions, on average) � 2006 Q4 � 2005 Q4 � 2006 full year � 2005 full year Commercial, industrial, and agricultural loans � $2,430.5� � $2,465.9� � $2,437.4� � $2,506.1� Commercial real estate/construction loans � $1,634.9� � $1,161.6� � $1,516.8� � $916.5� Commercial mortgage loans � $1,281.4� � $1,239.7� � $1,240.8� � $1,250.9� Total commercial loans � $5,346.8� � $4,867.2� � $5,195.0� � $4,673.5� � � � � � � � � � % of commercial loans from Delaware market � 70% � 70% � 70% � 70% % of commercial loans from Pennsylvania market � 29% � 29% � 29% � 29% % of commercial loans from other markets � 1% � 1% � 1% � 1% � CRE loan balances, on average, were 41% higher for the 2006 fourth quarter and 66% higher for the full year than for the corresponding periods in 2005. Population growth, especially in Delaware, continued to drive housing demand, and residential tract development and construction continued to account for most of the growth in CRE balances. The U.S. Census Bureau reported that, for the 12 months ended July 2006, Delaware was the 15th fastest growing state in the United States, and that Delaware's growth rate was more than double that of any state in the Bureau's northeast geographic area. Within the Regional Banking geographic footprint, Delaware's population growth rate was three times higher than Maryland's, four times higher than Pennsylvania's, and seven times higher than New Jersey's. Mayflower Transit's 2006 Customer Relocation Study ranked Delaware as the second most popular U.S. relocation destination, after South Carolina. On a period-end basis, CRE balances were 3% higher at the end of the 2006 fourth quarter than at the end of the 2006 third quarter, and they were 35% higher than at year-end 2005. Projects in Delaware and Pennsylvania accounted for most of the growth. Most of the Pennsylvania growth was for projects in Philadelphia County and Chester County, which borders Delaware. � CRE loan growth by state (period-end balances) � 12/31/06 vs. 9/30/06 � 12/31/06 vs. 12/31/05 Percentage of growth from Delaware � 30% � 53% Percentage of growth from Pennsylvania � 40% � 33% Percentage of growth from Maryland � 15% � 8% Percentage of growth from New Jersey � 15% � 4% Percentage of growth from other states � --� � 2% � The pace of growth in CRE lending slowed during the second half of 2006, especially for residential tract development and construction projects. The pace of growth in other types of CRE projects increased, as recent population growth and the health of the regional economy spurred demand for leisure and health-related services. � Selected CRE balance increases (period-end balances) � 12/31/06 vs. 9/30/06 � 12/31/06 vs. 12/31/05 Residential tract development and construction balances � 2% � 41% Automobile dealership construction balances � 39% � 79% Dining and recreation construction balances � 86% � 40% Health and social services construction balances � 13% � 30% � Toward the end of 2006, demand began to rise for loans recorded as commercial, financial, and agricultural loans (C and I loans). Between the ends of the third and fourth quarters of 2006, CRE balances increased 3%. In comparison, the corresponding increase in C and I balances was 7%, the largest linked-quarter increase in that category of commercial loans since the fourth quarter of 2005. Retail loans Retail loans (consumer loans, residential mortgage loans, and loans secured with liquid collateral) were $2.57 billion, on average, for the 2006 fourth quarter. This was 4% higher than for the year-ago fourth quarter and 2% higher than for the 2006 third quarter. For the 2006 full year, retail loan balances were $2.50 billion, on average, which was 6% higher than for 2005. The rate of growth in retail loan balances would have been higher, if not for: Less demand from Wealth Advisory Services clients for loans secured with liquid collateral, which lowered the balances of that category of retail loans; and The company's ongoing practice of selling most newly originated fixed rate residential mortgages into the secondary market. Those loans are not included in the residential mortgages recorded on the balance sheet. As a result, consumer loans continued to account for more than half of total retail loan balances and for most of the growth in the retail portfolio. Consumer loan balances for the 2006 fourth quarter were $1.50 billion, on average. This was 6% higher than for the year-ago fourth quarter and 2% higher than for the 2006 third quarter. For the 2006 full year, consumer loan balances were $1.46 billion, on average, which was 10% higher than for 2005. � Consumer loans (in millions, on average) � 2006 Q4 � 2005 Q4 � 2006 full year � 2005 full year Home equity lines of credit � $318.9� � $328.2� � $321.9� � $323.3� Indirect loans � 676.1� � 648.4� � 657.3� � 605.1� Credit card loans � 62.6� � 60.4� � 60.9� � 59.0� Other consumer loans � 438.5� � 375.5� � 418.1� � 341.9� Total consumer loans � $1,496.1� � $1,412.5� � $1,458.2� � $1,329.3� � � � � � � � � � % of consumer loans from Delaware market � 79% � 81% � 80% � 84% % of consumer loans from Pennsylvania market � 6% � 7% � 6% � 5% % of consumer loans from other markets � 15% � 12% � 14% � 11% � The category of consumer loans recorded as "other consumer loans" accounted for the majority of the growth in consumer loan balances. On average, other consumer loan balances were 17% higher for the 2006 fourth quarter and 22% higher for the full year than for the corresponding periods in 2005. This category comprises a variety of installment loans to individuals, most of which are fixed rate loans, and includes home equity loans. Demand for fixed rate products rose, causing home equity loan balances to increase, and home equity line-of-credit balances to decrease. Most home equity lines of credit have floating rates. Indirect lending was the other main contributor to the increases in total consumer loans. Indirect loan balances, on average, were 4% higher for the 2006 fourth quarter and 9% higher for the full year than for the corresponding periods in 2005. Higher volumes from the Pennsylvania and New Jersey markets accounted for most of this growth. The majority of loans in the indirect portfolio are for late-model used cars. In the residential mortgage portfolio, balances rose but origination volumes declined, in large part because: The company retains mortgages that qualify as low income mortgages for Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) purposes in the residential mortgage portfolio. CRA loans originated during 2006 were nearly twice as high as for 2005. The average loan amount originated was 2% higher for the 2006 fourth quarter and 13% higher for the 2006 full year than for the corresponding year-ago periods. The pace of refinancings and paydowns slowed. � Residential mortgages � 2006 Q4 � 2005 Q4 � 2006 full year � 2005 full year Balances (in millions, on average) � $524.8� � $450.8� � $495.2� � $438.6� Origination volumes (in millions) � $52.2� � $64.1� � $225.3� � $221.0� Origination units � 244� � 305� � 972� � 1,077� � At December 31, 2006, approximately 75% of the residential mortgage portfolio consisted of fixed rate mortgages, compared with 75% at year-end 2005 and 74% at September 30, 2006. Core deposits For the 2006 fourth quarter, core deposits (deposits from clients) were $5.01 billion, on average, which was fractionally lower than for the year-ago fourth quarter and $58.1 million higher than for the 2006 third quarter. For the 2006 full year, core deposits were $4.94 billion on average, slightly more than for the 2005 full year. Most core deposits continued to come from the Delaware market. � Total core deposits (on average) � 2006 Q4 � 2005 Q4 � 2006 full year � 2005 full year From Delaware clients � 94% � 94% � 94% � 94% From Pennsylvania clients � 5% � 5% � 5% � 5% From other markets � 1% � 1% � 1% � 1% � Compared to the 2005 fourth quarter and full year, changes in core deposit balances reflected double-digit increases in certificate of deposit (CD) balances which were offset by decreases in noninterest-bearing demand deposits. On average, noninterest-bearing demand deposits were $223.8 million lower for the 2006 fourth quarter than for the year-ago fourth quarter and $56.4 million higher than for the 2006 third quarter. The changes in noninterest-bearing demand deposit balances reflected account sweeps that shift some noninterest-bearing demand deposits into money market deposits. This practice lowers deposit reserve requirements mandated by the Federal Reserve, and ultimately reduces the company's borrowing costs and uninvested cash balances. These sweeps accounted for approximately $160 million of the decline in noninterest-bearing demand deposits, on average, between the fourth quarters of 2005 and 2006. Balances of local CDs $100,000 and over (local CDs) were higher for the 2006 fourth quarter and full year than for the corresponding periods in 2005. Local CDs are recorded as core deposits because they are client deposits, not brokered deposits. Commercial banking clients in the Delaware Valley and local municipalities, which frequently use these CDs to generate returns on their excess cash, account for the majority of local CD balances. � Local CDs ? $100,000 by client category � At 12/31/06 � At 9/30/06 � At 12/31/05 Consumer banking clients � 74% � 73% � 65% DE commercial banking clients � 11% � 10% � 12% PA commercial banking clients � 8% � 10% � 9% Wealth Advisory Services clients � 7% � 7% � 14% Corporate Client Services clients � --� � --� � --� � Balances of national CDs of $100,000 or more (national CDs) are not recorded as core deposits because they are brokered deposits, not client deposits. The company supplements core deposits with national CDs, because the Regional Banking business strategy is to make loans to clients in a four-state region while gathering core deposits mainly from clients in Delaware. Using national CDs is a cost-effective way to fund loan growth without incurring the expense of building and operating a large-scale branch office network outside Delaware. Credit quality Credit quality remained stable. The percentage of loans outstanding with pass ratings from the internal risk rating analysis exceeded 97% for the fifth consecutive quarter, and was higher than for the year-ago fourth quarter. At year-end 2006, fewer loans were on the watch list than at the end of 2005, and no loans were rated doubtful. Net charge-offs for the 2006 fourth quarter were $5.9 million. This was $1.9 million more than for the 2005 fourth quarter, but $1.4 million less than for the 2006 third quarter. A loan to an auto dealer in New Jersey accounted for the increase from the year-ago fourth quarter. For the 2006 full year, net charge-offs totaled $18.5 million, compared with $10.1 million for 2005. The largest charge-off during 2006 was a commercial loan of approximately $4.5 million that had been recorded in renegotiated loans from the fourth quarter of 2004 until the third quarter of 2006. Because this charge-off reduced the amount of renegotiated loans to zero, it caused total nonperforming assets to decline for the 2006 fourth quarter and full year. The period-end nonperforming asset ratio was 44 basis points at year-end 2006, down from 60 basis points at year-end 2005 and 47 basis points at the end of the 2006 third quarter. The net charge-off ratio for the 2006 fourth quarter was 7 basis points. This was 2 basis points higher than for the year-ago fourth quarter and 2 basis points lower than for the 2006 third quarter. For the full-year 2006, the net charge-off ratio was 24 basis points. While this was 14 basis points higher than for the full-year 2005, it was in line with historical levels. Since 1995, the annual net charge-off ratio has ranged from 14 to 44 basis points. Nonaccruing loans totaled $31.0 million at year-end 2006, which was $8.3 million lower than at year-end 2005, and $1.0 million lower than at the end of the 2006 third quarter. Loans past due 90 days or more amounted to $5.8 million at year-end 2006. This was $1.7 million more than at year-end 2005, but $1.9 million less than at the end of the 2006 third quarter. Commercial real estate/construction (CRE) loans accounted for approximately $313,000, or less than 3%, of net charge-offs for the 2006 full year. As of December 31, 2006, no CRE loans were nonaccruing or past due 90 days. The $4.8 million asset recorded at year-end 2006 as other real estate owned (OREO) is a parcel of agricultural land in New Jersey. The amount recorded for OREO was unchanged from the second quarter of 2006, when this loan was transferred to OREO from nonaccruing status. The 2006 fourth quarter provision for loan losses was $6.5 million, compared with $2.0 million for the year-ago fourth quarter, and $6.6 million for the 2006 third quarter. The reserve for loan losses was $94.2 million at December 31, 2006, compared with $91.4 million at year-end 2005 and $93.6 million at September 30, 2006. The loan loss reserve ratio at year-end 2006 was 1.16%, compared with 1.24% at year-end 2005 and 1.20% at September 30, 2006. Changes in the provision and reserve for loan losses reflected management's assessment of risk in light of loan growth, the internal risk rating analysis, the levels of loan recoveries and repayments, the stability of the regional economy, and regulatory guidelines. Regional Banking efficiency and profitability During 2006, Regional Banking added staff, opened new offices, and expanded existing offices. While these investments increased expenses, they also helped generate higher amounts of revenue. Revenue growth outpaced expense growth for the 2006 fourth quarter and full year, and the corresponding efficiency ratios improved. � Efficiency ratios � 2006 Q4 � 2005 Q4 � 2006 full year � 2005 full year Regional Banking � 41.56% � 42.38% � 40.57% � 42.56% � Pretax income from Regional Banking was 9% higher for the 2006 full year than for 2005, but $0.5 million lower for the 2006 fourth quarter than for the year-ago fourth quarter, because the provision for loan losses was $4.5 million higher than for the 2005 fourth quarter. NET INTEREST MARGIN The net interest margin for the 2006 fourth quarter was 3.65%, a decline of 9 basis points from the year-ago fourth quarter and 18 basis points from the 2006 third quarter. The net interest margin for the 2006 full year was 3.79%, 8 basis points higher than for 2005. � Net interest margin � 2006 Q4 � 2006 Q3 � 2005 Q4 � 2006 full year � 2005 full year Net interest margin � 3.65% � 3.83% � 3.74% � 3.79% � 3.71% � Three factors caused the decline: The increase in investments to support collateralized short-term borrowings accounted for approximately 10 basis points of the decline. These transactions add to net interest income, but the difference between the income and expense they generate is small, and these narrow spreads reduced the margin. Continued growth in the loan portfolio accounted for approximately 2 basis points of the decline. Because new loans, on average, are booked at spreads that are lower than the current net interest margin, each new loan added causes an incremental reduction in the margin. Deposit pricing increases, especially on interest-bearing demand deposits and certificates of deposit (CDs) under $100,000, accounted for approximately 6 basis points of the decline. In a rising market interest rate environment, retail deposits reprice more slowly than floating rate loans. In 2006, the Federal Open Market Committee stopped raising short-term interest rates in June. Most of the company's floating rate loans repriced within 30 days of each rate increase, but retail deposits continued to reprice throughout the second half of the year. For the 2006 fourth quarter, the increases in funding costs outpaced the increases in asset yields, which had a negative effect on the margin. On a full-year basis, the margin was higher for 2006 than for 2005 mainly because asset yields rose at a faster pace than funding costs for the first three quarters of the year. � Changes in yields and rates (in basis points) � 2006 Q4 vs. 2005 Q4 � 2006 Q4 vs. 2006 Q3 � Full year 2006 vs. 2005 Yield on earning assets � 91 bps � (2) bps � 121 bps � � � � � � � Rate on CDs under $100,000 � 126 bps � 35 bps � 117 bps Rate on total funds to support earning assets � 100 bps � 16 bps � 113 bps � The majority of loans outstanding continued to be floating rate loans, and the majority of these loans repriced within a timeframe that closely matched the 90-day maturations of a substantial portion of the company's funding. � As a percentage of total balances � At 12/31/06 � At 09/30/06 � At 12/31/05 Loans outstanding with floating rates � 74% � 75% � 77% Floating rate loans that are commercial loans � 82% � 81% � 80% Commercial floating rate loans repricing in ? 30 days � 93% � 93% � 92% � � � � � � � National CDs maturing ? 90 days � 55% � 74% � 87% Short-term borrowings maturing ? 90 days � 92% � 98% � 86% � � � � � � � Commercial loans tied to a prime rate � 61% � 62% � 63% Commercial loans tied to the 30-day LIBOR � 35% � 34% � 30% � The decrease over the past 12 months in the percentage of national CDs maturing in 90 days or less reflected changes in the yield curve. With little difference between 90-day rates and longer-term rates, the company opted to purchase instruments with longer terms. At December 31, 2006, Wilmington Trust's prime lending rate was 8.25%. THE WEALTH ADVISORY SERVICES BUSINESS Wealth Advisory Services (WAS) revenue for the 2006 fourth quarter totaled $51.3 million. This was 20% more than for the year-ago fourth quarter and 9% more than for the 2006 third quarter. Revenue from trust and investment advisory services and from planning and other services were the main contributors of the year-over-year and linked-quarter growth. For the 2006 full year, WAS revenue totaled $192.0 million, up 12% from 2005. All three categories of WAS revenue recorded double-digit increases. On a full-year basis, trust and investment management services had the largest dollar increase in total WAS revenue, while revenue from planning and other services recorded the largest percentage increase. Most of the growth in total WAS revenue came from trust and investment advisory services. Business development and market appreciation produced trust and investment advisory revenue of $35.6 million for the 2006 fourth quarter, up 15% from the year-ago fourth quarter and 8% from the 2006 third quarter. These increases outpaced the increases in the Standard & Poor's 500 index, which increased an average of 14% and 6%, respectively, for the corresponding periods. Approximately 48% of trust and investment advisory revenue was based on equity market valuations, and management believes the S&P 500 is a good proxy for equity investments in client portfolios. For the 2006 full year, trust and investment advisory revenue was $136.1 million, up 10% from 2005. Lackluster performance in the equity markets during the first nine months of the year masked the revenue from new business development during that period. Revenue from planning and other services was $10.6 million for the 2006 fourth quarter. This was 49% higher than for the year-ago fourth quarter and 21% higher than for the 2006 third quarter. For the 2006 full year, planning revenue was $35.7 million, a 17% increase from 2005. Fees for these services are based on the nature and complexity of the service provided, not on asset valuations. In some cases, these fees are based on the client's annual income. Most of the growth in planning revenue came from family office services, reflecting a substantial expansion of these services. At year-end 2005, there were 45 full-time-equivalent family office staff members. Most were in Beverly Hills, and the focus was primarily on meeting the unique business management needs of entertainment and sports figures. By year-end 2006, there were 79 full-time-equivalent family office staff members; they were located in Delaware, Beverly Hills, New York, Princeton, and Stamford, Connecticut; and added to the scope of services were expertise in structuring family offices as legal entities and in developing executive compensation and inherited wealth strategies. Business development remained solid. The Delaware, Florida, New York, and Pennsylvania markets recorded the largest increases in sales. In Pennsylvania, expansion of WAS activities in the Lehigh Valley area during the second half of the year helped generate sales for the 2006 fourth quarter that were 58% higher than for the 2006 third quarter. Sales attributed to Delaware include business from clients in other states whose accounts are located in Delaware in order to benefit from trust, tax, and legal advantages not available for trusts governed by the laws of other states. Wealth Advisory Services efficiency and profitability WAS pretax income was 30% higher for the 2006 fourth quarter and 12% higher for the full year than for the corresponding periods in 2005. Two new office openings and the family office expansion increased WAS expenses for 2006, but the business leveraged those initiatives, and investments made in prior years, to generate revenue growth that outpaced expense growth. WAS profitability and efficiency measures for the 2006 fourth quarter and full year improved as a result. � Efficiency ratios � 2006 Q4 � 2005 Q4 � 2006 full year � 2005 full year Wealth Advisory Services � 76.47% � 78.76% � 77.63% � 77.97% � THE CORPORATE CLIENT SERVICES BUSINESS Corporate Client Services (CCS) revenue for the 2006 fourth quarter totaled $23.4 million. This was 14% more than for the year-ago fourth quarter and 11% higher than for the 2006 third quarter. Revenue from capital markets services, entity management services, and investment and cash management services were the main contributors of the year-over-year and linked-quarter revenue growth. For the 2006 full year, CCS revenue totaled $85.6 million, up 12% from 2005. All four components of the CCS business recorded higher revenue, and each recorded double-digit increases in sales. On a full-year basis, entity management services recorded the largest dollar increase in total CCS revenue and revenue from investment and cash management services increased at the fastest pace. Revenue from the capital markets component for the 2006 fourth quarter was $10.4 million, which was 11% higher than for the year-ago fourth quarter and 20% higher than for the 2006 third quarter. For the 2006 full year, capital markets revenue was $37.0 million, an increase of 8%. Sales of capital markets services for the 2006 fourth quarter were 30% higher than for the year-ago fourth quarter and 21% higher than for the 2006 third quarter. For the 2006 full year, sales of capital markets services were 30% higher than for 2005. The capital markets services most in demand in the 2006 fourth quarter were those that support issues of trust-preferred securities, collateral trusts and defaults, and commercial mortgage-backed securitization defeasance. Higher sales of these services offset the continued decline in the volume of asset-backed securitizations in the U.S. market. Revenue from entity management services for the 2006 fourth quarter was $7.1 million, up 16% from the year-ago fourth quarter and 4% from the 2006 third quarter. For the 2006 full year, entity management revenue was $26.8 million, a 14% increase from 2005. These increases resulted from strong demand for independent directorships and administrative services for structured finance securitizations in Europe, and reflected the company's expansion into Germany. Expansion in the Cayman Islands and the May 2006 acquisition of PwC Corporate Services (Cayman) from accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers also contributed to the revenue increases. More proactive efforts to develop institutional investment management business continued to generate higher amounts of revenue from investment and cash management services. Revenue from these services was $3.0 million for the 2006 fourth quarter, up 31% from the year-ago fourth quarter and 12% more than for the 2006 third quarter. For the 2006 full year, revenue from these services rose 34% to $10.3 million. Approximately 33% of the 2006 fourth quarter revenue and 30% of full-year revenue from these services was tied to the valuations of domestic fixed income instruments, and reflected the company's ability to leverage its fixed income expertise on behalf of CCS clients. The remaining investment and cash management revenue was based on money market mutual fund balances. Revenue from the corporate retirement services component of the CCS business was $2.9 million for the 2006 fourth quarter and $11.5 million for the full year, increases of 4% and 8%, respectively. Market appreciation, additional retirement plan contributions, and demand for executive compensation plan trust and custody services accounted for these increases. Corporate Client Services efficiency and profitability For the 2006 full year, CCS efficiency and profitability improved because the focus on marketing investment and cash management services, and expansion in Europe and the Cayman Islands, yielded higher volumes of business. The full-year increase in revenue was twice as high as the corresponding increase in expenses, mainly because CCS leveraged existing infrastructure and capabilities to support the growth in revenue from investment and cash management services. For the 2006 fourth quarter, pre-tax income was the same as for the year-ago fourth quarter, although the efficiency ratio declined, due to investments in staff and technology to improve collateralized debt obligation capabilities. � Efficiency ratios � 2006 Q4 � 2005 Q4 � 2006 full year � 2005 full year Corporate Client Services � 72.79% � 68.80% � 73.67% � 76.48% � AFFILIATE MONEY MANAGERS Revenue from the two affiliate money managers, Cramer Rosenthal McGlynn and Roxbury Capital Management, totaled $5.4 million for the 2006 fourth quarter and $20.5 million for the 2006 full year. These were increases of 10% and 17%, respectively, from the corresponding periods of 2005. � Affiliate managers (in millions) � At 12/31/06 � At 9/30/06 � At 12/31/05 Managed assets at Cramer Rosenthal McGlynn � $10,623.8� � $9,784.5� � $8,899.0� Managed assets at Roxbury Capital Management � $3,138.1� � $3,122.9� � $3,287.3� � � Affiliate managers (in millions) � 2006 Q4 � 2005 Q4 � 2006 full year � 2005 full year Revenue from Cramer Rosenthal McGlynn � $5.3� � $4.3� � $19.3� � $16.1� Revenue from Roxbury Capital Management � $0.1� � $0.6� � $1.2� � $1.4� Total revenue from affiliate managers � $5.4� � $4.9� � $20.5� � $17.5� � Value-style affiliate Cramer Rosenthal McGlynn (CRM) contributed nearly all of the 2006 fourth quarter and full-year revenue from the affiliates. CRM's assets under management were a record-high $10.6 billion at year-end 2006. This was $1.7 billion, or 19%, higher than at year-end 2005, and $800 million, or 8%, higher than at September 30, 2006. Asset inflows, particularly in the mid-cap value product, and market appreciation accounted for the growth in managed assets and drove the increases in revenue. Fourth quarter and full-year 2006 results for Roxbury Capital Management (RCM) reflected the firm's renewed focus on its market positioning and expertise as a small-cap growth manager. During the second half of 2006, RCM terminated its micro-cap and fixed income products, which reduced assets under management and revenue for the fourth quarter and full year. The costs of terminating the two products also contributed to the reduction in RCM's revenue. NONINTEREST EXPENSES Noninterest expenses were $104.9 million for the 2006 fourth quarter, which was 11% higher than for the year-ago fourth quarter. For the 2006 full year, noninterest expenses were $471.6 million, a 27% increase from 2005. This amount included the $72.3 million impairment write-down on RCM. Absent this non-cash charge, noninterest expenses for 2006 would have been $399.3 million, or 8% higher than for 2005. Excluding the impairment write-down, expansion initiatives and additions to staff in 2006 caused expenses to rise. These activities included: The East Coast launch of the family office practice in June. New office openings in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Frankfurt, Germany, during the summer. Expansion of existing offices in Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and New York, and additions to staff throughout the year. The acquisition of PwC Corporate Services (Cayman) in May. Investments in technology and staff beginning in August to expand collateralized debt obligation services. At December 31, 2006, there were 2,562 full-time-equivalent staff members. This was 93 more than at the end of the year-ago fourth quarter, and 42 more than at the end of the 2006 third quarter. Staffing-related costs continued to account for the majority of noninterest expenses and for the majority of the growth in noninterest expenses, excluding the non-cash charge. � Staffing-related expenses � 2006 Q4 � 2005 Q4 � 2006 full year � 2005 full year Full-time equivalent staff members � 2,562� � 2,469� � 2,562� � 2,469� Staffing-related expenses (in millions) � $62.0� � $56.7� � $242.5� � $225.0� � Effective January 1, 2006, stock-based compensation expense was included in incentive and bonus expense, in accordance with the company's adoption of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 123 (revised), "Share-Based Payment," using the modified retrospective method. Prior-period amounts were adjusted to reflect this accounting change. � Incentives and bonuses (in millions) � 2006 Q4 � 2005 Q4 � 2006 full year � 2005 full year Stock option expense � $1.9� � $1.8� � $7.0� � $6.6� Total incentives and bonuses � $10.3� � $8.8� � $39.8� � $38.0� � Income tax expense for the 2006 full year was 22% lower than for 2005 mainly because the non-cash impairment write-down recorded against the investment in RCM reduced pre-tax income. In addition, higher volumes of stock options were exercised during 2006 than 2005, which increased the tax-deductible portion of stock-based compensation expense. SHARE REPURCHASES During the 2006 fourth quarter, the company spent $50,510 to repurchase 1,164 of its shares, at an average price per share of $43.39. For the 2006 full year, the company spent $29.1 million to purchase 662,996 of its shares, at an average price per share of $43.93. This brought the total number of shares repurchased under the current 8-million-share program, which commenced in April 2002, to 1,351,241, leaving 6,648,759 shares available for repurchase. OUTLOOK FOR 2007 Commenting on the outlook for 2007, Cecala said: "Our focus on building and strengthening client relationships, plus the expansion investments we have made, generated strong momentum in each of our businesses for 2006. We expect that momentum to continue. "We have been experiencing solid loan growth, and we expect that to continue, especially in Pennsylvania and Maryland, as we expand our commercial banking presence in those markets. "In the second half of 2006, after the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) stopped raising short-term interest rates, deposit pricing caught up to floating rate loan repricing, almost all of which took place within 30 days of the last FOMC rate increase in June. We believe that substantially all of the 2006 rate increases are now priced into our core deposits. "Our credit quality remains very positive. Net charge-offs and the provision for loan losses for the 2006 fourth quarter were in line with our long-term averages, and we expect this to continue in 2007. "We expect continued growth in revenue from Wealth Advisory Services, due to strong sales momentum and high demand for our newer products and services, such as family office services. "We remain very positive about Corporate Client Services. The success of this business in 2006 created a lot of momentum for 2007, which should continue due to new product development and expansion in Europe. "Expense growth for 2007 should be similar to the 2006 increase, which was 8%, excluding the impairment charge. Expenses in 2007 will reflect initiatives that came on line at various points in 2006, such as the family office services expansion, the corporate services acquisition in the Cayman Islands, new products and European expansion in Corporate Client Services, and the new offices we opened in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. "Expenses for the first quarter are typically higher than for other quarters, due to the timing of payroll taxes and 401(k) plan contributions. These two items will add approximately $3 million to expenses for the first quarter of 2007." CONFERENCE CALL Management will discuss the 2006 fourth quarter and full year results and outlook for the future in a conference call today at 10:00 a.m. (EST). Supporting materials, financial statements, and audio streaming will be available at www.wilmingtontrust.com. To access the call from within the United States, dial (877) 258-8842 and enter PIN 8259324. From outside the United States, dial (973) 582-2839 and enter PIN 8259324. A rebroadcast of the call will be available from 12:30 p.m. (EST) today until 5:00 p.m. (EST) on Friday, January 26, 2006, by calling (877) 519-4471 inside the United States or (973) 341-3080 from outside the United States. Use PIN 8259324 to access the rebroadcast. FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS This presentation contains forward-looking statements that reflect our current expectations about our future performance. These statements rely on a number of assumptions and estimates and are subject to various risks and uncertainties that could cause our actual results to differ from our expectations. Factors that could affect our future financial results include, among other things, changes in national or regional economic conditions; changes in market interest rates; significant changes in banking laws or regulations; increased competition in our businesses; higher-than-expected credit losses; the effects of acquisitions; the effects of integrating acquired entities; a substantial and permanent loss of either client accounts and/or assets under management at Wilmington Trust and/or our affiliate money managers, Cramer Rosenthal McGlynn and Roxbury Capital Management; unanticipated changes in regulatory, judicial, or legislative tax treatment of business transactions; and economic uncertainty created by unrest in other parts of the world. ABOUT WILMINGTON TRUST Wilmington Trust Corporation (NYSE:WL) is a financial services holding company that provides Regional Banking services throughout the Delaware Valley region, Wealth Advisory Services for high-net-worth clients in 22 countries, and Corporate Client Services for institutional clients in 81 countries. Its wholly owned bank subsidiary, Wilmington Trust Company, which was founded in 1903, is one of the largest personal trust providers in the United States and the leading retail and commercial bank in Delaware. Wilmington Trust Corporation and its affiliates have offices in California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Vermont, the Cayman Islands, the Channel Islands, London, Dublin, and Frankfurt. For more information, visit www.wilmingtontrust.com. WILMINGTON TRUST CORPORATION QUARTERLY SUMMARY As of and for the twelve months ended December 31, 2006 � HIGHLIGHTS � Three Months Ended � Twelve Months Ended � Dec. 31, Dec. 31, % Dec. 31, Dec. 31, % � � 2006� � 2005� � Change � � 2006� � 2005� � Change OPERATING RESULTS (in millions) Net interest income $ 92.4� $ 87.5� 5.6� $ 363.1� $ 328.9� 10.4� Provision for loan losses (6.5) (2.0) 225.0� (21.3) (11.8) 80.5� Noninterest income 92.5� 79.8� 15.9� 346.1� 313.3� 10.5� Noninterest expense 104.9� 94.5� 11.0� 471.6� 370.1� 27.4� Net income 47.5� 46.5� 2.2� 143.8� 167.0� (13.9) � PER SHARE DATA Basic net income $ 0.69� $ 0.69� ----� $ 2.10� $ 2.47� (15.0) Diluted net income 0.68� 0.67� 1.5� 2.06� 2.43� (15.2) Dividends paid 0.315� 0.30� 5.0� 1.245� 1.185� 5.1� Book value at period end 15.47� 14.99� 3.2� 15.47� 14.99� 3.2� Closing price at period end 42.17� 38.91� 8.4� 42.17� 38.91� 8.4� Market range: High 45.33� 40.96� 10.7� 45.61� 40.96� 11.4� Low 40.54� 34.65� 17.0� 38.54� 33.01� 16.8� � AVERAGE SHARES OUTSTANDING (in thousands) Basic 68,455� 67,861� 0.9� 68,413� 67,688� 1.1� Diluted 69,680� 68,956� 1.0� 69,707� 68,570� 1.7� � AVERAGE BALANCE SHEET (in millions) Investment portfolio $ 2,017.6� $ 1,907.0� 5.8� $ 1,893.1� $ 1,876.6� 0.9� Loans 7,912.9� 7,344.9� 7.7� 7,699.8� 7,047.1� 9.3� Earning assets 10,075.3� 9,292.1� 8.4� 9,645.7� 8,957.4� 7.7� Core deposits 5,008.1� 5,012.6� (0.1) 4,936.7� 4,866.6� 1.4� Stockholders' equity 1,067.4� 983.0� 8.6� 1,059.1� 949.3� 11.6� � � STATISTICS AND RATIOS (net income annualized) Return on average stockholders' equity 17.66% 18.77% (5.9) 13.58% 17.59% (22.8) Return on average assets 1.73% 1.82% (4.9) 1.37% 1.70% (19.4) Net interest margin (taxable equivalent) 3.65% 3.74% (2.4) 3.79% 3.71% 2.2� Dividend payout ratio 45.26% 43.87% 3.2� 59.18% 48.02% 23.2� Full-time equivalent headcount 2,562� 2,469� 3.8� 2,562� 2,469� 3.8� Prior period numbers have been adjusted throughout this report for the retrospective adoption of stock-based compensation accounting. WILMINGTON TRUST CORPORATION QUARTERLY SUMMARY As of and for the twelve months ended December 31, 2006 � QUARTERLY INCOME STATEMENT � Three Months Ended � % Change From: Dec. 31, Sept. 30, June 30, Mar. 31, Dec. 31, Prior Prior (in millions) � 2006� � 2006� � 2006� � 2006� � 2005� � Quarter � Year NET INTEREST INCOME Interest income $ 182.0� $ 175.0� $ 165.0� $ 152.8� $ 146.2� 4.0� 24.5� � Interest expense � 89.6� � 82.0� � 74.6� � 65.5� � 58.7� 9.3� 52.6� Net interest income 92.4� 93.0� 90.4� 87.3� 87.5� (0.6) 5.6� � Provision for loan losses � (6.5) � (6.6) � (4.2) � (4.0) � (2.0) (1.5) 225.0� Net interest income after provision for loan losses � 85.9� � 86.4� � 86.2� � 83.3� � 85.5� (0.6) 0.5� � NONINTEREST INCOME Advisory fees: Wealth Advisory Services Trust and investment advisory fees 35.6� 33.0� 33.1� 34.3� 31.1� 7.9� 14.5� Mutual fund fees 5.1� 5.3� 5.0� 4.7� 4.5� (3.8) 13.3� � � � Planning and other services � 10.6� � 8.8� � 8.9� � 7.3� � 7.1� 20.5� 49.3� Total Wealth Advisory Services � 51.3� � 47.1� � 47.0� � 46.3� � 42.7� 8.9� 20.1� Corporate Client Services Capital markets services 10.4� 8.7� 8.8� 9.1� 9.4� 19.5� 10.6� Entity management services 7.1� 6.8� 6.6� 6.5� 6.1� 4.4� 16.4� Retirement services 2.9� 2.9� 2.9� 2.7� 2.8� ----� 3.6� � � � Investment/cash management services 3.0� � 2.7� � 2.5� � 2.1� � 2.3� 11.9� 31.3� Total Corporate Client Services � 23.4� � 21.1� � 20.8� � 20.4� � 20.6� 11.0� 13.7� Cramer Rosenthal McGlynn 5.3� 4.6� 5.5� 4.0� 4.3� 15.2� 23.3� � � Roxbury Capital Management � 0.1� � ----� � 0.3� � 0.9� � 0.6� ----� (83.3) Advisory fees 80.1� 72.8� 73.6� 71.6� 68.2� 10.1� 17.5� � � Amortization of affiliate other intangibles (1.1) � (1.1) � (1.0) � (1.0) � (1.0) ----� 10.0� Advisory fees after amortization of affiliate other intangibles � 79.0� � 71.7� � 72.6� � 70.6� � 67.2� 10.2� 17.6� Service charges on deposit accounts 7.1� 7.3� 7.0� 6.9� 7.3� (2.7) (2.7) Other noninterest income 6.2� 5.5� 6.8� 5.2� 5.3� 12.7� 17.0� � Securities gains/(losses) � 0.2� � 0.1� � (0.1) � ----� � ----� 100.0� ----� Total noninterest income � 92.5� � 84.6� � 86.3� � 82.7� � 79.8� 9.4� 15.9� � Net interest and noninterest income � 178.4� � 171.0� � 172.5� � 166.0� � 165.3� 4.3� 7.9� � NONINTEREST EXPENSE Salaries and wages 40.3� 39.5� 37.8� 36.9� 36.4� 2.0� 10.7� Incentives and bonuses 10.3� 8.9� 10.3� 10.3� 8.8� 15.7� 17.0� Employment benefits 11.4� 11.4� 11.9� 13.5� 11.5� ----� (0.9) Net occupancy 6.7� 6.7� 6.3� 5.9� 6.1� ----� 9.8� Furniture, equipment, and supplies 10.3� 9.2� 9.9� 9.0� 8.4� 12.0� 22.6� Other noninterest expense: Advertising and contributions 3.2� 2.2� 2.1� 1.9� 2.5� 45.5� 28.0� Servicing and consulting fees 2.9� 2.8� 2.4� 2.3� 2.9� 3.6� ----� Subadvisor expense 2.3� 2.7� 2.9� 2.8� 2.5� (14.8) (8.0) Travel, entertainment, and training 3.4� 2.5� 2.3� 2.2� 2.6� 36.0� 30.8� Originating and processing fees 3.1� 2.8� 2.4� 2.8� 2.8� 10.7� 10.7� � � Other expense � 11.0� � 9.9� � 10.0� � 9.9� � 10.0� 11.1� 10.0� Total other noninterest expense � 25.9� � 22.9� � 22.1� � 21.9� � 23.3� 13.1� 11.2� Total noninterest expense before impairment 104.9� 98.6� 98.3� 97.5� 94.5� 6.4� 11.0� Impairment write-down � ----� � 72.3� � ----� � ----� � ----� (100.0) ----� Total noninterest expense � 104.9� � 170.9� � 98.3� � 97.5� � 94.5� (38.6) 11.0� Income before income taxes and minority interest 73.5� 0.1� 74.2� 68.5� 70.8� N/M� 3.8� Applicable income taxes � 26.3� � (5.0) � 27.2� � 24.3� � 24.3� ----� 8.2� Net income before minority interest 47.2� 5.1� 47.0� 44.2� 46.5� N/M� 1.5� Minority interest � (0.3) � (0.1) � 0.1� � 0.1� � ----� 200.0� ----� Net income $ 47.5� $ 5.2� $ 46.9� $ 44.1� $ 46.5� N/M� 2.2� � WILMINGTON TRUST CORPORATION QUARTERLY SUMMARY As of and for the twelve months ended December 31, 2006 � YEAR-TO-DATE INCOME STATEMENT � � Twelve Months Ended � Dec. 31, Dec. 31, % (in millions) � 2006� � 2005� � Change NET INTEREST INCOME Interest income $ 674.8� $ 516.6� 30.6� Interest expense � � 311.7� � � 187.7� 66.1� Net interest income 363.1� 328.9� 10.4� Provision for loan losses � � (21.3) � � (11.8) 80.5� Net interest income after provision for loan losses � 341.8� � � 317.1� 7.8� � NONINTEREST INCOME Advisory fees: Wealth Advisory Services Trust and investment advisory fees 136.1� 123.9� 9.8� Mutual fund fees 20.2� 17.8� 13.5� Planning and other services � � 35.7� � � 30.4� 17.4� Total Wealth Advisory Services � 192.0� � � 172.1� 11.6� Corporate Client Services Capital markets services 37.0� 34.3� 7.9� Entity management services 26.8� 23.6� 13.6� Retirement services 11.5� 10.7� 7.5� Investment/cash management services � � 10.3� � � 7.7� 33.8� Total Corporate Client Services � 85.6� � � 76.3� 12.2� Cramer Rosenthal McGlynn 19.3� 16.1� 19.9� Roxbury Capital Management � � 1.2� � � 1.4� (14.3) Advisory fees 298.1� 265.9� 12.1� Amortization of affiliate other intangibles � � (4.2) � � (4.0) 5.0� Advisory fees after amortization of affiliate other intangibles � 293.9� � � 261.9� 12.2� Service charges on deposit accounts 28.2� 28.1� 0.4� Other noninterest income 23.8� 22.5� 5.8� Securities gains � � 0.2� � � 0.8� (75.0) Total noninterest income � 346.1� � � 313.3� 10.5� � Net interest and noninterest income � 687.9� � � 630.4� 9.1� � NONINTEREST EXPENSE Salaries and wages 154.4� 139.8� 10.4� Incentives and bonuses 39.8� 38.0� 4.7� Employment benefits 48.3� 47.2� 2.3� Net occupancy 25.7� 22.4� 14.7� Furniture, equipment, and supplies 38.3� 34.7� 10.4� Other noninterest expense: Advertising and contributions 9.4� 9.1� 3.3� Servicing and consulting fees 10.4� 10.2� 2.0� Subadvisor expense 10.7� 9.4� 13.8� Travel, entertainment, and training 10.4� 8.8� 18.2� Originating and processing fees 11.1� 10.5� 5.7� Other expense � � 40.8� � � 40.0� 2.0� Total other noninterest expense � 92.8� � � 88.0� 5.5� Total noninterest expense before impairment 399.3� 370.1� 7.9� Impairment write-down � 72.3� � � ----� ----� Total noninterest expense � 471.6� � � 370.1� 27.4� Income before income taxes and minority interest 216.3� 260.3� (16.9) Applicable income taxes � � 72.7� � � 93.0� (21.8) Net income before minority interest 143.6� 167.3� (14.2) Minority interest � � (0.2) � � 0.3� ----� Net income $ 143.8� � $ 167.0� (13.9) � WILMINGTON TRUST CORPORATION QUARTERLY SUMMARY As of and for the twelve months ended December 31, 2006 � COMPARISON OF RESULTS WITH AND WITHOUT THE IMPAIRMENT WRITE-DOWN � � Three months ended December 31, 2006 Twelve months ended December 31, 2006 With Without With Without impairment impairment Impairment impairment impairment Impairment OPERATING RESULTS (in millions) Net interest income $ 92.4� $ 92.4� $ ----� $ 363.1� $ 363.1� $ ----� Provision for loan losses (6.5) (6.5) ----� (21.3) (21.3) ----� Noninterest income 92.5� 92.5� ----� 346.1� 346.1� ----� Noninterest expense � � 104.9� � � 104.9� � � ----� � � 471.6� � � 399.3� � � 72.3� Income before taxes and minority interest 73.5� 73.5� ----� 216.3� 288.6� (72.3) Applicable income taxes � � 26.3� � � 26.3� � � ----� � � 72.7� � � 103.3� � � (30.6) Net income before minority interest 47.2� 47.2� ----� 143.6� 185.3� (41.7) Minority interest � � (0.3) � � (0.3) � � ----� � � (0.2) � � (0.2) � � ----� Net income $ 47.5� � $ 47.5� � $ ----� � $ 143.8� � $ 185.5� � $ (41.7) � � PER SHARE DATA Diluted shares outstanding (in millions) 69.7� 69.7� ----� 69.7� 69.7� ----� Per-share earnings $ 0.68� $ 0.68� $ ----� $ 2.06� $ 2.66� $ (0.60) � � STATISTICS AND RATIOS (dollars in millions) Total assets, on average $ 10,912.9� $ 10,912.9� $ ----� $ 10,495.1� $ 10,513.5� $ (18.4) Stockholders' equity, on average 1,067.4� 1,067.4� ----� 1,059.1� 1,069.7� (10.6) Return on average assets 1.73% 1.73% ----� 1.37% 1.76% (0.39)% Return on equity 17.66% 17.66% ----� 13.58% 17.34% (3.76)% � Net interest before provision and noninterest income $ 184.9� $ 184.9� $ ----� $ 709.2� $ 709.2� $ ----� Tax equivalent interest income � � 1.1� � � 1.1� � � ----� � � 4.3� � � 4.3� � � ----� $ 186.0� $ 186.0� $ ----� $ 713.5� $ 713.5� $ ----� Noninterest expense $ 104.9� � $ 104.9� � $ ----� � $ 471.6� � $ 399.3� � $ 72.3� Efficiency ratio 56.40% 56.40% ----� 66.10% 55.96% 10.13% � WILMINGTON TRUST CORPORATION QUARTERLY SUMMARY As of and for the twelve months ended December 31, 2006 � STATEMENT OF CONDITION � % Change From Dec. 31, 2006 Sept. 30, 2006 June 30, 2006 Mar. 31, 2006 Dec. 31, 2005 Prior Quarter Prior Year (in millions) � � � � � � ASSETS Cash and due from banks $ 249.7� � $ 268.4� � $ 258.5� � $ 219.2� � $ 264.0� (7.0) (5.4) Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell 68.9� 38.4� 66.7� 44.9� 14.3� 79.4� 381.8� Investment securities: U.S. Treasury 125.2� 230.8� 181.4� 136.8� 161.1� (45.8) (22.3) Government agencies 807.1� 533.0� 416.5� 394.5� 410.8� 51.4� 96.5� Obligations of state and political subdivisions 9.5� 9.4� 10.4� 10.5� 11.0� 1.1� (13.6) Preferred stock 90.5� 91.0� 88.1� 90.2� 90.6� (0.5) (0.1) Mortgage-backed securities 689.5� 726.8� 751.0� 806.4� 852.1� (5.1) (19.1) Other securities � 392.8� � � 391.3� � � 389.8� � � 401.9� � � 403.2� 0.4� (2.6) Total investment securities � 2,114.6� � � 1,982.3� � � 1,837.2� � � 1,840.3� � � 1,928.8� 6.7� 9.6� Loans: Commercial, financial, and agricultural 2,533.5� 2,378.1� 2,445.5� 2,445.9� 2,461.3� 6.5� 2.9� Real estate - construction 1,663.9� 1,610.9� 1,574.3� 1,411.9� 1,233.9� 3.3� 34.8� Mortgage - commercial � 1,296.1� � � 1,254.5� � � 1,222.8� � � 1,245.4� � � 1,223.9� 3.3� 5.9� Total commercial loans � 5,493.5� � � 5,243.5� � � 5,242.6� � � 5,103.2� � � 4,919.1� 4.8� 11.7� Mortgage - residential 536.9� 518.7� 503.0� 473.4� 455.5� 3.5� 17.9� Consumer 1,517.0� 1,489.7� 1,452.4� 1,408.5� 1,438.3� 1.8� 5.5� Secured with liquid collateral � 547.5� � � 528.3� � � 557.2� � � 553.9� � � 584.8� 3.6� (6.4) Total retail loans � 2,601.4� � � 2,536.7� � � 2,512.6� � � 2,435.8� � � 2,478.6� 2.6� 5.0� Total loans net of unearned income 8,094.9� 7,780.2� 7,755.2� 7,539.0� 7,397.7� 4.0� 9.4� Reserve for loan losses � (94.2) � � (93.6) � � (94.3) � � (93.6) � � (91.4) 0.6� 3.1� Net loans � 8,000.7� � � 7,686.6� � � 7,660.9� � � 7,445.4� � � 7,306.3� 4.1� 9.5� Premises and equipment 150.3� 151.6� 151.2� 148.7� 147.6� (0.9) 1.8� Goodwill 291.4� 291.1� 363.0� 348.5� 348.3� 0.1� (16.3) Other intangibles 35.4� 38.8� 38.9� 35.0� 36.2� (8.8) (2.2) Other assets � 246.0� � � 251.9� � � 236.9� � � 200.2� � � 199.9� (2.3) 23.1� Total assets $ 11,157.0� � $ 10,709.1� � $ 10,613.3� � $ 10,282.2� � $ 10,245.4� 4.2� 8.9� � LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY Deposits: Noninterest-bearing demand $ 913.6� $ 861.3� $ 813.8� $ 830.2� $ 1,014.8� 6.1� (10.0) Interest-bearing: Savings 313.8� 292.5� 313.1� 328.0� 326.3� 7.3� (3.8) Interest-bearing demand 2,560.6� 2,417.5� 2,355.9� 2,352.1� 2,360.0� 5.9� 8.5� Certificates under $100,000 1,012.6� 995.5� 991.1� 960.4� 923.0� 1.7� 9.7� Local certificates $100,000 and over � 474.4� � � 574.7� � � 550.6� � � 513.3� � � 436.5� (17.5) 8.7� Total core deposits 5,275.0� 5,141.5� 5,024.5� 4,984.0� 5,060.6� 2.6� 4.2� National certificates $100,000 and over � 3,054.1� � � 2,742.7� � � 2,760.6� � � 2,707.2� � � 2,228.6� 11.4� 37.0� Total deposits � 8,329.1� � � 7,884.2� � � 7,785.1� � � 7,691.2� � � 7,289.2� 5.6� 14.3� Short-term borrowings: Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase 1,145.8� 1,161.7� 1,160.0� 984.2� 1,355.6� (1.4) (15.5) U.S. Treasury demand � 13.0� � � 7.0� � � 24.5� � � 0.6� � � 18.1� 85.7� (28.2) Total short-term borrowings � 1,158.8� � � 1,168.7� � � 1,184.5� � � 984.8� � � 1,373.7� (0.8) (15.6) Other liabilities 221.3� 196.4� 183.1� 169.4� 164.2� 12.7� 34.8� Long-term debt � 388.5� � � 395.2� � � 393.4� � � 393.2� � � 400.4� (1.7) (3.0) Total liabilities � 10,097.7� � � 9,644.5� � � 9,546.1� � � 9,238.6� � � 9,227.5� 4.7� 9.4� Minority interest ----� 0.3� 0.3� 0.3� 0.2� (100.0) (100.0) Stockholders' equity � 1,059.3� � � 1,064.3� � � 1,066.9� � � 1,043.3� � � 1,017.7� (0.5) 4.1� Total liabilities and stockholders' equity $ 11,157.0� $ 10,709.1� $ 10,613.3� $ 10,282.2� $ 10,245.4� 4.2� 8.9� WILMINGTON TRUST CORPORATION QUARTERLY SUMMARY As of and for the twelve months ended December 31, 2006 � AVERAGE STATEMENT OF CONDITION � 2006 Fourth Quarter 2006 Third Quarter 2006 Second Quarter 2006 First Quarter 2005 Fourth Quarter % Change From Prior Prior (in millions) � � � � � � � � � � � � Quarter � � Year � ASSETS Cash and due from banks $ 218.2� � $ 206.9� � $ 209.3� � $ 208.0� � $ 237.8� 5.5� (8.2) Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell � 144.8� � � 28.8� � � 18.8� � � 17.5� � � 40.2� 402.8� 260.2� Investment securities: U.S. Treasury 177.4� 157.0� 146.7� 144.6� 133.5� 13.0� 32.9� Government agencies 642.1� 475.9� 394.1� 400.8� 406.4� 34.9� 58.0� Obligations of state and political subdivisions 9.4� 9.6� 10.5� 10.5� 11.1� (2.1) (15.3) Preferred stock 90.7� 89.4� 89.2� 91.4� 90.0� 1.5� 0.8� Mortgage-backed securities 705.5� 735.1� 780.1� 828.4� 878.6� (4.0) (19.7) Other securities � � 392.5� � � 390.0� � � 397.3� � � 403.2� � � 387.4� 0.6� 1.3� Total investment securities � 2,017.6� � � 1,857.0� � � 1,817.9� � � 1,878.9� � � 1,907.0� 8.6� 5.8� Loans: Commercial, financial, and agricultural 2,430.5� 2,407.7� 2,463.5� 2,448.1� 2,465.9� 0.9� (1.4) Real estate - construction 1,634.9� 1,588.7� 1,517.5� 1,322.0� 1,161.6� 2.9� 40.7� Mortgage - commercial � � 1,281.4� � � 1,238.5� � � 1,212.8� � � 1,229.8� � � 1,239.7� 3.5� 3.4� Total commercial loans � 5,346.8� � � 5,234.9� � � 5,193.8� � � 4,999.9� � � 4,867.2� 2.1� 9.9� Mortgage - residential 524.8� 507.8� 484.2� 463.3� 450.8� 3.3� 16.4� Consumer 1,496.1� 1,470.5� 1,441.6� 1,423.9� 1,412.5� 1.7� 5.9� Secured with liquid collateral � � 545.2� � � 546.1� � � 556.3� � � 558.2� � � 614.4� (0.2) (11.3) Total retail loans � 2,566.1� � � 2,524.4� � � 2,482.1� � � 2,445.4� � � 2,477.7� 1.7� 3.6� Total loans net of unearned income 7,912.9� 7,759.3� 7,675.9� 7,445.3� 7,344.9� 2.0� 7.7� Reserve for loan losses � � (91.6) � � (93.5) � � (91.8) � � (90.4) � � (93.5) (2.0) (2.0) Net loans � 7,821.3� � � 7,665.8� � � 7,584.1� � � 7,354.9� � � 7,251.4� 2.0� 7.9� Premises and equipment 151.5� 152.1� 150.3� 148.5� 147.6� (0.4) 2.6� Goodwill 290.7� 362.3� 357.3� 348.3� 344.4� (19.8) (15.6) Other intangibles 38.1� 38.5� 37.3� 35.6� 39.7� (1.0) (4.0) Other assets � � 230.7� � � 210.8� � � 190.0� � � 180.3� � � 172.1� 9.4� 34.0� Total assets $ 10,912.9� � $ 10,522.2� � $ 10,365.0� � $ 10,172.0� � $ 10,140.2� 3.7� 7.6� � LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY Deposits: Noninterest-bearing demand $ 793.6� $ 737.2� $ 742.0� $ 763.5� $ 1,017.4� 7.7� (22.0) Interest-bearing: Savings 294.7� 304.1� 321.2� 326.0� 325.9� (3.1) (9.6) Interest-bearing demand 2,374.7� 2,374.1� 2,364.4� 2,346.8� 2,321.2� ----� 2.3� Certificates under $100,000 1,009.3� 988.1� 980.9� 938.6� 901.5� 2.1� 12.0� Local certificates $100,000 and over � � 535.8� � � 546.5� � � 540.0� � � 463.3� � � 446.6� (2.0) 20.0� Total core deposits 5,008.1� 4,950.0� 4,948.5� 4,838.2� 5,012.6� 1.2� (0.1) National certificates $100,000 and over � � 3,042.2� � � 2,864.6� � � 2,656.1� � � 2,647.7� � � 2,475.4� 6.2� 22.9� Total deposits � 8,050.3� � � 7,814.6� � � 7,604.6� � � 7,485.9� � � 7,488.0� 3.0� 7.5� Short-term borrowings: Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase 1,221.4� 1,048.8� 1,146.0� 1,082.0� 1,098.0� 16.5� 11.2� U.S. Treasury demand � � 10.0� � � 6.8� � � 16.0� � � 11.7� � � 7.7� 47.1� 29.9� Total short-term borrowings � 1,231.4� � � 1,055.6� � � 1,162.0� � � 1,093.7� � � 1,105.7� 16.7� 11.4� Other liabilities 172.5� 175.7� 144.8� 166.7� 163.3� (1.8) 5.6� Long-term debt � � 391.1� � � 394.2� � � 393.3� � � 399.0� � � 400.0� (0.8) (2.2) Total liabilities � 9,845.3� � � 9,440.1� � � 9,304.7� � � 9,145.3� � � 9,157.0� 4.3� 7.5� Minority interest 0.2� 0.4� 0.3� 0.3� 0.2� (50.0) ----� Stockholders' equity � � 1,067.4� � � 1,081.7� � � 1,060.0� � � 1,026.4� � � 983.0� (1.3) 8.6� Total liabilities and stockholders' equity $ 10,912.9� $ 10,522.2� $ 10,365.0� $ 10,172.0� � $ 10,140.2� 3.7� 7.6� WILMINGTON TRUST CORPORATION QUARTERLY SUMMARY As of and for the twelve months ended December 31, 2006 � YIELDS AND RATES � � YIELDS/RATES (tax-equivalent basis) � 2006FourthQuarter � � 2006ThirdQuarter � 2006SecondQuarter � 2006FirstQuarter � 2005FourthQuarter � � EARNING ASSETS: Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell 5.16� % 4.55� % 4.93� % 4.11� % 4.02� % � U.S. Treasury 4.00� 4.06� 3.53� 3.38� 3.27� Government agencies 4.54� 4.23� 3.93� 3.95� 3.95� Obligations of state and political subdivisions 8.86� 8.75� 8.79� 8.77� 8.78� Preferred stock 7.76� 7.63� 7.60� 7.60� 7.58� Mortgage-backed securities 4.21� 4.05� 4.16� 4.17� 4.10� Other securities 6.48� 6.42� 6.14� 5.52� 5.32� Total investment securities 4.91� 4.78� 4.67� 4.53� 4.44� � Commercial, financial, and agricultural 7.92� 7.96� 7.61� 7.24� 6.80� Real estate - construction 8.56� 8.60� 8.26� 7.90� 7.39� Mortgage - commercial 7.99� 7.98� 7.71� 7.34� 6.96� Total commercial loans 8.13� 8.16� 7.82� 7.44� 6.97� � Mortgage - residential 5.81� 5.81� 5.77� 5.84� 5.82� Consumer 7.38� 7.31� 7.09� 6.85� 6.60� Secured with liquid collateral 6.77� 6.78� 6.36� 5.89� 5.38� Total retail loans 6.93� 6.89� 6.67� 6.44� 6.16� � Total loans 7.74� 7.75� 7.45� 7.11� 6.70� � Total earning assets 7.13� 7.15� 6.90� 6.58� 6.22� � FUNDS USED TO SUPPORT EARNING ASSETS: Savings 0.51� 0.42� 0.39� 0.32� 0.30� Interest-bearing demand 1.31� 1.10� 1.04� 1.02� 0.95� Certificates under $100,000 4.22� 3.87� 3.51� 3.27� 2.96� Local certificates $100,000 and over 4.74� 4.65� 4.29� 3.89� 3.53� Core interest-bearing deposits 2.39� 2.16� 1.98� 1.81� 1.64� � National certificates $100,000 and over 5.38� 5.30� 4.98� 4.47� 4.01� Total interest-bearing deposits 3.64� 3.43� 3.15� 2.86� 2.55� � Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase 4.96� 4.98� 4.67� 4.19� 3.80� U.S. Treasury demand 4.96� 5.09� 4.74� 4.21� 4.22� Total short-term borrowings 4.96� 4.98� 4.67� 4.20� 3.80� � Long-term debt 6.82� 6.85� 6.69� 6.26� 6.01� Total interest-bearing liabilities 3.97� 3.78� 3.52� 3.20� 2.89� � Total funds used to support earning assets 3.48� 3.32� 3.10� 2.81� 2.48� � Net interest margin (tax-equivalent basis) 3.65� 3.83� 3.80� 3.77� 3.74� � Year-to-date net interest margin 3.79� 3.80� 3.79� 3.77� 3.71� � Prime rate 8.25� 8.25� 7.90� 7.43� 6.97� � Tax-equivalent net interest income (in millions) $ 93.5� $ 94.1� $ 91.5� $ 88.3� $ 88.5� � Average earning assets 10,075.3� 9,645.1� 9,512.6� 9,341.7� 9,292.1� Average rates are calculated using average balances based on historical cost and do not reflect market valuation adjustments. WILMINGTON TRUST CORPORATION QUARTERLY SUMMARY As of and for the twelve months ended December 31, 2006 � SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION � Three Months Ended � % Change From: � Dec. 31, Sept. 30, June 30, Mar. 31, Dec. 31, Prior Prior � � � � 2006� � � 2006� � � 2006� � � 2006� � � 2005� � Quarter � Year NET INCOME Net income per share Basic $ 0.69� $ 0.08� � $ 0.69� � $ 0.65� � $ 0.69� N/M� ----� Diluted 0.68� 0.07� 0.67� 0.64� 0.67� N/M� 1.5� Weighted average shares outstanding (in thousands) Basic 68,455� 68,647� 68,475� 68,070� 67,861� Diluted 69,680� 69,933� 69,776� 69,434� 68,956� Net income as a percentage of: Average assets 1.73� % 0.20� % 1.81� % 1.76� % 1.82� % Average stockholders' equity 17.66� 1.91� 17.75� 17.42� 18.77� � ASSETS UNDER MANAGEMENT * (in billions) Wilmington Trust $ 29.0� $ 27.2� � $ 26.4� � $ 27.2� � $ 26.0� 6.6� 11.5� Roxbury Capital Management 3.1� 3.1� 3.3� 3.5� 3.3� ----� (6.1) Cramer Rosenthal McGlynn � � 10.6� � � 9.8� � � 9.4� � � 9.7� � � 8.9� 8.2� 19.1� Combined assets under management $ 42.7� � $ 40.1� � $ 39.1� � $ 40.4� � $ 38.2� 6.5� 11.8� � * Assets under management include estimates for values associated with certain assets that lack readily ascertainable values, such as limited partnership interests. � ASSETS UNDER ADMINISTRATION ** (in billions) Wilmington Trust $ 105.3� $ 100.5� � $ 100.7� � $ 102.1� � $ 100.9� 4.8� 4.4� ** Includes Wilmington Trust assets under management � FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT HEADCOUNT Full-time equivalent headcount 2,562� 2,520� 2,515� 2,475� 2,469� � CAPITAL (in millions, except per share amounts) Average stockholders' equity $ 1,067.4� $ 1,081.7� � $ 1,060.0� � $ 1,026.4� � $ 983.0� (1.3) 8.6� Period-end primary capital 1,153.5� 1,157.9� 1,161.2� 1,136.9� 1,109.1� (0.4) 4.0� Per share: Book value 15.47� 15.55� 15.54� 15.30� 14.99� (0.5) 3.2� Quarterly dividends declared 0.315� 0.315� 0.315� 0.30� 0.30� ----� 5.0� Year-to-date dividends declared 1.245� 0.93� 0.615� 0.30� 1.185� Average stockholders' equity to assets 9.78� % 10.28� % 10.23� % 10.09� % 9.69� % Total risk-based capital ratio 12.11� 12.32� 11.70� 12.10� 11.84� Tier 1 risk-based capital ratio 8.25� 8.28� 7.67� 7.70� 7.43� Tier 1 leverage capital ratio 7.39� 7.34� 6.98� 6.94� 6.69� � CREDIT QUALITY (in millions) Period-end reserve for loan losses $ 94.2� $ 93.6� � $ 94.3� � $ 93.6� � $ 91.4� Period-end nonperforming assets: Nonaccrual 31.0� 32.0� 29.5� 35.5� 39.3� OREO 4.8� 4.8� 4.8� 0.2� 0.2� Renegotiated loans ----� ----� 9.9� 4.9� 4.7� Period-end past due 90 days 5.8� 7.7� 4.7� 10.1� 4.1� � Gross charge-offs 7.1� 8.6� 5.7� 3.2� 7.8� Recoveries 1.2� 1.3� 2.2� 1.4� 3.8� Net charge-offs 5.9� 7.3� 3.5� 1.8� 4.0� Year-to-date net charge-offs 18.5� 12.6� 5.3� 1.8� 10.1� � Ratios: Period-end reserve to loans 1.16� % 1.20� % 1.22� % 1.24� % 1.24� % Period-end non-performing assets to loans 0.44� 0.47� 0.57� 0.54� 0.60� Period-end loans past due 90 days to total loans 0.07� 0.10� 0.06� 0.13� 0.06� Net charge-offs to average loans 0.07� 0.09� 0.05� 0.02� 0.05� � INTERNAL RISK RATING Pass 97.39� % 97.41� % 97.28� % 97.20� % 97.24� % Watchlisted 1.82� 1.73� 1.89� 1.97� 1.96� Substandard 0.79� 0.86� 0.76� 0.76� 0.73� Doubtful ----� ----� 0.07� 0.07� 0.07� WILMINGTON TRUST CORPORATION QUARTERLY SUMMARY As of and for the twelve months ended December 31, 2006 � QUARTERLY BUSINESS SEGMENT REPORT � Three Months Ended � Dec. 31, Sept. 30, June 30, Mar. 31, Dec. 31, (in millions) � 2006� � � 2006� � � 2006� � � 2006� � � 2005� REGIONAL BANKING Net interest income $ 84.4� $ 85.7� $ 83.9� $ 81.0� $ 79.9� Provision for loan losses (6.4) (6.7) (3.7) (3.8) (1.9) Noninterest income 13.6� 13.1� 13.1� 12.1� 12.5� � Noninterest expense � 41.1� � � 39.9� � � 38.5� � � 39.1� � � 39.5� Income before taxes & minority interest 50.5� 52.2� 54.8� 50.2� 51.0� � Regional Banking efficiency ratio 41.56% 40.02% 39.33% 41.60% 42.38% � WEALTH ADVISORY SERVICES Net interest income $ 6.6� $ 6.4� $ 6.3� $ 6.5� $ 6.8� Provision for loan losses (0.1) 0.1� (0.5) (0.2) (0.1) Noninterest income 47.7� 43.6� 44.5� 43.4� 39.7� � Noninterest expense � 41.6� � � 38.8� � � 40.5� � � 38.4� � � 36.7� Income before taxes & minority interest 12.6� 11.3� 9.8� 11.3� 9.7� � Wealth Advisory Services efficiency ratio 76.47% 77.45% 79.57% 76.80% 78.76% � CORPORATE CLIENT SERVICES Net interest income $ 4.3� $ 4.4� $ 3.4� $ 2.8� $ 3.6� Provision for loan losses ----� ----� ----� ----� ----� Noninterest income 26.1� 23.6� 23.1� 22.5� 22.9� � Noninterest expense � 22.2� � � 19.9� � � 19.3� � � 20.0� � � 18.3� Income before taxes & minority interest 8.2� 8.1� 7.2� 5.3� 8.2� � Corporate Client Services efficiency ratio 72.79% 70.82% 72.56% 79.05% 68.80% � AFFILIATE MANAGERS * Net interest income $ (2.9) $ (3.5) $ (3.2) $ (3.0) $ (2.8) Provision for loan losses ----� ----� ----� ----� ----� Noninterest income 5.1� 4.3� 5.6� 4.7� 4.7� � Noninterest expense � ----� � � 72.3� � � ----� � � ----� � � ----� Income before taxes & minority interest 2.2� (71.5) 2.4� 1.7� 1.9� � TOTAL WILMINGTON TRUST CORPORATION Net interest income $ 92.4� $ 93.0� $ 90.4� $ 87.3� $ 87.5� Provision for loan losses (6.5) (6.6) (4.2) (4.0) (2.0) Noninterest income 92.5� 84.6� 86.3� 82.7� 79.8� Noninterest expense � 104.9� � � 170.9� � � 98.3� � � 97.5� � � 94.5� Income before taxes & minority interest $ 73.5� � $ 0.1� � $ 74.2� � $ 68.5� � $ 70.8� � � Corporation efficiency ratio 56.40% 95.64% 55.29% 57.02% 56.15% � * Affiliate managers comprise Cramer Rosenthal McGlynn and Roxbury Capital Management. Segment data for prior periods may differ from previously published figures due to changes in reporting methodology and/or organizational structure as well as the adjustment for the adoption of the accounting pronouncement for stock-based compensation expense. WILMINGTON TRUST CORPORATION QUARTERLY SUMMARY As of and for the twelve months ended December 31, 2006 � YEAR-TO-DATE BUSINESS SEGMENT REPORT � Twelve Months Ended � Dec. 31, Dec. 31, $ % (in millions) � 2006� � � 2005� � � Change � Change � REGIONAL BANKING Net interest income $ 334.9� $ 303.1� $ 31.8� 10.5� % Provision for loan losses (20.5) (11.2) 9.3� 83.0� Noninterest income 52.0� 51.1� 0.9� 1.8� � Noninterest expense � 158.5� � � 152.2� � � 6.3� � 4.1� � Income before taxes & minority interest 207.9� 190.8� 17.1� 9.0� � Regional Banking efficiency ratio 40.57% 42.56% � WEALTH ADVISORY SERVICES Net interest income $ 25.7� $ 24.1� $ 1.6� 6.6� % Provision for loan losses (0.8) (0.6) 0.2� 33.3� Noninterest income 179.2� 160.8� 18.4� 11.4� � Noninterest expense � 159.3� � � 144.4� � � 14.9� � 10.3� � Income before taxes & minority interest 44.8� 39.9� 4.9� 12.3� � Wealth Advisory Services efficiency ratio 77.63% 77.97% � CORPORATE CLIENT SERVICES Net interest income $ 15.0� $ 11.4� $ 3.6� 31.6� % Provision for loan losses ----� ----� ----� ----� Noninterest income 95.3� 84.5� 10.8� 12.8� � Noninterest expense � 81.4� � � 73.5� � � 7.9� � 10.7� � Income before taxes & minority interest 28.9� 22.4� 6.5� 29.0� � Corporate Client Services efficiency ratio 73.67% 76.48% � AFFILIATE MANAGERS * Net interest income $ (12.5) $ (9.7) $ (2.8) (28.9) % Provision for loan losses ----� ----� ----� ----� Noninterest income 19.6� 16.9� 2.7� 16.0� � Noninterest expense � 72.4� � � ----� � � 72.4� � ----� � Income before taxes & minority interest (65.3) 7.2� (72.5) ----� � TOTAL WILMINGTON TRUST CORPORATION Net interest income $ 363.1� $ 328.9� $ 34.2� 10.4� % Provision for loan losses (21.3) (11.8) 9.5� 80.5� Noninterest income 346.1� 313.3� 32.8� 10.5� � Noninterest expense � 471.6� � � 370.1� � � 101.5� � 27.4� � Income before taxes & minority interest $ 216.3� � $ 260.3� � $ (44.0) � (16.9) % � � Corporation efficiency ratio 66.10% 57.28% � * Affiliate managers comprise Cramer Rosenthal McGlynn and Roxbury Capital Management. Segment data for prior periods may differ from previously published figures due to changes in reporting methodology and/or organizational structure as well as the adjustment for the adoption of the accounting pronouncement for stock-based compensation expense.
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