Anaconda Mining Inc. ("Anaconda" or "the Company") (TSX:ANX) is pleased to
report its financial and operating results for the three months ended (the
"Quarter") and six months ended November 30, 2013. The Company generated net
income of $2,646,938, or $0.015 per fully diluted share, and $4,139,163 in
earnings before interest, depreciation and depletion and share based
compensation ("EBITDA") for the Quarter. The Company sold 3,852 ounces of gold
and generated $5,299,446 in revenue at an average sales price of $1,376 per
ounce. Cash operating cost per ounce sold at the Pine Cove Project for the
Quarter was $1,021. The Company also recognized property and royalty income of
$3,289,040 from its sold Chilean iron ore properties.

For the six months ended November 30, 2013, the Company generated net income of
$3,243,234, or $0.018 per fully diluted share, and $5,925,515 in EBITDA. The
Company sold 7,948 ounces of gold and generated $11,031,229 in revenue at an
average sales price of $1,388 per ounce. Cash operating cost per ounce sold at
the Pine Cove Project for the six months ended November 30, 2013 was $929.

During the Quarter, the Company entered into two three-year option agreements to
acquire a 100% undivided interest in the Deer Cove and Stog'er Tight gold
projects, which are adjacent to the Pine Cove Project. Anaconda considers Deer
Cove and Stog'er Tight to be key components in its regional exploration program.
The Company is planning an exploration program beginning with detailed
compilation, structural interpretation and ground geophysical surveys at Stog'er
Tight, followed up with a winter diamond-drill campaign. Detailed compilation of
all Deer Cove data will also be undertaken with follow-up diamond-drilling to
commence in the spring of 2014.

President and CEO, Dustin Angelo, stated, "The second quarter milestones and
financial results were quite strong even in this continued volatile gold price
environment. We recognized $3,289,040 in property and royalty payments from our
sold Chilean iron ore assets, including the receipt of a US$1 million property
payment, US$121,705 in the first of now ongoing quarterly royalty payments, and
we have recognized the future receipt of US$2 million in commercial production
milestone payments due by May 2015. We generated over $2.6 million in net
income, over $4.1 million in EBITDA and almost $1.4 million in mine level cash
flow. As a result, our cash position was in excess of $2.2 million at the
quarter end. We sold 21% more ounces in the Quarter relative to the same period
last year and, despite the gold price being lower, our actual average gold
selling price was $65 per ounce higher than the average London PM gold fix price
for the quarter and $75 higher on a year to date basis due to a successful
hedging strategy. The Company completed a major strategic initiative during the
Quarter with the acquisition of the Deer Cove and Stog'er Tight properties,
consolidating our land position on the peninsula. These properties contain two
advanced gold projects and will be a significant focus in our drive to increase
resources and production in the coming months."

Highlights for the six months ended November 30, 2013


--  As at November 30, 2013, the Company had cash and cash equivalents of
    $2,272,713 and net working capital of $1,864,314. 


--  For the three months ended November 30, 2013, the Company sold 3,852
    ounces of gold and generated $5,299,446 in revenue at an average sales
    price of $1,376 per ounce. 
--  For the six months ended November 30, 2013, the Company sold 7,948
    ounces of gold and generated $11,031,229 in revenue at an average sales
    price of $1,388 per ounce. 
--  Cash operating cost per ounce sold at the Pine Cove Project for the
    three and six months ended November 30, 2013 was $1,021 and $929 per
    ounce, respectively. 
--  Total cash cost per ounce sold, including corporate administration,
    capital expenditures and exploration costs for the three and six months
    ended November 30, 2013 was $1,276 and $1,271 per ounce, respectively. 
--  Milestone payments and royalty revenue from Chilean iron ore properties
    were $3,289,040, which included the receipt of US$1 million in
    September, the receipt of a US$121,705 royalty payment and the
    recognition of the US$2 million commercial production milestone payment
    due no later than May 15, 2015. 
--  At the Pine Cove Project, earnings before interest, depreciation and
    depletion and share based compensation ("EBITDA") for the three and six
    months ended November 30, 2013 was $1,365,722 and $3,643,423,
--  On a consolidated basis, EBITDA for the three and six months ended
    November 30, 2013 was $4,139,163 and $5,925,515, respectively. 
--  Net income for the three months ended November 30, 2013 was $2,646,938
    or $0.015 per basic and fully diluted share, respectively. 
--  Net income for the six months ended November 30, 2013 was $3,243,234 or
    $0.018 per basic and fully diluted share, respectively. 
--  Purchase of property, mill and equipment for the six months ended
    November 30, 2013 was $748,469. Key items include crusher upgrades of
    205,000, mining software of $88,000 and mill laboratory additions of
--  Additions to production stripping assets for the six months ended
    November 30, 2013 were $362,361; depreciation of production stripping
    assets during the same period was $70,154. 


--  The Company completed two three-year option agreements to acquire a 100%
    undivided interest in the Deer Cove and Stog'er Tight gold projects,
    which are adjacent to the Pine Cove Project and are key components in
    its regional exploration program. 
--  Approximately $600,000 was spent at the Pine Cove Project on exploration
    for the six months ended November 30, 2013. The Company's exploration
    initiatives focused on drilling the Romeo and Juliet prospect, an
    airborne survey across the entire project and structural interpretations
    in and around the Pine Cove pit. 

Operations overview

During the three months ended November 30, 2013, the gold sales volume of 3,852
ounces represented a 21% increase over the same period in fiscal 2013. Average
sales price for the Quarter was $1,376 per ounce versus $1,686 per ounce for the
second quarter of fiscal 2013, an 18% decrease. As a result of the higher sales
volume and a lower selling price, gross revenue during the three months ended
November 30, 2013, of $5,299,446, was lower than the same period in the previous
fiscal year by $97,117 or 2%.

The following table summarizes the key operating metrics for fiscal 2014 and 2013.

                     For the three months ended    For the six months ended 
                      November 30   November 30   November 30   November 30 
                             2013          2012          2013          2012 
Operating days                 79            86           164           160 
Availability                   87%           94%           90%           88%
Dry tonnes processed       76,114        76,292       160,004       139,157 
Tonnes per 24-hour                                                          
 period                       956           887           976           870 
Grade (grams per                                                            
 tonne)                      1.80          1.76          1.86          1.80 
Overall mill                                                                
 recovery                      83%           83%           83%           84%
Gold sales volume                                                           
 (troy oz.)                 3,852         3,194         7,948         7,411 
Operating days                 62            64           126           130 
Ore production                                                              
 (tonnes)                  84,533        61,172       158,722       151,687 
Waste production                                                            
 (tonnes)                 427,845       494,856       912,359     1,009,521 
Total production                                                            
 (tonnes)                 512,378       556,028     1,071,081     1,161,208 
Waste: Ore ratio              5.1           8.1           5.8           6.7 

Milling operations

The Pine Cove mill operated for 79 days during the Quarter at 87% availability.
The mill processed 76,114 dry tonnes of ore (956 tonnes per operating day) at an
average head grade of 1.80 grams per tonne ("g/t") and an overall mill recovery
of 83%. During the month of November, the Baie Verte Peninsula experienced a
winter storm, which caused power outages at the mine site. As a result of the
weather and subsequent difficulty in restarting the ball mill, the Pine Cove
mill was down for a total of six (6) days during the month. Despite the
interruption, the Company processed almost exactly the same amount of tonnes in
the Quarter as it did in the similar period in fiscal 2013 because of an 8%
year-over-year increase in tonnes per operating day.

Mining operations

Mining activities operated for a total of 62 days during the Quarter and
excavated a total of 512,378 tonnes of ore and waste. Ore production totaled
approximately 84,533 tonnes, while waste was 427,845 tonnes for a strip ratio of
5.1 : 1. During the Quarter, the mine experienced dewatering issues caused by
power outages. The combination of power outages and unusually high precipitation
(snow and rain) delayed access to the newly developed bench at the 5006 level
where higher grade ore mining is scheduled. Mining activities were therefore
redirected to upper benches to allow dewatering of the lower yet potentially
higher grade areas of the mine.


The first half of fiscal 2014 exploration program focused on the following

   1) A diamond drill program at the Romeo and Juliet prospect;             
   2) An airborne survey over the Ming's Bight Peninsula; and               
   3) Follow-up work from the winter drill program around the Pine Cove pit.
1. Romeo and Juliet: During the first quarter of fiscal 2014 the Company    
   completed diamond drilling at its Romeo and Juliet prospect and          
   intersected a new gold-bearing zone dubbed the Balcony Zone, located     
   between the Romeo and Connecting Zones. It appears to dip steeply to the 
   north, trends roughly east-west and is spatially associated with a       
   northeast-trending topographic linear. Mineralization has been traced for
   approximately 100 meters and is open to the east, west and down dip. Gold
   is associated with pyritic altered mafic volcanic rocks, which is        
   different from the Romeo and Juliet massive quartz vein hosted-style of  
   gold mineralization.                                                     
   Anaconda drilled seven holes into the Balcony Zone. Hole RJ-13-26        
   intersected strongly altered mafic volcanic rock containing abundant     
   disseminated pyrite and fine quartz-carbonate veinlets, which assayed 8.4
   g/t Au over a core length of 12 meters. The hole is interpreted to have  
   cut the mineralization at a low angle. Hole RJ-13-33 was subsequently    
   drilled to intersect the mineralization perpendicular to hole RJ-13-26.  
   It also contained altered mafic volcanics with heavy disseminated pyrite 
   and quartz-carbonate veining. Hole RJ-13-33 assayed 4.35 g/t Au over 8.44
   meters including 6.22 g/t Au over 1.64 meters and 5.45 g/t Au over 4.85  
   meters. This intersection confirms the scale and significance of the     
   mineralization, but further work is required to establish true widths.   
   Holes RJ-13-34 to RJ-13-37 targeted the Balcony Zone with all, but RJ-13-
   34, returning anomalous gold intercepts, highlighted by RJ-13-35         
   returning 2.91 g/t Au over 11.1 meters. Fine visible gold was observed in
   quartz veins in holes RJ-13-26, 35, 36 and 37. Following structural      
   analyses performed during the Quarter, the Company plans to drill        
   additional holes in the Balcony Zone to further delineate the target.    
   To date, Anaconda has drilled 19 holes totaling 2,004 meters at the Romeo
   and Juliet prospect. The original goal of the program was to target down-
   dip extensions of the Romeo and Juliet gold-bearing quartz veins. While  
   Anaconda intersected the Romeo and Juliet quartz veins in 13 out of 19   
   holes, assays results from the down-dip extensions of the Juliet and     
   Connecting Zones were generally lower than anticipated. However, in the  
   Romeo Zone, hole RJ-13-32 returned 10.4 g/t Au over 0.54 meters and hole 
   RJ-13-29 returned 3.45 g/t Au over 1.23 meters, both at depths over 100  
   meters. PC-13-27 intersected both the Balcony and the Romeo Zones. (See  
   press release dated September 16, 2013 for full details of drill         
2. Regional Exploration / Airborne Survey: Past mineral exploration         
   activities in the Ming's Bight area on the Baie Verte Peninsula, dating  
   mainly from the period 1985-1990, resulted in an extensive collection of 
   archived data that includes more than 30,000 gold-in-soil geochemical    
   analyses. Much of this data has never been adequately followed up and    
   many anomalies have not been explained. Compilation and digitizing of    
   this historic geophysical and soil geochemical data was initiated by     
   Tenacity and completed by Anaconda. Prospecting teams have followed up   
   much of the historic soil data and completed infill sampling in some     
   In June 2013, Fugro Airborne Services completed a helicopter-borne       
   Electromagnetic/Magnetic survey over the entire Pine Cove Project. The   
   Dighem EM/Horizontal Magnetic Gradiometer survey targeted ophiolitic and 
   cover sequence rocks of the Point Rousse Complex. The survey covered     
   approximately 700 line kilometers at a flight line spacing of 75 meters. 
   The data will be used in conjunction with archived gold-in-soil          
   geochemical data and prospecting to further delineate exploration        
3. Pine Cove Down-Dip and Western Extension Exploration: Historic drilling, 
   immediately north of the Pine Cove deposit, indicated potential for      
   additional gold mineralization down-dip of the deposit. In 2011 and 2012,
   drilling was completed approximately 100 meters north of the mine. Drill 
   hole PC-11-181 intersected 2.50 grams per tonne gold over 40.8 meters and
   PC-12-189 intersected 32 meters grading 0.848 grams per tonne. A review  
   of the historic data indicated the need for additional drilling to test  
   both up dip of PC-11-181 and to test a sparsely drilled area immediately 
   northwest of the deposit. During the fiscal 2013, the Company completed a
   twenty-hole, 3,296-metre program successfully exploring the down-dip and 
   the northwest areas (the "Western Extension Area") of the Pine Cove      
   deposit. The down-dip drilling successfully established continuity of    
   gold mineralization with four, widely spaced drill holes all intersecting
   mineralization up dip from PC-11-181 (Anaconda Press Release, February   
   28, 2013). Hole PC-13-195 intersected 12.06 metres of 3.32 g/t gold from 
   a depth of 168.66 metres and hole PC-13-199 intersected 3.06 metres of   
   7.69 g/t gold from a depth of 147.2 metres.                              
   The Western Extension Area returned significant near surface             
   mineralization with PC-13-196 intersecting 11.4 meters of 2.19 grams per 
   tonne ("g/t") from a depth of 26.6 meters and PC-13-210 returning 2.34   
   g/t gold over 41 meters starting at a depth of 51 meters (See press      
   release dated June 5, 2013 for full details of drill results).           
   During the Quarter, a review and compilation of diamond-drill results    
   from the winter drill program was completed along with detailed          
   structural geologic mapping of the Pine Cove pit area. Mapping identified
   a broad alteration halo surrounding the ore comprised of an outer        
   gradational calcite to iron carbonate zone surrounding a zone of intense 
   iron-carbonate, sericite, pyrite and quartz veining/silicification - the 
   ore zone. The alteration and gold mineralization is hosted by strongly   
   deformed mafic volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks.                        
   In the eastern and central portions of the pit the mineralized zones     
   appear to dip moderately to steeply to the northeast towards the area    
   tested by the down-dip drilling. While the down-dip area has returned    
   significant intervals of gold mineralization it is probably too deep to  
   access by open pit. Additional drilling is warranted to test its         
   amenability to underground mining methods.                               
   Mapping and mine development in the western portion of the pit has       
   revealed that the geology and distribution of the gold mineralization is 
   much more complex. There appears to be a significant, but as of yet      
   unresolved, strong northeast structural control on the gold              
   mineralization particularly in the Western Extension Area where the      
   mineralization is lensoidal and more quartz-rich. This lensoidal nature  
   both along strike and vertically currently precludes its inclusion in the
   mine plan. Drilling as part of the planned "North Waste Dump"            
   condemnation drill program will test for the potential northeast         
   extension of this mineralization.                                        

The information in this news release has been reviewed and approved by David
Evans, P. Geo., with Silvertip Exploration Consultants Inc., a "Qualified
Person" under National Instrument 43-101.


Headquartered in Toronto, Canada, Anaconda is a growth oriented, gold mining and
exploration company with a producing asset located on the Baie Verte Peninsula
in Newfoundland, Canada called the Pine Cove mine.


This document contains or refers to forward-looking information. Such
forward-looking information includes, among other things, statements regarding
targets, estimates and/or assumptions in respect of future production, mine
development costs, unit costs, capital costs, timing of commencement of
operations and future economic, market and other conditions, and is based on
current expectations that involve a number of business risks and uncertainties.
Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from any
forward-looking statement include, but are not limited to: the final approval of
the private placement by the Toronto Stock Exchange; the grade and recovery of
ore which is mined varying from estimates; capital and operating costs varying
significantly from estimates; inflation; changes in exchange rates; fluctuations
in commodity prices; delays in the development of the any project caused by
unavailability of equipment, labour or supplies, climatic conditions or
otherwise; termination or revision of any debt financing; failure to raise
additional funds required to finance the completion of a project; and other
factors. Additionally, forward-looking statements look into the future and
provide an opinion as to the effect of certain events and trends on the
business. Forward-looking statements may include words such as "plans", "may",
"estimates", "expects", "indicates", "targeting", "potential" and similar
expressions. These forward-looking statements, including statements regarding
Anaconda's beliefs in the potential mineralization, are based on current
expectations and entail various risks and uncertainties. Forward-looking
statements are subject to significant risks and uncertainties and other factors
that could cause actual results to differ materially from expected results.
Readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. These
forward-looking statements are made as of the date hereof and we assume no
responsibility to update them or revise them to reflect new events or
circumstances, except as required by law.

Anaconda Mining Inc.
Dustin Angelo
President and CEO
(647) 260-1248

ProConsul Capital Ltd.
Andreas Curkovic
Investor Relations
(416) 577-9927

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