RNS Number:3260I
Springboard PLC
06 March 2003

                                Springboard plc

                                Interim results

Chairman's Statement

Springboard's net asset per share decreased by 9.5% in the first half of the
year, which compares with a decline in the AIM index of 21% over the same

The unaudited net assets at 31 December 2002 were #22.1 million (168p per share)
and were categorised as follows:

                                                     At 31 Dec 2002                At 30 June 2002
                                                    #'m     Pence /                   #'m     Pence /
                                                              share                             share
Unquoted investments                               12.9        98.2                  13.5       102.4
Cash                                                8.3        62.8                   9.9        75.6
Other assets                                        0.9         6.7                   1.0         7.3
                                                -------     -------               -------     -------
Totals                                             22.1       167.7                  24.4       185.3
                                                -------     -------               -------     -------

Portfolio review

During the six months to 31 December 2002 we invested #1.6m, which includes one
new investment, one small follow on investment, and the draw down of #1.4m by 11
portfolio companies against existing loan facilities. The core portfolio now
comprises investments in 21 companies at a cost of #13.4m and carrying value of

We have revalued the portfolio in line with the valuation policy set out in the
2002 Annual Report.  It is disappointing to report a reduction in the carrying
value of the portfolio of #2.1m (before new investments), of which #1.3m is
reflected in the profit and loss account and the balance as an adjustment to the
revaluation reserve.

We have reduced the carrying value of one of our investments by #1.6m,
representing 11.9p per share, as this company has experienced delays in certain
larger potential contracts.  The company is, however, currently undertaking a
restructuring following which we anticipate it will be both profitable and cash
flow positive. The company is well placed to achieve its business plan and we
continue to have confidence that in time our investment should realise the
expected returns.

In addition, we have made full provisions against three of our smaller
investments, as we do not believe they can establish profitable and scaleable
business models although all three continue to trade and some value may be
realised in due course.

We continue to focus our efforts, as do the portfolio company CEOs, on ensuring
that our investee companies reach profitability and become cash generative.  At
31 December 2002, 4 of our investee companies were profitable, with another 7
trading at broadly cash flow neutral or intermittently profitable. The average
equity valuation of these 11 businesses is #1.56 million, and we hold on average
21.5% of the equity of each. A number of the portfolio companies have continued
to operate within a difficult trading environment, with weak demand extending
the decision making cycle.  Although market conditions mean that it is taking
longer than we were anticipating for some of the companies to reach
profitability, progress is being made across the majority of the portfolio and
the trend is overwhelmingly positive.  Monthly losses are being reduced and the
portfolio CEOs continue to demonstrate a remarkable resilience and ability to
adapt to trading conditions. We currently anticipate that a further 11 portfolio
companies will become profitable in 2003.

We have 3 companies, with a carrying value of #2.7m, which are at a crucial
stage of their development. One business, which is demonstrating strong trading,
is currently defending litigation that could materially impact part of that
business.  A second is in the process of renegotiating the consideration payable
in respect of an acquisition.  We have confidence that valuable businesses can
be created upon satisfactory resolution of the key issues facing these companies
and will update shareholders at the earliest opportunity.  The third business is
re-evaluating its strategy in light of increased competition in that market and
it is too early to indicate how that might impact on our valuation of that

On the whole our portfolio has minimal capital investment requirements and as
our investee companies move towards profitability and become cash positive, the
overall funding requirement of the portfolio is low. At 31 December 2002, we had
cash balances of #8.3m, of which #1.1m is committed to investments, a proportion
of which may not be utilised as cash required to achieve break even in some
instances may actually be less than previously anticipated.

New Investment

In December we invested #0.15m (of a #0.35m commitment) to establish Codima
Technologies, a network management software company, alongside CEO Christer
Mattsson.  Codima commenced trading by acquiring certain assets of two software
businesses from an administrator. Christer is a serial entrepreneur with
extensive experience of establishing and developing multi-national software and
technology companies.  We expect Codima to generate revenues in the first
quarter of 2003 and we believe this business has significant potential.

We continue to see a reasonable flow of investment opportunities and are
increasingly convinced that the very best start-up companies require only
limited amounts of funding. We are therefore confident that our cash resources
are perfectly adequate to fund our existing companies and those new management
teams that fit our very stringent criteria.


The Company incurred a trading loss of #0.16m in the six months to 31 December
2002 (2001: profit #0.01m) including interest receivable of #0.17m (2001:
#0.35m). The trading loss was mainly due to a reduction in interest receivable
and fees as we reduced corporate finance activities, offset in part by a
reduction in overheads by some #30,000 per month.  After provisions for the
impairment in value of the portfolio of #1.31m, the net loss before taxation for
the period was #1.48m (2001: #0.82m).


Your board continues to believe that there is a great deal of potential to
create value from the portfolio in the medium term.  As we have stated
previously, the portfolio has been acquired predominantly at low equity
valuations on founders' terms.  Value is therefore created once investments
reach break even and are in a position to repay loans. We have backed some
outstanding management teams who will be capable of running large businesses,
once they have grown beyond the unpredictable early years. Our portfolio
companies continue to make progress, have aligned their cost bases and plans to
the current difficult market conditions, and require little further funding to
reach profitability.

Furthermore the difficult economic background, aligned with low base rates is
making acquisition opportunities affordable for many of our investee businesses
and we continue to look for appropriate bolt on opportunities to accelerate
development or to establish the foundations for new businesses.

Brian North


6 March 2003

Sector                                Number                              Valuation           % by value

Electronic equipment                  1                                         887                 6.94
Food producers                        1                                         344                 2.69
Healthcare                            1                                       1,105                 8.65
Media                                 4                                       2,601                20.35
Other financial                       1                                          12                 0.09
Software                              7                                       3,778                29.57
Support Services                      5                                       3,688                28.87
Telecoms                              1                                         363                 2.84
                                      21                                     12,778               100.00

Valuation Method

Cost                                  10                                      4,852                37.97
Third party                           4                                       3,466                27.13
Earnings                              2                                       2,130                16.67
Market price                          1                                          96                 0.75
Written down                          4                                       2,234                17.48
                                      21                                     12,778               100.00


Profitable                            4                                       2,755                21.56
Profitable by 31/12/03                11                                      7,098                55.55
Not anticipating profitability        6                                       2,925                22.89
prior to 31/12/03

                                      21                                     12,778               100.00

NB: All figures exclude non-core investments valued at #144,000.

                                                    As at 31 December                 As at 30 June
                                                       (unaudited)                        (audited)
                                                        2002            2001                   2002
                                                        #000            #000                   #000
Fixed Assets
Tangible Assets                                          187             282                    237
Investments                                           12,922          10,050                 13,476
                                                       -----           -----                  -----
                                                      13,109          10,332                 13,713
Current Assets
Debtors                         1                        812             850                    954
Cash at bank and in hand                               8,260          12,695                  9,938
                                                       -----           -----                  -----
                                                       9,072          13,545                 10,892
Creditors: Amounts falling due                         (115)           (203)                  (225)
within one year
                                                       -----           -----                  -----
Net current assets                                     8,957          13,342                 10,667
                                                       -----           -----                  -----
Net assets                                            22,066          23,674                 24,380
                                                       -----           -----                  -----
Capital and Reserves
Called up share capital                                1,316           1,316                  1,316
Share premium                                         28,623          28,623                 28,623
Profit and loss account                             (10,365)         (6,265)                (8,888)
Revaluation reserve                                    2,492               -                  3,329
                                                       -----           -----                  -----
                                                      22,066          23,674                 24,380
                                                       -----           -----                  -----

Net assets per share            2                       168p            180p                   185p
                                                       -----           -----                  -----

                                                  Half year ended 31 December     Year ended 30 June
                                                          (unaudited)                      (audited)
                                                          2002              2001                2002
                                     Notes                #000              #000                #000
Fee income                                                  74               224                 342
Rental income                                              160               149                 224
Interest income from fixed asset                           176               191                 307
                                                         -----             -----               -----
                                                           410               564                 873

Other operating income                                       -                54                 128
Staff costs                                              (297)             (486)               (862)
Goodwill written off                                         -              (92)                (92)
Administrative expenses                                  (452)             (478)               (952)
Impairment of investments                              (1,313)             (736)             (3,062)
                                                         -----             -----               -----
Operating loss                                         (1,652)           (1,174)             (3,967)
(Loss) profit on realisation of                                                -                (35)
Interest receivable                                        175               353                 558
                                                         -----             -----               -----
Loss on ordinary activities before                     (1,477)             (821)             (3,444)
Tax                                                          -                 -                   -
                                                         -----             -----               -----
Loss on ordinary activities after                      (1,477)             (821)             (3,444)
Minority interests                                           -                 3                   3
                                                         -----             -----               -----
Loss for the financial year                            (1,477)             (818)             (3,441)
                                                         -----             -----               -----

Loss per share                       3                 (11.2p)            (6.2p)             (26.2p)
                                                         -----             -----               -----

                                                  Half year ended 31 December     Year ended 30 June
                                                          (unaudited)                      (audited)
                                                           2002             2001                2002
                                                           #000             #000                #000
Loss for the financial period                           (1,477)            (818)             (3,441)
Changes to unrealised surplus on revaluation              (837)                -               3,329
of investments
                                                          -----            -----               -----
Total gains and losses recognised in the                (2,314)            (818)               (112)
                                                          -----            -----               -----

                                                             Half year ended 31         Year ended 30
                                                                  December                       June
                                                                (unaudited)                 (audited)
                                                                 2002          2001              2002
                                                Notes            #000          #000              #000
Net cash outflow from operating activities      4a              (253)         (563)           (1,082)

Returns on investments and servicing of finance                   175           353               562

Investments                                                   (1,596)       (2,563)           (5,160)
Loans repaid                                                        -             -               150
Capital expenditure                                               (4)           (3)               (6)
Receipts on sale of fixed assets                                    -             -                 3
Acquisitions                                                        -          (11)              (11)
                                                                -----         -----             -----
Net cash outflow before management of liquid                  (1,678)       (2,787)           (5,544)
resources and financing
Management of liquid resources                                  1,624         2,561             5,277
                                                                -----         -----             -----
Decrease in cash in the period                  4b               (54)         (226)             (267)

                                                                -----         -----             -----


1.       Debtors include #0.35m (2001: #0.35m) in respect of a repayable rent
deposit on Springboard's offices in London.

2.       Net assets per share is based on the net assets and number of ordinary
shares at the period end.

3.       The loss of 11.2 pence per share for the six months to 31 December 2002
is based on the loss for the period of #1.48m (2001: loss of #0.82m) and
13,156,000 (2001: 13,156,000) ordinary shares, being the weighted average number
of shares in issue during the period.

4.       Cash flow information

a) Net cash outflow from operating activities
                                                   Half year ended 31 December            Year ended
                                                                                             30 June
                                                              2002          2001                2002
                                                              #000          #000                #000
Operating loss                                             (1,652)       (1,174)             (3,967)
Depreciation                                                    54            48                  94
Goodwill written off                                             -           149                  92
Profit on sale of tangible fixed assets                          -             3                   2
Investment fees settled for non cash                             -             -                (11)
Increase in provisions                                       1,313           736               3,062
Decrease (increase) in working capital                          32         (325)               (354)
                                                          --------       -------             -------
Net cash outflow from operating activities                   (253)         (563)             (1,082)

                                                          --------       -------             -------

b)      Analysis of net funds
                                                    30 June 2002       Cash flow     31 December 2002
                                                            #000            #000                 #000
Cash at bank                                                 149            (54)                   95
Short term deposits                                        9,789         (1,624)                8,165
                                                       ---------       ---------            ---------
                                                           9,938         (1,678)                8,260
                                                       ---------       ---------            ---------

5.       Basis of Preparation

The results for the half years ended 31 December 2002 and 31 December 2001 are
unaudited. The results for the year ended 30 June 2002 are derived from the full
accounts for that period, on which the auditors gave an unqualified opinion and
did not contain a statement under Section 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act
1985. These accounts have been filed with the Registrar of Companies.

6. Interim Report

A copy of the interim report will be sent to shareholders and will be available
to the public at the Company's registered office and on the company's web site,

For further enquiries please contact:

Stephen Ross               Springboard plc                            Tel: 020 7004 2600

Clive Carver               Williams de Broe Plc                       Tel: 020 7588 7511

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange