RNS Number:4515T
Conder Environmental PLC
19 December 2003


Chairman's statement on half year to 31 October 2003

Trading results

After an exceptional year last year, Vikoma suffered from extended delays in
order intake in our first half, in common with other companies in the sector. We
believe this reduction to be linked to world events at the beginning of the year
and therefore temporary; we expect a substantially improved performance in the
second half.

As a result of this downturn, the group incurred a loss before exceptional costs
and taxation of #392,000 (2002: profit #12,000) on turnover of #8.24 million
(2002: #9.99 million).

The loss before tax, after exceptional costs of #128,000, was #520,000. The loss
per share was 1.4p (2002: profit 0.1p).


Since the end of the Iraq war there has been a marked slowdown in the number and
value of orders placed for oil spill containment and recovery equipment
throughout the world. There has also been a significant weakening of the US
dollar, the currency in which most sales are denominated, against the pound. In
consequence, Vikoma's turnover in this first half was over 30% lower than in the
equivalent period last year, and over 50% lower than in the 6 months to 30 April

There has, however, been no reduction in the level of enquiries, and Vikoma is
well placed to secure a number of high value orders during the next 6 to 12
months, from customers in a number of different countries.

It is particularly difficult to predict the timing of these contract awards.
While we remain very optimistic that Vikoma will be successful, it is more
difficult to say to what extent these contracts will benefit the current
financial year as opposed to the year to 30 April 2005.


Conder Products had its best trading result since the group's flotation in
December 2000 and was profitable in the first half. Major improvements have been
realised throughout the business, including production efficiencies and greater
effectiveness in our marketing. We believe that the continuous improvement
processes in place provide significant scope to build further on this progress.

During the period we consolidated the operations of Conder Sewage Technology
with those of Cerva under the name Hydroserve. The principal purpose of this
reorganisation, which gave rise to exceptional costs of #128,000, was to improve
the effectiveness of our service operations in both businesses. The critical
mass this gives us has enabled us to accelerate the opening of regional service
centres. Three are already open, and we plan to broaden coverage to the whole of
mainland Britain over the next twelve months.

Hydroserve, in conjunction with Conder Products, has introduced an exciting new
product range to serve the 35 to 500 population market. This broader range of
package sewage treatment plants is well designed, competitively priced and is
already having a positive impact in the market.

At the International Water Exhibition in November we also launched a new high
performance treatment plant using the latest membrane technology. This new
product, called the Clereflo XL, has been designed and manufactured in
partnership with membrane specialists and produces a treated waste that is
unmatched for cleanliness within the market it serves; the considerable interest
generated has already been converted into a number of orders.

Hydroserve is also now offering customers an installation service for sewage
treatment plants, and this turnkey approach is proving very effective in winning
new business.

The current level of enquiries and order intake give us confidence in the future
prospects for this business.


As a result of the loss, net borrowing has increased by #607,000 since the last
year end to #857,000, a gearing level of 15%.

As last year, the dividend will be considered in June in the light of the
performance for the full year and the outlook at that time.


The group's staff have worked tirelessly in often demanding trading conditions;
I thank them on behalf of the board and shareholders for their loyalty and hard


We expect a higher level of orders at Vikoma in the second half together with
sales growth from our improved range of waste water products. As a result we
believe that the second half will show a very significant improvement on the
first half, and that the group will be profitable for the year as a whole. It is
likely, however, that the poor first half will make it difficult to match last
year's level of profitability.

Looking forward to 2004/05, your board is optimistic that this better second
half performance will be sustained and built upon, with all parts of the group
contributing to earnings growth.

Mike Killingley
18 December 2003

For the half year ended 31 October 2003
                                                                  Unaudited    Unaudited      Audited
                                                                  half year    half year         year
                                                                      ended        ended        ended
                                                                 31 October   31 October     30 April
                                                                       2003         2002         2003
                                                          Note        #'000        #'000        #'000

Turnover                                                     1        8,243        9,987       21,822
Operating costs                                              2      (8,724)      (9,912)     (21,150)
Operating (loss) / profit                                    2        (481)           75          672

Interest receivable                                                       1            -            2
Interest payable and similar charges                                   (40)         (63)        (114)
(Loss) / profit on ordinary activities before                         (520)           12          560

Tax on (loss) / profit on ordinary activities                             -          (3)        (201)
(Loss) / profit on ordinary activities after                          (520)            9          359
Minority interest - equity                                                2           31           36
(Loss) / profit for the financial period                              (518)           40          395

Dividends                                                                -             -        (186)
Retained (loss) / profit for the period                               (518)           40          209

Basic (loss) / profit per share                              3       (1.4p)         0.1p         1.1p
Diluted (loss) / profit per share                            3       (1.4p)         0.1p         1.1p
Adjusted basic (loss) / profit per share                     3       (1.1p)         0.1p         1.1p

All amounts relate to continuing operations. There are no recognised gains and
losses other than those passing through the profit and loss account.

No note of historical cost profits and losses has been presented since reported
profits do not differ from historical profits and losses.

At 31 October 2003
                                                                  Unaudited     Unaudited       Audited
                                                                      as at         as at         as at
                                                                 31 October    31 October      30 April
                                                                       2003          2002          2003
                                                                      #'000         #'000         #'000
Fixed assets

Intangible                                                            2,027         2,224         2,113
Tangible                                                              1,915         2,004         2,103
                                                                      3,942         4,228         4,216
Current assets
Stocks                                                                1,498         1,508         1,464
Debtors                                                               3,750         4,231         5,064
Cash at bank and in hand                                                  -           414           488
                                                                      5,248         6,153         7,016
Creditors: amounts falling due within one                           (3,345)       (3,810)       (4,625)
Net current assets                                                    1,903         2,343         2,391

Total assets less current liabilities                                 5,845         6,571         6,607
Creditors: amounts falling due after more                             (197)         (566)         (439)
than one year
Provisions for liabilities and charges                                    -           (1)             -
Net assets                                                            5,648         6,004         6,168

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                                               3,725         3,725         3,725
Share premium account                                                 3,897         3,897         3,897
Merger account                                                        (644)         (644)         (644)
Profit and loss account                                             (1,248)         (899)         (730)
Equity shareholders' funds                                            5,730         6,079         6,248
Minority interest                                                      (82)          (75)          (80)
                                                                      5,648         6,004         6,168

For the half year ended 31 October 2003
                                                             Unaudited          Unaudited           Audited
                                                             half year          half year        year ended
                                                                 ended              ended
                                                       31 October 2003    31 October 2002     30 April 2003
                                                                 #'000              #'000             #'000

Net cash (outflow) / inflow from operating                       (264)                726             1,296

Returns on investments and servicing of finance                   (39)               (63)             (112)

Taxation                                                             -                  -                 -

Capital expenditure                                              (120)              (329)             (613)

Dividends paid                                                   (184)                  -                 -

Cash (outflow) /  inflow before financing                        (607)                334               571

Financing                                                        (383)              (158)             (321)

(Decrease) /  increase  in cash in the period                    (990)                176               250

For the half year ended 31 October 2003
                                                           Unaudited           Unaudited             Audited
                                                           half year           half year          year ended
                                                               ended               ended
                                                     31 October 2003     31 October 2002       30 April 2003
                                                               #'000               #'000               #'000

Operating (loss) / profit                                      (481)                  75                 672
Depreciation and amortisation                                    297                 315                 622
Movements in stocks                                             (34)                (90)                (46)
Movement in debtors                                            1,314               (433)             (1,266)
Movement in creditors                                        (1,360)                 859               1,314

Net cash (outflow) / inflow from operating                     (264)                 726               1,296

For the half year ended 31 October 2003
                                           Unaudited           Unaudited             Audited
                                           half year           half year          year ended
                                               ended               ended
                                     31 October 2003     31 October 2002       30 April 2003
                                               #'000               #'000               #'000

(Decrease) / increase in cash in               (990)                 176                 250
the period
Repayment of bank loans                          348                 123                 250
Cash outflow from lease                           35                  35                  71

Change in net debt resulting                   (607)                 334                 571
from cash flows and
movement in net debt in the

Net debt at the beginning of the               (250)               (821)               (821)
Net debt at the end of period                  (857)               (487)               (250)

For the half year ended 31 October 2003
                                       At 30 April 2003             Cash Flow         At 31 October 2003
                                                  #'000                 #'000                      #'000

Cash at bank and in hand                            488                 (990)                      (502)
                                                    488                 (990)                      (502)

Debt due within one year                          (250)                   106                      (144)
Debt due after more than one                      (439)                   242                      (197)
Finance leases                                     (49)                    35                       (14)
Total                                             (250)                 (607)                      (857)

Notes to the financial statements


Turnover represents the amounts (excluding value added tax) derived from the
sale of environmental products to third party customers.

All turnover arose in the United Kingdom and is analysed by destination as

                                  Unaudited         Unaudited          Audited
                                  half year         half year       year ended
                                      ended             ended
                            31 October 2003   31 October 2002    30 April 2003
                                      #'000             #'000            #'000

United Kingdom                        4,681             4,324            8,394
Continental Europe                      179               697            1,429
North America                            73             1,245              799
South America                           787               168            8,462
Rest of World                         2,523             3,553            2,738
                                      8,243             9,987           21,822

Segmental analysis

The table below sets out information for each group's industry segments.

                            Vikoma                  Conder Products and Cerva              Total
                  Unaudited  Unaudited Audited   Unaudited  Unaudited   Audited Unaudited Unaudited Audited
                  half year  half year    year   half year  half year      year half year half year    year
                      ended      ended   ended       ended      ended     ended     ended     ended   ended
                     31 Oct     31 Oct  30 Apr      31 Oct     31 Oct    30 Apr    31 Oct    31 Oct  30 Apr
                       2003       2002    2003        2003       2002      2003      2003      2002    2003
                      #'000      #'000   #'000       #'000      #'000     #'000     #'000     #'000   #'000

Turnover              3,762      5,461  13,766       4,481      4,526     8,056     8,243     9,987  21,822
Net assets
Segment net           1,053      2,110   1,953       4,584      4,865     5,625     5,637     6,975   7,578
Unallocated net                                                                        11     (971) (1,410)
assets /
Total net assets                                                                    5,648     6,004   6,168

All turnover represents sales to third parties.

The net assets of segments exclude intercompany balances.

Vikoma operates in a global market, whilst the remaining trade is based in the
UK, therefore a separate geographical market analysis would not be meaningful
and has not been presented.

Certain disclosures required by Statement of Standard Accounting Practice 25
(Segmental Reporting) have not been made, because in the opinion of the
directors, such disclosure would be seriously prejudicial to the interests of 
the Group.

2. (Loss) / profit on ordinary activities before taxation

(Loss) / profit on ordinary activities before taxation is stated after charging:

                                        Half year ended     Half year ended          Year ended
                                        31 October 2003     31 October 2002       30 April 2003
                                                  #'000               #'000               #'000
Profit on disposal of fixed assets                    -                   -                 (9)
Amortisation of intangible assets                    71                  66                 198
Restructuring                                       128                   -                   -

3. (Loss) / earnings per ordinary share

Basic (loss) / earnings for the period has been calculated based upon the
weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue for the period of 37,254,309
(2002: 37,254,309) and the loss after taxation and minority interest of #518,000 
(2002: profit #40,000).

The diluted loss per share is restricted to 1.4p, as it is not permitted to
exceed basic loss per share.

Loss per share before charging exceptional items totals 1.1p (2002: profit per
share 0.1p)

                                                         (Loss)/profit        (Loss)/profit      (Loss)/profit
                                                  for the period ended for the period ended for the year ended
                                                       31 October 2003      31 October 2002      30 April 2003
                                                                 #'000                #'000              #'000

As for basic (loss) / earnings per share                         (518)                   40                395

Exceptional items                                                  128                    -                  -
Tax effect of exceptional items                                   (38)                    -                  -

                                                                    90                    -                  -
As for adjusted basic (loss) / earnings per share                (428)                   40                395

4. Preparation of interim financial statements

These unaudited interim financial statements have been prepared on the basis of
the accounting policies set out in the Group's 30 April 2003 statutory financial 
statements. The figures for the year ended 30 April 2003 have been extracted 
from the financial statements for that year, which have been filed with the 
Registrar of Companies. The auditors' report on those financial statements was 
unqualified and did not contain any statement under Section 237 (2) or (3) of 
the Companies Act 1985.

5. Copies of the interim financial statements

Copies of the interim financial statements will be sent to shareholders and the
AIM team. Further copies will be available from the Company's head office at 
21/22 Britannia Chambers, Town Quay, Southampton, SO14 2AQ.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange