RNS Number:8994S
Gamingking PLC
05 December 2003

Gamingking plc
Interim Statement for the six months ended 31 October 2003


*  Turnover increased by 49% to #1.36m from #0.91 million
*  Gross profit increased by 26% to #798,000 from #631,000
*  Gross margin decreased to 58% from 69%
*  Lotteryking EBITDA increased by 23% to #224,000
*  Common costs increased by 35%
*  Launch of new gaming website planned for early in the New Year
*  Further performance related options granted to CEO

Chairman's statement

Consolidated turnover of #1.36 million for the six months shows a substantial
increase compared to the same period last year (#0.9 million). The six month
figures show a loss after tax of #60,000 compared to #32,000 loss in the same
period last year. This is a reflection of our strategy of maximising use of our
free cashflow in the search for business development opportunities. Common costs
increased by a further #72,000 largely as a result of the additional resource
being deployed for this purpose. There are now a number of interesting
initiatives in active development. However it is too early in the development
cycle to predict which of the projects will yield success but the position
should be clearer by the year end.

Our turnover has increased by 49% in the half year as against the same period
last year. The improvement is a combination of the impact of the first full six
months of trading from the Littlewoods sites acquired from Sportech plc coupled
with an underlying growth in the overall business. Gross profit from operations
increased by 26% to #798,000. The lower percentage increase compared with the
turnover line is due to a change in the sales mix of the business generating a
lower average gross margin.

The balance sheet for the half-year shows a stable net cash position as against
the figure at the year end. This indicates that we are maintaining an acceptable
balance between the amount of positive cash being generated by the operating
business and the amount we are expending in our efforts to generate long term
sources of new revenues. Our net current assets position has improved by 4%
compared with the year-end figure.

The Lotteryking business has traded very satisfactorily and has produced another
good half-year result. We now have nearly 3000 machines installed (including 200
of the Oasis on-line terminals). The Lotteryking earnings before interest,
depreciation and amortisation increased by a further 20% against the
corresponding period last year which itself was a 22% increase. Cashflow from
the Lotteryking operations (before group costs, costs of thebiz and capital
expenditure) was #377,000against #291,000 in the corresponding period last year.

The publishing operations under the Biz.com banner continue to be
non-performing. As we begin to develop our mobile communications and online
activities independently of the biz, so your Board is presently engaged in
reviewing the future options for the biz. In recent times we have been active in
the SMS communications arena and we are also preparing the launch of a
Lotteryking game play website which I hope to be able to report more on at our

The board has resolved to grant further share options to the Chief Executive
under an unapproved share option scheme. The grant entitles him to a maximum of
13,500,000 shares under the unapproved scheme in addition to the 6,500,000
already granted under the EMI scheme. These unapproved options can only be
exercised if, on the date of exercise, the average of the middle market closing
quotations for Gamingking ordinary shares on each day over the preceding six
months is at a given level which runs from 6p for the first additional option
tranche through to a price of 16p if the whole of the options now granted are to
be exercised. Other usual conditions governing the grant also apply.

Your board believes that this arrangement is highly desirable as a mechanism for
incentivising the Chief Executive. It sets demanding performance targets
requiring very substantial increases in market capitalisation over a sustained
period of time before the options can be exercised. This arrangement properly
reflects the aspirations of our shareholders.

At the time of writing the Half Year statement, the Government has published its
draft Gambling Bill and we are in the process of reviewing it to assess the
implications for our business including additional opportunities which may be
open to us once it becomes law. Changes such as the ability to offer rollovers
in society lotteries and the ability to vend lottery tickets in public places
should assist us in the further development of our business.

Leslie Hurst
5 December 2003

Independent review report to Gamingking plc


We have been instructed by the company to review the financial information for
the six months ended 31 October 2003 which comprises the consolidated profit and
loss account, consolidated balance sheet, consolidated cash flow statement, and
notes 1 to 10. We have read the other information contained in the interim
report, which comprises only the key points and the chairman's statement and
considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material
inconsistencies with the financial information. Our responsibilities do not
extend to any other information.

This report is made solely to the company, in accordance with guidance contained
in APB Bulletin 1999/4 "Review of Interim Financial Information". Our review
work has been undertaken so that we might state to the company those matters we
are required to state to it in a review report and for no other purpose. To the
fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to
anyone other than the company, for our review work, for this report, or for the
conclusion we have formed.

Directors' responsibilities

The interim report, including the financial information contained therein, is
the responsibility of, and has been approved by the directors. The directors are
responsible for preparing the interim report in accordance with the Listing
Rules of the Financial Services Authority, which require that the accounting
policies and presentation applied to the interim figures should be consistent
with those applied in preparing the preceding annual accounts except where any
changes, and the reasons for them, are disclosed.

Review work performed

We conducted our review in accordance with guidance contained in Bulletin 1999/4
"Review of Interim Financial Information" issued by the Auditing Practices Board
for use in the United Kingdom. A review consists principally of making enquiries
of management and applying analytical procedures to the financial information
and underlying financial data and, based thereon, assessing whether the
accounting policies and presentation have been consistently applied unless
otherwise disclosed. A review excludes audit procedures such as tests of
controls and verification of assets, liabilities and transactions. It is
substantially less in scope than an audit performed in accordance with United
Kingdom auditing standards and therefore provides a lower level of assurance
than an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion on the financial

The maintenance and integrity of the Gamingking website is the responsibility of
the directors: the work carried out by the auditors does not involve
consideration of these matters and, accordingly, the auditors accept no
responsibility for any changes that may have occurred to the financial
statements since they were initially presented on the website.

Legislation in the United Kingdom governing the preparation and dissemination of
the financial statements may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions.

Review conclusion

On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modifications that
should be made to the financial information as presented for the six months
ended 31 October 2003.

5 December 2003

Consolidated profit and loss account
For the six months ended 31 October 2003

                        Notes    6 months ended  6 months ended     Year ended 
                                31 October 2003 31 October 2002  30 April 2003
                                      Unaudited       Unaudited        Audited
                                           #000            #000           #000

Turnover                    2            1363             913         2,158
Cost of sales                            (565)           (282)         (724)
Gross profit                              798             631         1,434
Exceptional items                                                      (117)
Other administration 
expenses                                 (860)           (673)       (1,490)
Total administration
expenses                                 (860)           (673)       (1,607)
Operating (loss)                          (62)            (42)         (174)
Net interest                                2              10            12
(Loss) on ordinary activities
before taxation               2           (60)            (32)         (162)

Tax on (loss)on ordinary
activities                    3             -               -            54
Retained (loss) for the
period                                    (60)            (32)         (108)
Basic (loss) per ordinary
share                         4          (0.02)         (0.013)       (0.04)
Diluted (loss) per ordinary
share                         4               -               -            -

Consolidated Balance Sheet
As at 31 October 2003

                          Notes     At 31 October   At 31 October  At 30 April
                                   2003 Unaudited  2002 Unaudited 2003 Audited
                                             #000            #000        #000

Fixed assets
Intangible assets                              90             101         106
Tangible assets                               971             931       1,035
Investments                                    30              30          30
                                             1,091           1,062       1,171
Current assets
Stocks                                         228             529         311
Debtors                                        446             313         349
Cash at bank and in hand                       239             258         244
                                               913           1,100         904
Creditors:amounts falling due
within one year                               (396)           (418)       (407)
Net current assets                             517             682         497
Total assets less current
liabilities                                  1,608           1,744       1,668

Capital and reserves

Share capital                                2,530           2,530       2,530
Merger reserve                               1,084           1,084       1,084
Special reserve                                  -             460           -
Profit and loss account                     (2,006)         (2,330)     (1,946)
Shareholders'funds                     8     1,608           1,744       1,668

Consolidated Cashflow Statement
For the six months ended 31 October 2003

                         Notes   6 months ended  6 months ended  Year ended 30
                                31 October 2003 31 October 2002  30 April 2003
                                      Unaudited       Unaudited        Audited
                                           #000            #000           #000

Net cash inflow from
operating activities         5              133             152            243
Return on investments and
servicing of finance
Interest  received                            2              10            12
Net cash inflow from returns 
on investments and servicing
of finance                                    2              10            12

Capital expenditure
Purchase of tangible 
fixed assets                              (140)            (78)         (179)
Proceeds of tangible 
fixed assets                                 -               -            14
                                          (140)            (78)         (165)
Purchase of business                         -            (500)         (500)
Purchase of subsidiary
undertaking                                  -               -           (20)
Net cash outflow from
acquisitions                                 -            (500)         (520)
Management of liquid resources
Sales/(Purchase) of short term
deposits                                   (42)            368           446

Increase/(Decrease) in cash  6             (47)            (48)           16

Notes to the Interim Statement

 1. Basis of preparation

    The interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with
    applicable United Kingdom accounting standards and under the historical cost
    convention. The principal accounting policies have remained unchanged from
    those set out in the group's 2003 annual report and financial statements.

    The interim financial statements have been reviewed by the company's
    auditors. A copy of the auditors' review report is attached to this interim

 2. Segmental information
                                6 months ended  6 months ended     Year ended 
                               31 October 2003 31 October 2002  30 April 2003
                                     Unaudited       Unaudited        Audited
                                          #000            #000           #000

        Lotteryking                    1,363             913         2,156
        The Business Information
        Zone                               -               -             2
        Group turnover                 1,363             913         2,158
        (Loss) before taxation
        Lotteryking                      224             182           356
        The Business Information
        Zone                             (13)            (23)            7
        Common costs                    (273)           (201)         (537)
                                         (62)            (42)         (174)
        Net interest                       2              10            12
        Group (loss) before
        taxation                         (60)            (32)         (162)

    Turnover arising outside the United Kingdom is not material.

 3. Taxation

    No provision for taxation has been made due to the availability of losses.

 4. Earnings per share

    The calculation of the basic earnings per share is based on the earnings
    attributable to ordinary shareholders divided by the weighted average number
    of shares in issue during the year.

    The calculation of diluted earnings per share is based on the basic earnings
    per share, adjusted to allow for the issue of shares, on the assumed
    conversion of all dilutive options and other dilutive potential ordinary

    Reconciliations of the earnings and weighted average number of shares used
    in the calculations are set out below.
                                                        attributable to
    6 months to 31 October 2003
    Earnings #000                                                  (60)
    Weighted average number of shares                       253,017,391
    Per share amount pence                                       (0.02)

    6 months to 31 October 2002
    Earnings #000                                                  (32)
    Weighted average number of shares                       253,017,391
    Per share amount pence                                       (0.01)

    12 months to 30 April 2003
    Earnings #000                                                 (108)
    Weighted average number of shares                       253,017,391
    Per share amount pence                                       (0.04)

    There is no diluted earnings per share as share options would not
    have a dilutive effect on the loss for the period

 5. Net cash /inflow from operating activities

                            6 months ended     6 months ended       Year ended 
                           31 October 2003    31 October 2002    30 April 2003
                                  Unaudited          Unaudited         Audited
                                       #000               #000            #000

     Operating (loss)                   (62)               (42)           (174)
     Depreciation and amortisation      198                165             371
     Loss on disposal of fixed assets    21                 24              52
     Decrease/(increase) in stock        83                (66)            (84)
     (Increase) in debtors              (97)               (61)            (43)
     (Decrease)/increase in creditors   (10)               132             121
     Net cash inflow from
     operating activities               133                152             243

 6. Reconciliation of net cashflow to movement in net funds

                         6 months ended      6 months ended     Year ended 
                        31 October 2003     31 October 2002  30 April 2003
                              Unaudited           Unaudited        Audited
                                   #000                #000           #000

     (Decrease)/increase in cash    (47)                (48)            16
     Cash inflow from decrease
     in liquid reserves              42                (368)          (446)
                                     (5)               (416)          (430)
     Net funds at 1 May 2003        244                 674            674
     Net funds at 31 October 2003   239                 258            244

 7. Analysis of net funds

                        At 1 May 2003          Cashflow        At 31 October
                            Audited         Unaudited                 2003
                               #000              #000                 #000

    Cash at bank
    and in hand                 142               (47)                  95
    Liquid resources -
    cash deposits               102                42                  144
                                244                (5)                 239

 8. Reconciliation in movement of shareholders' funds

                         6 months ended      6 months ended      Year ended
                        31 October 2003     31 October 2002   30 April 2003
                              Unaudited           Unaudited         Audited
                                   #000                #000            #000

    (Loss) for the period and
    (decrease) in shareholders'
    funds                          (60)                (32)            (108)
    Opening shareholders'funds   1,668               1,776            1,776
    Closing shareholders'funds   1,608               1,744            1,668

 9. Publication of non-statutory accounts

    The financial information set out in this interim statement does not
    constitute statutory accounts as defined by section 240 of the Companies Act
    1985. The figures for the year ended 30 April 2003 have been extracted from
    the statutory financial statements which have been filed with the Registrar
    of Companies. The auditors' report on those financial statements was
    unqualified and did not contain a statement under section 237(2) of the
    Companies Act 1985.

    The interim report was approved by the Board on 5 December 2003.

    Copies of this interim statement will be sent to shareholders in due course.
    Further copies will be available from the company's nominated adviser, Smith 
    & Williamson Corporate Finance Limited, No 1 Riding House Street, London 
    W1A 3AS, free of charge, for one month from the date of this announcement.

    5 December 2003

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange