RNS Number:4691R
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
30 October 2003

                           APRIL 1,2003 -  SEPTEMBER 30,2003

TOKYO, October 30, 2003 - Mitsubishi Electric Corporation today announced its
consolidated and non-consolidated financial results for the half-year ended
September 30, 2003 as follows:

Net sales                           1.5641 trillion yen (5% decrease from the previous semiannual period)

Operating income                    12.0 billion yen (48% decrease from the previous semiannual period) 

Income before income taxes          16.8 billion yen (43% increase from the previous semiannual period)

Net income                          3.8 billion yen (44% decrease from the previous semiannual period)


Net sales                           911.3 billion yen (13% decrease from the previous semiannual period)

Operating income                    -3.0 billion yen

Ordinary profit                     21.4 billion yen (136% increase from the previous semiannual period)

Net income                          17.2 billion yen (89% increase from the previous semiannual period)
The business environment during the fiscal 2004 interim period saw a recovery
centering on the corporate sector in the U.S. together with the expansion of
economics in parts of Asia. However, as a whole, the feeling of recovery in the
global economy was weak. Furthermore, though the deceleration trend of the
Japanese economy appeared to be halting, severe economic conditions continued
with the advancing of deflation, a lack of power in the recovery of domestic
demand and other factors.

Under these circumstances, Mitsubishi Electric spun off its semiconductor
business centered on system LSIs and formed a joint venture, Renesas Technology
Corporation (hereafter Renesas), with Hitachi, Ltd. on April 1, 2003.  In
addition, we spun off the industrial electric and automation systems business
for manufacturing plants and set up a joint venture, Toshiba Mitsubishi Electric
Industrial Systems Corporation, with Toshiba Corporation on October 1, 2003. We
have thus continued to focus on improving and reinforcing the profitability of
each business by promoting the structural reformation of business. Furthermore,
we have continued to pursue with resolute corporate wide management improvement
measures including activities to improve our financial base such as the "EA21
Activities" to reduce assets and fixed costs, "E SIGMA 21 Project Activities" to
reform our materials procurement structure and "Inventory Reduction Project." In
addition to this, we arc also implementing a growth strategy built around the
two wheels of the "VI Strategy" and "AD Strategy" towards the increasing of
added value. These measures arc being implemented to heighten performance and
our financial standing.

Consolidated Results by Business Segment

In the Energy and Electric Systems segment, compared to the corresponding period
in the previous year, sales decreased by 2% to 324.7 billion yen and operating
loss was 5.7 billion yen, a decrease of 14.7 billion yen compared to the
corresponding period of the previous fiscal year.

Social infrastructure systems fell short of their year-ago levels both for
orders and net sales due to the spinning off of our power systems and substation
businesses, along with the restraining of private capital investment by Japanese
power companies and the manufacturing industry, the suppression of public works
spending, and the shrinking of major overseas construction.

Building systems posted a level of orders similar to last year despite slumping
new demand for elevators and escalators in Japan. However, an increase in orders
in South Korea and the Middle East led to an increase in net sales from the
corresponding period of the previous fiscal year.

As a result, total sales for this segment showed a 2% decrease, while operating
income showed a decrease of 14.7 billion yen due to decreased sales and a drop
in sales prices.

The Industrial Automation Systems segment, compared to the corresponding period
in the previous year, experienced a 9% increase in sales to 336.8 billion yen
while operating income decreased by 1.9 billion yen to 26.0 billion yen.

The FA systems business saw an increase from the corresponding period of the
previous fiscal year in both orders and sales through increases in semiconductor
and liquid crystal panel manufacturing equipment for the domestic market, and
programmable controllers, servo motor systems and numerical controllers for the
automotive market in Taiwan, South Korea, China and other parts of Asia.

The automotive equipment business posted an increase from the corresponding
period of the previous fiscal year in net sales due to increases in car
navigation systems, ETC onboard units, as well as alternators and starters for
overseas automobile manufacturers.

As a result, total sales for this segment increased by 9% over the previous
year, while operating income showed a decrease of 1.9 billion yen due to price
decrease and other factors.

The Information and Communication Systems segment posted an increase in net
sales of 4% to 331.6 billion yen and an operating loss of 3.4 billion yen, which
was an improvement of 3.1 billion yen from the corresponding period of the
previous fiscal year.

In the telecommunications equipment business, demand fell for wireless base
stations and this led to a drop in orders from the corresponding period of the
previous fiscal year. However, the increase in exports of wireless base stations
led to greater net sales than the same period last year.

In the information systems and services business, there was an increase in
businesses related to outsourcing of information systems and systems integration
and net sales surpassed the same period of last year.

In the space business, we are in a period between large governmental projects,
which led to decreases in both orders and net sales compared to last year.  As
for the defense electronics business, the decrease in major projects led to a
drop in orders from the corresponding period of the previous fiscal year but net
sales exceeded the same period of last year.

As a result, total sales for this segment showed an increase of 4% from the
corresponding period of the previous fiscal year, while operating income
improved by 3.1 billion yen due to increased sales and other factors.

The Electronic Devices segment recorded net sales of 87.3 billion yen, a 61%
decrease from the corresponding period of the previous fiscal year, while
operating income improved by 20.5 billion yen to a loss of 4.5 billion yen.

The semiconductor business posted increases in laser diodes for recordable DVD
players, semiconductor manufacturing equipment and power modules for industrial
machinery bound for Asia centering on China. However, the impact from spinning
off the system LSI and system memory businesses led to decreases from the
corresponding period of the previous fiscal year in both orders and net sales.

On the liquid crystal business front, FA display devices and other products for
the industrial sector did well, but the drop in prices within the general use
panel sector and other factors led to decreases from the corresponding period of
the previous fiscal year in both orders and net sales.

As a result, total sales for this segment showed a decrease of 61% from the
previous year, while operating income improved by 20.5 billion yen due to the
improved performance of the semiconductor business and other factors.

In the Home Appliances segment, compared to the corresponding period in the
previous year, net sales increased 9% to 403.4 billion yen while operating
income was 9.6 billion yen, a 13.3 billion yen decrease.

In the home appliance business, sales in ventilators, hot water heaters, solar
power generation systems and other residential home equipment for the domestic
market, DVD-related equipment, and packaged and home air conditioners for Europe
increased. These increases offset the decrease in home air conditioners,
refrigerators and other appliances for the domestic market, leading to an
overall sales increase from the previous year.

As a result, total sales for this segment increase by 9% from the corresponding
period of the previous fiscal year, while operating income decreased by 13.3
billion yen due to decreased sales prices and other factors.

In the Others segment, compared to the corresponding period in the previous
year, net sales decreased by 9% to 240.7 billion yen while operating income
decreased 3.7 billion yen to 2.2 billion yen.

Overall sales decreased due mainly to the change of our credit subsidiary into
an equity method company.

As a result, total sales for this segment decreased by 9% from the corresponding
period from the previous fiscal year, while operating income decreased by 3.7
billion yen due to the decreased in sales and other factors.


We must forgo the interim shareholder dividend for the current year.
Furthermore, we plan to implement year-end dividend after confirming the overall
performance for the year. We will continue to steadily strengthen our financial
position and enhance profitability, which will improve the profit of

Financial Position (consolidated basis) 

Assets, liabilities and shareholders' equity:

The company's total balance of assets and liabilities declined greatly from the
end of the previous fiscal year, due to progress in asset reduction, spinning
off of our semiconductor business centering on system LSIs to form Renesas, and
other factors.

The company's total asset declined by 369.4 billion yen from the end of the
previous fiscal year to 3,304.1 billion yen. Major changes included reductions
of 190.1 billion yen in trade receivables, 53.7 billion yen in inventories, and
133.4 billion yen in tangible fixed assets, respectively, while investments
increased by 76.5 billion yen due to the appropriation of investment in Renesas.

As for liabilities, the balance of total interest bearing debt outstanding fell
188.1 billion yen from the end of the previous fiscal year to 996.0 billion yen,
reducing the loan ratio to 30.1% (an improvement of 2.1 point from the end of
the previous fiscal year). Trade payables declined by 93.9 billion yen, while
employee retirement and severance benefits reserve decreased by 96.9 billion

As for shareholders' equity, consolidated retained earnings decreased 2.6
billion yen due to the appropriation of net income of 3.8 billion yen and the
dividend payment of 6.4 billion yen. Meanwhile, a reduction of exemption in
minimum pension liability adjustments, along with an increase of net unrealized
gains on securities and other factors, have resulted in total increase of
shareholders' equity balance to 429.4 billion yen, 34.8 billion yen more than
the end of the previous fiscal year, increasing the company's shareholders'
equity ratio by 2.3 points to 13.0%.

Cash flow

The company's cash flows from operating activities increased 17.5 billion yen
from the corresponding period of the previous fiscal year to 142.2 billion yen
(provided). Meanwhile, cash flows from investment activities decreased 4.6
billion yen to 35.3 billion yen (used), mainly due to the reduction of capital
expenditure in the semiconductor business that had been spun off to Renesas. As
a result, the free cash flow achieved an income of 106.8 billion yen.

On the other hand, cash flows from financial activities represented net cash
used of 111.1 billion yen, mainly due to the progress in loan repayment and bond
redemptions for improved financial standing.

Annual Forecast for Fiscal 2004  (The year ending March 31st, 2004)

Expectations for an economic recovery is growing both in Japan and overseas, but
the severe business climate is expected to continue with lack of transparency
regarding the period of a full recovery in demand, further intensification of
global competition and concern over foreign exchange trends.

Under these circumstances, the Mitsubishi Electric Group will continue to seek
to further improve performance and our financial base while reinforcing our
management foundation. The steps being taken to do so include improving and
reinforcing profitability in each segment and continuing to promote management
improvement measures across the corporation, and also steadily implement growth
strategies to expand added value.

Our fiscal 2004 performance forecast as of now is as follows. No change has been
made from the revised values of our performance forecast announced on September
22, 2003.


Net sales                            3.3000   trillion yen (9% decrease year-on-year)

Operating income                     80.0 billion yen (27% increase year-on-year)

Income before income taxes           20.0 billion yen (708% increase year-on-year) 

Net income                           12.0 billion yen


Net sales                            2.0500 trillion yen (12% decrease year-on-year) 

Operating income                     30.0 billion yen (49 times year-on-year) 

Ordinary profit                      35.0 billion yen (32% increase year-on-year) 

Net income                           29.0 billion yen

Note: The forecast of results above is based on assumptions deemed reasonable by Company at the present time, and actual
results may differ significantly from forecasts.

                                       MANAGEMENT POLICY

Management Policy

The Mitsubishi Electric Group intends to contribute to a new society, industry
and daily life based on the spirits of its corporate statement "Changes for the
Better" as a foundation from which to achieve a "better tomorrow." With this end
in view, the group will seek to establish a solid management base and
sustainable growth with the help of "balanced management" from the three
critical areas of "growth," "profitability and efficiency" and "soundness."

Furthermore, we seek to fulfill the expectations of our customers, shareholders
and other stakeholders by channeling our efforts to further enhance corporate
value through our self-reformation as a strong conglomerate of electric and
electronic businesses with robust synergy.

Policy on Profit Sharing

With the ultimate aim of enhancing corporate value, our basic policy is to seek
a comprehensive improvement in enhancing shareholder value by distributing as
much profit as may be permitted by our current year earnings position, while at
the same time retaining sufficient profit to strengthen the group's financial

Policy on Reducing Minimum Stock Purchase Requirement

Mitsubishi Electric recognizes that one of its most important management goals
must be to enhance corporate value along with the number of stable, long-term
shareholders. With this in mind, we will continue carrying out a meticulous
study of the overall benefits and costs of reducing the size of purchase
requirements for our stock-trading units.

Issues the Company Must Confront

The Mitsubishi Electric Group will strive to further improve its performance and
financial base and reinforce its management foundation.  This shall be done by
resolutely pursuing the following management measures from the three
perspectives of a balanced management -"growth," "profitability and efficiency"
and "soundness." 

*We will continue to pursue corporate wide management improvement measures
including dramatic restructuring and fixed cost structure reformation, cost
reduction promotion, and improving the soundness of our financial structure in
line with changes in the business environment.

*We will pursue a growth strategy built around the two elements of our "VI
strategy" (reinforcing individual business strategies) and "AD strategy"
(reinforcing the solutions business across multiple business fields) with
superior market businesses as a core, and applying our synergy of broad business

*We will more strongly implement a global management policy that includes the
pursuit of global integration, in which we aim to establish optimum business
structure from a global viewpoint, combined with strengthening our research and
development, marketing and finance, etc.

*We will strive to further strengthen our environmental management built around
the implementation of the "4th Environment Plan" (Fiscal 2004-2006), the
voluntary measures of our group, as we aim to realize a sustainable society.

Basic Thinking on Corporate Governance and Status of the Implementation of

With the approval of our general shareholders' meeting held in June 2003,
Mitsubishi Electric has reformed its management structure by transforming to a
"company with Committee" structure, This transformation will further heighten
the dynamistic and transparency of our management while also be used to
reinforce supervision on management and achieve sustainable growth.

By separating the supervision of management and execution functions
traditionally handled by the board of directors, the board of directors will now
handle the supervision of management function and the executive officers will
handle the management execution function. The broad authority that had been the
exclusive realm of the board of directors has been transferred to the executive
officers.   Furthermore, the auditing committee, nomination committee, and
compensation committee have been established as internal organizations of the
board of directors with a majority of members comprised of outside directors.

A key characteristic of our management structure is separation of the chairman
of the board, who is the head of our management supervisory function, and the
president, who is the chief executive officer. Clear-cut implementation to the
separation of management supervision and execution have made our corporate
governance much more effective.

In addition, we have established a board of executive officers for executive
officers to debate and decide important items related to the execution of
management in their role of responsibility for making decisions on and
implementing execution of operations.  This was done from the perspectives of
having them all participate in management and share information, to pursue
management synergy effects and multiple risk management aspects.

Further, our five outside directors arc providing advice and supervision to our
company's management from an objective perspective.

Furthermore, there is no special interest relationship between our company and
any of our outside directors.



                                            (In billions of yen except where noted)

                                     FY'04 1st half       FY'03 1st half          
                                          (A)                  (B)             (A)/(B)     Fiscal 2003
                                    April 1, 2003 -       April 1,2002-           (%)   (Apr.1, 2002-Mar.31,2003
                                    Sept. 30, 2003        Sept. 30, 2002      

Net sales                                   1,564.1              1,638.9            95         3,639.0

Operating income                               12.0                 23.2            52            63.1

Income before                    
income taxes                                   16.8                 11.7           143             2.4

Net income (loss)                               3.8                  6.7            56          (11.8)

Net income (loss)                    
per share                                  1.78 yen             3.16 yen            56      (5.51) yen

Fiscal 2004 1st half: April 1, 2003 - September 30, 2003 

Note:        1) Consolidated financial charts made according to U.S. GAAP.

             2) Company has 135 consolidated subsidiaries.

                                             (In billions of yen except where noted)

                             FY'04 1st half   FY'03 1st half                                                            
                              (A)                 (B)             (A)/(B)                                   
                              April 1,2003-     April 1,2002                     Fiscal 2003                    
                              Sept. 30, 2003    Sept. 30, 2002                   (Apr. 1, 2002-Mar. 31, 2003)   

        Net sales             911.3             1,045.0               87         2,319.2                        

        Ordinary profit        21.4                 9.0              236            26.4                           

        Net income                                                                                              
        (loss)                 17.2                 9.1              189          (12.1)                         

        Dividend per share     None                None                -      Annual dividend 3.00 yen       
                        (Interim dividend)  (Interim dividend)              (Biannual dividend) 3.00 yen  

        Net income (loss)                                                                                       
        per share          8.02 yen            4.24 yen              189      (5.67) yen
Fiscal 2004 1st half: April 1, 2003 - September 30, 2003 

                                                                          (In millions of yen)

                        FY'04 1sthalf            FY'03 1st half                                    FY'03
                        (April 1,2003-            (April 1.2002-                               (April 1,2002-         
                        Sept. 30, 2003) A         Sept. 30, 2002) B                            March 31,2003)         

                                         %of                       %of                  A/B                    %of    
                                         total                     total                                       total  

  Net sales             1,564,121        100.0    1,638,967        100.0    (74,846)    95     3,639,071       100.0  

  Cost of sales         1,195,563        76.4     1,221,785        74.6     (26,222)    98     2,782,180       76.5   

  Selling, general                                                                                                    
  and administrative    
  expenses              356,461          22.8     393,981          24.0     (37,520)    90     793.751         21.8     
  Operating income      12,097           0.8      23,201           1.4      (11,104)    52     63,140          1.7    

  income                29,840           1.9      32,515           2.0      (2,675)     92     57,236          1.6      
  Interest and                                                                                                        
  Dividends             4,393            0.3      7,151            0.4      (2,758)     61     11,486          0.3    

  Other income          25,447           1.6      25,364           1.6      83          100    45,750          1.3    

  Non-operating         25,083           1.6      43,950           2.7      (18,867)    57     117,901         3.2    

  Interest              8,296            0.5      10,275           0.6      (1,979)     81     20,407          0.5    

  Other expenses        16,787           1.1      33,675           2.1      (16,888)    50     97,494          2.7    

  Income before                                                                                                       
  income taxes          16,854           1.1      11,766           0.7      5.088       143    2,475           0.1

  Income taxes          11,332           0.8      6,681            0.4      4,651       170    16,332          0.5    

  Equity in earnings                                                                                                  
  (losses) of           
  affiliated companies  (1,699)          (0.1)    1.692            0.1      (3,391)     -      2,032           0.1      
  Net income (loss)     3,823            0.2      6,777            0.4      (2,954)     56     (11,825)        (0.3)  

Fiscal 2004,1st half:     April 1, 2003 - September 30, 2003


                                                                         (In millions of yen)

                                               FY'04                 FY'03
                                           1st half (A)           (B) ending
                                           ending Sept.           March 31st                    (A)- B)
                                            30th, 2003               2003


  Current assets                             1,706,364             1,937,537                  (231,173)                 

  Cash and cash equivalents                    357,483               363,595                    (6,112) 

  Short-term investments                        28,233                22,523                      5,710

  Trade receivables                            637,077               821,943                  (184,866)

  Inventories                                  457,005               510,750                   (53,745)

  Prepaid expenses and other                                                                                          
  current assets                               226,566               218,726                      7,840
  Long-term trade receivables                   14,486                19,795                    (5,309)                 
  Investments                                  436,525               359,961                     76,564                 

  Net property, plant and                      594,314               727,770                  (133,456)
  Other assets                                 552,480               628,574                   (76,094)

  Total assets                               3,304,169             3,673,637                  (369,468)
  (Liabilities and shareholders' equity)                                                                                
  Current liabilities                        1,314,365             1,589,322                  (274,957)

  Bank loans and current                       395,062               555,863                  (160,801) 
  portion of long-term debt   

  Trade payables                               556,790               650,696                   (93,906)

  Other current liabilities                    362,513               382,763                   (20,250)

  Long-term debt                               600,967               628,361                   (27,394)
  Employee retirement and                      898,795               995,765                   (96,970)
  severance benefits                                                                                                  

  Other fixed liabilities                       13,391                11,596                      1,795                 
  Minority interests                            47,195                54,006                    (6,811)                 
  Shareholders' equity                         429,456               394,587                     34,869                 
  Capital                                      175,820               175,820                          -
  Capital surplus                              210,671               210,671                          -

  Retained earnings                            348,234               350,851                    (2,617)

  Accumulated                                (304,918)             (342,687)                     37,769
  other comprehensive income (loss)

   Treasury stock at cost                        (351)                  (68)                       (283)

  Total liabilities and                      3,304,169             3,673,637                   (369,468)                
  stockholders' equity                                                                                                

  Balance of Debt                              996,029             1,184,224                   (188,195) 

Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss): 

  Foreign currency translation adjustments     (7,591)                 (686)                     (6,905) 

  Minimum pension liability adjustments      (317,089)             (346,546)                      29,457 

  Net unrealized gains on securities            19,762                 4,545                      15,217 

  CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT                                                   (In millions of yen)

                                                                     FY'04       FY '03                               
                                                                    1st half    1st half                  FY' 03      
                                                                    (A)          (B)                      (April 1,   
                                                                    (April 1,    (April 1,    A-B         2002-March  
                                                                    2003-        2002-                    31,         
                                                                    Sept. 30,    Sept. 30,                2003)       
                                                                    2003)        2002)                                

  I Cash Hows from operating activities                                                                               

  1 Net income (loss)                                               3,823        6,777        (2,954)     (11,825)    

  2 Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to                                                                     
    net cash provided by operating activities                                                                           

  (1) Depreciation of tangible fixed assets                         50,371       102,046      (51,675)    208,884     

  (2) Deferred income taxes (increase)                              (1,435)      (16,346)     14,911      (27,669)    

  (3) Decrease (increase) in trade receivables                      133,158      119,142      14,016      (36,183)    

  (4) Decrease (increase) in inventories                            6,259        (4,601)      10,860      96,715      

  (5) Decrease (increase) in prepaid expenses and other assets      (16,642)     6,637        (23,279)    (1,702)     

  (6) Increase (decrease) in trade payables                         (47,455)     (107,353)    59,898      53,813      

  (7) Increase (decrease) in other liabilities                      24,238       20,145       4,093       (38,877)    

  (8) Other, net                                                    (10,057)      (1,713)      (8,344)     (4,691)     

  Net cash provided by operating activities                         142,260      124,734       17,526     238,465     

  II Cash flows from investing activities                                                                              

  1 Capital expenditure                                             (43,194)     (62,238)     19,044      (133,223)   

  2 Proceeds from sale of property, plant and                       7,829        2,620        5,209       17,449      

  3 Purchase of short-term investments and                                                                           
    investment securities                                           (37,675)     (8,228)      (29,447)    (37,068)    

  4 Proceeds from sale of short-term investments                    34,581       28,811        5,770       56,463       
    and investment securities                                                                                           

  5 Other, net                                                      3,080        (1,024)      4,104       2,694       

  Net cash used in investing activities                             (35,379)     (40,059)     4,680       (93,685)    

  I + II Free cash flow                                             106,881      84,675       22,206      144,780     

  III Cash flows from financing activities                                                                             

  1 Proceeds from long-term debt                                    83,381       128,495      (45,114)    304,814     

  2 Repayment of long-term debt                                     (186,979)    (160,446)    (26,533)    (415,445)   

  3 Increase (decrease) in bank loans, net                          (785)        (138,823)    138,038     (118,853)   

  4 Dividends paid                                                  (6,440)          -         (6,440)           -
  5 Purchase of treasury stock                                      (283)            -         (283)       (491)       

  Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities               (111,106)    (170,774)    59,668      (229,975)   

  IV Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash                 (1,887)      (6,152)      4,265       (6,100)     

  V Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents            (6,112)      (92,251)     86,139      (91,295)    

  VI Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period               363,595      454,890      (91,295)    454,890     

  VII Cash and cash equivalents at the end of period                357,483      362,639      (5,156)     363,595     

1. Business Segment

                                                                                 (In millions of yen)
                         FY'04   1st half                 FY'03    1st half                            FY'03
                         (April 1,2003-                   (April 1,2002-                     (April, 2002-March 31,2003)
                          Sept.30,2003)                    Sept.30,2002)             (A)/(B)                   
Business Segment                          Operating                      Operating     (%)                     Operating
                                % of        income               % of      income                      % of       income
                       Sales   total       (loss)       Sales   total     (loss)               Sales  total      (loss)
                        (A)                              (B)        

Energy and Electric
  Systems            324,760   18.8       (5,713)     332,598    18.3      8,991        98    861,120  21.5     59,406


Automation           336,815   19.5        26,022     307,740    16.9     27,979       109    639,422  16.0     57,969

Information and      331,625   19.2       (3,428)     318,690    17.5    (6,530)       104    686,432  17.2   (27,273)
Communication Systems                                                  

Electronic Devices    87,338    5.1       (4,599)     225,321    12.4   (25,150)        39    460,469  11.5   (53,078)

Home Appliances      403,420   23.4         9,624     369,235    20.3     23,019       109    789,149  19.7     36,195
Others               240,770   14.0         2,256     266,000    14.6      6,051        91    566,199  14.1     11,080

Sub Total          1,724,728  100.0        24,162   1,819,584   100.0     34,360        95  4,002,791 100.0     84,299

Elimination and    (160,607)      -      (12,065)   (180,617)       -   (11,159)         -  (363,720)     -   (21,159)

Consolidated Total 1,564,121      -        12,097   1,638,967       -     23,201        95  3,639,071     -     63,140

Fiscal 2004, 1st half: April 1, 2003 - September 30, 2003 

*Note: Intersegment sales are included in the above chart.

2. Geographic Segment 
                                                                    (In millions of yen)
                    FY'04 1st half                   FY'03 1st half      A/B                         FY 2003            
                     Sales (A)      Operating      Sales (B)  Operating  (%)                     Sales     Operating    
                                       income                    income                                       income
                                       (loss)                                                                 (loss)
  Japan             1,315,178         (6,766)      1,436,916    2,961     92                    3,168,639    42,559   

  North America     114,327           1,214        149,406      2,364     77                    301,034      3,628    

  Asia              202,212           12,807       154,951      12,061    131                   384,891      23,189   
  (except Japan)                                                                                                      

  Europe            99,187            1,455        100,787      2,009     98                    206,946      (9,921)  

  Others            10,137            481          6,960        126       146                   15,268       471      

  Sub Total         1,741,041         9,191        1,849,020    19,521    94                    4,076,778    59,926   

  Eliminations      (176,920)         2,906        (210,053)    3,680      -                     (437,707)    3,214    

  Consolidated      1,564,121         12,097       1,638,967    23,201    95                    3,639,071    63,140     

Fiscal 2004, 1st half: April 1, 2003-September 30, 2003 

*Note: Intersegment sales are included in the above chart 

3. Overseas Sales 

                                                                      (In millions of yen) 

                         FY'04 1st half                FY'03 1st half
                        Sales      % of total net     Sales (B)    % of total    A/B                 %of total net    
                        (A)        sales                           net sales     (%)    FY'03        sales            

  North America         156,523    10.0               151,023      9.2           104    361,774      9.9              

  Asia (except Japan)   190,247    12.2               190,655      11.6          100    406,316      11.2             

  Europe                109,447    7.0                96,990       5.9           113    200,049      5.5              

  Others                26,892     1.7                28,914       1.8           93     84,476       2.3              

  Total overseas        483,109    30.9               467,582      28.5          103    1,052,615    28.9             

Cautionary Statement

The expectation of operating results herein and any associated statement to be
made with respect to Company's current plans, estimates, strategies and beliefs
and any other statements that are not historical facts are forward-looking
statements. Words such as "expects", "anticipates", "plans", "believes",
"scheduled", "estimated", "targeted" along with any variations of these words
and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements
which include but are not limited to projections of revenues, earnings,
performance and production. While the statements herein are based on certain
assumptions and premises that trusts and considers to be reasonable under the
circumstances to the date of announcement, you are requested to kindly take note
that actual operating results arc subject to change due to any of the factors as
contemplated hereunder and/or any additional factor unforeseeable as of the date
of this announcement.

Such factors materially affecting the expectations expressed herein shall
include but are not limited to the following: 

(1) Any change in operating circumstances in any of the markets, in which the
Company conducts its business operation inter alia Japan, the USA and Europe:
such change shall include but not limited to changes in economic situation,
political regime, legal system and legislation, relevant laws and regulations,
administrative policies and practices by any competent authorities, taxation in
any of such markets. (2) Foreign exchange fluctuations, in particular, the rate
of Japanese yen against US Dollar. (3) Relative disproportion between demand and
supply of any products that may affect price and volume, which could be highly
intrusive in such fields like information, telecommunication, electronic devices
and home appliances, without limitation thereto. (4) Shortage of any devices,
components and/or parts necessary for manufacturing operation and difficulties
in material procurement arising out of such shortage, which could even lead to
substantial disconformity with the operating results as expected herein. Also
this factor could he highly intrusive in such fields as information,
telecommunication, electronic devices and home appliances, without limitation
thereto. (5) Any change in technical and technological trends that may be
relevant to businesses of the Company, including but not limited to IT-based or
IT-related fields. (6) Any patent and its licensing that may be granted from
time to time and may affect businesses of the Company. (7) Any development of
products incorporating new technological innovation and the time of their
introduction in the marketplace. (8) Any business alliances of any nature
whatsoever, including hut not limited to joint ventures, business transfers,
mergers, acquisitions, capital contributions, technical licensing or co-
development. (9) Any change in fund raising or procurement, inter alia in the
Japanese financial market.(10) Any fluctuation in stock quotations at any
relevant markets including securities exchanges and over-the counter stock
markets, inter alia in Japan.

About Mitsubishi Electric

With over 80 years of experience in providing reliable, high-quality products to
both corporate clients and general consumers all over the world, Mitsubishi
Electric Corporation (TSE: 6503) is a recognized world leader in the
manufacture, marketing and sales of electrical and electronic equipment used in
information processing and communications, space development and satellite
communications, consumer electronics, industrial technology, energy,
transportation and building equipment. The company has operations in 35
countries and recorded consolidated group sales of 3,639 billion yen (US$30.3
billion*) in the year ended March 31,2003.

For more information visit http//global.mitsubishielectric.com

*At an exchange rate of 120 yen to the US dollar, the rate given by the Tokyo
Foreign Exchange Market on March 31,2003.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange