The following is a summary of analysts' forecasts for Standard Chartered plc () full year results, based on a poll of 9 analysts conducted by Dow Jones Newswires (figures in million US dollars; EPS and dividend in cents, target price in pence, core tier 1-ratio in percent, according to IFRS). Earnings figures are scheduled to be released Feb. 29.

                   Net  Fee and 
              interest  commis.  Trading   Operat.   Risk 
Full year       income  income    income  expenses  provi. 
AVERAGE         10,006  4,423     2,644    9,740     910 
Prev. Year       8,470  4,556     2,577    9,023     883 
+/- in %           +18   -2.9      +2.6     +7.9    +3.1 
MEDIAN           9,962  4,390     2,683    9,771     919 
Maximum         10,227  4,946     2,790    9,843     958 
Minimum          9,819  4,086     2,394    9,484     838 
Amount (a)           8      7         6        8       6 
BoA-Merrill Ly. 10,227  4,132     2,619    9,843      -- 
CLSA            10,157  4,946     2,759    9,691     948 
Deutsche Bank    9,827  4,086     2,747    9,484     957 
J.P. Morgan      9,819  4,518        --    9,762     838 
Mediobanca       9,970  4,545     2,790    9,815     871 
Morgan Stanley   9,877  4,390     2,557    9,779      -- 
Nomura           9,954     --        --    9,738     889 
                        Net attrib.   EPS     tier 1- 
Full year         PBT     profit     basic      ratio 
AVERAGE         6,941     4,751      201.0      11.8 
Prev. Year      6,122     4,332      196.3      11.8 
+/- in %          +13       +10       +2.4       0.0 
MEDIAN          6,877     4,750      199.1      11.8 
Maximum         7,255     5,113      211.5      12.2 
Minimum         6,800     4,529      197.5      11.5 
Amount (a)          9         9          6         6 
BoA-Merrill Ly. 6,819     4,759         --        -- 
Citigroup          --     4,529         --        -- 
CLSA            7,255     5,113      211.5      12.2 
Deutsche Bank   7,139     4,700      198.0      11.8 
J.P. Morgan     6,842     4,647         --      11.6 
Mediobanca      6,877     4,795      199.1        -- 
Morgan Stanley  6,881     4,750      199.0      11.8 
Nomura          7,027     4,793      201.1      11.9 
UBS             6,800        --         --        -- 
               Target price  Rating                DPS 2011 
AVERAGE               1.649  positive 4    AVERAGE    74.53 
Prev. Quarter         1.731  neutral  3    Prev. Year 69.15 
+/- in %               -4.7  negative 1    +/- in %    +7.8 
MEDIAN                1.635                MEDIAN     74.50 
Maximum               1.800                Maximum    76.10 
Minimum               1.375                Minimum    73.00 
Amount                    8                Amount         4 
BoA-Merrill Lynch     1.640  Neutral                     -- 
Citigroup             1.750  Buy                         -- 
CLSA                  1.600  Underperform             74.00 
Deutsche Bank         1.630  Hold                        -- 
J.P. Morgan           1.800  Overweight                  -- 
Mediobanca               --  --                       75.00 
Morgan Stanley        1.375  Equalweight              73.00 
Nomura                1.800  Buy                      76.10 
UBS                   1.600  Buy                         -- 

Year-earlier figures are as reported by the company.

(a) Including anonymous estimates from one more institute.
