RNS Number:7436R
News Corporation Ld
05 November 2003

                    INCREASE, ON REVENUE GROWTH OF 2%




*   Filmed Entertainment operating income more than doubles on robust home
    entertainment sales of film and television titles as well as strong 
    syndication contributions.

*   Sustained ratings and advertising growth at Regional Sports Networks and Fox 
    News Channel drives 13% operating income growth on a US$ basis at Cable
    Network Programming.

*   Television Stations increase market share, grow operating income 7% in local 
    currency terms; STAR delivers another quarter of profits; overall Television 
    segment down due to the inclusion of American Idol in the quarter a year ago.

*   Print businesses report higher earnings contributions in aggregate led by 
    circulation revenue gains in U.K. newspapers, advertising demand in
    Australian newspapers and increased page volume at free-standing inserts.

SYDNEY, 6 November, 2003 - The News Corporation Limited (ASX: NCP, NCPDP) today
reported first quarter consolidated revenues of A$7.1 billion, a 2% increase
over the A$6.9 billion reported in the prior year, and consolidated operating
income of A$1.1 billion.  These results, representing a 10% increase over the
A$996 million reported a year ago were achieved despite the inclusion of A$178
million in losses from SKY Italia in the current quarter.  The year-on-year
operating income growth was driven primarily by a two-fold increase at Filmed
Entertainment as well as a 50% increase at the Newspaper segment partially
offset by the unfavourable impact of the strong Australian dollar.  Net profit
for the first quarter was A$644 million, a A$349 million increase over the A$295
million reported in the first quarter a year ago.

Commenting on the results, Chairman and Chief Executive Rupert Murdoch said:

"The unparalleled growth we delivered during the first quarter - our seventh
consecutive quarter of double-digit earnings increases - is a clear
demonstration of the strength we are enjoying across our balanced collection of
businesses.  Operating income growth on a US$ basis of 31%, on revenue growth of
22%, was generated by increases at nearly every operating segment: at our film
and television production businesses, which continue to capitalise on the
expanding home entertainment market; at our cable channels, which have benefited
from sustained viewership gains; at our television stations, which have expanded
market share; and at STAR, which achieved its first-ever first-quarter profit.
In the past quarter, we also exceeded our high expectations for our global
pay-TV platforms - including SKY Italia, where subscriber additions are well
ahead of plan, and BSkyB, which passed the 7 million digital subscriber mark
several months ahead of schedule.  Overall, the first quarter has given us a
great start to the fiscal year, and we are well on our way to meeting our growth
forecast for 2004."


The Statement of Financial Performance, Statement of Financial Position,
Statement of Cash Flows and Supplemental Financial Data for the three months
ended 30 September are attached.  The following commentary is made in respect to
those statements, including an analysis of certain information contained

Net Profit Attributable to Members of the Parent Entity

The reported net profit attributable to members of the parent entity consisted
of the following items:
                                                    3 Months Ended
                                                    30 September,
                                                          2003                           2002
                                                        A$ Millions (except per share amounts)

Revenue                                             A$   7,081                   A$  6,931

Operating income                                         1,095                         996

Associated entities                                         87                        (174)
Interest expense, net                                     (173)                       (225)
Exchangeable securities expense                            (28)                        (23)

Profit before income tax expense, outside equity           981                         574
interest and other items
Income tax expense                                        (303)                       (178)
Outside equity interest                                    (89)                       (101)
Net profit before other items                              589                         295

Other group items, net of tax and outside equity            55                           -

Net profit attributable to members of the parent      A$   644                     A$  295
Earnings per share (diluted) on net profit before   A$   0.111                   A$  0.055
other items, net
Weighted average number of shares outstanding in         5,194                       5,127
millions (diluted)

The following commentary discusses the major components of these results.

Consolidated Operating Income                                      3 Months Ended
                                                                    30 September,
                                                         2003                          2002
                                                                       A$ Millions

Filmed Entertainment                                A$   499                       A$  181
Television                                               273                           343
Cable Network Programming                                203                           214
Direct Broadcast Satellite Television*                  (178)                            -
Magazines & Inserts                                       88                            92
Newspapers                                               155                           103
Book Publishing                                           90                           106
Other                                                    (35)                          (43)
Consolidated Operating Income                       A$ 1,095                       A$  996

  *  New segment reflecting the results of SKY Italia, consolidated as of 1 May, 2003

First quarter net earnings from associated entities were A$87 million versus
losses of A$174 million in the same period a year ago.  The year-over-year
improvements were primarily due to contributions from BSkyB, for which earnings
were not reflected in prior year's quarter, and a comparatively favourable
impact from foreign currency fluctuations at Sky Brasil.  The inclusion of
Stream's losses also affected the first quarter results a year ago.  A detailed
discussion of the components of associated entities' results is provided later
in the release.

First quarter net profit before other items increased to A$589 million (A$0.111
per share) versus A$295 million (A$0.055 per share) in the prior year, primarily
due to higher consolidated operating income and improved associated entities
results. The Company reported income from other items in the quarter of A$55
million primarily reflecting a gain from the sale of SkyPerfecTV! shares.

The following commentary is discussed primarily in U.S. dollars



The Filmed Entertainment segment reported first quarter operating income of
US$328 million, a US$228 million increase over the US$100 million reported in
the same period a year ago.  The substantial growth primarily reflects increased
contributions from the worldwide home entertainment release of film and
television titles and higher syndication profits from Twentieth Century Fox
Television (TCFTV).

Current quarter film results were largely driven by the worldwide home
entertainment performances of Daredevil and Phone Booth combined with strong
worldwide home entertainment, pay-TV and free-TV contributions from various
catalog titles. These contributions were partially offset by the worldwide
theatrical launch costs for the successful release of League of Extraordinary
Gentlemen, which has grossed over US$170 million in worldwide box office to
date.  The first quarter a year ago included the worldwide home entertainment
performances of Shallow Hal, Behind Enemy Lines and catalog titles.

At TCFTV, earnings grew year-on-year primarily reflecting higher syndication
profits from the initial releases of Angel and Judging Amy as well as increased
contributions from M*A*S*H.   Increased DVD sales of television series, most
notably from The Simpsons, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and 24, also contributed to
the year-on-year growth.


The Television segment reported first quarter operating income of US$179 million
versus US$188 million a year ago. Continued profit growth at the Fox Television
Stations and STAR was offset by ratings declines at the FOX Broadcasting Company
versus the first quarter last year, which included American Idol.

Fox Television Stations (FTS) first quarter operating income grew 7% over the
same period a year ago as market share gains more than offset a decline in
political spending and the non-recurrence of American Idol on the broadcast
network in the current quarter.  Current year earnings growth was also fueled by
margin expansion primarily from lower local programming and promotional costs as
well as duopoly savings versus the first quarter of fiscal 2003.

At the FOX Broadcasting Company (FBC), first quarter operating losses increased
as improved advertising pricing was more than offset by cancellation costs for
several series and projects as well as a 20% decline in primetime ratings versus
the first quarter a year ago which included the record-breaking performance of
American Idol.    During the quarter, FBC launched several new series, including
The O.C., which gained audience share every week following its August premiere
and was the highest-rated new scripted show of the summer among Adults 18-49.
Subsequent to quarter-end, primetime ratings have improved with the current
broadcast season's ratings up 15% compared to a year ago led by the strength of
post-season Major League Baseball and new season series premieres.

STAR, bolstered by a 20% increase in revenues, delivered positive operating
income for the first time in this traditionally soft quarter.  Revenue gains
were primarily driven by advertising and subscription growth at STAR Plus, which
on average continues to deliver 48 of the top 50 programs in India, as well as
increased advertising revenue from STAR Mandarin Movies, the number one cable
channel in Taiwan.


Cable Network Programming reported first quarter operating income of US$133
million, an improvement of US$15 million over last year's results.  The 13%
growth reflects strong revenue gains at the Fox News Channel and the Regional
Sports Networks, slightly offset by higher programming costs at the FX Channel.

Fox News Channel (FNC) reported operating income growth of 14% in the first
quarter as strong revenue growth, primarily from increased ad sales, more than
offset slightly higher costs associated with coverage of the war in Iraq and the
California recall election. FNC was the only cable news channel to increase its
viewership during the quarter, with growth of 14% in primetime and 16% on a
24-hour basis compared to the first quarter a year ago.

Fox Cable Networks' (including the Regional Sports Networks (RSNs), the FX
Channel (FX) and SPEED Channel) operating profit increased 4% for the quarter
driven by double-digit revenue growth at the RSNs reflecting DTH subscriber
additions, higher affiliate rates and increased advertising sales.  At FX,
affiliate revenue growth from an expanded subscriber base was offset by
increased programming costs for original programming and charges related to the
cancellations of Lucky and Orlando Jones.   Investment in original programming
continues to drive viewership gains with first quarter viewership among
households and Adults 18-49 up nearly 20% versus the same period a year ago, led
by Nip/Tuck, the highest rated new series on basic cable during calendar 2003.


On 30 April, 2003 the Company, along with Telecom Italia, completed the
previously announced acquisition of the Italian pay-TV business Telepiu from
Vivendi Universal and combined it with Stream.  News Corporation now owns 80.1%
of the combined entity, SKY Italia, whose results comprise this new segment.
During the first quarter, SKY Italia reported an operating loss of US$117
million on revenues of US$264 million while adding nearly 300,000 new
subscribers. 75% of the new subscribers during the quarter opted for a
premium-programming tier including movies and sports programming increasing
monthly ARPU for residential subscribers.   At quarter end the digital
subscribers totaled approximately 2.3 million.


The Magazines and Inserts segment reported first quarter operating income of
US$58 million, a 14% increase versus the same period a year ago.   The
improvement was primarily driven by higher contributions from the Free Standing
Inserts division, principally from increased demand for packaged goods pages,
partially offset by lower contributions from the InStore division.


The Newspaper segment reported first quarter operating income of US$102 million,
up 79% versus the same period a year ago reflecting circulation revenue
increases in the U.K. combined with advertising strength in Australia.

The U.K. newspaper group's first quarter operating income more than doubled in
local currency terms compared to a year ago, primarily driven by circulation
revenue gains combined with a slight increase in advertising.  Circulation
revenue growth was achieved across all titles, with the largest increase at The
Sun, where reduced cover price initiatives during the first quarter a year ago
adversely impacted results.

The Australian newspaper group reported a 6% increase in operating income in
local currency terms, driven by an 8% increase in advertising revenue over a
year ago and a slight increase in circulation revenue.  Advertising growth was
primarily fueled by display advertising with strong growth in national display
and continued momentum in the retail and real estate categories. Classified
advertising also saw steady growth, with improvement across all categories.  The
growth in advertising revenue for the quarter was partially offset by the timing
of various marketing and editorial initiatives.

In the United States, The New York Post continued to grow its circulation at a
pace unmatched by any other major American newspaper.  Now the seventh-largest
daily newspaper in the country, the Post has achieved double-digit circulation
growth in each of the last six quarters.


HarperCollins reported operating income of US$59 million during the quarter
versus US$58 million in the same period a year ago.  The increased quarterly
results were primarily driven by the continued success of Zondervan's
blockbuster The Purpose Driven Life as well as Lemony Snicket's The Slippery
Slope, Dennis Lehane's Mystic River, David Beckham's autobiography and Dr.
Atkins' New Diet Revolution.  During the quarter, HarperCollins had 30 books on
The New York Times bestseller lists including three titles that reached the
number one spot.


Subsequent to quarter end, the Company announced it had reached an agreement in
principle for the sale of the Los Angeles Dodgers.  The agreement is subject to
Major League Baseball approval and has been forwarded to Major League Baseball's
ownership committee for review and recommendation to the other club owners, who
will then vote on the proposed sale.


First quarter net earnings from associated entities were A$87 million versus
losses of A$174 million in the same period a year ago.  The year over year
improvements were primarily due to contributions from BSkyB, for which earnings
were not reflected in prior year's quarter, and a comparatively favourable
impact from foreign currency fluctuations at Sky Brasil.  The inclusion of
Stream's losses also affected the first quarter results a year ago.

The Company's share of associated entities' earnings (losses) is as follows:

                                                                     3 Months Ended
                                                                      30 September,
                                          % Owned              2003                      2002
                                                                      US$ Millions
Sky Brasil                                 49.7%    (a)        (8)                       (67)
Innova - Mexico                            30.0%              (10)                        (8)
FOXTEL                                     25.0%               (3)                        (2)
Stream                                     50.0%    (b)         -                        (39)
Fox Sports Cable Networks                 Various               9                         12
ESPN STAR Sports                           50.0%                1                          1
Other Associates                          Various   (c)        68                          7
Total associated entities' earnings                         $  57                    $   (96)
Total associated entities' earnings                        A$  87                   A$  (174)

Further details on the associated entities follow.

(a)  Represents the Company's economic interest, which was 43.9% as of 
     30 September, 2002.  The Company continues to hold a 36% equity interest in 
     Sky Brasil.

(b)  The Company's share of Stream's losses was included as part of associated 
     entities from 1 April, 2002 through 30 April, 2003, when it was merged with 
     Telepiu to form the consolidated entity SKY Italia.

(c)  Primarily comprising BSkyB, Gemstar-TV Guide International, Independent 
     Newspapers, and Queensland Press.

(d)  The Company's investment basis in BSkyB was negative from 31 December, 2001 
     through 11 November, 2002.  Accordingly, the Company's share of BSkyB's
     results was not recognised during that period.

Sky Brasil (in US$)                                                      3 Months Ended
                                                                          30 September,
                                                                 2003                      2002
                                                                    Millions (except subscribers)

Revenues (in local currency)                                   R$ 162                    R$ 130

Revenues                                                        $  55                      $ 42
Operating income (loss)                                             3                        (4)
Net loss                                                        $ (17)                   $ (157)

News' reportable 49.7%/43.9% share       (in US$)               $  (8)                    $ (67)

Net Debt (excluding capitalised leases)                         $ 199                     $ 208

Ending Subscribers                                            772,000                   704,000

Sky Brasil's revenues grew 25% in local currency terms compared to prior year
primarily driven by a higher subscriber base and increased average revenue per
subscriber. The revenue growth for the quarter was partly offset by higher
programming costs, mainly relating to higher subscribers, and increased
marketing costs due to new campaigns to grow the subscriber base.  The decrease
in net loss principally reflects reduced foreign exchange losses as the decline
of the Brazilian Real decelerated during the quarter as compared to the same
period a year ago.

Innova (in US$) - Mexico                                                 3 Months Ended
                                                                          30 September,
                                                                 2003                      2002
                                                                  Millions (except subscribers)

Revenues (in local currency)                                  Ps. 909                   Ps. 834

Revenues                                                        $  85                      $ 84
Operating income                                                   12                         7
Net loss                                                        $ (32)                    $ (28)

News' reportable 30% share (in US$)                             $ (10)                     $ (8)

Net Debt (excluding capitalised leases)                         $ 339                     $ 358

Ending Subscribers                                            826,000                   733,000

Innova's revenues grew 9% in local currency terms compared to prior year
primarily driven by a 13% increase in the subscriber base.  Operating income
growth reflects lower depreciation and SG&A expenses. The increase in net loss
principally reflects the unfavourable impact of foreign currency fluctuations
due to the weakening of the Mexican Peso on U.S. dollar denominated liabilities
during the quarter as compared to the same period a year ago.

FOXTEL (in A$)                                                             3 Months Ended
                                                                            30 September,
                                                                   2003                      2002
                                                                    Millions (except subscribers)
Revenues                                                       A$ 182                    A$ 138
Operating loss                                                    (27)                      (24)
Net loss                                                       A$ (18)                   A$ (17)

News' reportable 25% share (in US$)                             $  (3)                     $ (2)

Ending Subscribers (including Optus)                        1,068,000                   805,000

FOXTEL's revenues for the quarter increased 32% principally due to the inclusion
of Optus wholesale subscribers as of 1 December, 2002, an increase of 17% in
satellite subscribers compared to a year ago and higher average revenue per
subscriber.  Net loss for the quarter increased A$1 million against the prior
year as the increased subscriber revenues were more than offset by the inclusion
of Optus license fee costs, an intensified subscriber acquisition plan, the
development of a future digital service and higher depreciation expense.

Fox Sports Cable Networks* (in US$)                                       3 Months Ended
                                                                           30 September,
                                                                  2003                       2002
                                                                   Millions (except subscribers)

News' reportable share                                             $ 9                        $ 12

Ending Subscribers                                          45,056,000                  44,410,000

The decrease in net income for the quarter primarily reflects the decline in the
results at National Sports Partners resulting from increased programming costs,
partly offset by the effect of cost savings at the Metro Channels and Madison
Square Garden.

*Various associated interests ranging from 20 percent to 50 percent, primarily comprising Regional Programming
Partners (including Madison Square Garden), Fox Sports Bay Area, Fox Sports Chicago, National Sports Partners and
National Advertising Partners.


ESPN STAR Sports (in US$) - Asia                                            3 Months Ended
                                                                             30 September,
                                                                    2003                      2002

Revenues                                                           $ 34                      $ 37
Operating income                                                      2                         5
Net income                                                         $  1                       $ 3

News' reportable 50% share                                         $  1                       $ 1

Operating income decreased US$3 million principally due to lower advertising
revenues from England Cricket partially offset by lower channel costs associated
with the event.


Average foreign exchange rates used in the year-to-date profit results are as

                                                                3 Months Ended
                                                                 30 September,

                                                          2003                     2002
Australian Dollar/U.S Dollar                              0.66                     0.55

U.K. Pounds Sterling/U.S. Dollar                          1.61                     1.55

Euro/U.S. Dollar                                          1.13                     0.98

To receive a copy of this press release through the Internet, access News Corp's
corporate Web site located at http://www.newscorp.com

Audio from News Corp's conference call with analysts on the first quarter
results can be heard live on the Internet at 9:00 a.m. Eastern Summer
(Australia) Time today.  To listen to the call, visit http://www.newscorp.com

Cautionary Statement Concerning Forward-Looking Statements

This document contains certain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning
of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.  These statements are
based on management's views and assumptions regarding future events and business
performance as of the time the statements are made.  Actual results may differ
materially from these expectations due to changes in global economic, business,
competitive market and regulatory factors.  More detailed information about
these and other factors that could affect future results is contained in our
filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.  The "forward-looking
statements" included in this document are made only as of the date of this
document and we do not have any obligation to publicly update any "
forward-looking statements" to reflect subsequent events or circumstances,
except as required by law.

Reed Nolte, Investor Relations                                         Andrew Butcher, Press Inquiries
212-852-7092                                                                              212-852-7070

          STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE                                3 Months Ended
                                                         Note               30 September,
                                                                  2003                      2002
                                                               A$ Millions (except per share amounts)

          Sales revenue                                    1    A$ 7,081                 A$  6,931
          Operating expenses                                      (5,986)                   (5,935)
          Operating income                                 1       1,095                       996

          Net profit (loss) from associated entities                  87                      (174)

          Borrowing costs                                           (225)                     (277)
          Interest income                                             52                        52
          Net borrowing costs                                       (173)                     (225)

          Exchangeable securities expense                            (28)                      (23)
          Other items before income tax, net                          93                         -
          Profit from ordinary activities before income            1,074                       574

          Income tax expense on:
             Ordinary activities before other items                (303)                     (178)
             Other items                                            (33)                        -
          Net income tax expense                                   (336)                     (178)

          Net profit from ordinary activities after tax             738                       396

          Net profit attributable to outside equity                 (94)                     (101)

          Net Profit Attributable to Members of the Parent      A$  644                   A$  295

          Net exchange gains (losses) recognised directly          (576)                    1,170
          in equity

          Total change in equity other than those               A$   68                 A$  1,465
          resulting from transactions with owners as

          Diluted earnings per share on net profit
          attributable to members of the parent entity

          Ordinary shares                                       A$ 0.109                 A$  0.049
          Preferred limited voting ordinary shares              A$ 0.130                 A$  0.059

          Ordinary and preferred limited voting ordinary        A$ 0.122                 A$  0.055

STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION                                               30 September,       June 30,
                                                                                  2003              2003
ASSETS                                                                                  A$ Millions
Current Assets
Cash                                                                          A$ 7,267          A$ 6,746
Cash on deposit                                                                    401                 -
Receivables                                                                      6,015             5,701
Inventories                                                                      2,167             1,931
Other                                                                              589               483
Total Current Assets                                                            16,439            14,861

Non-Current Assets
Cash on deposit                                                                      -               698
Receivables                                                                      1,338             1,219
Investments in associated entities                                               5,568             5,526
Other investments                                                                  960             1,195
Inventories                                                                      4,105             4,103
Property, plant and equipment                                                    6,112             6,299
Publishing rights, titles and television licenses                               32,138            32,724
Goodwill                                                                           363               377
Other                                                                              714               745
Total Non-Current Assets                                                        51,298            52,886

Total Assets                                                                 A$ 67,737         A$ 67,747


Current Liabilities

Interest bearing liabilities                                                    A$ 415             A$ 33
Payables                                                                         8,439             8,298
Tax liabilities                                                                    771               714
Provisions                                                                         410               258
Total Current Liabilities                                                       10,035             9,303

Non-Current Liabilities

Interest bearing liabilities                                                    12,640            12,396
Payables                                                                         3,550             3,545
Tax liabilities                                                                    844               666
Provisions                                                                       1,072             1,032
Total Non-Current Liabilities Excluding Exchangeable                            18,106            17,639

Exchangeable securities                                                          2,063             2,084
Total Liabilities                                                               30,204            29,026

Shareholders' Equity
Contributed equity                                                              28,448            28,427
Reserves                                                                         2,573             2,760
Retained profits                                                                 1,239             1,137

Shareholders' equity attributable to members of the                             32,260            32,324
parent entity
Outside equity interests in controlled entities                                  5,273             6,397

Total Shareholders' Equity                                                      37,533            38,721
Total Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity                                   A$ 67,737         A$ 67,747

STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS                                             3 Months Ended 30 September,
                                                                     2003                 2002
Operating activity                                                          A$ Millions

Net profit attributable to members of the parent entity           A$  644             A$  295
Adjustment for non-cash and non-operating activities:
Equity earnings, net                                                  (85)                176
Outside equity interest                                                89                 101
Depreciation and amortisation                                         219                 185
Other items, net                                                      (55)                  -
Change in assets and liabilities:

   Receivables                                                       (628)               (213)
   Inventories                                                       (279)               (517)
   Payables                                                           394                 143
   Other liabilities                                                  260                  39

Cash provided by operating activity                                   559                 209

Investing and other activity

Property, plant and equipment                                        (126)               (160)
Acquisitions, net of cash acquired                                    (63)               (787)

Investments in associated entities                                    (46)               (376)

Other investments                                                     (45)                 (7)

Proceeds from sale of non-current assets                              361                  48

Cash provided by (used in) investing activity                          81              (1,282)

Financing activity

Repayment of debt and exchangeable securities                        (288)             (1,874)
Decrease in cash on deposit                                           282                   -
Issuance of shares                                                     21                   2
Dividends paid                                                        (13)                 (4)
Leasing and other finance costs                                         -                  (2)

Cash provided by (used in) financing activity                           2              (1,878)

Net increase (decrease) in cash                                       642              (2,951)
Opening cash balance                                                6,746               6,337
Exchange movement on opening balance                                 (121)                212

Closing cash balance                                            A$  7,267           A$  3,598

Note 1 - SEGMENT DATA                                               3 Months Ended
                                                                     30 September,
BY GEOGRAPHIC AREAS                                              2003             2002

                                                                      A$ Millions

United States                                                A$   5,043      A$   5,250
Europe                                                            1,413           1,073
Australasia                                                         625             608
                                                             A$   7,081      A$   6,931

Operating Income

United States                                                A$   1,051      A$   850
Europe                                                              (38)          102
Australasia                                                          82            44
                                                             A$   1,095      A$   996



Filmed Entertainment                                         A$   1,901      A$   1,604
Television                                                        1,540           1,860
Cable Network Programming                                           955           1,007
Direct Broadcast Satellite Television*                              402               -
Magazines and Inserts                                               339             353
Newspapers                                                        1,125           1,103
Book Publishing                                                     528             630
Other                                                               291             374
                                                             A$   7,081      A$   6,931

Operating Income

Filmed Entertainment                                         A$   499        A$   181
Television                                                        273             343
Cable Network Programming                                         203             214
Direct Broadcast Satellite Television*                           (178)              -
Magazines and Inserts                                              88              92
Newspapers                                                        155             103
Book Publishing                                                    90             106
Other                                                             (35)            (43)
                                                           A$   1,095        A$   996

* New segment reflecting the results of SKY Italia, consolidated as of 1 May, 


The Company considers net profit before other items to be an important indicator
of the Company's operating performance on a consolidated basis.  Net profit
before other items, defined as net profit attributable to members of the parent
entity before other items related to the Company and associated entities, net of
applicable income tax expenses and outside equity interests, eliminates the
effect of transactions that are considered significant by reason of their size,
nature or effect on the Company's financial performance for the year. Net profit
before other items, which is the information reported to and used by the
Company's chief decision maker for the purpose of making decisions about the
allocation of resources to segments and assessing their performance, should be
considered in addition to, not as a substitute for the Company's operating
income, net profit attributable to members of the parent entity, cash flows and
other measures of financial performance prepared in accordance with generally
accepted accounting principles in Australia.  Net profit before other items does
not reflect cash available to fund requirements, and the items excluded from net
profit before other items, such as other revenues and expenses, are significant
components in assessing the Company's financial performance.

The following table reconciles certain components of net profit attributable to
members of the parent entity as presented on page 2 of this release to the
presentation required under Australian GAAP as required by Australian Accounting
Standard AASB 1018 "Statement of Financial Performance" on page 11 of this
                                                                      3 Months Ended
                                                                       30 September,
                                                                2003                  2002
                                                                        A$ Millions

Total other items (page 2)                                   A$    55                A$    -
Reclassification of other items - associated                        -                      -

Reclassification of income tax and net profit                      38                      -

   attributable to outside equity interest
Other items before income tax, net (page 11)                 A$    93                A$    -

Income tax expense (page 2)                                  A$  (303)             A$   (178)
Reclassification of income tax expense on                         (33)                     -
other items
Net income tax expense (page 11)                             A$  (336)             A$   (178)


                                                                      3 Months Ended
                                                                      30 September,
                                                               2003                   2002
                                                                        A$ Millions

Outside equity interest (page 2)                            A$  (89)               A$ (101)
Reclassification of outside equity interest on                   (5)                     -
    other items, net
Net profit attributable to outside equity interest          A$  (94)               A$ (101)
(page 11)

Net profit before other items (page 2)                      A$  589                 A$ 295
Other items before income tax, net                               93                      -
Reclassification of income tax and net profit                   (38)                     -
   attributable to outside equity interest
Net profit attributable to members of the parent            A$  644                 A$ 295
entity (page 11)

Earnings per share on net profit before other items,      A$  0.111               A$ 0.055
net (page 2)
Earnings per share on other items before income tax,          0.018                      -
Earnings per share on reclassification of income tax         (0.007)                     -
and net profit attributable to outside equity interest
Diluted earnings per share on net profit attributable     A$  0.122               A$ 0.055
to members of the parent entity (page 11)

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange