RNS Number:5341P
iTouch PLC
09 September 2003

9 September 2003

                                   iTouch plc

               Interim Results for the Six Months to 30 June 2003

                                         H1 2003     H1 2002       % Y on Y

Revenue                                   #25.8m      #13.6m            90%
EBITDA loss *                            (#1.8m)     (#5.6m)            67%
Operating loss *                         (#4.0m)     (#8.9m)            55%
Net cash                                  #15.7m      #32.1m

* Before exceptional items

Financial and Operating Highlights

*  Acquisition of Movilisto completed on 2 June 2003.

*  Launch of Movilisto 'direct' Model in the UK under the 8181 brand.

*  Turnover up 90% to #25.8m (H1 2002: #13.6m).

*  H1 EBITDA loss down 67% to #1.8m (H1 2002: #5.6m).

*  Adjusted EPS loss improvement by 72% to 0.5p (H1 2002: 1.8p)

Commenting on the results Chairman Ivan Fallon said:

"The acquisition of Movilisto and continued progress in existing operations have
resulted in iTouch breaking through to an EBITDA positive position.  We are now
the leading quoted mobile value-added service provider in Europe, and have
positioned ourselves as a key consolidator in the emerging mobile data market."


iTouch plc
Wayne Pitout, Chief Executive Officer                                  Tel: 020 7796 4133
                                             on 9 September 2003 thereafter 020 7613 6000

Website:  www.itouchplc.com

Hudson Sandler                         Andrew Hayes/James Hill         Tel: 020 7796 4133

An analyst briefing will be held at 9.30am at the offices of Hudson Sandler, 29
Cloth Fair, London, EC1A 7NN.  Please contact Rebecca Ghent on 020 7796 4133 for
details or to notify attendance.

                                   iTouch plc
                           Chief Executive Statement

I am delighted to report another 6 months of good progress at iTouch.
Throughout the period iTouch continued to establish itself as one of the leading
European mobile value-added service providers in the rapidly developing mobile
market and a key consolidator in the industry.  We completed the acquisition of
Movilisto, market leader in Spain, on 2 June 2003 and are encouraged by its
performance which is in line with our expectations.


The Company continues to target 16 to 24 year olds where SMS has become a
preferred method of communication and will become a key channel for the delivery
of mobile services. In the UK 84% of this age group now use a mobile phone, of
which 96% use SMS.  With an ever broadening demographic age group using mobile
services and with over 30% of handsets now being sold including multimedia
capabilities, iTouch is tapping into an ever-increasing mobile services market.

Our strategy is to generate earnings from this high growth market by building
partnerships with premium content providers, such as Universal Pictures and The
EMI Group, while securing distribution channels that include mobile network
operators, handset manufacturers, retailers and media partners. iTouch is
building its own branded offering to form a direct relationship with mobile
consumers through its unique short-code numbers, for example 7777 in Spain and
8181 in the UK.

In Europe the five major regions are the UK, Spain, France, Germany and Italy,
representing 63%* of the total number of mobile users.  Our continuing strategy
is to establish a material presence in each of these markets, while rolling out
the Movilisto direct model to our existing territories.

Group results

The first half of 2003 has been positive for iTouch with good performance from
the organic business model, whilst beginning to consolidate the European mobile
services market with the acquisition of Movilisto. The results of the Movilisto
Group of Companies ('Movilisto') have been incorporated into the Group results
from 2 June.

Group revenues increased to #25.8m (H1 2002: #13.6m) up 90%. The Group continued
its policy of cost reduction, utilising the efficiencies from our scalable
Global Platform, with EBITDA losses improving in the half year to #1.8m (H1
2002: #5.6m). This figure shows a significant reduction of 67% against last
year's performance and a sequential improvement of 43% against the second half
of last year (H2 2002 : #3.2m).


The Movilisto acquisition, has brought into the Group a highly successful and
profitable operation in Spain and Portugal.

The performance of Movilisto is in line with expectations and has contributed
#1.4m to revenue and #0.5m to EBITDA since acquisition in the month of June.  It
will make a substantial contribution in H2 2003.


Revenue in the Data business grew to #4.8m in H1 2003 (H1 2002: #2.1m) with
operating losses for the period decreasing 34% to #1.7m (H1 2002: #2.5m).  The
Movilisto operating results are wholly included within this business segment.
The Group expects to continue to incur losses in the Data business as we develop
new channels to market and increase marketing spend as we look to roll out the
Movilisto 'direct' model in the UK based on the 8181 premium SMS brand. We
continue to monitor the business and costs closely as we invest in this new

The monthly average number of consumer messages increased significantly to 4.0m
in H1 2003, up from 2.2m in H1 2002. This improvement reflects our enhanced
product range which features content from leading providers such as 'The Hulk'
movie (Universal) and the broadening of our channels to market.

* Source:  Informa Telecoms Group


The Voice business had a strong first half of 2003. Revenues increased to #16.7m
for the period, compared to #9.1m for the same period last year, an increase of
84%. There continues to be significant margin pressure in the voice industry in
the UK leading to an operating loss for the Voice business of #0.2m (H1 2002
#0.7m).  Further cost reduction programmes were implemented at the end of Q2
2003 and we expect operating losses to reduce further.  Successes in the Voice
division have included managing a number of messaging solutions for media
clients, particularly American Idol 2 which set a new world record for number of
calls for a voter empowerment TV Show, Big Brother in the UK and our recent
appointment to manage the UK Pop Idol 2. In the UK the Voice brands continue to
perform well, leveraging their loyal consumer base towards mobile technologies,
with the launch of mobile tipping under the Racecall brand and specific
localised weather reports with Weathercall.

As reported in previous statements iTouch has been utilising its technology for
one high revenue low margin contract.  This contract is finishing in Q3 2003 and
therefore we expect a fall in voice revenues, but an improvement in the overall
margins.  There will be negligible impact on EBITDA.

The average monthly number of call minutes for the period, at 4.4m per month,
was up 36% on the same period last year.

Other Data

Other Data recorded a very good first half to 2003, with revenues up to #4.3m
for the period (H1 2002: #2.4m) largely reflecting the continued success of
Business Mobility (our PDA applications offering) which secured a significant
new contract in the UK, increasing revenues in Q2 2003. Operating losses for the
half year period also decreased to #0.1m a reduction of 96%. (H1 2002: #1.6m).

Other Data also includes revenues from our commerce application, whereby
pre-paid mobile customers are able to top-up their airtime, and iTouch continues
to run outsourced WAP portals for three Network Operators.

Corporate Transactions

On 2 June 2003, iTouch completed its acquisition of Movilisto.  By 30 June 2003,
Euro5m of cash has been paid to the vendors by way of the initial consideration.
74,733,718 iTouch Ordinary 1p shares were issued to vendors on completion.  A
further #4.3m is to be paid in Q3 2003 in relation to the working capital of
Movilisto.  In addition #7.2m has been provided for future deferred
consideration.  In total, the cost of the Movilisto transaction, including
advisors' fees was #36.5m.  Net assets acquired totalled #7.1m resulting in
goodwill of #29.4m which will be amortised over 10 years.

Other Profit and Loss items

The Group gross profit was #9.8m for the period, up from #5.7m in H1 2002 and a
sequential improvement of 47% on the second half of last year (H2 2002: #6.6m).
As expected we have seen an improvement in the Gross Margin as the higher margin
Data business increases together with the effects of the Movilisto acquisition.
This is a trend we expect to continue throughout 2003.

Selling expenses in H1 2003 are up 18% to #2.0m on H1 2002 primarily a result of
the Movilisto acquisition.  General administration expenses marginally increased
on H1 2002, despite the acquisitions of Telescope and m4 (H2 2002) and Movilisto
(H1 2003).  As a percentage of revenue general administration expenses have
improved from 71% in H1 2002 to 37% in H1 2003.

In Q2 2003, iTouch rationalised its property portfolio in three countries and a
number of cost reduction and product rationalisation programmes have been
implemented resulting in an exceptional charge of #1.5m.

After net interest income of #0.3m (H1 2002: #0.6m), share incentive scheme
charges of #nil (H1 2002: #0.2m), depreciation of #1.1m (H1 2002: #0.8m), a
charge for goodwill amortisation of #1.1m (H1 2002: #2.4m) and share of profits
of joint venture and associate of #0.1m (H1 2002: #0.2m loss), the loss on
ordinary activities before tax was #5.1m (H1 2002:  #8.5m).

The adjusted loss per share (as calculated in note 2) was 0.5p (H1 2002: 1.8p),
a strong improvement of 72% for the same period in 2002. The Group had net cash
of #15.7m at the end of the period, decreasing over the quarter in line with
working capital adjustments and cash consideration for the Movilisto
acquisition.  We expect cash to further decrease in Q3 2003 as the final
payments to the Vendors of Movilisto are made.  Total headcount at 30 June 2003
was 364 (including 35 from Movilisto), down from 382 at 31 December 2002
reflecting operational efficiencies effected as part of the continuing review of
our cost base.


iTouch has now reached sustainable profitability at EBITDA level.  Our focus is
on rolling out the Movilisto 'direct' model to our existing territories while
establishing a material presence in the five key European markets (UK, Spain,
France, Germany and Italy) which represent 63% of the total number of mobile
users in Europe.  We aim to strengthen our position as an industry leader
through a combination of organic growth and acquisition.

Wayne Pitout
Chief Executive Officer
9 September 2003

Group Profit and Loss Account
for the six months ended 30 June 2003

                                                             Unaudited                       Unaudited          Audited
                                                     1 January to 30 June 2003               1 January          Year to
                                                                                            to 30 June      31 December
                                                                                                  2002             2002
                                                 Continuing Operations
                                                           Acquisitions           Total          Total            Total
                                                  #000             #000            #000           #000             #000

Turnover                                        24,517            1,372          25,889         13,688           33,843
Less: Share of turnover of joint venture         (101)                -           (101)          (114)            (229)

Group turnover                                  24,416            1,372          25,788         13,574           33,614
Cost of sales                                 (15,735)            (289)        (16,024)        (7,878)         (21,282)

Gross profit                                     8,681            1,083           9,764          5,696           12,332
Selling expenses                               (1,683)            (305)         (1,988)        (1,681)          (3,011)
Administration expenses                       (12,789)            (497)        (13,286)       (13,220)         (56,618)

Administration expenses:
     General administration charges            (9,375)            (249)         (9,624)        (9,582)         (18,112)

     Amortisation, depreciation, share
     incentive scheme charges and exceptional
          Goodwill amortisation                  (857)            (245)         (1,102)        (2,381)          (5,017)
          Depreciation                         (1,077)              (3)         (1,080)          (765)          (1,925)
          Share incentive scheme charges          (15)                -            (15)          (225)            (516)
          Exceptional items
     *    Impairment of intangible assets            -                -               -              -         (30,019)
     *    Other                                (1,465)                -         (1,465)          (267)          (1,029)

                                               (3,414)            (248)         (3,662)        (3,638)         (38,506)

Loss before amortisation, depreciation,
share incentive scheme charges and
exceptional items                              (2,377)              529         (1,848)        (5,567)          (8,791)

Group operating (loss)/profit                  (5,791)              281         (5,510)        (9,205)         (47,297)
Share of operating profit/(loss) of
joint venture                                       48                -              48          (163)            (707)

(Loss)/profit before exceptional charge        (5,743)              281         (5,462)        (9,368)         (48,004)
Gain on disposal of associated
undertaking                                          -                -               -            182              182

(Loss)/profit on ordinary activities           (5,743)              281         (5,462)        (9,186)         (47,822)
before interest and taxation
Net interest income                                                                 331            645            1,280

Loss on ordinary activities before taxation                                     (5,131)        (8,541)         (46,542)
Taxation charge                                                                   (217)           (29)             (51)

Loss on ordinary activities after taxation                                      (5,348)        (8,570)         (46,593)
Equity minority interests                                                             -             57               59

Loss on ordinary activities after taxation and minority interests               (5,348)        (8,513)         (46,534)
Dividends                                                                             -              -                -

Loss for the period                                                             (5,348)        (8,513)         (46,534)

Basic and fully diluted loss per ordinary share                                  (1.7p)         (3.0p)          (16.2p)

Adjusted loss per ordinary share                                                 (0.5p)         (1.8p)           (2.7p)

Group Balance Sheet
As at 30 June 2003
                                                             Unaudited               Unaudited                  Audited
                                                          30 June 2003            30 June 2002         31 December 2002
                                                       #000       #000         #000       #000          #000       #000
Fixed assets
Intangible assets                                               40,337                  39,373                   15,422
Tangible assets                                                  2,354                   3,034                    2,905
Investment in joint venture
          - Share of gross assets                         -                     475                      171
          - Share of gross liabilities                    -                   (907)                  (1,001)
                                                          -                   (432)                    (830)
          Loans to joint venture                          -                     822                      830

                                                                     -                     390                        -
                                                                42,691                  42,797                   18,327

Current assets
Stock                                                              214                     187                      359
Debtors                                                         15,320                   6,108                    6,165
Cash at bank and in hand                                        15,804                  32,105                   25,976
                                                                31,338                  38,400                   32,500

Creditors - amounts falling due within one year               (22,707)                (11,914)                 (13,994)

Net current assets                                               8,631                  26,486                   18,506

Total assets less current liabilities                           51,322                  69,283                   36,833

Creditors - amounts falling due after more than
one year                                                         (322)                   (310)                    (287)

Provisions for liabilities and charges                         (3,131)                 (1,265)                  (2,083)

                                                                47,869                  67,708                   34,463

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital
  - Equity                                                       3,699                  71,355                    2,952
  - Non-equity                                                  68,501                       -                   68,501
Share premium                                                   51,111                  33,566                   34,868
Shares to be issued                                              4,774                       -                    3,011
Profit and loss account                                       (82,911)                (39,711)                 (77,549)
Other reserves                                                   2,695                   2,389                    2,680

Total shareholders' funds                                       47,869                  67,599                   34,463

Minority interests
Equity minority interests                                            -                     109                        -

                                                                47,869                  67,708                   34,463

Group Cashflow Statement                                            
For the six months ended 30 June 2003       
                                                                       Unaudited          Unaudited             Audited
                                                                    1 January to       1 January to             Year to 
                                                                    30 June 2003       30 June 2002    31 December 2002 
                                                                            #000               #000                #000 
Net cash outflow from operating activities                               (8,105)            (3,499)             (8,115)

Returns on investments and servicing of finance                              418                412               1,255

Taxation                                                                    (18)                  -                (51)

Capital expenditure and financial investment                               (358)              (880)             (1,982)

Acquisitions                                                             (1,941)                  -             (1,343)

Cash outflow before management of liquid resources and
financing                                                               (10,004)            (3,967)            (10,236)

Management of liquid resources                                            10,298              5,682              14,208

Financing                                                                      -                  -               (153)

Increase in cash in the period                                               294              1,715               3,819

Decrease in liquid resources in the period                              (10,298)            (5,682)            (14,208)

Decrease/(Increase) in loan notes                                          1,099                  -             (1,186)

Decrease in cash, liquid resources and loan notes in the
period                                                                   (8,905)            (3,967)            (11,575)

Exchange movements                                                           126                 16                  15

                                                                         (8,779)            (3,951)            (11,560)

Opening cash balance                                                      24,496             36,056              36,056

Net cash balance at period end                                            15,717             32,105              24,496

Net cash comprises:
   Cash at bank and in hand                                               15,804             32,105              25,976
   Bank overdraft                                                              -                  -               (294)
   Loan notes                                                               (87)                  -             (1,186)
                                                                          15,717             32,105              24,496
Reconciliation of operating loss to net cash outflow from
operating activities
Operating loss                                                           (5,510)            (9,205)            (47,297)
Amortisation of goodwill                                                   1,102              2,381               5,017
Depreciation                                                               1,080                765               1,925
Share incentive scheme charges                                                15                225                 516
Exceptional items - non-cash                                                   -                267              30,781
Loss on disposal of fixed assets                                               -                  -                 142
(Decrease)/Increase in stocks                                                 18               (74)               (131)
Increase in debtors                                                      (1,091)            (1,341)               (855)
(Decrease)/increase in creditors and accruals                            (3,725)              3,413               1,497
Effects of foreign exchange rate changes                                       6                 70                 290

Net cash outflow from operating activities                               (8,105)            (3,499)             (8,115)

Segmental Report
By geographical market
                                                 Unaudited                   Unaudited                          Audited
                                              1 January to                1 January to                     1 January to
                                              30 June 2003                30 June 2002                 31 December 2002
                                                 Operating                   Operating                        Operating
                                     Turnover      profit/      Turnover       profit/         Turnover   profit/(loss)
                                         #000       (loss)          #000        (loss)             #000            #000
                                                      #000                        #000
- Group                                19,546      (1,737)         9,300       (3,299)           24,385         (6,010)
- Joint Venture                           101           48           114         (163)              229           (707)

Asia Pacific                            4,906        (122)         3,376       (1,123)            6,999         (1,733)

Africa                                  1,336         (55)           898         (388)            2,230           (188)

Common costs and exceptional                                                                                    
items                                              (2,494)                     (2,014)                          (4,330)

Goodwill                                           (1,102)                     (2,381)                         (35,036)

                                       25,889      (5,462)        13,688       (9,368)           33,843        (48,004)

By class of business
                                                   Unaudited                  Unaudited                         Audited
                                                1 January to               1 January to                    1 January to
                                                30 June 2003               30 June 2002                31 December 2002
                                                   Operating                  Operating                       Operating
                                     Turnover        profit/     Turnover       profit/        Turnover   profit/(loss)
                                         #000         (loss)         #000        (loss)            #000            #000
                                                        #000                       #000

Data messages                           4,772        (1,663)        2,126       (2,505)           5,157         (3,541)
Voice                                  16,671          (189)        9,080         (667)          23,338         (1,293)
Other data                              4,345           (62)        2,368       (1,638)           5,119         (3,097)

Joint Venture                             101             48          114         (163)             229           (707)
Common costs and exceptional
items                                                (2,494)                    (2,014)                         (4,330)

Goodwill                                             (1,102)                    (2,381)                        (35,036)

                                       25,889        (5,462)       13,688       (9,368)          33,843        (48,004)

Statement of Reserves
                                     Share premium     Shares to be           Profit            Other
                                              #000           issued         and loss         reserves            Total
                                                               #000             #000             #000             #000

At 31 December 2002                         34,868            3,011         (77,549)            2,680         (36,990)

Loss for the period                              -                -          (5,348)                -          (5,348)

Share premium on shares issued              16,255                -                -                -           16,255

Share issue expenses                          (12)                -                -                -             (12)

Reduction in estimated deferred
consideration                                    -          (1,837)                -                -          (1,837)

Addition on acquisition                          -            3,600                -                -            3,600

Reserve on issue of options under                -                -                -               15               15  
share incentive scheme                                            

Currency translation differences on              -                -             (14)                -             (14)  
foreign currency net investments                                  

At 30 June 2003                             51,111            4,774         (82,911)            2,695         (24,331)


1.   Reconciliation of operating loss to EBITDA:                                   1 January to             1 January to
                                                                                   30 June 2003             30 June 2002
                                                                                          #'000                    #'000

     Group Operating loss                                                               (5,510)                  (9,205)

     Add back:  Exceptional items                                                         1,465                      267

     Adjusted Group Operating loss                                                      (4,045)                  (8,938)

     Add back:  Goodwill amortisation                                                     1,102                    2,381

                      Depreciation                                                        1,080                      765

                      Share incentive scheme charges                                         15                      225

     EBITDA                                                                             (1,848)                  (5,567)

2.   The calculation of basic loss per ordinary share has been based on the loss
for the financial period of #5.3m (2002: #8.5m) and on 306,669,317 (2002:
285,418,796) shares, being the weighted average number of ordinary shares in
issue during the period.

There are no potentially dilutive ordinary shares.  Accordingly, the fully
diluted loss per share is also based on 306,669,317 (2002: 285,418,796) shares.

The group has also presented an adjusted loss per share figure to exclude the
impacts of depreciation, share incentive scheme charges, amortisation and
exceptional charges, in order to give a better indication of the underlying
performance of the group.  Adjusted loss per share has been based on an adjusted
loss of #1.7m (2002: #5.1m), which excludes depreciation #1.1m (2002: #0.8m),
amortisation of goodwill #1.1m (2002: #2.4m), share incentive scheme charges
#15k (2002: #225k) and, exceptional items #1.5m (2002: #0.1m) on 306,669,317
(2002: 285,418,796) shares.

The Group continues to diversify and grow new lines of business in its various
markets, from a common operating base.  Due to the scale of current operations,
separate operating divisions do not exist for the various lines of business, and
accordingly the allocations of costs used in arriving at segmented operating
losses depends on the basis of allocation of common operating costs.

3.    The financial information in this statement relating to the period ended
30 June 2003 does not constitute full statutory accounts within the meaning of
Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The financial statements of iTouch plc,
incorporating the financial information of iTouch plc for the year ended 31
December 2002 which have received an unqualified audit report and did not
contain any statements under Section 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985,
to be filed shortly with the Registrar of Companies.



We have been instructed by the company to review the financial information which
comprises the Group profit and loss account, Group balance sheet, Group cash
flow statement, the reconciliation of movements in shareholders funds and the
related notes.  We have read the other information contained in the interim
report for any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the
financial information.

Directors' responsibilities

The interim report, including the financial information contained therein, is
the responsibility of, and has been approved by the directors.  The directors
are responsible for preparing the interim report in accordance with the Listing
Rules of the Financial Services Authority which require that the accounting
policies and presentation applied to the interim figures should be consistent
with those applied in preparing the preceding annual accounts except where any
changes, and the reasons for them, are disclosed.

Review work performed

We conducted our review in accordance with guidance contained in Bulletin 1999/4
issued by the Auditing Practices Board.  A review consists principally of making
enquiries of Group management and applying analytical procedures to the
financial information and underlying financial data and, based thereon,
assessing whether the accounting policies and presentation have been
consistently applied unless otherwise disclosed.  A review excludes audit
procedures such as tests of controls and verification of assets, liabilities and
transactions.  It is substantially less in scope than an audit performed in
accordance with United Kingdom Auditing Standards and therefore provides a lower
level of assurance than an audit.  Accordingly we do not express an audit
opinion on the financial information.  This report, including the conclusion,
has been prepared for and only for the company for the purpose of the Listing
Rules of the Financial Services Authority and for no other purpose.  We do not,
in producing this report, accept or assume responsibility for any other purpose
or to any other person to whom this report is shown or into whose hands it may
come save expressly agreed by our prior consent in writing.

Review conclusion

On the basis of our review we are not aware of any material modifications that
should be made to the financial information as presented for the six months
ended 30 June 2003.

Chartered Accountants
9 September 2003

Non-Financial Operating Data - for the half year ended 30 June 2003

                                    Monthly    Monthly       Per cent.       Monthly        Monthly       Per cent.
                                    average    average        change         average      average H1       change
                                    Apr-June   Apr-June      Q2 2003 /         H1            2002         H1 2003 /
                                      2003       2002         Q2 2002         2003                         H1 2002

Voice (1,2,3)

Total             Minutes           4,545,151  2,762,279            65%      4,418,927      3,259,019            36%

Europe            Minutes           4,161,456  2,084,987           100%      4,009,328      1,957,919           105%

Asia Pacific      Minutes              38,814     66,808          (42%)         40,197         81,563          (51%)

Africa            Minutes             344,881    610,484          (44%)        369,402      1,219,537          (70%)

Corporate data (4, 5, 6)

Total             Users                   673        781          (14%)            698            766           (9%)
                  Messages          2,675,234  1,693,523            58%      2,506,275      1,682,247            49%

Africa            Users                   514        546           (6%)            534            540           (1%)
                  Messages          1,959,368    801,333           145%      1,880,898        859,674           119%

Other territories Users                   159        235          (32%)            164            226          (27%)
                  Messages            715,866    892,190          (20%)        625,377        822,573          (24%)

Consumer data (7,8)

Total             Messages          4,611,923  2,321,793            99%      3,956,782      2,198,967            80%

Africa            Messages          2,313,289  2,008,557            15%      2,389,733      1,894,838            26%

Other Territories Messages          2,298,634    313,236           634%      1,567,049        304,129           415%

Business Mobility (9,10)

Total             Customers                54         54             0%             53             58           (9%)

Africa            Customers                 -          1         (100%)              -              1         (100%)

Other territories Customers                54         53             2%             53             57           (7%)

Notes to Non-Financial Operating Data (NFOD)


(1) ''Minutes'' is the total duration of billable Voice calls in a given month.
Calls in Europe and Australasia are charged at premium rates; calls in South
Africa are charged at standard mobile rates. Calls include services in South
Africa where iTouch provides a Voice service on behalf of a third party and
services in Europe where third parties handle services on behalf of iTouch.

(2) Voice calls made in respect of Consumer Data products (e.g. Ringtones,
Picture Messages and Logos) largely to facilitate billing are recorded as
messages and revenue.  The Voice system is used largely to facilitate billing
for  products in Europe and  in South Africa .

(3) The NFOD includes estimates for third party Voice services in Europe.


(4) "Corporate data users'' are defined as the total number, on the last day of
the month in question, of uniquely identifiable customers who had subscribed to
or used the service (whether on a fixed fee or per message payment basis) or
registered prepaid users with prepaid messages remaining. Prepaid users are
defined as customers who paid a charge in advance for a fixed number of

(5) ''Messages'' are defined as the total number of billable messages. Billable
messages are the total number of messages sent by corporate customers who
subscribed to or used the service (whether on a fixed fee or per message payment

(6) Corporate Data NFOD includes data on services provided to, in conjunction
with, or on behalf of, third party companies.


(7) ''Messages'' are defined as the total number of billable messages. Billable
messages are the total number of messages for which a charge has been made. This
category includes the total number of messages sent to consumers registered for
an Alerts service, messages sent to mobile  originate customers and messages
sent to customers requesting special features for their mobile phone (including
ringtones and picture messages).

(8) Consumer Data NFOD includes data on services provided to, in conjunction
with, or on behalf of, third party companies.


(9) A Business Mobility solution is the automation of a business process onto a
handheld mobile device which is used by an individual whilst away from their
desk or office.

(10) "Business Mobility customers" are defined as the number of unique
businesses who have implemented at least one iTouch Business Mobility solution
or received related consultancy or services, or purchased relevant hardware, and
who are billable in the month, either for an initial fee or an ongoing license


(11) The ''Monthly Average'' for each quarter is calculated as the sum of the
NFOD for the three months concerned divided by three, even when a service in a
particular territory started only in the second or third month of that quarter.
This has the effect of reducing the ''monthly average'' figure for that quarter
with a consequential impact on dependent percentage calculations.


(12) Voice and Data recorded traffic may include some minor activity generated
by testing and monitoring of services.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange